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Discuss whether there is any specific rule for managing a class of

learners aged between 4 years to 5 years. Give reasons for your answer
or qualify with examples. (250 to 300 words).
There should be no specific rule for managing a class of learners aged 4 to 5
years (preoperational stage) according to ‘ Piagets Theory’, the children in
this stage are egocentric and have trouble understanding different
viewpoints or empathizing with others.
They classify objects by a single characteristic such as colour or shape,
without acknowledging other qualities.
So instead of pushing information to students let students learn from
hands-on classroom activities and experience the content from themselves.
1. Encourage students to learn from their peers. This is especially relevant
for children aged 2 to 7 years. Learning to listen thoughtfully and sensitively
to their peers and respect a variety of different viewpoints will provide
lifelong benefits for your students. Since different students excel at
different areas of knowledge, learning from peers also provides a thorough
2. Allow students to learn from their mistakes. As they learn about the
world through trial and error. Also, mistakes show that student is actively
interacting with the world around and trying out new ideas for themselves.
3.Focus on the process as well as result instead of focusing on having one
right answer. For instance, during art lesson ask the students to notice the
different ways they create painting. Some may start at the bottom edge
while others at the middle.
4.Respect each student individual interests , abilities and limits. Plan variety
of classroom activities that accommodate different learning styles, such as
visual or auditory.
2. With reference to the various approaches to ECE select any two which
you think are most appropriate for young learners. Support your answer
with relevant explanation. (answer in approx. 350 – 400 words)

 First is Maria Montessori approach that includes-

Play Based (Child-centred)

The primary belief of play based centres is that children learn best
through play. Children therefore decide on the activities for themselves
at each point in time and learn at their own pace.

Classrooms are set up with stimulating materials and activities. The

teacher’s main role is to facilitate learning rather than to teach.
Examples of materials/activities include blocks, art materials and musical
instruments. Through these materials, children learn concepts like
shapes, sizes, balance, cause-and-effect, coordination, etc.

And because activities often take place in groups, children also learn to
get along with others by sharing, taking turns, having empathy and
resolving conflicts amicably.


Developed by Maria Montessori, based on her concept that play is the

child’s work. Fostering independence and self-esteem is an important
goal for these schools.

Children learn things like putting shoes on the right feet, pouring
themselves a glass of milk, use buttons and zippers, sweeping the floor,
singing, dancing, art activities, etc. These are all called ‘work’ although it
may seem like play.

Academic (teacher-directed)

The primary belief of the academic approach is that pre-schoolers

benefit by preparing for the rigors of kindergarten, primary school and
beyond at an early age. This approach is more structured with daily
planned activities and some play during outdoors or free-play period.

Classroom time is devoted to developing knowledge and skills such as

identifying colours, time, solving problems, reading, writing, etc. There
may also be activity areas in a classroom but the teachers explain and
lead the activities.

 Other approach is Reggio Emillia method includes-


Open ended resources can be used to pose questions leading to

investigation and discovery. Open ended resources stimulate children’s
creativity and expression through their ‘ hundred languages’ by taking
away restrictions and allowing exploration and experimentation on
materials. It also used as provocation to spark children’s creativity, and
include natural and recycled materials.
Creative , expressive learning experiences

Creativity is about having ideas, using imagination and solving problems.

Children can be creative when they explore language, mathematics.

Creative expression enables children to use high quality art materials for
drawing , painting and modelling suited to their desired outcomes.
Learns the skill of using resources creatively


These includes-

 Photographs
 Videos
 Written notes
 Drawings, paintings
 Anecdotes

The answer furnishes relevant information. However you could have started your answer
with a short introduction on ECE approach to add value to your response. Montessori
teachers allow the children to learn at their own pace. Documentation is one of the
important characteristic of Reggio Emilia approach.

Please note, you are free to refer to any relevant resource but you were supposed to write
the entire answer in your own words completely.

Grade – B+

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