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Organization Dialogue: Theory and Practice


Organization Dialogue: Theory and Practice 2


Organization behavior studies how individuals interact within groups with the aim of

developing a better organization. Three critical areas identified below are related to organization

behavior and include conflict, politics, and leadership.


Conflicts arise as a result of differences between two or more individuals. It is

characterized by disagreements, tension, and even emotions. If managed constructively, conflicts

result in high performing firms (Kinicki, & Kreitner, 2012). However, if a conflict is not well

maintained, it may result in the team undermining each other and destroys the existence of

mutual respect.

It calls for proper conflict management to attain high performance in the organization.

Six crucial skills are used in managing conflicts efficiently. First, the involved persons have to

re-bond with each other basing their goal on mutual respect (De Wit, Greer, & Jehn, 2012).

Second, they should ensure that they dialogue and negotiate focusing on a positive outcome.

Third, they should raise an issue which is difficult but ensuring they avoid hostility. Fourth, the

cause of the disagreement is identified. Fifth, the individuals practice proper conduct and treat

each other with respect. Lastly, a positive relationship is built once the bond has been



Political sabotage and power make up the history of any firm. Political competency helps

in enhancing the results of a group, inclusive of the firm’s bottom line. Being competent in
Organization Dialogue: Theory and Practice 3

politics enables a person to decide the likely time to take action and identify individuals likely to

resist an agenda. It involves mapping the political terrain and have enough people to support an


Developing political competence in a group involves three steps (Lee, & Lawrence,

2013). First, persons who are expected to be influenced by the idea are identified. This step also

involves determining the reactions that are expected from the people. Second, a coalition is built

by mobilizing persons who are likely to implement a plan. This can be attained by being

credible. Lastly, it involves winning other people by assuring them of a payoff for supporting the



Forming a group consists of building a relationship which involves the psychological and

physical startup of a group. The relations within a group are subject to the structure and vision

provided by the team leader (Miner, 2015). The task assigned to a group have to be specified.

The behavior of a group is normally wondering how they are going to get the work done and

understanding their goals, hence requiring excellent leadership.

The leaders define the roles of the team, their goals, and provide a suitable structure as

well as being an emotional center for the group. For the success of a group, the leadership should

account for the daily results and maintain accountability of the group members.


Conflict, leadership, and politics are among the main areas of organizational behavior

that are experienced in almost all groups. If well managed, conflicts can result in making right
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decisions in an organization. Having appropriate leadership within a group determines how

efficient it achieves its goals, while politics is essential as it influences the group’s outcome.
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De Wit, F. R., Greer, L. L., & Jehn, K. A. (2012). The paradox of intragroup conflict: a meta-


Kinicki, A., & Kreitner, R. (2012). Organizational behavior: Key concepts, skills & best

practices. McGraw-Hill Irwin.

Lee, R., & Lawrence, P. (2013). Organizational Behaviour (RLE: Organizations): Politics at

Work (Vol. 18). Routledge.

Miner, J. B. (2015). Organizational behavior 1: Essential theories of motivation and leadership.


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