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LICENSURE EXAMINATION FOR eee TEACHERS MARCH 20, 2016 8:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M. ONL Ae SEL GENERAL EDUCATION - ELEMENTARY SET.B - GENERAL EDUCATION - 150 items GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: This test booklet contains 150 test questions. Examines shall manage to use the two 2 hours. Read INSTRUCTIONSTO EXAMINEES printed on your answer sheet. Shade only one (1) box to each question on your answer sheets. Two or more boxes shaded will invalidate your answer. AVOID ERASURES. This is PRC Property. Unauthorized possession, reproduction, andlor sale of this test booklet is punishable by law. (R.A.8981) aR ON INSTRUCTIONS: 4. Detach one (1) answer sheet from the bottom of your Examinee ID/Answer Sheet Set. 2. Write the subject title “GENERAL EDUCATION’ on the box provided. 3. Shade Set Box ‘A on your answer sheet if your test booklet is Set A; Set Box "B” if your test booklet is Set B. MULTIPLE CHOICE 4. She hurt when she was slicing the onions. A. myself C. himself B. herself d. ourselves 2. What is Ausubel's belief on the learning of children? Learn best when given ample opportunity for autonomous discovery Leam best subjects with fewer association Leaming is hindered by the use of concrete learning materials Children can be taught concepts In similar ways that adults are taught as long as the materials is meaningful poORP 3, Who was the first Filipino National Artist for Literature awarded in 1973? A. Nick Joaquin Cc. _N.VM. Gonzales B. Bienvenido Santos D. Jose Garcia Villa 4, Which is TRUE of metalloids? ‘A. Conduet electricity better than metals B. Conduct heat and electricity less effectively than non-metals C. Have properties of both metals and non-metals D. Conduct heat better than metals GENERAL EDUCATION - ELEMENTARY SET B cE 5. | thought the task wes heavy for Samantha and A. us ©. her B. me D. myself 6. Ang mga pamilang na isahan, waluhan, animan ay parilang na A. Patakaran C. Patakda B. Palansak D. Panunuran 7. The grades in Mathematics of the students in section A are as follows: 60, 75, 60, 95, and 100 What is the mean absolute deviation of this group? A. 13.2 C17 B. 14.61 D. 15.9 8, When the North Pole is tited toward the sun, itis summer and when the sun shines all the time both day and night, what is this called? A. Twilight sun ©. Summer sun B. Norther light O. Midnight sun 9. Ang wastong salin ng “You are the apple of my eye". A. lkaw ay mahalaga sakin C. Mansanas eng paborito ko B. Katuwa-tuwa ka D. Masayahin ke pata 10, Who is Quijano de Martin in Philippine Literature? A. F. Sionil Jose ©. Resil Mojares B. Jose Garcia Villa D. Nick Joaguin 44. Hers is “ the face that launched a thousand ship* ‘A, Helen of Troy C. Princess of the Nile B. Mary of Magdala D. Elizabeth Barreth Browning 42, Sa pangungusap na “Malakas ang boses mo", ang selitang malakas ay isang A. pang-uri ©. pangatnig B. pandiwa D. panghalip 43. Egyptian literature is identified as _. literature. A. European C. African B. Mediterranean D. Asian GENERAL EDUCATION - ELEMENTARY SET B 44. Alin’'sa mga sumusunod ang di:mahalagang salik sa pagtatalumpati? A Paksa : ©. Tagapakinig B. Okasyon D. Pagyayabang 15. Ang simbolong kumakatawen ta mga bagey at mga pangungusap nals behave ng tao sa kanyang kapwa ey cd ©. bokabularyo Bu sthing D. tunog 7 46. Pilin and engkop na pagpapakahulugan: Bitang at sukat kung mangusap'ang dalaga, A.madgidal =~ ~ © maingat B. mathirep unawsin ‘1D. mahina ang boses 47, The Reyate protocol, which requires countries to reduce greenhouse emission, is a practice that Ae Bevicgnerentet protection C. Ecological destruction 6, Suatninabie potentiat .D. Forest Demolition 18. What figure of speech is the following: "He was helpless as a child." A irony ©. synecdoche ‘B, afiierntion 2D. simile 19. Ang mga safiteng toke, sean, tena, dail ay hagtataglay ng A Aginoiieeyon C. Tono B. Matatesis D. Pagkalias 20: One tnetanee of taking eway the Sfe of another person without due process is A, eothanneia ooo oC. capital punishment 8. sateaging D. suicide 21, What refers to @ computer program? Ai Desktop : C. Terminal 8. Software D. Hardware 22. isang. wi ng pemamatnubay kung S&an ang.mga reporier ay Iumilihis sa pamatnubay; lumiklikhe-sile ng satiling paraan'se’mga gawaing paguiat. A Kombensyunal C. Masining B. Masakdaw D, Dikombensyunal GENERAL EDUCATION - ELEMENTARY SET .B 44, Alin'sa mga surusunod ang disnchalagang salik sa pagtatalumpat? A. Paksa : . ©, Tagapakinig B. Okasyon D. Pagyayabang 45. Ang simbolong tamakatawen sa mga-bagey at mga pangungusap nals ipanayag ng tac sa kanyang kapwa ey Awa ©. bokabularyo B. siting D. tunog : 46. Pilin and angkop na pagpapakahulugan: Bilang at sukat kung manguséi/eng dalaga «©. maingat | mahina ang boses A. madatdat B. mahirap unawein 47, The Kyoto: protocol, which requires counties to reduce greenhouse emission, is < Practice that advocates, ‘fe Cemsiconenental protection * C. Beological destruction B. Sustminabte potential _D. Forest Demolition 18. What figure of speech Is the following: "He was helpless as a child.” A irony . synecdoche . tieration D. simile 49. Ang mga satitang toka, saan, tena, dali ay.hagtataglay ng A Agintiesyon* ~C. Teno B. Motntsela D. Pagkaltas 20: One-inetence of taking away the life of another person without due process: is A, ectheanaia © + CP espital punishment 8. soheging D. suicide 24, What refers to @-computer program? A: Dewktop €. Terminal 8. Software D. Hardware 22. Isang. tsi ng pamamatnubsy kung Sean ang mga reporier ay lumilihis sa pamatnubay K ng seriling paraan'sa'mga gawaing paguiat. A Kombensyunal C. Masining B. Masakiaw D, Dikombensyunal GENERAL EDUCATION - ELEMENTARY SET B TOES SS 23. Through the Galleon Trade (165-1815), the Philippines had extended contacts with A. China C. Spice Islands B. Mexico D. Spain 24. The principal has issued the memorandum before she the student's request. A. will received C. receives B. willbe receiving “Di received 28. ‘Simplify (8x 24) / (2xy - x - 1) [vod A K-4)/ 044) “ C.8/(2x+5) B. 4x 18) _D.84(2x-5) 26. Which statement is. NOT true of human growth and development? A. Development is a preduct of maturation and leaming B. Tite tite ofdavsignment is the seme of everyone development 27. What figure of speech is the following: “He is the black sheep of the family.” A. metaphor . C. hyperbole, 8. aiteration D. simile 28. Tumutulong io sa moa salitang nakapag-iea at'may khulugen Kilala rin itong satitang- ugat. A. Morpemang leksikat “©. Paglalapi 8. Matayang mocpemia 1D. Dimalayang morpema ~ 28. Anotig ainyovig.petanong na pangunguesp eng: Dumaan ka na dito, di ba? A. kabatikang anyo C. painang-ayon Bomay-kerugtong D. pagtangg! 30. This Filipino weiter in English used hispanic Filipino culture and traditions in his fiction works: "0% A, Saoni Jose _- ©. Edilberto Tiempo B. Jose Garcia Villa D. Nick Joaquin GENERAL EDUCATION - ELEMENTARY SET B See Eee ee en Sa 31. Corrupt goverment officials should be ashamed of A. themselves © C. himself 'B. ourselves D. herself 32. in the fell chitch of circumstance | have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the blidgoortings of chance A. metaphor hyperbole B. simile “D) alliteration 33. Who was the fiterary figure known as "Huseng Sisiw?" A, Francisco Battazar C. Juan Matapang Cruz B. Jose de ia Cruz D: Jose Rizai 34, A toothpick can sit on the surface of water dile'to. A. almaspheric pressure C. viscosity B. Surface tension ‘Dibuoyancy 38. The human person is multidimensional. What does this imply? 4. tehas 2 self distinct from his being a person in community Hi. The person as self graws by himself.“ ih, The person as seif grows by developing IV. The person 96 self grows by taking an active role in improving that community A, bell ©. IV B. 1H at, DLW 36. The information highway is calied C. intemet D. information technology GENERAL EDUCATION - ELEMENTARY SET B nn ne ee EEEEEEnNE 38. The cost of a new family house is quite expensive for besides we have more urgent family needs. A. ours Cc. me B. us D, them 39. Who was the founder and editor of the newspaper “La Independencia"? A. Antonia Luna C. Graciano Lopez Jaena B. Apotinario Mabini D. Emilio Jacinto _ 40, Solence Pivides knowiedge through disciplined observation. Which of the following is NOT characteristics of scientific assertion? A. Logic and validity C. Empirial support B: Hearsay D. Conformity with actual observation 41. That hard work has ite rewards appears to be the of the story. Amora C. morality 8. moratism D. morale 42, Siemplity 3{x - 4y) - (4y ~ 3x) - (2x + ¥) A ax ty ©. 4x- t7y Bint t7y D.-4x-17y 43, What is considered as the eartiest form of writing in the Philippines? “A. Aiibata ©. Abakada 8. Baltaw D. Kalantiaw 44, Ayon sa diin sa pantig ng salitang PITO, ano ang nais tukuyin ng _kahulugan nito? A, pangalan ©. silbato B. bitang D. lugar 48. “Qur extended family temporary accommodated aunts, uncles or cousins who had “itburtant-maxtecs 10 settle in the city. There were always close relatives who needed shelter ‘and Teod ‘end willing to help in the’ hoisgehold chores.” Close milatives in an extended family are provided food and accommodation and in turn help inthe tiousehoid activities making the relationship 7 A, eeciprocal ©. civil 8. depending . friendly GENERAL EDUCATION - ELEMENTARY SET B 46. Uri ng pangatnig na ieee pagpili, pagbubukod at pagtatangi. A, Paninsay ©, Pamukod B. Panlinaw D. Panapos 47. Kaitan nagsimula and pagkakaroon ng modernisasyon ng wikang pambansa? A. 1997 c. 1988 8. 1974 D. 1987 48, Pahatagahan ang pangaral___hindi malihis ng landas. Ang pangat={j ang angkop 53 pahayag na to? “ ¢. nang By on D. habang 49, Who was the foremost French short story writer? A. Balzac ©. Anatole France B. George Eliot D. De Maupassant 50. Ethicat conduct governs social research. Which among the following are not related to ethics morality in research? Remsen Voluntary participation of respondents 5. Mo tame pacipants 51. Of the seven continents comprising a continuous land mass surrounded by big bodies of water, thebiggeet (30.1 percent of the earth) is A. Aftica C. North America “B. Asia D. Europe 52..Sa- among behagi ng pananalikek matatagpuen ang mga lugar at babasahing mapagkukuntan ng mge literature at pag-aaral A. Kabenata V ©. Kabanata fl ‘8. Kebanata + D. Kabanata (V 22. wore ‘Of speecti i&:"A tree. whose hungry mouth is presst against the earth's ‘sweet A. trony ~ . €. hyperbole Speronteaton D. apostrophe GENERAL EDUCATION - ELEMENTARY SET B 54, Who was the Spanish govemor-general who established the “tobacco monopoly in 17617 A. Basilio Agustin C. Rafael Izquierdo B. Jose Basco D. Francisco Rizzo 55. What is 2 dramatic presentation that originated from the traditional armed encounter between the Christians and Muslim Filipinos? A. Genaculo = ©. Comedia de Lara y Espana B.horo- : 434. Ang katiliugan ng: May bank account is. in the red A. nanekawan C. nakapag-ipon B. bale-wala D. matapit na maubos 438. Simplify (x?) (K+) Aye | Cmey Bx-y 7* Doxty 436. The funcamental right invoked by filling the "writ of amparo” is A. the right to due process B. the aight to self-defense C. the right to be defended by a public attorney ight to life, liberty and security 137. Let us campaign for the total ban of harmful insecticides. A. with the use C. onusing B. with using D. on the use (138. The proposed project within the budget of the school ‘ A. are appearing Cis. 8. is appearing Dare 439, Uri ng pagsulat na ang pokus ay ang imahinasyon ng manunulst upang pukawin ang damdarnin’ A. jommalistix _ C. matikeain eer B, akademiko D. telenika 20 GENERAL EDUCATION - ELEMENTARY SET B 140. Wheat is one of the a wonder of the Philippines? RE es” C. Manila Bay int Makiting D, Taal Voleano 144, How are bats able to navigate in the dark without bumping into anything? A. They emit sound waves whose returning vibrations can detect the presence of objects B. They are able ta fluoresce in the dark C. They have supersonic eyesight D. They can disappear 142. Which one of the fottowing is the iowest form of learning? A. petesivirig C. responding B. teaching D. conditioning 143. Nakapandidiri ang asong katye na A. dumihan ©. madumi B. ma-dymi D. dumumi fae 444, What ale the prime factors of 1207 As2x2 2@x6 x5 C.2x3x4x5 B.2x4x3x5 D.2x2x2x3x8 145. A species of fish lived in a lake. When a dam was constructed in the area a group of fish was separated and populated a new pond. They then developed differing characteristics end becamié a distinct species. Which of the foliowing concepts explain this speciation? A. Geographical isolation . Episodic isolation 8. Chronatropic isctation D. Behavioral isolation 146. Stienes provides knowledge through disciplined observation, Which of the following is NOT characteristic of scientific aesertion? A. Logic and vatiaity 8. Brnpiriea! support CS ee with actual observation a 467..An atom of silicon has a mass number of 26 and an atomic number of 14. How many protons are in this atom? Bz 0.14 GENERAL EDUCATION - ELEMENTARY SET.B eR an 148. As a Social Sclénce teacher which should Teacher Nora avoid? ‘Ac abreast with alt the other issues B. appreciative of change C. faciitator of leaming D. As a sage on the stage 4149. Who has always been called the Morning Star of English literature? A. Lord Tennyson ©. Shakespeare B, Sir Waiter Scott 1D. Geoffrey Chaucer 150. Techr.togy dramatically in the twenty-first century A. has improved ©. is improved B. did improved D. was improved SUBMIT THIS TEST BOOKLET TOGETHER WITH THE ANSWER SHEET TO YOUR WATCHERS. BRINGING THE TEST BOOKLET OUT OF THE ROOM WILL BE A GROUND FOR CANCELLATION OF YOUR EXAMINATION, THIS 1S PRO PROPERTY. UNAUTHORIZED POSSESSION, REPRODUCTION, AND/OR SALE OF THIS TEST BOOKLET ARE PUNISHABLE BY LAW. (R.A. 8981) ***END*** 29

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