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The area of inspiration my choice journey project is mainly based off my main interests which are music and
community service. And this is also a way for me to develop creativity and pursue excellence, and a way for me
to express myself through music.


Through this learning journey I would gain some new skills that would be crucial to me later in life. Examples
could be having more confidence and presence when performing in front of large crowds, as to be a good
busker and to provide the public with quality music, I would be required to be very confident and have stage
presence because the people will be always watching. Also, I would also be improving on some of the skills I
have already began developing such as collaborating with others musically, and preparing musical pieces to
perform, and just improving my skills on my instruments overall. This project will be giving to the community by
donating the money to a charity and by being part Melbourne’s street culture and providing the community
with free music.



What is my Choice Journey and what would I do?

My choice journey is to perform songs in the public as a band with my friends from church and my youth leader
Dan. This would include the rehearsals we would have together and the individual practice time. We would
prepare and then perform songs from multiple genres including rock, pop, and most likely some Christian music.

What is my finished product, and when do I know if I finished?

My finished product would be our multiple performances in the city, which will most likely be filmed and put on
YouTube. Then the money we raised will be donated to a chosen charity that which would be voted upon by our
band members. I will know that I finish when my assessor and I are happy with the final performance and the
amount of money we raised.


How is it attainable, will I be able to complete it in 30 hours?

My choice journey should be very attainable because I already play in the church band I have already performed
in front of people for many times before. I should definitely be able to complete it in 25-30 hours. Because for
me to master the repertoire it should not require a large amount of time and I don’t need too many hours
practicing individually and the multiple performances we have shouldn’t be too long individually.


This project is relevant because I have always been passionate about both music and community service.
Busking is the perfect blend of both, I get to improve upon my music skills, and I get to give the community
some enjoyable and tasteful music. Another reason why this choice journey is relevant is that this could
increase my playing skills on guitar greatly, and by doing so my performance in the bands and ensembles would
be improved Through this I will also learn the process to be a busker and preparing a group performance, also
it gives me very valuable experiences on the difficulty of money earning. They would all be very helpful in the
future in case I wanted to do anything related.


It should be fairly easy to manage the time, I should be able to organise the time in three areas: individual
practice, group practice then performance. I can have 10hours of dedicated individual practice, 6 hours of group
practice and 3*4 hours of performance. Even though this is just a rough estimate of the time blocking, but it
should be very close to what I will be spending on each area. And most of the performances would be in the

History of busking:

In the world:

There have been performances in public places for gratuities in every major culture in the world, dating back
to antiquity.

Where did it originate:

No specific origin
- Used to advertise the instrument
- Not really used to raised funds
- Only to provide the public with music
- The only other way to hear music is to hire professional musicians for large amounts of money


"Circle shows" are shows that tend to gather a crowd around them. They usually have a distinct beginning and
"Walk-by acts" are typically where the busker performs a musical, living statue or other act that does not have a
distinct beginning or end and the public usually watch for a brief time. A walk by act may turn into a circle show
if the act is unusual or very popular.

"Stoplight performers" present their act and get contributions from vehicle occupants on a crosswalk while the
traffic lights are red.


The place where a performance occurs is called a "pitch". A good pitch can be the key to success as a busker. An
act that might make money at one place and time may not work at all in another setting. Popular pitches tend
to be public places with large volumes of pedestrian traffic, high visibility, low background noise and as few
elements of interference as possible. Good locations may include tourist spots, popular parks, entertainment
districts including lots of restaurants, cafes, bars and pubs and theatres, subways and bus stops, outside the
entrances to large concerts and sporting events.


In Melbourne you would be required to apply for a council permit for where that you would like to perform at.
Most time you wouldn’t be required for an application fee, but for popular areas such as the CBD, you would
need to pay a fee of 25-30 dollars for a licence. If you’re caught without a licence, you will most likely be
stopped and warned, but if you are caught for a second time you will likely be issued a fine.


1. Baird, Stephen (2000)."The History and Cultural Impact of Street Performing in America: Ben Franklin".
Street Performers and Buskers Advocates. Retrieved 2010-06-10.
2. ^ "mariachi" Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
3. ^ Ferris, Jedd (25 September 2008). "Catching Up With ... Old Crow Medicine Show". Paste Magazine.
Retrieved 28 September 2012.
4. ^ International Council for Traditional Music, Report from the International Meeting of the International
Council for Traditional Music's Study Group on Folk Musical Instruments, Volume 11, Musikmuseet,
1992, p. 54

Name: Daniel Lee

Approximate age: 22

Skills knowledge qualifications that would help me:

Daniel is the worship leader at my youth group, He have many years

of extensive performing experience on guitar and vocals. And with a
commerce degree from Melbourne University he would have the
essential skill for us to manage the funds raised appropriately.

Relationship to me: Youth Group Leader

How often we can meet and communicate: We meet every Friday and
Sunday at church, and we would be able to communicate very easily
through email, Whatsapp and Instagram direct message.

He is the best the best person for this because:

We already know each other fairly well, and he already mentors me

when playing in the youth band. He was the best person I could reach
out to.

Items and resources, I already own:

Fender Telecaster Electric guitar and amp,

Fender Acoustic guitar

No brand Guitar Case for carrying guitar and

collecting money

IPad and other technology for music and


BYO instruments for other people

Resources I need to pay for: How much they are

City Council permit application fee $30

Batteries for guitar amp $30

Transportation Fees (Multiple trips to the city $45

and other suburbs)

Total $105

Time Aspect of Task Location


30min Application of permits At home

2 hours (Session 1 of 3) Discussion of logistics and songs at church or online

1 hours (Session 1 of 9) individual practice time At home

1 hours (Session 2 of 9) individual practice time At home

1 hours (Session 3 of 9) individual practice time At home

2 hours (Session 1 of 3) Group Rehearsal At church

3 hours (Session 1 of 3) Street Performance Doncaster

30 min (Session 2 of 3) Discussion of logistics and songs at church or online

1 hours (Session 4 of 9) individual practice time At home

1 hours (Session 5 of 9) individual practice time At home

1 hours (Session 6 of 9) individual practice time At home

2 hours (Session 2 of 3) Group Rehearsal At church

3 hours (Session 2 of 3) Street Performance Doncaster

30 min (Session 3of 3) Discussion of logistics and songs at church or online

1 hours (Session 7 of 9) individual practice time At home

1 hours (Session 8 of 9) individual practice time At home

1 hours (Session 9 of 9) individual practice time At home

2 hours (Session 3 of 3) Group Rehearsal At church

5 hours (Session 3 of 3) Street Performance City

Total Time 29.5 hours


A3 Art Book

I will do most of my folio electronically then print it out and pasting it in a A3 Art Book as my folio


For approval of your topic you must have the following signatures.

Mentor Name Relationship to you

E-mail address

Parent Name Relationship to you

As the Parent / Guardian of _______________________, I am aware of the costs and time

management that is required for the successful completion of his/her chosen topic. I have read my
child’s Choice Journey proposal and I am in full support of their topic and feel they will be adequately
Signed: Date:

Parent Comment – Please comment on your child’s Choice Journey Project, is it a relevant and
achievable project for them? Has your child provided enough detail in the Proposal document for
you to thoroughly understand their plans for their Choice Journey Project?

Student Date:


Learning Journeys Date:

Teacher Approval:

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