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Weird Story

The Creature
The farmer looks over his farm from his home on the hill as
the candlelight casts strange shadows around the house. A
shadow sneaks along the edge of treeline bordering a large
forest. It separates from the treeline and makes a bee-line
for the barn cutting a swath through the wheat, smashing a
hole in the side of the barn. The farmer starts shouting as he
comes out of the door with a shotgun in hand and his dog
trailing behind.

What is stranger is that the dog didn’t bark once as the

shadow went into the barn as all dogs should. This doesn’t
pass the farmers mind once as he cuts through the wheat
and with a loud blast from his shotgun he shatters the rusty
old lock holding the barn door. With his shotgun up and
ready, he prepares himself for a bear or something else to
jump out but what surprises him, even more, is when the
shadow jumps out from the back of the barn where it had
been hiding behind a stack of haybales.

It was small, it looked like a dog but was horribly deformed

with its back legs bent backward at the knee. Its face looked
like half of it had melted off the bone. It walked back and
forth in front of the farmer, suddenly without warning it
jumps at the farmer. He lets out a scream as the creature
starts clawing at his face opening his mouth and forcing
itself into his mouth. The dog, hackles raised leaps at the
farmer, and instead of attacking the creature it started
attacking the farmer causing large gashes to open up on the
farmer's body.
After a minute the farmer's body is lying on the dusty hard
packed dirt and unmoving, the dog, strangely enough, is
lying next to him quietly no longer attacking him.

A few minutes later the Farmer sits up and starts stretching

around feeling his surroundings. Then, suddenly without
warning, he grabs the dog and starts ripping it apart limb
from limb. After he’s finished with the dog, he gets up
staggering towards the house with a cold smile, his open
wounds gushing blood. He reaches the house and climbs
through the already open door towards the lounge room
where his family is. All you can hear is the screams of his
children and the cold laughter from the farmer. All of a
sudden, the screaming stops, he comes out the door, blood
soaking his clothes leaving a trail of blood behind him. The
farmer's eyes roll back in his head showing the whites of his
eyes as his body collapses. The creature climbs out of his
mouth and heads back into the forest, disappearing into the

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