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Chapter 1


Background of the study

Everything is coming up Korean in the Philippines. Hallyu wave has developed into a

strong subculture among young people, mostly K-Pop and Korean drama fans. Business has also

been booming for Korean products, from electronics to cosmetics. Filipinos are also starting to

appreciate Korean cuisine, with Korean restaurants popping up in the metro. Korean culture

definitely does not begin and end with Hallyu, but Hallyu inspires the greatest devotion.

"Hallyu" refers to the "wave" of the popularity of South Korean entertainment and culture

starting in the late 1990s. Hallyu brought South Korean culture to everyone who has access to

television, movie houses, and internet. This develops further interest not merely for

entertainment’s sake but also of the country, the people and anything Korean. We also say that

Hallyu is a product of globalization and has deliberately or inadvertently popularized Korean

culture in various ways (Santamaria, 2012).

The Korean entertainment industry continues to be a dynamic force in the Asian region.

Korean dramas and K-pop music have become huge cultural exports, giving the country some

national pride. The recent government statistics show that K-pop exports grew nearly 50 percent

from 2011 to 2013, grossing an estimated $290M in 2014. Broadcasting exports such as TV

dramas hit $25M in 2012, up from $185M in 2009, while K-pop music earned $177M in 2010,

soaring from only $31M in 2009 as reported by Esteves (2016).


According to Arriola (2013) there are more than 35 million k-pop fans around the world

and thousands out of this million can be found in Asia, particularly, Philippines. Being a fan aids

people understand themselves, take care of themselves, and connect with others who share the

same interests. It’s a way to better understand who you are, who you want to be, and who you

have been. And it’s an eccentric way to take care of some of the daily needs, for comfort, for

safety, and getting through daily life. There are identified fairly well nested set of psychosocial

needs that fandom fulfills - needs related to identity, self-care, and social connection as reported

by Kresnicka (2016).

Theoretical Framework

The study will be predicated on the Media System Dependency Theory (MSD), or simply

Media Dependency, developed by Sandra Ball-Rokeach and Melvin Defleur in 1976. The main

idea of the theory is all about the interrelationship of broad social systems, mass media, and the

individual into a comprehensive explanation of media effects. There are needs that the audiences

cannot attain. The Basic Dependency Theory asserts that the more an individual needs the

media, the more important media will be in a person's life, and therefore the more effects media

will have on a person.

There are three relationships on the emergence of dependency on the media:

1. The relationship between society and the media, the relationship states that the

availability and access to the media in the society are important factors that affects their

experience with the media.


2. The relationship between the audience and the media states that the more an

information is needed, the more an audience is motivated to seek mediated information

becoming dependent on the medium.

3. And between society and the audience, this relationship tackles on the societies

influence consumers' needs and motives for media use.

The researchers will employ this theory for it gives explanation why the subjects are

more drawn to K-pop adoration. The gratification that the K-pop provides to their fans is why

they repeatedly access the media. Thus, exposing fans more on their idol’s culture and the more

it will influence their behavior and decision making. The theory will explain how the subjects

obtain their resources from their environment that influence them.

The researchers also based the study on the Cultural Proximity Theory developed by

Joseph Straubhaar. That most television programs in most genres will be locally produced and

adapted rather than imported is predicted by the theory of cultural proximity. Straubhaar (2003)

explained cultural proximity as ‘‘… the tendency to prefer media products from one’s own

culture or the most similar possible culture.’’ The concept has been used primarily in

international contexts to explain the drawing power of foreign and domestic media. The

emergence of regional media production is consistent with notions of cultural proximity. In order

for content to best resonate with the cultural dispositions of viewers, the content and the viewer

must exist in the same ‘‘cultural linguistic’’ (Straubhaar, 2003) or ‘‘geolinguistic’’ (Cunningham,

Jacka, & Sinclair, 1998; Straubhaar, 2003) space. His theory states that television audiences seek

local media content because of its traditional and identifiable cultural content and language. But

if the local media fails to deliver this, Elasmar noted Straubhaar’s belief that the audience would

prefer television content with similar texts from countries proximate in geography, culture and

language (Alanzalon 2011).

The researchers utilized the Cultural Proximity Theory to explore how the participants

established their fandom on Korean pop culture despite having different language and culture. It

also examines the reasons why fans are patronizing the media with its cultural vicinity.

Conceptual Framework

Influence in decision making

in terms of:
Korean Pop Culture
a. personal interest
b. social relationship
c. entertainment

Statement of the Problem

ASCB Junior High School students are now more exposed to Korean pop culture because

of the proliferation of mass media and their increasing consumption of the internet. The study is

concerned on how much influence does K-pop culture has to these students.

The researchers specifically aim to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic data of the respondents in terms of:?

a. Age
b. Gender
c. Year(s) of being a Kpop fan
2. What are the students’ frequency of consuming Korean media?

3. What are the influence in consuming Korean popular culture to the students of ASCB in

terms of:?
a. Language
b. Aesthetic appeal
c. Cultural capitals
d. Story
4. What Korean media offerings motivated the use of ASCB Kpop fans in terms of:?
a. Information
b. Personal Identity
c. Social Interaction
d. Entertainment

Scope and Limitation

The total number of 50 respondents were needed to participate in the study. This paper

focuses primarily on the ASCB Junior High School students S.Y. 2018-2019 who are fond of

Korean pop culture. Students who entered the fandom for a year. They were chosen randomly

regardless of gender, religion, age and socioeconomic status. In addition, the researchers focused

on understanding the usage of the fans by describing the cultural offerings of K-pop in the survey

questionnaires. The study focused on the four different cultural offerings (language, visuals,

cultural capitals, and story). The researchers conducted this study at Andres Soriano Colleges of

Bislig, Andres Soriano Avenue, Mangagoy, Bislig City, Surigao del Sur, Caraga Region (XIII),

Mindanao, Philippines.

Significance of the study

ASCB Community. This study will benefit the ASCB community by obtaining

information or an update on what trends are the students in nowadays, giving the opportunity to

create fun and interesting activities that the community and K-pop fans can relate to. It will also

pave way to the proliferation of better local media.

Respondents. It is important for the students to know how they are influenced by the

foreign offerings, specifically K-pop. Their engagement to these media might or might not have

significant effects on their behavior and decision making. The information they can obtain from

this study might help them realize the relevance of mass media with regards to their culture.

Researchers. Its relevance on the researchers is that it would establish within their selves

a greater understanding and appreciation on the K-pop fans’ way of admiring their Korean idols.

Future Researchers. The study’s emphasis on determining the influence in decision

making of the student’s fandom may help the future researchers that ASCB students may have

been greatly or slightly influenced by the Korean pop culture, thus acknowledging its effects in

our culture and the local media may also use the results to recognize the factors that attract

Filipino fans to K-pop content and use these strategies to improve local media content to

preserve local culture.

Definition of terms

This section is provided for better understanding of the following terms which were used

cohesively in this study:

K-pop. Originated from a hybrid of American rock and Korean traditional beat beginning

from the late 1950s to the early 1960s (Kim, 2012). K-pop is part of a broader trend known as

the Korean Wave and called “hallyu” in Korean (Choe & Russell, 2012).

Junior High School. Grade seven to ten students enrolled in ASCB of S.Y. 2018-2019.

Influence. The capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of

someone or something, or the effect itself.

Andres Soriano Colleges of Bislig. A private, non-stock, non-profit, non-sectarian,

educational institution established in 1952. It offers elementary and secondary education (junior

high school and senior high school.) as well as college courses.

Chapter 2



Filipinos has always been welcoming of foreign trends and culture. As such is the Korean

pop culture, or Kpop, has attracted millions of people from all over the world with its diverse

music and dance styles, as well as the popularity of its performers and actors from its K-dramas

according to the Philippine Information Agency (2017). As stated in Holomisa’s (2018) article,

for the past 10 years, K-pop has been evolving and becoming a worldwide sensation. The hard

work and dedication that is put into making K-pop, together with social media and other creative

influences, has put K-pop on the map. A paper conducted by Igno and Cenidoza (2016) aims to

solve and explain the cultural phenomenon that is revolutionizing the world today. They stated

that the Korean wave has been popular since late 1990’s from China to East Asia. American pop

culture does not dominate Asian cultural market anymore. Asians are giving their attentions to

the cultural media in which they can find their identities. Many have recently preferred Korea

pop culture, which is fresh, trendy, and something that contains Asian sentiments. In the

Philippines, it started when Koreanovelas debuted in GMA 7 then in 2003 is the beginning for

the rest of the successful Korean dramas in the Philippines.

People became hooked because of the dramas’ unique storylines unlike the traditional

monotonous theme of Filipino movies that are used to happy ending , well designed characters,

and sophisticated directing system. Plus, original background music (OST) are excellent as well.

Whether Chinese or Taiwanese dramas repeat the obvious storylines making people already

bored by watching only the first episode, Korean dramas own various styles and types of story

raging widely. In 2004, the vast interest of Filipino viewers to Korean dramas is evident, which

paves way for more import and more dramas from Korea. Then, Koreanovelas became part of

the Filipinos daily dose of television scenes. (Igno and Cenidoza 2016). The Hallyu, a term that

relates to the popularity of Korean culture, namely through: television dramas, fashion, food and

music, was felt because of the simplicity of the story of each drama with a touch of feel light

(light drama/tear jerker) theme. Aside from the fact that majority of Korean drama has almost

showing their cultural heritage and physical setting with cultural or historical value. The

audience were amazed because they are not only watching a drama which they can relate but also

a drama wherein they were in a tour that though they are not there, they are still there because it

was highlighted as if a tourist guide is there present among their household. Filipino people are

very easy to please and so the theme of the Korean drama has touched their hearts easily. They

can relate with the story and at the same time looking and familiarizing on the tangible cultural

manifestation of that country. This is a form of metalinguistic translation/dubbing. This method,

a technical aspect of understanding a foreign drama is the tool or bridge of Korean drama that the

Filipino understands. It makes them interested on a drama that offers something new and at the

same time something informative which are all pleasing to their consciousness as what Reyes

(2008) stated.

One of the alluring factors of Korea is its language. Language means the method of

human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured

and conventional way. It is the system of words or signs that people use to express thoughts and

feelings to each other and imparts a great role on the perception of fans as well as ordinary

people. Language can be a barrier to communication and, to better understand the Korean

language, many Filipinos have learned to speak Korean. In 2017, Education Secretary Leonor

Briones and South Korean Ambassador Kim Jae Shin signed a memorandum of agreement to

give students in the Philippines opportunities to develop their skills in listening, reading, writing,

and speaking Korean. Due to the exposure to Korean dramas, we can now hear many Filipinos

use simple words and phrases, such as an “oppa” (brother), “unni” (sister), “annyeonghaseyo”

(hello), and others (Tangpos 2018).

Additionally, Touhami (2017) investigated in his case study about the major aspects of

Kpop influence and the linguistic reasons behind its global prevalence. The practical part of this

study is conducted on 139 Algerian Hallyu fans as participants responded to the questionnaire.

Findings reveal that Hallyu influence is widely spread in Algeria, whereby 98.5% of the

participants declared the existence of this influence. This impact started from using Korean

words in their daily discourse to using English words with adapted Hallyu meaning and to

naming phone contacts with Korean terms of kinship and endearment. Eventually, they apply

jokes taken from Korean idols, employing Korean proverbs, and gradually adopting a different

pronunciation of some English sounds. The thesis contributes to the study of fandom language,

generally, and to Hallyu language, specifically, as an aspect of Conversation Analysis.

On top of that, the Filipino teens are undoubtedly put under the spell of their charisma.

During the show of “Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho,” Capili (2010), a Filipino popular culture expert,

said that the foreign language used in the lyrics does not affect the viewers instead the first thing

that would appeal to them is the melody. Second is the artist then third is the production value

and the last reason is the “fantasy factor.” Fans urge to travel to Korea regardless of their

economic status.

Moreover, Korean movies are relatable to Pinoys and they found the sense of

identification with Korea as they have much similarities between the two nations that serve as

reflections of their own culture. Both nations have been colonized by Japan, Filipinos and

Koreans share the value of things being communal, have close family ties, another value they

share is respect to elders, similar political system, both have the characteristic of being

expressive and romantic, hospitable, courteous and good in treating other culture. The

association of our own lives and experiences with them plays a big role why Filipinos embrace

their stories in Korean dramas. We tend to see similarities in cultural views and ways of life in

these dramas that are relatively reflective of our Filipino culture. Because of this sense of self-

identification, Filipinos had the inclination to channel their aspirations, which its own society

lacks, to the imagined community that they see in the Korean culture. Filipinos tend to believe

that because we share a lot in common with Korea, not to mention their proximity, we can also

attain what they have which in turn increase the chance of cultural incorporation. Korean culture

gave Filipinos a sense of hope that we can attain that better culture as claimed by Igno and

Cenidoza (2016).

Another captivating attribute of Korean idols is their physical appearance. Korean beauty

standards are a distinct feature of Korean culture. In 2015, South Korea became the only Eastern

Asian country, among many European and American countries like Brazil, the US, Italy and

Colombia to enter the top 10 countries with the highest rate of cosmetic surgeries in the world

based on the global survey by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. Examples

of Korean beauty criteria include a slim figure, small face, V-shaped jaw, small lips, straight

eyebrows, flawless skin, and larger looking eyes. Criteria involving procedures to the eyes

include “aegyo-sal,” which is a term used in Korea to refer to the small fatty deposits underneath

the eyes that are said to give the person a more youthful appearance, as well as a surgery called

East Asian blepharoplasty to create double eyelids. A double eyelid is an eyelid that shows the

crease with the result of it doubled over. Both procedures are said to have end results of larger

looking eyes. Korean beauty standards have varied influences and Kpop can be considered an

impact. Kpop has globalized, and aside from the music, the physical appearance of Kpop idols

have impacted the beauty standards in Korea (Eugene 2017).

Trends of Korean culture are also promoted in their media, fashion in particular.

According to Manila Times (2018), fashion is a distinctive and often constant trend in the style in

which a person dresses. Media places a significant role on introducing fashion trends. Through

Korean dramas, Korean fashion has spread and has gained popularity among the Filipino masses.

Most Filipino teens mimic the fashion sense of Koreans. Boutiques that sell trendy Korean

clothing and accessories can be seen in most shopping malls around the country. Korean

cosmetics are also gaining popularity, as we are influenced by Korean actors and actresses with

radiant and flawless skin.

As previously mentioned, different Korean cultural aspects link to K-pop. Idols are

usually on television in Korean dramas or variety shows according to Holomisa (2018). Many

people outside of South Korea have been introduced to K-pop through K-dramas such as

Hwarang which has Choi Min-ho (member of SHINee), Park Hyung-Sik (member of ZE:A) and

Kim Tae-Hyung (V from BTS) in their cast. G-Dragon from BIGBANG is known for being a

fashion icon outside of being a K-pop idol. So, K-dramas and fashion have allowed a variety of

audiences to connect with K-pop idols and listen to their music.

Analogous to that is the Korean pop, or Kpop as it is also known, has been growing with

its slick songs draw on many genres. Whether serving a dubstep break or flirting with a euro-pop

chorus, artists inevitably deliver deliriously upbeat hooks. Leading global trends as much as they

follow them, K-pop idols have dived into the trap music scene, making the most of melodic

synthesizers and crisp snares (Jordan 2017).


The essence of brand Korea is steeped in age-old culture mixed with contemporary ideas

that resonate with the younger generations. This is evident in songs with modern and sometimes

rebellious lyrics, and in film or television shows about families and interpersonal relationships,

as well as history and Korea’s role on the world stage. K-pop music plays an important role in

the lives of the fans. It provides inspiration to the fans and gives a sense of appreciation of

Korean culture to the non-fans. Filipinos are fond of listening to other country’s music, there’s no

need to limit the consumption of such music like K-pop. Even ads for food and consumer

products contain a healthy mix of traditional and modern elements. In addition, today, after the

success of H.O.T., Super Junior, Big Bang, and even Psy (whose phenomenal Gangnam Style

video has been viewed over 3 billion times on YouTube), BTS is taking on the world by

smashing every US record for a K-pop band. Nowadays, the girl group Momoland is also

marking the K-pop landscape with their catchy Bboom Bboom, whose dance challenge has

become viral in the Philippines (Han 2018).

In addition, Flores (2012) reiterated that Kpop music and dance was the effect of the

second wave of Hallyu in the Philippines. She added that Kpop is well known for its focus on

dance and performance with less focus on lyrics and content. According to Korea net, the official

website of South Korean Government, stated that the power of word of mouth and the ripple

effect of online media sites like YouTube have been a major factor for the Kpop to go beyond

Asian market.

Social media has been instrumental in introducing K-pop to many countries all over the

world. In 2012 PSY released the song Gangnam Style and the video became the most viewed

video on YouTube until 2017, reaching over three billion views. Tumblr, Instagram and Twitter

are major reasons as to why South Korean bands such as BTS, Girls Generation, EXO, SHINee,

BIGBANG and (G)I-DLE are known globally. This is evident in BTS winning the ‘Top Social

Artist’ at the Billboard Music Awards in 2017 and 2018, surpassing the likes of Justin Bieber and

Ariana Grande. The exposure social media affords South Korean pop idols allows people all over

the world to see the talent that South Korean pop idols have to offer (Holomisa 2018).

Holomisa (2018) further promulgated that the South Korean music industry is a 5-billion-

dollar industry because the music culture is taken incredibly seriously. Before idols are put into

groups and debut, they must make it through training camp. Aspiring artists audition at the major

entertainment agencies such as YG Entertainment or SM Entertainment, and if one has a

successful audition, one becomes a trainee at the respective agency. Being a trainee does not

guarantee becoming an idol, trainees must work hard on their vocals, choreography, acting,

language skills and appearance in order to debut in a group. There is a huge emphasis on hard

work and perfection in this industry, which stems from a generally principled and result-driven

society. The result of these intense training camps is world-class vocals, style, visuals and

choreography. Not only are K-pop idols dedicated to delivering excellent music, in many cases

they record albums in more than one language, to cater to a larger audience. However, for

potential fans that don’t speak any of these languages, K-pop bands, together with their agencies,

provide subtitles and translations in many languages including English to make K-pop

universally accessible.

Korean music and dramas are absolutely effective for the growing Korean culture in the

country. On a deeper sense, the South Korean influence challenges the Filipinos to produce more

interesting style of works that can compete with Korean dramas and music. According to

Villanueva (2017), nonetheless, it turns out that as Filipinos struggle to mark its own identity,

they tend to imitate what other cultures have lessening the probability of producing original ideas

that cause weakness to the Philippine music and telenovelas. In a more specific level, youth of

today are undeniably more concerned with foreign music, movies and television series. And

when the word ‘addict’ is used to describe the Filipinos youngsters, it really defines how they are

very enthusiastic with South Korean music and dramas. The youth spends a lot of time in

watching their idols online, stalking their social media accounts, attending events, purchasing

merchandise, and attending concerts — ‘fangirling’, in one word.

In order to elucidate the popularity of Korean popular music in the Philippines, a thesis

presented by Alanzalon (2011) stated that Filipino fans, aged 15-19 years, are very active

consumers of Korean popular music and videos and are highly exposed to Kpop. The visual

aspects and story contributed most to their repeated consumption of Kpop content. Teenage

Filipino fans’ active consumption of Korean media is hugely driven by the entertainment aspects

of Korean music and videos. Furthermore, Filipino fans are attracted to the content of the foreign

media because of the presence of familiar cultural offerings that gratified their needs in terms of

entertainment and information. The study revealed that, not all the time, fans’ identification of

cultural offerings will initiate their fandom. For some, other fans became a fan because of the

bandwagon effect or influenced by peers. In addition, the gratification of their needs took place

before their active consumption of Korean music and videos.

In Robillos, Gerez, and Ronda’s (2015) attempt to expose the degree of Kpop fandom in

Leyte, the researchers discovered that the media must satisfy their need of information and

entertainment to have an effect on their attitude and behavior. The influence of Kpop was

illustrated based on the stages of Kpop fandom. The research found out that although Korean

wave in the Philippines is vast, fans in Leyte are still slightly influenced by Kpop through its

audio performance than its visual concept and the effect on their attitude and behavior is only

minimal. The economic aspect greatly affects their fandom on Kpop and that the availability and

pervasiveness of media matters.

In an in-depth study conducted by Kresnicka (2016) about the power of fandom stated

that fandom helps an individual build his/her self-identity. Identity is multi-dimensional and

there are some parts of ourselves that are widely shared with the people around us, and other

facets that we feel make us unique and different from other people. A major element that drives

fandom is passion. It also serves as an intermediate for people to get through their lives. Fans

can share knowledge, compete, and argue with one another; support and validate each other; and

experience a sense of belonging and inclusion. People are staking out moral and political

identities more purposefully than ever, gravitating towards brands that share their moral

perspectives, and rejecting brands that don’t. Fandom is a mutually beneficial relationship

between the fan and the brand.

Fandom is a way of life as claimed by Fuentes (2014). The researcher has been a fan of

Kpop music since 6th grade. The researcher listens to Kpop songs whenever the researcher is on a

bad mood, bored or just wants to relax and escapes the reality somehow. It became habitual such

as eating, walking, watching, sleeping, reading books and the like; fandom is a habitual activity

for a fan. There are emotions given by the listeners of Kpop music such as adoration, love,

idolization and extreme feeling of fondness. This makes them so attached to the Kpop stars they

admire. The researcher conducted this study to find out whether Kpop music can affect Filipino

students positively or negatively.

As reported by Huang (2011), the Korean Wave idols are often chosen as commodity

representatives of Korean brands, helping Korean trademarks to become more fashionable, cool

image products through constant product placement and idol promotion. In the widest possible

sense, Korean culture industry is seen to commodify the nation, exporting its popular culture as a

cool national brand.

Krause (2013) ascertained in her interview with Tanya Cochran, an associate professor of

English, that explains about her study on Brony culture, or young adult males who are fans of the

cartoon show "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic", and what drives the fan’s devotion.

According to Cochran’s research, what distinguishes one fandom to another is the narrative---

including, setting, plots, characters--- around in which a devoted audience forms. The main

difference is the amount of time and emotional investment one devotes to engagement with an

extension of the central narrative. As such, we humans have a tendency to value and devalue

each other using a plethora of criteria. Brony fandom by its very existence invites us to practice

the disciplines of listening and of avoiding. In essence, all fandoms have much to tell us about

what it means to be human.


Chapter 3


Research Design

The researchers utilized the descriptive survey method to illustrate the characteristics of

the population or phenomenon with regards to Korean pop culture and to understand the factors

of Kpop influence among the ASCB students. Descriptive survey research is a method that

describes situations and it does not make accurate predictions and does not determine cause and


Research Locale

The study was conducted in Andres Soriano Colleges of Bislig, which is a private, non-

stock, non-profit, non-sectarian, educational institution located at Mangagoy, Bislig City, Surigao

del Sur, Caraga, Mindanao, Philippines. It is established in 1952 which is a private, non-stock,

non-profit, non-sectarian, educational institution that offers elementary and secondary education

and college courses.

Respondents of the study

The researchers selected 50 students who were fond of Kpop from the Junior High

School students (grades 7-10) to represent the grouped 101 JHS Kpop fans out of the 918 total

population of JHS students of Andres Soriano Colleges of Bislig S.Y. 2018-2019. The selection

was regardless of their age, gender, religion, social status, ethnicity, residence, and Kpop group

membership and as long as they are a fan of Kpop for no less than a year.

Sampling Technique

The survey was employed with a stratified random sampling method to represent the

target population which is the ASCB JHS Kpop fans. Where the researchers divided the entire

population (JHS students) into subgroups (Kpop fans) then randomly selects the final

respondents from the different strata through random sampling.

Research Instrument

A 24-item survey questionnaire designed by Alanzalon, Sarah Kristine (2011), a fourth

year Broadcast Communication student from the University of the Philippines, Diliman was

adapted in the study for it is already proven and tested to collect the necessary data to understand

a Filipino teen’s fandom. The questionnaire aimed to measure the Filipino fans’ patterns of Kpop

consumption. It was divided in the following sections:

1.) Profile of respondents

2.) Consumption
3.) Cultural offerings
4.) Needs

The instrument consumed less time and preserved the anonymity and confidentiality of

the respondents’ reaction and answers.

Research Procedure

To begin with, researchers have observed the popularity of Korean media products

among young Filipino fans within the community and how they were enthusiastically patronizing

these media. It made the researchers interested in identifying the factors and recognizing what

made Korean offerings appealing to their fans. And for this reason, the researchers unanimously

agreed on investigating the Korean pop culture influence to Junior High School students of

ASCB to satisfy their curiosity. After obtaining the necessary background and information of this

research, the researchers proceeded to the procedure of data gathering. As soon as the research

adviser approved the paper and the survey-questionnaire, the researchers then commenced their

survey personally via questionnaires. It was administered to grade seven to ten students that were

part of the researchers’ grouped JHS Kpop fans. The time allocated for the data gathering was

within a week. But before that, the researchers asked permission to the JHS principal and

advisers of the selected students from each grade level. The researchers guided the selected

respondents to avoid misinterpretation and assure validity.

Statistical Treatment

The data collected from the various respondents were classified, tabulated and subjected

to statistical analysis in order to formulate objective interpretation in terms of research findings,

conclusions and recommendations. In answering problems number one to four the Frequency

and Percentage Distribution formula was utilized.


= x 100

Where: % = Percent
f = number of responses
N = total number of respondents

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The Influence of Korean Pop Culture to the Junior High School Students of Andres
Soriano Colleges of Bislig

A Research Paper
Proposed to the
Faculty of the Senior High School Department
Andres Soriano Colleges of Bislig
Mangagoy Bislig, City

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements in Research 1

Adlwan, Pedencio
Calderon, Jordan
Lapening, Emmanuel
Ligad, Shilah Eve
Necio, Rizza Jen
Ragas, Rael Niño

February 2019

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