"Men in Female Job in United States": Tanauan Institute Inc B.S.Criminology

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Tanauan Institute Inc


A position paper in Gender and Society

“Men in female job in United States”

Grizelle Buban

Ma.Theresa Llamas

Women are slowly but surely moving into male-dominated fields such as medicine, law, and
business, and on the flip side, it seems disadvantaged men are increasingly opting for traditional "female"
jobs, including working as store clerks or in customer service, a new study found.

As the New York Times reports, researchers at Rutgers University examined 15 years of census data and
tracked 448 occupations. They classified these occupations as male- or female-dominated if they
employed more than 60 percent of one sex in 2000. Then the researchers looked at those same fields in
2014 and considered them masculinized or feminized if their gender composition changed by at least four

The researchers found that 27 percent of the occupations had masculinized or feminized over the
years, the New York Times reports. Interestingly, work that is becoming masculinized is mostly made up
of lower-status jobs.

"The share of women who work in stores selling products and answering customer questions fell 10
percent; the share for crossing guards and counter clerks each fell 7 percent, and for textile workers it fell
5 percent," according to the New York Times. Men are less likely to move into higher-status, traditionally
female jobs—for example, nursing and teaching—now than they were in 2000.

Why? The men working lower-status, traditionally female jobs are "already disadvantaged in the labor
market: black, Hispanic, less educated, poor, and immigrant," the newspaper says. As the availability of
middle-skill fields such as clerical and manufacturing work fizzled out in recent years, more men moved
into low-skill, low-paying jobs. Women, on the other hand, moved into more high-skill work.

The jobs that have become feminized—the ones that have at least 4 percent more females in 2014
than in 2000—are mostly professional or managerial jobs. "Some examples of high-paying, high-status
jobs done mostly by men in 2000 that had an increased share of women by 2014: supervisors of scientists,
which had 19 percent more women, podiatrists with 8 percent more, and chief executives with 5 percent
more," according to the newspaper.

II.Counter Argument

LUCASVILLE, Ohio—Before the scalpels, the forceps, and the surgical needles, Tom
Jones knew steel. He was a quality technician in the fabrication shop at a handful of mills, most
recently at AK Steel, where he worked in this economically depressed region of southern Ohio
until his employer laid off more than 600 people.

Casting about for a way to support his wife and two children, Jones decided to go back to school.
He considered becoming a welder or an electrician, but wanted something different, more
stable. So he settled on a program at the nearby Scioto County Career Technical Center that
would train him to be a surgical technologist, someone who assists doctors during surgery.
“I read all this stuff that said the medical field is the only one that’s not laying people off,” Jones
said, explaining his choice. I met him while he sat in school, one of two men in a classroom full
of women, where he was wearing blue scrubs and a camouflage baseball cap. He said it was a
little strange to be among so many women, but it was something he felt he had to do. He said, “It
comes to a point where, most of the people like I know like me, you go, you get a job and support
your family.”

Many men in parts of the Midwest have flailed as manufacturing jobs have disappeared,
but it doesn’t have to be that way. A growing group of men are deciding that to work and support
their families, they have to embrace new fields, such as health care. More younger men are
entering nursing, one of the most gendered professions there is, than once did. According to data
provided by the American Nurses Association, men make up 6.2 percent of nurses licensed
before 2000, but 9.6 percent of nurses licensed in 2000 or later. (That number still seems small,
but change takes time; the share of medical degrees earned by women, for example, increased
from 5 percent in 1952 to 48 percent in 2011.)
Yet it can be a challenge to get men into healthcare, a field that has long been dominated by
women. This is partly because of the perception that jobs that require caring for and tending to others are
“women’s work.” It’s also because many of these jobs, such as home health aides, for example, don’t pay
very well, and don’t appeal to men who had once made a good living in other industries. And some
health-care jobs require a certain level of education and math and science skills, which some men who
had worked in other industries no longer have or never fully developed. “Blue-collar workers often don’t
have the academic background” to enter many medical professions, Paula Boley, the dean of Rhodes
State College, in Lima, Ohio, told me. To get into many medical-training programs at Rhodes State, for
instance, students need a certain GPA and to have received a C or higher in anatomy.

Throughout regions of the country like southern Ohio, manufacturing jobs have vanished, while
work in health care is booming. In 1995, the top four employers in Ohio were General Motors (which
employed 63,400 people), Ford, Kroger, and General Electric, according to Edward Hill, a professor at
the Ohio State University and the head of the Ohio Manufacturing Institute. In 2016, the top four
employers were the Cleveland Clinic (which employed 48,200), Walmart, Kroger, and Mercy Health.
Service-sector jobs like those at Walmart are generally low-paying, so for people who want to make more
than the minimum wage, the most logical place to go would be in health care.

III. My Argument

More generally, though, the nursing profession has still been slow to change. Only 10 percent of
registered nurses are men, according to BLS data. Not all men are like Wilburn or Jones, willing to leave
blue-collar work behind for jobs in health care. Still, it’s possible that this will change with members of
the younger generation, who might attach less stigma to entering traditionally feminine occupations, and
who understand that many good job opportunities lie in health care. “I think for people, especially who
come from a working-class background, who would have gone into a factory job, those jobs are just not
available, and so more people are turning to the health-care sector as an alternative,”

After all, data suggests that that trend may continue, as younger adult men are Showing themselves
to be more open to shaking up traditional gender roles than were previous generation.
If you are interested of your job and if youre dedicated for it you ccan handle your self .

IV Conclusion

The following are my conclusion:

Because of the the family why their jobs is same of our women’s job and It comes to a point
where, most of the people like I know you go, you get a job and support your family.

People around the world say they firmly support equal rights for men and women, but many still
believe men should get preference when it comes to good jobs, higher education or even in some cases
the simple right to work outside the home, according to new survey of 22 nations.

Reference: https://learning.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/07/02/do-you-believe-in-equal-rights-for-


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