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[ A classroom: students are reciting Preamble in chorus]

Class (All together)

We the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of almighty God.....

[While other students are just talking and making fun of each other]

[Teacher will enter]

Teacher Kath

Class be silent and be ready with your recitation.

[Ralph will talk to her seatmate while saying.. ]


I wish we lack of time so that I can’t recite yet. And will go home and sleep. What a good life!


Ssshhh! So noisy.

[School bell rings in the distance: Rrrrriiiinng! ]



[The sound of a lot of feet tramping through corridors and voices of both teachers and students]


Good work, class. I will see you early tomorrow morning. Go out quietly.

Class( all together)

Good bye and thank you teacher.

[Sound of students getting up from their seats, talking and leaving school. This runs as background
sound for a few seconds while the following dialogue is spoken. ]

[Ann and Ralph is rushing to walk going out]


Hey, Ann, Ralph! Wait for me.


Oh, hello Adelle!


[Adelle catches up with them and walks alongside her. ]

Why the hurry? You guys didn’t even say good-bye.


Oh, sorry[slows down] We are in a hurry because we want to see Emily before we go home to help with
the cooking for the evening


[in a tone of surprise and desbelief] Emily? You’re going to visit her.


Yes. Why not? She’s my friend. [ Ann stops walking and looks at Adelle, her hands on her hips in a
challenging manner] In fact, she’s your friend to, isn’t she?


[Hesitantly ] Yes...., but you know she has the sickness.


We know such thing. I know that two years ago she lost her father to this sickness called AIDS, and now
this year her mother died of the same desease. This is all I know.


It doesn’t automatically mean that Emily has the same desease. And, even if she does, I still want to see
her. She is my friend. I Miss her. She hasn’t been to school in 3 months.


But, aren’t you worried that you might catch AIDS from Emily?



Well, what if she touches you or coughs on you or something?


What is wring with u? If u don’t like to go with us, just go home, you are bothering us.


[waves hand] You can’t catch it by from touching Adelle. You should should have come to hear the
health worker talk about that yesterday. She explained all about it. And she said you can’t get it from
just touching or hugging or even eating with someone.


You went? My mother wouldn’t let me go. She said that type of talk encourages young people to have


Your mother is a wise woman but she is wrong about this. In fact, think many of us came away thinking
it is much better not to rush into having sex. It is the besy way to protect yourself from this illness. It ie
the only way I think.




Yes. So much for that. Anyways, are you coming or not?


I will go with you.


[continues to walk] Alright, but hurry. We have to walk and talk because we want to visit Emily and I
have to go home to help my mother.

[outside a house is a table with snack. A young girl sits beside it, her knees drawn up to her chest , he
head down on her knees in an atiitude of sadness and despair. She raises her head but not see her
friends. Looks around and puts her head back on her kness. ]


Look! There is Emily, beside the table over there.


What she’s doing all by herself? She looks sad and alone. I wonder what she is thinking.


Are u sure it is safe to go near her?


Oh come on Adelle!


Absolutely. I understand and know that it is safe. Don’t u think I value my life?

[adelle bow down and feel ashamed]

Are u coming or not?


Yes I am coming, I’ve missed her too. Let’s run to her.


Hi Emily. How are you? Are u okay? We haven’t seen yiu at school for a long time. We’ve missed you!

[Ann sits next to Emily and gives her a hug. Adelle still standing and uncertain ]


Hello Ann and Adelle and Kath, it is good to see you. I am alright. How are you?

We are fine, we wanted to see you.


You did? I haven’t seen you for so long, I thought that you had forgotten about me.


No, how could u think that! We’d never forget yiu!


But I haven’t seen u since my mother’s funeral. And even then yiu did not come near me.


I am sorry, that was our mistake.


Yes, , we are sorry. We should have come sooner. We never meant to hurt you.

[pause. Adelle is thinking if she should say wht is in her mind. ] I... We, I was afraid Emily. I didn’t
want to get sick. I know that your mother And father died of the AIDS sickness and I didn’t want to
catch it from you.


Me too. I missed you, but I was afraid too.


I know. Hardly anyone comes to sew us anymore. Everyone thinks they can catch the desease from us.
But that is not true. The medical doctor, he explained about this. I know how it is passed on. All tbose
stories about being able to catch it if you touch someone or use the same plates are all myths. But
people believe them. But anyway, if you are so afraid ,why are u here now?


Because we know now that those are myths. Yesterday, somebody came to the School and talk about it,
the virus that causes AIDS. We know hiw it can be spread and how to prevent it. We know better now.


My mom wouldn’t let me go nd listen about it but Ann told me everything .


Well, she haven’t told you everything yet Adelle. There is a lot more that you should know. I want to
learn more too, so that I can help other people learn about it too. But at least now we know that it is
safe to visit you. That is why we wanted to say you straight away.

Thanks a lot, I would love if you will stay for a little snack. I hope you wouldn’t mind.


Yes sure.

(Emily’s sister will prepare a juice and a little snack for her friends. Put it in the table)


I am so happy that you were able to visit our home, I mean Emily. She has been so sad, feeling like she
has no friends anymore. I wanna thank you guys. (Leave)

[Friends continue to talk and makes joke that will make Emily happy]


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