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1. Synopsis

2. Introduction

2.1. Project Description

3. System Analysis

3.1. Existing System

3.2. Proposed System

4. Hardware and Software Specification

4.1. Hardware Specification

4.2. Software Specification

4.3. About Software

5. System Design

5.1. Data Flow Diagram

5.2. Database Structure

5.3. Code Design

5.4. Screen Layout

6. System Testing

7. System Implementation

8. Conclusion

9. Future Enhancement

10. Bibliography

This project documentation gives the details in purchasing consumer goods from
manufacturers and sole vendors to the retail bill and selling the products to customers and
Computerization will eliminate the above problems providing a very efficient way of
running passage up to date information about all required details. Supermarket
Management operations includes customer details, product details, sales and purchase
details, receipt and payment details, stock out warnings etc.

All Data pertaining to Customers, Vendors and Products are to be stored and maintained.
Generally most of the information in master files remains constant over a period of time.
The maintenance module should be provided for Addition, Modification, Viewing and
Deletion of Customer, Vendor and Product information.

The aim of this project is maintaining the manual tasks in the retail bill are becoming a
difficult and tedious one due to the increase in number of vendors supplying products to
the retail bill and no of customers served. They realize that Computerization will reduce
the errors and improve the service to the vendors and customers, which in turn increases
the sales and profit.


Customer Master:
All Data pertaining to Customers, Vendors and Products are to be stored and
maintained. Generally most of the information in master files remains constant over a
period of time. The maintenance module should be provided for Addition, Modification,
Viewing and Deletion of Customer and Product information. In order to provide better
service to the Customers and to improve the sales performance.

Rate Master:
In this module, authenticate person will decide to fix the rate to the particular
product and he/she can modify that rate details when they need.
Product Master:
Like customers Products are also classified into different categories, which are
classified into different sections in the Super Market. These classifications make the
customers comfortable and the Management can also Monitor the sales in each section.
The details about the various products sold are maintained in the Product Master Table.

Staff Master:
In this module, staff details are maintained. Customer details, rate details and purchase
details are maintained by retail shop staff.

When products are sold to the customer, Cash Bill/Invoice has to be made to
record the transaction. The details about the sales are stored in the Sales Header and sales
When a sale is made, the quantity in the stock has to be updated (deducted) for the
corresponding items in the sales.
The details of the receipts are stored in the Receipt Book are given in Receipt
Header and Receipt Detail tables.

Report generation is an integral part of any information system. As reports
provide the processed information and highlight areas where controls need to be applied.
The successful implementation of any computerized information processing system
depends on the effectiveness of the reports it produces.


System Analysis and Design, is the process of gathering and interpreting facts,
diagnosing problem and using the information to recommend improvement to the system.
Before development of any project can be pursued, a system study is conducted to learn the
details of the current business solution. Information gathered through the study forms the basis
for creating alternative design strategies. Virtually all organizations are systems that interact
with their environment through receiving input and producing output.
It is a management technique used in designing a new system, improving an existing
system or solving problem. System analysis does not guarantee that the user will derive an
ideal solution to a problem. This depends solely on the way one design a system to exploit the
potential in the method. To put it in another way, creativity is as much as must pre-design the
study and problem solving process and evaluate every successive step in the system analysis.
Taking all these factors into account and with the knowledge of the inter-relationship
between the various fields and section and their potential interactions, they are consider for
developing the whole system in and integrated manner, this project is developed to meet all the
criteria in the
The management technique is also helps us in develop and design of the new system or
to improve the existing system.
The following Objectives are kept in mind:
 Identify the customer’s need.
 Evaluate the system concept for feasibility.
 Perform economic and technical analysis.
 Allocate functions to hardware, software, people, database and other system
 Establish cost and schedule constraints
 Create a system definition that forms the foundation for all subsequent
engineering work.

Identification of the need:

In this, there are certain expressions that are being used in the development of the
project. And, it is used to identify our needs or source in the project.

 Defining a problem
 Finding the various need for the problem
 Formalizing the need
 Relating the need

Thus, it is the first step for system development life cycle.

Initial Investigation

It is one way of handling the project, it is used to know about the user request and
the modification of the system should be done.
The user’s request for this project is as follows:
1. Assigning separate work area for different users.
2. Nature of the work
3. Regular update and delete of record
4. Regular calculation of Net Asset Value
5. Supplying the data with the time required.

The user request identifies the need for change and authorizes the initial
investigation. It may undergo several modifications before it become a written
commitment. Once approved the activities are carried out into action. The proposal,
when approved, it initiates a detailed user-oriented specification of system performance
and analysis of the feasibility of the evaluating alternative candidate systems with a
recommendation of the best system for the job.

Feasibility Study

The objective of the feasibility study is not only to solve the problem but also to
acquire a sense of its scope. The reason for doing this is to identify the most beneficial
project to the organization.
There are three aspects in the feasibility study:
1. Technical Feasibility
2. Financial Feasibility
3. Operating Feasibility

Technical Feasibility

The Technical feasibility is the study of the software and how it is included in the
study of our project. Regarding this there are some technical issues that should be noted
they are as follows:

 Is the necessary technique available and how it is suggested and acquired?

 Does the proposed equipment have the technical capacity to hold the data
required using the new system?
 Will the system provide adequate response that is made by the requester at
an periodic time interval
 Can this system be expanded after this project development
 Is there a technique guarantees of accuracy, reliability in case of access of
data and security

The technical issues are raised during the feasibility study of investigating our
System. Thus, the technical consideration evaluates the hardware requirements, software
etc. This system uses JSP as front end and Oracle as back end. They also provide
sufficient memory to hold and process the data. As the company is going to install all the
process in the system it is the cheap and efficient technique.

This system technique accepts the entire request made by the user and the
response is done without failure and delay. It is a study about the resources available and
how they are achieved as an acceptable system. It is
an essential process for analysis and definition of conducting a parallel assessment of
technical feasibility.

Though storage and retrieval of information is enormous, it can be easily handled

by Oracle. As the oracle can be run in any system and the operation does not differ from
one to another. So, this is effective.

Economical Feasibility
An organization makes good investment on the system. So, they should be
worthful for the amount they spend in the system. Always the financial benefit and equals
or less the cost of the system, but should not exceed the cost.

 The cost of investment is analyzed for the entire system

 The cost of Hardware and Software is also noted.
 Analyzing the way in which the cost can be reduced

Every organization want to reduce there cost but at the same time quality of the Service
should also be maintained. The system is developed according the estimation of the cost
made by the concern. In this project, the proposed system will definitely reduce the cost
and also the manual work is reduced and speed of work is also increased.

Operational Feasibility

Proposed project will be beneficial only when they are turned into an information
system and to meet the organization operating requirements. The following issues are
considered for the operation:

 Does this system provide sufficient support for the user and the management?
 What is the method that should be used in this project?
 Have the users been involved in the planning and development of the
 Will the proposed system cause any harm, bad result, loss of control and
accessibility of the system will lost?

Issues that may be a minor problem will sometimes cause major problem in the
operation. It is the measure of how people can able to work with the system. Finding out
the minor issues that may be the initial problem of the system. It should be a user-
friendly environment. All these aspect should be kept in mind and steps should be taken
for developing the project carefully.

Regarding the project, the system is very much supported and friendly for the
user. The methods are defined in an effective manner and proper conditions are given in
other to avoid the harm or loss of data. It is designed in GUI interface, as working will
be easier and flexible for the user.
They are three basic feasibility studies that are done in every project.


In the existing system all processing are done manually. Voluminous registers are
maintained in which all information is stored. It suffers from the serious raw backs
including the laborious task involved every time during the sales process, inaccuracy
arising out of manual work and retrieving information requires lot of register reference
and provide ambiguity.


The existing system was manually works so the following points necessities the
new software.
 The existing system used array concepts for the storage of values and
calculations so, the maximum number of data that can be given to the
program is fixed and if leads to wastage of memory.
 As the software doesn’t provide good user interface .No facility is
available for the usage of mouse.
 Since the software is under FoxPro, the generation of report is difficult


With the continued growth of the work force as with the growth with Super
Market, the existing system is found to be insufficient to meet the user requirements. The
main objective of the developed system is to keep in pace with continue of growth of the
work force for the growth of the retail bill management, to automate the whole process
and to upgrade the technology to keep abreast with the technical elevation of other
modules and systems.
The Objective Includes:
 The system will be integrated with other subsystems and utilize the data
available in their interface modules effectively and reduce the time spent on
generating the transaction and facilities easy access to the belonging
 The system will eliminate duplicates data entry and help in better planning as
there will not be any redundancy of data and hence it will eliminate any
inconsistency, which may grip in.
 It will result in saving of time as well as operational cost for the company as
the system will completely eliminate manual intervention and the time to get
the result to any specific query will be reduced considerably.
 The system will be designed to the flexible enough to cater to the needs of the
changes in the company policies and future requirements without much
maintenance work.
 Perceived benefits of the system.



The above Hardware specifications were used in both Server and Client machines
when developing.

Processor : Pentium 4
Processor Speed : 2.5 GHz
Ram : 512 MB
Hard Disk Drive : 80GB
Floppy Disk Drive : Sony
CD-ROM Drive : Sony
Monitor : 17” inches
Keyboard : TVS Gold
Mouse : Logitech


Operating System : Windows 7

Technology Used : Microsoft VB.NET

Database : Sql Server


Introduction to Visual Basic.Net for Visual Basic Veterans:-

As a veteran Visual Basic developer, you have undoubtedly invested a lot of time
and effort in learning the intricacies of Visual Basic. At first glance, it may appear to you
that Visual Basic .NET is so radically different from what you know that you will have to
learn it all over again. In reality, while many things have changed, the overall experience
of developing in Visual Basic remains essentially the same. Your knowledge of Visual
Basic will help you immediately become productive in Visual Basic .NET.

There are, however, a number of changes to Visual Basic that will require you to
adjust your mindset and set aside some old habits. Some of the rules for the language,
tasks such as debugging and deployment, and even some terminologies have changed ---
often in subtle ways. Ultimately, the changes make Visual Basic easier and more
powerful than ever before. The following topics will help you identify the changes in
Visual Basic .NET from the perspective of a Visual Basic 6.0 veteran
Integrated Development Environment Changes in Visual Basic.NET :Describes changes
to the development environment
Project changes in Visual Basic. NET: Describes changes to the project system.
Web Changes in Visual Basic. NET: Describes changes to Web-related development.

Data Changes in Visual Basic. NET: Describes changes to data access and data tools.
Component Authoring Changes in Visual Basic. NET: Describes changes to component

User Control Changes in Visual Basic. NET: Describes changes to User Control projects
(also known as ActiveX Control projects) and provides a link to information about the
Property Bag object.

Forms Changes in Visual Basic. NET: Describes changes to forms.

Debugging Changes in Visual Basic. NET: Describes changes to debugging.

Setup and Deployment Changes in Visual Basic.NET Describes changes to Setup and

International Changes in Visual Basic. NET: Describes changes to localization.

Windows API Changes in Visual Basic.NET Describes changes in setting and retrieving
registry settings.

Constant Changes in Visual Basic.NET Provides a list of constants that have changes in
Visual Basic .NET.

Namespace Changes in Visual Basic.NET Describes differences and similarities between

Visual Basic 6.0 object libraries and Visual Basic .NET namespaces.

Run-Time Changes in Visual Basic. NET Discusses differences between Visual Basic 6.0
run-time files and the .NET framework common Language runtime.

Visual Basic Concepts

Project Changes in Visual Basic.NET

Projects in Visual Basic.NET are similar to projects in Visual Basic 6.0; however,
there are some differences that you should be aware of.

In Visual Basic 6.0, projects used a reference-based model—the project file

contained references to project items specifying their path.

For example, when you added a text file to a project, the project file pointed to the
location of the file; when the project was built, the text file would be loaded from that

Visual Basic.NET uses a folder-based model- all project items are placed in the
project folder hierarchy. When you add a text file, a copy of the file is placed in the
project folder; when the project is built, the text file is loaded from that copy of the file.

In Visual Basic 6.0, the Remove command removed an item from a project, but
the file still remained on disk. In Visual Basic. NET, the Remove command is replaced
by a Delete command, which both removes and deletes the file. The Exclude From
Project command can be used to exclude a file from a project without deleting it.

In Visual Basic 6.0, multiple projects could be added in the Project Explorer;
multiple projects were called project groups. In Visual Basic. NET, Solution Explorer

replaces the project explorer; project groups are replaced by solutions. Where Project
Groups could only contain Visual Basic projects, solution can could projects created in
any combination of Visual Studio.NET languages.

In Visual Basic 6.0,project files (.vbp) and project group files (.vbp) were text
files that could be edited directly in a text editor. In Visual Basic.NET, project and
solution files are in an XML format; they should not be edited directly.

Web Changes in Visual Basic.NET

Visual Basic 6.0 included several features that supported programming for the
Web: Information Services (IIS) application (Web classes), DHTML application,
ActiveX documents, and ActiveX controls that could be downloaded to Web pages.

Visual Basic.NET was built from the ground up to support Web programming
with features such as ASP.NET Web application, XML Web services, and much more.
Because Visual Basic 6.0 Web features either are no longer supported or have changed
substantially; however, your knowledge of Web programming should help you to quickly
transition to the Web technologies in Visual Basic. NET.

In Visual Basic 6.0,IIS application used the Active Server Pages (ASP) model to
create application that ran on Internet information services. In Visual Basic.NET,
ASP.NET technology allows you to create the application using Web Forms pages, and
to create components using XML Web services. These technologies make programming
for the Web very similar to programming for Windows in Visual Basic 6.0. For more
information, see Introduction to ASP.NET Web Applications in Visual Studio.

Visual Basic 6.0 DHTML application used the Dynamic HTML object model and
Visual Basic code to create applications that could respond to actions performed by the
user in a browser. Visual Basic .NET Web Forms expand upon the DHTML model,
providing richer dynamic user-interface capabilities as well as client –side validation.

Visual Basic 6.0 ActiveX documents are not supported in Visual Basic. NET.
You can still interoperate with ActiveX documents from your Visual Basic.NET Web
applications, but development should be maintained in Visual Basic 6.0.

Visual Basic .NET also allows you to create ActiveX controls that a can be
downloaded to Web pages, or to use existing ActiveX controls in your Visual Basic. NET

Web Class Changes in Visual Basic .NET

In Visual Basic 6.0 Web Class projects (also known as IIS Application projects)
were used to create Web application based on Active Server Pages (ASP) technology.

In Visual Basic .NET, ASP.NET Web Applications projects are used to create
Web applications based on the newer ASP.NET technology. When a Visual Basic 6.0
Web Class project is upgraded to Visual Basic. NET, it is converted to an ASP.NET Web
Application project.

In Visual Basic 6.0, Web Class project had a state Management property that
could be used to keep an instance of the web class alive between requests. Setting the
State Management property to 2wcRetainInstance at design time did this; there was also a
Release Instance method that could be used to terminate an instance.

In Visual Basic.NET, ASP.NET Web applications do not have a State

Management property; the module for managing application state differs considerably.
Any code related to state management will need to be replaced. For more information,
see Web Forms State Management.

Function and Sub procedures in your Visual Basic 6.0 code(for example, Process
Tags or Respond)will have their scope changed from Private to Public to allow the web
Class Compatibility runtime to execute them.

Certain Visual Basic 6.0 Web Class events are not supported in ASP.NET (for
example, Initialize, Begin Request and End Request, and Terminate). These event
procedures will be upgraded but will not be called at runtime. After upgrading, you will
need to move any code in these events to equivalent ASP.NET events.

Declaration will be added to your project; one for the Web Class and one for each
of the Web Items and Templates in the Web Class project. A page Load event procedure
will be added to the project, creating first a Web

Class object and then Web Item objects for each of the Web Items and Templates
associated with the Visual Basic 6.0 Web Class project. Finally, in the Page Load event
procedure, you will see a call to the Web Class Compatibility runtime: Web Item
specified in the Request URL. This code is the only new code added to your upgraded
project and only server to emulate the underlying behavior of the Visual Basic 6.0 Web
Class runtime.

Note: There are a number of behavioral differences for properties, methods, and
events between ASP and ASP.NET object. Before upgrading a Web Class to ASP.NET,
you should understand these differences so you know how to modify your code. For more
information, see Migrating to Web Forms.

Forms Task Change in Visual Basic.NET

There are many differences between Windows Forms and Visual Basic 6.0
Forms. The following table provider a list of tasks can be performed with forms and their
methodologies. You can use this list to transition your existing Visual Basic 6.0 Forms
projects to the new .NET Framework module for Windows Forms.

Task Visual Basic 6.0 Forms Windows Forms

Set the Tab Indexing for all the controls on a form. Select each control on the
form and set its Tab Index property to the next number in the tab order for your form.
Form the View menu chooses Tab Order. The forms display a numeral next to each
control that represents the control’s Tab Index property setting. Click on each control in
the desired tab order. For more information, see setting the Tab Order on Windows

Determine the modifier key (ALT, SHIFT, CTRL) pressed during keyboard and
mouse events. Use the parameters provided by the mouse event handler. Compare the
Form class’s Modifier Keys method against the modifier key value, found in the Keys
enumeration. For more information, see Determining Which Modifier Key Was Pressed.

Align or size controls based on the location and size of a single control. Click on
each control to align or size. The last control selected is used to determine the location
and size of all controls selected. Click on each control to align or size. The first control

selected is used to determine the location and size of all controls selected. For more
information, see Aligning Multiple Controls on Windows Forms.

Change the name of a form by changing the name specified in the Name property
of the form in the Properties window. Click on the form’s class file in the Solution
Explorer and then change the Filename property in the Properties window.

Change the run-time display position of a form. Use the form Layout window to
position the form, or set its Startup property in the Properties window. With the form
selected in the Windows forms Designer, set the Start Position property in the Properties

Display a form as a dialog box. In code, use the Show method and specify that the
form be displayed modally using the vbModal value. In code, use the Show Dialog
method of the form. For details, see Displaying Dialog Boxes for Windows Forms.

Group or layer controls on a form. Layer the controls within the Frame control.
To move the controls as a group, select them all. Place the controls within a Group Box
control. Moving the group box moves the controls as well.

Iterate through the controls on a form. Use a control array. Use the Controls
Collection. For details, see Collections in Visual Basic .NET

Menu Changes in Visual Basic.NET

In Visual Basic 6.0,menus were created using the Menu Editor. Menus could not
be created programmatically, but could be changed or added to programmatically.

In Visual Basic .NET, menus are created using Main Menu controls, which
provide a graphical menu designer. Menus can also be created programmatically. For
more information, see Menus in Windows Forms.

In Visual Basic 6.0, calling the Popup Menu method of a form or control created
context menus. They could not be created programmatically; the Popup Menu required
that a menu already existed.

In Visual Basic .NET, context menus are created using Context Menu controls;
they can also be created programmatically. For more information, see Context Menus on
Windows Forms.

In Visual Basic 6.0, the Negotiate Menus property of a form determined whether
a menu from an object on the form would be merged with the form’s menu. This property
could only be set at design time.

In Visual Basic .NET, menus can be merged using the Merge Menu method of a
Main Menu or Context Menu control. Fro more information, see Merging Menu Items

MDI Changes in Visual Basic .NET

In Visual Basic 6.0, Multiple-Document Interface (MDI) application were created

by adding an MDI form to a project and setting the MDIChild property as true of any
child forms. In Visual Basic .NET, any form can be made an MDI parent by setting the Is
MDI Container property to true.

Properties and methods that applied to Visual Basic 6.0 MDI forms have changed
in Visual Basic .NET. For more information, see MDI Form Object Changes in Visual
Basic .NET.

The behavior of MDI applications has also changed. In visual Basic 6.0, an MDI
application that also contained a form that was not an MDI child would not end until that
form was closed. In Visual Basic .NET, the application will end when the startup form is
closed, regardless of any non-MDI forms in the application.

Introduction to the .NET Framework Class Library

The .NET Framework includes classes, interface, and value types that expedite
and optimize the development process and provide access to system functionality. To
facilitate interoperability between languages, the .NET Framework types are CLS
compliant and can therefore be used from any programming languages whose compiler
conforms to the common languages specification (CLS).

The .NET Framework types are the foundation on which .NET applications,
components, and controls are built. The .NET Framework includes types that perform the
following function:

 Represent base data types and exception.

 Encapsulate data structures.
 Perform I/O.
 Access information about loaded types.
 Invoke .NET Framework security checks.
 Provide data access, rich client-side GUI, and server-controlled, client-side GUI.

The .NET Framework provides a rich set of interfaces, as well as abstract and
concrete (non-abstract) classes. You can use the concrete classes as is or, in many cases,
derive your own classes from them. To use the functionality of an interface, you can
either create a class that implements the interface or device a class from one of the .NET
Framework classes that implements the interface.

Naming Conventions

NET Framework types use a dot syntax-naming scheme that notes a hierarchy.
This technique groups related types into namespaces so they can be searched and
referenced more easily. The first part of the full name—up to the rightmost dot—is the
namespace name. The last part of the name is the type name. For example, system.
Collections. Array List represents the Array List type, which belongs to the system.
Collections namespace. The types in System. Collections can be used to manipulate
collections of objects.

This naming scheme makes it easy for library developers extending the .NET
Framework to create hierarchical groups of types and name them in a consistent,
informative manner. It is expected that library developers will use the following guideline
when creating names for their name space. Company Name. Technology Name For
example, the namespace Microsoft. Word conforms to this guideline.

The use of naming patterns to group related types into namespaces is a very useful
way to build and document class libraries. However, this naming scheme has no effect on
visibility, member access, inheritance, security, or binding. A namespace can be
partitioned across multiple assemblies and a single assembly can contain types from
multiple namespaces. The assembly provides the formal structure for versioning,
deployment, security, loading, and visibility in the common language runtime.

Design Goals for XML in the .NET Framework

The goals of XML in .NET Framework are:

 Compliance with the W3C standards

 Extensibility.

 Plug gable architecture.

 Performance.

 Tight integration with ADO.NET.

Standards Compliance

Standards compliance means that the classes fully conform to the Current W3c
recommended standards of XML, Namespaces, XSLT, XPath, Schema, and the
Document Object Model (DOM). Compliance Ensures interoperability and eases
application development across platform.

Most notably, the XML classes in .NET Framework supports the W3C XML
Schema Definition language (XSD) 1.0 recommendation. There are XML classes in the
.NET Framework that provide validation, and an object model is available to built the
XSD Schemas in memory. The fast, forward- only parser that can validate against
schemas, DTDs, XDRs and XSDS is called the XML Validating Reader. The XML
Validating Reader is a compliant XML parser. The XML Schema Collection class can be
use to cache frequently used XSD or XDR schemas using the XML Validating Reader.

There are a set of XML classes in the .NET Framework that provide a Schema
Object Model (SOM) that allows you to programmatically build and compile XSD
Schemas. The XML Schema class represents an XSD Schema. These Schemas can be
loaded and persisted using the XML Reader and XML Writer classes.

The XML Document class implements the Document Object Model level 1 and
level 2 recommendations and is tailored to the common design guidelines of the .NET
Framework. For Example, the method names are capitalized.

The XML Transform class conforms to the XSL Transformation (XSLT) Version
1.0 recommendation and the XML Path Language (Xpath) 1.0 recommendation for
transforming documents using XSLT.


XML in the .NET Framework is extensible through the use of the abstract base
classes and virtual methods. This extensibility or sub classing is illustrated by the XML
Reader, XML Writer, and Xpath Navigator abstract classes, which are classes that enable
new implementations to be developed over different stores or data sources, and expose
XML. For Example, Xpath navigator is an API that incorporates an Xpath query engine
that can be implemented over existing stores, such as file system, registers, and relational
databases. This not only displays the data as XML, but it provides Xpath query support
over disparate sources of data, using the default implementation of the Xpath API query
methods, such as Select.

Another example of extensibility is the XML Reader, which provides an API for
fast, forward – only, parsing of a store, exposing the XML Info set that it finds as it
moves through the stream. XML in the .NET Framework has implementation of XML
Reader called the XML Text Reader class for reading streams, the XML Node Reader,
class for reading node trees, and the XML Validating Reader for layering validation
support on an XML Text Reader.

XML Writer generates a stream of XML using a push-based API. XML in the
.NET Framework has an implementation of the XML Writer called the Text Writer. The
implementation of these classes can be further derived from to create other readers that

can implement specific processing. For Example, deriving XML Text Reader to create a
custom reader called My XML Text Reader enables you to create a version of the reader
with logic specific to your application processing needs.

The Xml resolver abstract class provides a hook to external resources referenced
in an XML Document. These allow you to cache resources in a manner specific to the
applications, such as database, or to resolve resources having different protocols by
deriving from this class. The XML Resolve Implementation, XML URL Resolver,
resolves resources with the http://and file: // protocols

Pluggable Architecture

XML in the. NETFramework has a plug gable architecture. Plug gable in this
stream-based architecture, means that components that are based on these abstract classes
within the .NETFramework can be easily substituted. Plug gable architecture also means
that data can be streamed between the components, and new components inserted into
this stream can alter the processing. For Example, a stream of XML from an XMLWeb
service can be parsed with the XMLTextReader. The XMLTextReader can be used to
create an XMLDocument, which in turn can be used to create an XMLNode Reader.

Another Example is loading the DOM (XML Document class) from an XML
Reader and saving the output using an XML Writer. By creating your own
implementations of these classes by extending the existing ones, you have the ability to
affect the behavior of the XML Document class. For Example, if you created an
implementation of XML Reader, called MyXMLFile Reader that can expose a file
system as XML, and then you can load an XML Document from this reader. Or you
could inherit from an XMLTextReader to create a new, custom reader that converts and
attribute-centric Document to an element-centric document and this could used to load
the XML Document. This provides Plug gable Architecture for new classes based
existing ones.

Another Example of Plugging component together is the use of different data

stores, such as an Xpath Document and XMLDocument, in the transformation process.


The database component of Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2005 is a Structured Query

Language (SQL)–based, scalable, relational database with integrated Extensible Markup
Language (XML) support for Internet applications. Each of the following terms describes
a fundamental part of the architecture of the SQL Server 2005 database component:

A database is similar to a data file in that it is a storage place for data. Like a data
file, a database does not present information directly to a user; the user runs an
application that accesses data from the database and presents it to the user in an
understandable format.
Database systems are more powerful than data files in that data is more highly
organized. In a well-designed database, there are no duplicate pieces of data that the user
or application must update at the same time. Related pieces of data are grouped together
in a single structure or record, and relationships can be defined between these structures
and records.
When working with data files, an application must be coded to work with the
specific structure of each data file. In contrast, a database contains a catalog that
applications use to determine how data is organized. Generic database applications can
use the catalog to present users with data from different databases dynamically, without
being tied to a specific data format.
A database typically has two main parts: first, the files holding the physical database and
second, the database management system (DBMS) software that applications use to
access data. The DBMS is responsible for enforcing the database structure, including:
 Maintaining relationships between data in the database.
 Ensuring that data is stored correctly, and that the rules defining data relationships
are not violated.
 Recovering all data to a point of known consistency in case of system failures.


Although there are different ways to organize data in a database, relational

databases are one of the most effective. Relational database systems are an application of
mathematical set theory to the problem of effectively organizing data. In a relational
database, data is collected into tables (called relations in relational theory).
A table represents some class of objects that are important to an organization. For
example, a company may have a database with a table for employees, another table for
customers, and another for stores. Each table is built of columns and rows (called
attributes and tuples in relational theory). Each column represents some attribute of the
object represented by the table. For example, an Employee table would typically have
columns for attributes such as first name, last name, employee ID, department, pay grade,
and job title. Each row represents an instance of the object represented by the table. For
example, one row in the Employee table represents the employee who has employee ID
When organizing data into tables, you can usually find many different ways to define
tables. Relational database theory defines a process called normalization, which ensures
that the set of tables you define will organize your data effectively.


SQL Server 2005 supports having a wide range of users access it at the same time.
An instance of SQL Server 2005 includes the files that make up a set of databases and a
copy of the DBMS software. Applications running on separate computers use a SQL
Server 2005 communications component to transmit commands over a network to the
SQL Server 2005 instance. When an application connects to an instance of SQL Server
2005, it can reference any of the databases in that instance that the user is authorized to
access. The communication component also allows communication between an instance
of SQL Server 2005 and an application running on the same computer. You can run
multiple instances of SQL Server 2005 on a single computer.

SQL Server 2005 is designed to support the traffic of the largest Web sites or enterprise
data processing systems. Instances of SQL Server 2005 running on large, multiprocessor
servers are capable of supporting connections to thousands of users at the same time. The
data in SQL Server tables can be partitioned across multiple servers, so that several
multiprocessor computers can cooperate to support the database processing requirements
of extremely large systems. These groups of database servers are called federations.
Although SQL Server 2005 is designed to work as the data storage engine for thousands
of concurrent users who connect over a network, it is also capable of working as a stand-
alone database directly on the same computer as an application. The scalability and ease-
of-use features of SQL Server 2005 allow it to work efficiently on a single computer
without consuming too many resources or requiring administrative work by the stand-
alone user. The same features allow SQL Server 2005 to dynamically acquire the
resources required to support thousands of users, while minimizing database
administration and tuning. The SQL Server 2005 relational database engine dynamically
tunes itself to acquire or free the appropriate computer resources required to support a
varying load of users accessing an instance of SQL Server 2005 at any specific time. The
SQL Server 2005 relational database engine has features to prevent the logical problems
that occur if a user tries to read or modify data currently used by others.


To work with data in a database, you have to use a set of commands and
statements (language) defined by the DBMS software. Several different languages can be
used with relational databases; the most common is SQL. The American National
Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Standards Organization (ISO) define
software standards, including standards for the SQL language. SQL Server 2005 supports
the Entry Level of SQL-92, the SQL standard published by ANSI and ISO in 1992. The
dialect of SQL supported by Microsoft SQL Server is called Transact-SQL (T-SQL). T-
SQL is the primary language used by Microsoft SQL Server applications.


XML is the emerging Internet standard for data. XML is a set of tags that can be
used to define the structure of a hypertext document. XML documents can be easily
processed by the Hypertext Markup Language, which is the most important language for
displaying Web pages.
Although most SQL statements return their results in a relational, or tabular, result
set, the SQL Server 2005 database component supports a FOR XML clause that returns
results as an XML document. SQL Server 2005 also supports XPath queries from Internet
and intranet applications. XML documents can be added to SQL Server databases, and
the OPENXML clause can be used to expose data from an XML document as a relational
result set.


Admin System

Admin Name
Admin Password

Link with RNG

with Validation

Genrated RNG

Admin Master

Staff Register

Admin System

Father Name
Phone No

Link with SID

with Validation

Generate Req Date &


Staff Master

Rate Entry Details

Staff System

Product Name

Link with PID

Entry Date

Rate Master

Sales Master Details

Staff System

Product Name

Link with PID

Sales Date

Sales Master

Purchase Details

Staff System

Product Name

Link with PID

Purchase Date

Purchase Master



Phone No

Link with CID

Req Date

Customer Master


Table Name :Admin Master

Field Name Data Type Size

admin name nvarchar 50 Admin Name

admin password nvarchar 50 Admin Password

Admin Register
regno numeric 10

Table Name : Staff Master

Field Name Data Type Size

name nvarchar 50 Staff Name

Fathername nvarchar 50 Father Name

qualification nvarchar 50 Staff Qualification

age numeric 3 Staff Age

address nvarchar 200 Staff Address

phoneno numeric 18 Staff Phone Number

regdate datetime Staff Register Date

Table Name : Product Name Entry Master

Field Name Data Type Size

pid numeric 10 Product ID

productname nvarchar 100 Product Name

Product Register
regdate datetime
Table Name : Rate Master

Field Name Data Type Size

pid numeric 10 Product ID

productname nvarchar 100 Product Name

quantity numeric 5 Product Quantity

amount decimal 18,2 Amount

Current Date &

entrydate datetime

Table Name : Sales Master

Field Name Data Type Size

pid numeric 10 Product ID

productname nvarchar 100 Product Name

quantity numeric 18 Product Quantity

quality nvarchar 50 Product Quality

amount decimal 18,2 Product Amount

tax decimal 18,2 Tax

salesdate datetime Product Sales Date

Table Name : Purchase Master

Field Name Data Type Size

pid numeric 10 Product ID

productname nvarchar 100 Product Name

quantity numeric 18 Product Quantity

purchasedate datetime Purchase entry Date

Table Name : Customer Master

Field Name Data Type Size

cid numeric 18 Customer ID

name n varchar 100 Customer Name

Customer Phone
phoneno numeric 18
address nvarchar 200 Customer Address

Customer Register
regdate datetime



PrivateSub submitcmd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles submitcmd.Click
Dim adminname AsString = Me.adminnametxt.Text
Dim adminpassword AsString = Me.adminpasswordtxt.Text
Dim flag AsBoolean = True
Dim flag1 AsBoolean = False
Dim rng AsInteger = Val(adminkeytxt.Text)
IfString.Equals(adminname, "") Then
adminnameerrorlbl.Text = "AdminName Is Null"
flag = False
adminnameerrorlbl.Text = ""
IfString.Equals(adminpassword, "") Then
adminpassworderrorlbl.Text = "AdminPassword Is Null"
flag = False
adminpassworderrorlbl.Text = ""
If flag = TrueThen
Dim cmd AsNew SqlCommand("select * from adminmaster where adminname=@1 and
adminpassword=@2 and rng=@3", con)
cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@1", adminname))
cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@2", adminpassword))
cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@3", rng))
Dim dr As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader

If (dr.Read()) Then
flag1 = True
Catch ex As Exception
If flag1 = TrueThen
Dim rn AsNew Random
Dim n AsInteger = rn.Next(1, 10000)
MsgBox("Your SecureKey is=======> "& n)
Dim cmd1 AsNew SqlCommand("update adminmaster set rng=@1 where rng=@2", con)
cmd1.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@1", n))
cmd1.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@2", rng))
MsgBox("Admin Login Successfully")
MsgBox("Invalid Login")

PrivateSub resetcmd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles resetcmd.Click
adminnametxt.Text = ""

adminpasswordtxt.Text = ""
PrivateSub quticmd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles quticmd.Click
PrivateSub forgetpassword_LinkClicked(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs) Handles

Customer register

PrivateSub idgeneratecmd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles idgeneratecmd.Click
Dim sid AsInteger = 0
Dim cmd AsNew SqlCommand("select id from customerdetails", con)
Dim dr As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader
While (dr.Read())
sid = dr.GetValue(0)
sid = sid + 1
Me.cusidtxt.Text = sid
PrivateSub staffregistercmd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles staffregistercmd.Click

Dim cusid AsString = Me.cusidtxt.Text
Dim cusname AsString = Me.cusnametxt.Text
Dim cusaddress AsString = Me.cusaddresstxt.Text
Dim cusphoneno AsString = Me.cusphonenotxt.Text
Dim flag AsBoolean = True
IfString.Equals(cusname, "") Then
nameerrorlbl.Text = "Staff Name Is Null"
flag = False
nameerrorlbl.Text = ""
IfString.Equals(cusaddress, "") Then
addresserrorlbl.Text = "Address Is Null"
flag = False
addresserrorlbl.Text = ""
IfString.Equals(cusphoneno, "") Then
phonenoerorlbl.Text = "PhoneNum Is Null"
flag = False
phonenoerorlbl.Text = ""
If flag = TrueThen
Dim cmd AsNew SqlCommand("insert into customerdetails
values(@1,@2,@3,@4,@5)", con)
cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@1", cusid))
cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@2", cusname))
cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@3", cusphoneno))

cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@4", cusaddress))
cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@5", Now()))
MsgBox("Customer Register Successfully")
Catch ex As Exception
'End If
PrivateSub resetcmd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles resetcmd.Click
Me.cusidtxt.Text = ""
Me.cusnametxt.Text = ""
Me.cusaddresstxt.Text = ""
Me.cusphonenotxt.Text = ""
PrivateSub logincmd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles logincmd.Click
PrivateSub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
Dim cusid AsString = Me.cusidtxt.Text
Dim cusid1 AsInteger = Val(cusid)
Dim cusname AsString = Me.cusnametxt.Text
Dim cusaddress AsString = Me.cusaddresstxt.Text
Dim cusphoneno AsString = Me.cusphonenotxt.Text

Dim cusphoneno1 As Int64 = Val(cusphoneno)
Dim flag AsBoolean = True
IfString.Equals(cusname, "") Then
nameerrorlbl.Text = "Staff Name Is Null"
flag = False
nameerrorlbl.Text = ""
IfString.Equals(cusaddress, "") Then
addresserrorlbl.Text = "Address Is Null"
flag = False
addresserrorlbl.Text = ""
IfString.Equals(cusphoneno, "") Then
phonenoerorlbl.Text = "PhoneNum Is Null"
flag = False
phonenoerorlbl.Text = ""
If flag = TrueThen
Dim cmd1 AsNew SqlCommand("select * from customerdetails where name=@1", con)
cmd1.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@1", cusname))
Dim dr As SqlDataReader = cmd1.ExecuteReader()
If (dr.Read()) Then


Dim cmd AsNew SqlCommand("insert into customerdetails
values(@1,@2,@3,@4,@5)", con)
cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@1", cusid1))
cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@2", cusname))
cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@3", cusphoneno1))
cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@4", cusaddress))
cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@5", Now()))
MsgBox("Customer Register Successfully")
Catch ex As Exception
Dim temp AsInteger = 0
Dim rowcount AsInteger = 0
Dim itemcount AsInteger = 1
Dim pitemstack AsInteger = 0
Dim citemsatck AsInteger = 0
PrivateSub submitcmd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles submitcmd.Click
Dim flag AsBoolean = True
Dim icode AsString = Me.ComboBox1.SelectedItem

Dim stock AsInteger = Val(Me.stocktxt.Text)

IfString.Equals(stock, "") Then
stockerrorlbl.Text = "AdminName Is Null"

flag = False
stockerrorlbl.Text = ""
If flag = TrueThen
Dim cmd2 AsNew SqlCommand("select * from productdetails where itemcode=@1",
cmd2.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@1", icode))
Dim dr As SqlDataReader = cmd2.ExecuteReader()
If (dr.Read()) Then
MsgBox("Item name allready exists and only you updates")
Dim cmd1 AsNew SqlCommand("insert into productdetails values(@1,@2,@3)", con)
cmd1.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@1", icode))
cmd1.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@2", stock))
cmd1.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@3", Now))
PrivateSub resetcmd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles resetcmd.Click
Me.stocktxt.Text = ""
PrivateSub quitcmd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles homecmd.Click


Product update

Dim flag AsBoolean = True

Dim icode AsString = Me.ComboBox1.SelectedItem
Dim stock AsInteger = Val(Me.stocktxt.Text)
IfString.Equals(stock, "") Then
stockerrorlbl.Text = "AdminName Is Null"
flag = False
stockerrorlbl.Text = ""
If flag = TrueThen
Dim cmd2 AsNew SqlCommand("select stock from productdetails where itemcode=@1",
cmd2.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@1", icode))
Dim dr As SqlDataReader = cmd2.ExecuteReader()
If (dr.Read()) Then
pitemstack = dr.GetValue(0)
citemsatck = Val(pitemstack) + Val(stock)
Dim cmd1 AsNew SqlCommand("update productdetails set stock=@2 where
itemcode=@1", con)
cmd1.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@1", icode))
cmd1.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@2", citemsatck))

PrivateSub resetcmd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles resetcmd.Click
Me.stocktxt.Text = ""
PrivateSub homecmd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles homecmd.Click

Rate Entry

Dim temp AsInteger = 0

Dim rowcount AsInteger = 0
Dim itemcount AsInteger = 1
Dim pitemstack AsInteger = 0
Dim citemsatck AsInteger = 0
PrivateSub submitcmd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles submitcmd.Click
Dim flag AsBoolean = True
Dim icode AsString = Me.ComboBox1.SelectedItem
Dim rate AsInteger = Val(Me.ratetxt.Text)
IfString.Equals(rate, "") Then
Me.rateerrorlbl.Text = "Rate Is Null"
flag = False
Me.rateerrorlbl.Text = ""

If flag = TrueThen
Dim cmd1 AsNew SqlCommand("update ratedetails set rate=@2 where itemcode=@1",
cmd1.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@1", icode))
cmd1.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@2", rate))
PrivateSub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal
e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim icode AsString = Me.ComboBox1.SelectedItem
Dim cmd2 AsNew SqlCommand("select rate from ratedetails where itemcode=@1", con)
cmd2.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@1", icode))
Dim dr As SqlDataReader = cmd2.ExecuteReader()
If (dr.Read()) Then
Me.itenrate.Text = dr.GetValue(0)
PrivateSub resetcmd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles resetcmd.Click
Me.ratetxt.Text = ""

PrivateSub homecmd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles homecmd.Click



Home page

Authentication page


Authentication Page

Home Page

Rate Report

Product Report

Sales Report

Product Page

Rate Page

Customer Report

Staff Report

Staff Register

Staff Page

Customer Registration

Product Details Page

Sales Details Page

Rate Page


System Testing is an important stage in any system development life cycle.

Testing is a process of executing a program with the intention of finding errors. The
importance of software testing and its implications with respect to software quality
cannot be overemphasized. Software testing is a critical element of software quality
assurance and represents the ultimate review of specification, design and coding. A good
test case is one that has a high probability of finding a yet undiscovered error.

Testing is the set of activities that can be planned in advance and conducted
systematically. Different test conditions should be thoroughly checked and the bugs
detected should be fixed. The testing strategies formed by the user are performed to prove
that the software is free and clear from errors. To do this, there are many ways of testing
the system’s reliability, completeness and maintainability.

Unit Testing
In the unit testing the analyst tests the program making up a system. The software
units in a system are the modules and routines that are assembled and integrated to
perform a specific function. In a large system, many modules on different levels are
Unit testing can be performed from the bottom up starting with the smallest and
lowest level modules and proceeding one at a time. For each module in a bottom-up
testing, a short program executes the module and provides the needed data.
Integration Testing
Integration testing is a systematic technique for constructing the program structure
while conducting test to uncover errors associate with interfacing. Objectives are used to
take unit test modules and built program structure that has been directed by design.
The integration testing is performed for this Project when all the modules where
to make it a complete system. After integration the project works successfully.

Validation Testing
Validation testing can be defined in many ways, but a simple definition is that can
be reasonably expected by the customer. After validation test has been conducted, one of
two possible conditions exists.
 The functions or performance characteristics confirm to specification and are
 A deviation from specification is uncovered and a deficiency list is created.
Proposed system under consideration has been tested by using validation testing
and found to be working satisfactorily.
For example, in this project validation testing is performed against user module.
This module is tested with the following valid and invalid inputs for the field staff id.

White Box Testing

White box testing, sometimes called glass-box testing is a test case design method
that uses the control structure of the procedural design to derive test cases. Using white
box testing methods, the software engineer can derive test cases that
 Guarantee that all independent paths with in a module have been exercised at
least once.
 Exercise all logical decisions on their true and false sides.
 Execute all loops at their boundaries and with in their operational bounds and
 Exercise internal data structure to assure their validity.
For example in this project white box testing is performed against patient module.
Without entering text if we apply it displays the message “First add record then save it”
else it should be saved.

Black Box Testing

This method treats the coded module as a black box. The module runs with inputs
that are likely to cause errors. Then the output is checked to see if any error occurred.
This method cannot be used to test all errors, because some errors may depend on the
code or algorithm used to implement the module.


Implementation is the stage in the project where the theoretical design is turned
into a working system. The most critical stage is achieving a successful system and in
giving confidence on the new system for the users, what it will work efficient and
effectively. It involves careful planning, investing of the current system, and its
constraints on implementation, design of methods to achieve the change over methods.
The implementation process begins with preparing a plan for the implementation
of the system. According to this plan, the activities are to be carried out in these plans;
discussion has been made regarding the equipment, resources and how to test activities.
The coding step translates a detail design representation into a programming
language realization. Programming languages are vehicles for communication between
human and computers programming language characteristics and coding style can
profoundly affect software quality and maintainability. The coding is done with the
following characteristics in mind.
 Ease of design to code translation.
 Code efficiency.
 Memory efficiency.
 Maintainability.
The user should be very careful while implementing a project to ensure what they
have planned is properly implemented. The user should not change the purpose of project
while implementing. The user should not go in a roundabout way to achieve a solution; it
should be direct, crisp and clear and up to the point.


Retail bill Management System is a free, user to retrieve the data immediately.
This project was aimed at this and it successfully achieved within the limited
time period . Multiple reports generated to facilitate any query and the entire
system is perfectly matching current manual system. Accuracy and fast results.
The benefits of the computerization are to minimize the human errors by reducing the


The current system has vital improvement areas which done when makes it a completed
system makes it a complete system. The key domains which when enhanced from the
newly implemented system make it a complete system.

These future enhancements can be made without any difficulty in ASP.NET, as it

is flexible and it is easy to add these features. The ASP.NET files are nothing but a text
file and all the objects and components used in the programs are available in the server


 “Microsoft VB.NET” by Mirdula Pariha, Jeff Webb, Tata Mac Graw Hill.
 Introducing VB.NET (NIIT) – I and II
 Gerry O’Brien,” Microsoft IIS 5.0 Administration”



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