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Time Frame:
II. View Point:
Dr. Robert Uric and ? dagdagan mo
III. Statement of the Problem:
Barrier in communication because of lack of motivational encouragement within
both workplace.

IV. ---Objectives:
1. To identify the causes and effects of having insufficient motivational encouragement
within a workplace
2. To relate the general effect of having communication gaps between the employees.
3. To resolve the issues surrounding the employees with regards to the superiors’ working

V. Areas of Consideration


VI. Alternative Course of Action:

1. Provide a horizontal communication for both hospital and medical school
2. Separate the hospital and medical school as well as the management heads that would
report to one board of directors.
3. Include a financial department to manage monetary funds of both the school and

VII. Analysis
*A.C.A. NO. 1
a. PROS – Horizontal structures are flexible and can save more time also it will help
to eliminate communication barriers.
b. CONS – Span of control can be too broad and there`s too much authority
*A.C.A. NO. 2
a. PROS – Better conflict management. More focus on motivation of staff control.
b. CONS – Higher wage distribution with hiring of new management.
*A.C.A. NO. 3
a. PROS – More financially viable.
b. CONS – Might eliminate animosity between both groups.

VIII. Recommendation
Implement the A.C.A. 2 which is separate the medical school and the hospital to have
two managemennt teams and administrative power

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