Lesson Plan in English 7 Final Demo

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Division of Nueva Ecija
Brgy. Atate, Palayan City

Lesson Plan in English 7

 state the definition of preposition
 identify the types of preposition
 use preposition in the sentence
 supply appropriate preposition in the sentence
 distinguish the difference among preposition for time, location and direction;
 appreciate the preposition by showing camaraderie and active participation in the
class discussion and activities


Topic: Preposition (IN, ON, AT)
Reference: http://www.studyandexam.com/preposition2.html
Language Skill Institute, Call Center Training Module
Pages 20-21
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation of Preposition, Visual Aid, Flash cards of Preposition
Handouts for the lyrics of the song
Values Integrated: Camaraderie, Appreciation


A. Class Routines
1. Checking of Attendance
2. Classroom Management
3. Review
4. Motivation


Let the teacher divide the class into four groups. The teacher gives four cut out
cardboards with letters A, B, C and D for each group. The teacher shows an image
and reads the choices. If the answer is A, the student raises the cardboard with
letter A and if the answer is B, the student raises the cardboard with letter b, so on.
The group earns the highest score wins.

Divide the class into two teams, line them up across the classroom from the chairs
(one for each team) and give each team a book and a bag. The teacher calls out “Put
the book/bag under the chair!”. The first student on either team to correctly do so,
return to his team and shouts “HI JINX!” scores a point. The team earns the highest
score wins.
B. Developmental Activities
1. Lesson Proper
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
 Good morning class!
 Good morning, Sir!
 (Checking of Attendance)
 (Students will tell who’s
absent for the day)
 Class, arrange your chairs
properly and pick up the pieces
of paper under your chairs.  (Students arrange their chairs
and pick up the pieces of
paper under their chair)
 How’s your day? Is it good so
far?  (Students answers)
 Very good! Now, who among
you remember our topic
yesterday?  (Students answers)
 Excellent! Do want to play a
game?  (Students answers)
 Are you ready? Let’s begin! The
game is called ___ (The teacher
explains the mechanics of the

 Great! Congratulations Group__.

Can anybody tell me what
he/she notices with the
sentences/images I
 (Students will give their
 Good observation! Now let me
introduce to you the
preposition. Can someone read
the definition of preposition?
(Shows the slide)  (Student will volunteer to read
the definition of preposition)
Preposition is a word or
groups of words that is used
with a noun, pronoun, or
noun phrase to show
direction, location or time.

 Thank you! (The teacher will

explain the preposition) Moving
on, we have types prepositions
namely; preposition for time,
place and direction (Shows the
 Please read the first type of
preposition (Calls a student to
read the slide)
 (Student will read the slide)
Preposition for Time
IN is used for:
 Month or Year
 Particular time of day, month
or year
 Century or specific time in

 Very good! Now, in is used for a

particular time, of day, month or
year, century or specific time in
the past. For example,
In January, in 1985, in morning,
in 21st century, in past  (Student will give an example)
How about your example?
 Great! Please read the
continuation. (Calls a student  (Student will read the slide)
and reads the slide) ON is used for:
 Day
 Date
 Particular day
AT is used for:
 Time of clock
 Short and precise time
 (The teacher explains the usage
of ON and AT) For example,
She will go to New York on 25th
of April.
The President will deliver speech
to the public on Independence
Where were you at lunchtime?
I will call you at 12 A.M.
 Can someone give his own  (Student will volunteer and
example? give his example)

 Excellent! Any questions about  (The students will answer)

the Preposition for Time?

 Okay, very good! Moving on, we

have the Preposition for Place.
Can someone read the  (Student will volunteer and
Preposition for Place? read the definition)
Prepositions “in, on, and at”
are usually used for different
“IN” is usually used for place
which have some boundary
(physical or virtual).
“ON” is used for surface.
“AT” is used for specific place.
 Thank you! Now, here are some
She lives in New York.
There was a huge gathering at
the entrance of the school.
 Now, can you give me an
example of preposition for
Time?  (Student will volunteer and
give example)
 Excellent! Are we clear about
the preposition for time?  (Student will answer)

 Okay, very good! Let’s move to

the Preposition for Direction.
Who want to read its definition?  (Student will volunteer and
read the definition)
Prepositions like to, toward,
below, under, above, through,
and into are used to describe
the direction.
 Thank you!

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