The Effects of Socio-Economic Status of Parents To The Study Habits of SHS Students in Cong. Ramon Arnaldo A. High School

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The Effects of Socio-Economic Status of Parents to the Study Habits

of SHS Students in Cong. Ramon Arnaldo A. High School

A Research Presented to the

Faculty of the Psychology Department
College of St. John-Roxas
Roxas City

In Partial Fulfillment to the Requirement

to the Subject Experimental Psychology

Bachelor of Science in Psychology

2nd Year

Alayon, Richelle
Balais, Marianne Mhae
Bunda, Kay Ann May
Distajo, Megan
Dordas, Desiree Ann
Lara, Anamie
Madia, Sharon

August 2019
Socio-economic status and Study habits

Chapter I


Education not only provides knowledge and skills, but also inculcates values, training of

instincts, fostering right attitude and habits. Education at the secondary level is considered a

multidimensional process. The students of secondary schools generally fall in the age group of 13-

18 years. Personality starts taking a shape and course for life is gradually set which prepares the

individual for responsibilities. Since the learning process works on a lot of possibilities, the

educational goals should be suggestive and flexible to incorporate changes in order to meet the

requirements of the society and of the child who lives and grows in it. One early work by (Jencks

1979) states that the family is the oldest human group and the basic one. Thus the family plays a

crucially important role in the dissemination of formal and informal education.

A research study by (Anderson and Sullivian 1998) explains that the parents’ socio-

economic status correlates with academic achievements and study habits. The status is based on

family income, parental education, occupation and social status.

Families with high socio-economic status often are more successful in preparing their

young children because of the access and availability they have to enhance their children’s

development. They are able to provide their young children with quality of necessary education


Another study on the topic by (Ramey and Ramey 1994) maintains that across all socio-

economic groups’ parents face major challenges when it comes to providing optimal care and

education for their children. In addition to this the parents are required to place top priority on

housing, food, clothing and health care and education for their children. Similarly, for poor
Socio-economic status and Study habits

families these challenges can be formidable. In the research by (Ayodele & Adebiyi, 2013)

explains that study habits are student’s ways of studying whether systematic, efficient or inefficient

implying that efficient study habits produce positive academic performance while inefficient study

habits lead to academic failure. Socio-Economic Status (SES) of parents and the education

agencies play a vital role in molding the study habits of the students at all levels of education. In

addition to this, a research study by (Plowden, 1967) implies that when both parents and teachers

provide the support system needed to guide their child’s growth, the child has a greater chance for

educational achievement. Moreover, the study habits with proper environment, feedback and

guidance, help the individual to develop a balanced personality.

An individual may have good Socio-economic Status, but when he/she does not have

proper guidance for study habits, and then the proper education remains unexposed. A research

study by (Febregat & Blanch, 2004) reveals that it has been thought that there is relationship

between a student’s academic achievement and their study habits. Nevertheless, a good study

habits have good effects towards the academic performance of the student. Study habits effects

and increase the efficiency of the students with respect to his/her academic achievement. Thus

study habits and Socio-economic Status have great impact throughout the life of an individual. In

the light of the above discussion, the present study is design to investigate the influence of parents’

socio-economic status and its effects to the study habits of senior high school student.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine The Effects of Socio-Economic Status of Parents to the

Study Habits of Senior High School Students of the Cong. Ramon Arnaldo A. High School
Socio-economic status and Study habits

Specifically, the study seeks to answer the role of the socio-economic status of parents as

a factor on the study habits of the senior high school students, the significant differences in the

study habits of the senior high students when they are classified according to the socio-economic

status of their parents and the significant relationships between socio-economic status of parents

and study habits of senior high school students.


Based on the aforementioned problems, the following hypotheses were tested.

1. The parents’ socio-economic status can directly affect the study habits of student.

2. There are significant differences in the study habits of senior high students according

to their parents’ socio-economic status because of the financial and educational support

given to them.

3. Families with the lower socio-economic status often struggle with providing academic

support for their children.

4. Families with high socio-economic status often are more successful in preparing their

children for school.

Theoretical Framework

In this study, the following theories are used. The Gestalt Theory of learning were first

formulated in Germany about 1912 and the Maslow’s Theory of Motivation which he propounded

in 1943 in his work entitled “motivation and production”, has considerable influence in people.

The educational relevance of Gestalt theory indicates the need for considering the whole but also

the details with the environment. This implies that in understanding the academic performance of

a students, the environment which stimulates certain study skills, study habits, use of instructional
Socio-economic status and Study habits

materials and teaching method should be considered to know the perception and understanding of

a lesson by student. Hence, in the research by (Ugboaja, 2004) proves that appropriate teaching

method, good questioning technique, practical teaching and relevant instructional material are

necessary for development of study habits and improved performance.

On the other hand, The Maslow’s theory concerns with the identification of factors and

processes to which attention must be paid in order to develop in the people or unless the

willingness, the readiness and the interest required before one can do anything at all. Maslow’s

theory is relevant to this research study in the perspective of the study by (Toyo, 2002) that the

needs for food, cloth, shelter and drinks first be met, before man can think of democracy and other

social issues. Thus, this means that a student physiological needs has to be satisfied first for good

study habit formation and enhanced academic performance.

Conceptual Framework

The variable relationship in the study is shown in Figure 1.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Parents’ Socio-economic
Study Habits of the Students

The figure above shows that the independent variable which is the parent’s socio-economic

status has an effect with the study habits of the students, which is the independent variable.
Socio-economic status and Study habits

Significance of the Study

The results of the study would be significant to the following: The findings of the study

may help the students to improve their study habits and enhance their academic performance

despite of the socio-economic status of their parents. In this concern, the students will have more

motivation and desire to achieve their goals in life through an effective study habits.

The results of the study may also help the parents to provide them information about the

study habits and what more they can give to ensure the academic success of their children. As

parents, they were able to be aware that their socio-economic status influences the study habits of

their children.

This study is beneficial to the teachers because they play an important role in the

performance of the students and contribute to their mental development in class. This study may

have potential in revealing new information for the school administrators to create and plan out

activities related to the development of the study habits of senior high school students.

To the future researchers, this study will serve as a basis in conducting a more

comprehensive and advance study related to the coverage of the present study.

Definition of Terms

For purposes of classification, some terms used in the study are defines here under

operationally and conceptually .The terms in this study are to assist the readers to develop a clearer

understanding of the concepts.

Socio-Economic Status – is commonly conceptualized as the social standing or class of an

individual or group. It is often measured as a combination of education, income, and occupation.

(American Psychological Association, 2012).

Socio-economic status and Study habits

In this study, “Socio-economic status” referred to parents’ educational attainment,

occupation and combined monthly income categorized by below P15,000, P15,000-P30,000,

P30,000-P45,000 and above P45,000.

Study Habits – are well planned and deliberate pattern of study which has attained a form

of consistency on the part of the students towards understanding academic subjects and passing

the examination (Bashir & Mattoo, 2012)

In this study, “study habits” referred to the different behaviors displayed by the senior high

students which are classified by how and when do they study such as always (4), sometimes (3),

rarely (2), and never (1).

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study focuses only to find out the effects of socio-economic status of parents to the 50

randomly selected senior high school students at Cong. Ramon Arnaldo A. High School.

This survey-correlational study utilized triangulation method that aims on collecting,

analyzing, and combining both qualitative and quantitative data in a single study to a more

effective understanding of the research.

The data in this study were gathered using the researcher-made questionnaire which

included the scale of the respondents regarding the parents’ socio-economic status particularly

only in combined monthly income of parents and a survey questionnaire for follow up questions.

For the study habits of senior high school students, the scale of the respondents on how and when

do they study were used. Only the students’ study habits are recorded and used in this study based

on this matter alone.

Socio-economic status and Study habits

The independent variable of this study is the socio-economic status of parents of the senior

high school students at Cong. Ramon Arnaldo A. High School while the dependent variable is the

effects of parents’ socio-economic status to the study habits of the students. The statistical tools

that were used in the study are the frequency count, percentage, mean and standard deviation.

This study does not aim to show all the factors that affect the students poor study habit;

neither did it intend to establish a standard towards the topic of this study but to some factors it

will certainly help the community regarding to the effects of parents’ socio-economic status to the

students’ study habit.

Socio-economic status and Study habits

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

Parent’s Socio-economic Status

An early work by Demarest, Reisner, Anderson, Humphrey, Farquhar, and Stein, (1993)

states that a family's socioeconomic status is based on family income, parental education level,

parental occupation, and social status in the community (such as contacts within the community,

group associations, and the community's perception of the family.

The segregating nature of social class, ethnicity, and race may well reduce the variety of

enriching experiences thought to be a requirement for creating readiness to learn among children.

On the latest study by Crnic and Lamberty,(1994) maintains that the social class, ethnicity,

and race entail a set of 'contextual givens' that dictate neighborhood, housing, and access to

resources that affect enrichment or deprivation as well as the acquisition of specific value systems.

A research study by Ramey and Ramey (1994), reveals that across all socioeconomic

groups, parents face major challenges when it comes to providing optimal care and education for

their children. Moreover, for families in poverty, these challenges can be difficult and sometimes,

when basic necessities are lacking, parents must place top priority on housing, food, clothing, and

health care. In contrast with this the educational toys, games, and books may appear to be luxuries,

and parents may not have the time, energy, or knowledge to find innovative and less-expensive

ways to foster young children's development.

Socio economic status as defined by Riegelman Richard (2009), is the family income,

educational level or parents’ educational and professional status and mainly on the family monthly
Socio-economic status and Study habits

income of the parents. Furthermore, this fact that are present in our society can observe the

differences of the well-off family and to which is not. Another study on the topic by Eun Chul Seo

(1999), maintains that student’s interest in studies and academic performance are also affected by

the family’s socio-economic status like the income that the family is consuming in a day, month

or year. In terms of the school projects and assignments, students need to spend ample amount on

the materials needed like paper, ball pen, etc. these things cannot be acquired without money. In

addition, the moment they see the financial capability of their parents to provide chances, then the

students will be encouraged in doing the task and study. Consequently, the student’s socio-

economic status trigger certain behavior in response to the situation, thus result to either students’

poor or good study habit.

Study Habits of Students

On the research by Reeta Aurora (2016), explains that study habits are a well-planned and

deliberate pattern of study, which has attained a form of consistency on the part of the students

towards understanding academic subjects and passing examination. Therefore, study can be

interpreted as a planned program of subject matter to master. In relation to this (Crow and Crow,

2007) states that the chief purposes of study are: to acquire knowledge and habits which will be

useful in meeting new situations, interpreting ideas, making judgments creating new ideas and to

perfect skills. Therefore, a good study habits rest on the attitudes towards work and sense of


A research study by (Child, 1981) explains that human and animal subjects have revealed

that an ability to learn how to solve problems of a given kind can be developed with sufficient

practice on tasks of a similar nature. Thus, study habits are very essential in improving and

maintaining the learnings that the students acquired. Study habits vary from student to student.
Socio-economic status and Study habits

Some habits are considered to be more desirable than others from the point of view of academic

achievement. The latest study by (Fielden, 2004) justifies that good study habits help the student

in critical reflection in skills outcomes such as selecting, analyzing, critiquing, and synthesizing.

Another study on the topic by (Nneji, 2002) explains that study habits are learning tendencies that

enable students work privately. And lastly, in the analysis on research study by (Sawar, 2009)

reveals that the high achievers had better study orientation, study attitude than the low achievers.

In conclusion, studies regarding with socio-economic status shows that its plays a crucial

role to the performance of a student in school, especially with their study habits. Public schools

comprises a large number of students with a different socio-demographic profile from each other.

Also, the senior high students are undergoing a process in which the school prepares them to be

ready in college. That’s why the school are exposing them to different kind of programs that could

make them develop as an individual. Consequently, these programs also have a corresponding

expenses, just like availing of modules, tools and etc. In this study, we are going to test if the

socio-demographic profile will affect the study habits of the senior high students or not. So that

the school or the advisers, could have an idea on the possible effects of SES of parents to the

performance of students in school.

Socio-economic status and Study habits

Chapter III


The main purpose of the study is to determine the effects of socio-economic status of

parents to the study habits of senior high school students.

Research Design

This study uses the triangulation method, a combination of a qualitative and a quantitative

research. Qualitative research emphasizes the importance of looking at variables in the natural

setting in which they are found. The type of qualitative research uses by the researchers is

phenomenology. A phenomenological study describes that meaning of lived experiences for

several individuals about a concept or a phenomenon (Creswell, 1998). Quantitative research

strives for objectivity and is separated from the data, from this study, survey-correlational was

used. This study is a survey research since the researchers selects a sample of respondents and

administers a questionnaire or conducts interviews to collect information on variables of interest.

Surveys are used to learn about people’s attitude, beliefs, values, demographic facts, behaviors,

opinions, habits, desires, ideas and other types of information. On the other hand, correlational

research investigates the relationship between two or more variables, it can also be called

associational research. It seeks to find whether a relationship exists between two quantifiable


The independent variable present in the study is the socio-economic status of parents, on

the other hand, the dependent variable is the study habits of the senior high school students.
Socio-economic status and Study habits

Statistical Tool

The statistical tool used in the analysis of data gathered where the frequency count and

percentage, mean and standard deviation.

Inclusion Criteria

The inclusion criteria of participants in this experiment are; participants must have an

informed consent, participants must capable of answering and doing the test given by the

experimenter, can either male or female, a senior high school student and currently studying in

Cong. Ramon Arnaldo A. High School. These inclusion criteria will allow for variations in the

experiment which is important an important component to test the credibility of the independent



The participants in the study were the fifty (50) senior high school students of Cong. Ramon

Arnaldo A. High School. These fifty (50) senior high school students were taken using the

availability sampling under the non-probability sampling methods, in this way, the researchers

select the respondents who are willing and offer to give their time and effort for the success of the

data collection of this research.

Ethical Consideration

The conduct of this study required approval from the senior high students using an

inform consent, signed by them. This was such that the participants’ rights, dignity and

privacy will be safeguarded and to minimize potential risks for the participants . Research
Socio-economic status and Study habits

questionnaires will be review by the research teacher or adviser and will be validate by the

experts .


In conducting a research we will first give the participants an informed consent to let the

subject know their responsibilities and rights throughout the research. The content should be

explain very well and make sure to use language that they can easily understood. We would give

them an ample time to finish answering the questionnaire provided by the researchers.

Then we will do the debriefing after the experiment has been conducted and we should

give incentives which is part of ethical rules in research. We will then gather the results and scores

of the respondents and analyze the data based on the statistical tools that we choose for our


Data Gathering Procedure

After determining the number of the participants and the validity and reliability of the

research-made questionnaire, approval for the conduct of the research-made questionnaire to

CRAAHS was secured from the subject teacher. After acquiring the permission, the researchers

personally distributed the questionnaire to the sample students. When all the copies of the

questionnaire were fully answered, the gathered data was tabulated, analyzed and interpreted using

the appropriate statistical tools.

Statistical Data Analysis Procedure

The data gathered from the study will be analyze using the computer-processed statistics

Socio-economic status and Study habits

Frequency count and Percentage. This will be used to determine the student’s personal

profile such as sex, strand and monthly parents combined income.

Mean. This is employ to determine the study skills or habits of the students.

Standard Deviation. This test will be used to determine the homogeneity as well as

heterogeneity of study habits of the students.

Socio-economic status and Study habits


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