Assignment 3 - Case Study Assignment Final: MITS5002 Software Engineering Methodology

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MITS5002 Software Engineering Methodology

Assignment 3 – Case Study Assignment Final

Sunshine Motors

Name: Adeeba Sultana

ID: 42715
MITS5002 Software Engineering Methodology

 Executive Summary
 System Description
 Scope
 Feasibility Analysis
 Requirements
a. Functional Requirement
b. Non-Functional Requirement
 Use Case Diagram
 Use Case Description
 Event List
 Process Model
a. Context Diagram
b. DFD Diagram
 Data Model
a. ER-Diagram
MITS5002 Software Engineering Methodology

Executive Summary:

This report has been prepared to examine and research the issues that are set up in the administration
branch of Sunshine Motors. Presently, the organization utilize an extremely old procedures and
framework that is blocking their presentation and efficiency. Not just that the issue of protection from
change is pulling them in reverse. There is a deficit in cutting edge framework that could without much
of a stretch diminish their trouble and help them refocus. As of Today, because of the utilization of
manual framework the division can't record any sorts of data that are fundamental for the
organization and that are causing misfortunes. The organization has requested to build up another
framework that can enable them to accomplish their objectives with increment in profit. After the
exploring the current framework, our group supposed that there is a need to change of the framework
from manual to programmed which would almost certainly convey mope basic exchanges without
problem and in a matter of moments.

After the execution of new framework, the organization might naturally react with the subtleties of
when advance autos are accessible. The obtaining officer ought to have the option to check stock
dimensions whenever and request stock and ought to get cautioning email if stock dimensions are
low. The Work Orders ought to be orchestrated inside the framework demonstrating fruition time
when a Service author readies the Work Order for client, etc. After the full establishment of the
framework, each staff part will have determined records and passwords. This will shield any delicate
data from any unapproved staff. We accept this new framework will turn out to be proficient in the
organization and help them to build the efficiency too.

System Description:
MITS5002 Software Engineering Methodology

Name of the Project: Systems Design Proposal for Car Dealership Service Department

Organization: Sunshine Motors

Business Need:

 Allow organization to record customers data.

 Allow organization to record vehicle data and administration history.

 Keep record of the specialists utilized by the organization.

 keep proper figuring and record of month to month explanations and budgetary reports

Business Requirement:
 System ought to have the option to produce a legitimate list for ten mechanics qualified for a
three-day weekend for each fortnight, guaranteeing at any rate five mechanics are accessible
to work and one additional for crisis calls.

 The framework will most likely handle 5000 sections numbers

 Fourteen data terminals ought to be set to enter data.

 System will auto produce the accessibility subtleties of credit autos when there is a client's

 When the stock dimensions are low the obtaining officer ought to get update email.

 All the past work request ought to be masterminded alongside its culmination time.

 The framework will almost certainly monitor the advancement of the work request.

 System will likewise check the stock database for parts accessibility.

 System will tell administration partner when a work request is entered finished by a

 When the work request is shut, System will most likely auto create receipt which incorporates
cost of each work things, cost of new parts – whenever utilized, work costs, all out expense
and sent to the records division too.

Business esteem:

▪ Grow customer base by 10 %

▪ Correct money related reports will be created

▪ simple UI will convey improved consumer loyalty

MITS5002 Software Engineering Methodology

▪ Reduced outstanding task at hand can help better timetables of staff

MITS5002 Software Engineering Methodology

Feasibility Analysis:
Feasibility analysis help us to identify the practicality of a proposed project/system. This will help us to
account factors such as technical, economic and organizational which might affect the project.
Feasibility analysis will help us sort out the strength and weakness of the project and identify the
worth of the project.

There are two types of Feasibility Analysis:

Technical Feasibility
The clients team apart from the IT administrator are IT illiterate hence they need a very simple user
interface. Employees of the Sunshine motors need a very simple user interface in order to be easy to
use. The system will be very easy to navigate and learn. Most of the functions will be automated so
there will be less complexity and being mostly automated it will be very easy and interesting to use.
Latest technology will be used to develop the system and if necessary, guidance and training will be
provided to the user in order to be more comfortable using the new system.

Economic Feasibility
The proposed new system will be more efficient, effective which will be more beneficial than the old
system. it will help save time and manpower as most of the functions will be automated and the
results will be more efficient compared to the old one. for example, when we enter the name of a
customer and the system will automatically show all the related payment transaction, invoices and
other information. as we know saving time means saving money in the business, so the system will be
more beneficial.

Organizational Feasibility
The new system shall have advanced security function like password and two-factor authentication
within, advanced and secured organizational data collection and storage. all the data and records are
maintained properly in new system. A system expert will be assigned to make sure the new system
performs its task effectively. The new system shall overcome all the previous problems caused by the
old system.

Requirements Definition:

Functional Requirements
The framework will track Work request.

● The framework will react to look for advance vehicles.

● The framework will almost certainly appoint any free mechanics with work request.

● The framework will show all the finished Work Order of mechanics.

 The framework will make receipt for any finished request.

● The framework will incorporate all the utilized parts and material charges.

● The framework will naturally create month to month reports and money related records.
MITS5002 Software Engineering Methodology

Non-Functional Requirements
● Security: touchy data will be kept classified; just approved individual will approach.

● User-Friendly: The customers group separated from the IT manager are IT ignorant
subsequently they need a basic UI.

Use Case Diagram:

MITS5002 Software Engineering Methodology
MITS5002 Software Engineering Methodology

List of Events

Event Trigger Source Response Destination

Work Allocation Entry Form Mechanic System generated System


New Client’s Vehicle Repair Client Mechanic is Mechanic

Management allocated for

Manage inventory Mechanic request Mechanic Notification is Mechanic/account

part part generated department.

Context Diagram
MITS5002 Software Engineering Methodology

DFD Diagram
MITS5002 Software Engineering Methodology

Entity Relation Diagram:

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