Syllabus Arts Sociology Sem-3-4

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økwshkík ÞwrLkðŠMkxe

yuMk.ðkÞ.çke.yu. Mku{uMxh - 3
fkuh yLku E÷uõxeð : 201
¼khík{kt Mkkt«ík Mkk{krsf Mk{MÞkyku
nuíkwyku : (1) rðãkÚkeoyku Mkk{krsf Mk{MÞkLke rð¼kðLkk yLku yuLkkt MkiæÄktríkf
yr¼øk{kuÚke ðkfuV ÚkkÞ.
(2) «ðíko{kLk ¼khíkeÞ Mk{ksLke rðrðÄ Mkk{krsf Mk{MÞkykuÚke Ãkrhr[ík
ÚkkÞ yLku yuLkkt rLkðkhý{kt Mkr¢Þ ¼qr{fk ¼sðu.

V¤©wrík : (1) ¼khíkLke rðrðÄ Mkk{krsf Mk{MÞkykuÚke rðãkÚkeoyku ðkfuV Úkþu.

(2) ËuþLkk sðkçkËkh Lkkøkrhf íkhefu ¼khíkLke rðrðÄ Mkk{krsf
Mk{MÞkykuLkk rLkðkhý {kxu rðãkÚkeoyku frxçkæÄ çkLkþu.

ÞwrLkx-1 : Mkk{krsf Mk{MÞkLke rð¼kðLkk y™ u ÷ûkýku.

1.1 Mkk{krsf Mk{MÞkLkku yÚko y™u ÷ûkýku.
1.2 Mkk{krsf Mk{MÞkLkk «fkhku.
1.3 Mkk{krsf Mk{MÞkLkk yÇÞkMkLkwt {níð.

ÞwrLkx-2 : Mkk{krsf Mk{MÞk MktçktrÄík ÏÞk÷.

2.1 Mkk{krsf Äkuhý-yLkwYÃkíkk (Mkk{krsf yLkw{rík) yÚko-fkhýku.
2.2 Mkk{krsf Äkuhý¼tøk (Mkk{krsf rð[÷Lk) yÚko-fkhýku.
2.3 Mkk{krsf rð½xLk yÚko-fkhýku.
2.4 yìLkkur{ yÚko-fkhýku.

ÞwrLkx-2 : Mkkt«ík Mkk{krsf Mk{MÞk - 1 (yu[.ykE.ðe./yuEzTMk)

3.1 yuEzTMkLkku yÚko yLku MðYÃk.
3.2 yuEzTMkLke Mk{MÞkLkk fkhýku.
3.3 yuEzTMkLke Mk{MÞkLke yMkhku.
3.4 yuEzTMkLke yxfkÞík yLku rLkÞtºký.

ÞwrLkx-4 : Mkkt«ík Mkk{krsf Mk{MÞk - 2(ÞwðkLkkuLke Mk{MÞkyku)

4.1 Þwðksøkík-yÚko yLku MðYÃk
4.2 ÞwðkLkkuLkwt ðMíke rð»kÞf ÃkkMkwt (¼khík/økwshkíkLkk Mkt˼o{kt)
4.3 ÞwðkLkku yLku rþrûkík çkufkhe : MðYÃk/yMkhku/rLkðkhý.
4.4 ÞwðkLkku y™u Lkþe÷kÿÔÞku : MðYÃk/yMkhku/rLkðkhý.

«ð]r¥kyku : Mku{eLkkh, õðeÍ, sqÚk [[ko, «kusuõx ðfo

(1) ðíko{kLk Ãkºkku{kt ykðíke rðrðÄ Mkk{krsf Mk{MÞkLku ÷økíke {krníke îkhk «kusuõx fkÞo.
(2) yÇÞkMk MkçktrÄík Mkk{krsf Mk{MÞkLkku ¼kuøk çkLku÷e ÔÞÂõíkyku MkkÚku sqÚk [[ko y™u Mku{eLkkh
(3) Mkk{krsf Mk{MÞkLkk MkiæÄktríkf ÃkkMkk MkçktrÄík Mku{eLkkh y™u õðeÍ
Gujarat University
S.Y.B.A . Semester - 3
Core & Elective : 201
Current Social Problems
Objectives : 1) To familiarize the students with the concept of social
problems and theoretical approaches.
2) The students get acquainted with various social problems
of Indian society and play active role in their solution.

Outcome : 1) The students will acquainted with various social problems

of India.
2) The students will be committed for the solution of various
social problems of India as responsible citizens.

Unit -1 : Concept and characteristics of social problems

1.1 Meaning and characteristics of social problems
1.2 Types of social problems
1.3 Importance of the study of social problems

Unit-2 : Concept on Related Social Problems

2.1 Social Conformity : Meaning and Causes.
2.2 Social Deviation : Meaning and Causes.
2.3 Social Disorganization : Meaning and Causes.
2.4 Anomie : Meaning and Causes.

Unit-3 : Current Social Problem-1 (HIV/AIDS)

3.1 Meaning and Nature of AIDS
3.2 Causes of AIDS
3.3 Effects of the problem of AIDS
3.4 Prevention and control of AIDS

Unit-4 : Current Social Problem-2 (Problems of youth)

4.1 Youth-Meaning and Nature
4.2 Demographic aspects of youth (with reference to India/Gujarat)
4.3 Youth and Educatied unemployment : Nature/Impact/Solution
4.4 Youth and drug addiction : Nature/Impact/Solution

Activities : Seminar, Quiz, Group Discussion, Project Work

1) Project work through information about social problems appearing in
news paper.
2) Group discussions and seminars with Victims of social problems related
to the study.
3) Quiz and seminars relating to theoretical aspects of social problems.
Reference Books

1. Clinard M.B. (1968) Sociology of Deviant behavior Holt, Rinehart and

Winston INC, New York
2. Merton R.K. (1968) Social Theory and Social Structure, The Free Press.
New York
3. Thomas Gracions (1994) AIDS in India Myth and Reqling, Rawat Publication, Jaipur
4. ¥¢ãé…¢ Ú¢}¢ (1994) „¢}¢¢ç…ÜU „}¢S²¢‡¢ïæ, Ú¢v¼ ÐçÏHÜUïࢋ„, …²ÐéÚ
5. à¢}¢¢ü Ú¢}¢Ý¢ƒ¥¢ñÚ „¢}¢¢ç…ÜU ç±Í¢ÅÝ,
à¢}¢¢ü Ú¢…ï‹ÎíÜUé}¢¢Ú (1996) »ÅH¢çÅÜU ÐçÏHÜUïࢋ„, ݧü çÎËHè
6. Ëðu nŠ »kËk - (2000) Mkk{krsf Mk{MÞkyku, ÞwrLkðŠ Mkxe økútÚk rLk{koý çkkuzo,
økwshkík hkßÞ
7. Ãkxu÷ nMk{w¾ (1969) Mkk{krsf Äkuhý : Äkuhý yLkwYÃkíkk yLku Äkuhý¼tøk.
8. {nuíkk hrMkf (1995) yuEzTMk, Lkð¼khík MkkrníÞ {trËh, {wtçkE - y{ËkðkË
9. hkð÷ [trÿfk, ðnkýðk÷k rþrûkík çkufkhe - yuf Mkk{krsf Mk{MÞk -
VkÕøkqLke (2010) Ãkkïo ÃkÂç÷fuþLk y{ËkðkË.
Horton, Paul B. and The Sociology of Social Problems (fifth edition) prentice,
Leslie Gerald R. (1974) Hall N.J.

Note : Any other text / article / reference book suggested by the teacher

økwshkík ÞwrLkðŠ
yuMk.ðkÞ.çke.yu. Mku{uMxh - 3
fkuh yLku E÷uõxeð : 202
¼khíkLkk ykrËðkMkeyku (Tribal of India)
nuíkwyku ::: (1) ¼khíkLkk ykrËðkMkeykuLkk Mk{ksSðLk rðþu òýfkhe {u¤ðu.
(2) rðãkÚkeoyku{kt ykrËðkMkeykuLkk «&™ku ytøku MktðuËLkk òøku.

V¤©wrík : (1) ykrËðkMkeykuLkk SðLk rðþu rðãkÚkeoyku Mk{s «kÃík fhþu.

(2) ykrËðkMkeyku MkkÚkuLkk yktíkhMktçktÄku{kt yLkwfq÷Lk (Mk{kÞkusLk) MkkÄe þfþu.

ÞwrLkx-1 : Mkk{krsf {kLkðþkMºkLkku Ãkrh[Þ

1.1 Mkk{krsf {kLkðþkMºkLkku yÚko yLku rð»kÞðMíkw.
1.2 Mkk{krsf {kLkðþkMºkLkk yÇÞkMkLkwt {níð.
1.3 ¼khíkLkk ykrËðkMkeykuLke ðMkríkrð»kÞf YÃkhu¾k (òrík«{ký, rþûký, ÔÞðMkkÞ)
1.4 ¼khíkLkk ykrËðkMkeykuLkwt ¼kiøkkur÷f y™u MkktMf]ríkf ðøkeofhý

ÞwrLkx-2 : ¼khíkLkk ykrËðkMkeykuLke Mkk{krsf h[Lkk.

2.1 ÷øLk : yÚko, «fkhku, SðLkMkkÚke {u¤ððkLke heíkku.
2.2 fwxwtçk : yÚko y™u «fkhku
2.3 Ä{o yLku òËw : yÚko yLku MðYÃk
2.4 ykŠ Úkf ÔÞðMÚkk : yÚko yLku MðYÃk SðLkrLkðkonLke heíkku.

ÞwrLkx-3 : ykrËðkMke MktMf]rík

3.1 ykrËðkMke MktMf]ríkLkku yÚko yLku ÷ûkýku.
3.2 ykrËðkMke MktMf]ríkLkwt {níð
3.3 ykrËðkMke WíMkðku
3.4 ykrËðkMke Lk]íÞku

ÞwrLkx-4 : ¼khíkLkk ykrËðkMkeykuLkk «&™ku.

4.1 rLkhûkhíkk
4.2 Ä{kOíkhý
4.3 ykrËðkMkeykuLkk ÃkhtÃkhkøkík fkÞËkyku
4.4 ykrËðkMke yrM{íkk-yku¤¾

{wÏÞ «ð]r¥kyku : Mku{eLkkh, õðeÍ, sqÚk [[ko, «kusuõx ðfo

1) ykrËðkMke BÞwrÍÞ{Lke {w÷kfkík.
2) ykrËðkMke rðMíkkhLke þiûkrýf xqh
3) ykrËðkMkeLkk íknuðkhku, WíMkðku ðøkuhu ytøkuLke òýfkhe ykÃkðe. yk ytøkuLkku ðezeyku þkì Þkusðku.
4) ykrËðkMke rËðMkLke Wsðýe - 9 ykuøkMx
5) rLk»ýktíkkuLkk ÔÞkÏÞkLk
Gujarat University
S.Y.B.A . Semester - 3
Core & Elective : 202
Current Social Problems (Tribal of India)

Objectives : 1) The students obtain knowledge about Tribal of India

2) To sensitize students about the tribal problems

Outcome : 1) Students will understand tribal life.

2) Student will be ready for social adaption in
interrelationship with tribals.

Unit -1 : Introduction of Social Anthropology.

1.1 Meaning and Subject matter of Social Anthropology.
1.2 Importance of the study of Social Anthropology.
1.3 Demographic characteristics of Tribals in India.
(Sex ratio, Education, Occupation)
1.4 Geographical and Cultural Classification of Tribals in India.

Unit-2 : Social Structure of Indian Tribals.

2.1 Marriage : Meaning and Types – Methods of mate selection.
2.2 Family System : Meaning and Types.
2.3 Religion and Magic : Meaning Nature.
2.4 Economic System : Nature of Economic system – Ways of livehood.

Unit-3 : Tribal Culture.

3.1 Meaning and Characteristics of Tribal Culture
3.2 Importance of Tribal Culture
3.3 Tribal Festivals
3.4 Tribal Dances

Unit-4 : Problems of Indian Tribes.

4.1 Illiteracy
4.2 Religious Conversion
4.3 Traditional laws of Tribals.
4.4 Tribal identity

Activities : Seminar, Quiz, Group Discussion, Project Work etc.

1) Visit to Tribal museum.
2) Educational Tour of Tribal area.
3) To give information about tribal festivals and organise video shows about it
4) Celebration of Tribal day - 9 August
5) Lectures by Experts

Mkt˼o Mkqr[

(1) „¢}¢¢ç…ÜU }¢¢Ý±à¢¢S~¢è ÜUè MÐÚﶢ - Ú籋ÎíÝ¢¶ }¢éÜU…èü, ç±±ïÜU ÐíÜU¢à¢Ý ‹²ê çÎËãè
(2) An Introduction to Social - 1958, {s{wËkh yLku {ËLk
anthropology Asia Publishing House, Bombay
(3) ¥¢çα¢„è |¢¢Ú¼ - ²¢ïx¢ïࢠ¥ÅH, ôãÎè
(4) MkktMf]ríkf {kLkðþkMºk - QŠ{çkuLk ËuMkkE, h[Lkk «fkþLk - 1975
(5) ykrËðkMke WíMkðku - ¼økðkLkËkMk Ãkxu÷, {krníke¾kíkwt, økktÄeLkøkh
(6) Tribal Denies of India - 1999 çkehsw {nkhks hkuçkeLk rºk¼qðLkËkMk
Discovery pub. House, New Delhi

Vidyarthi, L.P. and Roy B.K.

Tribal Culture in India, Concept, New Delhi

Doshi, S.L. and Join P.C. (1997) – Introduction to Anthropology, Rawat, New Delhi

Relevant Articles in Journals :- Social Change, Man in India,

Tribal Research Bulletin etc.

økwshkík ÞwrLkðŠ
yuMk.ðkÞ.çke.yu. Mku{uMxh - 3
fkuh : 203
Mkk{krsf MktþkuÄLk Ãkrh[Þ

nuíkwyku : rðãkÚkeoykuLku Mkk{krsf MktþkuÄLkLkk {q¤¼qík ík¥ðkuLkku Ãkrh[Þ fhkðe Mk{ksLku

Mk{sðk {kxuLkku ði¿kkrLkf árüfkuý Ãkqhku Ãkkzðku.

V¤©wrík: rðãkÚkeoyku rð¿kkLk y™u MktþkuÄLkLkwt {n¥ð Mk{sþu y™u Mðíktºk MktþkuÄLk {kxu
Mkßsíkk fu¤ðkþu.

ÞwrLkx-1 : rð¿kkLk y™u Mkk{krsf rð¿kkLk

1.1 rð¿kkLkLkku yÚko - ÷ûkýku.
1.2 rð¿kkLkLkk «fkhku
1) «kf]ríkf rð¿kkLk
2) Mkk{krsf rð¿kkLk
3) {kLkðrðãkyku
1.3 Mkk{krsf rð¿kkLkLkku yÚko y™u MðYÃk
ÞwrLkx-2 : Mkk{krsf MktþkuÄLk
2.1 Mkk{krsf MktþkuÄLkLke ÔÞkÏÞk
2.2 Mkk{krsf MktþkuÄLkLkkt {wÏÞ MkkuÃkkLkku yÚkðk íkçk¬k
2.3 Mkk{krsf MktþkuÄLkLkk nuíkwyku
2.4 Mkk{krsf MktþkuÄLkLke WÃkÞkurøkíkk
ÞwrLkx-3 : WÃkfÕÃkLkk ÃkrhðíÞkuo
3.1 WÃkfÕÃkLkkLkku yÚko y™u ÷ûkýku
3.2 WÃkfÕÃkLkkLkk Mºkkuík
3.3 ÃkrhðíÞkuoLkku yÚko yLku «fkhku
ÞwrLkx-4 : MktþkuÄLk{kt {krníke
4.1 {krníke yux÷u þwt?
4.2 {krníkeLkk Mºkkuík
1) «kÚkr{f
2) rîíkeÞf
4.3 MktþkuÄLk MkkrníÞLke Mk{eûkk
1) Mkt˼o MkkrníÞ yux÷u þwt?
4.4 Mkt˼o MkkrníÞLkk Mºkkuík
1) ÃkwMíkfk÷Þ
2) Mkt˼oøkútÚkku
3) Mkt˼o÷u¾
4) ELxhLkuxLkwt {n¥ð
Gujarat University
S.Y.B.A. Semester - 3
Core : 203
Introduction to Research

Objectives : To provide a scientific approach and to introduce the

fundamentals of social research to students in order
to understood society

Outcome: Students will understand the importance of science

research and will also build ability for independent research

Unit -1 : Science and Social Science

1.1 Meaning and characteristics of science
1.2 Types of sciences
1) Natural sciences
2) Social sciences
3) Anthropology
1.3 Meaning & natural of social sciences
Unit-2 : Social Research
2.1 Definition of Social Research
2.2 Major steps in Social Research
2.3 Objectives of Social Research
2.4 Importance of Social Research
Unit-3 : Hypothesis and variables
3.1 Meaning and Characteristics of Hypothesis
3.2 Sources of Hypothesis
3.3 Meaning and types of variables
Unit-4 : Data in Research
1.1 What is Data?
1.2 Sources of data
1) Primary
2) Secondary
1.3 Review of literature in Research
1) What is Reference literature?
1.4 Sources of Reference literature
1) Library
2) Reference books
3) Reference article
4) Importance of internet in research

Reference Books

1) Arvindkumar 2005 “Research Methodology in social science”

Sarup & sons New delhi.
2) Earlbaabi 2001 “The practice of Social Research” Eve Howard USA
3) Lal Dush K. 2000 “Practice of Social Research”
Rawat Publication Jaipur
4) Sharer Iqbal 2006 “Research methodology in sociology”
Raj Publishing House, Jaipur.
5) Young P.V. 1988 “Scientific Social Survey and Research”
Prenticehall, New Delhi
6) Shah Vimal P. 1972 Reporting Research, Singapore
The Agricultural Development Council
7) Goode, William, J and Paul K. Hatt, 1952 Methods in Social Research, New York,
MC Graw Hill Book Company, inc.
8) Doby, John, T (Ed); 1967 – An Introduction to Social Research, New York,
Application cer.
9) ¥¢ãé…¢ Ú¢}¢ 2003 “„¢}¢¢ç…ÜU „±ïüÿ¢‡¢ »±æ ¥Ýé„æh¢¼” Ú¢±¼ ÐçÏHÜUïà¢Ý, …²ÐéÚ
10) …ñÝ x¢¢ñТH 2009 “¥¢{éçÝÜU ࢢï{ Ð퇢¢Hè” Ÿ¢èÝ¢±„ ÐÏHèÜUïà¢Ý, …²ÐéÚ
11) Т‹Çï² x¢‡¢ïࢠ2004 “„¢}¢¢ç…ÜU ¥Ýé„æ{¢Ý „±ïüÿ¢‡¢ »±æ „¢æw²¢ÜUè”
Ú¢{¢ ÐÏHèÜUïà¢Ý, ݧü çÎËãè
12) }¢ã¢…Ý „æ…è± 2004 “„¢}¢¢ç…ÜU ¥Ýé„æ{¢Ý „±ïüÿ¢‡¢ »±æ „¢æw²¢ÜUè”
¥…éüÝ ÐÏHèÜUïà¢Ý 㢩„, ݧü çÎËãè
13) ËuMkkE yh®ðËhkÞ 1997 ‘Mkk{krsf MktþkuÄLk ÃkæÄríkyku’
ÞwrLk. økútÚk rLk{koý çkkuzo, økwshkík, y{ËkðkË.
14) {nuíkk ÄehuLÿ¼kE ‘Mkk{krsf MktþkuÄLk ÃkæÄríkyku’ ¼khík «fkþLk, y{ËkðkË.
15) þkn ðe{¤ Ãke. 1997 ‘MktþkuÄLk zeÍkELk’ ÞwrLk.økútÚk rLk{kýo çkkuzo, økwshkík, y{ËkðkË

økwshkík ÞwrLkðŠ Mkxe
yuMk.ðkÞ.çke.yu. Mku{uMxh - IV
fkuh yLku E÷uõxeð : 211
fwxwtçkLkwt Mk{ksþkMºk
nuíkwyku : (1) rðãkÚkeoykuLku fwxwtçkLkk Mk{ksþkMºk ytøku òýfkhe ykÃkðe.
(2) rðãkÚkeoyku fwxwtçk ÃkhíðuLkku Mk{ksþkMºkeÞ árüfkuý fu¤ðu.
(3) rðãkÚkeoyku ¼khíkeÞ Mk{ksLkk fwxwtçkLkk h[Lkkíktºk yLku «&™ku rðþu {krníkøkkh ÚkkÞ.

V¤©wrík: rðãkÚkeoyku fwxwtçkLkk Mk{ksþkMºkLke ði¿kkrLkf {krníke {u¤ðþu yLku yk fwxwtçk

MktçktrÄík {køkoËþoLk ykÃkðk frxçkØ çkLkþu.
ÞwrLkx-1 : fwxwtçkLkwt Mk{ksþkMºk - Ãkrh[Þ
1.1 fwxwtçkLkk Mk{ksþkMºkLkku WËT¼ð
1.2 fwxwtçkLkk Mk{ksþkMºkLkwt MðYÃk
1.3 fwxwtçkLkk Mk{ksþkMºkLkwt {níð
1.4 ¼khík{kt fwxwtçkLkk Mk{ksþkMºkLkk {wÏÞ yÇÞkMkku
ÞwrLkx-2 : fwxwtçkLke WíÃkríkLkk rMkæÄktíkku yLku ÏÞk÷ku
2.1 fwxwtçkLke WíÃkríkLkk rMkæÄktíkku
(1) f÷kMkef÷ ÚkeÞhe
(2) Wí¢ktríkðkËe rMkæÄktíkku
(3) yufrððknLkku rMkæÄktíkku
2.2 {wÏÞ ÏÞk÷ku
(1) fwxwtçk, ÷øLk, MkøkkEMktçktÄ
(2) øk]nðkMk
(3) «kÚkr{f fwxwtçk
(4) sL{Lkwt fwxwtçk yLku «ßLkLk fwxwtçk
(5) MktÞwõík fwxwtçk yLku rð¼õík fwxwtçk
(6) Ë¥kf fwxwtçk
(7) yuf ÔÞÂõíkðk¤k fwxwtçk
ÞwrLkx-3 : ¼khíkeÞ fwxwtçkLkwt h[Lkkíktºk yLku ÃkrhðíkoLk
3.1 fwxwtçk yuf h[Lkk íktºk íkhefu
3.2 fwxwtçkLkk h[LkkíktºkLkkt ÃkkMkktyku
3.3 fwxwtçk{kt ÃkrhðíkoLk ÷kðLkkh Ãkrhçk¤ku
3.4 fwxwtçk{kt ykðu÷ ÃkrhðíkoLk
ÞwrLkx-4 : ¼khíkeÞ fwxwtçkLke «ðíko{kLk Mk{MÞkyku
(1) Ãk]ÚkfTøðkMk yLku AqxkAuzk
(2) Ënus«Úkk
(3) fkixwtrçkf ®nMkk
«ð]r¥kyku : Mku{eLkkh, sqÚk [[ko, «kusuõx ðfo, õðeÍ, yuMkkE{uLx
1) fwxwtçkLkk Mkt˼o{kt rðrðÄ ÏÞk÷Lkku [kxo íkiÞkh fhðku.
2) fwxwtçk{kt ykðe hnu÷ ÃkrhðíkoLkLkk yLkw¼ðku WÃkh [[ko økkuXððe.
3) AqxkAuzk, Ënus«Úkk fu fkixw®çkf ®nMkkLkku ¼kuøk çkLku÷ ÔÞÂõíkykuLkku fuMkMxze fhkððku.
4) fkixwtrçkf ®nMkk rLkðkhý {kxuLkk òøk]r¥k fkÞo¢{ku{kt ¼køkeËkhe.
( 10 )
Gujarat University
S.Y.B.A. Semester - IV
Core & Elective : 211
Sociology of Family
Objectives : 1) To Provide information regarding sociology of family to the students.
2) The students cultivate sociological perspective for family.
3) The students know about the structure and issues of Indian family.

Outcome: The students will get Scientific information of sociology of family and
ability to give guidance relating to family.

Unit -1 : Sociology of family – Introduction

1.1 Origin of Sociology of Family
1.2 Nature of Sociology of Family
1.3 Importance of Sociology of Family
1.4 Major studies of sociology of family in India
Unit-2 : Theories Regarding the origin of family and basic concept
2.1 Principles of the origin of family
1) Classical Theory
2) Evolutionary Theory
3) Theory of Monogamy
2.2 Basic Concepts
(1) Family, Marriage, Kinship
(2) House hold
(3) Elementary Family
(4) Orientation and Procreation
(5) Joint Family and Nuclear Family
(6) Adopted Family
(7) Single parent family
Unit-3 : Structure and changes in Indian family
3.1 Family as a structure
3.2 Aspects of family structure
3.3 Changing factors for the changes in family
3.4 Changes occurad in family
Unit-4 : Contemporary Crisis in Indian family
(1) Separation and divorce
(2) Dowry
(3) Domestic Violence
Activities : Seminar, Group Discussion, Project Work, Quiz, Assignment
1) Preparing a chart of various concepts regarding family
2) Organizing group – discussion regarding the experience of occurring changes in
3) Case study about victims of Divorce, Dowry or domestic violence.
4) Participation in awareness programmes for removal of domestic violence .
( 11 )
(1) Chakrabortty Krishne (2002) Family in India Rawat Publications,

(2) Ghurye G.S. (1962) Family and Kinship Popular Book

Depot, Bombay

(3) Goode William J. (1975) The Family-Prentice Hall of India,

New Delhi
(4) Harris C.C. (1969) The Family George Allen and Unain
Ltd. Ruskin House

(5) Kapadia K.M. (1989) Marriage and Family in India, Oxford

University Press, Calcutta

(6) Parel Tara and Shah Vimal (1969) Marriage and the Family : A Com-
prehensive Reader, F.E. Peacock Pub-
lishers Inc.

(7) Raina J. L. (1989) Structural and Function Changes in

the Joint Family System Concept Pub-
lishing Compan, New Delhi.
(8) Savells Jerald and The Changing Family Making Way For
Cross Lawrence J. (1978) Tomorrow Holt, Rinehart and

(1) Ç¢õ. ¥Ï¢í¢ã}¢ „è. »}¢. (1968) „}¢¢…ࢢS~¢ ÜUï }¢êH ¼œ
±, }¢¢ÝÜU™‹Î Ï¢éÜUçÇТï, ©Á…ñÝ
(2) Ðí¢ï. ¼¢ï}¢Ú Ú¢}¢ çÏ¢ã¢Úè ô„ã (1960) ТçÚ±¢çÚÜU „}¢¢…ࢢS~¢, Îœ
¢ Ϣ΄ü, ¥…}¢ïÚ
(3) ÎéÏ¢ï ಢ}¢™Ú‡¢ (2001) |¢¢Ú¼è² „}¢¢…, Ýïà¢ÝH Ï¢éÜU ÅîSÅ, ݧü çÎËHè
(4) Ç¢õ. }¢ã¢…Ý „æ…è± (2010) ÐçÚ±¢Ú ÜU¢ „}¢¢…ࢢS~¢, ¥…éüÝ ÐçÏHôà¢x¢ 㢪„, ݧü çÎËHè
(5) Ÿ
¢è}¢¼è Ú¢Ýè ¥HÜU¢ (2010) |¢¢Ú¼ }¢ïæ ТçÚ±¢çÚÜU „}¢¢…ࢢS~¢ ÜU¢ ç±ÜU¢„
¥…éüÝ ÐçÏHôà¢x¢ 㢪„, ݧü çÎËHè
(6) à¢}¢¢ü ÜUñH¢à¢Ý¢ƒ(1956) ТçÚ±¢ÚÜU „}¢¢…ࢢS~¢ çÜU¼¢Ï¢ }¢ãH, §H¢ã¢Ï¢¢Î
ç~¢Ð¢Æè à¢}|¢ê ÚyÝ
(7) à¢}¢¢ü ÜUñH¢à¢Ý¢ƒ ТçÚ±¢ÚÜU „}¢¢…ࢢS~¢, çÜU¼¢Ï¢ }¢ãH
ç~¢Ð¢Æè à¢}|¢ê ÚyÝ (1970) §H¢ã¢Ï¢¢Î : Ï¢}Ï¢§ü

( 12 )
(1) zkì. økkihu yu{. yuMk. (1968) MktÞwõík fwxwtçkÔÞðMÚkk
«ku.{uLz÷ çkkO{ ze.S. ykh.ykh. þuXLke ftÃkLke
zkì. ËuMkkE ykE.Ãke. {wtçkE-2
zkì. þkn yu.yu{.

(2) Ãkux÷efh Eïh (1979) çku ÃkuXe ðå[uLkwt ytíkh

ykh.ykh. þuXLke ftÃkLke, {wtçkE

(3) zkì. ËuMkkE yûkÞfw{kh ¼khík{kt þnuhe fwxwtçk yLku

zkì. ËuMkkE Lkehk (1982) fwxwtçk rLkÞkusLk ykh.ykh. þuXLke ftÃkLke, {wtçkE

(4) zkì. Ãkxu÷ íkkhk (1965) ¼khíkeÞ Mk{ksÔÞðMÚkk, Äe LÞq ykuzoh çkwf fkwt., y{ËkðkË

(5) zkì. ðkÄu÷k yrLk÷ yuMk.(2005) ÷øLk, fwxwtçk yLku MkøkÃkýMktçktÄ (hõíkMktçktÄ),
Mkxe økútÚkrLk{koý çkkuzo, økwshkík hkßÞ, y{ËkðkË.

(6) þkn yu.S. (1980) fwxwtçk fÕÞký h[Lkk «fkþLk, y{ËkðkË

Ëðu su.fu.

(7) zkì. þkn ÷e÷k (1965) ÷øLk yLku fkixwtrçkf MktçktÄku, yr¾÷-®nË «fkþLk, y{ËkðkË

(8) zkì. [trÿfk hkð÷ (2002) LkkheÔÞÚkk - Ãkkïo ÃkÂç÷fuþLk, y{ËkðkË

(9) zkì. þi÷ò Äúwð (2002) WËTøkkhku ðuËLkkLkk - Ãkkïo ÃkÂç÷fuþLk, y{ËkðkË

( 13 )
økwshkík ÞwrLkðŠ
yuMk.ðkÞ.çke.yu. Mku{uMxh - IV
fkuh yLku E÷uõxeð : 212
Mk{ksþkMºkeÞ ®[íkfku (ykuøkMx fkuBx y™u {uõMk ðuçkh)
nuíkwyku : (1) «rþü Mk{ksþkMºkeyku ykuøkMx fkuBx y™u {uõMk ðuçkhLkk Mk{ksþkMºkeÞ
®[íkLk y™u rð[khkuÚke rðãkÚkeoykuLku {krníkøkkh fhðk.
(2) yÇÞkMk{kt Mk{krðü Mk{ksþkMºkeykuLkk rð[khku Mk{S Mk{ksLkk yæÞÞLk
ytøkuLke rðr¼LLk ÃkØríkyku Mk{sqíke ykÃkðe.
(3) yÇÞkMk{kt Mk{krðü rð[khfkuLkk rMkØktíkku îkhk Mk{ksþkMºkeÞ árüfkuý rðfMkkðe
ðíko{kLk Mk{Þ{kt íkuLke «MíkwíkkLke Mk{sqíke ykÃkðe.

V¤©wrík: (1) yÇÞkMk{kt Mk{krð»x rð[khfkuLkk rð[khkuÚke yÇÞkMkwyku òýfkh Úkþu.

(2) rðãkÚkeoyku rMkØktík yLku MktþkuuÄLk ðå[uLkku MktçktÄ Mk{sþu.

ÞwrLkx-1 : ykuøkMx fkuBx yLku {uõMk ðuçkh

(y) Mk{ksþkMºkeÞ ®[íkLk : yÚko yLku MðYÃk
(çk) SðLkfkÞo yLku «ËkLk
(1) ykuøkMx fkuBx
(2) {ufMk ðuçkh

ÞwrLkx-2 : (y) ykuøkMx fkuBx : Mk{ksþkMºkeÞ rMkØktík yLku ÏÞk÷

(1) ºký MíkhLkku rLkÞ{
(2) rð¿kkLkkuLkwt ðøkeofhý
(çk) {uõMk ðuçkh
(1) Mkk{krsf r¢Þk
(2) ykËþo «fkh

ÞwrLkx-3 : (y) ykuøkMx fkuBx

(1) «íÞûkðkË
(2) Mkk{krsf ÃkwLkrLk{koýLke ÞkusLkk
(çk) {uõMk ðuçkh
(1) hksfkhý - ÔÞðMkkÞ íkhefu
(2) Mk¥kk : yÚko y™u «fkh

ÞwrLkx-4 : (y) ykuøkMx fkuBx

(1) Mkk{krsf ÂMÚkríkþkMºk : yÚko y™u MðYÃk
(1) Mkk{krsf økríkþkMºk : yÚko y™u MðYÃk
(çk) {ufMk ðuçkh
(1) Ä{oLkwt Mk{ksþkMºk : «kuxuMxLx yk[kh þkMºk yLku {qzeðkË
(2) Lkkufhþkne
( 14 )
Gujarat University
S.Y.B.A. Semester -IV
Core & Elective : 212
Sociological Thinkers
Objectives : 1) To inform students about sociological thoughts of August
Compt and Max Weber
2) To explain different methods of social studies by
understanding thoughts of different sociologists.
3) To develop a sociological approach through theories of
different sociologists and to show their relevance at present.

Outcome: 1) Students will be aware of different theories of sociologists

2) They will understand the relationship between theory and

Unit -1 : August Compt & Max Weber

(A) Sociological Thinking : Meaning & Nature
(B) Life and contribution
(1) August Compt
(2) Max Weber

Unit-2 : (A) August Compt : Sociological theory and concept

1) Law of three stages
2) Classification of Sciences
(B) Max Weber
1) Theory of social Action
2) Ideal type

Unit-3 : (A) Augest Compt

(1) Positivism
(2) Scheme of social reconstructions
(B) Max Weber
(1) Politics - As an occupation
(2) Aythority : Meaning, Types.

Unit-4 : (A) Augest Compt

(1) Social statics : Meaning & Nature
(2) Social mobility : Meaning & Nature
(B) Max Weber
1) Sociology of religions – Protestant ethics and capitalism
2) Bureaucracy

( 15 )
Mkt˼o MkkrníÞ :

(1) Aron Raymond, 1982, Main currents in Sociological Thought, Harmonds worth, Middlesex,
Penguin books.
(2) Arvindkumar : 2002, Modern Sociological theory, Sarup & Sons, Publication, New Delhi
(3) Coser lewis.A, 1979, Masters of Sociological Thought, New York, Harcourt Bracc
(4) Turner Jonathn : The structure of Sociological theory, Rawat Publication Jaipur.
(5) òu»ke rðãwík, 1984, ykuøkMx fkuBx, ÞwrLkðŠMkxe økúÚkrLk{koý çkkuzo, økwshkík hkßÞ, y{ËkðkË.
(6) þkn rðrÃkLk, 1997, {uõMk ðuçkh, ÞwrLkðŠ Mkxe økúÚkrLk{koý çkkuzo, økwshkík hkßÞ, y{ËkðkË.
(7) [kinký rçkúshks, 1994, Mk{ks rð¿kkLk fu «uhf Mºkkuík (PP-241 to 320)
(8) Ëkuþe yu[. yu{., siLk ÃkeMke, 1997, Mkk{krsf rð[khf, hkðík ÃkÂç÷fuþLk, ßÞÃkwh

( 16 )
økwshkík ÞwrLkðŠ
yuMk.ðkÞ.çke.yu. Mku{uMxh - IV
fkuh : 213
økúk{eý økwshkík{kt yMÃk]~Þíkk (ykE.Ãke. ËuMkkE)
nuíkwyku : (1) rðãkÚkeoyku økwshkíkLkk Mk{ksþkMºke rðþu {krníke {u¤ðu.
(2) Mk{ksþkMºkLkk MktþkuÄLk yÇÞkMk økútÚkÚke ðkfuV ÚkkÞ.
(3) økwshkík{kt Mk{ksþkMºkeÞ árüfkuýÚke yMÃk]~ÞíkkLke Mk{MÞkLku òýu.

V¤©wrík: (1) rðãkÚkeoyku Mk{ksþkMºkeÞ Zçku ÷¾kÞu÷k yÇÞkMkøkútÚkÚke {krníkøkkh çkLkþu.

(2) økwshkík{kt yMÃk]~ÞíkkLke Mk{MÞkLkk ÃkhtÃkhkøkík yLku ÃkrhðŠ
íkík ÃkkMkkÚke òýfkhe {u¤ðþu.
(3) yMÃk]~ÞíkkLke Mk{MÞk Ëqh fhðk frxçkæÄ çkLkþu.

ÞwrLkx-1 : yÇÞkMk ÃkæÄrík

1.1 ykE.Ãke.ËuMkkELkwt SðLk y™u fkÞo
1.2 yÇÞkMk ÃkæÄrík
1.3 yMÃk]~ÞíkkLke ðíkoLk ÃkrhÂMÚkríkLkk rðrðÄ ÃkkMkkt.

ÞwrLkx-2 : yMÃk]~Þíkk
2.1 yMÃk]~Þ ¿kkríkyku{kt yMÃk]~Þíkk
2.2 ÃkkýeLke MkwrðÄk y™u yMÃk]~Þíkk
2.3 ònuh SðLk{kt yMÃk]~Þíkk
2.4 SðLkrLkðkonLke «ð]r¥kyku{kt yMÃk]~Þíkk

ÞwrLkx-3 : økúk{eý Mk{wËkÞ{kt yMÃk]~Þíkk

3.1 yMÃk]~Þ {sqhku
3.2 þk¤k{kt yMÃk]~ÞíkkLkku ÔÞðnkh
3.3 økúk{eý Ãkt[kÞík{kt yMÃk]~Þíkk.

ÞwrLkx-4 : yÇÞkMkLkwt {qÕÞktfLk

4.1 yÇÞkMkLkkt íkkhýku yLku Mkq[Lkku
4.2 ðíko{kLk Mk{ksLkk Mkt˼o{kt yk yÇÞkMkLkwt rððu[Lkkí{f {qÕÞktfLk.

«ð]r¥kyku : Mku{eLkkh, õðeÍ, sqÚk [[ko, «kusuõx ðfo

1) ykE.Ãke. ËuMkkELkk Vkuxk Mkrník f]ríkykuLke {krníkeLkku [kxo çkLkkððku
2) økúkBÞ rðMíkkhLke {w÷kfkík ÷E yMÃk]~ÞíkkLke çkË÷kíke íkhknLke òýfkhe {u¤ððe.
3) ðíko{kLkÃkºkku{kt yMÃk]~Þíkk MktçktrÄík Mk{k[khkuLkwt Mktf÷Lk fhkððwt.
4) yMÃk]~Þíkk rðhkuÄe fkLkqLkLke ÷kufòøk]rík fu¤ððe.
5) økwshkíke{kt ÷¾kÞu÷k fkuE yuf {kuLkkuøkúkV ðkt[e Mku{eLkkh Þkusðk.

( 17 )
Gujarat University
S.Y.B.A. Semester - IV
Core : 213
Untouchability in Rural Gujarat (I. P. Desai)
Objectives : 1) Students obtain knowledge about Sociologist of Gujarat
2) Obtain knowledge about Manograph in Sociology.
3) Gaining knowledge to critical approach for problems of untouability.

Outcome : 1) Ability to know about monograph.

2) Ability to know about traditional and changing situation of problems
of untouchability in Gujarat.
3) Ability to know about for the removal of problems of

Unit -1 : Methodology
1.1 Life and Work of I.P. Desai.
1.2 Methodology.
1.3 Various aspects of behavioral Patterns of untouchability.
Unit-2 : Untouchability
2.1 Untouchability among untouchables.
2.2 Water facilities and untouchabilities.
2.3 Untouchability in public life.
2.4 Untouchability in Economic activities.
Unit-3 : Untouchability in Rural Community
3.1 Untouchable labourers
3.2 Untochability in School
3.3 Untouchability in Rural Panchanyat.
Unit-4 : Evaluation of study.
4.1 Findings and suggestions of study.
4.2 Critical evaluation of the study with reference to contemporary society.

Activities : Seminar, Quiz, Group Discussion, Project Work

1) Preparing a chart about I. P. Desai’s photos and books.
2) Getting information about the changing patterns of untouchability through
visit of rural Gujarat.
3) Editing of news regarding problems of untoubility in news papers.
4) Cultivating Legal awareness about laws regarding problems of untoubility.
5) Organizing seminars on any one Gujarati monograph.

(1) òu»ke rðãwík : ykE.Ãke.ËuMkkE - økútÚkrLk{koý çkkuzo-y{ËkðkË
(2) ykE.Ãke. ËuMkkE, YÃkktíkh rðÃkeLk {.þkn-1984 økúk{eý økwshkík{kt yMÃk]~Þíkk- MkuLxh Vkuh þkuMÞ÷
MxzeÍ Mkwhík
(3) I.P. Desai - Untouchbity in Rural Gujarat - Center for social studies.
( 18 )

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