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Azzam s.

abbas grade-12 – Druzy august 17, 2017

1. Define
Computer Network is a set of computers connected together for the purpose of
sharing resources. The most common resource shared today is connection to the
Hub is a device that allows multiple computers to communicate with each other
over a network. It has several Ethernet ports that are used to connect two or
more network devices together. Each computer or device connected to the hub
can communicate with any other device connected to one of the hub's Ethernet
Switch also connects computers to each other, like a hub. Where the switch
differs from a hub is in the way it handles packets of data. When a switch receives
a packet of data, it determines what computer or device the packet is intended
for and sends it to that computer only. It does not broadcast the packet to all
computers as a hub does which means bandwidth is not shared and makes the
network much more efficient.
Router is quite different from a switch or hub since its primary function is to route
data packets to other networks, instead of just the local computers. A router is
quite common to find in homes and businesses since it allows your network to
communicate with other networks including the Internet. Essentially, a router
bridges the gap between other networks and gives your network access to more
features, e.g. a firewall, QoS, traffic monitoring, VPN, and more.
2. Steps for Peer to Peer Network
Hardware You Will Need
 At least two computers.
 Network adapters for each computer.
 If you have 10Base-T adapters, and only two computers, you can directly
connect one computer to the other with a crossover cable.
 If you have 10Base-T adapters and more than two computers you will need
a 10Base-T hub to connect them.
Adding Your Network Adapter
1. With the computer off, install the NIC card in an open bay (Slot 1 is
2. Start the Computer
3. Open up the Control Panel
4. Click on Add New Hardware
5. Click the Next button
6. You can either have Windows95 search for the adapter by selecting YES or
select NO to manually enter the adapter
7. Click the Next button
8. If you selected NO, you will need to manually select an adapter.
9. If you have a driver diskette for your network adapter, use it to install the
appropriate driver for your NIC card
7. Reboot if requested
Adding the Protocol Stack
1. You will need to decide which protocol stack you want to use for your local
2. If you are going to be totally isolated and never dial-up to the Internet, you
could use NetBEUI or IPX.
3. If you are going to dial to the Internet, you can select TCP/IP and just assign
dummy IP addresses for your local LAN. This way you only need to install one
protocol stack. You can also have NetBEUI or IPX as well as TCP/IP installed.
NetBEUI or IPX would be used for your local LAN and TCP/IP for the Internet
4. Open the Control Panel
5. Double-click on the Network icon
6. From your network adapter detection in previous table, you should have Client
for Microsoft Networks, Client for Netware, your Adapter, IPX and NetBEUI
already installed.
7. If you just want NetBEUI, highlight and remove IPX or vice versa.
8. If you want to add TCP/IP, click on the Add button
9. Click on Protocol
10. Click on Microsoft
11. Click on TCP/IP
Configuring the Network
1. Under Control Panel / Network / Identification make sure each Computer has
a unique name.
2. Make sure that the Workgroup name is the SAME for all computers.
3. Do not have any spaces in either the Computer or Workgroup names. Keep
them simple.
4. If you have TCP/IP installed, select different IP address with the same subnet
mask. You do not need to fill in WINS, Gateway, or DNS IP addresses.
5. Click on the File and Print Sharing button and check off whether you want
share Files or Printers.

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