Chapter 1: Revelation Itself

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Chapter 1: Revelation Itself

This passage narrates the history of the covenant between God and his faithful men and how he reveal
Himself to them, our first parents. This includes His plan for salvation, and how he shared out-of-this-
world treasures through his divine revelation. It said how he enlightened men and for what his objective
in revealing himself to moses, sending His Son Jesus Christ and appointing Abraham for a greater nation.

Chapter 2: Handing on Divine Revelation

This chapter is about how God had plan for His Grace to be known not only to the people who were
present in his revelation but also to more people in other land and to the generations to come. The
establishment of the religion and the church was inevitable as God commissioned the Apostles to
preach and share His words. His Words and Wisdoms are preserved through writings and continuous
preaching and from these, generated, traditions and sacred scriptures that faithfully represent the love
of God and the tfaith of men to God.

Chapter 3: Sacred Scriptures, It's inspiration and Divine interpretation

The Sacred Scriptures that are pass down was under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and it was by the
belief of the Apostles and therefore it is both canonical and sacred. It was the way of God talking to his
Sons and giving them the necessary lessons and information from Him and their salvation. This chapter
also discusses how men should interpret the Sacred Scriptures in a way that our God intended to.

Chapter 4: The Old Testament

This chapter starts with God's plan and promises to the world and the people who were entrusted by
God to share His Words. Israel deepened her understanding and faith to God through the prophets and
shared the Words thereafter for other people. It was said that these teachings was to prepare the people
for the coming of Christ.

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