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Transferred Potential

W. J. S. Rogers
Consulting Engineer

1. Introduction

Any metallic object of significant length may bridge locations that may be a t
different potential with respect t o the general mass of earth. As such the
object may transfer a voltage difference with respect t o local earth potential
arising from passage of earth fault current t o ground or flowing through
earthed metallic paths. The metal objects may be fences, pipes cable sheaths
and metal conductors, which are referenced t o earth or safety earthed a t one
or more points. A transferred voltage may introduce risk of danger, damage
or malfunctioning of equipment. Danger includes electric shock, fire or
explosion, damage may be caused by overstressed insulation of equipment
and voltages may be a noise t o interfere with proper functioning of

One cause of a dangerous or damaging transferred voltage is remote earth

potential transferred into a location suffering a rise of potential because of
flow of earth leakage current. Another cause is a voltage transferred to a
location, nominally a t general earth potential, from a remote location
suffering a rise of potential. Long metal objects may also be subject to
induced voltages, which will appear as a potential difference to earth in
locations nominally a t a low earth potential. This may introduce the same
risks as voltages transferred conductively.

Appropriate measures may be required a t locations, associated with electrical

power systems or electric traction systems, t o remove or manage danger,
prevent damage and maintain functioning of equipment.

2. "Hot" substations and locations

These are defined as Substations or locations containing electrical plant,

which may suffer a voltage rise under earth fault conditions greater than the
permitted limits for transferred voltage. Within these locations there will
normally be an equipotential zone but a transferred voltage will produce a
stress voltage, which may not be acceptable.

Metallic telecommunication wires present the main problem area. These span
larger distances and may be taken into electrical power substations or
buildings with internal substations. Where metallic telecommunication
facilities are taken into a "hot" location, suitable protective measures must be
in place to prevent danger, damage and functional disturbance. Problems also
arise with metallic wires and metallic sheathed cables used for electrical
power, control, signalling. These may connect substations or buildings and an
electrical earth fault may expose circuit ends t o different voltages with
respect to the local earth.
Document 536 (1) defines the traditional basis for agreement between electricity
companies and telecommunication operators regarding the assessment and
recording of "hot" locations. The quoted voltage rise limit is 650 or 430 volts
depending on the normal duration of earth fault current and the line reliability.
Typically 650 volts is used for supply voltages of 3RV and upward with a 200 ms
time limit. 430 volts is used for lower operating voltages and slower protection.
Electricity Companies are required t o maintain a l i s t of all "hot" locations with
plant operating with voltages of 33 kV or more and also the extent of thleir hot"


This information is now provided when reasonably requested. The limits for
transfer voltage are also used to assess whether precautions are required for
induced voltage conditions. Assessment and declarations may be based on
measurements or calculations and Document 534 provides a guide on methods

and procedures t o achieve this in a manner acceptable by telecommunication

3. Voltage limits
Limits for transferred or induced voltages are dependent on the possible
consequences. Consequences may be categorised in terms of danger t o people,
damage t o equipment and malfunctions. Limit voltages for each category may be
subdivided into fault conditions and also normal operating conditions.

Duration (t) (s) Voltage limit t s rms) Remarks

<= 0.1 2000 v
0. 10 c t <= 0.2 1500 V
0.20 c t C= 0.35 1000 v
0.35 < t <= 0.5 650 V
0.50 c t C= 1.0 430 V

Duration (t) (5) Voltage limit Remarks

(AC voIts/amps rms)
>1.o 60 V Common mode
>1.o 10 mA C acitive
>1.o 150 V By agreement
Da aae Limits Fault Conditions

1>1 .o )>60V IBy agreement I

4. Precautions required within a ''Hot" location

Within a "hot" substation the design of the earth system and protective
bonding will ensure that touch and step voltages, associated with a rise of
voltage, are within permitted limits. Metallic paths from remote locations
therefore will be the main source of danger, damage and disturbance.
Generic precautions t o be considered are as follows:

Insulated coverings on all parts of metal paths that may carry transferred
0 Protective enclosures for equipment terminating external metal paths with
functional parts having appropriate touch insulation.
Interruption of the external metallic path by an insulating barrier or an
i s 0Ia t ing device.
A means of isolation for safe work on equipment.
LV Supplies t o be independently earthed.

As an example the following practices are typical in "hot" substations and

similar locations.

0 Equipment designed for high insulation to substation earth using barrier

relays or devices and special insulated power supplies.
0 Metallic pilot wires and communication circuits provided with high
insulation isolating links.
0 Equipment designed for normal insulation t o substation earth using
external barrier devices.
0 Telephones and modems having high insulation barrier devices for
connection t o external telecommunication systems.
0 Independent internal AUDC. power supplies.
0 Careful application of any surge suppression.

5. Where are the "Hot" locations

Locations where protective measures may be required are normally associated

with electrical power systems or electric traction systems containing medium
or high voltage, plant, cable or line connections. However it is also possible
for transferred voltage problems to be experienced in locations having low
voltage supplies only.

The obvious highest risk locations in the UK are electrical substations in

networks with the following typical operating voltages and characteristics.
Substations supplied a t 400, 275 kV using earthed lines and metal
sheathed cables.
Substations supplied a t 132kV & 66kV using earthed lines and metal
sheath cables.
Substations supplied a t 132kV & 66kV using unearthed lines.
Substations supplied a t 3RV using unearthed overhead lines.
Substations supplied a t 1 11V using unearthed lines.

Other lower risk locations include electrical substations with the following
operating voltages and characteristics.

Substations supplied a t 33kV using metal sheathed cables.

Substations supplied a t 11kV using metal-sheathed cables.

6. Supplies from LV distribution substations.

A voltage rise on a customer LV earth terminal provided by Electricity

Company will constitute a general rise of potential throughout the
installation and introduce risk from the transferred voltage.

The general requirements for electrical installations in BS 7671 (4) for

protective bonding controls the general risk of electrical equipment.
Telecommunication equipment needs t o take account of the possible voltage
stress, which may appear.

One common reason for voltage rise on LV earth terminals is a broken nelutral
conductor in a TN-C network. Typically the voltage rise may be up t o 300 *volts
depending on network load conditions. There are limits in standards for
permitted transfer voltages between 1-1V/MV earth systems and LV network
supply neutral conductors and earth terminals.

BS7430 permits a voltage rise up t o 430 volts on shared HV/NW and LV TN

earth systems.
HD 637 S 1 1999 permits a voltage rise for single point earthed TN systems
up t o the basic touch voltage limit. This is the touch voltage without
additional protection (500 volts for 200 ms and 220 volts for 500ms).
HD 637 S 1 1999 permits voltage rise, typically, up t o two times the basic
touch voltage limit in multiple earthed neutral TN systems (TN-C) (PME).
This is 1000 volts for 200ms and 440 volts for 500ms.
7. Size of "Hot" zone

Where the rise of potential of an earth system significantly exceeds the hot"

voltage limit, current flowing through the earth system will establish a
potential gradient in the ground surrounding the electrodes. The contour
representing the transfer voltage limit on the surface of the surrounding land
will determine the extent of the "hot" zone and the region around the
substation earth system in which precautions must be taken. This includes all
property located within the "hot" zone.

The "hot" zone is often described simply as a radius that is applied around
the peripheral parts of the earth system or substation fence. The "hot" zone
radius or contour is primarily determined by the component of earth fault
current flowing t o ground through the earth system, the size of the earth
system and the average effective resistivity of the ground.

The radius of a "hot" zone may be reduced by:

More careful assessment t o identify current in main electrodes.

Formula ca Iculations.
Computer studies.
Reduction of MV network earth f a u l t current.
Reduced earth system resistance with additional parallel electrodes.
Additional electrodes in isolated locations.
Interconnection of earth systems.
Provision of a metallic return path for earth fault current earth.
Provision of multiple metallic return paths.

Improvementst o earth systems may be effected by additional electrodes such


Earth rods

Bare buried horizontal conductor Burying with cables is most economic.

Independent trenching. Target a "cold" site. Installation as a counterpoise is

Depth t o suit ground resistivity.

Separation twice buried depth.
0 May not be effective in large grids.
0 May be more effective when connected t o horizontal conductor.
8. Substations on customer premises

An isolated substation with a high rise of voltage under earth fault conditions
presents fewer problems than those with buildings in close proximity and
possibly within the ''hot" zone. A more severe situation is presented when a
substation is located on customer premises. These situations frequently (arise
with supply voltages typically 132kV, 33W and 11 W. It is rarely possible t o
safely separate HV and MV cable earth systems and any potential rise
becomes a transferred voltage t o the customer buildings and also CWLV
distribution points. Standards require separate NW & LV earth systems when
use of a common earth system may transfer a voltage t o LV supplies greater
than the permitted values. Separation requires careful design of substation
buildings and earth systems t o achieve this safely. In existing locations a
combined earth system is normally the safest option with measures t o achieve
the lowest practical voltage rise and transfer voltage.

Quarries often present examples of particularly awkward situations

concerning transferred voltages. These are invariably located in rural alreas
with supply overhead lines normally unearthed. In addition the supply
substation is normally located close t o the face workings and any rise of
potential of the substation earth system transferred t o the Quarry LV supplies
presents a risk from touch voltages.

Preferably supply voltages should not exceed 11 W. Substantial earth systems

should be established well away from the Quarry workings. The quarry should
have independent LV earth systems. NW/LV transformers should be specified
for the voltage transferred voltage t o the transformer tank.


Engineering Recommendation 536 December 1988 "Procedure t o identify and

record ''hot" substations".

Engineering Recommendation 534 May 1986, "A guide for assessing the rise
of earth potential a t substation sites."

Draft Document prepared by CLC TC 11 0-WG3, "Limits relating t o the

influence of Electric Power Supply and Traction Systems on
Telecommunicat ion Systems.

BS 7671 : 1992, "Requirements for electrical installations"

W. J. S. Rogers/22-02-2000/E-0200-1

0 2000 The Institution of Electrical Engineers.

Printed and published by the IEE, Savoy Place, London WC2R OBL, UK.

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