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PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION (Secondary) competent application.

Which principle governs

Teacher B’s practice?
MULTIPLE CHOICE A. Constructivist C. Behaviorist
B. Gestalt D. Cognitivist
1. Which does Naom Chomsky assert about language
learning for children? 8. Student B claims: “I cannot see perfection but I
I. Young children learn and apply long for it. So it must be real. “under which group
grammatical rules and vocabulary as can he be classified?
they are exposed to them. A. Idealist C. Realist
II. Begin formal teaching of grammatical B. Empiricist D. Pragmatist
rules to children as early as possible.
III. Do not require initial formal language 9. What does extreme authoritarianism in the home
teaching for children. reinforce in learners
A. Doing things on their own initiative
A. I and III C. I only B. Ability to direct themselves
B. II only D. I and II C. Dependence on others for directions.
D. Creativity in work.
2. Which is/are the sources of man’s intellectual
drives, according to Freud 10. You arrive at knowledge by re-thinking of latent
A. Id C. Id -ego ideas. From whom does this thought come?
B. Super ego D. Ego A. Experimentalist C. Idealist
B. Realist D. Existentialist
3. Theft of school equipment like TV, computer, etc. by
teenagers in the community itself is becoming a 11. Behavior followed by pleasant consequences will
common phenomenon. What does this incident be strengthened and will be more likely to occur in
signify? the future. Behavior followed by unpleasant
A. Prevalence of poverty in the community. consequences will be weakened and will be more
B. Inability of school to hire security guards. likely to be repeated in the future. Which one is
C. Deprivation of Filipino schools. explained
D. Community’s lack of sense of co-ownership. A. Freud’s psychoanalytic theory
B. Thorndike’s law effect
4. As a teacher, you are reconstructionist, Which C. B.F. Skinner’s Operant conditioning theory
among these will be your guiding principle? D. D. Bandura’s social learning theory
A. I must teach the child every knowledge,
skills and value that he needs for a better 12. Principal B tells her teachers that training in the
future. humanities is most important. To which
B. I must teach the child to develop his mental educational philosophy does he adhere?
powers to the full. A. Existentialism C. Progressivism
C. I must teach the child so he is assured of B. Perennialism D. Essentialism
D. I must teach the child that we can never 13. All subject in Philippine elementary and secondary
have real knowledge of anything. schools are expected to be taught using the
integrated approach. This came about as a result of
5. The concepts of Trust vs. mistrust, autonomy vs. implementation of ___________.
shame & self-doubt, and initiative vs. guilt are A. Program for Decentralized Education
most closely related with works of _____. B. School-Based Management
A. Erickson C. Freud C. Basic Education Curriculum
B. Piaget D. Jung D. D. Schools First Initiative

6. Student Z does not study at all but when the 14. Principal C shares this thought with the teachers:
Licensure Examination for Teachers comes, before Subject matter should help students understand and
he takes the LET, he spends one hour or more appreciate themselves as unique individual who
praying for a miracle, i.e., to pass the examination. accept complete responsibility for their thoughts,
Which attitude towards religion or God is feelings and actions. “ From which philosophy is this
displayed? thought based?
A. Religion as fake C. Religion as authentic A. Perennialism C. Existentialism
B. Religion as magic D. Religion as real B. Essentialism D. Progressivism

7. Teacher B engages her students with information

for thorough understanding, for meaning and for

15. Based on Piaget’s theory, what should a teacher C. Operant conditioning
provide for children in the concrete operational D. Pavlonian conditioning
A. Activities for hypothesis formulation. 23. Which group of philosophers maintain the “truth
B. Learning activities that involve problems of exists in an objective order that is independent of
classification and ordering. the knower”?
C. Games and other physical activities to develop A. Idealists C. Existentialists
motor skills. B. Pragmatists D. Realists
D. Stimulating environment with ample objectives
to play with. 24. Under which program were students who were not
accommodated in public elementary and secondary
16. To come closer to the truth we need to “go back to schools because of lack of classroom, teachers, and
the things themselves.” This is the advice of the ______. instructional materials, were enrolled in private
A. Behavioris C. idealist schools in their respective communities at the
B. phenomenologists D. pragmatists government’s expense?
A. Government Assistance Program
17. Researches conducted show that teacher’s B. Study Now-Pay later
expectations of students become self-fulfilling C. Educational Service Contract System
prophecies. What is this phenomenon called? D. National Scholarship Program
A. Halo effect C. Ripple effect
B. Pygmalion effect D. Hawthorne effect 25. Which of the following prepositions is attributed to
18. Teacher F is convinced that whatever a student A. Truth is relative to a particular time and place.
performs a desired behavior, provided B. Human beings create their own truths.
reinforcement and soon the student will learn to C. Learning is the discovery of truth as latent ideas
perform the behavior on his own. On which are brought to consciousness
principle is Teacher F’s conviction based? D. Sense perception is the most accurate guide to
A. Cognitivism C. Behaviorism knowledge.
B. Environmentalism D. Constructivism
26. In a treatment for alcoholism, Ramil was made to
19. Teacher U teaches to his pupils that pleasure is not drink an alcoholic beverage and then made to
the highest good. Teacher’s teaching is against ingest a drug that produces nausea. Eventually, h
what philosophy? nauseated at he sight and smell of alcohol and
A. Realism C. Epicureanism stopped drinking alcohol. Which theory explains
B. Hedonism D. Empiricism this?
A. Operant conditioning C. Associative learning
20. Studies in the areas of neurosciences discloses that B. Social learning theory D. Attribution theory
the human brain has limitless capacity. What does
this imply 27. In a social studies class, Teacher I present a morally
A. Some pupils are admittedly not capable of ambiguous situation and asks his students what
learning. they would do. On whose theory is Teacher I’s
B. Every pupil has his own native ability and his technique based
learning is limited to this native ability. A. Kohlberg C. Piaget
C. Every child is a potential genius. B. Bandura D. Bruner
D. Pupil can possibly reach a point where they have
learned everything. 28. Quiz to formative test while periodic is to
21. Availment of the Philippine Education Placement A. criterion-reference test C. norm-reference
Test for adults and out-of-school youths is in test
support of the government’s educational program B. summative test D. diagnostic test
towards _____.
A. equitable access C. quality and relevance 29. Your teacher is of the opinion that the world and
B. quality D. relevance everything in it are ever changing and so you the
skill to cope with change. What is his governing
22. A mother gives his boy his favorite snack every time philosophy?
the boy cleans up his room. Afterwards, the boy A. Idealism C. Experimentalism
cleaned his room everyday in anticipation of the B. Existentialism D. Realism
snack. Which theory is illustrated?
A. Associative learning 30. The search for related literature by accessing
B. Classical conditioning several data bases by the use of a telephone line to

connect a computer that have database is termed 39 B. Zen Buddhism D. Taoism
A.compact disc search C. on-line search 40. Teacher Y does norm-referenced interpretation of
B. manual search D. computer search scores. Which of the following does she do?
A. She describes group performance in relation to a
31. In which competency do my students find the level of mastery set.
greater difficulty? In item with a difficulty index of B. She uses a specified content as its frame of
A. 0. 1 C. 0.5 reference.
B. 0. 9 D. 1.0 C. She compares every individual student’s scores
with others’ scores.
32. We encounter people whose prayer goes like this: O D. She describes what should be their
God, if there is a God; save my soul if I have a soul,” performance.
from whom is this prayer?
A. Stoic C. Agnostic 41. The best way for a guidance counselor to begin to
B. Empiricist D. Skeptic develop study skills and habits in underachieving
student would be to ______.
33. If teacher wants to test student’s ability to organize A. have these underachieving students observe the
ideas, which type of test should she formulate? study habits of excelling students.
A. Short answer C. Essay B. encourage students to talk study habits from
B. Technical problem type D. Multiple-choice type their own experiences
C. have them view filmstrips about various study
34. Who among the following needs less verbal approaches
counseling but needs more concrete operational D. give out list of effective study approaches
forms of assistance? The child who ________.
A. has mental retardation 42. Teacher F wanted to teach the pupils the skills to do
B. has attention-deficit disorder cross stitching. He check up quiz was a written test
C. has learning disability on the steps of cross stitching. What characteristic
D. has conduct disorder of a good test does it lack?
A. Scorability C. Objectivity
35. Which applies when skewness is zero? B. Reliability D. Validity
A. Mean is greater than median.
B. Median is greater than the mean. 43. For which may you use the direct instruction method?
C. Scores have three modes. A. Become aware of the pollutants around us.
D. Scores are normally distributed B. Appreciate Milton’s Paradise Lost.
C. Use a microscope properly.
36. Which does NOT belong to the group of alternative D. Distinguish war from aggression.
learning systems
A. Multi-grade grouping C. Graded education 44. In the context on the theory on multiple intelligences,
B. Multi-age grouping D. Non-graded grouping what is one weakness of the paper-pencil test?
A. It is not easy to administer.
37. The first thing to do in constructing a periodic test is B. It puts the non-linguistically intelligent at a
for a teacher to ______. disadvantage
A. decide on the number of items for the test C. It utilizes so much time.
B. go back to her instructional objectives D. It lacks reliability.
C. study the content
D. decide on the type of test to construct 45. NSAT and NEAT results are interpreted against set
mastery level. This means that NSAT and NEAT fall
38. Which one can enhance the comparability of grades? under _________.
A. Using common conversation table for A. intelligence test C. criterion-referenced test
translating test scores in to ratings. B. aptitude test D. norm-referenced test
B. Formulating tests that vary from one teacher to
another. 46. Teacher B uses the direct instruction strategy. Which
C. Allowing individual teachers to determine sequence of steps will she follow?
factors for rating I. Independent practice
D. Individual teachers giving weights to factors II. Feedback and correctiveness
considered for rating. III. Guided student practice
IV. Presenting and structuring
39. The cultivation of reflective and meditative skills in V. Reviewing the previous day’s work
teaching is an influence of _____.
A. Shintoism C. Confucianism A. V-IV-III-II-I C. V-II-IV-III-I

B. III-II-IV-I-VD. I-V-II-III-IV B. a vague distracter
C. an effective distracter
47. Which guideline must be observed in the use of D. a plausible distracter
prompting to shape the correct performance of your
students? 55. The burnout malady gets worse if a teacher doesn’t
A. Use the list intrusive prompt first. intervene to change whatever areas he or she in
B. Use all prompts available. control. Which one can renew a teacher’s
C. Use the most intrusive prompt first. enthusiasm?
D. Refrain form using prompts. A. Stick to job C. Judge someone else as wrong
B. Initiate changes in jobs D. Engage in self-pity
48. What measure/s of central tendency do/es the
number 16 represent in the following data: 56. If teacher has to ask more higher-order questions, he
14,15,17,16,19,20,16,14,16? has to ask more ____ questions.
A. Mode C. Median A. closed C. concept
B. Mode and median D. Mean B. Fact D. convergent

49. Which holds true to standardized tests? 57. What can be said of Peter who obtained a score of
A. They are used for comparative purposes. P75 in a Grammar objective test?
B. They are administered differently. A. His rating is 75 items in the test correctly.
C. They are scored according to different standards. B. He answered 75 % of the test items correctly.
D. They are used for assigned grades. C. He answered 75.
D. He performed better that 5% of his classmate.
50. Study this group of tests which was administered
with the following results, then answer the 58. I drew learners into several content areas and
question. encouraged them to solve a complex question for
Subject Mean SD Ronnel’s scrore interdisciplinary teaching. Which strategy did I use?
Math 56 10 43 A. Problem-centered learning
Physics 41 9 31 B. Unit method
English 80 16 109 C. Reading-writing activity
D. D. Thematic instruction
In which subject(s) were the scores most
homogenous? 59. Which guidance in test construction is NOT observed
A. Math C. Physics in this test item “ Jose Rizal wrote ____”.
B. English D. Physics and Math A. The central problem should be packed in the
51. In the parlance of test construction what does TOS stem.
mean? B. There must be only one correct answer.
A. Table of Specifics C. Table of Specific Test Items C. Alternatives must grammatical parallelism.
B. Term of Specifications D. Table of Specifications D. The alternative must be plausible.

52. Which is a major advantage of a curriculum-based 60. To elicit more students’ response, Teacher G. made
assessment? use of covert responses. Which one did she NOT do?
A. It is informal nature. A. She had the students write their response
B. It connects testing with teaching. privately.
C. It tends to focus on anecdotal information on B. She showed the correct answers on the
student progress. overhead after the students have written their
D. It is based on a norm-referenced measurement responses.
model. C. She had the students write their responses
privately then called each of them.
53. Teacher H gave first-grade class a page with a story in D. She refrained from judging on the student’s
which picture take the place of some words. Which responses.
method did she use?
A. The whole language approach 61. Direct instruction id a facts, rules, and actions as
B. The Spaulding method indirect instruction is for _____ ,____, _____.
C. The rebus method A. hypotheses, verified data and conclusions
D. The language experience approach B. concepts, patterns and abstractions
C. concepts, processes and generalizations
54. Out of 3 distracters in a multiple choice test items, D. guesses, data and conclusions
namely B, C, and D, no pupil choice D as answer. This
implies that D is ________. 62. Which test has broad sampling of topics as
A. an ineffective distracter strength?

A. Objective test C. Essay test
B. Short answer test D. Problem test 69. Which criterion should guide a teacher in the choice
. of instructional devices?
63. Teacher T taught a lesson denoting ownership by A. Attractiveness C. Novelty
means of possessives. He first introduced the rule, B. Cost D. Appropriateness
then gave examples, followed by class exercises,
then back to the rule before he moved into second 70. Study this group of tests which was administered
rule. Which presenting technique did he use with the following results, then answer the
A. Combinatorial C. Part-whole question.
B. Comparative D. Sequential Subject Mean SD Ronnel’s scrore
Math 56 10 43
64. In his second item analysis, Teacher H found out that Physics 41 9 31
more from the lower group got the test item # 6 English 80 16 109
correctly. This means that the test item _____.
A. has a negative discriminating power. In which subject(s) did Ronnel perform poorly in
B. has a lower validity. relation to the group’s performance?
C. has a positive discriminating power. A. English C. Math
D. has a high reability. B. English and Math D. Physics

65. Teacher E discussed how electricity flows through 71. “What is most likely to happen to our economy
wires and what generates the electric charge. Then when export continuously surpasses import” is a
she gave the students wires, bulbs, switches, and dry thought question on ______.
cells and told the class to create a circuit that will A. creating C. relating cause-and-effect
increase the brightness of each bulb. Which one B. synthesizing D. predicting
best describes the approach used?
A. It used a taxonomy of basic thinking skills. 72. Which method has been proven to be effective in
B. It was constructivist. courses that stress acquisition of knowledge?
C. It helped students understand scientific A. Socratic method C. Indirect instruction
methodology. B. Cooperative learning D. Mastery learning
D. None of the above
73. Which is the first step in planning an achievement
66. Teacher W wants to review and check on the lesson of test?
the previous day. Which one will be most reliable? A. Define the instructional objective.
A. Having students identify difficult homework B. Decide on the length of the test.
problems. C. Select the type of test items to use.
B. Having students correct each other’s work. D. Build a table of specification.
C. Sampling the understanding of a few students.
D. Explicitly reviewing the task-relevant information 74. Which activity should a teacher have more for his
necessary for the day’s lesson. students if he wants to develop logical-
mathematical thinking?
67. Shown a picture of children in sweaters inside the A. Drama C. Problem solving
classrooms, the students were asked this question: B. Choral reading D. Storytelling
In what kind of climate do these children live? This
is a thought questions on ______. 75. Why should a teacher NOT use direct instruction all
A. inferring C. applying the time
B. creating D. predicting A. It requires much time.
B. It requires use of many supplemental materials.
68. Study this group of tests which was administered C. It is generally effective only in the teaching of
with the following results, then answer the concepts and abstractions.
question. D. It reduces student’s engagement in learning.
Subject Mean SD Ronnel’s scrore
Math 56 10 43 76. Which are direct measures of competence?
Physics 41 9 31 A. Personality tests C. Paper-and-pencil test
English 80 16 109 B. B. Performance tests D. Standardized tests

In which subject(s) did Ronnel perform best in 77. Which is one role play in the pre-school and early
relation to the group’s performance? childhood years?
A. Develops competitive spirit.
A. Physics and Math C. Physics B. Separates reality from fantasy.
B. English D. Math

C. Increase imagination due to expanding 84. In Krathwoh’s taxonomy of objectives in the affective,
knowledge and emotional range. which is most authentic?
D. Develops the upper and lower limbs. A. Characterization C. Responding
B. Valuing D. Organization
78. Teacher A discovered that his pupils are very good in
dramatizing. Which tool must have helped him discover 85. “In the light of the facts presented, what is most likely
his pupils’ strength? to happen when…?” is a simple thought question
A. Portfolio assessment C. Journal entry on _____.
B. Performance test D. Paper-and-pencil test A. inferring C. synthesizing
B. generalizing D. justifying
79. Teacher M’s pupils are quite weak academically and
his lesson is already far behind time table. How should 86. The teacher’s first task in the selection of media in
Teacher M proceed with his lesson? teaching is to determine the
A. Experientially C. Logically A. choice of the students
B. B. Inductively D. Deductively B. availability of the media
C. objectives of the lesson
81. I want to teach concepts, patterns and abstractions. D. technique to be used
Which method is most appropriate?
A. Indirect instruction C. Direct instruction 87. In self-directed learning, to what extent should a
B. Discovery D. Problem solving teacher’s “scaffolding” be?
A. To a degree the student needs it.
82. If your Licensure Examination for Teacher (LET) B. None, to force the student to learn by himself
items sample adequately the competencies listed in C. To the maximum, in order to extend to the
the syllabi, it can be said that LET possesses ______ student all the help he needs.
validity. D. To the minimum, to spend up development of
A. concurrent C. content student’s sense of independence.
B. construct D. predictive
88. Which is a form of direct instruction?
83. Read the following then answer the questions: A. Discovery process C. Programmed instruction
B. B. Problem solving D. Inductive reasoning
PERIODIC TABLE MIGHT WE 89. With synthesizing skills in mind, which has the highest
ELEMENTS? A. Essay test C. Completion tes
BOBBY: WE COULD GO TO THE MOON AND B. Performance test D. Multiple choice test
THERE WE DON’T HAVE. 90. How can you exhibit legitimate power on the first day
CENTER OF THE EARTH AND SEE IF A. By making your students feel they are accepted
WE FIND ANY OF THE MISSING for who they are.
ELEMENTS. B. By informing them you are allowed to act in loco
THE METEORITES-IF WE CAN FIND C. By making them realize the importance of good
ANY. grades.
TEACHER: THOSE ARE ALL GOOD ANSWERS. D. By making them feel you have mastery of
THE EARTH OR TO FIND 91. Based on Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience, which
METEORITES WERE TOO COSTLY activity is farthest from the real thing?
AND TIME CONSUMING? HOW A. View images C. Watch a demo
MIGHT WE USE THE ELEMENTS WE B. Attend exhibit D. Hear
FIND SOME NEW ONES? 92. Which can effectively measure student’s awareness
of values?
Question: The Teacher questions in the above exchange A. Projective techniques C. Likert scales
are examples of ____ questions. B. Moral dilemma D. Anecdotal record
A. Fact C. Direct
B. Concept D. Closed 93. I combined several subject areas in order to focus on
a single concept for interdisciplinary teaching.
Which strategy/method did I use?

A. Problem-entered learning 102. Which Filipino trait works against the shift in
B. Thematic instruction teacher’s role from teacher as a fountain of information
C. Reading–writing activity to teacher as facilitator?
D. Unit method A. AuthoritativenessC. Hiya
B. Authoritarianism D. Pakikisama
94. The test item ”Group the following items according
to shape” is a thought test item on _______. 103. Teacher A is a teacher of English as Second
A. creating C. classifying Language: she uses vocabulary cards, fill-in-the
B. generating D. comparing blank sentences, dictation and writing exercises in
teaching a lesson about grocery shopping. Based
95. For maximum interaction, a teacher ought to avoid on this information, which of the following is a valid
_____ questions. conclusion?
A. informational C. leading A. The teacher is applying Bloom’s hierarchy of
B. rhetorical D. divergent cognitive learning.
B. The teacher is teaching variety of ways because
96. By what name is Socratic method also known ? not all students learn in the same manner.
A. Mastery learning C. Morrison method C. The teacher wants to make her teaching easier
B. Indirect instruction D. Questioning Method by having less talk.
D. The teacher is emphasizing reading and writing
97. Which is an appropriate way to make manage off- skills.
task behavior?
A. Make eye contact. 104. With specific details in mind, which one has (have) a
B. Stop your class activity to correct a child who is stronger diagnostic value?
no longer on task. A. Multiple choice test
C. Move closer to the child. B. Non-restricted essay test
D. Redirect a child’s attention to task and check his C. Restricted essay test
progress to make sure he is continuing to work D. Restricted and non-restricted essay tests

98. Which one can best evaluate student’s attitudinal 105. Teacher B is a teacher of English as Second
development? Language: she uses vocabulary cards, fill-in-the
A. Essay test C. Observation blank sentences, dictation and writing exercises in
B. Portfolio D. Short answer test teaching a lesson about grocery shopping. Based
on this information, which of the following is a valid
99. What should a teacher do for students in his class conclusion?
who are on grade level A. The teacher is reinforcing learning by giving the
A. Give them materials on their level and let them same information in a variety of methods.
work at a pace that is reasonable for them, B. The teacher applying Bloom’s hierarchy of
trying to bring them up to a grade level. cognitive learning.
B. Give them the same work as the other students, C. The teacher is wants to do less talk.
because they will absorb as much as they are D. The teacher is emphasizing listening and
capable of. speaking skills.
C. Give them the same work as the other students,
not much, so that they won’t feel embarrassed. 106. In a criterion-referenced testing, what must you do
D. Give them work on the level of the other to ensure that your test is fair
students and work a little above the classmates A. Make all of the questions true or false.
level to challenge them. B. Ask each student to contribute one question.
C. Make twenty questions but ask the students to
100. With-it-ness, according to Kourin, is one of the answer only ten of their choice.
characteristics of an effective classroom manager. D. Use objectives for the unit as guide in your test
Which phrase goes with it? construction.
A. Have hands that write fast.
B. Have eyes on the back of your hands. 107. Read this question: “How will you present the layers
C. Have a mouth ready to speak. of the earth to your class?” This is a question that
D. Have minds packed with knowledge. _________.
A. directs
101. On whose philosophy was A.S.Neil Summerhill, one B. leads the students to evaluate
of the most experimental schools based? C. assesses cognition
A. A. Rousseau C. Montessori D. probes creative thinking
B. B. Pestalozzi D. John Locke

108. In Krathwoh’s affective domain of objectives, which BETTY: WE COULD DIG DOWN TO THE CENTER
of the following is the lowest level of effective OF THE EARTH AND SEE IF WE FIND
B. Characterization D. Organization METEORITES- IF WE CAN FIND ANY.
109. Which is NOT a sound purpose for asking questions? WHAT IF THOSE EXCURSIONS TO THE
A. To probe deeper after an answer is given MOON, TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH
B. To discipline a bully in class OR TO FIND METEORITES WERE TOO
C. To remind students of a procedure COSTLY AND TIME CONSUMING? HOW
D. To encourage self-reflection MIGHT WE USE THE ELEMENTS WE
110. It is not wise to laugh at a two-year old child when FIND SOME NEW ONES?
he utters bad word because in his stage he is
learning to __________. Question: which questioning strategy/ies does/do
A. considered other’s views the exchange of thoughts above
B. distinguish right from wrong illustrate?
C. socialize A. Funneling
D. distinguish sex differences B. Sowing and reaping
C. Nose-dive
111. Research tells that teachers ask mostly content D. Extending and lifting
questions. Which of the following terms does NOT
refer to content questions? 117. How can you exhibit referent power on the first day
A. Closed C. Concept of school?
B. Direct D. Convergent A. By making them feel you know what you are
talking about.
112. In mastery learning, the definition of an acceptable B. By telling them the importance of good grades.
standard of performance is called a C. By reminding your students your authority over
A. behavior C. SMART them again and again.
B. condition D. criterion measure D. By giving your students a sense of belonging and
113. Based on Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience, which
activity is farthest from the real thing? 118. A sixth grade twelve-year old boy comes from a
A. Read C. View images dysfunctional family and has been abused and
B. Hear D. Attend exhibit neglected. He has been to two orphanages and
three different elementary schools. The student can
114. After giving an input on a good paragraph, Teacher decode on the second grade level, but he can
W asks her students to rate a given paragraph comprehend orally material at the fourth or fifth
along the elements of a good paragraph. The grade level. The most probable cause/s of this
students’ task is in level of _________. student’s reading problem is/are ______.
A. application C. evaluation A. emotional factors
B. analysis D. synthesis B. poor teaching
C. neurological factors
115. Which is one characteristic of an effective classroom D. immaturity
A. It quickly and unobtrusively redirects 119. Which questioning practice promotes more class
misbehavior once it occurs. interaction?
B. It teaches dependence on other for self-control. A. Asking the question before calling a student
C. It respects cultural norms of a limited group B. Focusing on divergent questions.
students. C. Focusing on convergent questions.
D. Strategies are simple enough to be used D. Asking rhetorical questions
120. The following are sound specific purpose of
116. Read the following then answer the questions: questions EXCEPTS
TEACHER: IN WHAT WAYS OTHER THAN THE A. To call the attention of an inattentive student
PERIODIC TABLE MIGHT WE PREDICT THE B. To teach via student answers
UNDISCOVERED ELEMENTS? C. To stimulate learners to ask questions
BOBBY: WE COULD GO TO THE MOON AND SEE D. To arouse interest and curiosity

121. Which technique should a teacher use to encourage D. Directs her students to ask questions on the
response if his students do not respond to his parts of the lesson not understood.
A. Ask a specific student to respond, state the 129. John Watson said “Men are built not born. ” What
question, and wait a response. does this statement point to?
B. Tell the class that it will have detention unless A. The ineffectiveness of training on a person’s
answers are forthcoming. development.
C. Ask another question, an easier one. B. The effect of environmental stimulation on a
D. Wait for a response. person’s development.
C. The absence of genetic influence on a person’s
122. Which types of play is most characteristic of a four development.
to six-year old child? D. The effect of heredity.
A. Solidarity plays and onlookers plays
B. Associative and cooperative plays 130. Teacher H strives to draw participation of every
C. Associative and onlookers plays student into classroom discussion. Which student’s
D. Cooperative and solidarity plays need is she trying to address? The need
A. to show their oral abilities to the rest of the class
123. The principle of the individual difference requires B. to be creative
teachers to ___________. C. to feel significant and be part of a group
A. give greater attention to gifted learners D. to get everything out in the open
B. provide for a variety of learning activities
C. treat all learners alike while in the classroom 131. Teacher G’s lessons objective has something to do
D. prepare modules for slow learners in class with the skill of synthesizing? Which behavioral
term is most appropriate?
124. Referring to Teacher S, Nicolle describes her teacher A. Test C. Appraisal
as “fair, caring and someone you can talk to”. Which B. Assess D. Theorize
power or leadership does Teacher S have?
A. Referent power C. Reward power 132. Which is a sound classroom management practice?
B. Legitimate power D. Expert power A. Avoid establishing routines; routines make your
student robots.
125. During the Spanish period, what was/were the B. Establish routines for all daily needs and tasks.
medium/media of instruction in schools? C. Apply rules and policies on a case to case basis.
A. The Vernacular C. Spanish D. Apply reactive approach to discipline.
B. English D. Spanish and the Vernacular
133. A child who gets punished for stealing candy may
126. Rodel is very aloof and cold in his relationship with not steal again immediately. But this does not mean that
classmates. Which basic goals must have not been the child may not steal again. Based on Thorndike’s
attained by Rodel during his developmental years, theory on punishment and learning, this shows that
according to Erickson’s theory of psychological ______________.
development? A. punishment strengthen e a response
A. Autonomy C. Initiative B. punishment remove a response
B. Trust D. Generativity C. punishment does not remove a response
D. punishment weakens a response
127. How can you exhibit expert power on the first day of
school? 134. Which assumption underlines the teacher’s use of
A. By making them feel you know what you are performance objectives?
talking about. A. Not every form of learning id observable.
B. By telling them the importance of good grades. B. Performance objectives assure the learner of
C. By reminding then your students your authority learning.
over them again and again. C. Learning is defined as a change in the learner’s
D. By giving your students a sense of belonging and observable performance.
acceptance. D. The success of the learner is based on teacher’s
128. Teacher P wants to develop the skill of synthesizing
in her pupil. Which one will she do? 135. As a teacher, what do you do when you engage
A. Ask her students to formulate a generalization yourself in major task analysis?
from the data shown in graphs.
B. Ask her students to answer questions beginning A. Test if learning reached higher level thinking
with “What if …” skills
C. Tell her pupils to state data presented in graphs. B. Breakdown a complex task into sub-skills

C. Determine the level of thinking involved A. SMART C. behavior
D. Revise lesson objectives B. criterion measure D. condition

136. The following are used in writing performance 145. “A stitch on time saves nine”, so goes the adage.
objectives EXCEPT Applied to classroom management, this means that
A. delineate C. integrate we _______.
B. diagram D. comprehend A. may not occupy ourselves with disruptions
which are worth ignoring because they are
137. Teacher B clears his throat to communicate minor
disapproval of a student’s behavior. Which specific B. must be reactive in our approach to discipline
influence technique is this? C. have to resolve minor disruptions before they
A. Signal interference C. Interest boosting are out of control
B. Direct appeal D. Proximity control D. may apply 9 rules out of 10 consistently

138. An effective classroom manager uses low-profile 146. Ruben is very attached to his mother and Ruth to
classroom control. What is a low-profile classroom her father. In what developmental stage are they
technique? according to Freudian psychological theory?
A. Note to parents A. Oedipal stage C. Anal Stage
B. After-school detention B. Latent stage D. Pre-genital stage
C. Withdrawal of privileges
D. Raising the pitch of the voice 147. What was the prominent educational issues of the
mid 1980’s?
139. The primary objective of my lesson is: “To add A. Bilingual Education C. Accountability
similar fractions correctly.” Before I can do this I B. Value Education D. Mainstreaming
must first aim at this specific objective: “to
distinguish a numerator from a nominator. “What 148. Which behavior is exhibited by a student who is
kind of objective is the latter? strong in interpersonal intelligence?
A. Major C. Enabling A. Works on his/her own.
B. Terminal D. Primary B. Keeps interest to himself/herself
C. Seeks out a classmate for help when problem
140. With which goals of educational institutions as occurs.
provided for by the Constitution is the D. Spends time meditating.
development of work skills aligned?
A. To develop moral character 149. Which is behavioral term describes a lesson
B. To teach the duties of citizenship outcome in the highest level of Bloom’s cognitive
C. To inculcate love of country domain?
D. To develop vocational efficiency A. Create C.

141. In instructional planning it is necessary that parts of C. Analyze

the plan from the first to the last have B. Evaluate D. Design
A. clarity C. coherence 150. The main purpose of compulsory study of the
B. symmetry D. conciseness Constitution is to ___.
A. develop students into responsible, thinking
142. All of the following describe the development of citizens
children aged eleven to thirteen EXCEPT B. acquaint student with the historical
A. they shift from impulsivity to adaptive ability development of the Phil Constitution
B. sex differences in IQ becomes more evident C. make constitutional experts of the students
C. they exhibit increased objectivity in thinking D. prepare students for law-making
D. they show abstract thinking and judgement
151. A goal-oriented instruction culminates in _______.
143. If a teacher plans a constructivist lesson, what will A. planning activities
he most likely do? Plan how he can _______. B. evaluation
A. do evaluate his student’s work C. identification of topics
B. do reciprocal teaching D. formulation of objectives
C. do lecture to his students
D. engage his students in convergent thinking 152. Based on Freud’s psychoanalytic theory which
component (s) of personality is (are) concerned
144. In mastery learning, the definition of an acceptable with a sense of right and wrong?
standard of performance is called a

A. Super ego C. Id 160. Student’s scores on a test were:
B. Super-ego and Ego D. Ego 72,72,73,74,76,78,81,83,85.
The score 76 is the ___.
153. Who among the following puts more emphasis on A. mode C. average
core requirements, longer school day, longer B. mean D. median
academic year and more challenging textbooks?
A. Perennialist C. Progressivist 161. Standard deviation is to variability as mode to
B. Essentialist D. Existentialist _____.
A. level of difficulty C. correction
154. A student passes a research report poorly written B. discrimination D. central tendency
but ornately presented in a folder to make up for the
poor quality of the book report content. Which 162. A teacher who equates authority with power does
Filipino trait does this practice prove? NOT usually __________.
A. art of academics A. Shame C. develop self-respect in every pupil
B. substance over “porma” B. retaliate D. intimidate
C. art over science
D. “porma” over substance 163. Which is a true foundation of the social order?
A. Obedient citizenry
155. Which one may support equitable access but may B. The reciprocation of rights and duties
sacrifice quality? C. Strong political leadership
A. Open admission C. Deregulated tuition fee hike D. Equitable distribution of wealth
B. School accreditation D. Selective retention
164. Standard deviation is to variability as mean is to
156. Based on Piaget’s theory, what should a teacher _______.
provide for children in the sensimotor stage? A.coefficient of correlation C. discrimination index
A. Games and other physical activities to develop B. central tendency D. level of difficulty
motor skill.
B. Learning activities that involve problems of 165. Teacher Q does not want Teacher B to be promoted
classification and ordering. and so writes an anonymous letter against Teacher B
C. Activities for hypothesis formulation. accusing her of fabricated lies. Teacher Q mails this
D. Stimulating environment with ample objects to anonymous letter to School Division Superintendent.
play with. What should Teacher Q do if she has to act
157. A teacher’s summary of a lesson serves the A. Submit a signed justifiable criticism against
following functions, EXCEPT Teacher B, if there is any.
A. it links the parts of the lesson. B. Go straight to the School Division
B. it brings together the information that has been Superintendent and gives criticism verbally.
discussed. C. Hire a group to distribute poison letters against
C. it makes provisions for full participation of Teacher B for the information dissemination.
students. D. Instigate student activists to read poison letter
D. it clinches the basic ideas or concepts of the over the microphone.
166. Each teacher is said to be a trustee of the cultural
158. As a teacher, you are rationalist, Which among these and educational heritage of the nation and is
will be your guiding principle? under obligation to transmit to learners such
A. I must teach the child that we can never have heritage. Which practice makes him fulfill such
real knowledge of anything. obligation?
B. I must teach the child to develop his mental A. Use the latest instruction technology
powers to the full. B. Observing continuing professional education.
C. I must teach the child so he is assured of heaven C. Use interactive teaching strategies
D. I must teach the child every knowledge, skills D. Study the life of Filipino heroes
and value that he needs for a better future.
167. Which type of reports to “on-the spot” description
159. Bruner’s theory on intellectual development moves of some incident, episode or occurrence that is
from enactive to iconic and symbolic stages. In which being observed and recorded as being of possible
stage(s) are diagrams helpful to accompany verbal significance?
information? A. Autobiographical report
A. Enactive and iconic C. Symbolic and enactive B. Value and interest report
B. Symbolic D. Iconic C. Biographical report
D. Anecdotal report

168. Teacher A is directed to pass an undeserving student 175. The typical autocratic teacher consistently does the
with a death threat. Which advice will a hedonist following EXCEPT
give? A. intimidating students C. shaming students
A. Pass the student. Why suffer the threat? B. ridiculing students D. encouraging students
B. Don’t pass him. You surely will not like someone
to give you a death threat in order to pass. 176. Teacher H and teacher I are rivals for promotion. To
C. Pass the student. That will be use to the student, again the favor of the promotion staff, teacher I
his parents and you. offers her beach resort for free for members of he
D. D. Don’t pass him. Live by principle of justice. promotional staff before ranking. As one of the
You will get reward, if not in this life, in the contenders for promotions, is this becoming of her to
next. do
A. Yes. This will be professional growth for the
169. If you agree with Rizal on how you can contribute to promotional staff.
our nation’s redemption, which should you work B. No. This may exert undue influence on the
for? members of the promotional staff and so may
A. Opening our doors to foreign influence fail to promote on the basis of merit.
B. Upgrading the quality of the Filipino through C. Yes. The rare invitation will certainly be
education welcomed by an overworked promotional staff.
C. Stabilizing the political situation D. Yes. There’s nothing wrong with sharing one’s
D. Gaining economic recovery blessings.

170. “All men are pretty much alike. It is only by custom 177. Rights and duties are correlative. This means that.
that they are set apart, “ said one Oriental A. rights and duties regulate the relationship of
philosopher. Where can this thought be most men in society.
inspiring? B. rights and duties arise from natural law.
A. In a multi-cultural group of learners. C. each right carries with it one or several
B. In multi-cultural and heterogeneous groups of corresponding duties.
learners and indigenous peoples’ group. D. rights and duties ultimately come from God.
C. In a class composed of indigenous people.
D. In heterogeneous class of learners. 178. In the Preamble of Code of Ethics of Professional
Teachers, which is NOT said of teachers?
171. In what way can teachers uphold the highest A. LET passer
possible standard of quality education? B. Duly licensed professionals
A. By continually improving themselves personally C. Possess dignity and reputation
and professionally D. With high moral values as well as technical and
B. By wearing expensive clothes to change professional competence
people’s poor perception of teachers
C. By working out undeserved promotions 179. What should you do if a parent who is concerned
D. By putting down other professions to lift the about a grade his child received compared to
status of teaching another student’s grade, demands to see both
students’ grades?
172. How would you select the most fit in government A. Refuse to show either record.
position? Applying Confucius teaching, which B. Show only his child’s record.
would be the answer? C. Refuse to show any record without expressing
A. By course accreditation of an accrediting body permission from principal.
B. By merit system and course accreditation D. Show both records to him.
C. By merit system
D. By government examinations 180. Teacher often complain of numerous non-teaching
assignments that adversely affect their teaching.
173. The attention to the development of a deep respect Does this mean that teachers must be preoccupied
and affection for our rich cultural past is an only with teaching?
influence of ______ A. Yes, if they are given other assignments, justice
A. Confucius C. Teilhard de Chardin demands that they be properly compensated.
B. Heqel D. Dewey B. Yes, because other community leaders, not
leaders, not teachers, are asked to lead in
174. A teacher / student is held responsible for his community activities.
actions because s/he _______. C. Yes, because every teacher is expected to
A. has instincts C. has mature provide leadership and initiative in activities for
B. has a choice D. is reason betterment of communities.

D. No, because teaching is enough full time job. 188. A guest in one graduation rites told his audience:
“Reminder, you are what you choose to be”. The
181. Which illustrates a development approach in guest speaker is more of a/an _____.
guidance and counseling? A. realistic C. pragmatist
A. Spotting on students in need of guidance B. Idealistic D. existentialist
B. Teaching students how to interact in a positive
manner 189. From whom do we owe the theory of deductive
C. Acting as a mentor interference as illustrated in syllogism?
D. Making the decision for the confused student A. Plato C. Socrates
B. Aristotle D. Pythagoras
182. Whose influence is the education program that puts
emphasis on self-development through the 190. In what way can teachers uphold the highest
classics, music, and ritual? possible standard of quality education?
A. Buddha C. Confucius A. By continually improving themselves personally
B. Mohammed D. Lao tsu and professionally
B. By putting down other professions to lift the
183. Helping in the development of graduates who are status of teaching
“maka-Diyos” is an influence of ___. C. By wearing expensive clothes to change
A. naturalistic morality people’s poor perception of teachers
B. classical Christian morality D. By working out undeserved promotions
C. situational morality
D. dialectical morality 191. Two students are given the WISC III. One has a full
scale IQ of 91, while the other has an IQ of 109.
184. What is the mean of this score distribution Which conclusion can be drawn?
4,5,6,7,8,9,10? A. Both students are functioning in the average
A. 7 C. 8.5 range of intellectual ability
B. B. 6 D. 7.5 B. Another IQ test should be given to truly assess
their intellectual potential.
185. Are percentile ranks the same as percentage C. The first student is probably below average,
correct? while the second has above average potential.
A. It cannot be determined unless scores are given. D. The second student has significantly higher
B. It cannot be determined unless the number of intellectual ability.
examinees is given
C. No 192. Which describes norm-referenced grading?
D. Yes A. What constitutes a perfect score
B. The student’s past performance
186. Teacher F is a newly converted to a religion. Deeply C. An absolute standard
convinced of his new found religion, he starts D. The performance of the group
Monday classes by attacking one religion and
convinces his pupil to attend their religion services 193. Teacher A knows of the illegal activities of a neighbor
on Sundays. Is this in accordance with the Code of but keeps quiet in order not to be involved in any
Ethics of Professional Teachers? investigation. Which foundational principle of
A. Yes. What he does strengthens value education. morality does Teacher A fail to apply?
B. No. A teacher should not use his position to A. Always do what is right
proselyte others. B. The principle of double effect
C. Yes. In the name of academic freedom, a teacher C. The end does not justify the means
can decide what to teach. D. Between two evils, do the lesser evil
D. Yes. What he does is a value education.
194. Teacher Q does not want Teacher B to be promoted
187. In a study conducted, the pupils were asked which and so writes an anonymous letter against Teacher
nationality they preferred. If given a choice. B accusing her of fabricated lies. Teacher Q mails
Majority of the pupils wanted to Americans. In this this anonymous letter to School Division
case, in which obligation, relative to the state, do Superintendent. What should Teacher Q do if she
schools seem to be failing? In their obligation to has to act professionally?
A. respect for all duly constituted authorities A. Hire a group to distribute poison letters against
B. promote national pride Teacher B for the information dissemination.
C. promote obedience to the laws of the state B. Submit a signed justifiable criticism against
D. install allegiance to the Constitution Teacher B, if there is any.
C. Go straight to the School Division
Superintendent and gives criticism verbally.

D. Instigate student activists to read poison letter (Secondary)
over the microphone

195. A teacher’s summary of a lesson serves the 1. A 50. C 100. D

following functions, EXCEPT 150. B 197. D
A. it makes provisions for full participation of 2. B 51. B 101. no
students. answer 151. D 198. C
B. it brings together the information that has been 3. D 52. D 102. B
discussed. 152. A 199. A
C. it links the parts of the lesson. 4. A 53. no answer 103. B
D. it. clinches the basic ideas or concepts of the 153. no answer 200. D
lesson 5. A 54. A 104. B
154. D
196. Soc exhibits fear response to freely roaming dogs 6. B 55. B 105. A
but does not show fear when a dog is on a leash or 155. A
confined to a pen. Which conditioning process is 7. D 56. C 106. D
illustrated? 156. A
A. Extinction C. Generation 8. C 57. A 107. D
B. Discrimination D. Acquisition 157 C
9. C 58. D 108. C
197. Ruben is very attached to his mother and Ruth to 158. B
her father. In what developmental stage are they 10. C 59. B 109. B
according to Freudian psychological theory? 159. no answer
A. Latent stage C. Anal Stage 11. C 60. D 110. C
B. Pre-genital stage D. Oedipal stage 160. D
12. D 61. B 111. D
198. The concepts of Trust vs. mistrust, autonomy vs. 161. D
shame & self-doubt, and initiative vs. guilt are 13. C 62. C 112. C
most closely related with works of _____. 162. C
A. Jung C. Erickson 14. C 63. D 113. C
B. Freud D. Piaget 163. D
15. B 64. A 114. A
199. A goal-oriented instruction culminates in _______. 164. B
A. evaluation 16. C 65. D 115. D
B. formulation of objectives 165. A
C. identification of topics 17. B 66. A 116. A
D. planning activities 166. D
18. C 67. A 117. A
200. Which of the following is considered a peripheral 167. D
device? 19. B 68. C 118. A
A. Keyboard C. Monitor 168. D
B. CPU D. Printer 20. C 69. D 119. B
169. B
21. A 70. A 120. A
170 B
22. B 71. C 121. C
171. A
23. A 72. C 122. C
172. D
24. C 73. A 123. B
173. A
25. no answer 74. A 124. A
174. B
26. C 75. D 125. C
175. A
27. A 76. B 126. B
176. B
28. D 77. C 127. D

29. C 78. B 128. A
178. A
30. C 79. B 129. B
179. D
31. A 80. C 130. C
180. C
32. C 81. C 131. D
181. A
33. C 82. C 132. C
182. A
34. A 83. C 133. D
183. B
35. D 84. D 134. C
184. A
36. C 85. A 135. B
185. C
37. B 86. C 136. D
186. B
38. A 87. C 137. B
187. B
39. B 88. A 138. C
188. D
40 C 89. A 139. C
189. B
41. B 90. B 140. D
190. A
42. D 91. B 141. C
191. B
43. A 92. B 142. D
192. D
44. B 93. B 143. D
193. C
45 C 94. C 144. B
194. B
46. C 95. B 145. C
195. D
47. A 96. D 146. A
196. B
48. A 97. D 147. B
49. A 98. B 148. C
99. A 149. B


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