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Ball bearing Crossbow

My cheap crossbow broke, so I decided to make a wooden one using the left over parts (limb,
trigger mechanism and foot stirrup) that could fire marbles or ball bearings by having a top barrel
so the bearing doesn't jump out.this is my first instructable and im also writing this in hindsight;
meaning i've already made it. this is more of a guide to the layout not strict instructionWARNINGIf
you plan on making one of these you should treat it as a normal crossbow. NEVER POINT IT AT
ANOTHER PERSON OR LIVING THING!I made this for target practice and for fun but a ball
bearing could be potentially lethal! obviously bear in mind that power tool and hand tools can
cause harm so work safe! I take no responsability for any damage or injury sustained by making
and using one of these!
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Step 1:
So first of all you'll need some wood, I used sapele because I had some but you could use most
hardwoods (bear in mind it will be under a lot of stress from the bow being in tension and then
released so go for something sturdy like ash or beech if you can) the stock needs to include the
distance the bowstring is drawn back, a handle or grip and the butt which is normally the lenght of
your forearm.
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Step 2: Layout
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really the only critical part of this project is routing the channel for the marble so that it sits right
and can roll freely while still leaving room for the bowstring. That and the recess for the trigger
mechanism. in my case i had 16mm bearings and the string was 6mm thick so i made the depth
of both channels 5mm with a 45 degree bevel on the inside.
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Step 3: Shaping!
using a spokeshave i rounded the edges and also cut a notch for the bow that i packed with
leather to hold it steady.
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Step 4: Changes/improvements
I planed the stock down to about 30mm thick, routed an ovolo to reduce friction on the string and
made a longer barrel to hopefully increase accuracy.

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