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3rd Quarter Test

Subject: E.S.P Grade Level: Grade 7

NAME:_________________________________________ Section: ______________Score: __________________

Prepared by: Tr. Mark /Tr. Charity /Tr. Rina Checked by: Ms. Alpha N. Andaya

I. Identification
Directions: Identify the following terms being defined. Find the answer inside the box.
__________________1. A lot of inventions are made in order to add on something.
__________________2. Your idea is worth it, people will come to accept it and use it.
__________________3. You imitate them since you’re with them every day.
__________________4. An act or achievement that shows courage strength or skills.
__________________5. They are the one who should be at top of the list of role models.
__________________6. A seriously or continually try to do something.

Nobody will accept your idea Feat Endeavor

Parents Nothing more to offer the world Someone close to you

II. Fill in the blanks

Directions: Complete the quotation written by Martin Luther King Jr. by providing the missing
“If a man is called to be a (7)____________, he should sweep
(8)___________even as a (9)_____________ painted,
Or (10)______________ composed music, (11)____________
Wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts
Of Heaven and earth will pause to say ‘Here lived
A great street sweeper who did his (12)_________ well.

- Martin Luther King, Jr.

III. True or False
Directions: Read carefully the following statements and write TRUE if the statement is
correct and FALSE if it is incorrect.
____________13. Thinking that you can do something great.
____________14. Music is a gift from God that is being misused by all of us.
____________15. Make them think that there are more things than it seems.
____________16. There are sets of standard in choosing a good role model.
____________17. Cartoon characters are one example of the best role model.
____________18. It is embarrassing to admit that you greatly admire someone.
____________19. Believing that you can do something makes doing something easier.
____________20. One of the qualities that we should consider in choosing a role model is the looks.
____________21. You can add something on something, combine things and make something bigger.

IV. Essay
Directions: Explain the following statements briefly. Use the other side of your paper.
(3 points each)

A. “We may have our own plans in life but God has the best plans for us.”
B. “Man’s disobedience resulted to sin but Jesus’ obedience brought salvation”.
C. “Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate

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