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Advanced Wireless Communications:




Channel Modelling

Channel Coding

Two port antenna diversity

MIMO Channel model

1. SISO – Single Input Single Output system – 11 Tx antenna , 11 Rx antenna

2. SIMO – Single Input Multiple Output system – 11 Tx antenna, NRNR Rx antennas (NR>1NR>1)
3. MISO – Multiple Input Single Output system – NTNT Tx antennas, 11 Rx antenna (NT>1NT>1)
4. MIMO – Multiple Input Multiple Output system – NTNT Tx antennas, NRNRRx antennas (NT,NR>1NT,NR>1)
Aiming at improving the reliability of the system, we may choose to send same data across the different propagation (spatial) paths.
This is called spatial diversity or simply diversity

Aiming at improving the data rate of the system, we may choose to place different portions of the data on different propagation
paths (spatial-multiplexing)

In diversity techniques, same information is sent across independent fading channels to combat fading. When multiple copies of
the same data are sent across independently fading channels, the amount of fade suffered by each copy of the data will be different.
This guarantees that at-least one of the copy will suffer less fading compared to rest of the copies. Thus, the chance of properly
receiving the transmitted data increases. In effect, this improves the reliability of the entire system.
In spatial multiplexing, each spatial channel carries independent information, there by increasing the data rate of the system.


H Matrix - h=sqrt(1/2)*(randn(NT*NR,N)+j*randn(NT*NR,N));
Length of channel matrix

Hxy = where x indicates receiver no and y indicates tx no

The transmit streams go through a matrix channel which consists of all paths between the transmit
antennas at the transmitter and receive antennas at the receiver.

The receiver gets the received signal vectors by the multiple receive antennas and decodes the
received signal vectors into the original information.

Y = Hx + n

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