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‘Answer Sheet No. Sig. of Invigilator. PHYSICS SSC-I SECTION ~— A (Marks 12) Time allowed: 20 Minutes Revised Syllabus NOTE: Section-A is compulsory. All parts of this section are to be answered on the question paper itself. it should be completed in the first 20 minutes and handed over to the Centre Superintendent. Deleting/overwriting is not allowed. Do not use lead pencil. Q.1 Circle the correct option i. 0) 0) (iil) (iv) (v) (wi) (wii) iii) (x) (x) xi) (xii) A/B/C/D. Each part carries one mark. The least count of screw gauge having pitch 0.5 mm and 50 divisions on its circular scale is A. 0.001 cm B. 0.01cm c. 0.1m D. 1.0cm tinm= m A 10% B OR c 10° D. 10° Which of the following is NOT a vector quantity? A Force B. Velocity Cc, Momentum D. Speed block of mass 4 kg is supported by 2 string. The tension in the string is A 20N B. 40N oe 4Nn D. ON The centre of gravity of triangular shaped body is A The point of intersection of its medians B. The point of intersection of its diagonals c. The point of intersection of altitudes D. ‘The centre of the triangle ‘The value of 'g' at a height one earth's radius above the surface of earth is. 1 1 1 Ae Boos coe So 42 The amount of work done in carrying a bag of mass 10 kg to a height of 3.6 m is. A 360d B (36d c 36) D. 36000 Hook's law is applicable to A Solids B. Liquids c. Gases D. All of these At what temperature does water freeze? A OF B. 32°F c -273K D. OK Rooms are heated using gas heaters by A Conduction B. Radiation c. Convection and Radiation DB. Convection Which of the following materials has large specific heat? Clay B. Water C. Mercury D. Glass 1n SI, the unit of momentum is A gms B Ns? c Nm D. Ns For Examiner's use only: Total Marks: El Marks Obtained: Roll No. Sig. of Candidate: Answer Sheet No. Sig. of invigilator gt nth ooel on (12:48) Sito Revised Syllabus 220 ey OU ig UF emia Kervl GALAY tort eS nLbeentye gotelyre vii abd ge AMAL O rts SE Merre B11 he hah F wlLes Air SGneiedyic 05 mmESE Ate 60 ELYSL — ) KEAO KROL ty KGFO01 oe 0.001 Hh nme, m (ii) 10° a 10° ee 10° 107 Lu te UF ue ules Gi) es fr & Cee (oe PF tec fee slosrin ths — vy ON S aN -& 40N 2 20N anil tember ue =) REL prfinlgtiyeh eb uses ill HEL prrLinsigetlyesbsTs oe EE prfulectintnt STK -<-e whblLyplpegiteify (wi ie S ae te as) 2a Sn nerS Se te ze cdyns3.6 m/GiuF¥10kg9 wii) 3600 J ~ 3.6J & 36d -~ 30s -w ety KE vil (Ute uf 4 Ue pee ah Sethertich“GL — (hy OK of 273K Ly Gove OF wile eli LS ue eee ee) co Piha PK fier We ripizer (xi) as Wr & Co el PPL ASE Ui) Ns oy Nm lg Nee kgms? ah 2] Pinu PHYSICS SSC-I Revised Syllabus Time allowed: 2:40 Hours Total Marks Sections B and C: 53 NOTE: Answer any eleven parts from Section ‘8’ and any two questions from Section ‘C’ on the separately provided answer book. Use supplementary answer sheet i.e. Sheet-B if required. Write your answers neatly and legibly. CTI 33) Q.2 Answer any ELEVEN parts. The answer to each part should not exceed three to four lines. (11x 3= 33) () Differentiate between Speed and Velocity. (i) Abody of mass 5 kg is moving with a velocity of 10 ms". Find the Force required to stop it in 2 seconds. (ii) Whyis it easy to open a door by pulling or pushing it at its handle? (iv) ‘What is the Force of Gravitation? (v) Describe briefly the working of a vacuum cleaner. (vi) Define the Latent heat of Fusion Write any three properties of a Thermometric substance (vii) Why does Land Breeze blow in the night? Briefly explain. (x) Define Thermal Conductivity of a substance. (x) The normal human body temperature is 98.6 F . Convert it into Celsius scale and Kelvin scale. (xi) What are Prefixes? Also give examples. (xi) Derive vy =v, tat. (xii) The passengers standing in a bus fall forward when its driver applies brakes suddenly. Explain why. (xiv) Explain why the Rolling Friction is always less than Sliding Friction 1 (xv) A.500g stone is thrown up with a velocity of 15 ms“'. What will be its Potential Energy at its maximum height? SECTION - C (Marks 20) Note: Attempt any TWO questions. All questions carry equal marks. (2x10 = 20) Q.3 a. Explain what is meant by Stable, Unstable and Neutral Equilibrium. Also give one example in each case. (08) b. State and explain Newton’s Second Law of Motion. Aiso define the unit of Force (04) Q.4 a. State and explain Archimedes's Principle with the help of diagram (08) b. Find the perpendicular components of a Force of 50 N making an angle of 30° with the x-axis. (04) Q.5 a, —_ Whatis a Satellite? Derive formula for the orbital speed of an Artificial Satellite revolving very close to the earth. (06) b. A cricket ball is hit vertically upwards and returns to ground 6s later. Calculate: 0} Initial velocity of the bai! (02) (i) Maximum height reached by the ball (02), = ISA. 1407 (L) eggs onal onal Uns Revised §yllabus 53 prt poate AY £240 ss UU Ow ST ee E prate whol (IN) WEL price Ugg re rmoaLewirL py wl py eed Hpi nlite L etlcivlerd Kdshect sei 3342) pio (11x3=33) Wai Bypipe SLI (Moe Ne etiow — tA LEWES ke ILL LE RES | Soe SUS 10ms' ine Mh5 Git feted USI tre 2B | & (i) tein hsind — iv) hla peL hile w) «fAaAS Latent Heat of Fusion) =1AKuf (vi) ute of (SSELUL nSet KrF Si Wvii) a) AGS Etat Ge 0 98.6 F fbi) on Aes, «Ki csi Ui) LSE BBLS GALE re Pe OL ALU (il) wuts lene bitte Sibu iby (ww) CRAP, sete rAS ie Vege pie SIS Sms" ALL S500 (wv) (2048) pro (2x10=20) Cope AL ump EU » AS) (08) LoS Sin ea fertiste ve CAIN oI cep Bdey wh tly (04) AAS SUis Le eSB Tr Oh ae (06) phere Potholes atl (04) LI PLS Le Gheg i830 PLE ALK URS SON one (06) LSB BEF aS SAP LIL A Lala ec Ete asi i :8hly Eph g Mang til 6c SM SAS IAS one (02) sisziS (02) Batrbictisdt i) —_ ISA 1407 (L) ~~ Rone. [ | | | Answer Sheet No. Sig. of Candidate. Sig. of Invigilator PHYSICS SSC-I SECTION — A (Marks 12) Time allowed: 20 Minutes (Revised Syllabus) NOTE: Section-A is compulsory. All parts of this section are to be answered on the question paper itself. It should be completed in the first 20 minutes and handed over to the Centre Superintendent. Deleting/overwriting is not allowed. Do not use lead penci Q.1 Circle the correct option i.e. A/B/C / D. Each part carries one mark. (i) The least count of Vernier Callipers is A Otcem B-0.0tcm Cc. 0.01 mm Oo 1.0mm (ii) Which of the following is NOT a Derived unit? A Pascal B. Newton C.— Kilogramme D. —_ None of these (ii) Which of the following is an example of Random motion? A. Motion of whee! B. Motion of a pendulum Cc. Flight of a butterfly OD. Motion of Rocket (iv) Inertia depends upon A Force B. Mass Cc. Velocity D. Acceleration (¥) The momentum of an object of mass 4 kg moving with velocity 100cm s”!is A O4NS B 4NS c. 400 NS D. 4000 NS (vi) A pencil just balanced at its tip is in A Unstable Equilibrium B Stable Equilibrium C. Neutral Equilibrium D. Dynamic Equilibrium (vil) The Earth's gravitational force of attraction vanishes at A 6400 km B. Infinity ©. 42300km =D. 1000 km (viii) The relation between mass 'm' and Energy ' £' predicted by Einstein is. A 2 B. E=me? c E=mec D. ne m ¢ (ix) In Sl, the unit of Stress is A Nm? B. Nm c Nm"! O°. Nm? Cl A 674W B. 740 W Cc. 746 W D. 840W (xi) The zero of the kelvin scale is equal to A 273°C B. 270°C ie De Occ (xii) In solids, Heat is transferred by A Convection B. Conduction Cc. Radiation OD. Absorption: For Examiner's use only: Total Marks: 12 Marks Obtained: -1SA 1407 (ON) Roll No. ‘Answer Sheet No. Sig. of Candidate: Sig. of Invigilator: Fegan sal contd OSA adore 2:49) Jit 20 MUR e of oa Eairhenegdl 7 ALY tort es nltrentye potelure vision ab 6 AGA LG VAs SE iene 3 I Glog II FSI Ws ete YU ad igin (i) HO 0 a a FEOA wit UF Sitwwettiow — (il) S ud es ee yt SeJOS vires Kole tion (ii) Orbis me orbits ah SM SF 6-4 Asigea — w) oy 5 Co ee oe Se OP Mg the SISOS 100° (Mass) = a (wy) 4000 NS or 400 NS o 4NS ~~ O4NS -uil Se JOKES (wi) le CAYa Se EAshiS? os FAshidse we dynasty WAS BK Sts wii) itd ae 6400 km -h 1000 km ~ 42300 km wt SPE Bini HeLfest — (vill ~ E=mc & Exm ng E=2 s te uotbeiS (Stresscat (SD Fe (x) Nm? af Nae Ngee Nm ot ne) 840 W .F T46W 740s 674W oi mgt, (Zero HIF (xi) (de o 2G en 21016 273°C ah Sedna RAE ttre USI LoHI(solid) UF (xi) eo ee tule [2] ar Fin ~ISA 1407 (ON) —— PHYSICS SSC-1 (Revised Syllabus) Time allowed: 2:40 Hours Total Marks Sections B and C: 53 NOTE: Answer any eleven parts from Section ‘B’ and any two questions from Section ‘C’ on the separately provided answer book. Use supplementary answer sheet i.e. Sheet-B if required. Write your answers neatly and legibly. SECTION - B (Marks 33) Q.2 Answer any ELEVEN parts. The answer to each part should not exceed three to four lines. (11x 3= 33) () Differentiate between Distance and Displacement. (ii) Find centripetal force needed to move a body of mass 0.5 kg in a circle of radius 50 cm with a speed of 3ms" (ii) Why is a vehicle made heavy at the bottom? (iv) What is a Field Force? (v) What is meant by efficiency of a system? How can you find it? (vi) Why do Solids have fixed shape and volume? Fil What is Young's Modulus? Show that Y = Flo. AML (vill) Evaporation causes cooling. Why? Explain briefly. (ix) Whatis the Anomalous expansion of water? (x) Whyis mercury preferred as thermometric substance? (xi) Why does sea breeze blow during the day? Explain briefly. (xii) Why are Styrofoam boxes used to keep food hot for a long time? (xi) Define Unstable Equilibrium. (xiv) Acar starts from rest. Its velocity becomes 20 ms”! in 8 s. Find its acceleration. (xv) What is the Second condition for Equiliprium? SECTION — C (Marks 20) Note: Attempt any TWO questions. All questions carry equal marks. (2x 10 = 20) az a State and explain Newton's law of Gravitation. Calculate the mass of earth by using this law. (06) b. Prove that 2aS =v; ~v; by graphical method. (04) asia State Pascal's law and explain the working of Hydraulic Press. (06) b. 50 kg man moved 25 steps up in 20 seconds. Find his power if each step is 16 cm high. (04) as a Define the Rate of fiow of heat through a solid object. A'so explain the factors upon which it depends. (06) b. How much heat is required to increase the temperature of 0.5 kg of water from 10°C to65°C ? (Specific heat of water 4200 J kg™'k"') (04) ISA 1407 (ON) Ieew onload osS5 Revised Syllabus 83 pra (nee AE F240 LMU Owe SS et pre AZ (11) WL pro GysiiedSermmboteLewL pr wi py co ced pL nCiisoyz L gt Sevsiecd Ad(sheet Bee/-4i 3h) poate (11x3=33) ute at Buypipe ELI (Myla Me kuti LEDS tats at bo Sire SLIM ILEL VE be 3s! te HE AL50 om Lari 08 SLE ud a PE Luytiplorts Se te Puce tte ye SUL trf ot Poe he oe Si fevsevsire wf S tN Fe Bert Setiuge Siete OL Seteifudie(MercuysrsKee? mpfr? HILL IGE sediud Lie rh Minti tunsl bie ca SEA Lit 8 (2 (acceleration\e 6 Lex (20ms"') 2620S nb Ee 8-e Veto (et nahelo6LI “tt Sei? be» SéAch (20,4) prio (2x10=20) Cute AE vip ES 9 oS) (08) LAY Wet a mbulisien Seri hung eos 6i oy Meee (04) aS=V}p-vP Soon BAAS (06) Forth TE phos ais Soot (04) Fema Stink 16 om Sire to uiex25uin€ 208 WILLE SO (06) warn Se eg SUSIE AS I Lei LAA PSI Le ARE Guts Flos Livnt 65°C & WC £dvihHos (04) (4200 sg"! ke! atest SN) —-- ISA_ 1407 (ON) ~~ Ur 0 i) (i (iv) wv) (vi) (vil) (wil) (~) 9) (xi) (xi) xi) (xiv) (xv) wl Ay ~ ath ty ~~ hoi ty Roll No. Answer Sheet No e Sig. of Candidate. Sig. of Invigilator. PHYSICS SSC-1 SECTION — A (Marks 12) Time allowed: 20 Minutes (Old Syllabus) NOTE: Section-A Is compulsory. All parts of this section are to be answered on the question paper itself. It should be completed in the first 20 minutes and handed over to the Centre Superintendent. Deleting/overwriting Is not allowed. Do not use lead pencil. Q.1 Circle the correct option ie. A/ B/C /D. Each part carries one mark. @ tus ‘ A 10% B. 10° c 10° D. 10° (iil) Alberuni measured the circumference of the Earth near. in Pakistan. A Multan: B. Kasur c. Bahawalpur D. Pind Dadan Khan (iii) Velocity of light in ms™* is A 3x108 B. 3x10° c 3x10" D. 3x10° (iv) A satellite is revolving around the Earth in a circular orbit. If the radius of the orbit is increased from R to 2R,what will be its velocity? Vv v A ww oo Cc D. None of these 2 v2 (¥) What will be the power of a machine doing 100J work in 5 seconds? A 2walt B10 watt Cc 20watt D. —_None of these (vi) The work done by the force applied on the machine is called A Effort B Load C.—Input D. Output (vil) Unit of pressure is. A Pascal B. Joule c. Newton D. Watt (ili) A ball is dropped from the top of the tower. The distance covered by it in the first second is aim B 10m Cc 50m D. 100m () 100°C = oF A a2 B 180 Ce 212 D. Zero (x) Co-efficient of linear expansion (cr) = B B A 8, a 2, ce oF a . 3 2 (xi) Unit of mechanical advantage is A Newton B. Pascal Cc. Watt D. None of these (xi) The formula to find 'g’ by free fall method is A i B. ec c. a D. None of these t t 32T For Examiner's use only: Total Marks: 12 Marks Obtained: ies —18A 1407 (Old) — Roll No. ‘Answer Sheet No. Sig. of Candidate: Sig. of Invigilator: Peet onal ost GS (Old Syllabus) (12: AP sini 220 eb yg Re Aa leet VEU ALI I Br QE Kn Ld vaste geynlstegiisin abd a AGI LG 1D SL terre E 9M Glog bat SIL» wally Ws 0 10° [ 02) 103 10. wy pbnebt nih Lulyidd ii bub wy i ol edn Less ITY i) S10 S510 ce 3x10 3x104 -SLbn. USUI LWR RUM DML ce HA MUS Loti wrt! (iv) ees # ip Ae a GS e JAR 5 Sw 100) FL (Y) Mette ey 2b10 ae ano ol et. PELLnhc — (vi) ees ~ et Be th -< wig (wil) wh dé de me Ft ot be Sine (iL VWVE site degae wh (ui) F100 ” 50 ae #10 - FS ih W00Ce ey ete ay 212 & 180 ~~ 32 ot = (@eASidds — g ” g % 26 3B as On. wisn i) Mettts eh Oa ee Se th -ete Wee ig EAL SIS) — (ail) he 32h 2h Mette» & a eS PHYSICS SSC-I (Old Syllabus) 2:40 Hours Total Marks Sections B and C: 53 NOTE: Answer any eleven parts from Section ‘B’ and any two questions from Section ‘C’ on the separately provided answer book. Use supplementary answer sheet i.e. Sheet-B if required. Write your answers neatly and legibly. SECTION ~ B (Marks 33) Q.2 Answer any ELEVEN parts. The answer to each part should not exceed three to four lines.( 11 x3 = 33 ) @ What is meant by the Significant figures of measurement? (i) Name any six tools of Physics which are frequently used in the diagnostic techniques of medical science (ii) The mass of a metallic sphere is 36.9 g and its volume is3.90m?. Calculate its density expressed in correct number of significant figures. (iv) What are “Geostationary Satellites"? For which purposes are they used? (v) __ Differentiate between Mass and Weight. (vi) Derive the equation: S = vit + fat? (vil) In order to push a box of 40 kg mass on the floor, a force of 280 N is required. What will be the co-efficient of friction existing between the box and the floor? (viii) Define Surface Tension. What is the effect of temperature on it? (x) The x and y-Components of a force vector F are 6N and 8N, respectively. Find its magnitude and direction. (x) Write any three objectives of using machines. (xi) Why does the climate of coastal areas remain moderate? (xii) Define Viscosity, Hooke’s law and Pressure. (xiii) What is meant by the “Absolute Zero"? (xiv) Even a person takes a bucket of water to some distance, his work is zero. Why? (xv) Define Couple. Give any two examples from daily life. SECTION - ¢ (Marks 20) Note: Attempt any TWO questions. All questions carry equal marks. (2x10 = 20) Q.3 a Define Co-efficient of Linear Expansion . Derive the expression L, = L, [1+a(T -T,)] 6) b. How much power is used by a 40 kg athlete by climbing 10 m high ladder in 105? @) Define Unstable Equilibrium. Give one example from daily life. @) Qa4oia What is meant by Resolution of Vectors? Resolve a vector F into its rectangular components and find their magnitude “ b Acar was moving with a velocity of 72kmh". It was stopped in §s by applying brakes, How much distance was covered by the car before it stopped? (4) When aman is standing on the ground, how much upward force is exerted on him by the Earth? Why does not this force lift him the Earth upward? 2) Q.5 a. Whatis Lever? State its principle and derive expression for its mechanical advantage. 6) A ball of mass 200g was thrown vertically up to a height of 15m. Find the change in the gravitational potential energy of the bail. (3) c. What is the effect of the following on the gravitational acceleration: 2) (i) Mass of a freely falling body. (ii) Distance of freely falling body from the centre of the Earth —18A 1407 (0%) — wontons 55 (Old Syllabus) 83 prot pio AP F240 Me (2) Bek price a 21 (11) WL prio ug GPS ire no yeLotir£ pr at ty so ep Lnb bison Lg tSeySirze Lb(sheet B27 (33,44) pun (141x333) ute Buypipe PLZ) (11 ife We tba fete" emu" LHe UL nN bit RIPE Mere frletge IEF IIL ree WETS te HILL 3. 9p 0! 0198.9 WLS Dont Sales" Mieuste” tt wal nS avite 3a eh GaP ster bMiareenl A oi Giue Wnsnlehe290d LA HALL ref 40 sean Mee dn ctars" Pd” -Ephe (magnitude nS orsig BN ON ALY wi xe Lund ANA joe f ell jrLut She Fiybon ban Tudeh LAS Ag ol ORG Ges teen" yhtarel” te rE I tel CEILI Ef is Gan pins ob Lap (20/44) prito (2x10=20) Cue AL ump lr » SS (05) oi vilg =L[1+ a(Ty -T)) ene iar “ cAsoug de” * (03) SerAIerin Pee 2 RE 10 gS ek 10 edtibibnc IF 40 (02) Elite Gen pin ot LLGAS " Edshvie dé” (04) EMP SILIEASIEL IN FE ite pfe" fees (04) SO iE Me LAG 6ML ce ip SSA IHIT2 HL (02) Swi tutpie tic hii se Mia AS grig rit Iss pti Pit (05) Eb bo I iS W ALE al” (03) Fe AE Se tg eli ih SH 1S LSS 200 (02) ected i Pay Mit bine ba Kienrenr tit i) we endtuit — ty nn 188 1407 (Old) === ats “i (0) ii) (iv) w) (vi) (vil) (vi (oe) ®) (xi) xi) ai) (xiv) ow) at & otk, Bi :0/4, +

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