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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Lipa City

Bulacnin National High School

Bulacnin, Lipa City

Learning Plan in English 9

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the learners will be able to:
a. Know how indifference can adversely affect the life of others
b. Use context clues to find the meaning of a word
c. Analyze a persuasive text and the feeling it conveys

II. Subject Matter

Topic : Overcoming Indifference
Literature : By the Railway Side by Alice Meynell
References : Anglo-American Literature 9 pgs. 199-212
Materials : Power Point Presentation, Video Clip

III. Learning Activities

Daily Routine
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of Attendance
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Unlikely Raffle
The students will imagine that life is no
longer possible on Earth. A rocket ship has
been built to carry six people to another planet
and start a new life. A raffle was done to select
the final ten people whom they can choose the
final six from.

Which six would you take and which four (Student’s Answers Vary)
would you leave behind and why?

1. A classmate who bullies you since grade

2. Your teacher whom you find terrible
3. Your snobbish crush
4. A corrupt politician
5. Your family doctor with a fake professional
6. Your nagging neighbor
7. A famous terrorist
8. A former convict
9. Your stubborn sister or brother
10. Your lazy best friend
Vocabulary Development
Context Clues: Pick out the word which does
not belong to the group.
1. The man was shouting blasphemous ideas
about different religions.
A. authentic B. nonsense A. authentic
C. distracting D. humiliating

2. The audience ignored the man’s clamor for

change on social injustice D. silence
A. Yell B. Cry C. scream D. silence

3. They were spoken by a man who had false

ideas as to what is convincing in elocution.
A. delivery B. inarticulate B. inarticulate
C. expression D. utterance

4. The lawyers could not easily counterfeit his

A. simulate B. reverse C. imitate D. fabricate A. simulate

5. The lady was wearing a bourgeois dress just

like any other woman in their locale. D. conservative
A. traditional B. common
C. original D. conservative

6. He can never forget the entreaties made

which was agreed upon for quite some time. A. answer
A. answer B. petition C. request D. appeal

Pre Assigned
Read The text By The Railway Side by
Alice Meynell.


1. What is implied by these lines found in the

first paragraph - “the sea was burning blue and
there were somberness and gravity in the very
excesses of the sun?”

2. How is the setting described?

3. Why was the man speaking at the top of his

voice in the station? What was his purpose?

4. How do you think people reacted to him?

What do they feel and why?

5. Who do you think was the woman trying to

stop the man from talking nonsense?

6. Based on the dialogue, actions and attitude

of the man, what can you say about his

7. If that man was a known person, for

example, he is a politician, a priest, a teacher;
do you think people would listen to him?

8. What would make a person be more credible

to be given such attention?

9. How does the author describe her journey in

the essay? What emotions are evident?

10. If you were one of the passengers on that

train who saw the incident, how would you
react? Explain your answer.

11. What specific literary devices were used by

the author to make the story more interesting?

How can your character affect others?
Give example wherein your character or
attitude affects not just your life but the life of

(Group Activity)
Scan the text once again and list at least three
(3) people in the train. Analyze how the author
described how they felt as they witnessed what
happened. Write your answers in the chart
provided below.

Character Description Analysis in terms of

of How they implications to Real
Felt Life


Read the news article His Name Is Reynaldo Carcillar, pages 210 to 211 in your
English Book and answer the questions that follow.


“Building relationships helps us not only to show how we care for someone, but more
importantly to see how we grow as persons. It teaches us lessons about life that otherwise would
be difficult to learn, lessons about communication, listening, compromise, and giving selflessly
of ourselves and expecting nothing in return - the fruit of overcoming indifference.”
Prepared by:

Practice Teacher

Checked by:

Cooperating Teacher

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