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excited, Brazelton said.

That is because "it

Alien 'Lurkers' Could Be Covertly Watching represented a second kind of energy for life."
Us From Space, Physicist Says Planets that might not have great access to
sunlight could still harbor life, he said.
In the years that followed, scientists found
OCTOBER 01, 2019
evidence that other water worlds, such as
They're called 'lurkers', and they may have Saturn's sixth largest moon — Enceladus —
been covertly surveilling us from space for has similar hydrothermal vents. Most of
millions of years – since before we even these water worlds, unlike our planet,
existed, probably don't have enough magma to
power these chimneys, he said. But they do
perhaps. have the ingredients needed for
serpentinization to occur — these worlds are
composed of the same iron-based rocks
We Could Detect Extraterrestrials Because found in Earth's mantle and they are
They May Glow, Scientists Say surrounded by water, he added.
By Yasemin Saplakoglu - Staff Writer August "We have pretty good clues as to what
21, 2019Space [these water worlds] are made of," said Marc
Alien life-forms could glow in spectacular Neveu, a research scientist at NASA Goddard
reds, blues and greens to shield themselves Space Flight Center who wasn't a part of the
from stellar bursts of ultraviolet (UV) talk but who researches Enceladus.
radiation. And that glowing light could be It's definitely possible that serpentinization is
how we find them, according to a new study. fueling hydrothermal vents on these distant
Aliens water worlds, Neveu told Live Science.
However, those vents may not resemble the
Aliens can refer to everything from little chimneys on Earth, he said.
green men in the sci-fi realm to microscopic
life forms beyond Earth. For all these If that's the case, our alien world and the
possibilities, Live Science has you covered. microbes that live in it may not exactly mimic
We break down the latest discoveries that other alien worlds.
hint at life on other planets and the state of Navy Confirms Existence of 'Unidentified'
scientific searches for such extraterrestrial Flying Objects Seen in Leaked Footage
life. Sometimes, we may dissect a "little
green man" sighting as well.

The 'Lost City' of Atlantis Massif Could Reveal September 19, 2019
How Life Survives on Dark, Alien Water A Navy official has confirmed that recently
Worlds released videos of unidentified flying objects
By Yasemin Saplakoglu June 28, 2019 Planet are real, but that the footage was not
Earth authorized to be released to the public in the
first place.
Chimneys of the deep
Aliens, flying discs and sightings -- oh my! A
When hydrothermal vents were discovered short history of UFOs in America
in the late 1970s, astrobiologists were
By Eric Levenson, CNN
Area 51 UFOs can be explained away in down-to-
earth conventional terms. Investigations
Long thought to be the location where the
need to be reopened, documents need to be
US government stores and hides alien bodies
unsealed and the idea of an open dialogue
and UFOs, the mysteriously named location
can no longer be shunned," he wrote.
in Nevada has been the focus of alien
conspiracies for decades. History of UFOs

The area has long been a focus of public BY HISTORY.COM EDITORS

interest for citizens and presidents alike.
In popular culture, the term UFO–or
John Podesta, chief of staff to President Bill
unidentified flying object–refers to a
Clinton, said that his former boss had "asked
suspected alien spacecraft, although its
for some information about some of these
definition encompasses any unexplained
things, and in particular, some information
aerial phenomena. UFO sightings have been
about what was going on at Area 51."
reported throughout recorded history and in
Area 51 has been a prominent pop culture various parts of the world, raising questions
reference and made a notable appearance in about life on other planets and whether
the alien invasion movie "Independence extraterrestrials have visited Earth. They
Day." became a major subject of interest–and the
inspiration behind numerous films and
"I witnessed a massive delta-shaped craft
books–following the development of
silently navigate over Squaw Peak, a
rocketry after World War II.
mountain range in Phoenix, Arizona. It was
truly breathtaking. I was absolutely stunned Project Blue Book
because I was turning to the west looking for
Sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena
the distant Phoenix Lights," Symington
increased, and in 1948 the U.S. Air Force
wrote. "To my astonishment this apparition
began an investigation of these reports
appeared; this dramatically large, very
called Project Sign. Cold War tension was
distinctive leading edge with some enormous
mounting, and the initial opinion of those
lights was traveling through the Arizona sky."
involved with the project was that the UFOs
Symington, a former Air Force officer, said it were most likely sophisticated Soviet
did not look like a man-made object. And he aircraft, although some researchers
ruled out the Air Force assertion that the suggested that they might be spacecraft from
object was high-altitude flares. other worlds, the so-called extraterrestrial
hypothesis (ETH).
"I was never happy with the Air Force's silly
explanation. There might very well have Within a year, Project Sign was succeeded by
been military flares in the sky that evening, Project Grudge, which in 1952 was itself
but what I and hundreds of others saw had replaced by the longest-lived of the official
nothing to do with that," he wrote. inquiries into UFOs, Project Blue Book,
headquartered at Wright-Patterson Air Force
Symington thanked those who were
Base in Dayton, Ohio. From 1952 to 1969
speaking out about their mysterious
Project Blue Book compiled reports of more
encounters, and called for the US
than 12,000 sightings or events, each of
government to be more open about what
which was ultimately classified as (1)
really happened.
“identified” with a known astronomical,
"We want the government to stop putting atmospheric or artificial (human-caused)
out stories that perpetuate the myth that all phenomenon or (2) “unidentified.” The latter
category, approximately 6 percent of the Flying Saucers
total, included cases for which there was
The first well-known UFO sighting occurred
insufficient information to make an
in 1947, when businessman Kenneth
identification with a known phenomenon.
Arnoldclaimed to see a group of nine high-
READ MORE: Meet J. Allen Hynek, the speed objects near Mount Rainier
Astronomer Who First Classified UFO 'Close in Washingtonwhile flying his small plane.
Encounters' Arnold estimated the speed of the crescent-
shaped objects as several thousand miles per
The Robertson Panel and the Condon Report
hour and said they moved “like saucers
An American obsession with the UFO skipping on water.” In the newspaper report
phenomenon was under way. In the hot that followed, it was mistakenly stated that
summer of 1952, a provocative series of the objects were saucer-shaped, hence the
radar and visual sightings occurred near term flying saucer.
National Airport in Washington,
The Roswell UFO Incident
D.C.Although these events were attributed
to temperature inversions in the air over the The same year that Arnold saw the flying
city, not everyone was convinced by this objects, rancher W.W. “Mac” Brazel came
explanation. Meanwhile, the number of UFO across a mysterious 200-yard long wreckage
reports had climbed to a record high. near an Army airfield in Roswell, New
Mexico. Local papers reported it was the
This led the Central Intelligence Agency to
remains of a flying saucer. The U.S. military
prompt the U.S. government to establish an
issued a statement saying that it was just a
expert panel of scientists to investigate the
weather balloon, though the newspaper
phenomena. The panel was headed by H.P.
photograph suggested otherwise.
Robertson, a physicist at
the CaliforniaInstitute of Technology in The flames of conspiracy were further
Pasadena, Calif., and included other fanned in the 1950s, when dummies with
physicists, an astronomer, and a rocket latex “skin” and aluminum “bones” that
engineer. The Robertson Panel met for three looked eerily like aliens fell from the sky
days in 1953 and interviewed military across New Mexico and were hurriedly
officers and the head of Project Blue Book. picked up by military vehicles. To those who
They also reviewed films and photographs of believed in the earlier Roswell sightings, this
UFOs. seemed like a government cover-up. For the
Air Force, these “dummy drops” were a way
Their conclusions were that (1) 90 percent of
to test new ways for pilots to survive falls.
the sightings could be easily attributed to
astronomical and meteorological Fifty years later, the military issued a
phenomena (e.g., bright planets and stars, subsequent statement admitting that the
meteors, auroras, ion clouds) or to such Roswell wreckage was part of Project Mogul,
earthly objects as aircraft, balloons, birds a top-secret atomic espionage project.
and searchlights; (2) there was no obvious
Other investigations of UFOs
security threat; and (3) there was no
evidence to support the ETH. Parts of the Despite the failure of the ETH to make
panel’s report were kept classified until headway with the expert committees, a few
1979, and this long period of secrecy helped scientists and engineers, most notably J.
fuel suspicions of a government cover-up. Allen Hynek, an astronomer at Northwestern
University in Evanston, Ill., who had been
involved with projects Sign, Grudge and Blue
Book, concluded that a small fraction of the the lack of sound, changes in brightness or
most-reliable UFO reports gave definite color, and strange shapes.
indications for the presence of
extraterrestrial visitors. Hynek founded the
Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS), which
continues to investigate the phenomenon.

Aside from Project Blue Book, the only other

official and fairly complete records of UFO
sightings were kept in Canada, where they
were transferred in 1968 from the Canadian
Department of National Defense to the
Canadian National Research Council. The
Canadian records comprised about 750
sightings. Less complete records have been
maintained in the United Kingdom, Sweden,
Denmark, Australia, and Greece. In the
United States, CUFOS and the Mutual UFO
Network in Bellvue, Colo., continue to log
sightings reported by the public.

In the Soviet Union, sightings of UFOs were

often prompted by tests of secret military
rockets. In order to obscure the true nature
of the tests, the government sometimes
encouraged the public’s belief that these
rockets might be extraterrestrial craft but
eventually decided that the descriptions
themselves might give away too much
information. UFO sightings in China have
been similarly provoked by military activity
that is unknown to the public.

Possible explanations for UFO sightings and

alien abductions

UFO reports have varied widely in reliability,

as judged by the number of witnesses,
whether the witnesses were independent of
each other, the observing conditions (e.g.,
fog, haze, type of illumination), and the
direction of sighting. Typically, witnesses
who take the trouble to report a sighting
consider the object to be of extraterrestrial
origin or possibly a military craft but
certainly under intelligent control. This
inference is usually based on what is
perceived as formation flying by sets of
objects, unnatural—often sudden—motions,

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