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Solutions Manual Accompanying Elements of Electromagnetics, Third Edition Matthew Sadiku, Jerry Sagliocca, and Oladega Soriyan Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter § Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 TABLE OF CONTENTS 40 B 113 129 193 221 240 280 328 350 384 389 CHAPTER 1 PLE. LI (a) A+ B=(1,03)+(5,2,-6) = (6.2,-3) |4+ Bl= 36+4+9=7 (b) 5A-B=(5,0.15)-(5,2,-6) = (0, (c) The component of A along ayis Ay =0 (4) 34+ B=(3,0,9)+(5,2,-6) = (8,2,3) A unit vector parallel to this vector is ae "644449 = 40.9117, +0.2279a, +0.3419a,) P.E. 1.2 (a) The distance vector (0,3,8)-(2,4,6) +2a, Ton =a - (b) The distance between Q and R is =V44144 33 (6) Vector rap =(1,-3,5)-(2,4,6) = (-1,-7,-1) COSOpon = (a) Area = Vo roe * roe| = Vi(15,-4.13) { I PLE. 13 Consider the figure shown below: 40 U, =U, +U, a, +a,) 3500, + = -378a, + 28.284, or u = 379.32175.72" N y . E i x j u uw s PLE. 14 At point (1,0), G at point (0,1), G at point (2,0), G at point (1,1), G It is evident that G is a unit vector at each point. Thus the vector field G is as sketched in Fig. 1.8 PLES Using the dot product, 9, -AtB__-/3 cos AB” T1065 * or using the cross product, Either way. P.E.1.7 a+b+c=0 showing that a, 6, and c form the sides of a triangle. a-b=0, hence it is a right angle triangle. Area = 3.940914 = PLELLS (@) BP, = V(x, -x) +. -)) +(e) - 2) =V25+4+64 =9.644 (b) rp =P + Alte, rm) = (1,2,-3)+ a(-5,-2,8) d= PP sind =|PP, xa,,,| 146 -3 4 “Fails -2 3 5 alt 14.-73.-27) = (-5,-2,-2) -0.8703a, — 0.3482a, - 0.3482a, Prob. 1.2 (a) A + 2B =(2.5,-3)+(6,-8,0) = 8a, —3a, (b) A -5C = (2,5,-3)-(5,5,5) = (- 3,0, | |4-sej=V9r0+6 = 8.544 (c) KB = 3ka, ~ 4ka, |kB| = VOR? 16k? = 45k =2 =k (d) A- B= (2,5,-3)-(3,-4,0)= 6 -20+0=14 2 5 3-4 AxB (12 9 23 ae axa} ofc) 14714714 Prob, 1.3 | | (a) A-2B =(2,1,-3)-(0,2,-2) = (2,-1,-1) A-2B+C a, + 4a, + 6a, (b) 4+ B=(2, C-4(4 + B)=(3,5,7)-(88,-16) = -5a 3a, +234, (c)2A -3B = (4,2,-6)-(0,3,-3) = (4,-1,-3) \C|= V9+25+49 =9.11 | 24-38 ey 039m = OMe, - 0.32930, = 2) = 0.857 la, +0.6428a, + 1.642a, (d)A-C =6+5-21=-10, [Bl = v2 A-C-|Bl 10+2 | taste (2 -t}¢(2.3.2) Gators 53833.0.75) 304 33 444 -1{ far(tarte)= ° ! "a1 234 Fo) 2 hat67 1.5833 0.75 | Prob.1.4 (a) T=(3,22,1) and $ = (4, 6,2) (b) rrs = ts — 1 = (4, 6, 2) = (3, -2, I= 1 Bay ta, (c) distance = |rrs| = V1 +64 +1 = 8.124m Prob. 1.5 Let D = aA + 6B+C | =(Sa- 6 +8)a, +(3a+4f +2)a, +(-20 +68), D, =0+5a-f+8=0 a) D, =0 4-20 + 6f =0 +a =38 Q) Substituting (2) into (1), 15B-B+8=0> f= Thus Prob. 1.6 A-B=0>0=3a+f-24 ad) A-C=0-+0=Sa-2+47 (2) BC =040=15-28 -6y 3) In matrix form, 24) [3 1 0fa > =|5 0 4 ‘ {Is} lo 2 6f7]} 3 1 O sb 0 4|=3(0-8)-1(30~0)+0(10-0)=-24-30 =-54 lo 2 24 1 oJ A,=|2 0 4)=-24x8-(12-60)=-144 1S 2 6| Is 24 oJ =|5 2 4 =3(12-60)-24x30 = -864 0 15 4 {3 1 24! 4,=|5 0 2/=-12-75+240=153 lo 2 15] Prob. 1.7 (2) A-B = ABcosO 4p Ax B= ABsinO ,,, (4-B) +|Ax Bl’ = (4B)*(cos? 0,, +sin? 0,,)= (4B)? Prob. 1.8 (a) P+ Q=(2,2,0), P+Q- R =(3,1,-2) |P+O-R|=V9+1+4 = Vid = 3.742 [-2 -1 - (b)P-QxR=|4 3 2)/=-2(6-2)+(8+2)-2(44+3)=-8+10-1 -l 1 2 432 5 =(4,- OxR I‘ ; i (4,-10,7) P-QxR=(-2,-1,-2)-(4,-10,7) = -8+10-14 = 32 4 2 Jetaaa) 4,4,2)-(-1,2)= 44444 =12 -l 1 2 or QxP-R=R-QxP=|4 3 -2 -1 (d)(P x Q)-(Q x R) = (4,-4.2): (4,-10,7) = 16 + 40-14 4 -4 J ol «0)(@xA)=[) 10 77488 P-R (2-1-4) Ong See = (905000 = tpiRi” Jacteadisted py = 114.1" - (sind = 2 SIRETORT Ne PI ibe 9+4 35 | Op9 = 214 Prob. 1.9 Tr. (a)T, =T-a, => Is| (b)S, =(S ayhe, = EDI. =12-63) = -0.2857a, + 0.8571a, - 0.4286a, \@12110) | 245 N67 -ITxS| _ ris} | 2 -6 3 12] = 0.9129 al (c)sin8,s = Prob. 1.10 AB _~1+12+15 _ 26 _ 694 iB) Visaso Via (B-A)A _ 26(-1,6,5) b) B, = (B- = =a )B, =(B-as)eg lar (+3625) =-0.4193a, +2.516a, +2.097a, B 26 26 A Oy, - AB. __ 2626 (0800 ~ igi” Jeijieaes ~ Vena @A,=A-a, Prob. 1.11 Prob. 1.12 Por ye 2 0 3” P-(Qx R)=(2,-1,1)-(3,-1,2 =6+1-2=5 QxR= (3,-1,-2) Prob. 1.13 (a) Using the fact that (4x B)xC =(4-€)B-(B-C)A, we get Ax(Ax B)= (Ax B)x A =(B-A)A-(4-A)B (b) Ax (4x(Ax B))= Ax[(4-B)4-(4-)B] = (4: BYAx A)-(A- AYAx B) Prob. 1.14 [ A(BxQ = Hence. A-(BxC) = (AxB)-C Prob. 1.15 (15.39,-30) [6 0 PpxRR=[ oo I Area of the triangle = +|P,P, x BP = Prob. 1.16 Let P; = (4,1,-3), P2 = (-2, 5, 4), and P3 = (0, 1, 6) Pi a=, ~ 14, = (-2,5,4)- (41,-3) = (-6,4,7) = (0,1,6)-(-2,5,4) = (2,-4,2) rn, = (41-3) - (0,1,6) = (4,0,-9) Note thata+b+c=0 12-16+14 b = abcos(180~ 7) > - = —_— #16 abcod 80-7) + cosy = B= IE 4 14° . = Se = BAT res Tor +0-18 24/97 «10 = cos! ———- = 78, A V2497 = 24+0-63 a-c = accos(180- a)» —cosa = 2 £ = —748 40-63 ale] Ji01/97 — Prob. 1.17 (8) fp = Mo - Fp = (2,-1.3) (-1.4,8) = (3,-5,-5) Tig =|Peq| = V9-+ 25+ 25 = 7.681 (b) Fog = = (-1,2.3)-(- 1.4.8) = (0.-2.-5) j () rep = 3a, +5a, + 5a, Ton = 2.-1,3)-(-1,2,3) = 3a, -3a, cos = for For 91S 24 \rorltoe| V9+25+25V9+9 Vi8V59 6 = 137.43" Shae Xa | 5S ferston=[ 5 _3 = 15a. +154, ~ 60, Are: = LVS HIP HE = 11.02 (©) Perimeter = OP + PR+ RO=rop + Fon + Foe = 59 + V4425 + VIB = 7.681 + 5.385 + 4.243 731 Prob. 1.18 (a) Let A = (4,B,C) and r ="(x,y,2) i+ By+ C2+ D where D = -4° - B’- C*. Hence, (r-A)-A = 0 Ax + By+Cz+D=0 which is the equation of a plane. (b) (r-A)-r = (x-A)x + (y-B)y + (2-C)z If (r-A)r = 0, then v+y+z—Ax-By-Cz=0 which is the equation of a sphere whose surface touches the origin. (c) See parts (a) and (b). [Prob. 1-19 " — | (a) Let P and Q be as shown below 5 x Q 82. 2x4) ; |P|=cos’ 8, +sin? 6, = 1,|Q| = cos? 0, + sin? @, =1, ' Hence P and Q are unit vectors. (b) P-@ = (I)(1)cos(@, -8,) But P-@ = cos@, cos8, +sin§, sin8,. Thus, cos(O, -4, 088, cos8, + sind, sind, Let P, = P =cos6,a, +sinda, and 0, =c0s8,a, -sind,a,. ' P, and Qy are unit vectors as shown below: | P,Q, = (I)()cos(O, + A) But P, -Q, = cos8, cosd, ~sin8, sind, cos(9, + 8,) = c0s8, cos, - sind, sind, { Alternatively, we can obtain this formula from the previous one by replacing ! 02 by -92 in @. (c) I 5 1 . ZIP A= F1(e0s0,, - cos0.,)a, + (sind, ~ sind .)a, ee a 5 V2- 2(cos8 ,cos0 , + sind, sind , Let @,-8, = 0, the angle between P and Q. 1 1 — lP- = 3v2- 2cos0 But cos 2A 2sin7A. 1 l a SIP Os 5 V2- 2+ 4sin”0/2 = sind /2 Thus, Li p-gytsi IP - Orlsin Prob. 1.20 Prob. 1.21 (a) AUT, A = (-4,3,-9) [4] = J16+9+81 = V106 = 10.3 (b) Let r;5 = B= Ba, B=56.a, 5.6(-4,3,9) 10.3 -0.175a, +0.63la, - 1.8934, Prob. 1.22 (a) At(1,2,3), £ = (2,1,6) [E| = V4+1436 = V41 = 6.403 (b) At (12,3), F= (2,-4,6) E-F)F _36 ler 56 = 1.2864, ~2.57la, +3.857a, E, =(E-a,)a,p (2,-4,6) (c) At (0,1,-3), B= (0,1,-3), F = (0,-1,0) oO 1 - ExF= (-3,0,0) jo -1 0 Geer a ta, jexF| —= PLE. 21 (a) At P(1,3,5), x= 1, p=yxey = Vi0 PCp, Spherical system: y=3, CHAPTER 2 z=5, re yx? yt 2? = ¥35 =5.916 reyxre yess 6= tant ferny*/ 35 = 5916 = tan! ¥10/5s = tan“! 0.6325 = 32.31° P(r,8,0)= P(5.916,32.31° 71.56°) AtT(0,-4,3), x=0 p= xt + y? = 4,25 3,9 tan y/ x= tan!- 4/0= 270° T(2.9.2) Spherical system: (4,270° 3). P(JT0, tan“ 3,5) = P(3.162,716" 5) 2=0; rext+ yz? = 5,0= tan" p/z= tan! 4/3= 5313. TC, Tgs313 At S(-3-4-10), p= {ety =5, b= tant 4/-3= 2331 S(p,9,2) = S(5,233.1,- 10). (b) Spherical system: 270°). x=3, y=4, 2=-10; rot yee = Sv5= 1118, = tan '/ = tan!5/-10= 15343%; S(r,0,9)= S(11.18,153.43° ,2331°). In Cylindrical system, Q= 7 Q, p= = 0: x+y; Q. g yz= zpsind, J [2] cosé sing 0], /2|- -sing cosé 0}] 0 la} lo o ile In Spherical coordinates: rsing Q.= B = sing; 1 Q, =-rsingsinOrcosd ~ = - rsinBcos@sing, Q.| [sinécosd sindsing cose ][Q, Q, | = |cosBcosg cosOsing -sing|| 0 |; Q, ~sing cosp 0 La. Q.= Q,sinBcosg + Q, cos = sin? Bcos# - rsinBcos? Asing. Q,= Q, cosOcosg - Q, sind = sinOcosOcos4 + rsin? BcosOsing. Q, sing = - sin@sing. Q= sin {sin Bcosp- rcos? Asin g)G, + sindcosgXcos4 + rsindsing)q, - sindsingq, AtT: a 4. - - - Q(x, y.z) = gat 2a, =08a,+24a.; 4 5 5 - O(p.9.2)= 5 (e0s270° Gy ~ sin270° ay - 3sin270° a: = 08a, + 24a, ; 4 45 - 43. 20 - 4 - Q8.9)=500- 55(- Mar + S(SMO- FD) ao - soda 4 yet 540 = l44a, +084, 0 Note, that the magnitude of vector Q = 2.53 in all 3 cases above. re22 (a) [* [cose -sind 0 [ pzsing | i j "|e cosp 0) | 3pcosd a [0 0 | [econo i A= (pzcosd sing - 3p cos6 sing )a, + (pzsin’ $+ 3p cos’ $a, +pcospsinga.. | But p = yx"+ = = ze y » tang=—, cosh = , sin ; x y yrry te ey? Substituting all this yields: { [(a2- 3xy)a, + (zy’+ 3x’)a, + xya,] fl B. sin@cos@ cos@cosd -sing|{ r? B,|=|sin@sing cos@sing cos@ || 0 B cos6 sind 0 sin® To 5 Since r= x+y? +2", tanQ==2*” tang 2; \ z z { yxvty? and sin@ ===, _cos0 x+y tz?” . » x and sing = ' cos} = ; : yx? 457 an +y? . 1 B, =r? sin@cosd ~ sin@sing = rx-~ = ~(rx-y), ; ror I B, =r’ sinOsing + sinOcosp = ry+~ = “(r?y 4x), r * B. =r’ cos® = rz =—(r’z). 1 (a0? +" +27) - ya, + QGl ty? +2?) +x}a, HzO ty? y P.E.2.3 (a) At: (1,2 /3,0), H= ( - - i. - a, = cos$ a, - sing dy = 5 (a, -V3a) v3 + (b) At: (1,213,0), Go = cos0 dy ~ sind a, = a a a. ope 1 Hxay=|0 5 I= 0 6 - (©) (Heap)ay = 0a. ip ay | Hxa: = |0 1/2 1] = 05a, (d) oo. PE. 2.4 @ AeB = (3,2,- 6) #(4,0,3) Ia, - 33a - 8a]. () | Thus the magnitude of Ax B= 3448. (c) At (1. 2/3. St / 4), B= n/3, a-= costa, - sinfa. - By _ 1 aI (Ava.)a. = G- VI) Ga - 8; 0.116 a, 0. Prob, 2.1 (a) x= pcosd= Icos60" = 05; y= psing = Isin120° = 0866; z=2; P(x,y,2) = P (05,0866, 2). (b) x=2c0s90% = 0; y= 2sin90°=1; z= -10. QO =9(0,1,-4). © sinO@cosg = 3sin45°cos210° = - 1.837; ye=rsinOsing = 10sin135°*sin90° = - 1.061; z=rcos@ = 10cos135° = 2121 R(x yz) = R(- 183) 061, 2.121). (d) x= 4sin90°cos30° = 3.464. sin 30° sin 240° = 2. z= rcosO = 4cos90* = 0. T(x,y,2) = 13.464, 2, 0). Prob.2.2 (a) Given P(1,-4,-3), convert to cylindrical and spherical values; 20 pe yix™ a = VP+CH = V7 = 4.123 “7 a stan! = tan! te ° gta = tan = 28404. i Spherical: i rays yee = VIF 1649 = 5099 y x= pcos, y= psing, zc0s$- p? singcosg+ pzsing (b) Pe year yr 22? 2 +r? sin’ Osin? $+ 2r* cos’ O = P[1+ sin’ Osin’ $+ 2cos’@ i | Prob. 2.4 ‘ @) : D,| [cose sing o}f 0 i D,|=|-sing cosh 0} | x+z . pJ {| o o ilo \ D, = (x+ z)sing = (p cos@ + z)sing D, = (x+ z)cosd = (p cosd + z) cos D= (p cosh + z)[sind a+ cos} a,] ' Spherical: [2 J... sin@ sing | 0 | D,|= |. cosOsing ...||x+2 12 1 Di. cosé 21 D, = (x+ z)sin0 cos = r(sin@ cos¢ + cosd) sind sing. D, = (x+ z)cos@ sing = r(sin8 sing + cos )cosé sing. D, = (x+z)cosh = r(sin9 cos6 + cos) cos}. D= r(sin® cos6 + cos [sind sing a, + cos@ sind ay + cosd ay], (6) Cylindrical: | [®| cosé sing 0] [y?-x? \ E,| = |-sing cosé 0] | x2 le, 0 0 I |xe-2} | E, = (°-x*)cosd+ xyzsing = p*(sin? g- cos’ P)cosg + p*zcosdsin? g P cos2gcosd + p*zsin’ dcos¢. (7 - x*)sing + xyzcose E, =p’ cos2gsing + p*cos2gsing + p*zsingcos' g. i E,=x%-2 = proosg-2?. E = p* cosg(zsin® $- cos2) a, + p* sing(2cos? $ + cos2)ay + (p? cosp- z”)a.. In spherical: i E, sindcosp sin@sing cos@ | [y?- x" I E,| =|cos@cos¢ cosdsing -sind} | xz ‘ E, -sing’ cos 0 | bx-2? i E, = (y’~ x’)sin0 cos} + ayzsin® sing + (x? - 2’) cos0; : but x= rsinOcosp, y= rsinsing, z= rcos0; E, = r' sin’ 0(sin? 4 - cos’ )cos + r’sin’@ cos sin’ § cos + r?(sin?6 cos’ }) cost’; E, = (y" ~ x’) cos6 cos} + xyzcos@ sing - (x? - 2’) sind; | = -r° sin’ 8 cos26 cos@ cos + r’ sin* 8 cos’@ sin} cosé - r?(sin’Ocos’¢ = cos’ 8)sin8; E, = (x'~3")sing + xyzcosd ' = 1 sin’ 0.cos2 sing + r’ sin? @ cos’ § sing cos®; | In Spherical: am = i 4 ae ! (pa, + 4a:). A (4, + 44:). Ipaa sinO cos} cosé sing 0 -sing sing 0 o 01 1 EF, = Fs 1000s" $+ psin’ g) = 2 pen? 9+ psin’ g] 1 Torah Pesstsinds pcosdsindl = 0 pee sin@ sind cos costcosh cos sing - sind ~ sind cosd 0 er i Fi x r a r E = [-r’ sin’0.cos29 + r' sin’ 0 cos0 sin’ cosh + r°(sin’@ cos’ 6 ~ cos’8)cos8 Ja, + 23 2 > ? 2 4 in’ O.cos’O + “sin? 9 sin’@ + Zcosd , , , A ye F, = sin cos® cos" § + sin cos@ sin’ § - ~sind r F, =~ sinO cos sing ~ sind sing cos = 0: sy tay: 4 F = (sin’@+—sin8)a, + sinO(cos0 ~ -)ag. (b) G,| [cose sing 0] G,| =|-sing sing 0 G. o o1 G, = 0; zp Ge ; - VJ ip +27 : ~~ (pa, +24.). Were a | Spherical : G,| [sin@cosp sin@ sing G,| = |coscos cosd sing G, ~sing cos » 4 = sin’@ + —cos®; r 4 = sin@cos@ - sind; r arsind cos® | | ——— * r - sind | | ysin 0 }| zsine | | | 24 G, = rsin’ @.cos’§ + rsin’@ sin” 4 + rcos’@ sind =rsin’@ + rcos’ sind = rsind G, = rsin’ 9 cos® cos’ +rsin’@ cossin’ - rsin’ 8 cos® in“ 8 cosd - rsin’ 8 cos® = 0. ~ rsin’@ sing cosé + rsin?@ cos sind = 0 G= rsin0 a. | Prob. 2.6 (a) A, cosé -sing 0 ets A,| = | sing cos 0) | =pzcosd 4, 0 0 1 0 A= p(z' + Ieosd + pzsing cosd =e ey (+d + ety) vey A, = p(z? + D)sin @ - pzcos’> 2 eyety @+n7e- yx y xo + y 5 2x 2 Bs[-S Vx? eye 25 [B,] [ sindcoss cosdcosp - sing] 2x |2,|=|sind sing cos0 sing cos | | reos® cosd lo. cosd - sind 0 -rsing | B, = 2xsin0 cos + rcos’ 6 cos?6 + rsin’ § ry Wer yee B, = 2xsinO sing + rcos’ 0 sing cosd - rsing cosd ay: Xx B, = 2xcos- rsin0 cos6 cos 2xz yetty?t2? (opyxey? Feet Gea) yo Az xz yxttye yet y +e? a x Oty )\e ey ae 2 2xy + - rtyyrtyer ey a aye _ yes eet Vert yee? (xt yy? prez? (b) Prob 2.7 (a) [C.] feose -sing 0] [ zsing CG sing cosé 0] |-pcos¢ ie 0 0 Il 2 | az = zsingcos¢ + psingcosg = => + dcosd + psingcoss Fey way 2, 20a yp in? rg. V2 Baty = zsin’ $~ peos'g = P=, = AE TY $- peos’ d Pay ey = Qpe= defx*+_”; wz = +h d+ Fey! eat sin® | D, sin® cos} cosdcosp -sing] | 7 9 D,|= |-sindsing cos8 sing cosp | | 5 D. cos), -sing 0 0 sin’ @ cos | cos" @cos$ _ cos x D, r r PO” [eer tey ez sin’ 0 sing ‘ cos’ @ sing . y . 7 Vit y(t yitz’y’ = ? > Jay + 2efx?+ ya. y Prob. 2.8 (a) G,* dy =(Cosgay -~ singay)*a,y = cosd ax a4 = (coshay ~ singay)*a, = ~ sing a,+a,=(Singa, + cosday)e a, = sing G,* dy =(singay + singay)*a, = cosg (b) Since a», ay, and a, are mutually orthogonal Also, a,ea:= 0; ayea.= 0. cos -sind 0 4,8 ay sing cosh 0|=| aed, 0 0 1 a,* a, © In spherical system: G, = sin cos} a, + cos® cosd de - sing ay. a, = sin sing a, + cosd sing ae - cos ay. a: Hence, cos0 a, - sin@ de. @,# a, = sin cos; Gx* dy = cos cos; a,+a, = sind sind; 4, a» = cos0 sing; a8 d, = €0803 | a4 dy = ~ sin®; ta) [Prob 29a) r= O=tan'=; gag. or sind, rcosd; o-9. Fed (pF 2 a, =sinOa: + cosday; de = cosda, - sinda.; ay = a Hence, a-| [sind 0 -cos0]| > a| =|cosd 0 ~sind a o 1 0 From the figures below, cos a.~sin® ae; ay = dy. @, = cosOao+ sinda,; a. f ~ ~ z a sin8a, ~ -% cos6a, sin8(-a,) a, costa, a au 6 a, 8 > _ Pp p | [sin@ cosd 9 a, a|=| 0 0 1 ae a.| [cos@ -sing al a, Prob. 2.10 (a) H, es 6 sing 2/5 H,| = |-sing a 0 HJ) | 0 H, = xy’zcoso + x’yzsing = p om wipes’ = 5p’zsin’ 2 H, = - xy"zsing + x’yzcoso = - p’zcosd sin’ § + p’zcosd sing = p’zcos6 sind cos2$. H,= x92’ = p’z’ sing cos. _ ot eae! dotesin® 2a, + 3p zsin 2 cos2$a, + 3p zsin 26a. I [4] [sinécosd sinO sing cos [y's ite) = | cos® cose cos sing - sind | | x?yz | -sing cos} 0 xyz? | | x=rsindcosd. y= rsin sind, = rcost H, = xyz[ysin® cos + xsin0 sing + scos8 = r’ sin’ 0 cos® sing[rsin’ @ sing cosd + rsin’ @ sing cosd + rcos" 0] H, = xy2[yc0s8 cos + xcos0 sing - zsin8] sin’ @ cosd sing cosé [rsin8 cosd sing cos$ + rsin@ cos® sing cos$ - rcosd sind) ye[- y'sing + xcos¢] | | =r" sin? 0 cos0 sing cosé[-rsin0 sin’ ¢ + rsinO cos’ 4] =r’ sin’ @ cos0 sing cos26 | Hz= r’' sin’ @ cos0 sing cosé[(sin’ 6 sin 26 + cos’ 6)a, + | (sin6 cos0 sin 26 ~ cos0 sinB)ay + sin® cos.24 ay). (b) ' At(3- 45), H(x,y,z) = -60(-4,3,5) |ftx.y.2] = 4243 This will help check H(p,¢,2) and H(r,0,6) p=5, z= 5, $= 360°- tan’! = 306.87° | He 4012545 4-0.96)a,+ £12545 4-0.90)(-0277))ay +4(25(5)-0.96)a f = 288a,+ 84 Spherical, 300a: 1 r= {50= 5V2;‘ sind re cosO= a Ee . 4 3 & sing=-=, cosp= 5. a He 2500317 ty Id, 1 1 1 wi! ~ pgs "2 3g)t 4 + 15 *2- 35)- pha ta 2s = -8485a, + 415849 + 84a, \ Prob 2.11 (a) sing cose 0] 0 La Lo 0 Ips? sing | | | A [co = sing re" | b) A, = pcos’ = x +) At(3,-4,0) — x=3, y=-4, 1 A= 3[9a,- 12a] ,] [sin@cosp sindsing cosd A,|=|cospcosé cosOsing - sind 4 -sing —cosg 0 v[Rvieels x=rsinOcosd, y=rsinOsing, z= rcos0, p=rsind. 2 cos? ae j sin’ 0 cos? sin? @cosd sing EROS F sin8 cos + SPO COP SING ing cing 4 sind sind as r'sind cos’) Tsin8 6088 4 cos0 rsin® = rsin’@ cos + r? cos’@ sind 4,=rsin8 cos’ $ cos6 cos + rsin® cosd sing cos® sind - r’ cos’ @ sing sind sin8 cos® cos - r? sin8 cos’ sing = rsin® cos0[cos@ ~ rcos@ sing] sin8 cos’ 9 sing + rsin® cosd sind cosé = 0. 8 cos +cos’ 6 sind Ja, + rsind cos8[cosé - rcos0 32 At (3-40), r= 5,0= 5/2, $= 306.83 cosg = 3/5, sing = -4/5. As 3r a S(OY-4/ 5)Ja, + SUMO)ay = 3a, jae 3 A,| [cos -sing 0] [ 4, A,| = {sing cos 0} | 4, A oO j 4. x y [sin@cosé cos@cosp- sing] | 4, = |sindsing cosOsing cos¢| | 4, | cos0 - sind 0 s{4 , -ae x xz -y Prob 2.13 (a) Using the results in Prob.2.9, 4, = posing = r° sinOcosOsing A, = 3pcos¢ = 3rsinOcosd A, = poospsing = rsinOcosgsing Hence. 4,| [sind 0 cos® |[r? sind cosé sing A,|=|cos8 0 -sind|| 3rsin@ cos¢ H4} | @ 1 0 |Lrsind cose sing A(r.8,4) = rsind[sin§ cos0(rsind + cosd)a, + sing(rcos’ 8 - sind cost a, + 3cos¢a| Pe ce ae ae At (10.0/23/4), r= 10,0 = 212,90 = 3n/4 = 3 Ax 10(0a, + 05a, - 4) = Say ~ 21.21a, B,] [sind cosd 0][ 8] B\=| 0 0 ae B.| [cos -sind Oj] B, p B(p,o,2)= yp’ + 04+ sera t2a) At (22/61), p= 29=8/6,2=1 Bz V5(2a, + 04a, + a. 0.8944a, + 2.236. Prob 2.14 =1= 1) + 2-5)? = 29 = 5385 2(3\(5)cos + (-1- 5)° = 100 10 aa no 45-2 ts OF +5* - 2(10XS)cos 5 cos = : Rok on 3 | =(l i oos7 = == a = (10y(5)sin sin Ec0s7 7 4 d= J99.12 Prob 2.15 (a) An infinite line parallel to the z-axis. (b) Point (2,-1,10). [(©) A circle of radius rsin@=5 , ie. the intersection of a cone and a sphere (d) An infinite line parallel to the z-axis. (©) A semi-infinite line parallel to the x-y plane. (f) Asemi-circle of radius 5 in the x-y plane. Prob.2.16 At T(2,3,-4) 13797 cos = we = -07428,sin0 = #2 = 0.6695 ay = tan! == t é Y= tan i cos} Ti sing 4, = c0s0.a,~ sin a, = -0.7428.a,~ 0.6695 av. sin0 cos) @,+ sind sing a,+ cosda. = 0.37 14a, + 0.557 1a, - 0.74284, $= 90°; 1[B.] [cos¢ -sing 212 B,| =|sing cos 0} | B B}| [Oo oO A LB. 0 -1 0) [-3] =|1 0 olf 7 oo Hl- #] ? B=-a,-35a,-3a: (a) A+ B= (2,4,10)+ (-1,-5,-3) 52 (0) Ags Asan = B= = ~ Fez = 8789. Prob. 2.18 At P(8, 30°, 60°)" = P(r,8,6), x= rsinO cos) = 8sin30° cos60"= 2. y=rsinO sing = 8sin30° sin60° = 2¥3 I z=rcos = 85 V3) = 43. G = HHay+ 8V3 ay+ (48+ 24a: = (14,13.86,72); v3- 0 1- at Fay; 2 2 @, = - sing a.+ cos}a, | Gy = (Gedy )ay = (75+ WILEVF A+ as) [Prob. 2.19 | | (a) J, = (Jea.)a- AU(2, #12, 3012), a: = c0SOG,~ sinBap = - ao. J.,= = 60820sin gag = ~ cosmsin(3x/2)ae = - a» a. - - () Jo tan FInd = tan In2ay = In2a, = 0.693 1a. (©) = J- J, = - aot In2a,y = - ae+ 0.693 1a, . (ad) Jp=(Jear)ax ,, = sin cos a, + cos® cos ae- sing ay At (2. 1/2, 3n/2), i Prob 2.20 AUP, p=2,$=30, z= H=10sin30a,+ 2cos30? ay- 4a.. = Say+ 1.732a,-4a:. Hy, = H,a,= (25sin30° cos30°+5sin 30° cos30° )a, = Ba, (c) Normal to p= 2is H,= Hy ay; ie. Hy = 07538 ay. | (d) Tangential to ¢ = 30° | H.= Hoa Ha.=0 Prob.2.21 3 (a) At T.x= 3,y= Lp = S.c0s¢ = 5 A= 0a,- SUN 2ayt 25(Na: 5 r= 26, sind = De cos® = We 5 Jar+ (426) Ya" = -156a,+ 10a, (6) In cylindrical coordinates, B,] [sind cos 0] [- 15.6 Bli=| 9 0 i/o B.| |cosd -sind 0] | 10 3,5 B,= 156 sin® = 26(- ST B,= 10, B. = 156 cos@ = -3.059 B(p.o.z) = (-15.3,10,- 3.059) An= (Avan)an= (44 B)B> fo 343.36 O71a,- 1354ay+ 041414. | (c) In spherieal coordinates, t ' [4 [sm 0 cos6 | | | 4,|=|cosd 0 -sin6| 3 tt i id} LO FO jL25] 1 (30-76 485)(- 15.3,10,- 3.059) 38 a a 4@ Ax B= |4.903 -2451 0| = - 245.1a, + 49.03a, - 382-43a, -156 0 10) £(0.5365a,- 0.1073 a» + 0.8371ay. xs 1 Y= rcosB cosB = sis ae 0 2= rcosy cosy Hence, (r,0,Byy)= (7, 10 =2s y= 1269 cosy= == Sys 1269 400830° 2084 Ta = 46S 4 sins" B= 66.42 46.15? 66.42? 126°) cosa i 39 [(o) For (7.0.4) = G.30°.60"), rez cos B= —= sinO sing = 0.433 B= 64.34", r (r.a.B.y) = (BIS5P 64.34 30°). Prob 2.23 2reosOsing - G= cosyayt SEE. + (1- cos? pa. yet sind : oe = cosga,+ 2tanOsinga,+ singa. | sinOcos# sinOcos$ cos@][ cos’¢ G| = |sindcos# cosOsing - sind} | 2tandsing G,) | -sing cong 0 sin’ ¢ Gr = sinBcos$+ 2cosOsin® $+ cosOsin’ 9 = sinOcos’ $+ 3cosOsin? ¢ G, = cosOcos? $+ 2tanOcosOsin’ p- sinOsin® G, = - singcos? $+ sin? dcos¢ = sin gcos¢(sing- cos) G [sin cos? $+ 3cos@sin’ g]a, + [cosOcos? $+ 2 tan Ocos@sin’ g- sindsin® p]ae + singcosp(cosg- cosd)ay 40 P.E.3.1 (a) DH = oa" oes 0-0 &) FG= f ra |, = 5G- ‘. AEHD= | [rsinodiap |, = 9(-cos0) Pring dl sy = CHAPTER 3 lon. 3x = MGs Fe 178. an (©) On gues @ rs 0-90 ABCD = [ frdOdr = 13 09 © PLE. 3.2 rs . 2h, & (-cos8) | ors 6 40" Iysase = Log 598. pel 212 41 (fe f+ faedt=c+o+c, pod fas Along (1), C,= [ Aedl= J p cost dply.o = 72 Along (2), dl = pdb a, Ae dl = 0, C,=0 ye-1 1 Along (3), C, = [p06 de = oI G § Ae dl = C,+C,+C,= 240-121 P.E. 3.3 (a) Ty rsind ap" = (cosOsing+ 2rg)a,- sinOsinglnr ae + (cosOcosginr + rcosecd) ay P.E. 3.4 VO =(x+ part (x4 z)a,+ (yt 2)a: At (1,23) VO = (54,3) D_ 2L Vea, = (54,3) 3 3 , where (2,2) = (344)~ (1,23) Q, PE. 3.5 Let f= x'y+z2-3, g=xlogz-y"+4, Vf = 2xyay+ x? ay a: _ ox. = logza.- 2ya,+~ a. At P(-/,2,D, 4 Vf C4art ata.) me eRe VIB 6080 = ry.g = + OMS 18x17 5 = cos! —" 73.399 0 = cos! 5 3.39 PE. 3.6 0+ 440= 4x. (a) Ve At (1-2,3), Ve ) VeR (p B,) + pene “aes ar) = zpzsing -23p 2 sing + 2zsing - 32° sing Pp = (2- 32)zsing. ASS Dy Ve B=(2-3\()= xh (c) 16 at sind a0 4080 O)* TG ay = =6r? cosOcosp 7 3 (b) P.E. 3.7 This is similar to Example 3.7. H = fAeds= ¥4¥,4¥, ¥,=0=¥, since A has no z-component ¥ = [fp° cos’ odbc: Vx B= a,(0- 6pzcosh)+ ay(p sing - O)+ a: (pz cosd ~ pzcos>) cosh a,+psind a, + (6z- /)zcos$ a: q 44 © Z Vx -12 cog — C= a,— Find (r"? cos - 0) + a a > 3 ong: = r'*cot0a,- (2cot6 sing + gr a _ 2rcosd sing 3, aad #2), % 7 (0 2rsind cose) 2sin8 cotd a At 5D, VxC= 1732a,~ 45ae- 05a, P.E. 3.9 4 Ae dl= [(W x AyedS i 5 ~ =. Zoos But (Vx A)=singa.+ J0v x AyedS= [fp sing ad ap 5 #2, and d= pdbdpa. p ” = 5 ceose| = -$+= 1 P.E. 3.10 49 6 ao @ Ver GF a a AA a AL (2h. 24; Ga ae" Ga zee (aa Gade? PE, 3.11 (a) VUs Len y)+ Le + xz)+ Zw) 45 If B is conservative, V x B= 0 must be satisfied. fo 4 @ ox dy az ly+zcosxz x xcosxz| = Oa,+ (cosxz- xzsinxz- cosxz+ xzsinxz)a,+ (I- Ia: =0 Hence B is a conservative field. (b) 1a é VV = ——p(zsing+ 2, and We sing- 22 © singcosg)+ L(psing + 22 ‘cos’ g) pa” b+ 2p) pesing- D 1 5 2 = Jiesings 4p)- —s(cpsing+ 22" cos2g) + 2cos" g. 2 = 44 2cos' g- = cos2¢, ae (c) >, 1a 11 ! vif= TF aolps , cos8 sind + 2r’ "o]+ Fang or sin’ 0 sing Inr] ig {7 cosd sind Inr} = Acoso sing(/~ 2lt.- es0?@ Inr) + 68 P.E. 3.12 — SS 46 (b) dl = rsinddg; i a = fat =rsino { ag = (ysin30°((Z)- 0] = 05236. } pe236 ©) dl= rdp L= [ater fao- 4% 5) . aiso 4 26° 3°=— 6 Prob. 3.2 @ dS= pdgdz ; st aa S= [as = plfdpa: = 2 fae Jas = 291F-F] = 5 (b) In cylindrical, dS = p dp dp fa-2@p- = fas = [oa Joo = FQ (c) Inspherical, dS = r’ sind aa * S= fas = 100 [sinda [ap= 100(2n\(-cosd) | = 200x(0.5- 07071)= 7.584 a = qd) dS=rdr® 47 Prob.3.3 (a) dV = dedydz Vs fasdyde = fae [dy faz = () 2- NG--3)= 6 (b) dV = pdodpdz 54 [= ntn— 5) 2 2(25- 4(5 (28) = 35n = I 3772 3 1 ln, 26x, a 37- DQG) gt Prob 3.4 y x alone fo,as = J Joes odvae 0 920 1 we tog = foeyt aes foe's Sa a i 48 Prob. 3.5 Jaedt = [(x'des y? dy) Buton L, y= x" dy= 2xde faea-= Joes x 20a i ° Prob. 3.6 i a sin0 0 dr dh = 2 cosa) 0 050 Vv % @=5 Prob.3.7 (a) frei = fe = 2)dy[ + Joel + Je Sz") z = orf - af = 0+4-54= - 50 (b) Let x= 2. y=t, z= 30 de=2dt, dys dt, de= dt; an 19 JFeal = fer -sr- 1620) ae = “ze 3 Prob.3.8 49 ’ 7 fivai = Jenne, + Jorrarel) + fort adv + Syzar| [oor Judy 90-5 og ay? + fete J pyr py “3 y 1 +e etl = 5-304 nin NIN eG Prob. 3.9 The surface S can be divided into 5 parts as shown below: z Si 50 ba ~ J Jo°z(cos¢ + sing)ab dpa. =0 90920 For 4,, 6 = o dS=dpdeay 1 A= | [pz(cost + sing)dp dz a, p e St For 4,, 60, dS= dpdey-ay) fo+na = 1a Nin A= -ay - a 4- - 2 Thus, 4= [va3 = J+ 04 day dy = fat 1333, Prob 3.10 (@) | Adv= | 2xydedydza, + [xzdrdydea,- Jycedydza. Pop a a Raa = 2fxdi | ydy[dca.s [rae [ay faded, + fac | rdy [aca 31 Since fae Sf= 2 and jace 2, we get () 4, 4 A JAdv= 22 2)2)a.+ (22)(2)4, ~ 22AV(2)a = 16.a,+ 8ay- 8. [+ [ cost sing 0] { 2x] 4,| = |-sing cose ol] xz la} Loe 0 al-y = 2xycosd + xzsing = 2p’ cos’§ sing + p zcosd sing 4, A, =~ 2xysing + xzcos¢ = -2p" cos sin’ 4 +p zcos”§ A, => y= -pcosp dv = pdb dp dz JAdv = [ff2p° cos’ ¢ d(- cosh )dp dea, + [f]p?zcoso d- cost Jap dea, = 2[ffo” sin? ¢dlsind dp dzay + [[Jozcos" 4 a dp dz ay ~ [fJo? cosy cp dp dea Pa Since Jeosp &=0, J aa= 2% leosal"s Eeteseeete, + tsin2ayfay 1. =0+ 040+ (Nay 6.25 ay sinO cos cos@ cos - sind] { 2xy = |sinOsing cos@sing cos || xz cosd = -sind =o | | -y 32 J adv= [ff2r‘ sin’ cos’ 4 d(cost)® ab dra, + [J fr’ sin?@ cos’ 8 cos’ 9 8 dedra, + [fr sin?0 cose sing 8 dh dra, + [Jf 2rsin’@ sin? 4 d(sing a8 ab dra “ff ~ [J fr’ sin? @ cose sing ch oh dra “ff - [[r‘sin?@ cos’@ cos sind dBadbdray [2r/ sin’ 8 cos® sing cos) cd db dray [r‘sin’@ cos? @ cosh a8 db dr ay redid et a = Sb jeos20f J cos0 (- cos’6) da, ht pe hee = 2048 Gptfors 0c - feos! 0a ]a, 3 But Joos « G 5 ny a 2 Since cos40 = 8cos‘@ - 8cos’0- : ; Joos oa = 5+ e 1" cim Iw oe ole NIA wi % faav= 102.4 Prob 3.11 24a Vi=A V=B Bt —+ Vi = 244C Att =0, V,V,V.) = (-2,0,5). Hence, B=0, C25 a x=-2t+D —+ yeE qn ets _— z= 1207+ St+ F Al (= 0x=0,y=0,2= 0. Hence, D= 0= E= F 1.20? + 5¢ =-2, y=0,2=6.2. Thus the particle is at x=-2t,y=0, art (241+ S)a 34 (c) jy GH IH. 1 a. VH= at ~Fayt a a0" rsind ap 2cosOcoshar~ rsinOcospar- rcosBsingay Prob 3.13 = 208”) cos5za.+ 3e*"*" cosSzay - Se” sinSza: At (0.,-0.2,0-4) 22499) = 992-96 - 0.6703, cosSz= cos2=-0.4161, sindz= 0.9092 VV = 2(0.6073)(-0.4161)a,+ 3(0.6703\-0.4161)a,~ 5(0.6203\0.9092) 8367 ay- 3.047 0.5578 a, (b) VI= Se sind a,+ Se” cosh ay- 10pe™™ sing az At (2,50 2.50) VT= (S\O.5)ay+ S((0.5) ay- 10(2)( 10.866) a: = 25ay+ 25ay~ 17.324 (©) * poe ~Zsind sind 5 , cosd sing r At (1,30°,90°), =20S\I) - , (086\(1) - - - vo- OI), COO a = - 4,4 0866 a Prob 3.14 VS= 2xayt 2ya,- At (13.0), (b) (© VS= 2a,+6a,-a: and a, Qn = 0.3123 a,+ 0.937 a,- 0.1562a- Prob 3.15 0 T= 2xa.t 2ya,- At (11,2), ¥ 7 = (2,2,-1). The mosquito should move in the direction of 2a.+ 2a Prob 3.16 (a) Ve A= ye” + xcosxy- 2xcoszxsinzx af a VxA=|ex dy ez le” sinxy cos’ xz| = (0- 0)a,+ (0+ 2zcosxzsinxz)a, + (ycosxy- xe”) a: = zsin2xza, + (ycosxy- xe” Ja. ,_1¢ ; VeB = —— (p72? cosd) + 0+ sin’g pp” 9) = 2z'cos¢ + sin’ ¢ L p a _ zsin2) - _ 2B, a8, O)ayt a3 pa + fo- Woe FOES y+ 2pzcosd y+ 2’ sing a: a 56 (b) (©) =e I - VxC= or sin?0)- 0}a,+ {t0- © (2r' sind) ay ns {2 ( sinoy+ rsinoa +75, 6 sin6)+rsin6 ja, = 4rcos0 d,- 6r sind ay+ sind ay Prob 3.17 (a) ~yaxt 2za,- y* + Haya, 1 HOA) Ay oz * at a ee? = (0- 0)a,+ (p? - 32?) ay+ Sew’ -O)a: = (9? - 32°) ayt 47a. VeVx =O ,._! a cost Vxa= ee sind cosp)a, + [S55 = 72088-6085 I) C086 a ogy = ang 2 Lagiag + 7 C050 ay ot cos a,+ St oot cos0) ae Hence. Ve /f=0 s ao cos® Jag + Lo- Oa, 7 Prob 3.19 (a) Ve A= Sua, Wa wa, Lea ev ov =(A, Sven, (4, ae ey a au (b) VeA= 243-421; VV = yzayt x2a,+ xya: Ve A)= WedAt Avy = xyzt Dayzt Byz- 4xyz= 2x yz Prob 3.20 (a) [one nene VxVA=|dx dy dz VA, VA, VA, “15. )- 2m, Ma. hoa, 2 5 A: Ma, fu, )- aw, Ja: eV - vt Fpa)x(Aedy+ A, a+ Aa) (b) 1 | . ; pr sinBcospag 1 Vx(V A= Gt 77 SinOcosOcos¢- 0)a, + tos 73 8inBcos9)ae + 1 dor tsinoya, rer 2cosOcos$- sincos- sind = Ort = tot Sy r r r Prob 3.21 QU, OU, | wu grad Us Gast Goat Soa: = (z-2xy)a, + Sad tale Div gradU = VeVU = Le. 29)+ Zax! =x Lee 2y*2z) = = 2y422?- 29? = u@-y'-y) Prob 3.22 Ving = ~inp)a.+ Geman e Inp)a. a+ a, Pp 59 Prob 3.23 Ve=—a, V0 = —ae rsing r rV@ ae sind sin@ we 7. VCS) = Zsin0 ay rve vo=V Tw, V4= 9 x(n Prob 3.24 (a) VV = (6xy+ z)ar+ 3x? ay+ x: VevV= 6y noone VxVV=| ax ay l6xy+2 3x? (6) VV = zcos$ a,~ zsing ay+ pcos 1a VeVV = ~(pzcosd)+ =cos0 + 0= ~coso op ° e VV = re 60 (c) PV = Soar eosdsing + OSE ogg sin’ 8) 4 cos si Tragrgeosdsing ! 4 40s) i = 2arcossing + °° _ geosgsing - 12288sind : sin® Ve OV Prob. 3.250 ! (a) ‘ ° (Ver) T= 37 = 6yzay+ Ixy" a,+ 3x°yza, é T ef - - . - . ae pin ot =x (y"ay+ Qyed.)+ y(22d.+ 2xyay+ x20.) + 2(2ya,+ x°ya:) = dyzaet 3xy? ayt 4x°yz © \ Ver(reT) = 3 (2xy24 ay + x°y2?) ‘ = Oxyz+ 3xy? + 3x7 yz? o (reV)r= ods 1De ty'tz?) = x(23)+ yQy) + 2022) ' = 2x? 4 yt 22) = 2r? | Prob. 3.26 a é é (a)Vr" on OT) + Or") oer) where "= (x? + 9° ie 61 . ae ae Vets 20565) (x7 + yt 2) +29) D+ tre ret pe +22°G) Gey? enix? ty? tz?) (x? + y+ =nr"+ Sr" = int 3)r” a (Wares = 2yGyate’ + y +2)? =0 Prob. 3.27 (a) Let V= Inr= In fx? +2? veil ty yay % der DEH) Ze wre ae 5, ig, « Haat vant ras F ox oy oz r L Io . &) Levy = A= = ay in spherical coordinates. , 1 4 ld 2 5 a > An = 5 V? (Inr)= 00 Uma 0 A= (Ar = Sn) Prob 3.28 (a) Yertyes = 462) 23). 2 = OP 5 )+ 2G") = 6x + Oy + 62 = (xt V+ (b) n 202 nth - 2265)" tyezy dat... 62 3 sin2g+ 5 Cresin29) Pp = Asin2g- = sin2g+ 2psin2¢ a o iB p+ 2p: + 2p)sin2, a a (©) Vi= ne cos@ sing) : 2 VV, = Zur (/+ cos@ sing )] + — cea a sin@ sing )r 1 Se sin’ ‘enor + Frgintg!(- c0sdsing) ind eo = 6(I+ cosdsind)- 7 cosdsing- <== = 6+ 4cosOsing- costing Prob 3.29 @) U= xy’ Age: vues _Grv'e + gy every ae ‘ye ®) = 6xy"e + ax" e+ xtyre™ = (Oxy? + 2x? + x? At (LD, VU =e! (642+ N= 9e= 24.46 b) V = p’z(cosd + sing) vV= 5 fl’ stcos + sind)]- z(cos¢ + sing) + 0 '2(cos + sing) ~ 2(cosé + sind) (cost + sing) At 6.5 2), V*V = -6(0.866 + 0.5)= -8.196 (©) W=esinO cos , a, a vin = 5 (-r'e” sind cos$)+ cost 55 (sin0 cos0) ror e”' sin8 cos@ r sin? 0 4 VW = e* sind cosp(I-~) At (1,60° 30°), V?W = e”' sin60cos30(I- 4) = -2.25e! = - 08277 Prob 3.30 (a) ev ev eV WV = art ott BF = 2(y?2z? + x72? + x*y?) (b) VA=V?A, 4,4+V7A,a,+ V7 Aa: = (2y+ 0+ 0)ax+ (0+ 0+ 6xz)a,+ (0- 22” - 2y’)a. = lyay+ 6x2a,- Ay? + 2’)a. grad div A=V(V«A) = V(2xy+0- 2y'2) (d) curl curl A=VxVxA =V(VeA)-V?A From parts (b) and (c), Vix d = 64 Prob. 3.31 (a) ffeat= J + fe JoFea 2 For I,y= x dy= de,dl = deast dyay, 1 fm f ae 1 xde= == 4 For 2, y= -x+ 2,dy= -dx,dl = aaa [Far {c x? + 2x?- x4 Dade = 2 For 3, a [Fae Jxrvarl_,=0 ; 1.17 fFedl = -7 + 7540 = (b) VxF=-x'a.; dS= dedy(-a:) Jvx Pyeds= -[fex)dedy = ff (©) Yes zl vy dee *t + Jrcre ng Z 7 x x? dyde + { fedex 7 6 65 Prob 3.32 (@) foie (lf off off + ff me a rs = ~ [Jp cos? bebe + [[p? cos’ ¢eitdp - Jf 20?2*dbae|, + Jf 2072%dpael ut an = (2) Jap fz'de+ 205)? [ep [z?ate a4 a4 car 1 == 82)G 1) +502RG U1) = 2328, 200% 3 3 Ba LB cay 222y 2 42? (Ye De Spi") = 42 - 126 J+ Dav = [ff4z’pdpde de = 4 [z*dz [pp Ja yo} [a0 56x = 176 66 Prob 3.33 Transform F into cylindrical system [* cosp sing olf x° | F,| = ]-sing cosp 0) y? F] | o 0 1| oT ing = p*cos’}+p’sin’6, Fro? e084 + psn’ bys 2z~- pcos’ - 2p cos sin’ + 2p sing cos’ § +p sin’ > = 2pcos’$ + 4p sin’ § - 2p cosd sin’ § + 2p cos” sing + 22 JFeas= [vera Due to the fact that we are integrating sing and cos over 0< 4 < 2n, all terms involving cos} and sing will vanish. Hence, Men 2 JFas= [zz pdpdbde= 2 | ch [raz [pap ano 2 = 22a 50.26 Prob 3.34 @ fAedS= [ve dd, VeA=yezex i (b) Vedas. 67 Prob 3.35 (a) Vod=y't3y'+ y= Sy? Jueadv= ff [sy'dcdyd: 1 = sfae [yrayfa » 5000) 1667 a Pees of oN of olf of vee =f fo'dee| + [fpo'arae|,,- [fr'acarl , + [foracde|_,- [fo*zarar| + [fy’sdar|_, ; , = Mn D+ nM MD [)= 1667 (b) , 1a 3zc0sb _,_ 4, , 320086 Ve As 5 (pte) dee Ir oAs Ife? TF eost dba 25 bo = 4fpdp fz | ay + 3 fad Joss ae ear 3 “AQAA + 32Zrsinas = 25n+75sin4S? = 131.57 fAeds= fe [f+ [f+ [f+ ffi4eas It dy t Ist Spt Jy 68 tefl Jfsesingdpde|, = 0 = [J 3esingdpad |, «= f AedS= 250+ meee 13157 © VeA= aie “y+ Srsint Ocos¢) =4r¢ —— [0+ Adve [ff4r’ sindoaabdr+ I}? see cos8 cost cid dr = El cosoyfEy 2p fing = sKn)+ 18(0+ Due 0) = a 9= 136.23 G a 6 Jaasetlf+ [f+ {f+ fhaas \ Ad ose Since A has no 4 - component. the first two integrals vanish. a2 a? 4m i faas= f Jr'sino ad a | + J JP? sin’ @ cosdra | eo go ro go = 8! ® GC cost) [+ 9(2) sing [ i = a +9 = 136.23 Prob. 3.36 Joy av = 4 4eas (divergence theorem) { where p, = VeA=x'+ y? i aA, x? ' gx 7 A HG | a4 y? ' yp — A 5 CG, : Hence, ' ! 3 2 A= Ge Ga. + G+ Cay Prob. 3.37 . @ yh ab ' t i v x 1 ° da 70 | tl d= dpa, + pdbay Aedl= psingdp + p’db Along oa: do = 0, 20, “AedT=0, [iedT=0 , Along 0b: dp=0, p=2, [dedT=0, [ad=4n Along bo: dp=0, $= Hence, 4 AedT= 4n-2 ) a 4 Along ab, = 0,'9=0, Aediz0, faedl=0. Along be, dp=0, Aedi=p'db, Jaedl = fo’ = (2)'(n-0)= 8x i ; Alongcd, dj=0, $=, Avdi=0, [dedi=0 Along da, dp=0, Aedl=p'd, J Aedi= 9 fay = UO-n)=-1 1 5 Hence, fAed/ = 0+ 8240-5 This may be checked by using Stokes’ theorem, n Prob. 3.38 Let y = ¢FedS= y,+y,ty,ty Wit Va ' where V,.Vs.Vys ¥, are the fluxes through the top surface, bottom surface. outer surface (p = 3), and inner surface respectively. 3 For the top surface, dS = pdb dpa:, z FedS = p? z db dz. Hence: +t 190 1 Jovem a|= Oe pa? a0 For the bottom surface, = 0, dS= pdb dp(-az) FadS= Aap dp =0. Hence, y,= 0. For the outer curved surface, p= 3, dS = pdbdzay FedS = p’sing db dz. Hence, 4 2 va = fap’ Jsing ay, = 0 oo For the inner curved surface, p= 2, d5= pd) dz(-a.) Fed8 = p?sing dp dz. Hence, m v= Jao? Jsing ap |, 0 0 “0 190% 190 « y= 0404040 = y= fieds= [vera . 18 10 VeF= pap eh sind) + > ay (eose) + Pp = 3p sing - [veFav = {ll} sing - sing +) pad dpa 4 0402 fae : at Jodo 190 Prob. 3.39 Let B=VxT w= fBedS= [veBav=[vevxTav=0 Prob 3.40 O= —-prsinA(cosd- sing)a.+ (cosg+ sing)a, = r(cos¢- sing)a,+ r(cosg+ sing)a, Q,| [sindcosp sindsing cosa ][Q, Q,|= |cosBcosp cosAsing -sind||Q, Q, -sing cos¢ 0 Sle Q= rsinOa, + rcosOay + ray (a) di= pdba,, p= rsin30°= 2 2= rcos30= V3 = pee 2 fQvdt= | Ip +2 pag= 22) = 4n a (b) Vx Q= cotOa, - 2a» + cos0 ay For S,. dS5= r' sind & doa, Jovx Opes = [r'sing cot0 ab | fw = 4 [de foose d= sx 2B (c) qd) ©) For 5; dS=rsin@ddray Jw Qeas= = 2frsind ab dr|, 30" = - 2sin30[rdr fap ao =-4n For S,, dS =r’ sind d Ba, [OQvas= 1° Jsin? 0.08 | now = 8 [dp sin? a 3 x V3 = 45-“Sl 22 For S;, dS5=rsin@ dp dra» [Quas= Jr? sind cosd op dr|, 20 _ tay3 oar 21 2 rene 2 ee VeQ= 5 (sind) + 5 Fp (sindeosd) +0 = 2sin@+ cos@cot@ Jv +Qav = f(2sind+ cosacot 6)" sinddddbdr Pale => .@0) Jets sin 940 4a 3) Check: [V+ Odv = (f, +f, MV x Qyeds x v3 V3 east) = au - 5, (It checks.) Prob. 3.41 Since u= @ xr, Vxu=Vx(a x 7). From Appendix A.10, Vx (Ax B)= A(V © B)- B(V + A)+ (BeV)A- (A0V)B Vxus Vx(oxr) Vx(oxr)= o(Ver)-r(Vea)t(reV)a - (aeV)r =0(3)-0= 26 Alternatively, let x= reoswi, y= rsino¢ = -orsino fa, + orcosotay = -0 yar + Oxay 2 4 3 Vxu=|ax dy 8z/= 20a-= 20 oy ox 0 - I - ie, 6 = 50xU Prob 3.42 Let A= UV V and apply Stokes’ theorem. fJuvvedi= [vx(wr)eds = feu ryass fu WAVY) eds But VAVE' = 0, Hence. Juvvedi= [wuryeds i Hy Similarly, we can show that Jrvuedi= [ovavu)ed5- [WUXVV) ed S i Thus, JUV ed! =-[Ued! Prob. 3.43 Let A=r"r= (x? + y? +27)" (xa.t ya,+za-) By divergence theorem, faeds= [ve Aa -,_0Ax @Ay BAz vea= CA, SM, Oz ax’ ay” az 2 rts Lory cr" = BOF) SOM) Cr") = rh Dat Syat ty? ty err apices yey n ee +e 222s? aya ryrt = Sr" + n(x’ yt = (tn) Thus, fr'rds= [(3+n)r"aV Prob 3.44 (a) | 2 a 2 VxG=| & & & log: 8x? -3| = Nay+ (-1+ Nay+ 16x- 16x)a. = 0 Thus. G is irrotational. 16 o 42 fGeds= [¥«Gav VeG= l6y+ 0+ 0= l6y 4 [ffisydcace = 16f af def yay= 1602 y= 8 © y 1 Se Pe Pa 0 2 qT qt G = 7+, 4ne,d°” tne ,d® 227, © 8xe,d° ) Tcos6 = mg 79 Hence, _tan@ cos30° = 34 Bred? wae 2 5 12 ne,d'mg g= zi pe a PE. 43 pene! Cee ae . dx. d? C8 (24,4 ay)= mG dat Grae where E, = 200 KV/m z= ctte; Hence, dz a a.) 80 At (= 0, (x,9.2)= (00,0) ¢, = 0= ¢, = 6, dk dy dz Also, Gr dd Atr=0 — ? Hence, (x,y) = an (-2,)) ie. 2 I= Il Thus the largest horizontal distance is 80 cm= 0.8m P.E. 4.4 (a) Consider an element of area ds of the disk. The contrhution due to ds = pdbdp is The sum of the contribution along p gives zero. 3 ._ | 7f_zodod = Hef pdb AR Ey sy oP thy? 2eq To hyde? 4 me 207 hy? fring dy 2 = 124) [eva 192 mC Fe (285 p,dS|r- Fr Ee ror Roe fae ee oot hy 81 where r-r'= (0.0,10)- (x,y,z) = (-x,-y,10). 7 22 bilo? Cx yl0) 7 nC 36" +y? + 100)"" i : = 108(10~ ‘ufo [aoe + fot i| le clyldedy (x? ae 7+ 1009"? fay? ) (x? + y? + 100)? Gry roo E= 108(10")a. | 2] a 2 2 = - 216(10")a: I [ yl I (x7 + 104"? (7 + a xtyx?+ 104? = - 216(10")a, In| 108 ere 100 2 - 9 = 708, | -2+ 4108 = - 216(10 dase) 108» = ~ 216(10")a.(-7.6202 (10")) E = 16464. mV/m P.E. 4.6 4s 2 Pr E- _ 2ne yp . To get a», consider the z= -/ plane. p = v2 a, = a, cos45°- a, sin 45° = Fara) B= OO Layo) ae) = 90%(a,-a,). Hence, B= EBs Es = - 180na,+ 270nay+ 900a,- 90K ay. 2827 a, + 5655ay Vim PE. 4.7 Q = . Pez Firat Fa 30x10? ((04,3)- (0,0.0)] | 10x10" - aor 5 eed o = Do + Dy= = or OA+ Say nC/m? = 5076 ay + 0.05734. nC/m’? PLE. 48 (a) pv=VeD= 4x pv(-1,0,3)= -4 C/m’ ih (6) 42 Q= [pvdv= | | [4xdudyde aad = HIND! 2) (©) Q= 422 8 [PE49 Q= fovdv= y = fDeds For 0< rs 10, D,(4ar’) = ff f2r @°)sind ab dra D(4nr’)= anes art Dr 2 Pa, nV/ res aa BVI 410") - z - Bere 22 POD24, 27a = 26 a, Vim 2her) For rs 10, D,(4ar?) = 2nn,', D-yr . 10*(10” E(r=12)= es UGG HD 3.927, KV/m PLE. 4.10 v= Dh Ane gir ral At V(o)=0, C20 Ir rol =I 15,2)- (2-L3))= VIE IF ral=1(-15,2)- (0,4,-2)|= VIB [r- ral=1-1,5,2)- (0,0,0)]= V30 VC15.2)2 ooh Boe C18) 10 6 * S18 30) 36x = 103 © ARE yr * If V(06,-8) = Vir = 10) = 2; 0” 22 We cn -25 "Ga? (a) 10°) V,= Si 25 4x 56_ -32.6)- (040.0) = 3929 (b) B 45 Vi= > - 25 = 2.696 yee ts a (0) Vyy = Vg V, = 2.696 - 3929 = - 1.2337 P.E. 4.12 . s i oe @ a [Bedi = [(3x'+ yae+ xdy 2 = [e+ yay | + foo ° (b) dy= -3de 2 Evd] = [(3x?+5~ 3x)de+ x(-3)de Ww a os = [(Gx?- 6x4 S)de = 8-124 10-6 We 12n) —~—5 85 P.E. 4.13 (a) (00,10) = —4 (r= 10,8 = 0,6 = 0) 100cos0 tne, (10) 10010" 10” 36x -[2cos0a, = sin0ae] yor An( 8a, mV/m (b) A ey 155) 100 cos%(10""?) = — 5 — = nas 0) — WD 100(10"" - 5 (2008+ sin ay) 10? 2 1G GOO = 09a, + 0.7794 ag Vim PLE. 4.14 After Q,, W,=0 = Ov, = —22 _ After Q,, Wa= Ou = FG 00)- O00) _ Ieauo"* dn 0") 5 fa After Q, , W,= OW + Vn) + OM, I -2 (00-1) 0.0.0) * (0-1) 1.0.0) = 3910") } - 180 86 P.E. 4.15 After Q,, We= OV Van Vr+ Wy + Vy) + OF, y 3 = ~ 49 10")} ~~ =e a ) een COO) 1(0,0,1)- (1,00) \(0.0,1)- (0,0,- 1) = = 361- Fo 4 +H, = - 39.09- 29.18 nJ = -68.27 nJ Prob. 4.1 (@) - =r -20(10"" {(3,2,1) - (-4,0,0) 7, Fg = £2iGo=Fa) u G2) 40.) 9 5655 Ge) te] Fo,- Fo 564 (2) 40,0)" “ 1 oe = -5746a,~ 16424, + 4.104a, mN Prob 4.2 (a) QC1,-1,0) QG-1,1,0) Q(0,0,0) Q(1,-1,0) QU,1,0) 87 92 ((0,0,2)- (0,0,0)) 4% £, ((0.0,2)- (0.0.0) q2 (00, 92 ((0,0,2)- (L- 10) | _4Q * Jue, ((00.2)~ d- io * sme, gQ _ 15(10K10"?) ou tne, 410° /36n) ~ Factoring and dividing by 1.35 yields Ueh2 , a F__ 0.2), 135 8 go! 135(025+ Ga)a: = 1072 a,N (-1,- 1, 2) + git Fe (b) Prob 4.3 (a) E(5,0,6) = = If E. = 0, then 9qQ_1 59Q_ 1 4ne, (82) dn, ly 0, = 29,8. 542 B= GCG = ~ 4G; = -3463 nC (b) F(5,0,6) = q E(5,0,6) If E, = 0, then 42) 4ne,(82)"* 390, tne, (61)°? 0, = -3Q, Q,= -18.7 nC +n€, |(0,0,2)- (11,0) 92 (3,0,5) Iney 2)-UIOI a [(0,0,2)- (-1,1,0)] 464 1(0,0,2)- (-1,1,0)F [0.0,2)- (1,-1.0) 1(0,0,2)- (- 1-10)! 135 C442) G12) gt gs q2 [5,0,6)- (2,0) 41 £5 |(5,0,6) - (2,0, ap * Cn” = 0 B22 nc 88 Prob 4.4 ; —_———_—_ —_—> +—-.?2>— + >_> +<——> 1,Q 24 3,3Q For the system to be in equilibrium,g must be negative and Fn=Fu= Fy =!0q__ -30q An(d-x) 4nx or that is, 3(d~ x)’ = x? 2x? - 6dx+ 3d? = 0 6d+ 36d? - 24d? 6didVi2 xe SAENIGd'~ 24d" Gdt dl? 4 4 x= 323 = 4732m, 1268 m Prob 4.5 4 5 (@) — Q= Jo,dt= Jax’de = 4x’ |mC=05C o o — 4 24 O= Josds= J foz?pdpde | = 9(2)— {nc (b) 280 $00 ps3 3o = 1.206 ~C O= foav = we 7 sin@d0d¢ dr eon he 2 © = 10 fap [do fre = 102m) = 157.91 C Prob. 4.6 2. Jo.dl=p, far= 5p, = 10 mC ©, = JosdS = ps fas = 05 [Jods dp foo 2 = os {edo fa a St on0 = 0(8\(5) = 20 mC = 62.83 mC 89 pdlR . WFeew? § U= bs R= (5O0)- (0,9.0)= Sax ~ yay _ t Sau- yay Ea Wears 25)" 20") Feo Taday [54424 4 i Pewee = 18(10°)[k, at ky ay) e ay SQL | L where k,= [ —@7- ~ es - OMIA | Ge asl here k, = j ee t Ld. oosass wl oe’ = - - ee te 0 ees ea y+ 2s VES E= ~2543a.+ 1054a, mV/m Prob. 4.8 . pdSR E= Pa ii A= pabdp; R= yp? +h? 0 R= -pay+ ha: _ Ps joeces hte pdb dp prey yf tpi todd ~ 4x10" /36n) tl Le Tepyeaet | J @uaryee) pd. ah = 600 Fat pa eT] epee | 90 and Its aaa - 0.1068 (>) The result is the same as that in (a) except that instead of ” w a” f=, wenowhave f sind =-cos¢'| =/ wo 2 +0 0 That is, we replace /2 by I E= 45(10°) (-k, a,+ hk,a:] = 4806 a,+ 18 a. mV/m Prob 4.9 3 aS=padbdp, r=Jp+h = [ose aye : ue 4ne or? p I 1 (pdbdp) ® ao 2 I Jas J dt Po ip Fae, ! (PP +H? tney 5 ty (P? +h) 2 < = Fanos PHIL, = Ltincas Yo?e A )- inh ; ATE, = she 2, h 1 Prob. 4.10 (a) (b) -aa,+ ha: adb(- aa,+ ha: (aes hy? “0 Due to symmetry, the p component varies. p,a(2nh)a, _p, aha; a=2, h=3,p,=5pC/m D= Since the ring is placed in x = 0, a. becomes a, _ 26\(S)ax 244 9? & = 964 a, wC/m? Dp = 2.1800- 0-30) 2 13.00 2* 4 1(3,0.0)- (0,-3.0) * 4 1(3,0,0)-(0. 2030) 2G-30) 69 * 4m8y? * 4x18? * 4x(18)? ,0)] 0)? D= Dut Do=0 6 6Q a6ac10"*)+ Fars 0 Q= = 064(42y18"?)10°* 2 = -102 92 Prob. 4.11 Due to symmetry, £ has onlyz~ component given by dE_ = dE cosa psdrdy h © Frege? + yh) P+ yt hy? ph tf dxdy t= lea oer re lay = Psh Is yde } ey A(X th x+y thy? 4 ost | bde Mey (x Hh Yr + bt hy? By changing variables, we finally obtain | = 36(10”)(0.0878 radians) a; = 3161 4V/m . = ab neg” [habe hy? Prob 4.12 E= E,+ Eyt Es = 2. © Greer" Daeyp tee CLD- (41-3) ie 210") { (LD) = (10,0) 10? (i LD- 4-3P ILD- (.0.0)F "Ge = (-0.0216,0,0.0288) + (0,18,18) - 90(0,0,1) = -0.0216a.+ 18a,-2647a. Vim Sug" y- 4 Prob 4.13 X=2 PL pe Psg , Peg Eom + ep? p= (0,0,0)- (3,0,-1)= - 3a. +a. 40") 20110") — (-3a,+4a-) ae (@)* F107 136%) (9+ D 210 /36n) = 72na,+ 36(-3a, + a.) 5(36) ((2n- 3)a,+ a.] mN Prob 4.14 p-y Be) Br an\(r- rat 2 {A dn (2,2,0)) | 2{(0,0,0) - (-2,-2,0)] + [(0,0,6) - (-2,2,0)) 2.0)" ~ 1(0,0,0)- Oy" * (0.0,6)- 2.2.0)" ((0,0.6) - (2,-2.0) _ © 1(0,0,6)- (2,-2.0)? 15 {2-2-26) 202,26) | 202-2,6) _ 21-2,26) an eg se pg? 15 ye (-4- 12.0) uCim? © ta(44) 94 —_—_— Prob 4.15 ‘ Let Q, be located at the origin. At the spherical surface of radius r, ! Q,= 4 DedS= ¢ E(4r’) if or E= 25a, by Gauss's law. dner If a second charge Q, is placed on the spherical surface, Q, experiences a force: F-0,6- 22.4, dner’ which is Columb's law. Prob. 4.16 @) ~ OD, 8D, aD. ; ' = = ty = / py= VeD= he eee by C/m | () i py=Ve d= 126" sing)+— Sy epeost) + 2 2 (23%) = 2sing-2sinp+4z= 4z C/m’ ! © ’ ~ 102 1a. t P= VeD= aoe sno it a) i = 0088+ a Prob 4.17 @ D=«, (E) = 10° eee +x? ay) D= 884 xya,+ 884x? dy pC/m’ (b) 95 Let f(x,y)=x+2y-5, Vf =axt 2a, p,- 610") (at 2a 9 "= 200773682) «VS = -1517 a,- 3035a, V/m | Prob 4.19 Ten e qT a W= >| Dav = Je, JP av ms 2eW = [[f(4y + [6x*y’ + Ddedyde 224 2 2 4 a ag = 4 Jae fy'dy Jae +16 | x’de | y’dy J dee [ae [oy far i 1 elle nO ys nl = Bel ase) reel = 4)75L + 161) + ANS) = 372 + 43556 +45 = 852.56 1 Thus, = aT 56) = 56 = 5.357 3107 1362) 87°) 853.56 = 5.357 kI 96 Prob 4.20 (a) 12D, aD. p0o* oz pre 4+ hae (z+ cos} +0 pe = 3(z+ Deosh pC/m? p= 01 D= 1200, ,) + Qnc = fovav= fff 3(z+ Neos pad ae w (b) ~ soap ern af cospd) = 305+ 2 Gosing [) = 6(8+ NI-0)= 72uC © Let = Vi t¥st¥stWstWs= fDeds (in the figure below) respectively. where V), V2 Was Was W5 tespectively correspond witn surfaces S,,S,,S,,S,,S, 97 For S, p = 2,d5= pdsdzap 4 ” wie ff2pce+ Noose | = 2(2)f(z+ de foosoap 3 3 = 4121) = 48 .dS = pabdp(-a:) 2 2=~ fp? cos pab dp = - [pap feosody aa = tas “4 For S, z= 1,dS=pagdpaz, y,=+4 For S,,d= 1/2, d5= dpdzab 2 4 vse ffpce= sing dpael, = 11 fodp [(e+ Dede 28 °? ae ail (12) = ~(2)(12) = -24 For Sj, d= 0,dS~= dpds(-ay),vs= [[o(e+ Dsind dpde| = 0 wy = 48-44 4-24+0= 24uC Prob. 4.21 98 FeeE __e | 3e Pox RR 4nR dn Py O D=0 For /2, y= D,(2xp L) One = 8% Lp’ f= 56nL 56x L= D,(2np L) 28 ° ae od Op2 p Prob 4.24 | @ \ V=Qye at r=2 5 10). | Qn = Joy dV = Jf Fr? sind dr ap 1 = 10 f fsinoa 150 420 020 | = 10(2) (2x) (2) = (80 x) mC Thus, y = 2513 mC t At r= 6; too Qn = 10 Jar fede [sind 00 a0 = 10 (4\(2n) (2) = 160% y = 5026 mC ‘ (b) BES i V = Qane ' 4DedS= D,fdS = D,(4nr*) Lom Que = 10 fdr dp Jsino ao fo 0 eo Que= 10 (I)(2n) (2) = 40% | Thus, 40n D= 10a, nCim 101 At r=5, Q,.= 160% Qn. _ 160% "snr tn (sy = 16 = 16a, nC/m' Prob. 4.25 Break up path P(/,2.-4) —+ — R(3,-5,6) rege Ba P (32-4) R3,-5,-4) ~ fevare {fof 5] | ear = Jars [ew [+ [ aye | Bry yes 26 = 2+ 16(-7)+ 2-5) | = 2-112-100=- 210 a W = 210 Q= 210(5) = 10505 Prob 4.26 (@) Wyy=q{Eedi, dl= dpa, W, —{ Jee+ nsind aol, = Wy =0 (b) 0 ; “He. J e+ Ncosep a | 4sing | = “ 4 a W, 8 102 (c) Wy, 7 2 i “2= [ psingdz | = 4sin30"(z|)=-4 q * o W., = 4q= 16 03 (a) Wy = Way + Wye Woy = O- 8+ 16= 8 nb Prob. 4,27 | (a) 4 From 4 to B, d1= rd) as, H om Wy=-Q | 10rcostradd | = - 1250 nJ t fa s— \ (b) 4 From A to C,d/= dra,, i 0 Wye=-Q | 20rsinddr | = -3750 n3 bs eee «© From A to D, di= rsindd a, Wy = ~QJ0(rsind)db = 03 @) } War = Way t Wye + Woe where F is (/0,30,60). Hence, 10 9 | Wy = ~Q) | 20rsinddr | +10 f10rcosd rad | | ms oni ocs0 to ' 75 100 I = ~ 1005+ >] nl = - 8750 ns Prob 4.28 \ We qiy= G0 Va) = 20 2UN-3)- M2) = = 16 wd 103 Prob 4.29 (a) VV = - (2xa,+ 4ya,+ 82a:) -2xa.+ dyay+ 82a. V/m (b) eV ev. av. a+ — a, det dy"? ast = costx’ ty? + 2?)""[2xaet 2yayt 220M 4) = -(xa,+ yaytz s(x? + y? +27)? V/m (ce) ast a: = -2p(z+ I)singa, - p(z+ l)cosga, (d) avs, 1 ov, 20 ** sind 69° - - 1 - - E = -e’ sin® cos29 a, + ye" cos6 cos 2p ae + Prob 4.30 (a) dae, 200") 1 2 IGM BI 4d * gx uy, = 03542 564 IOI Mn = 03542 Vos 310) Vv = 2p(z+Isinga, + p(z+ l)cospa,+ p’ singa: Pe” CTILD-O0M © CL12)- C25.) * 2sin2o)a, a - ev - E = ¢' sin® cos2b a, - e"" c0s0 cos2) a + = in29ya, Vim 4neg(10°)V, = ——— - ~~ 5 ~~ = 104 ~__@V- av_ av. E= Gyaet 5 at ge) = - Qxy(z+ 3)a, - x?(z+ 3)ay- x*ya, At (3,4,-6), , yd, z=-6, E =~ 2(3\(4(-3)a, - 9(-3)a,- 9(4)a- = 72a,+ 27 ay - 36a; V/m (b) . py = VeD= e,VeE = ~e,(2y)(z+ 3) V=Qn= Sears ~ 269 ff y(e+ 3dedy de 1 = -2ey fac [ra fier eee - cnn +30] a 27 10? =H 9° 3Ge ene Cc (b) Ye Ame |rp- rel dnedye ol, 200) 30) (@23-O0aT * 1G23-C2501 * 123)-G-45) 1 2 3 L 2 3 4#n6,(10°)V, = —~— - 2623) Je Jota OO 2D IB-3D * 126-3” WE TR 10°, 4n 36a 0 A = 0410 = 3694 (0°) Vv oe Vo- Vy = 069(10°) = 694 kV Prob 4.31 (a) los Prob 4.32 ra r =Por? 12 Thus, y= 1/04 Po roa 4eqr’ Prob 4.33 (a) Ceca VxE=|a 9 Al pz xz x = (x- x)a.+(y- y)a,+(2-2)a. = & a 7 7 féedi= | yzde J xed | + Jyzde | + J xzay | [+ co ly ms? yt (b) = 2yl+ 2x] = 4-4 Prob. 4.34 (a) a2 0) 3 Ter NY (c) =f .2 ., Varese” Frage * EA Prob 4.35 (a) For r > a, On = Jord¥ = [[fpoca? -r°)r? sind a cp dr Pn fsind & fs [(a'r?- r*)dr 107 pork 2 rnc = ARP (a? —~ =) Q. Plas 1 5 ax Qe = T5Po ys [DedS=6,£,(4nr’) V = Que cE (dar? ye SE Po or E : 200 ¢_. 2p, = |Eedl = -—=* [rap = 2. J is frear +¢, Since V(r->0)=0, C,=0; 200 Ve 15e, (b) For rs a, ae 1 = po(4n)(——- 2) Qn = Bold —— 5) Bo ar 3 3 } 5 5 fo Py 5 Since V(r= a") = V(r= a"), ar = 40 p(—— 108. 7p a" 606, Po ti a'r’ po | Poa! 6 15, 606, (©) ‘The total charge is found in part (a) as _ 81P5 Orns (d) For r>a,E decays to zero with no maxima. For rsa, — r=07453a Prob 4.36 @ m<~ = cE; divide bym, and integrate once, one obtains: dt dy _e&t ws Et, "From rest" implies c, = 0= cy Vv At f=, y=d, ea or V= Ed. Substituting this in (1) yields 2md er Hence: ond 2eE ue pats that is, w a 7 ous kW (b) se Pee [2 (1.603) 10-7 oF 9.1066. 9.1066 (10) = 5.933 (10°) © 1 2m 9(10"%) AT. 100. = 9557 gy 2e ~ 2(176)(10") © SPL AV Prob 4.37 (a) This is similar to Example 4.3. ft oe Wy Ts Mee My eEr = Sy Mol 2 2%. 100) yng “10 Since x= 10cm wheny = lem, amy 2(10") 2 836 es er 176100) = 136 RV/m 1136 ay kV/m () meme 2000, 110) = 20008 4, = a 2 176)10" (10) = 20") u= (a,+0.2a,)0) m/s 10 Prob 4.38 pcost _ kcos® dttyr or At (O,Inm), 9=0, r= Inm, V=9; that is, 92 KO. ge aco") 10")? ys) 080 910") At (J) nm, r= 2 nm, O= 45°, 910" )cos 45° 9 or 2 V 10°" 2 3s Prob 4,39 The dipole is oriented along y- axis. 7 at per = Qd ayea, = Qdsind sing a Qd sin® sing 4negr? ov. 1aV- av. WP Ba 59 Fino 347 Qd [2sindsing - cosO sing cos - “ane, PO Od... as - Faeg (28iN8 sind a, cosd sin} de - coss ay) Prob 4.40 W= OW, = Q, —~—— 4ne\ra~ Fi) 2(1)(10"%) 18(10") 4n(562) I-10) ~ 1.604 uu Prob 4.41 i We 5 [de Ed = % field, ' degre | - fo Q° i Wes Wir 7 <7(r" sinBdr db dp) g tafear 2 * 32%, "} 7 * Sree Prob 4.42 ee figravs 4 Dn ee ee We Fe IBV dv = eo [ff (sr? sin’ 0c0s"¢ + r*cos’0cos”§ + r° sin” 9)7’ sind Bd « A , = Seaford {fossa fino + Joos?§ ad feos a sind a a 3 a + ‘fin’ 4. [sind | 3 a | 5 a 5 1 aa ay pt | {eden J(d- c0s?@)a(-cos0) i o 2 0 Lot 1 f + 3 2n) Joos’ 8 dt-cos0) + 502m) c0s0)| \ 4 . Pr = 3.2e_[ 4n( ee coso)| + n(- 22 Sy) + 28) ° 3 10" = 326,(8n) = 25.6" —— to(8R) = 2560 We 07111 nJ m2 Prob 4.43 105 Vay az" E = ~(2pzsing a, + pzcosd ay + p?sing a.) I ; Was JiBPav = [ff(4p?2? sin’ 9 + pz? cos’) + p! sin’ ¢)pdb dedp a ip pide |e a | sin rare fo a |e fos od + fo'd iam i 3 8 But “fos? ap = 1 flee cos24yah= BL sin = 07401 a a 2 J sin’9 ap = Li I- 0524p = 5 — Lin? 503071 a a We 4 2: n =. 25¢/E * | 03079 +2 [22 |azaon + © | xos07n ° 4035 66 fo ° 255 16. = 255203071 + FAG M0704n + 1096 (9 3071 = 41767 + 239.394 + 838.59 = 1495.6 _ 14956 10° 2 *36x = 6.612 WJ 113 | CHAPTER 5 PLE. 5.1 dS = pdbdsa, r= fasas= f foossin® oa | L=754.4 PLE.S.2 wu = 05x10" x0..x10 = 0.5p A. V = IR= 10"'x0.5x10 = 50 MV P.E.5.3 9 = 58x10" Sim J=cE —> E= 8x10° Jepu 9 ues ign? 442x10 m/s P.E.5.4 The composite bar can be modeled as a parallel combination of resistors as shown below, Re For the lead, r,=— "5,5;," Ry = 0.974 mQ For copper, 14 4 R, = = 08781 m@Q 58x10" xy 0 RRL “og7tx0.8781 "RR +R 0.974+ 08781 PLE. 55 pp, =P ea, Pnfaag 2 PO Q= fonds = bA+(al? +b)A = Aal? Pp eV P= Sax? +b) = -2ar Q= Jomdv = [(-2ax) Ade = -Aal? 3 Hence, Or =Q,+0,=~Aal? + Aal? =0 PLE.5.6 = pT = 5000, kV /m 10” P= 10,E= (2.25- px s05x10'a, = 6.853a,uC/m? Pp = Pea, = 6853pC/ P.E.5.7 (a) Since P=e,x.£, Pp -tuteE P__ 3x10’ I Eo yon 3 *368x10" = 115 P__ 36nx10" : b) Feo = eet hoe 1.10" = Sa, - 167a, +667a, Vim j (c) - Vans nC/m? = 139.7 D=0,¢,£= =| 46.6a,+186.3a, pC/nd pra? 4 tenon PE ° 4 as required. i P.E. 5.9 (a) Since a,=a,, | Diy =12a,, Dy = -10a, +4a., Dy, = Diy = 12, D, Ey = Ey > Dy = 8224-1100, +4a,) =-4a, + 160, 25 Z : D, = D,, + D,, = = 12a, - 4a, + 16a, Clim’. be D, (b) tnd, = 5 = = 0359 —+ (C) Ey = Ex, = Epsin®, = 12sin60° = 10.392 Ey 116 f, tand, = t 25 o jhtand, = “Ftan60” = 433 — Note that 0, >0,. PLE. 5.10 D=e,E 10° Sq (9.20 30)x10” = 0531a, + 0.177a, - 0.265a, pClm? ue p, = D,=|D= See WON 44 9(10") = 0619 pCim? Prob. 5.1 sbi I= fseas, ds =rsinddparay Lo . 0. r J J rsin?edpar |, = -(sin30")? Wen -2n= r040 Prob. 8.2 * + 7* 500 t= [seas =f f =, Paap = S00(2na) = 10008x/.6x10™ = 16x = 5026 A r04c0 Prob. 5.3 ora F t= seas = 10] fe pcap = 20% | pe""dp os09%0 oo But fear = S(@e-n, 117 20na* 9 200d 40) = 23.11a? A e T= 20ne'a°(2— No a Prob. 5.4 == -3x10%e* do dt 1-0) = - 0.3 mA. Hae2.s) = 0.3 07 § = 16604 ‘ob. 5.5 (ay V4 pyle 8 rete 8 vy ee 22)+—(2x" yz) = 6x92 5 00+ 5 Cry) = 62 9. = ~8392(26,) = - 16.97, (b) J =p,w=-/6xy7ze,(10")a, 0%? 8 zy) fosds= 160) 2 fade [ade = -raaseuo| | “} 3 lo 36K T= -4(36n 10°05) = _ 8x10? oS 3x10%xnx25x10 Prob. 3.6 (a) R= a z: (b) [eV / Re 9x77 65.1 N (co) P=IV = 2.386 kW 1 4.04 nd? Prob. 8.7 (a) R= a —> p= RS/I= Fp a = 2855x10" o = 1/p = 35x10 Sm (Aluminum) ty J2 1S = 22 —« 566210 x y 90x10 4 J= GE = 3.5x0.1616x10 = 5.66x10° Alm 118 Prob. 5.8 L a Rey, Ssartend*/x.d= 0mm, [=N2nR =NaD, D = pe 15086. S)x107 Prob. 5.9 (a) R= = are = n(15)'x10™ = 2.25nx10™ S Sy = 10,7 12) = A(4~2.25)x10 = 175x104 177x118x10-" Sax 17 5ax10 177x10" 18x10" 175nx10™ * 2.25nx10™ RR Re RMR ee (b) VLR =1,R, —> 1,41, = 119291, =60 A 1,= 503A (copper), 7A (steel) 10x177x10" (Re jeazad L h 2 R= = 5 = — sm Prob. 5.11 |Pl=nlpl=nQd =2ned=%,£,£ (Q=2e) 2ned _ 2x5x10" x1602xI cE 1 36x x10" e,= +7, = 1000182 6.5mm = 0.27mQ 119 \pl= 2x10" x18x10” = 36x10" P=|Pla, = 3.6x10""a, C/m? P__ 36x36nx10° x10"! But P= 40,6 = = 00407 ul Heo) eT 10 0.040: &,= 144.5 Prob. 8.13 (0) 10° D=t,¢,E= 36 427, 1C/ m? Prob. 5.14 Pm=-V9P=0, py= Pea Prob. 8.18 (1) Applying Coulomb's law, 120 P Hence Prob. 5.16 5-22. 20 1 ane?” 40,0," Fine, =45/2=225 ; = 225, — polystrene Prob. 5.17 Q=4nr,7p,, Lrom Gatiss’s knw Q= [deus =D,cer?) —+ dD, = 2 ner? At Sem, dem, 124) 121 a = 107.1a, V/m 56g 225M O3) (-3a, + 4a, + 12a,), For 0< oo —+ Bx2s0,, Pao Gar Frey Vor ast, 2.4, — Oe Fort > b, p=-2,0, —+ b-—254, Pao ar fre, Thus Q D= a, r>0 ter” 54, acra, ¢,£,(dnr?) =p, = — fa As r—to, V=0 and c)=0 Atr=a, V(a")= V(a) i 2 2 Pat gg Pg Poe gy bee, | 3c, 66,0 | _ Pul2e, +1) Vero) = 6t.a “ , © Vo=a= Fe — 1 Vey=0 must hold. ince 2» Prob. 5.20 Since = (a) VeJ=6x7y+0-6x7y=0 —» This is possible. (b) -Ves=ye(c+*0 + — This is not possible. This is not possible. 4 This is possible. 123 D, = 50, D,=50e,, D. = 20¢, D= 0-442a, + 0.442a, + 0.1768a, nC/m? D,=306,, D,=60e,, D. = 908, D= 0.2653a, + 0.5305a, + 0.7958a, nClm? 18 (100. Prob. 5.22 ves -t el ™ ts (@) poe . 4 (&) I= [Jeds= [(Soeas,..« Olea [a= 50m = 157.1 A ao Prob. 5.23 (a) 0s fusas = jete sinddddd),_, = (2)(5)e"12"" [sino fay = 40ne!""' a a Att=0.l ms, [= 40ne™' = 46.23 A 124 5 o-1o ore ® 2 fSema At t=0.1 ms and r= 2m, 5 1 = pels 45: /m° Po = Tga gyre” = $5.98 Chm lo £ a Prob. 5.24 (a) == i. 2241x10 fo oxo (o) £2368 - 5505810" 5 Cn © Prob. 5.25 (a) Q= Qe" —+ to -06. —+ em = ef, 10° x18.2x10" () Bur = "28, g, gr 7 2058 36% = 0.1923 19.23% = pel! = 0.29840 % 1% (c) E,+a, = £,0s8, (b) Ej, =~6a,, or Ey = -30a, + 50a, + 4375a, 70 cos, 07683 30" + 50° +70? Prob. 5.28 ie (@) P= eoterEy = 285 (U0,-6,12)= Ey, = Ey, = 10a, + 12a, 12) = ~4ay Ww — 107 os gy 35g U0 + 67+ 12") 10° €,6,E, = tg 30,50,43.75) = -1.061a, + 1.768a, + 1.547a, nC/m* 10” (0) P= 6X By = 3x55 (30,503.79) = 07958a, + 1326a, + L161a, nC/m? 1.17684, - 0.1061a, + 0.2122a, nC /m* £7 Emm = £/E im —> 0, = 7564" 0.2219 nJ/m* 126 Prob. 5.29 (a) ~6a, ~ 9a, 1a, = Dns Dy. Px ee) (-6a, +9a.) = -/4a, + 2a. ACs m? (2-14,2Dx107 E,= D,le,= = 387.8a, ~ 452.4a, + 678.64, V/m ) 2 = Te 6,9) = 4a, - 2a, + 3a, nC/m? 12.62 _mJ/m? Prob. 5.30 (a) ww P= €%eE, = 5x5 = (2s 5,-4)x10? = 26.53a, + 66.31a, - 53.05a, nC/ m? — 1a 26.53 Pm = -VOR= ~ 9 ap (76550) = = nC/m* (b) Ey = Ey = 5a, ~40, \a, + Say ~4a, kV im > = 25x77 Se Axld! = 105d, + 10Sa, ~ 88424, nC) m? 127 Prob. 5.31 (a) E jy = 2000, Ey =0=Ey Din = Diy = Diy —> Ej = 20000875" = 517.63, e 3 . =4051763)= gy Fg01783) Ey Ey = 22 (2000) = 6000 V/m, 8 E,= Ey? + Ey? = 2478.6, , = tan” = Ey ©) E jy = 62 Em = €5E 1 oil | glass Ey, = 2000sin75° = 1827, Ey, = =4E, e oil Blass glass air 1 2 2 3 Oo = 22 (2000) = 705.9 Vim, 0, = 0" glass air 2 3 = Ey, = 193185 =4051763)= 155289 128 10? p>3—> Prob. §.32 (a) p, = D,= ¢,£,= 3e-W15"+ 8° = 01503 nC/ ; (b) Using Gauss’: law, D,tnr? =Q —+ 2 () We 35, LIP av = Haar lll" sinoaochar Q__i44xo-® 2.96 J \ 8ne,a 10” . Bax 55 x5x10 129 CHAPTER 6 If E=Oat x =0, then 0-0-4 —+ A=0 If V= Oat x =a, then oa? B 6ea Thus soy Pe_(@- x), 6a y P.E. 6.2 V, = Ax+ By, Vi(x=d)=V,=4d+B, —> V(x=0)=0=0+B, —> Vi(x=a)=V,(x= a) Dip = Dip = —> EW, “Vids d-ateale,” P.E.6.3 From Example 6.3, 130 = D,(o =0)= P, = D,(o = 0) Pee The charge on the plate 4=0 is O= Jas = f J fio = "cn IQ eb c= Beene vo," @ \ Q= CV, = 44x10” x50 = 22.2 nC P.E.6.4 From Example 6.4, V,=50, 8)="/2, 0,=45°, radi? 4442? = V0, Oe tan 2-3 — 0=68.2" z | 50In(tan 34.1") - 50a, = OU) 2 223, B= oe 8 __ =. gpa, tan(22.5°) V29 sin68.2° Intan(z2.5°) (136% V/m PLE.6S | ov f Ba Wh 2 a, a, 1 5 aa E95! Dinh (oxy /b)a, + sin(anx/ b)cosh(ny/b)a, | 4 (a) At (x,y) = (a, a/2), 131 18 (0.3775 - 0.0313 + 0.00394 - 0.000584+...) = 44.51V E= 0a, + (-115.12+ 19.127 ~ 3.9431+ 0.8192- 0.1703 + 0.035 - 0.0094+...)a, = -99.25a, V/m (b) At (xy) = Gal2, a/4), 4 Ve 200.1238 + 0.00626 - 0.00383 + 0.000264+... E= (24757 ~ 3.7358 - 0.3834 - 0.0369 + 0.00351 - 0.00033+...)a, +(- 66.25 ~ 4.518 + 0.3988 + 0.03722 - 0.00352 - 0.000333+...)a, = 2068a, - 70.34a, V/m PLE. 6.6 V(y =a) =V, sin(7nx/b) = cy sin(rmx /)sinh(rma /b) = By equating coefficients, we notice that cy=0 for n#7. For n=7, ¥, nx 1b) =; sit inhi yee Yo sin(7m4/8)= cy sin(7ax/6)sinh(7na/8) —+ 6 = Hence Vxy)= sin(7nx/b)sinh(7ny/b) LA sinh(7na/b) P.E.6.7 Let .V(r,0,6)= R(r)FO)0(). Substituting this in Laplace’s equation gives SF a (dk), a 4( al Pod a) Ping ao Dividing by RFO/r’sin’@ gives sind dy F ap (sine) = rR) + ae od or or sin® 132 1d : Find gp SinOF) =u (sino F)- M4 p?sin?d =0 F ? cosec’8)F = 0 P. E. 6.8 (a) Tr’ is similar to Example 6.8(a) except that here 0< @ < 2x instead of O<$ At B=-49 SO=-6444A+B —+ 4AsB=114 Thus, A = 54.33 and B = -103.3. = Iya, - 6xy"a, 136 Va nx! 4 5433x1033 V(2) = -8 + 108.66 — 103.3 Prob. 6.3 (a) ie. A=V,sd-kd? 13 (b) Py = Dy = bE, =e, 8a, Pod _ tVo 3d At x=0, an=a, p, At x=d, an=-aq, py =-pyd/2+ pod +€,V, /d-pyd/3 Prob.6.4 If V" =f, Ve [rerdere, a Ve [ronda epee ao 137 V(x= L)=¥3 = [rondut sete; cre lh fv ral t on Thus, i [froma ++ Produ oo ao =y?).10% 2 Pe SOU-y MO" yy? e € 600nx10° Wo ni(y-yl 1344 dy ve “(4 2 When y=2cm, V=30x10', x) + Ay+ B= 50n.10° y* - 300n.10° y? + Ay+B 30x10? = SOnx10° x16x10~ — 300nx10" x4x10™‘ + Ay+B or 30,3745 =0.02A+B (0) When y=-2em, V=30x10, 30,3745 = -002A+B Q) From (1) and (2), A=0, B=30,374.5. Thus, v 57.08 y" ~ 942.5y? + 30374 KV Prob. 6.6 (a) 138 , Losing 2 2 (6indcosay — L2sindsind sind ie. No. 5e"** cos /3ysinh /2z] 26086 |» _ 20089 _ z008h ° Ppt (c) V=30r"? cos8, 2y £2 60-1 1 2 sing30r sine) = %c0s6 - 22 (2sin8cos6) = 0 1 aay 00 88) Tg ao ? sind » | Prob. 6.8 If then 139 > 2G 0-8, +e Ee a? a ie. VE, =0. The same holds for Ey and E,. Prob. 6.9 ow or ov ex = (~Ansinne + Bncosnx)(Ce” + De“) An? cosnx -n? Bsinnx(Ce™ + De’) = —n°V- £ =(Acosme + Bsinne(nCe”” - nDe“™) 2 Thus av av Vi = Rat are nV env = 9 Prob. 6.10 (a) WV = 4yz-6yz +0 = -2yz v'v #0, V does not satisfy Laplace’s equation. (b) — mo = fouds= ff ferent «2 ona 8.854 pC Prob. 6.11 When z=0, V =0 B=0 When z=d, V = Vo Vo=Ad or A=Vi/d Hence, yale d E E = E50, 2 50V and d Since V, V=25zkV, E=-25a,kV/m mm, 332a, nC/m? 10” 5 D= - Fe (UIS)25x10" a, 332 nC/m* The surface charge density is positive on the plate at z=d and negative on the plate at 7-0. Prob. 6.12 From Example 6.8, solving v7 =0 when ¥=V(p) leads to ‘oInp/a Inb/a A pinba | | In this case, V.=100 V. b=Smm, a=15mm. 141 100101075 yy i ~~ 1ni575 I 100 oro | B= Toei Maa * 2102, ; 10” ' 2a, = -161a, nC/ D= -9.102x10". OO S65 10” 7 p,(p = Smm) = ans 322 nC/m* Sin3 10° 10° 215 =- SS =- iu P,(P mm) 36n (2) 75in3 107.3 nC/ im’ Prob. 6.13 \ —+> V=Alnp+B —+ 60=Aln2+B t — > -20= Ain6 +B ' ' Thus, A = -72.82, B = 110.47, and V = 11047 -7282Inp wv 72.82 | a, dp e At p=4, V.=9.52V, E=18.21 a, V/m 3 D=6,6 =o x18.21a, =0.16la, 1C/m? 36x Prob. 6.14 ‘ i — -50=-A/0.5 +B ' Or | -50=-2A+B ay | 142 At r=1, V=50 —_—_ 50=-A+B (2) From (1) and (2), A= 100, B= 150, and Ve 4150 100 vV=- 4 100 34,24, Vim Prob. 6.15 From Example 6.4, (zane?) tan0,/2, snds/2) tan, /2, 00, 8, = 30°, 0,=120", r=¥3? +044? =5, O=tan' p/z=tan™! 3/4= 36.87? b2—— ee di gg yy ~ tan@,/2) 5sin36.87° In6.464 20% N/m rsin@ In —2 tan0,/2) , Prob. 6.16 (a) 0%) =0 —> V=Alnp+B —> 0=Ainb+B —+ B=-Ainb > 2Amais + 4-%e Inb/a vee he inp rp = Yalnble inbTa nba In2 V(p = 15mm) =70— = 124 143 70 124)=LnkI0Y w+ Jo" 2x16x10-” 2lbrle « w= 10% — 7 91x10 = 10'7(100 - 20.25) i 42 8.93x10" mis ¥, “Pa=11b) From Example 6.10, eve A 4 Wee "snr = Greco th Prob. 6.18 This is similar to case 1 of Example 6.5. Xzcxte. F=eytey But X()=90 > YO)=0 —+ O=e, Hence. | VOuy) = XY = a,xy, Also, V(xy=4)=20 —+ 20=4a, —+ Thus, ¥ (x,y) = Sxy and E = -VV = ~Sya, -5xa, At (x,y) = (1,2), V=10V, E=~-10a,-Sa, Vim Prob. 6.19 (a) As in Example 6.5, (x) = Asin(mmx/b) For Y, ¥(3) = ¢, cosh(nny /b} cy sinh(nny /b) ¥Ya)=0 = —+ 0 =e; cosh(nmna/b) +c, sinh(nma/b) —> ¢, = ~c; tanh(rma/b) V =) a, sin(omex /b)[sinh( remy /b)~tanb( nna /b)cosh(mny /6)] mt V(x,y =0) in tanh(rma / 6) sinh(remx /6) ‘ =a, tanb(rma/b) = Z fra sincamy /6)ay { om Hence, « hy sinc sin(rmy /) ett) oy ‘ntanh(ma /6) ” . ee > sin(rmx/6) ‘asinh(ca 6) EY 8) cosh(ma 16)- cosh(ny /b)sinh(nra /6)] nods ww, x sin(smx /6) sinh{mn (a - y)/b) * ‘nsinh(ma/6) oa Alternatively, for Y ¥(y) =e, sinhnnly-~e5)/b 145 ¥a)=0 —+ 0=c,sinh{nn(a-cy)/b]. —+ cy =a © 4, sinters / 6) sinh{an(y -a)/5] mt where wv, nx sinh(nna/b)’ 0, n= even n= odd (b) This is the same as Example 6.5 except that we exchange y and x. Hence WV, SS sin(nmy/a)sinhnnx / a] (xy) = Hey Seley l4] aes D2, ‘nsinh( mb /a) (©) This is the same as part (a) except that we must exchange x and y ence A, $ siormy 1 6)sinhf(a~ x16] Vny) nsinh(rma/b) x Prob. 6.20 (a) X(x) is the same as in Example 6.5. Hence (x,y) =D) sin(nme /b)[a, sinh(ny /b)-+2, cosh(nmy /6)] = At y=0, V=Vi %, odd © mm ¥,=Yobysin(rme/6) —> by = At y=a, V=V2 V, = J) sin(orex/b)[a, sinh(ma /) +6, cosh(rma /6)) mt #2, n=odd mm a, sinha /b) +6, cosh(nna /) = 0, n=even or ——+ _|r,-», ons |pssihomaroy" ‘;cosh(nna/b)), n= odd | 0, n=even 146 Alternatively, we may apply superposition principle. ¥, ie. Vavy +, Va is exactly the same as Example 6.5 with ¥,-¥;, while Vp is exactly the same as Prob. 6.19(a). Hence ye LS Sinem /b) 1 Aaa nsinh(nna/b) sinh[ym (a - y)/b]+ V;sinh(mmy /5)] (b) V(x,9) = (ae +40" Va sinay +a, cosay) lim V(x.y)=0 —» a;=0 Vixy=0)=0 —> a,=0 Vixysa)=0 + a=mla, n=123, Hence, V(x,y) =) age"™"* sin(eny/a) or © Me | V(x=0,y)=V, = Diag sin(nmy/a) —-+ ay =| pq t= Odd on 0." n= even Vex) = 2 YR tmx! a) (d) The problem is easily solved using superposition theorem, as illustrated below. 147 Therefore, VV Ay My HV where i SH sin(rmx /b)sinhfnn(a- y)/b] i Ds ‘nsinh(nma /) neo <> sin(nnx /a)sinh(nny /a) n(n a) <> sin(nnx /b)sinh(nmy /b) rnsinh(nca /6) Vi = #4 J sik asinhfna(b= x)/a) x sinh I ™ 148 Prob. 6.21 i pop’ ep. If we let ¥(p,6) = R(p)®(6), od ——(pR') pep or po --2" ROR a Hence or Prob. 6.22 v= 42(2 *), ra & If V(r,0)=RO)FO), #0 dom, Rae FL R)+ 24 inor) = ae) ng ao COP) =O Dividing through by RF gives 4G tRy= 4 Gsinor) = (PR) sino) =a Hence, sinOF"'+ cosOF"+2F sind = 0 or FM COOP +E = 0 149 Prob. 6.23 Ifthe centers at ¢=0 and §=x/2 are maintained ata potential difference | of Vo, from Example 6.3, Prob. 6.24 If V(r=a)=0, ¥(r=6)=¥,, from Example 6.9, ' v,, ' aap tk Pa-176) Hence, 43 ! Yo 1 2nV,6 Jods =o. [te AdOdb = ———2——(-cos8)|,* J Tan tTe,), } cP sind = AT (e050 0420 a Yo ab “1” 2xe(I—cosa) Prob. 6.25 For a spherical capacitor, from Eq. (6.38), 150 where RC=5 + R G=1/ R= 2nas Alternatively, for an isolated sphere, C= nea. But e 1 tras R=2R=—_ ot G=2nas Prob. 6.26 1=1.5mm, S=3x4 + Ix4 +3x4 =28 cm? eS x10"? x10 A CF elo F360 ™ = 2505S.2m Prob. 6.28 A C . Go = G G — c = or ? From the figure above, OE 6c, G+; a 151 10° 10x10 36x 2x10” ce, Ald? td s(t t,(c,+ Ald 2 d Prob. 6.29 Fae = dW > W, = fete a= Zee, %sad +s, B dal») where E=V,/d. Prob. 6.30 (a) £45 _ 10°? 200x10~% iG 107 200510" _ 59 pF 36n 3x10? " 1-6 nC/m?. But or v, ood = 10° x3x10™ x36 1x10? = 3393 V () 107? x200x10"4 x36nx10" = 1131 mN 152 Prob. 6.31 y 200 V Let z be incm a Vs Az+B he — = Azt When 2=-2, V=0 ——® — 0=-2A+B or B=2A When z= 2, V=200 200=2A+2A ——® A=50 ———+ V=50z+ 100 (a) V(z=0) = 100 V (b) E=-VV = - Aa, = -50a, V/cm =-Sa, kV /m , =D, =e, =cEea; At the upper plate (2=2), aq =~ ay 10” P, = 50008, = 5000x2.25x=— 36x = 995 nC/m At the lower plate (z= -2), a= + a 9, =-995 nC/m? 153 Prob. 6.32 (a) ; 10? 80x10" Vd 98365 * 6Ax10 619 pE — + V,=Q0/C VV = -3a,-4a,+12a,kV/m —+ | Ela VP 4 FID p,= D, alEl Since the entire E is normal to each conducting plate. Q=9,S= JES d V,=Q/C= —= = 0 QIC= el BIS Prob. 6.33 (a) 10° ce HE. AxDISx oF “TT Ta eee a b 5x10? 10x10? (6) Q=C V_= 25x80 pC 25x80 : > Pe Far? ~ Gax25x10% PO/M = 93.66 nC/ m* Prob. 6.34 (a) VV=0 —3 ve-4en When r=20cm, V=0 =-A/0.2 +B or B=SA When r=30cm, V=50 50=-A/0.3 +5A or A=30, B=150 — 13kV/m 154 30x31 , () p,= D,= Dea, On r= 30cm, a =- a _ 9.8223 Po= OF nC /m’ On r= 20cm, a, = +a, Prob. 6.35 155 dn Ile- id, L/b- ie. dla-I/b Prob. 6.36 7 a Since b —Po, C=4 = dnx5x10™ x80. woe = 444 pF = Anat gf, = 4x5x10 x80 = ddd p Prob. 6.37 4nx5.9x10° 13 C= a = ee" 1364 | 2185 pF rl joe ab (5 3) Prob. 6.38 10° ‘ c= tek 28 oq 00810" = 1633x10"" in(/a) ~~ _In(600720) Prob. 6.39 V=V,e""", where T,=RC = 10x 10%x 100 x 10° = 1000 50= 1000" —+4 2=e%% t= 1000\n2= 693.1 s 156 Prob. 6.40 RC=C/IG=t/0 —4 =— 1 @= Sh"'(d/ 2a) Prob.6.41 9 E=—sa, _O(b- 0) Wo enebe Prob. 6.42 (a) Method 1: B= %(-a), where p, is to be determined. 4 =| 1 ¥,=~[Bedl= - [Paes p, td Pain dye ae. 157, () V(x=0)=0 —> (ob) P= (c,-Je,£= - xd 2: We solve Laplace’s equation , da dv VeeVr)= Fe )=0 > dv A Ad det e,(x+d) Ve c,In(x+d)+ ey O=¢,Ind+e, —> xtd_V,) xtd eee Vv -—he de =~ Gt ayin2™ (x+d ew, ad) (w+d)in2™ = ¢,In2d~ ¢, Ind = ¢,In2 i $ 158 £, SV, (@) Q= fo,as= 9S = ee QO eS 10% 20x10" _ . V,” din2~ 36x 25x107In2~ L2PE Prob. 6.43 Method 1: Using Gauss’s law, Q 74, = [DedS= 42rd, —4 Method 2: Using the inhomogeneous Laplace’s equation, ek dV Ve(ev = — fd (seb #). CUNO a ee av wv a ee Ver=a)=0 —9 0=4a+B —+ B Vir=b)=V, V,= Abt B= Ab-a) —+ = A=—2— 159 Prob. 6.44 Method |: We use Laplace’s equation for inhomogeneous medium. 1d{_ dv) VeVV=0=-—| —|=0 1a (ne) av wy —- A or V=Ap+B on dp dp iP Ve=a)=0 —> Ve=b)=¥, — 160 Method 2: We use Gauss’s law. Assume Q is on the inner conductor and —Q on the outer conductor. Q(b- a) 2ne kL Jeo = - Prob. 6.45 2 x63: 7x106 = 10 C= 41 4 Re a= fax Prob. 6.46 (a) 4237 toxio? fit )_ 4x10? 13607 S109 y-2 i | me, [63.21 1(6,3,89, _ 10x10” _ [(6,3,2)_ (6,38) nx” 136n| 7? 109°? 1 = _ 1010310 "(04 65 (0.0. 3)- (0.0.3)? 3) 0.0,3)) _ -900x10? Coo) a dex! Prob. 6.47 4nC -3nC 3nC 4nc 4 3 2 1 (a) Q=-GnC -4nC) = Inc (b) The force of attraction between the charges and the plates is Fa Fry Fig + Fis + Fo 10" (2 212) 4) "I FexlO7736x(2° 3° * 4? |= S2SON Prob. 6.48 Qi 3,24) Q (1,0,5) 2 3 22 2 3 Qu3,2,0) -Q (1,0,-1) aya 21] 2-32) (x.62)-C3,20) Cee 2 2F nya (3 ey { 42)- (0,5) FELN%2)-COSP (x.9.2)- CDP “f (e+3,y-2.2-9) (+3,y-2,2) | (+3? +Q-27 +G-9P? [+3 +0" Se hyzt I= +9? +E? ia ay? wee PP (a) At Quy,2) = (7,-2,2), 0, = Dilaar = Sof 2-4 lw +P ery 162 934 pC/m* (b) At (3,4,8) _ 628) PE Par 48?) D= 172la,- 16.29a, ~ 8.486a, pC/m? (©) Since (1,1,1) is below the ground plane, D=0 Prob. 6.49 We have 7 images as follows: -Qat (-1,1,1), -Qat(Iy-1,1), -Qat (Iyl-1), -QatCl-1-1), Qat(l-l-D, Qat (11,1), and Q at ¢1,1,-1). Hence, (2a, +2a,+2a,) (ay +2a,) (2a, +2a,) (2a, +2a,)] Tp? git + gt ga iol jp} 81890, T7 Tad * Bl3) * 20189 + 4, + 2.) N +Q = 09a,+a,+ al Prob. 6.50 163 [Prob.6.51 (a) | I 16x10 _[ (2-23)-Gn2A) (22.3) - G2) | P2) Inxl0-? 1 36n| [(2,-2,3) -(3,-2.4)! = 10,1) (-1,0,7) m2 0 | 1 50 (38.2a, = rsxi6] ~ 1843a, Vim 8 [vss0 _ 20,4) nC/m? =-1018a, nC/m? 28) 204) 9! «108, p,=-1018 nC/m? Prob. 6.52 | At P(0,0,0), E=0 since E does not exist for y<2. | yo2 y4 0 yB, y=4 yO y=2_y=4 y= 8 At QC-4,6,2), y=6 and 1 10° = Seo Taga 30%) + 20a, + 202, + 30a,) = 2.2620, kV/m { BD So 164 CHAPTER 7 1 P.EL7.1 10 2 - 1 Ba (= PE. 7.2 @ He sl" Fela = gusse Aim p= 3744 =5,a,= cosa, = -/2 2B’ ) =a Bae = 48.974, + 36.73a, mA/m ~30.03a, + 30.6a, mA/m (b) PE. 7.3 (a) From Example 7.3, = 400.2a, Alm 165 [© Ar@OG10cm)2= em, H= PE. 7.5 (a) (b) (a) At(0,0,0), 6 = 90°, cosé, (b) At (0,0,0.75), 8, = 90°,cos0, _ 50x 10? x 25x10" "H+ PP x 10 % = 57:3a,__mA/m i 50 6, )a, « 2x 10" x 30x 10"(co: 21, 0802 6088; Ja. = 2x 075 100 cos0 ; - cos6,,)a, 1S 0.05 —— / = 0.9978 8, 00 “Ts (9.9978 - Na, 100 75° + 0.9978)a, 66.524, A/m -05 (c) At (0,0,0.5), cos® , = == = - 9.995 ye VOS? + 0.058" 0.25 cos0, = = 0.9806 i To2s + 0.05" 00 He (0.9806 +0.995)a, = 13L.7a, Alm Hel bea, 2 (0.0.0) = $500, x(-a,)= 25a, mA/m I HU 5-3) = 5.500, xa, = -25a, mA/m 0.9978 SN & 8, Ko, P.E. 7.6 M it 2p? ~alp(p+a=alp(IT 0, otherwise (a) At (3,-4,0),p = V3? + =Sem « 9em lAl= (b) At (6.9.0).=Vo7+9? =Vii7 «Al lil= 10? x 100x 10% © 2nV117 x10? 147.1 Alm P.E.7.7 (@) | B=VxA=(-4xz-O)ay +(04 4yz)ay +(y? -x?)a, BU-1,2,5) = 20a, + 40a, + 3a, W/m? 0) w= faa f for yereco ? exoy frw - sfem a a 1 5 = 5 (64+ )-F= 20Wd Altematively, 1 4 Q y= faat= [xcnoxs fy? nays fr axso a 1 y --2,8. 29we =-3+9= PE. 78 . z R — — $b 167 a= Axdy,k=kyay Kya 77 xexay SOP ey? eh? The integrand in the last term is zero because it is an odd function of x. kha, naga, k,A2na. * *y “alge mee IO EED T gopto(p? +h’ x = Kh li Netw? Similarly, for point (0,0.-h), H = ~=kya, H ay Hence, 1 dean 290 phe H } Fhe 0 —_———— SS Prob. 7.1 (a) See text (b) Let H=H, +H, For Hashes, p=Varee a5 Ga, ~4a,) (4a, +3a,)= 0.50938, +0.3% H,= ana 3a) 50934, +0.382a, For H, = stay, = ISPS = aa 168 Prob. 7.2 H=H,+H, =.0.2753a, + 1 Jap (08H » = €08,)a, a b sC0sa, = +2 —,cosa, = —P ya? +p? yb? +? , iea,is regular a, . Hence, 169 Prob. 7.3 y 1 6A B oO a * # = | (cosa, -cosa, 4zp > ' A (0,0,0) = 0.9544, A/m Prob.7.4 170 nl He ap 8% —cosa, \a, 2 cosa, = 7, £08(180-a,) = \ OP = (x-0.y-0) = xa, + ya, AB =~, +24, But on AB, y=2(1—x) OP: AB = 0 = -x+2y = ~x+4(1-x)=4-5x p = 0P| = 0.4y5 (a) = | Gos a,- 4xp = 28.47 a, mA/m 2 10 © = neal 4x2 56 1 (74. +4, = »| = 13a, +132, mA/m Say2\ 2 = (c) -_2 (<.-0)a,, z, 4n Gio (Sia = eo Gaa, +a,) = 5.19, 1.78 = © 3a, +a,) = ~S.1a,+1.77, mAim s0rvia . , = 28.47 7, mA/m 171 () HH Sa, + 17a, mA/ mi’ Prob. 7.6 ZC (0.0.5) x A(2,0,0) B(1,1,0) (a) Consider the figure above. AB = (1,1,0)-(2,0,0) = (-1,1,0) AC = (0,0,5)-(2,0,0) = (-2,0,5) AB-AC = 2, i.e AB and AC are not perpendicular. ° AB-AC 2 cos (180° -a,) = aalad 7 ays 7 BC = (0,0,5)-(-1,-1,5) = (-1,-1,5) BA = (1,-1,0) * BC-BA _ -1+1 > © jpojpal ~ [iaal BC = p= (-1,-1,5) p= V27 es 11,0) (14-15) _ (55,2) __10 [2 \5.5,2)__ 555.2) aan(?* Ye) Vi ine on™ = 27.374, + 27.374, +10.95a, mAh cosa, BI (0,-59.1,0) + (27.37. + (-30.63. 30.63, 0) = -3.26G, -1.10, +10.95a, mA/m Prob. 7.7 172 ee 173 where a, = -8,xa, = ~8,. a, =180°, a, =45° — (cos 45° - cos 180°)(~a,) 4 50) 67924, A/m (ob) H=H,+H, -8, x-a, : 5 - where H, = saat Fe = 198.98, MA/m ©) Prob. 7.8 For the side of the loop along y - axis, H, = —(cosa, -cosa,)a, p where a, = -8,, p=2tan30° = — i, (cos 30° — cos 150°)(— ae 3 Ti = 3H, = -1.794, A‘m s 174 Prob. 7.9 Let H = Hi,+,+H,+H, where H, is the contribution by side n. ® (a) H = 2H,+8,+H, since A, ® I ~ —L (cosa, ~coser, a, 4np q . lo 2 i Hy 2 OCF) Fatal? q f5(3.,1 5 5 - H =|/=/—~+—]+—=+ 1,964, A/m (az 5) 6nJl0 © 2nJ2 (>) At (4,2,0), H = 2(f, +H,) a0 8. 5 0 4 4xQ) J20 Hy = ‘aa4) 20 a = 28 (1.1) = 1.783, Alm nT 4 —— () At (4,80) H = A, +2H, +H, (a) 1 75 soma? 4nJ20\ 84 i, - 10 “ae (+ za) . a 1 5 # =/|——— a+ (som x Ja = -0.3457 Prob. 7.10 y H=4Hj, where H, is due to side 1. (cosa , - cosa ,)a, Amp p=a, a,=45°, a,= 135°, H, (f.4) aq a, ( l 10 x21 68 — 0.31654, + 0.17984, Alm a+ ( ao 34nV21 x2 176 —_ Prob. 7.11 ay (a) Consider one side of the polygon as shown. The angle subtended by theSide At the center of the circle 18 ar ce eS 360° _ 2m 1 a — == ! nA l T The field due to this side is fon H,= Gos, -cosar,) a0 a where P =r, cosa, _ 7 cosa, = -sin— n oon b) mae sin (®) Forn=3, H= 5 sin® i reot30°=2 + ree : B 1 n= SB 8 aga, 2X5 2 bn I For n=4, H =U sin® = = 1.128 A/m. (c) As no, oon H= tim sin? = OL 2 se2m on Om nr From Example 7.3, when h = 0, H= — 2r j which agrees. { 177 Prob. 7.12 ee 10 H, = —a, = ————+4, = 62.54, ga” Gx4xl™ * H, = Hy = —1 (cosa, -cos90°)a,, a = tan? 4 = 229° 4x4x107 100 = 19.998, Hi, = — 2cospa, > 4n(1) ” = 10 360587.7°a, = 0.063614, 4n H = (62.5+2%19.88 + 0.06361)a, = 120.328, A/m. Prob. 7.13 From Example 7.3, H due to circular loop is 2 2 (@) ¥1(0,0,0) = 3%? ay 2( +0! = 1.368, A/m $x2? (b) H(0,0,2) = 2—-*"_a, 2(2+2°V8 = 0.8844, Alm 178 Prob. 7.14 5G _ BNI B = ENT Hy a Nees wl N = 30tums. Prob. 7.15 s 2 (os 6, -cos®,) A cos, = -cos0, = ry ‘4 Int _ 0.5x150x 2x10 ale 0/8 © 2x10? xVa? +10? © [eg = 69.63 A/m a 4 = 90°, and, =2=4 -025 0, = 1138 a, an 0, b 20 > % |Bl = 080, = 1003 cosa = 36.77 A/m. mL 179 Prob. 7.16 Let H =H,+H, eps 2np B = (4,3,2)-(1,-2,2) = (15,0), p = [>] a, +5a, ele = —1.9234, + 0.38464, Qn 2b y , kxa, = $(00%10")a, x (@,) = -0.054, 2 H = A,+H, 23a, - 0.33464, A/m v2 Prob. 7.17 (a) See text. (b) For p H=0 In(p? -a? For O H,= —— Thus, Prob. 7.18 2 (a) Applying Ampere's law, 181 (b) From Prob.7.15, Ip Sar P? At (0,1em,0). H, = 3x1x107 2nx4x10~* H = 11.944, Alm At (0,4cm,0), 3 H, = 6 2ax4x107 H = 11.944, Am Prob. 7.19 ce (a) J=V-H=|& y glo © glo * (6) al = 1, 300 8x < 0 1 lee = fies = fC 2)deay = (-2)0X5) = -304 fFidi = fri +f Caddls+ fradl,. uo = ENG) + 635) + (4-3) + [Exar -30A Thus. — flidi = 1, = 304 Prob. 7.20 & a} a (a) J=VxH=| & oz lye? +92) -y2 xz =dx2y2) = (xy tanh, +(e? 43°) ay", + Esteabe ay Ik (6) = Jud = ff(@x?y +25? jaya. eet = f tf o-rbe-dy*) 2 lo (@) B=yH, V-B=0 > v-H=0 v= iy H+ 2H, = 2xy —2yxz = 0 Hence -V-B=0 Prob. 7.21 (a) At (-3,4,5), p=5 = . 4nx107 x2 - B = “2X0 X25, = 80a, nWoim? 2n(5) “awn a Hel pedo dz b) go = [Bas = 44 speeds 6) =f = pes — 42x10" x2 ~=In pl} z|} = 16x107 In3 = 1.756 uw. 183 Prob. 7.22 s = [Bas =u, f° (Ce sin 29 pdg dz i" v= arto” x10"(02)( so26) 2 J, = 0.042 (I-cos 100") 475 Wb where H, and H, are due to the wires centered at x = 0 and x = 10cm respectively. (a) ForH,,p=50cm, (b) —3.1834, + 6.3664, a, = > —__ " 2nsd5 x10? = 12.798, +6.3668, A/m 184 = Prob. 7.24 mace ff bl y = Beds = C “oFap 1 = Halb dita 2nd Prob. 7.25 On the slant side of the ring, z = 2 (p-a) where H, and H, are due to the wires centered at x = 0 and x = 10cm respectively. ( = Hol dp de rp a fe fl -F Ia, 2nb “{ s}e (6 -aln a2) as required. @ i pert ded, = ad pipe th If a=30cm, b=10cm, h=Sem, I=10A, _ 2x10" x10x0.05 2n(5x107 = 1.37 x 10 Wb (01 ~-0.3In Prob. 7.26 (a) ¥-A = -yasin ax #0 a 28 8 vxH=| ox ay yoosax 0 y+e* = G,+e"@, — cosa,a, #0 Ais neither electrostatic nor magnetosta tic field 1 i | 185 (6) ¥-B = 12(8,)- 12 ()=0 pop field in a charge - free region. 41> sin @ # 0 é 2 a we sin? 9) 20 Cis neither_or E nor H field. Prob. 7.27 (a) V-D=0 ack pas fed VxH =| o oy oz wz AK+)yz -(« +12? = Ux+DyG, +...#0 Disa magnetostatic field. 0) (©) F can be a magnetostatic field. Prob. 7.28 186 (6) y= JB-as, ds = dydzdx v=f, [.,C 622+ 42y~ 24y)ayc| = J [Coddde + af [vy aac + 2S [vara ~8f zd fay + af 2 ae f yay 1p at(ap =-82 | @)+ 42 (4t)- 324 4 2], 31,121, 3 y = 10.67 Wb Ecan be a magnetost atic field. — eA, a, () VA = 0a, + S14 Ae = any taxy—6xy = 0 xz B = ~62 +32? +1+6z-3z’-1 = 0 Prob. 7.29 -1.011 Wb 187 Prob. 7.30 \ Applying Ampere's law gives H,-2np = 1, -1p" Prob. 7.31 ie. 188 ee ————— Prob. 7.32 A= A tm(a- p) - Inpla, BVA = Sha - op _ Ald _ 2apld—p)* Prob. 7.33 189 Prob. 7.34 From Example 7.3, As 72>, V, = 0, ie. den lte > eet 2 Hence, V,, = Prob. 7.35 For the outer conavetor I I J =-l ° ae —B) le-9F Tna® Using Poisson's equation, 1 E> %.) _ Hl p p\" a Tan of 84.) _ ule “ ala] Txa* Integrating once, ta OA, or = &p 190 Integrating again, 10? PoP sc, np +c, Bra? * 10"? But A, = 0 when p =3a. 9 0 = se-mul + ¢, In3a + c, 9 ¢, = -¢,In3a- yy PTT Gy ina ~ Fee Thus vxAl, = y,H (p =3a)implies that (# + 2) = bel 14m 3a 6ma I or = lee 9a. _N6a Qn l4n 14z Thus, A, Prob. 7.36 He= S 5 = u ' < x a 2 o C= Lo nyo te At (4,30°,-2} ¢ = 30°=2, kh LR | Prob. 7.37 ' For an infinite current sheet, H Sma, > V, = -25x+e Attheorigin, x =0, V, =0, ¢=0, ie. V,, = -25x (a) At (-2,0,5), V, =50A. (6) At (10,3,1), V,, =-250A. 192 Prob. 7.38 (a) Vx¥V=V {ea av 1v_ wv + +S, ap? poo ez * é By (pun catcaem 2a rn (622 a p dpez pdzop) ? 6p 2 ve av he li, = 0 p06 dddp = 144, — A, (b) vtexa)=vf(! ee eh, ay 4p) 1 9 ( 4) A, «(%- Se)s, + Zu) - % i & a a _ 184, 1 0( 4,) 184, 184, 16 * 1p p06” sales ae ~ peep Seles ele) az\ p og = FA 1d | Oy 1 ay paz p a at po R=|F-i| = [&- xP eb-s'f +e- “yf vba (2a+2a02 3, x'}+(y-y'f +6 ¢-z}}f = ~42(c-x')s, few} (y-y'f Hfe-2'F] fe x'k, +(y-y'}, + eekly -= (4,) 193 CHAPTER 8 6, =614C Since u(t =0)=0, A=B=C=0 wy =0= uy, u,=6t =0>x=A ay 40> yaB & 622440, a At t=0, (x,y,z) = (0,0,0) + A, =0=Bi=C; Hence , (x,y,z) = (0,0,3t7), u = 61a, at any time. At P(0,0,12), z= 12=3? > t=2s t=2s « (c) u=6ta; =12a,m/s. ow a=— uxB = (eBouy, -eBoux, 0) Bo dv de 1 doom dt dt ) 194 Q) G) (D? + w D)x = 0 > Dx = (0, tiw)x X= cp + cscoswt +cysinwt ~eyweosewt — e,wsin wt = (a0, B). Hence, a 61 = Bae =0eg= = dk dy . de = =acos wt, =-asin wt, = at oe dt : dt 8 (b) Solving these yields a. a x= sin wt,y=Zeoswr,z = pt w w 2 © x +y= zp showing that the particles move along a helix of radius 4/, placed along the z-axis. PE. 8.3 (@) From Example 8.3, QuB = QE regardless of the sign of the charge. E=uB=8x 10°x0.5x 10? kV/m (b) Yes, since QuB = QE holds for any Q and m, P.E. 8.4 F,,, the force on the infinitely long wire is: I ——\, By Newton's 3“ law, Fi, Als 195, — 42x10- PeSDe3( 1 I a 2a 23 PE. 8.5 fea _ 10x10 x50|2 6 -3 7x10 (b) = ISB 5010" ea, +44, +54,| = 0.4387 0.30554, + 0.0764, + 0.30554, | = 0.4387 Nm P.E. 8.7 (a) © @ BL Ox Ree B aexl07 x46 (©) M= x, if = 6228e"” Alm _ (6+ 32X64, + 84,) ~ 1000 = 0.2284, + 0.3044, 196 (b) 1.0524, +1.264@, + 2a, W/m? > MiFin =: HaAay OF JF, * G2) = daly ©, (60 Hy, —— 7 35=6H,, H,, = 5.833 6) 2H, (6H, +10-12) ° 7 a1 x(Ah~ Fy) = aan x(a -lN2)- 0% _-5,4)] yl 8.644 Since B= wi, B, and ff, are parallel, i.e. they make the same angle with the +3.954, Alm normal to the interface. 26 SS = 0.2373 7Y100 +1+144 “E13 = 02144 74(5.833)? +25 +16 197 From Example 8.11, (Wf Spot ts fa 2s _ dp 0 3d+plp ot ey lds i atl , 6 Pall 9.75 = 2212410" 9.95 410 = 6-0.25 = 5.75 ef =314.19 a d =a =314.194 = 314.19 228210. 406.6mm ( d = 407.9mm = 40.79cm | PE. 8.13 This is similar to Example 8.13. In this case, however, h=0 so that 198 _ yt? _Anxl0 xax4 - 2x3 = 48x10 x10x1077 4 P.E. 8.15 (a) From Example 7.6, BNE _ pyNI L 2x, $= B08 = HN aa? 2np, 2p,6 _ 2x10x107 x 0.5107 MPN 42x10" x10 x10 = 795.774 Alternatively, using circuit approach 12m, _ 2, or J = “SS rat as obtained before. 2 7 = 1.591x10? J = GR = 0.5x107K1.591x10°=7.955x10° Is 3 = 795A as obtained before. (b) If p=500po, 22500 _ g95. 95 8x1 199 Prob. 8.1 F = q(E+uxB) YP F=0, E=-uxB = Bxu = [10 70 30) so 10° 3 12 -4 E = -448, 41.38, +11.43, kV/nw Prob.8.2 F = ma = quxB = LuxB m S(,.u,,u,)= 2) G) 200 At t=0, x=0 +e y=0 > c,=5 z=0 > c=0 Hence, (x,y,z) = 0,5-5cos 2t, 5 sin 2t) At t=0, (0,5-5cos4, 5sin 4) = (0,8.268, - 3.724) (0,10 sin 4,10cos 4) = (0, 7.568, - 6.536) (x,y,z) — Lit _ Lpogein? 7 KE = Smif = 7 loosin 4+100cos? 4) = S01 Prob. 8.3 (a) = QE+ixB) os fA 4, = ~ Susu) = 4a, + | [7-84 +10u,d, ~10u,a, ~=O0—u, =A, a Q) . @) 4, du, ” =0+10—+ =-100u, de? * dt a ii, +100u, = 0 u, = BycoslOr+ B, sin10r From (2), 10u, =8 +1, = 8-10B,sin10r+10B, cost Or u,=0.8-B)sin10t +B,cos10t ALt-0, 7 =0 + 4, =0,B, = 0,B, =-08 201 Hence, i = (0, 0.8sin101, 0.8 -0.8cos10r) x u,=S-05x= Daal x=q dy a 4, -o = -0.8sin10/ > y = 0.08cos10/ +c, dv 4, 8-0.8cosl0r > z = 0.87 +c, —0.08sin107 * dt Att=0, (x, y, z) = (2, 3, -4) => ©1=2, ¢7=2.92, 3=-4 Hence (x, y, z) = (2, 2 + 0.08cos10t, 0.8t - 0.08sin10t - 4) Att=l, (x, y, Z) = (2, 1.933, -3.156) (b) From (4), at t=1, @ = (0,0.435,1.471) m/s KE.= pei $0.45" 41477) Prob. 8.4 ma = QuxB manos My 0 0 Sutte) = (12u,,0,-12u,) ie, Hs = -12u, dt . at From (1) and (2), ii, = ~12u, = -144u, Hi, +144u, = 0 + u, =, cosl2+e, sin12e From (1), u,=- exsin12t + ¢2cos12t Att=0, (4) a Q) G) 202 U=2, Wy=0, Us=0 > Ay=O=03, e1=5 Hence, ii = (Scos121,0,~Ssin 12s) i(t = 10s) = (Scos120,0,-5sin!120)= 4.0714, - 2.9034, m/s Att=0, (x, y, 2) = (0, 1, 2) > B1=0, Bs=1, Be (xy.2)= (3 sin 26.,%cos. 2+ (4) At t10s, 19 (y,2)= Fsin120,1, Feasi20+ 4) (0.2419, 1, 1.923) By eliminating t from (4), 2 4(2=19/,) =(5/,)?, y=1 which is a helix with line y=1, 2= 12 xa(z '%) Ky y=1 which is a helix with axis on line y- ra Prob. 8.5 (a) ma = e(ix B) d by PE eye) = Hence, or ii, + wu, =0 9 u, = Acoswe + Bsin we a . u, = “£ = —Asin wr + Boos wr 203 Att=0, Ux = Uo, Uy Hence, Att=0, x =0=y > c1=0, e2=“ , Hence, x Uy cA — #2 sin we, y = 42 (1cos we) w w 2 2 2 (cos? wr +sin? wi) = (*) =rt(y-% w w w showing that the electron would move in a circle centered at (0, * ). But since the field | w does not exist throughout the circular region, the electron passes through a semi-circle and leaves the field horizontally. I (b) d = twice the radius of the semi-circle = Be eam w Be Prob.8.6 F = fidixR = if. aca, xB + if dya, xB + If gxa,xB+1 + Uf aya, xB 1 0 0 a,xB = = ~328,-9y8 p 6x -9x 32 eee ' —-_|o 1 0 - ge a,xB = = 378, 6a, : ’ 6x -9x 32 F=f dx Cea, -9)a, no + 1f ayGsa, -628, Jus fF Fs +f ex Caza, 99a). + 1fayGea, ~6ra,).4 ' = 1€18-18+36+6}, = 61a, = 6x5a, = 30a,N t 204 y F; 4 ri \ 4 | 3 H F x Prob. 8.7 i 3a, +48 | 5 = 6x107 = 3,) ia (4a, -3a,) aie" -*—(4a, -3a,) = dF = IdixB = 2x107 x12x10" a, AEX107 x6x10%)/. . aba a. xG,)=—4d, mN/m(attractive) i 205 =~ 3.284, + 0.964, mN/m (attractive due to Lz and repulsive due to Ly) Prob. 8.9 W=-[Fedl,F= [idl x B= 3(24,)x cos = bcos Yh aymN We ~ focosd4 put =-6x3sin 44 |" mJ Prob. 8.10 7 @ = J ebb, x, seen 2 =21n24, wN = 1.3863 4, uN >) A= find xB, Sle, +ded, xd, But p = z+2, dz=dp Be see10" SeANO"' (52) J + (apa, - dea] a ~G,)uN “386, f= ible (aps, a) 1.3864, But z=-p + 6, dz=-dp Aw 2 oe {t “aa, - dea, ie +4, aN = 0.81094, ~ 0.81094. uN 206 Prob. 8.11 Fa Prob, 8.12 fe From Prob. 8.7, Hal 2np P= fact fac 3 _ 4ex107 x75x150 Sy = OO 1.125108 2ax2 2x1.125co0s30°a, mN/m 49%, mN/m 30cm. 1, 100A / *~ P o 4. 100A 40cm. 207 Let B= i+ 8, + 3,43, For (1), a =4,«4,)4.x(-d,) =4,, 4x10" x2000x100 . B, 22x 20x107 For (2), 6 = 6a, -24,, 3 _ 4x10" x 2000x100 a (-28, -64,) 2400x107 | (Sa +64,) _ (64, + 64,) Ve via gj — 4x10 2000x100, B= (i, + 6 > Ix 72010 © 6% *84,) = 0.33334, + 0.33334, For (4), a a, x4, =4,, 7 ' ae 2000100 66678, 2a x 60x10" BQH Moa ss Yo, = 2.1333 0.26674, Wb/m? pe Prob. 8.14 T = mB = NISB = 1000 x2 x 107 x 300.x 10x 0.4 = 240uNm_ Prob. 8.15 B= + (2c0s6, + sind,) 7 At (10, 0,0). r= 10: 208 Thus, (a) (b) Prob. 8.17 = 0.5%10" A0-a)>k=05 a 05 B == (2cosdi, + sin@i,) At (0, 3,0), =, =4,,4, = \ B $3 0-4.) =-18:524 mWb/m? i AL (3, 4,0), 15, 0 =77,.d, mWb/m? Holt = 9, 1S 1 to4xt0* Alm 5000 427x107 == Ss " xm i ) = (b) 7 ' If we assume that all i, align with the applied B field, Nm, Nm, _ 1194x108 M=—* + m me eK N a dy NAy 85x10 | m, = 1.047x10" A-m? 1 | @ Va = (bo) B= 4x10 x 6.5(10, 25, - 40) = 81.68, + 204.24, -326.7a, uWo/m? —_—_—— eee (©) M-=y,H = 55a, +137.54, -220a, A/m (@) OW, (6.5) x10? x 6.5(100 + 625 +1600) 209 Prob. 8.18 Prob. 8.19 @) Vy =H -1= 35 B ane w-B- esyene lame = 707.3ya, Alm H 4nxl07x45 (c) (d) = Forcase!, eee #= i, 1200 wd 1 e#et, 1 __ 213263 Be =~ 600 4xxl07 Ve =H, -1 = 13253 M, = Walt, = 1,590,366 For case 2, 2B Ll #= A,” 400 Hw 1A =H 14,1 _ yogsy eT > 400" dex Vm = Hy ~1 = 2784.2 M = y,H = 1,113,630 AM = M, -M, = 476,680 = 476.7 kA/m 210 Prob. 8.20 = Prob. 8.21 Prob. 8.22 (@ From Hi — Ha = k and M = ymH, we obtain: Mu Ma Zz, Amr Also from Bin — Ban =k and B = pH = (u/ym)M, we get: HM _ H2Mry Xm Xn (b) From Bycos®; — Bin = Bzx = Bzcos® qd) and 4808 _ oy, ka Hy, =e 228i Q) a tad Dividing (2) by (1) gives tank tan, _ tan (hy B,sin8, = + Hy B,c0sA) fy ie, 24 ai fis } Hy in, (b) Prob. 8.23 Prob. 8.24 (a) _ (25? +15? +502)x10* 2x2x4nx107 _ Bi _ (lo? +157 +20?)x10% _ Qu, 2x5x42x107 tooo 1 = > HobaHy Hy, 4, =I Way = 7X 4nx107 x1(16+9+1) = 16.34 J /m* 7_Jim* Se Le 212 f(x,y) = 2x+y-8 =0 -2.28, +3.98, M, = Val, = 9H, = -19.84, +35.1a, B, = #,H, = 10n,H; = 4n(-2.2,2.9,-1)pWb/m? B, = -27.65 a, +49 4, -12.56 a, pWb/m?> H, = H,, + Hy, = -2.2a,+ 39a, - a, Hy= Hy + Hey 2a, + 3.9, - a. M, = Xq2f; = 9H, = -198a, +,~ 9a, Alm ' B, = pH, = 10p,Hy = 4nx(-2.2,2.9,- 1) pWb/ m? { 2775a, + 49a, - 12.56a, wWo/m? (©) -H,*a,= H,cos0, Hea, (-8+3)/V9 H, ~ Jl6+9+1 cos, = —4 Let A, =(H,.H,.H.) (Ft, ~ Fy fa Fly = Hy @, 5u,,(2,-30,45) var 30 G,: 300-4H, -SH, =35-+ 4H, +5H, =270 -30 Hay = 10y4,(H HH.) 4 214 100 ~ 225 = 68H, - 10H, or 125 = 10H, ~ 8H, = 10H, ~ 8(54-0.8H,) —» H,= 33.96 and H, = 54 -0.8 H, = 26.83 Thus, 304, + 33.96 Prob. 8.26 AA, =104, +154, Ai, = A, = 104, +154, A, = 4-44, = 4-38, = 0.0154, ty 200 Ai, =104, +154, - 0.0154, B, = uy Hy, = 200 42x 107 (10,15,-0.015) 0.00374, mWb/m? br or a= tant——0.0037_ = 9. 047° V2sP +377 Prob. 8.27 @ ff ¥,G0-40)a, x(-a,) =-5a, Alm B= u,H = 42x10" (-Sa, a Wo/m? (b) A= V4(-30-40)a, =-35a, Alm B= u,u,fl = 40x10" (-354, 1104, 4 Wb/m* 215 = JWadv 1 (25x‘y?z? +100x?y‘z? +225x ve) = Su [25 [xta f y'dy f z3dz + 100f dxf y‘dy f zdz | =+ 225 xtdx f res _ abt 2H (E 2" oan, 3-2) 2 3 ede x 107 x 20 3600 2 45 Prob. 8.29 (a) B= 70 + (210)? = 44.17Wb/m? 216 (b) Wr, = fae = fA 2man a é = *. 2H = 7350 + 6174000 = 6181.35 kJ/m* Prob. 8.30 (a) Le ) b= Ba wn'tp,-(o'- a4} Prob. 8.31 Ford >> a, d_4nxl07 d o Lin Uf, = Ho jg S = EAI 8 29 510% Yf = Bin’ = Sin = 25x or In = 6.25 -» 4 = 6 = 518.01 a a 3 a=——=5.78mm 518.01 D=2a=11.58mm Prob. 8.32 x(450)° xx (10°)? 01 * SQuH Prob. 8.33 217 2 1-@8 yt Be ! wS HS 2.5x2nx0.5 25 = ee 2x 0* 4m «1077 x 200« 1210" 96 N = $103 tums Prob. 8.34 Prob. 8.35 We may approximate the longer solenoid as infinite so that B, the second solenoid is: v= NBS, = He item ate ma om? 1, 1 Prob. 8.36 aren = 2 . ” Prob. 8.37 F=NI=400 x 0.5 = 200 At 3 =— Be ___196x10" 200 199.8 At R,+R,+RiR, (796+383)x10 —— 9080 4M The flux linking 218 Prob. 8.38 Total F = NI = 2000 x 10 = 20,000 A.t (24 + 20-0.6)x 107 R. = drxlo ~15002 9010 S 42x10" «1500x210 2 R=" 06x10 87x10” Aum MS 4nxlO"()x2x10 R=Ry+Re= 2.502 x 10” 3 20,000 4 2 = Y_ = y, = — 201000 10* Wo/ Ye We =F 502x107 R,__ 5 _ 2.387*20,000 19 91 ay R,+R, 2.502 3, = Beg 2 DNS 20,000 _ ory a +R, 2.502 a Prob. 8.39 Re v F Ra =500x0.2 =100At 42x10? _ 42x10% pS 4x10 x10? x4x10"% 160 10” 10° HS 4nxl0 x4x10" 160 142x10" Rit Re Te 612x100 16% 42x10" 142 uWb 219 _16sx10 142x4x10~ Prob. 8.40 2 , We As 95 gy 2,5 2x4zx107x0.3x10" = Prob. 8.41 (a) F=NI=200x 10° x 750 = 150 Att. Gj 3 = ee 183x107 25x10, = 22x01 9) 19? 3 FoHyS 1, 300% 25%10 vee te a9 e107 R,+R, 103.183 +20) p25 Vv 41.861x107" 2u, 2uS 2x4ax10"% 25x10 $.66 mN 3 150 If 4,0, R =0,y => =—150__ © hy R YR 183x10" ~ Vi _ 2x107x5x107 «150 F, = Indl, By = Indy Mh =~ XON0 2150 vem VIDS 3.18310" x 25x10 Prob. 8.42 ve ve vi Vi 3 3 xy R Ro => R R, 220 4x x10" x 21010 x9 x108 310° 3 = 24x10? = mg —> m = 247 X10" _ 7694 kg Prob. 8.43 3 3=NI x R R= R Since 1 > « for the cure, Re= 0. R) VAtY S=N= a). RF 4S y(2x+a) 2u,5 BS_) 4 _ 1 NP 4y,s? 2, 2y,S~ 2S” (ax2x)? _2N°P ys (a+2x) a ~Fa, since the force is attractive, i.e. -2N7P y,Sa, (a+2x) 221 iz CHAPTER 9 P.EL9.1 ©) Voy = fax B)-€i = uBt = 8(0.5Y0.1)= 0.4 V i () r= 04 mA R20 ix B = 0.2(0.1a, x-0.5a, OF (d) P=FU=PR=8 mW V, yy or pa tet 04) og mw R20." PE. 9.2 ©) Fay = flux B)-0i where B= B,a, = B,(singa, +cosga,), B, = 0.05 (x B)-3i = pw, singe = 0.20 sin(wr +97 be omy Vong = flux B)-di = 67 cos(100m) mV j At t=Ims, Vigg = ~67-0080.1a = 17.93 mV is aan = 607 cos(10074) mA At t=3ms, i=-607c0s0.34 1108 A (b) Method 1: Y= [Bai = [B,i(cospa, -singa,)-dpdca, Thoxsin d0paz = -B,p,z,tsing aa where B, = 0.02, p, = 0.04, z, = 0.03 b= Wi +7 222 = (0.02)(0.04)(0.03 cos wr — wr sin we] = 24[cos we — wrsin we]uV Method 2: Vong = -[Beas + [ax Byai B = Byd, = B,t(cosda, ~singa,),$ = wth oB SOT Sy = Bulcostti, ~singi,) | Note that only explicit dependence of # on time is accounted for, i.e. we make 6 |, = constant because it is transformer (stationary) emf. Thus, | Vong = —B, ‘Fhcosea, ~singii, Mpdzd, + 7 P.wB.tcos¢dz a0 = Byp42,(sing + wtcos9),p = wt +7/, = B,p,2,(coswt + wtsin wt) as obtained earlier. At t=Ims, Vong = 2Afcos18° -100z x10" sin 18° JV At t=3ms, . j i = 240{cos54° ~.037sin54° mA =-41L.92mA P.E. 9.3 y, ay i P.E.9.4 \" vel 223 or ff = 20"% 30 cos(wt ~ 50x)d, = 0.4we, cos(wt — 50x), A/m on (c) VxE= 0.4y,we, sin( wt -50x)a, 2 1000 = 0.4y4,¢,w? = 0.44 co orw= LS x10! rad/s P.E.9.S 24 + j0.32 (b) 6230" + j5-3 +e" = 5.196 + j3+ j5-3+0.7071(1+ j) = 2,903 + 58.707 PE. 9.6 P = 2sin(lOr+x-7/)4, = 2oos(tor+x~5/ -9/) iy, W=10 = al 2e8"ia,er | =R,(Be™) 49 (Ge) = RG, ~4,))inay = sin my cos(wt + x)(a, - a.) : a ar rsind 00 58 (E,sin0)a, - (rE, ag £258 coscwr — a, —F sindsin(wr - fa, 5 r Ft = 2288 sinter — pova, + sin Ocosiur = prvi, wr wr | 224 Prob. 9.1 { 1 oy v=-U 2 (Be sas-- Bas | = 3770 sin377t x 2(0.2)° x 10° = 0.4738 sin377t V Prob.9.2 Vy = fluxd)-ai, di = doa, u = p“% = pwa, { uxB = pwa,xB,a, = Bpwa, Vey = {,Boowa, dpi, = 1B we 2 Prob. 9.3 225 Prob. 9.4 v = JB-d8 = Bs = +40x10* sin (10")-10° x 20x10" Vey = ov dt dt | = 0.8sin 10" \ a | T= —% = 02sinl0'rA l R ‘ I flows clockwise for increasing B field. { I a ! Prob.9.5 (v= flvxB)-di, ai = aya, i uxB = 2a, x0.1a, = -0.2a, y=X since the angleof the v- shaped conductoris 45°. Hence y=x=ut, At t=0,x=0=y v= -fo2du=-0.2y, y=ut=2 v=-04V (b) v= f(uxB)-di, di = aya, é uxB = 24, x0.5xa, | But y=x and x=ut. When t=0, x=0=y ' v= fedy =~ fyay = - | But x= y=ut=2 l ' ve-24V 226 Prob. 9.7 This is similar to Prob. 9.6. Assume loop is of width z. 42x10" 60 15x 3In— =-9.888uV x15x3In a Thus the induced emf = 9,888,:V, point A at higher potential. Prob. 9.8 oB ae Vong =-fZeas+ fix Bed? where = B, coswid,,ii =u, coswid,,dl = dza, = J fowsin stds Bucs wide a Opera jowI(y+a)sinwt — Bouglcos*wt Alternatively, Ly ye favw = J Jeocos wid, « dydzi, =B,(yta)lcoswt Hoya oy. yy y = “sin wt a u w Vemt = Bowl(y+a)sinwt — Bouolcos*wt = Boulsin’wt + Bowalsinwt — Bouglcos’wt = -Bouplcos2wt + Bowalsinwt = 6x 10? x 5[10 x 10sin10t - 2cos20t} Veme = 101 O6cos20t V 227 ©! Prob. 9.9 Vogt = Hi xB)-al = uBICos0 120%10° 3600 = 2.293Cos65° = 0.97 mV 20210" me 3x10 \0.6)Cos65° Prob. 9.10 - V2 + fEodt dt =1(Ri + Ro) Base 1(R, + Ry) (yy foes Also, fE edi =“, @) Hence, V, = [R, = v = PAIS 0.21501 sin 50m 3 0.0628sin1502¢ TIORTERYS «0.2150 sin 50s = 3 0314sin150zt 228 Prob. 9.11 dy = 0.63 - 0.45 = 0.18, dt = 0.02 = dl =90V 0.02 Using Lenz’s law, the direction of the induced current is counterclockwise, Prob, 9.12 V = [x B)edl , where 7 = pau, B = 2,4, a (2 - p41) ” V = [pab,e> = Vv 2A5 410° 100-4) #10" = 432 mV Prob. 9.13 Ja = JOD, Vala = O88, = 06 2107 2x 20% 10° x50 360 0.2107 77.8 Alm? 229 J Prob. 9.15 22g Je OE we o oy — Ff f= 36 GHz Prob. 9.16 J. = =0E sect : oS od, J, = jas +|J,| = os = oS ° 10? 2 10? x4.6 1074 0.210 Val = Alm=3: 2 \ x10 toe07 m = 3.254 nA/m’ Prob. 9.17 (a) (b) a Q) @) (5) (6) 230 Prob. 9.18 IfF=0=p,,then Veb=0 a) \ Q) 6) | @) reduced to (3) and (4), ie. 6B er | Vevxt=-LV9D=0 showing that (1) and (2) are incorporated in (3) and (4). Thus Maxwell's equations can be | ' VeVeE =- 208 & 231 V(Ve£)-V? Ina source-free region, VeE=p,/e=0. Thus, Prob. 9.21 2 4p 2 Pe Vos =(0+0+32")sin10'r = - Pe ( )sin 0% = p,= [Ve Jde = [32° sin10°tde = - 25 sint0" 1+, If Pyleao =O, then C,=0 and 32? sin 10%t mC/m? Prob. 9.22 (a) oH, Jy = VxH= = =a, = 20sin(10°t- 4y)a, A/m 2 costi0"t- 49)2, 7 20cos(10°t - 4y)a, nC/m? = \(-4)sin(10’1 - 4y)a, Sux10? sin(10"t - 4y) 4 4) 10° t- 4) Fr) sin(10"r- a, 80 =Suxl0? — re Weg, HHI Fe Lid 5 stnx10" x10! x Prob. 9.23 ; a2 38 ce cvstale ® &| us 00 #, = 0.6fsin Pecos wid, zn, _ 0.6f8° foe = wus cos ficcos wid, 10%(2.25) Thus f= wie = Jing, =" a = 0.8333 rad/m 2068 0.6 Yue _ 9 6 [a7 _ B 6, = SE 2 OO =064/ =0.60377) _0.6%337 2.25 = 100.5 100.Ssin Acsin wid, Vim ax ye & | Vee = = 40x8cos(10" ¢ -8x)a, + 50x8sin( 0? ¢ - 8x)a, o E(x) Ex | 9 + [ved = 2 Hy Ho [soxasin(10?e 82), - S0x8c0s(10"t - 8x)a, mn 320 sin(10°t - 8x)a, ~ 400cos(10" - 8x)a, = 0.2546 sin(10" ¢ - 8x)a, +0.3184c0s(10" ¢ -8x)a, A/m Beoype &, = 576 ie dD > fe Prob. 9.25 (a) vea=0 aos | ay Vxa = 2 ELE, og . 0 0 Exe) Xes, A isa possible EM field. (b) veB=0 Fliocosar- oy}, 20 j | Yes, B isa possible EM field. i (6) vec 242/50? cors)- 288 20 >e (cos sina) - 3p° =(cor9) #9 | pap No. C is not an EM field. (d) vep= sin(at-5r) 2 (sn? @) 0 r?sin® vad = Be, . 12 ppa - 4 sin@(-5sinfoe Sra, #0 No, D is notan EM field. Prob. 9.26 From Maxwell’s equations, a : @) Dotting both sides of (2) with & gives: Eo xty= E022 (3) But for any arbitray vectors 4 and B, V0(Ax B) = Be(Vx A)- Ae(VxB) Applying this on the left-hand side of (3) by letting d= 8 and B = E, we get He(Vx£)+Ve(HxE)=Eot —(De£) (4) (Vx£)+V0(Hxé) hg Geb 4) From (1), 5 a (28 Ca Ae(vxi)= Ht (-2)-4a-m Substituting this in (4) gives: Yeo Bel)-Vo(Ext = Fok + YABB) | Rearranging terms and then taking the volume integral of both sides: | [rex Ardy =-2Y [Bods He Bar | fx feds =- 2 [Fe kav ow or — Fi (Ex Aye ds - JE+Jav as required. Prob. 9.27 VxH= J+J, J=oE=0 in free space. =0+ 1 ca" exst)-pons feossntote, = © (4eosb = pcos¢)cos4x/0%r Pp J J, = 3cosd cos4x10° ta, 6D GE i red — faa 3 cost < Be = ior sintsl0'1a, cos@ sin4x/0° ta, 10 6 4x10 * 565 E = 8482cosb sin4x10°ta, KV/m Prob. 9.28 Using Maxwell’s equations, Vals ob +6 (=0) —5 e=t fost But _! om, 1@ He and ay OS ar CI = 08» sin(2ax10"r - Bra, _ L2sina BJ sin(2xx/0"s - Bryata, a Bsin(or-Br)a,, @ = 2nx10* 4g, =(2-pye” 2 Vx b> B=—|0x Bar = (Ene as vo du Integrating by parts yields =[-(p-2MeP" + Je =e? dea VA, + wed, = ul, Prob. 9.31 (@) 2= 4230° - 102 50° = 3464+ j- 6.427 - j7.66 = -2.296 - 5.60 = 6.394 24237° b) 2.236£63.43° 2.236 £63.43” 6- j8-7761- j1812 9.8412 26557° = 0.22724 - 202° (5253.13°)" 252 106.26° (©) =F oT mniceal 12- j7-6- j10~ 18.0282 - 70.56" = 138721768" 1897 - 100° (576.2 90° YX 9AB4L 0.03492 - 68° Prob. 9.32 (a) sind = cos(® - 90”) 25-70") ga Se a, = Re[Jere J © Ja Ref6ete Me™ eMa,+..]= RefF,e*'] J, =~ j6e°"™a, + 10e%q Prob. 9.33 (a) (4- j3)= 5e7#9” A,= 571879 A= Ref Ae™ 5cos(ot ~Bx- 36.37°)a, B- Rede] ad ere costar 230! E= dcos(wt - 3x- 10°)a, - Scos(at + 3x -70°)a, | C= Re{Ce™] = re 22.36 cos(or- § + 63.43")sinda, Prob. 9.34 A= 4e0s(at- 90°)a, + 3cose sa, = Refaerer"™q + 3e™a,] = Ref ae] A, = 4°" a, + 3a, j4a, + 3a, B,= 10ze!”"e""a, B= Re[Be™|= 10zcos(wt- z+ 90°)a, Prob. 9.35 We begin with Maxwell's equations: VeD=p,/e=0, VeB=0 Vx 2 vx s+ We write these in phasor form and in terms of E, and H, only. VeE,=0 (ay V8H,=0 @ jouH, ) VxH, = (o + joe)E, (4) Taking the curl of (3), VxV x8, = - jonVxH, V(V+E,)-V°E, =~ jou(s + joe)E, V°E,-(w"ue- jouc)E,=0 —7> VE, +y Similarly, by taking the curl of (4), Vax, = (9+ joe)VxE, 10zsin(@t - z)a, V(VeH,)- 07H, = - jou(s + joe)H, 97H, +(@"ye- jous)H,=0 —> 1 240 CHAPTER 10 P. E. 10.1 (a) an 2k es = 0.1.cos(2x10" as sketched below. ma 2x/3)a, = 0.)cos(2x/3-1/ 4a, Hy 0.1) P.E.10.2 Let x,= y/+(c/oe)’, then ne, [16 asoys ws, d= of aT 1/3x3x10" 1 iscs) ee 10'N8 V8 00 918 ac v8 or yx,-7 81 : 2 14(6/0s)) ———® ©. 05154 64 oe jtan20, = 0.5154 ——— 0, = 13.63" 241 P.E.10.3(a) Along -zdirection 2n (b) b= Fis 2 /2= 3.142.m 108 an B= o Jue = one, Vine, =~ (Me, c 15.92 MHz 3x10"x2 : D =6 ———> ore, = Be/o oF 76 120% (©) 6, =Olni= ule = Ju, /e, J7/e, = G7 20K 4, = a,Xa, ——® -a,=a,xa, = ——» * sin(10"t - 2 ~ 13.63°)a, = 2817e"*” sin(10"t ay = 4, 13.63°)a, mA/m 242 mm E= 50 H= >—sin(or+ Bz)a, = 795.8sin(10"1+ 2z)a, mA/m 20x P.E. 10.4 (a) 0.09 o o == Vie, — 2 VE oe 300° cos(10? nt - 20.96 y+ x / Aa, Att=2ns, y=I1m, E= 300°" cos(2n - 20.96 + x / 4)a, = 2787a, Vim 01 (&) By= 10° = 1 rad 180 (c) 30(0.6) = 30e” 1 Lod =In(1/0.6) = ———In—= = a In1/06)= Fo 75557 542mm ule 60% EL 8.1 7 5 Us 0.09)'| stan/009 ___+__»,» A = oe 0.09) = 0.9425 © 2x3x10" (0.09) = 0.94 10° : = Fy VA2 + 0.5(0.09)"} = 20.965 Gy = 4,Xa, = a,xa.= a, 30 Me Tyg pe Cos(10" xt - 20.96 y+ 2/4 2571")a, Aty =2m, t= Sns, H = (0.1595\(0.1518) cos(-4.5165rad)a, = -47la, mA/m P.E. 10.5 Jody = Jal) fey fer*" de = Fas(O)w5. ads Ie] P.E. 10.6 (a) R 3x107 22S ifs = a nx10" x4nx107x3.5x10" = 24.16 Re (b) R, 107 Rot yt 2x10? x4 x10 23.5210" = 1080.54 be P.E.10.7 . 244 I aa OQ. vim where 8, = @ /c= 100x/3. where B= 0 Je, /c= 28, = 2002/3. P.E. 10.9 o 20 a= 0, B,= Syne, = = oy Ol ot, ~ 4 0 = Se/2=75x10° o 75x10" x4x a e On a, Fi S[re 1Ade - 1] = 6021 245 60x Fa = 954A, = 1200 fe, = 754 Us ttn " tan 20, = 2x —3 6, = 37.57” Wy = 9S-AASL 37.57” (a) IS AASL 37.57" SAAS L 37.57 + 754 a7" m+n, = 0.81862 171.08" +L = 0.22952 33.56" HAC 140.8186 _ Ll| 1 98186 == (b) E,= 50sin(or- 5x)a, = Im(E,e"), where E,, = 50e"/"a, E,, = TE, = 08186!" (50) = 40.93¢!""' E,,= 40.9327)" a, E,=Im(E,e“) = 40.93sin(ot+ 5x+ 1711°)a, Vim Qy, = a,Xa, = -a,xa, 3. 0 G59 Silos + $x4 I7L)a, 0543 sin(ot+ 5x+1711)a, Alm (c) E,, = tE,, = 0.229e! (50) = 11475e!8 E,,= HA7Se R08 @eretq, E, = Im(E,e")= 11.-475e°" sin(ot - 7.826x+ 33.56°)a, Vim ay = xa, = xa, 246 H, LADS nots in(w t - 7,.826x + 33.56" - 37.57") I, = =e" sin(wt - 7.826x+ - 37.57" )a 95.445 | = 0.1202e°”" sin(wt - 7.826x- 401°)a, Alm i (d) Foe yet 9g, 4) = aaanE Headey 50" as 4093"0,)= 054690, Wien? ; \ i Brac = Fig C08 ate = gee 0837.57", P.E. 10.10 (a) k=-2a,+4a,—> k= V2P4# = 20 @ = ke= 3x10" V20 = 1342x10° rad/s, d= Qnk = 28.Jm i — (-2a, + 4a,) ; b) H= ) = Paocnnony 1 * Sa,)eostor- kar) = - 29.66 cos(1.342x10°1+ 2y- 4z)a, mA/m ; \ P -2a, + 4a, | (©) Bg= Belg, = 2S CPD ay 150, + 148.90, Wim? ! we => = 201208) 20 P.E. 10.11 (a) 247 (b) 1,=1,.9:=1,/2, Eis parallel to the plane of incidence. Since , =p, Has we may use the result of Prob. 10.42, ie. tan@,-0,) _ tan(-13.64° = 0.294 ’* tan@,+0,)~ tan(39.48") 6 2cos26.56° sin 12.92” = aR a = 0.6474 1 §in 39.48" cos(- 13.69) SOE © k= 1sin,a,-B,cos®,a,. Once k, is known, E, is chosen such that k,.E, = Oor V.E,=0. Let E, = £E,,(~ 0080,a, + sin0,a,)cos(wt +B, sind, y+ B , cos0,2) Only the positive sign will satisfy the boundary conditions. It is evident that E, = E,,(cos0,a, + sin8,a,)cos(r+ 2y- 42) Since 0, = 6,, E,, 0080, = [7,E,, cos®, = 101, = -2.946 E,,sin0, = ,E,, sin, = 51), = ~1473 B, sin®, = 2,B,cos®, = 4 ie. E, = ~(2.946a, - 1.473a,)cos(wt+ 2y+ 42) 1473a,)cos(ot+ 2y+ 4; E,+ E, = 10a, + 5a.)cos(or + 2y —_——__... 248 (d) k, = -B, sina, +B,cos®,a,. Since k,e E,=0, let E, = E,,(cos0,a, + sin9,a,)cos(at + B ,y'sin8, - B ,zc0s0,) B,=0 Ju, =B,Ve,, cr | E,, sind, = t.,E,, sin®, = 67 E- 16185 Hence E, = E, = (7.055a, + 16185a,)cos(ot + 2y- 87182) Vim (c) At t=O, E_ = 25sin(-6x) = -25sin6x At t=T/8. EL = aT 25sin(E 5 ~ 6x) = sin - 6x) 249 2nT At t=T/4, E,= 25sin FF 6x) = 25sin(-6x+ 90") = 25cos6x aT At teT2, E.= 25sin( FS - 6x) = 25sin(-6x+ x) = 25sin6x These are sketched below. 0 Ey 25 x 25 h TB EL A 25 —— [ \ x 25 i eT/4 E, 4 23. \_/ \ x 25 A eT x 250 [Prob. 10.2 IF y= jou(a+ joe)=-o"ye+ jopo andy =a + JB, then ly7l= Ya? ~ B?)+ 4a"B° ie. . 6p onli o) w Re(y*)= a°-B* = -w “pe pP-a?=0%pe a Subtracting and adding (1) and (2) lead respectively to (b) From eq. (10.25), E,(z)= E,e*a,. VxE = - jonH, _ H. ve, = (-1E,e"a,) . on ou But H,(z)= H,e""a,, hence n= y= Oe Y (c) From (b), a) ile Viou(s + joc) 2 oe 251 Prob. 10.3 (a) 8x10~ | a * s0x10°x3.6x ‘ 2nx50x10° [21x36 = 10" > [V65 - = 541 120+ jB = 541+ j6.129 Im 2n__2n ) he P= F557 Lozsm 2nx50x10° 6.129 tan20, = = 8—+0, = 4144" oe n= LOLAIL ALAS Q E, 6 (ce) H.=a,x—=ax—e" 59.16. @ n 1 y — mA/m Vivid +1] = 2S Eire] 3x10" 1023 FaxSul0®* 1768x10""' - j3.224x10" Fim x]0% 1823 —W 8, = 44.98° n= 13.962 44.98°Q Prob. 10.5 (a) an 28 , = tan 60° = 253 1.234; ra j1732) = 36m 1) = | sae Prob. 10.6 (a) |E|= E,e* Ee = (1- 0.18)E, —3 e* = 0.82 1 = Ina = 0.1984 a Ing gg = 0198 04-24 tan, = = 111 » B= 04458 el lay-]-¢ Pee MOA, Bed ac 0.1 984x3x10" 1348 3.633 00494 Ixx10 JOADF ia i 254 Since = JI oe to: 6 = 08 6,xL111= 2nx10"x 5 x3633x1111 = 224210" Sim | Prob. 10.7 a 4 _ 80,000 we 2nxl0°x8/x10" 36x 9 2nx10" 7 a=B= a : (Ee eens xf = OAR i ool 2nx10? ' ‘ @ u=0/b= Te 10% ws | (b) A= 2a p= im ' ( b=1/ LL. 0.796 m ©) °= oan Se k ) 1 =In|20,,0, = 45” n= 1405245" 2 { Prob. 10.8 (a) | . 2n T= f= 2nlo= = 255 But - O.1x3x10" vx-T= aOR © 006752 —> x= 1.0046 2.0046)'" =} 0.1 = 2088 = 0.096 = tan20, —> 0, = 274° oe n= 18812270 2 nH, = 12x188.1 = 2256.84 4pXQy = a, — ay xa, E= 22566" sin(nx10*t - 2088y+ 274")a,_kV/m 4°, (e) The phase difference is 2, Prob. 10.9 (a) y =a + jB = (b) b= 2a /B 42m 2x10 (c) w= 0/8 = =<—= 10° mis 256 I | =Ila=—= (@) 6=Na=75 20m 2nx10° | Prob. 10.10 (a) B= @/c= Feige = 202084 rad/m, Ls 2n/B = 300 m (b) When == 0, E, = 10cosws 2nh 2=A/4, E,= 10cos(ot- 7D 10sinot z=1/2, E, = 10cos(wt- x)= -10coswt Thus E is sketched below. z=0 s y t Jz=as4 ya t zehl2 . y 4 t (b) B=6, w=2x/*. 257 pode ea, f= feto = 5838/0" ene 2x10" = ae 81 = 7.162x10""" Fi b= ee, = age x8l= x, im 1200 (©) n= Yale = Jn, /e, yh, le, = > E, = H,n = 25x10 x377/9 = 1047 4,XAy = a, —F a, xa, = a,— a, =a, E= 1047sin(2x10°t+ 6x)a, Vim Prob.10.12 B=4 —+> i= 2n/f=1.57]1 m Also, p=0/u=0ue=—yiz, : 10" Be ce x10" rad/s a 8 2 = = = on, Ju2VxH=| dx dy de|= Fa, H(z) 0 0 z J = ~A0 cos(wt - 42)x10"a, Prob. 10.13 (a) -= eT: Ina x55 Thus, the material is | at this frequency 258 2nxl0” 3x10" V5x750 = 12.83 rad/m (c) Phase difference = B/= 750 (@) n= i Te = 1208,/* = 120m = 46172 Prob. 10.14 If Aisa uniform vector and 0(r) is a scalar, rad Vx(OA) = VOxA+ @(VxA) = V OxA since VXYA =0. 6 8 28 fbeerhyehsal) VaB = (Sod, 55d, + 5A NE = H(k,a. + kya, + kaye" 'xE, = jlkcE,e = jkxE aB 3B Also, >= jowH. Hence VxE=-"~ becomes kxE = oH From this, axa, = ay Prob. 10.15 . a ee oo Ve k= Goat 54,4 57a.)* Be = j(k,a, + kya, + k, 0B, = jkeB,e" = jkeE=0 —-+ keE=0 Similarly, VeH= jkeH=0 —> keH=0 It has been shown in Prob. 10.14 that ——>_ bE = oul 239 Similarly, 6D er VxH = ———> aH =-e0E From kE=opH, — a,xa,= ay and From kkH =-cwE, a,xay = Prob. 10.16 (a) boo, —4 5.6993 (b) @) apxay = a, —> a,xa, (©) E= 30x10"(157.91) sin(ot - Bx)a, = 4737 sin(2nx10°t- 5x)a, Vim eD () Jy= Sp = VxH = 0.1Scos(2nx10"1- 5x)a, Alm Prob.10.17 B=oue="Je,ya,, u,=7 260 E, = 50cos(10"t - 8x)a,. 40sin(10"t - 8x)a. H, = H,,cos(10°t~ 8x)ay,, Ay XAy) = Ayy > A,XAy, = A, —F Ay, = A, I 2 H, = ~cos(0"1- 8x)a.. Pete Ten 1, = 0x2 _ 08 f= Hy Sin(10"C- 83)4q3, Hy = Gs 4p yXAy 08 ny “= sin(10"1- 8x)a,, H = Hi+Hp = -0.2546sin(10°t- 8x)a, + 0.3183cos(/0°t~ 8x)a, Alm 2nx10" Prob. 10.18 B= oyue= 2 fue, = (10) = 2.0943 rad/m 3x10" foxear “ eo 2 2] oe oe VxE=|éx dy ae |=-S*a,+ ~ 108 sin(wt - Bx\(a, - a,) 0 E(x) Elx x ox 108 10x2x/3 Freostor - Bx)(a, - a,)= + eos(ot - Bx)(a, - a.) © 2nx10" x50x4nx10" H = 5.305 cos(2nx10’ t - 2.0943. mA/m 6 6 Prob. 10.19 Fora good conductor, 7=>> 1, say “=> 100 ® oe 261 Bl 9 bossy I 2nx8x10° x15x 36a No, not conducting. 0.025 2 esis 5 assy I 8x10° x16x—— 2nx8210" x16x 5 No, not conducting, 25 ——~ conducting () I 2nx8x10° xin Yes, conducting. Prob. 10.20 7 _ fue =) 2nf sep _ 2nx6x10° [4 > oof 1+(2) - 4. Sere V9 2447210 = 8791x107 6=J/a=11375 m [W704 + 1) = 0.2515 2nx6x10° 20 (p= OHI o u= 0 /B = T5555 = 15x10" mis Prob. 10.21 O4E,= Ee — ° ® nim ai = OAS81 _ f i 600 Sept = 2.287: a= 55" ona’ SAxI0 aax(/2y 210% | 7287? Re 600 * $.8x10" x2nx(1.2)x6.6x10" x10 207.882 3 ©) peas 2 S6ux10 Jf = Sals2alO™ 6.12 a O12 Prob. 10.23 @=10'n= If —+ f= 05x10° 1 1 b= ooo 0.1203 Vfou Vnx05x10°x35x10 x4ax107 a obw since 8 is very small, W= 20 je Prob. 10.24 a 16 A= 2n/B = 228 = 6.2836 > 6 =0159Ih showing that 8 is shorter than 2. Prob. 10.25 2.94x10% m Vafis Vaxi2x10?x4ax10° x6.1x10 At 100 MHz, 5 = 66x10 mm for copper (see Table 10.2). 263 Prob. 10.26 (a) E= Re{E,e""]= (5a, + 12a, )e’ * cos(wt - 3. At z=4m, t=T/8, of= = > z= 4m, ore 2xT «x 8 E= (Sa, + 12a,)e°* cos(n / 4- 13.6) |El= 13e°’* \cos(n / 4 13.6)|= 5.662 (b) loss = adz= 0.2(3)= 0.6 Np. Since I Np= loss = 0.6 x 8.686 = 5.212 dB a tax {re(5) (c) Let x \r ae a at)" 1 aes 20213427, x-1 = 1/289 ——+ x= 100694 xt] o eT ae___O2x3x10" = 139 ovx-1 10000694 ~~" Ve 120% = 3.365" tan), = Ve=720118 —> 6 ve n= 32.52 3.365" 686 dB, 264 a, 13368" gore E, Sa, + 12a, Hye ax A= Seat5a,+ 12a,)e"® = CE POD, 7 4 In} H = (-369.2a, + 1538a,)e”* cos(wt - 3-42 - 3.365") mA 2 oO _ x0 e~ © cos(wt - 3.42) cos(wt - 3-42 - 3.365") J PHBH) 3599 1538 | P= 5.20" cos(wt~ 3.42) cos(wt - 3.42~ 3.365" )a. Atz=4, t=T/4, P= 5.20" cos(n /4~ 13.6) cos(x /4~ 136 - 0.0587)a, = 0.9702a,W / m? Prob. 10.27 (a) This is a lossl-~s medium, Boyne, =f 2rx10* x4nx10” Pls wey 7 (6) E,= nH, = 131.6x30x10" XA, = a, — axa, = Fa, = -a, nH,? = 00592a, Wim = 0.0592x3x2= 0.3535 W Prob. 10.28 Let £,=E,+ jE, and H, = H,+ jH, Re(E,e™) = E, coswt- E,sinor Similarly, H,cosot- H,sinot P= ExH= 1H, cos’(2nx10°t- 6x)a, = 0.118400s?(2nx10°t- 6x)a, W/m? 265 > > 1 P= ExH = E,xH, cos ot + E,xH, sin’ ot ~ 5(E,xH, + E,xHl,)sin 2ot a,=4[ou-L] au(E,xH1,)+ 4 ne = TJ = 7 Jeos'o t(E,xH,) + 7! 1 = 5(ExH, + ExxH,)= SRelE, + jE,)x(H, - jH,) 8. 1 - = 5 Re(E.xH,) as required. Prob. 10.29 (a) u=o0/p —> =p = Bh. 2880" a po xig" radi - “evs, 4S as 120% = t= 17770 "Ts E 40 25. Ha ax = Sx" sin(at~ 22)a, = sin(wt~ 22)4, Alm (b) 2 =BxH= srsin (ot 22), W/m? Prob. 10.30 (a) Pn. = tO Ae Jin? o at(£,x#,)- op [sin2eat( Ex, + ExH, 266 uae, a Gen) (b) Tf Pe = Phane — RP ine = TPhine — R=T ie. (n,-2,) =4nn, —> 1n?-6nn, +n? =0 Tia 32V8= 5828 or 0.1716 2828 or _0.1716 Prob. 10.31 (a) 4,=1,, Mom Mo/ 2-1, n2+n, 3n,/2 He|P|_ 14113 FP 1-1/3 =2 (b) E,= TE, =~ 4x0) -10 E, 10cos( Let H, = H, cos(ot+ z)ay, | a,xa,, = a, — -a,xd,, = =a, — a, = a, Le ——— 267 10 5 1h Tagg Cote 2), = 26-S3eos(ors a, mA/m Prob. 10.32(a) 4, =n, E,, sin(ot- 5x)a, Hn, = 1201x4 = 4805 @,XQy = a, — axa, pXAy = Ay 1 E, -480n sin(ot - 5x)a, he 120 6 : <= 608 a vi Naam) | 60n- 1208 __ eres natn, One 120, 1/9 te It = 2/3 re Eq = PE = (-1/3\(480n) = ~ 160% E, = 160k sin(or+ Sx)a, kV/m 268 Combining (1) and (2), Ey = WHa = (z=) E Natt, But = 3000 Thus, ,= 48537. Since n, 04x10 H/m 10” > Wa = 846 Me = Ge xI2SH(485377 = Prob. 10.34 4, =n/2, nN, reas y3, cade r= 4/3 ath TE, = (1/3)(5)= 5/4, Ey = 1B, = 20/3 o 108 pute Sarg 42/3 (a) E,= Scostt0%e - 2y/3)a, . 2 5 2 E,= E+ E, = Ssin(10"r+ 5 y)a, + Fe0s(J0"r- 5 ya, Vim (©) Roe FOG) 269 Prob. 10.35 (a) p= /= ofus® line, 0" rad/s Hey JO afte afpe n/2 Mee /3, tele 2/3 IIE] 1+ 1/3 SIE 1-1/3 =2 (c) Let H, =H, cos(ot+ z)ay, where £,=~4{@eos(or+ 2)q 10cos(wt + z)a,, — a, 10 Toon COO-5x10"0 +2)a, A/m=-26.53cos(0.5x10"t+ z)a, mA/m Prob. 10.36 (a) @,X0,, = a, —> a,xa. Fa, = i.e. polarization is along the y-axis. 2nx30x10° () peaypes 2 L ig, ee Va4x9 = 3.77 rad/m é OH. ox Hx.) (©) Jy=VxH= a [eo ex ox 00 = -10B cos(at + Bx)a, = - 37.6 cos(ot = Bx)a, MA/m 270 Mel y/5, t= 14 P= 6/5 10n,, sin(ot + Px)a, mV/m, a, 110n, sin(ot - Bx\(-a,) mV/m 4,Xdy = a, — -a,xay = a, — ay = a, H, = F10sin(ot - Bx\(-a,) mA/ m= -2sin(as- Bx E, = 110m, sin(ot+ Bx)(-a,) mV '~ 4,XAy = A, — -4,xay = -a, — ay = a. H, = 10(6/5)(n,/n,)sin(ot + Bx)a, mA/m =8sin(ot+Bx)a, mA/m ©) Sua = 2h, i 2 oe Ma, ~ 7 70/00(1- 53a, = -0.012064a, W/m E, = tE,, = 1H, Bry 7 “¢ @,)= Sa Fhe (a,) = 32n,(-a,) hW/m? = Prob. 10.37 (a) Inair, B,=/,4, = 2n/B,= 2n = 6,283 m o =B c= 3x10" rad/s In the dielectric medium, @ is the same = 3x10" rad/s 112064a, W/m? 21 ay = 4,X4,, = a.xa, = a, H, = ~26.5cos(at- z)a, mA/m (©) men. a= 0,/v3 som, (/N3)-1 =a 68, natn, U/3)+1 t=/+P = 0732 @) E,=t&,=732, E,,= TE, = -2.68 E, = E,+ E, = 10cos(ot- z)a, - 268cos(ot + z)a, V/m Prob. 10.38 (a) @ = Bc= 3x3x/0* = 9x/0° rad/s (b) A= 2n/P = 2n/3= 2094 4 3 (©) Oe * Dx10" 80x10 136% ~ 7% * $288 6 tan20,=-=6.288 —+ 0 . we E, = E, =7.32cos(at- z)a, V/m 1 2 2) 2 Fret i, ME. - E,.7]= PO 20a) (UO? ~ 268°) = 0.1230. W/m E,2 . Ew 7 _ Sora 24, 2" Se1zon (732) (@.) = 0.123 1a, W/m? 272 noon, 1671L 4047” - 377 re ee i) aytn, 167ILA0A7? + 377 = 0.9352 176.7" TE, = 93521767" E, = 9.35sin(ot- 32+ 1767) en ° ie _ 9x10? [80 aie ere 1+(_2 eo A View = 4394 Np/m 9x10" [80 ; 82" agro lVit te +1] = 5148 rad/m 2ny __2x1671Z 40.47" = Ot, HOT OAT | 9.08572 38.89° To yen, L67ILAOAT? + 377 © 998974 3889 E,, = tE, = 0.8572 38.59" E, = 0.8572" sin(9x10%t+ 51.482 + 38.89°) Vim Prob. 10.39 Curve 0 is at t= 0; curve 1 is at t = T/8; curve 2 is at t= T/4; curve 3 is at t= 3T/8, etc. Prob. 10.40 Since w,=y,=p,, sin45? ind, = sind = 03333 — sin®,, = sin8, Wis + 8.) = sind 225 «9.2357 sin8,, = sin8,, 757 — Prob. 10.41 200" - 274 ssf gb ho), githeby) — iUkek sd yk re = = jer” 4 ef ei! sent which consists of four plane waves. Jou,H, —> Hy Prob. 10.42 If u,=y,=$ No =e 1 fe 1 1 cos, - == cos0, ard ob ne 1 8, + =—=cosb 5 Ot 088, . sin®,cos®, 39, 8in0, cos®,, + sind, cosd, _ tan®, ~ tand “” tand, + tan, 7+ tan®, tan0, Similarly, 275 - 2cos0, sind, - { " (sin9, cos0, + sin @, cos 8,\(cos®, cos6, + sin 0, sin 6.) ____2cos8, sin®, ~ sin(@, + 8, )cos(0, sin(@, -6,) in(0, +8,) ' _ _ 2cos0, sind, | sin(O, +8,) { { Prob. 10.43 (a) k, = 4a,+ 3a, | koa, = k,cos0, —-» cos0,= 4/5 —> 36.87° @) 1 .\_ & (V8? +67)? Ba, + 4a, Soa = 3 Re( ByxH, )= Shay = “Saag = 79.58, + 106.1a, mW/m* (c) 0, =0, = 3687". Let E, = (Ena, + ,.a.)sin(ot- k, er) 276 rom the figure, , k,,= k, sin®, = 5(3/5)= 3, k,, = k,c080, = 5(4/5)= 4. Hence, -da, + 3a, n, cytes sin, = “sind, = S=£+ sin eve: 8, = 17.46,c0s8, = 0.9539, n, =n, = 1208.0, = 0, /2= 60% "> (0.9539) 1,(08) 1; 7088, + n,,cos8, (0.9539) + (08) E.= ).253(10) = - 2.53 But (£,a,+ E,a,)= E,,(sin0,a, + cos0,a,) = 25334, + $a) E, (1.5184, + 2024a,)sin(ot + 4y- 32) Vim Similarly, let E,=(E,a,+ B= oft; = ote, But k,=B,=oyu.£, )sin(or- k, ¢r) t=22 —+ k= 2k,=10 k,, = k,cos8, = 9.539, k, k, = 9.5394, + 3a, Note that &, = k 277 ne Fs *}),c0s0,+n,cos®, 11, —— ees mn 170088, + ny (0.9539) + (08) 1 E,, = 0.265 But (E,a, + E,a.)= E,(sin0,a, ~ c0s0,a,) = 0.256(0.3a, - 0.9539a.) Hence, (1877a, - 5.968a.)sin(ot - 9.539y- 32) Vim Prob. 10.44 (a) tnd, = 7 ge 1 sind, = sin®, fhe s@)=I > 0,=90° 19.47° () Bet fe, = oe: 10=kVI¥8=3k = —4 k= 3,333 (c) k= 2n/B, h, = 2n/B, = 28/10 = 0.6283 m B,=@/c= 10/3, 4, = 2n/B, = 2nx3/10= 1885m a a (@ E,= nyayttt, = 40x O82 26 2c05(01- kerja, = (-213.3a, + 75.4a,)cos(10?t- ke- kV8z) Vim (2 — 20088. sind, 2089.47" sin 90" “™~ sin@,+0,)cos(@@,-0,) sin/9.47° cos19.47° — cot 19.47” ot 1947" .,(C0s8 a, ~ sin ,a,)cos(J0’t - fx sin8, ~ B_=cos0,) where =~ E,,(cos0 a, - sin8,a,)cos(/0"t - B,xsin® , - B ,zcos®,) sin0,=/, cos@,=0, ,sin8, = 10/3 E,,sin0, = ¢ .E,, = 6(24n)(3)(1) = 1357.2 | Hence, 1357 cos(10°t - 3.333x)a, Vim (A) tan p,, = { Prob. 10.45 B,=V3+#=S-0/c —+ @=§,c= 15x10" rad/s Jlet £,=(E, ‘ox Ey »E,,)sin(ot+ 3x+ 4y). In order for VeE.=0, 3E,.+4E,, = Y Also, at y=0, Etun = Ezun=0 8a, + $a,+ Ea, + Equating components, E,, Hence, E, = (-8a, + 6a, ~ Sa.)sin(I5x10°t+ 3x4 4y) Vim Prob. 10.46 Since both media are nonmagnetic, 279 £080 »,, = V2.6 cos 58.19" — 8. 31.8" A ee a 280 CHAPTER 11 P.E. 11.1 Since Z, is real and a # 0, this is a distortionless line. a) (2) GB) (4) (1) x G) > R, = aZ, = 0.04% 80= 3.20/m, 3) +) 9G t= Oe 5x 10-01 @) + W9G2 Fa Gps Sx10"'a/m BZ, 15x80 Bey. AeA = 38-2 nis @ | nx 5x10 = 1G 12, , 004 1 Ht tO KS Gag ag 7 S97 PE/m P.E. 11.2 a R+ jol _— {0.03+ j2xx 01x 107? @ 2.- VGyjaC * \ 04 janx 002% 10" = 7073~ j1688 = T075L - 1367°Q (b) y= V(R+ joLXG+ joc) = \(0.03+ j0.2nXj04x 10n) = 2121x107 + j8.888x 10% /m w 2x10? ss; = 7k x 10° (©) u= 5 * ggpac 197 * LOLI mis PE. 113 29 2, | (a) Z, 281 (c) PE. = 0.052 ~63:43” A Since Z,=Z,, F =0- 4," The load voltage is V, = V,(z Vi 75L0° at Vol 7520" 0 Tet 5a nage SLB ele = 15248" ow =15+a=tin(is) = 1 in(/5) =00101 3° ‘mrad = 0.02094 30° y = 0.0101+ j0.2094 /m 11.4 (a) Using the Smith chart, locate $ at s = 1.6. Drawa circle of radius OS. Locate P where 8, = 300°. AtP, OP _ 2.lem = 50 a2 O28 irl 228.2300" Also at P, 2, = 1.15- j0.48, Z, =Z,Z, = 70(1.15- j0.48) = 3.62 ° .61 > 0.6 720° = 432° = 360° +73° From P, move 432°to R. AtR.z,, = 0.68 - j025 282 70(0.68 - j0.25)= 476- j1752 (b) The maximum voltage (the only one) occurs at 6, = /30”; its distance from the 180-60 d i load is 720 = 0.16672. ' PE. ILS Z,-2, 60+ j60 Z,+Z, 60+ j60+ (a) T= 44722 63.43" 2+ I+|P| 1+0.4472 =, BON | 2618 8° [Ir ” 104472 > 8 Let x= tan(py) = tan 282 2, + il = | Z, + j2, tan(Bl) 60+ (60+ j60x 120 - j60 = 60] 0+ J+ 160% Je of 2° "(60+ j60); _L+ai(l+x) Or 2- ToT sa pe 3 1-4 j(2x-2)=0 Locate the load point P on the Smith chart. oP 00" 93m lem Ir} = 0.4457,0; = 62" | T 0.4457 262" Locate the point $ on the Smith chart. AUS. r= 5 L 283 we =2-,, which is located at R on the chart. The angle between CP and OR is 64°-(-25°) = 90° which is equivalent to om : x t Hence (= 4 4n% =A (14 Jn) = 0,12. j 8 2.8 | (Zn)ae = 520 = 2518(60) = 157080 (Zann = Z,/5= 60/2618 = 22.92 0 (does not exist if n = 0) a A = 00851h 1 720° \ P.E. 11.6 \ 4 2375-25 =12.50m oF A= 250m I= 375-355 = 2em= 2% 25 = 0.082 > 576° Z, =065— j0.35 i 2, = 2,21, = 50(0.65- 0.35) 3.5~ j17.50 P.E. 11.7 See the Smith chart ' _ 100- j80 _ _ 2, = IO 133- j1067 132° - 65 =A = 0209: ap} = 00932 132! + 68° n= ap = 0272 y= ohn 201261 726 dy =0S—dy I t I ' 1= 106.2" | sh | _» 1= 1244 3 (Voltage) (Current) LN . ov [Lo YX, £4) { VO.) | { ' L ‘ \ -> i —> t (ps) i 160mA, Z (Voltage) > t(us) (Current) 286 Von Rv > (Hs) * 287 P.E. 11.9 tyendar, «2 tus y, (1) oda «19. seo max 7, +2, 100 The bounce diagrams for maximum current are as shown below. Tear el. -y Su Th at Tym x 1(syma ¥21.43 (us) 288 PE. 11.10 (a) For w/h= 08, ty = 8) = 36.181n10.2 = 84.032 (b) Z, = ca h {= W275 "\08 ,- 3xlot O° IgM S275 ‘8.09 mm PELL — [rf _ [xx 20x10? x tnx It 8. 58x10" = 369% or 8.686 x 3.69 x 107? WZ, 25K 107 x30 564 dB/m = 8685 Fe Prob. 11.1 8 L Cc = 9.1910" L 1 YnFus nx 5x10 x4nx10™ x6 x10" 2 wea,” 03x 919% 10% x7x 107 ~ 2010s. 1m ud 4nx 107 x 12x 107 = = 50.26 nH/m = ag 50.26 nii/m 10? 03 = 221 pF/m =x d 36x 12x10" Since o =0 for air, 289 Prob. 11.2 nel el “(d/2a)~ In(d/a) since (d/2a)’= 11.11 >>1 9 nl x16x107 = 368g 349 In(2/0.3) * 22342 pF ' 1 1 i = 20910" m << Vafio Vaxi0" x4nx10x5.8x10 | 1 1 16x10" 1° %* nabo ~ 2x0.3%10x209x10x5.8x10" © Prob. 11.3 i (@) Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law to the loop yields i at, M(eH Ast) +) — Rast, ~ Las Le H(z,t) 1 av G But 1, = A(z, )- Sas arte) ) 42,1) —»>—;—» f ro ' Hence, | ov G al Cav £4 ov i I ~. 4 aev(c.t)- cra 7 wm, Mer dz,t)= Ie) _ a +f-406 ) Crew * 2 2 ‘az rle+se0)- Carles, tN) | ote aye ce ‘ or | (b) Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law, ' Al Al él V(z,0)= RF Met)+ LZ et V(z+ 41/2,1) or V(z+ AL/2,t)-V(z,1) ar - al/2 aaa Hs mretit As Alo, - 5 a i Applying Kirchhoff’s current law, { y a | 1(z,t)= 1(z+ Al,t)+ CalV(z+ Al,t)+ Cal arler’ WY, 1) or _ Hes 41,0) He,t) = oV(e+ alse cakes 4l,t) fl Al ar ' ates aulz,t) av(z.t) or As Al>0, - = GV(z,t)+ C+ Prob. 11.4 ae eS oe =78 i.e. the width must be increased by 4%. Prob. 11.5 (a) Re jwl = 404 j2nx 10" x02%10 = 4193217 48" Ret jwe = 400% 10% + j2nx 10" «0.5% 10"? = 31.42% 10°? 289.59" Re fuk i ISSAC Ae 3 342-3624 G+ jwe V 3142x107 28989" 2 (R+ joLXG+ joL) = (4193217 49° 3142% 1072 89.89") = 36. 5368" = 215+ j2.925 =a+ jp o 2nx10 B 2925 us 2148x 10’ m/s (0) @ = 215 Np/m= 2.15x 8.686 dB/m= 18.675 4B/m 1230 12 79. 1606 OUD TS T9575 ~ SOE 20x 63x 10°? 03x10" G= 42x10? S/m a = VRG = 420% 4.2107 = 0.2898 B= VLC = 2n x 120x 10° V0.3x 10x 63x10" = 3278 = 0.2898 + j3.278 | (b) Let V, be its original magnitude ret = 02K, 292 1 = 0.2396 m Prob. 11.7 (a) Fora lossless line, R= 0=G. y= jovLlC _ 120d en 2 Prob. 11.8 =H count doe 4x 10°” cosh! 232 L= Tcosh 3a 7 4% 10 cosh 012 ® B=oVIC=oJh,c, = > z~[E. |9955x 10% ° ler 594% 10 cosh”! 2.667 = 1052 Prob. 11.9 Since R= 0 =G, av | 2b ar Or al Vv “or or If V=V, sin(> *-Br), from (1) al ~ 5,7 VeB cos we- Bz), V, 28 cos{wt - Bz) Using (2) Prob. 11.10 (a) @ = 0.0025 Np/m, = 2rad/m, o 10 weer Gg 293 1002 1° codvut— pz) = we¥,cod(wt- Bs) a) Q) 294 0 cos 10"t- 21) ui)= .12e" "cos 108 + 21°) - ose! cos 10% - zl )A a 2°" cos(108 + 21) (b) Gii) 7, =z, 0 =! . 2Z, iv) T, ==* (iv) 1 Prob. 11.12 Re joL = 65+ j2n x Bx 10° x 3.4% 10% = 6.54 j4273 Re joC= 84x 10 + j2nx 2x 105 x 215% 10°? = (8.4+ j0.27)x 107 7 [Reidel | [65+ ja73 °° VG+ joC ” \(8.4+ 50.27) x 107 Z, = 7ITIL3975° = $5.12+ j45850 = 0.45 + j0.39/m | t = (431928138 8.4% 10 2189") 295 w 41 t=! but w=”, | « B Bl 0.39% 56 oe 7. (07 x dae” OLZ3Bus Prob.11.13 jB = jo Le j OL 2nx 45x10" x 24x 10° 2.0 = 01-9 P= Fos i = 798.33 rad/ m i 85 > . a f woe = 3542x10' m/s Prob. 11.14 7 \ Z,-2, _ 75+ j25-50 = Shoe STI 0.2773 7 Te DZ,” 754 725450” SoTL 339 T+|r|_ 1.2773 a = It T-IF\~ 07207 ~ 22 Prob. 11.15 i From eq. (11.33) g | Zj.# Zel 00° tanhy! i Zz, Z,.=Z, =—*% 27 1 = Za) zee” tanh] = Zr 01H 1) | For lossless line, y = jp,tan(y/) = tanh( jB/) = tan(B/) Z,.= j2, an(B1),Z,. = ~ j2, co1(B!) Prob. 11.16 = Z,tanyl = Z, sinh) " * cosh(!) But 7! = (0.7 + j2.5X0.8) = 0.56+ j2 296 | sinh(x+ jy) = sinh(x)cos{y)+ j cosh(x) sin(y) a6 _ 4-056 56 9-086 (e"* ~e (er +e) =P he05 24 j te" in? = 0.245 + j0.0548 cosh(x)cos():)+ j'sinh(x)sin(y) cosh(x + jr" = -0.4831+ 70.5362 z, ~ (65+ /38X- 0.2454 + j1.0548) 7 0.4831 + 0.5362 13+ 2.7260 Prob. 11.17 ( ra Zee 120-50 _ 9 411 Z,+Z, 170 14/7] pat o 397 | 2, + JZ, tan(pl) 0) 208207 it, af) = 60° Qe a Bars 7 = 50] 120+ /50tan{60")) 54.632 -40.65°0 50+ j120tan(60° 297 Prob. 11.18 But 5 = <9 > Via SV ig a Since the line is 2 long, > a =120° | Hence the sending end will be V,, , while the receiving end at V,, ‘ar = SV yy = 1.2% 80 = 96V. Prob. 11.19 1 ode pa Zen Zs _ 50! ~50 "ZZ, +2, 500” +50 = j0.2679 V, 7, % +Z,)e" Substituting these in eq.(11.25), a "22,2, [(Z, +Z,)e"e* -(Z, -2,)e"e*] 298 But /-z=4 or z= i 8 8 = we (Ehe” ~ 70.2679e"") 1.035215" (50 0.2240" A or ps . peat Aak 100" 9 a9 a8 4 500" =1,e" =0.2e% (a) fl ==x100 = 25rad = 1432.4° = 352.4° 2, = 60] {40+ £60tan 352.4° ” 60 — 40 tan 352.4° |- j29.375Q §29.375(10.20" Z,+Z, * 29.375+50-j40 V(Z=0)=V, = = 29375290" '9.575102° S1.6Z-12— (6) Z, =Z, = 7402. V,=V,(Z=), V,=Vie" V,=V,e" =(0575e" paw) 250.4" 299 (-) Bl =2x4=1rad = 57.3" 4 P {40+ j60tan57.3° | _ ” 60 - 40 tan 57.3” V =V,e™ =(05752-250.4" p"* = 0.5752 ~ 193.1". (d) 3m from the source is the same as 97m from the load., i.e. 1 =100-3=97m, fl = poor = 24.2S5rad = 309.42” 40+ 7601an309.42"] sg ag 60-40 tan 309.42° V =V,e =(9.5752-250.4° pr" = 0.575259.02". Prob. 11.21 2a 2 = (1.254) =2 +360", A 7 1-254) oie tan fl > 0 2 z, = 2 = 46.8750 Z, V, =V(Z=0)=—""_y, = 48397 0 Tag leg FO fora loss less line, WJ=IV(Z = 0) = 48.39. 300 Prob. 11.22 Using the Smith chart, Z, = 99=/35 ~ 0.6— jo.35 100 ALC, 2, =Z, =60-j35 z, = 2235 - 0.8 - 70.4667 5 3, 3.720" = 540° 4 4 AtB, — Z,, = 75(0.95 + j0.54) = 71.25 + 740.5 z, = T1252 I405 _ | 4954 0.81 50 I= 2 > 450° = 360° +90" AtA, = 50(1.4 + j0.81) = 70+ 40.52 Prob. 11.23 Vi =V(Z=0)=Vy +¥y ay Vy =V AZ =l)=Vie% +V ze Q) @) (4) +O = LH 42.4) -B)>V, 1 gM - 2h) Substituting V," and V; in (2) gives il 2 "= cosh fF, + Z, sinh yl, (5) + Z hen + a, ~Z,1,)e" (e% +e", +5200" -e")h, 301 [Substituting V; and V; in (4), 4 1 (Y+Z,h)e “45 ~Z,1,)e" —(e" —e "WV, +f re"), pin AV, ~cosh yi, 6) From (5) and (6) cosh — Z, sinh py, i Fsinh —cosht i] cosh yt rl cosh f “ay ~ zsh cosh “|g sinn —coshy# Thus vi]_f gosh! Zesinha yy, 1,)7]z-sinht cosh | 7, Prob. 11.24 Methodl: Z,, 0.8x3x10" = 28x3x10" _ 9g 3x10! u ae f 4, = *2m=2.1m > 720" x S revolutions + 90° 0.44-j0.4 0(0.44 — 0.4) j202 o. G in, Ir}=——= = 0.4624,6, = 50. "| 00 9.3cm r= 50.5 T = 0,4624250.5° 302 a 2nx3x108 tan @ = tan— = tan (2 | Be tan = ta aax1 oD = ta( 20) 1 4 - [72% wae | sf peal Z, +2, tan 50+ j80— j60x1 = 29.64-43.152° =21.6- 70.20 2-2, _ 80= f60-50 _ 3~j6 = 0.46852 - 38.66" Z,+Z, 80-j60+50 13-76 []=|r]=04685, but 0, =0, +2x 5 = 38.66" +90" =5134° Prob. 11.25 0+ 150 ; Zz, et A154 25 a aa . Aah SO osm, 110m = 2a f 20x10 3 If A-+ 720°, then 2 A — 480° = 1 revolution + 120° 303 AttheLoadP, Z, =0.17+ j0.23 Z, =2,Z,, = 60(0.17 + j0.23) = 10.2+ 13.8 jrj= 22 = 85.8m «0.7902, = 154° 00” em 2222154",s Prob. 11.26 304 (6) The Load is purely resistive ats. 6, =38" But 720° + A, hence 38° > = =0.053A_ from the load Prob. 11.27 eed 118° (a) If A—> 720°, then 2 > 3x 720° = 450° —+90° 0+ f4, Z,=Z,Zq = 754) = 73002 25- j65 75 = 0.333 — j0.867 305 Zin = 0.2 + j0.01 Zp = 75(0.2 +j0.01) = 15 + 0.75 Prob. 11.28 (a) 4-4720° so then Z 90° 2, 21-5 (b) Zn = 0.18 +,0.31 ee 00 24 21.74 j1.35 (By = | x) Prob. 11.29 If A» 270% then > 120° a 24, = 0.35 + j0.24 122m = 24 2142 4 20°% 2° 20 12m BA a agg noes 7254 264 To locate P(the load), we move 2 revolution s plus 72° toward the load. At P, = OP, Stem _ 9 5543 00 * 92cm 8, = T2°~ 479 25% 307 (b) Also,atP, Z, =2.3+ /1.55 80(2.3 + j1.55) =1844 j124Q At S, s To Locate Z,, , we move 216° from Z,, toward the geneator. At Z,. Z,, = 0.48 + j0.76 Z,, = 80(0.48-+ 0.76) = 38.4-+ (60.80 (©) Between Z, and Z,,, we move 2 revolutions and 72°. During the movement, we pass through Z,,, ny 3 times and Z,,.,, twice Thus there are 3Zinmax and 2 Z, Prob. 11.31 eo 120% inex 180" 7 a A (@) 5 =120em -> A= 2.4m u_3x108 =fofeate 25MH: we fh fa 7 = aaMile 404_ 2. 720° 40. st = 120° ©) Mem 706 6 Z, =Z,Z, =150(0.484 j0.48 =2+ jn s-1_16 rpa sto Lg aaa, © W139 Prob. 11.32 216" 2 0.34 — 720° x 0.3 = 216° AUP, Z, =0.15~ 0.32 2, =2Z,Z, =15~ j322 Ir a OP _ 720m = 0.7742 OQ 93cm T =0.77422216° Prob. 11,33 oor zy Vain 24 (@)_ If A> 720°, then 2 90° Z, =0.7 + j0.68 Z,, = 50(0.7 + j0.68) = 35+ 342 (b) I= 308 309 1= 0.24 + 720°x0.2 = 144° 2+i 10x10" = 200+ j100 NIN = = 2.6674 j1.33 1 Z, =0.3+ j0.12 Z,, = 75(0.3 + j0.12) = 22.54 j9Q,8=3.4 Prob. 11.35 From (1) and(2), (Z,2)’ = @) or 2, =4Z,Z, = 4(50)'(75) From(3), 2,, =Y¥Z.Z; = Y(95.33)(75)" = 67.74 Prob. 11.36 4 1809, 2, = =148, 4 30 0.6756 Z, This acts as the Load to the left line. But there are two such loads in parallel due to the two lines on the right. Thus 1 Ez) Z,, = 50“ = 25(0.6756) = 16.892 , 2 7, = 16892 _ 93378, z, = 2.96 50 Z,, = 50(2.96) = 1480. Prob. 11.37 From the previous problem, Z,, = 1480 y, =—# 120 __ 9.52634 te TAZ, B48 Pay = sll R,, = 500.5263) 48) = 20.50 Since the lines are lossless, the average power delivered to either antenna is 10.25W Prob. 11.38 @ a=2% ames “402° z( Zut i2. tan Bl \Z, + jZ, tan Bl As tan fil > 2. 3ul (b) If Z, =0. (c) Z, =25/m= _ (50)? 25 Prob. 11.39 : has 2, = 22 or 4 Z, _ 200+ /150 = =2 Ym = Tray? = 20 (open) 2x0 __ 25 = 250 +0 1, 25 © + /1SmS oy a 2, + j2, tan? Ye= Yan + Yr = 20+ 55 mS p= b= 100 47.06 - 11.76 y, 204j5 2,-J2, 100 j47.06-11.76 2m “Zz, - 52.) 100(47.06 - j111.76 - j100) 6.408 + 5.1890 mS If the shorted section were often, Jy) =204 j15 mS x _ tan 4 1 =—=/jl0mS i007 312 Y, = Fon + Yaar = 20+ f15-+ j10 = 20+ j25 mS z, = 1 -_1000 20+ 25 =19.51- 724.392 75.61-j19.51_ 100(19.51 - j124.39) i) =2.461+ 5.691 mS Prob. 11.40 Z,, _ 60~ /50 =Ze =12-j1 1750 ul web 27> r=1 circle = 313 L, = (136° -65° le = 0.09864 d,- ©" Y, = y,¥, =-/1sy, Y= 1.06 1 circle 314 128° 720° a 778A = pam = 0.07222 720° ~~ Seteee Prob. 11.43 90° Vy, oa Vg Vig W sol yee . Le (_ a £180°. ° 5 = 25em—Sem =20em = o a a The load is 1=Sem from Vain, ie. SA_A 1=22 == + 90° -90° 40° 8 *0 On the s = 4 circle, move 90° from Vin towards the load and obtain Z;, = 0.46 — j0.88 at P. ZL = Zo Z = 60(0.46 - j0.88) = 27.6-j52.8Q 0, = 270° or 90° T = 062-90° Prob. 11.44 315 1221-12 290m = 24, 9 790° = 162" 402 40 2.6-fl.2 Z, =50(2.6— /1.2)=130- j60Q ¢ _3x10° A 0.17 t=32em= 324 > 135.5° = 1.764 GHz ALP, Z, =14-j0.8 Z, =50(1.4- j0.8)= 70 - 400 0, =~44.5° Prob. 11.46 At z=0,t=0",v, = Z,+Z, t, = 4 = transit time or time delay. Hence, u v(.t;) v(t; )=V, +0LV, V (ley )=V, #0, V(l30; )=¥, +0,Y, +0 ol, V(LSt; )=V, #0V, +0 eT, +8 iV, V(t7e; J=V, (40, +00, +00? +0202) Ll and so on. When t >>— 316 V(l,0)= lerer, +(O0 +(e) + J +00, fiercr +(Q0Y +h) +- ] But textte ee fx} t 0.444 CS oN 2.667 0.333 + 6 323 1O,t)mAQ 160V 160.5 17.77 2.667 477 : t se “ $ = CO -2.963 4 l 80 y ee | 106.67 ~106.67 i { I 1 2.667 \ 2.222 i ius) | 13.33 324 Prob.11.51 w=1Sem, h=lem, pols 21 +12h/w vi +12/1.5 2% - 377 281 ° V8 (1.5 +1.393 + 0.667 In (2.944)) 3.613 __ [9% 25x10" x4nx10° Tt" 2 ca, = 8.686% 2.99510" _ 9 99388/m 13x10°x77.77 ——— =77.7710 (b) a, = 8.686 wi =2.995x 107 u 3x10° "Tee 25x10 V8 0.8(2.2) 2x107 _ 96.096 _ 1.2 18 8944x107 19.319 a, =4.9744Bén (©) asa, tof =5.1974B/m al=204B ->1= 22 = 20 -3.348m a 5.197 > al =8.944x107 = 27.3% 325 Prob 11.52 (a)Let x=w/h. If x <1, { s0= me +x] x V4.6 Va6 -sin( 5 +x)=0 x we solve for x (e.g using Maple) and get x = 2.027 or 3.945 which contradicts our assumptiom that x <1. If x >1, 12m -5V4.6 (x 1.393.667 In (x +1.44)) solving for x, we obtain x = 1.42 = z w=1.42x8=11.36m OE, &) B=—# c a2 wen fl=45° ¢ a 3x10° Een 2M 8 X4.6x8x10" 102m Prob. 11.53 0.4 For w=0.4mm, *=°3mm h 2m = 0.2 narrow strip — 326 i(a8y = 4) 1/88 Vin24 1 ind 2\10.6 2°96 «# 0.4057(0.4516+0.02516) = 0.1934 =n +3 + 50: 2) =3.69 AIC - i) 2.606(3.69 - 0.1934) = 9.112 w For w=8mm, —= 4 wide strip. 2 60.84 E = 2.0+ 0.4413 + 0.08226 x & F Se ll-452 + 1n2.94) = 2.449 +0.4447 = 2.8936 10.6 oa 229.6) Thus, 9112N e4- 2 28.88 If we guess that w/h > 2, 6077 _ 6027 3.808 Ble 75V23 = 1.539 w =1.539h = 1.85mm 327 ie 2803 mo1s«15{ in s08+039-95!) how 4.6 23 =0.793#>2 Thus = 1:539<2 328 CHAPTER 12 P.E.12.1 (a) For TE\o, f= 3 GHz, Jt GATY = I~ GT15y = V096. B, = 0/u, = 4af Ie p=“! Jove 556 = dnx15x10" 0T V0.96 = 6 @ _ Qnxl5x10" a) 6156 (b)For TMi, fe= 3V7.25 GHz, JI-(f./ f)? = 0.8426 4nx15x10° (0.8426) af ~ (08426) = a0 = 529. .78x10° m/s Tn = 60% (0.8426) = 158.82 P.E. 12.2 (a) Since E, # 0, this is a TM mode E., = E, sin(max/a)sin(nzy / b)e"™ E, =20, - 40n — =r, = 500 —>_ ie. TMa.mode. ; . ) f 3 (mia)? + (n/ by = a +50? = 1541 GHz B= oyhe. GPF LP = itt 225-9223 (c) (40x )20cos402x sinSOzye (507 )20sin40.2x cosSOme" 329 H, = H, cos(x/ a) cos(31y / b)cos(at - fz) E,= ~ 24 (3) H, cos( x /a)sin(3zy /b) sin(wt - Bz) E,= 24(2)x, sin(2x /a)sin(3zy /6) sin(wt ~ Bz) -- A(2] H, sin(rx /a)cos(3ry /b)sin(ot ~ f2) H,= -A(™ a, cos( 1x / a) sin(3zy / 6) sin(wt - £2) Given that H,, Faron, H, = Lenin, 4 6a/b = 6(15)/8= 1125 Wa -2x1451n?x10*x15x107 Hog = Hy = ~~ = 1718817 2 Ey = “2(4) H, a Qn = ~459.4 ~E, = 459.4(45/08) = 2584.1 2584.1 cos(ax / a)sin(3zy /b)sin(@t — fz) V/m, E, = -4594sin(ax /a)sin(3zy/b)sin(wt - fz) Vim, 330 H, = 112Scos(rx /a)sin(3ry /b)sin(wr - Bz) Alm. ~7.96cos( ax /a)cos(3y /b)cos(wt ~ Bz) Alm 4, P. E124 #102 — PEO (178636 © 1/4318? = 3883 GHz 3x10" fl u, = J—————= = 12510" ms, i- 3.83/47 9x10" = 7.203x10" m/s 12.5x10° P.E. 12.5 The dominant mode becomes TEo; mode San * oa 3.75 GHz, typ = 406.79 From Example 12.2, E, =-E, sin(3ay/b)sin(wt - fz), where E, = oe iH, - [El E,. ab Hence E, = 63.77 V/m as in Example 12.5. TE, 1x63.77 = 6334 mA/ oud 2nx/0 x4nxl0 x4x107 Some AM P.E. 12.6 (a) For m=1,n=0, f. = u'/(2a) os 2nx9x10? x2.6x10" | (36x) 10° 13 <1 Hence, 26. 3x10" _ 3876 Git 2x24x10° V2.6 331 8 x377/ V2.6 0. = wee 1.295x10"" Np/m 2 1- (3876/9)? \ Forn=0,m=1, | { 2R, I a / ; Caml pe 2u ny i 2B Mead 1x10" x4nx10™ \ 0.5 + (2.41 153.876 / 9) 3148x107" Ny 377x1.5x10™ x1.1x10’ J 1- (3.87619)? Vi-(387619)" | cS ue m= iidexlo” be ! ()Since @, >> ay,a =a. 4 ay 2 a, = 3148x107 loss = al = 3.148x10? x04 = 1259x107 Np = 0.1093 dB P.E.12.7 ForTM;, ,m n, , sin(ax / a) sin(ny /b)e™ - he 1a)E,, cos(rx / a) sin(y / bye" I 2 pe /b)E, sin(nx /.a)cos(ay / be" ‘ Ha = i ' Hy “i (x /a)E, cos(nx / a) sin(ay / bye" i Ay ! For the electric field lines, wy £E, x a (a/b) tan(ax / a) cot(ay /b) For the magnetic field lines H, | Fp ela by cott x /a)tan ay /) ! < i x de 332 hat Ett Notice that &. Gy showing that the electric and magnetic field lines are mutually orthogonal. The field lines are as shown in Fig. 12.14. P.E.12.8 he es 5x10” Sri = G 1/25+ 0+ 1/100 = 1.936 GHz 1 Qrevor = Gig r Where ——————————————— VHoHo. Vrx1936x10? x4ax107 x58x10" 10° re = Grx15 15x10°% = 10,929 Prob. 12.1 (a) For TMmn modes, H:=0 E, , = E, sin(ax /a)sin(ay /b)e* Using eq. (12.15), all field components vanish for TMi and TMio (b) See text. Prob. 12.2 (a) ; 3 Y Wiratie = FO TPT = 4 3 Nasi07 aie ) 2 . b= pyindiie = 2 fi pe = 2 RRIF i. uw 3x10" = 816.2 rad/m 2nx20x10” . oar ne LSEELO® mis Prob. 12.3 (a) f = onay +(n/) ok m7 1) + (n/2y° 2 Em +m GHz | Mode F. (GHz) TEo: 0.8333 TE 10, TE. 1.667 TE, TMi 1.863 TE, TMis 2357 TEs 25 TEs, TMi 3 TE 3333 TE, TMs 3.727 TEos, TEx, TMa5 4.167 TEs, TMis 4.488 (b)The highest possible mode is TE)s or TMs, ets + 5 = 4189, vir ALY = Jl- (4488 145y « 0073 . 189 5s 9 Trews = Vreuipy | 0073" 382 nas = VY CETPY = 30582. (c) The lowest mode is TE, 3x10” w=c/9, uy = wI-U.ITY = a V1- (0.8333 1/45)? = 3.276x10° mis 3b fant eae En o.833 0 a ~ Df 2x18x19” ™~9-8?3em | A design could be a= 9mm, b= 3mm, 334 Prob. 12.5 For the dominant mode, ¢ 3x10" 2a 2x8 = 18.75 MHz (a) It will not pass the AM signal, (b) it will pass the FM signal. Prob. 12.6 (a) For TEio mode, f. = os a uw _3xi0* Or a= FF” dxsx1o™ ~ 2 For TE: mode, f= pe ML 3x" Or if. 2x12x10” (b) Since a>b, 1/a<1/b, the next higher modes are calculated as shown below. Mode % (GHz) TE1o 5 *TE20 10 TE30 15 TEso 20 *TEo 12 TEo2 24 *TEL 13 TEx 15.62 For TE); modes, ® uv 3x10" nec ype SSS ST 69 Sx mis 1-(fi fy l= (65172 335 122 30 39 “u 6.975x10" — = PS Prob. 12.8 uw oS 5 vmiay + (nib) feur= fos eS ivay’+ 76)" = $976" ju 2b 3e___ 9x10" 214; 2x12x10° =375 cm Seas = a= 1.32 cm, b=3.75 cm Since a 02= Jo?-Be? f 20? 144x9x10'% ! =r-85 5 36x10" - 7 = 9: ' 78.2 377 + 9 _ I~ (6973/6 = oF (me /a)H, sin(mnx /a)cos(nay/b)sin(ot - Bz) } H, = 4 (om /a)H, signs /a)cos(mny/6)sin(ot 2) = (ma /a)H,, Hy = bem ayn, 6x10" x4nx10~ 72 = da *x100 337 a 5 = te 2 1267 Bag = = Garg * 1267 mam A, 267 sin(max /a)cos(nay/b)sin(ot 82) ‘) mA/m Prob. 12.11 (a) Since m=2,n=3, the mode is TEs, 7_ 2 7 (b) pee GIT = LG But S.= 5 Vm/ay +(n/by = 0 eiza6y + (3/1016) (6.19 GHz, f= 50 GHz 2nx50x10° 46.19 50)? = 400.68 rad/m 3x10" y = JB = j4007 Im 377 = = = 98532 "GTP | I~ 46197 509 Shade Prob. 12.12 (El HE gl Jaedy re (x /a)H, cos(nx/a)sin(ny/b)e™* =D (a /8)E, sin(ax/a)cos(ay /b)e" i oe pli 2 Jae sin’ 1b air En'lgs Joos" (xx a) sin*(nx Bey Mis a ‘ eo Jsin? (xx /a)ds [cos*(nx /)dy) Ma/2\(b/ 2) 338 Prob. 12.13 (a) fe ee =o p= te, 1-2 wea be Te “Vd ais (b) If a=2b=2.5em, f= SA dn’. For TEn, a 3x10" 3x10" — = 1342 GHz, w= === = 4.06 x10" fe Ba sxig7 Vt Ae mM" 1342/20) OE ms 4.046x10° haul f= Sopa = 2023 om For TE, 3x10" N44 = 16.97 GHz, v= ——=—— = 5.669x10" mis Vi- (16.97/20 5.669x10° = ul f = Soo = 2834 em Prob. 12.14 (a) fe £ ontay + (n/by = Jie —; VI1T+ 479 = 18.03 GHz f= 1.2 f= 21.63 GHz (b) fi- FI FY = VI- (12Y = 0.5528 c 3x10" = 5.427x10" m/s | Yen) 05528 u,= ul (ff = 3x10°x0.5528 = LOS8x10" mis 339 Prob. 12.15 " = we ((m/ 0.025)’ + (n/ 0.01)" = 15yn° + (m/ 25)? GHz i fio = 6 GHz, f.20 = 12 GHz, fio. = 15 GHz. Since fi20, fer > 11 GHz, only the dominant TE; mode is propagated. 1 vi-@/ye or Vr CG; (b) ae 7 (6/11) = 0.8381 193 Prob. 12.16 Let F= /-(f./fY = 1-61 24) = 07453 | 1__ 3xi0" ; wees ae 22x10", ups Ey y= WF 2x10" x0.7453 = [491x10" mls | p= 7 _- 33720 Nes WO" 15307453 ' Prob. 12.17 In free space, ( . £1 ay Te “Tuan Se* 3g > P5107 377 = = 4067 "Tr G7ray = te 288 gon, p= Teg p W225 2a 3x10" a _ 2 Gt, 1, = 2x5x10* 2.23 a ny) _ 8262-4067 = = Oke ET | 0662 ! ttn, 8262+ 4067 i 340 Prob. 12.18 Substituting £. = ROZ into the wave equation, 92 do, py, RZ = Rr')+ p de Pp "4 ROZ"+ KP? ROZ = 0 Dividing by ROZ, Lo apy Oak? == (R')+ st k= Rp ap © ) opt ie, -k2Z=0 1m, Oats E eg Be ap OR) Git (Ek 2d Rye ee kp? Rap ORI*(k +k )p or Oko =0 d 0p OR) + (k,'P?— KZ)R= 0, where k,’ = k?+k,?. Hence p7R"+pR'e(k,?p?~ ky )R Prob. 12.19 “ tty? Sabine He sin? ay /ba, a Pre = J Buds = Thar HJ J sin’ ny bad or, ee = Sy pige Heab (2 But? = (ma fay’ + (na /by? 341 12x10" x4nxl0”” _ 5 958x107 58x10 a 3x10" Soo™ 34° P26 x281 fay" Son ® 2 z| = 104 GHz -272. 233.812 =" (a) For TEio mode, eq.(12.57) gives a,+ y= \-0%pe+ k+k,?+ jouoy a = fro? w+ + joue, 2rx12x10")" v | (2ext2aie") C+ 7 ait jPexd 2x10? x4nx10" x10 (651 GHz = 0.012682 + j373.57 ).012682 Np/m ay 2R, asf 2s oie 2 as _ 2x2.858x107 © 107(2338D{1- (4651 112° (b) For TE}, mode. 1 4651 2B i ay+ jy = y-o7 fe + Ha? + 1/b + joo, 342 3955 21+ 9 y S9ATAB = 0.023444 j202.14 = 0.02344 Npim © 107(2338)) I~ (104/12 2R, (b/ay'+1 2x2.858x107 (1/8)+1 (olay +1 Oe GTP Ur) +i 0.0441 Np/m Prob. 12.21 ¢ Comparing this with e, = 168,(1- j10") = 16¢,- j16¢,x10™~ & = 16e,, & = 162,x10" For TMz: mode, ulm on Nm? 2? “fe. "| = 4193 GHz, f = lf, = 46123 GHz 10° 6 = 16¢40x10~ = 16x2nx46123x10" x5 x10 = 41x10 7 age ee 2 LON 94637 Np “ON-lfy Wi-tiia Npim E,e** =08E, = ——> Prob. 12.22 For TM; mode, 22k by yl- LILY @ 343 3484x107 af __|x#46123x10" xtex1O” 6. 15x10" 2x348x107 Se * pax]? x308x04166 = 0.04406 Np/m In(1/07) = 8.097 m Prob. 12.23 For TEio mode, ul 3x10° 2 = 25S fe> 3g" Wallet 8x10" o a) loss tangent = — = (a) Bs oe 10° 6 = dot = 3x10" x2nx4x10° x2, Hx ze = 1407 x10" 1208 Ws Jpg 259-53 on’ 1.4067x10™ x259.53 °4°3I-U./ fy I- 15114 -4x10° x4nx107 (b) R= pA a a a = 19625x107 2R, — fh haus ] 3.925x107 (0.5 + 0.5x0.2892) in'Ji- Gil fy y 24x10? x259.53x0.8431 = 4.818x10" Np/m = 2.165x10"? Np/m Prob. 12.24 (a) For TEio mode, a an = elo” f° BT 2225810") 344 2R, 0) Ger rel a r'| ax5x10" x4nx10~ = 37 7 TaTa0" 3.796x10 213796x107105+ 22 (4.58915)"] a, = ———___ 225 <" 15x10™(259.54)qf1 - (4.589/5)° Prob. 12.25 For TEio mode, = 0.05217 Np/m a ——aaltie ony GI 2 at 1 But a=b, R=—— Mae os aft lf . fe 1 Le je] an I-F1PF 12 ? vi-hISY where k is a constant. da gf I-GIFY _. ae, For minimum value, = = Prob. 12.26 where k is a constant HU WGI LLIN GL LP NOLL MA ey J 345 da For maximum a,—~ = 0 which implies that yf 3 2 PLS L? =0 or f -NBf. Prob. 12.27 For the TE mode to z, E,, = 0,H,, = H, cos(mrx /a)cos(nny /b)sin(pnz/.c) 1 OE W ay ~ 22 (nn 1a) H, sin(mnx /a)cos(nmy/b) sin(pz/c) as required. y oF, fou . . ET Ge = 73m /b)H, cos(mx /a)sin(my /b)sin(paz /c) From Maxwell’s equation, Jo 2 af ~ jot, =VxE,=|ax dy 62| E, Ey, 0 12E, 1 a Fog ae 7 ag em apr | eH, sin(mx /a)eos(nry /6)cos( paz /¢) Prob. 12.28 Maxwell's equation can be written as 346 For a rectangular cavity, ’ (mn ay? + (nn (by? i For TM mode, H,s= 0 and | E., = E, sin(max/a)sin(nny/b)cos(ptz /c) ' pe Tem /a)E, cos(mnx /a)sin(nny/b)cos( prz/c) From Maxwell's equation, h 2 8 3 i jouk,= Vat, =|dx 2y 22 lH, H, 0 \ i 1 8H, 1 | (nx /b)( px /c)E, sin(mnx /a)cos(nry /b)sin(prz/c) joe bz Prob. 12.29 . © ontay + (n/b)' + (ploy? where for TM mode to z, m = 1, 2, 3,..., n=1,2,3,...., p=0,1,2,.... and for TE mode to z, m= 1, 2,3,..., n=1,2,3,..... p=1,2,3,.... I (a) If aI/> Ile, The lowest TM mode is TMiio with /f, = i “Ti The lowest TE mode is TE with f, = OVE 347 atmode is_TEou (b) If a>b>c, laIf, a= le V2x3x10" c <2 ——> = 7.071 em a 071m Prob. 12.35 This isa TM mode to z. From Maxwell's equations, VxE, = - jouH, a 8 o £9) ce ‘) 1 1 10? B,,= 200sin30xxSin308y.5°= Fi eges107 * Dae 107 H,= aa 200230 {sin30xxc0s 30nya, - cos30nxsin 30nya, } H =Re (Hye) H= 254 sin 30nxcos30x}a, + cos30nxsin30nya,}sin6x/0° xt A/m — | | | 350 CHAPTER 13 P. E.13.0 => ,-hi * 5000 r= isin far field Tenax = 6 (a) Hy = Hsing dar anc 2nx 3x10 _ ee 708 * 025% A) A sin 30° Hy= A p83 ~ = 0.1652¢!™ Vim PTA H=Im(H,e™.,) Im isused since I= I, sin wt = 0.1628sin(10" + 18°)a, mAm 2n 7 ) B= 2008 =0° 28) sinsoeen®” S(025\ x 700 5700 e a= =0.2871e" Am ‘4n(6n x 200) H= Im(Hy,ae™) = 0.2671sin(10° + 90°)a, dm. (b) [, = 83.3mA (C) Prag = 36.562, Prag = 400833)? 36.56 (d) Z1,= 36.5 + j21.25, 36.54 j2125-75 ; = 365+ jalase 7s” 0387441403 (a) For the Hertzian monopole UG,9)= An - Pas | J sin? sindabay = = e0950 (b) For the x monopole, cos’ cos®) U@.)= <2 — sinzg* Um = 1 % 2 cos? (£080) Pay = hd Taig sind aah = 2x(0.609) -—#M__ 3, ~ 25 (0609) == P. E.13.4 (a) Pra = Fn = 0.95(0.4) _ 4n(05) _ Pe * tax 0.95 ~ 19233 42(0.5) =o - 20 (b) ag = 2094 106005, 00g ( 2, Umax =I L 352 P. E.13.5 Py f J sino sinoad.ap rad os09-0 dn) p= 2. 2546 mee 42 P. E.13.6 (a) f@)= koseoy 5(Pteos6 + «)| anh where a= ete aan, Pda San £00)= osteo 4x 2038 +2) g unit pattern group pattern For the group pattern, we have nulls at (cost + I)= > 02% and maxima at Yy(cos0 + 1)=0 ——» cos =-1 Thus the group pattem and the resultant patterns are as shown in Fig.13.15(a) () £(@)= koseod $(9.tens6 ‘ 0)| where a=, Bd=n f@)= kosoleod (1 cosd - * J °y unit pattern group pattern For the group pattern, the nulls are at O= 190" 353 and maxima at cos@-/=0 lg @=0 ‘Thus the group pattern and the resultant patterns are as shown in Fig.13.15(b) P. E.13.7 (a) The group pattern is the nofmalized array factor, i.e. NIN- Dy, NN = DW -2) 2! * 3! ° Ory. cette 1+ Ne’ + 1 (AP), = = x SN N-1 N(N- /XN- 2) were DoD (T)< rene St, MOOD, | =D"! = . Joy gst (AF), = sell e"| A= 7G, For the Hertzian G, = 15sin’0 R sans A= F(USsin’ 6) _ 1S femax = pe By definition, P, = AePae P. E. 13.9 , (©) Gy= Sela Pat | 2 400% 108 x 144 10-6 120m x 100x107 G= 10 log. G, = 3.34 4B (&) G=n,G, = 0.98% 216 = 217 P. E.13.10 A, = O02 na? = 07RU8) =7.125m? 1A) = 3 58110" 1 of 355, 5x 10™ x (3.581)? «10° x 560% 10° (4m) «0.26 «107 = 1270 m= 0857 nm At ram, = 635m, _ 3.581 10" x 60x 10° mr 41635)" (2.4 Wim? Prob. 13.1 Using vector transformation, A,, = A, sin® cos , Ay, = A,,cos8 cosd, A,, = A,, sing soe” rn (sin? cosa, + cos® cosa, - singa,) __ -100.cos0 sing “ur? sind 50 = 70080 coss + sBrde a, At far field, only 4 term refnains. Hence - j50 A, Tr Be* Ginga, +.cos0 cos¢a,) j508ne™ na, x H,= Bane ing ~ cos0 cosoa,) 50 H= Re He] Fir Psin(ot~ Bry{singa, + cos0 cosh) =5OnB ur Sint BrY(- singa, + c0s0 cos¢a,) Jl ea, - pind + jBr)singe™a, 356 Prob. 13.2 63x10" y wo" | al I \é,|= ile sind | At (100,0,0), r= 100m, 6 = 5 Es, = 12010) 24 69 ay¢7 2.04 Vi ! wl Fx(700) 30 2X) = = he Prob. 13.3 + O= 90" 2Y(2n)5 «107 5 21295110" sy = 70.25 mA/m n= 1208 = 377 ite A : ae 1 fa-4 yeos(Gzc0s0 )dz Lem 2 BL = 2arB* cos*6 il ~ cost 7 0s0)| E,=—jwud, ———p Ey, = ju sind, = jhn sind, 357 inlet sind|1~eos'Y4c0s8)] x Bos" 0 Ey, = 6050)? 9 «1, cosy c0s8)= 1-2 —. Hence 1 - Fee ble® sind , Hy, = Ea P= | PAS ee (e(24 asin’ Or? sinddidp FI - rort,(4) ht Ras 1? or hyxam(!) 2 () 05=200°(4) ——> 1200 Prob. 13.5 alz5m, 125 23810 g9 f 3x10% eee 2 100° 20°10 Prob. 13.6 Zq = 73+ j425 23+ j425 123+ 7425 = 0.37132 42.52° Jell_ 13713 I-W 1-03713° 358 Prob. 13.7 This is a monopole antenna ' a 3x10" _ | f 15x10 i (A ,hence it is a Hertzian monopole. | 1 { a)’ ( 1 3) Rigg = F8On"| =} = 4 = 987 mQ va = BOR) = 18° 300, 4 2847A i Prob. 13.8 i Change the limits in Eq. (13.16) to + f 1 _ Menon (iB cos0 cosBr+ B sinB)|, | * dur -B? cos? +B? 4, i —whe™ 1 [. “— 2ar Bsin?0 But B=pH=VxA tig» “Alen 6 ur Lar W40- t] where 4, = - 4.sin®, 4, = 4,cos® : fe Pa) ar? 4 é We sea = ( Bo) sintfcod Bost) - cost cos4 si cost) = For far field. only the 4 -term remains. Hence 359 1. (Bl oral a) oan oa Ho] _ Sle gen ON 2 ON Dare sind cost) sl (+) £0)» ay con cos6) + 1 For [= 4,f(0)= —~S5 06 0.2] 04] 06 0.8 360 For I= /@)= 2 sind For != 2h, f(@)= Prob. 13.9 (a) From Prob. 13.4, DL spr Ey, = GoeBle™ sind , 3 cod = cost cos 2x cosd)- 1 sin® Hye = NE gy 361 Urrax ©) P= oN U(8,4)= sin?@, Ung = / J Jsin’ ocb.ap orogs0 Pre, 13.10 (8) Pau = [Pas 05= Poe 201? (hemisphere) 3 Feat 20010" = p27 34H jm? Pog = Liat = amr? 2x(50x 10° = 1273a, hW/m . ce __3x10* eo = (a) F 100% 10° be MS me 50x 107 x 3x3 1209°x(0.2) 100 9071 pA 362 _ 320x'S 7" = 320n‘n°(0.2)x 10° = 6077kQ 1 Roos = door « 107" «6077 x 10? = 0.25 mw Prob. 13.12 cod 3 cost) sind (a) £@)= (b) The same as for dipole except that the fields are zero for o as shown. 04s oe os 363 Prob. 13.13 For /= 344 and /=A, the plots are the upper portions of those in Prob. 13.8(b). For 2 1=52/, the plot is as shown below. Pye > fftzsine cos8)’ sin dB dp Pag = x Fp On tsin’ aco 6d(- cos0) 254 = 799 | loo’ cos’ 0)a(- cos®) - (out coe. 25 2,2) * pols 3 720\" 5" 3 Pay = $555. mW Prob. 13.15 £0) = |cos0 coso| For the vertical pattern, 6=0 ——p» S(8) = |cos6| which is sketched below. 364 Prob. 13.16 ZnB? 4 1,nB?(dby? Pg = oO ogy t . Lem bi@” tat = 39q7 OND 128 p. _ 2e'nB?(db? sin’ 1Ssin?6 Py. = 2 fur rad Prob. 13.17 | 8xsin@ cos} 1% But [P,,.dS= f {sind cost sind e:0420 % + % = 2 fost sin @dd = 2sing (3 8 sind cosd 365 Prob. 13.18 From Prob. 13.8, Es, = artes For 122.5 ni,[cos(n cosd)+ 1 2xrcosd Qn x cos( cos)+ J - sind £@)= It is sketched below. Prob. 13.19 1d (@ B= eS -80 it sinbe’ {al\? Ruy = 602'() 2nrsiné 1 ) BL se 2050 | - cos” sale" [cod 6080 | ~ £08 > | 366 * 1 71,78°(dl)’ sin’ 6 a l6nr 150? sin’ 4n (1) @ Ray = 808'( = 3.084 Prob. 13.20 @ (b) () (d) 120x71, S xe = sinde™™ 320%'S? Reg = ras = a _ 2UQ,4) ARF? Poe oar? 7 |E, P. 1; 2n R rt 1 Rgg ON Res ‘ ist 14400n* yes? 0a r io ‘s? 367 } Prob. 13.21 A, sera! ; i \ t { eae 101x 10° m Bx Alternatively, since 8 ((a , current is confined to a cylindrical shell of thickness 8 . Hence L o(2na)s R= Ry= Ale 30" ig | 2° 2f 2xl5xl0 | 10 8 Fin Sau lO wax 3x 107 102092 Rag = 732 Ra _ 73 = 99.97% 1 Ro +R, 730209 eames Prob. 13.22 (@) Umax = 1 1 ' =i] | sin? 20 sin@ a8 ab \ | 1 = ~ nyflasine cos0) a(- cos0) dn o = 2 (cos‘8 - cos" 8 )a(cos8) 368 8 cos’ = s0s'8_ cos’ } 369 Prob. 13.23 @ Uy=t Juda we te La a x 10 cacetd (c) Use= F [feos O sin’ 5 sind ay 370 “Lael zal Ue = OSTA _ 0.04 ~ 16x? (4) (2x Vfeosoat- cos6)./0° 10" lo 480n7 5 0.04 wl ext) * T6x? 120 2 O04e0s'@ 10% 12x? vir 240x° 100 371 ) ) = 0.625 a= 44 Prob. 13.25 This is similar to Fig. 13.10 except that the elements are z-directed. inbldl Rn |sin a + 50088, d where 1, = r= 5c0s8, ABA lesion + erm] 1 "sind cos(5Bdos0 )a, Prob. 13.26 (a) AF = 2e A(peoss +0) a=0, AF = 2cos(x cos) (b)Nulls occur when cos(ncos8)=0 —+ xcos=+n/2,+3n/2,... or 0 = 60°,120° (c) Maxima and minima occur when —+ sin(xcos@)x sind = 0 ie, sind=0 —> 6=0",180" cos8=0 —+> = 90" jor 372 () The group pattern is sketched below. 2 Prob. 13.27 (a) The group pattern is f@)= co 5 (pateos + «)| foreo (2 Lea) ri = cos (cos (cost + is =0-———> ul eee cos“ (cos6 + 1) 0 loos + = 44 7) or cos8 =] _ 0=0 Maximum and minimum occur when a[ x 4 cost (oos0 + 1] =0 t sin® sin(J+ cos) = 0 sin@=0 — 6=-1 or 0=180" Alternatively (0) can be plotted using Matlab or Maple. The group pattern is shown below. 373 - {2 +5) = coq Se0s0 + 4 x x x Le cof Zc050 +2) = 9——> poeta tty coxd = 4 ——> 0=60° For maximum or minimum, d * ( 4) S ooss cost + *}|=0 sin in{ Sco + 4) =0 sin@=0—» 0=0°,180° seus 4)- 1 0 _—_> cost = - 5 —> @=120 Scos8 + x, 2) x x . of ¥ cost *)]= 7 30080 + = 0,82 —_p 0 = 120 The group pattern is sketched below. 374 Prob. 13.28 100)= cof 4(bdcos0 +«)| (@) a=%,pd = £(0) = cox{x cos0 + 7/,) Nulls occur at 1 cosd + ¥/, A=2n 3x tor 0 =75.5° 1386" Maxima occur at L=9 —— sind=0— 9 =0°,180° : With fue = O7LI. Hence the group pattem is sketched below. ad 375 og o2| 02 o.| 00| jn an hin aarp hte G2 3 7(0)= ko 3 cose c = x 3n_ nan ° Nulls occur at Gt ett _ 0 = 60° ea { % Maxima and minima occur at sind sil Sosa + ie. 0 = 0°,180° + f(8) = 0.383,0.924 376 Set 0 = 48.2°,131.8" df It has maxima and minima at £. O- sin® sin( e030} =0 ie. 0 = 0°180" + f(8)= 0711 Prob. 13.29 : (a) ForN=2, f(0)= cof S(pdcoso + «)| a=O0,d= ale f(0)= oof {2 Leos +d] = cof S cose) Maxima and minima occur at d (x ) Fa [cod “eos0} |= 0 sind snl £cox0} =0 4 sind = 0+ 6 = 20 and f(6)= 0.707 J 377 sil cos0] + cos= 0- 0= 90", f(0) a (No Solution) nla Nulls occur as * Cos@ = The group pattern is sketched below. 06 oa o2| 22 04 06 rr sin (Bd cos0 + 0) sin (a cose +0) per soa a2 in 20 £05 20 eee gees sin® sin® AF= teodBdcost) cof 4ndcos0) eos 378 sa veo Eco) nd El The plot is shown below. 1 I Prob. 13.30 (a) The given array is replaced by CS & where + represents we Thus the resultant pattern is obtained as follows. | HS: | | t Unit Batten gouppaten pattern resultant pattern i (b) The array is teplaced by by G@ t 20” a an 4 where + stands for be > Zo" Lh, Thus the resultant pattern is obtained as shown. 379 [2 X()= Prob. 13.31 = 10 + es Pog = | PoyttS = "3 | fsin’ 00006 ye? 1,28? 4 ees on). nx71,7S? sin? WLS snd Gan te apr ay p's oe c 3x10* | _ 108 380 Prob. 13.32 _ 2x 120n x 2x 10° 48x © 25x 10° x 10% 50 Prob. 13.33 (0.13n2)'(80) P gag = = 128 ‘me = (08) i Prob. 13.34 “ a P= PAH RG, 2 But Gygax = D= 164 and © _ 3x10" Sf 60x10% D _ 9x 10% «25x 164 ener oa) aan Sx(720n) = 38.9 nW 381 Prob. 13.35 a 002 7 P= G4G, (4) P, = 10"(1583)| ——-_.] 320 an ( \ maser ar. = 2.128% 10" W= 21.28 pW Prob. 13.36 41? Pe or lave rad Gs Pro nr Gq =10°4 = 25119 _ 2519 x75 x 10° Fon = 4x(40x 10°) 37 mW/m? Prob. 13.37 30dB = log—+ > —£ = 10° = 1000 ROOF 2 3 7 Gy But #6" (series) Alb) 1 ) 1010 800% or G,= = 79.876 4 0Ni0 G, = 100g 79.476 = 19 dB & 382 Prob. 13.38 Gy = 25 = 10108 19 Gy > Gy = 10°7 = 316.23 Gy, = 10° = 1000 1 3x10" f f= 316.23 10 TS Te 15% 10 Prob. 13.39 —! __ 60% 200% 10" «3500 120% 10° lele4 [60 P.44G, = 1708 Vim ® |e] a 136 wV/ Vane? ~ Van x 14400x 10° © ob (c) {EP (1136)? x 10°? @) pee A W/m? @ P= >- eae 1712x 10 m’ 8 2 - pales = 0.2m, Ay, = 2G, 904% 3500 IS 10° 4 an P= PyAgy = 1712 107" x 1114 = 1.907 x 10°”? or p= (AG, oP og (0.2% 3500)? x8 x2« 10° (4n)'r* (4n)? x 124 x10" = 19]x 1 Prob. 13.40 383 t=6s6u( 2) 0 (mil <2) (00 = 0.1267 wW Prob. 13.41 c _ 3x08 - = ur=2: f 6x10 wo = 250m 40 = log 9 Gy > Gy = 10" _ (0970250109) 210° Peat = Fi ? sp x10'| xo. (35 ) os Prob. 13.42 (ey a o But G,, = 36dB = 10°* = 3981.1 Gy = 20dB = 10° = 100 1 = Bhan, ry = Skm Fret * 3981.15 100 6x10 24 38 kW tn (sexset0")’ sto” 384 CHAPTER 14 a) PLE. 14.2 (a) By Snell's law, ny sin @)= nz sin 02. Thus 82 = 90 sin 0 sin @,;=np/nj, 81) =sin~! ny/n, = sin“! 1.465/1.48 148? - 1465 = 0.21 (b) NA= P.E. 14.3 al = 10 log POYP() = 0.2 X 10 =2 P(O)/P() = 10°, ie. PC) = PO) 10°? = 0.631 P(0) ie, 63.1% Prob. 14.1 Microwave is used: (1) For surveying land with a piece of equipment called the tellurometer. This radar system can precisely measure the distance between two points. (2) For guidance. The guidance of missiles, the launching and homing guidance ot space vehicles, and the control of ships are performed with the aid of microwaves (3) In semiconductor devices. A large number of new microwave semiconductor devices have been developed for the purpose of microwave oscillator, amplification, mixing/detection, frequency multiplication, and switching. Without such achievement, the majority of today’s microwave systems could not exist. Prob. 14.2 (a) In terms of the S-parameters, the T-parameters are given by Ti = WS, Ti = -S2x/Sa1, T21 = Si/S21, T22 = Si2 + Si Sx2/Sar Lb (b) T= 10.4=25, Ti=-0.2/0.4, Tr = 0.2/0.4, Tx =0.4 - 0.2.x 0.2/0.4 =0.3 Hence, pe[ 25 9 ~[-05 03. Prob. 14.3. Since Z, = Zo, F. =0. ris 33 — 50.15 } Ug = (Zy- Zo) (Zp + Zo) = (2-1 +1) = V3 i i o* Sn ~SuSal'g U-Su by) = 0.44 ~ j0.62 + 0.56x0.56 x(1/3)/[1 - (0.11 - j0.05)] ! = 0.5571 - 9.6266 Prob. 14.4 The microwave wavelengths are of the same magnitude as the circuit components. The wavelength in air at a microwave frequency of 300 GHz, for example, is 1 mm. The physical dimension of the lumped element must be in this range to avoid interference. Also, the leads connecting the lumped element probably have much more inductance and capacitance than is needed. Prob. 14.5 3x10° § =3.57Lmm | A=clf = 84x10" Prob. 14.6 ic + ig=0; hence Cdv/dt + WR=0 or dv/v =-dURC sothat Inv=-Ur +Invg 7 =RC=125x10"xX2X10=0.5 ws i v = vee’, v(0) = vo = 1500 — = = -) 386 - 125x10"" = oe wre wt ic = Cdv/dt = C(-I/r) voe' deci X 1500 ly t fs AB vw S 4 cD By definition V, =AV2-Bh a) I, =CV2-Dh, Q) We eliminate I; and I, Ve=Vi + Zh or th = (Vg-Vi Zp @) Vo=-Zil or b= -Va/Z. @ Substituting (3) and (4) into (1) and (2) and expressing V; and V2 in terms of V, , we obtain AZ, + B+ CZ,Z, + DZ, IL = 20 log Vi /V2 = 20 logio| ——-—4 > Z,+Z, Prob. 14.8 1 10° @) Ree cs = Q56noxeixio” ~ 1622m0 Asm (b) Ree= ==, ta =0.8x 1.2 =0.96 of a= 0.5528 wo I 1 1 6 2 = > mfus — VxX6x10°x4ax107 x6.1x10" 12x10 1000x122x10° “12x10 x6.1x107 = 515.0 387 Prob. 14.9 3x10" 21x10" n= Chg = Prob. 14.10 When an optical fiber is used as the transmission medium, cable radiation is eliminated. Thus, optical fibers offer total EMI isolation because they neither emit nor pick up EM waves. Prob. 14.11 (a) NA= ny = V162? - 1.604? = 0.227. (b) NA=sin 8,=0.2271 or 64 =sin~! 0.2271 = 13.13° nx50x10° x0.2271 T0010? 4 d ©) v=" Na = N= V?/2 = 376 mo Prob. 14.12 4x2.5x10~ x2 Viasat = -4 fT, @ Vay wm 13x10 () NA= yn, = Via =P (c) N=V7/2 = 80 modes Prob. 14.13 (a) NA=sin 04= fn? -n,? = V153" - 145? = 0.4883 4, =sin“' 0.4883 = 29,23° (b) PQyP(O) = 10°22 /10 = 1994*S"0 = 9.631 Prob. 14.14 PC) = PCO) "= 10¢95*°8"° mw = 9.5 Prob. 14.15 As shown in Eq. (10.35), logio Pi/P2 = 0.434 In P\/P2 , 1 Np = 20 login e = 8.686 dB or 1 Np/km = 8,686 dB/km. or INp/m = 8686 dB/km. Thus, a= au Prob. 14.16 Prob. 14.17 See text. P(0) = PU) e ""° = 0,2 694890" mw = 388 664 mW [CHAPTER 18 P.E. 15.1 The program in Fig. 15.3 was used to obtain the plot in Fig. 15.5. P.E.15.2 For the exact solution, (D?+1)y=0 —p» y=Acosx+ Bsinx y(0)=0 —» A-=0 4 y(I)=1 —® 1=Bsin1or B=I/sin 1 : Thus, y= sin x/sin | ' For the finite difference solution, wer# 8)=2yG)+ HEA) |g A ! or 1 y(a) = EEO ED 6) 0,y(0)= 18 = 1/4 With the Fortran program shown below, we obtain the exact result ye and FD result y. y?ty=0 DIMENSION 25 DO 10N=1,20 ! N=NO. OF ITERATIONS ‘ DO 10 1=1,3 i Y() = (Y(H+1) + ¥-1) /(2.0 - DEL*DEL) X=FLOAT(D*DEL © YE = SIN(XY/SIN(1.0) PRINT *,N, I, Y(), YE 10 CONTINUE L STOP END . The results are listed below. yay [N=S N=10 NEIS N=20 Exact] Ye(X) W025) | 0.2498 0.2924 0.2942 02943 0.2941 yOS) [0.5242 0.5682 Os701___ | 0.5701 0.5697 | [y@-75) | 0.7867 [0.8094 0.8104 | 0.8104 osicr | 390 ; P.E. 14.3. By applying eq. (15.16) to each node as shown below, we obtain the following results after 5 iterations i 0 0 25 10.01 28.3 982- AT 935— 37.06 ' Ba I 556— 9.92, 469 Bos ° 50 12.05 28.3 44.57 87 2849-4 4445" Se eee 27:85 4426- 16 25.06 4248 234 wor | 37s { + 4 + \ ° 50 ; 10.01 283 | 982- 28 —935— —27.85- I Ag 2786— 5:56 —35— | +4 + Hl a 50 0 0 25 : P. E.15.4 (a) Using the program in Fig. 15.16 with NX = 4 and NY =8, we obtain the potential at center as \ 391 [- 'V(2,4) = 23.80_V (b) Using the same program with NX = 12 and NY = 24, the potential at the center is V(6,12) = 23.89. V P.E. 15.5 By combining the ideas in Figs. 15.21 and 15.25, and dividing each wire into | N segments, the results listed in Table 14.2 is obtained. ! P.E. 15.6 @) 5 | i ' 1 For element 1, local 1-2-3 corresponds with global 1-3-4 so that Aj = 0.35, | 1 P, =0.8, P2=0.6, P3=-1.4, Qi) =-0.5, Q=0.5,Q;=0 | ! 0.6357 0.1643 -08 | 0.1643 0.4357 -06 i -08 -06 «14 | For element 2, local 1-2-3 corresponds with global 1-2-3 so that Az = 0.7, ' PL =0.1, P2= 14, P3=-1.5, Qr=-1, Q2=0,Q=1 | {03607 005 -0.4107 005 07 = -0.75 |-04107 -0.75 11607 | ce The global coefficient matrix is given by 392 aie Ge Gee 1 ee eer | Ct Ca” Ca Cal eg Cyt f c, 0 Ge Cy} I ! | 0.9964 0.05 -02464 -08 0.05 07 0.75 0 ~|-0.2464 0.75 1596 -06 08 0 06 14 (b) 3 ! | i 2 | 4 t f 1 ! For element 1, local 1-2-3 corresponds with global 1-2-4 and A, = 0.675, P, = 0.8, P2=-0.9, P3= 0.4, Qi =-0.5, Q.= 1.5, Q3 =-1.0 0.5933 -0.9800 0.3867 Cc” =|-0,9800 2.040 - 1.060 0.3867 - 1.060 0.6733 For element 2, local 1-2-3 corresponds with global 2-3-4 and A? = 0.375, P, =0.1, P2=1.4, P3=-1.5, Qi=-1, Q=0,Q=1 [03607 005 -0.4107] I jo" 0.05 07 -0.75 | | | ©-04107 -0.75 11607 | \ The global coefficient matrix is ony 0 c? Cy? | LCA! Cy GP Cy CECE 1333-00777 0 -1.056] -0.0777 08192 -098 0.2386 0 -098 204-0106 -1056 0.2386 -106 1877 P. E,15.7° We use the FORTRAN program in Fig. 15.34. The input data for the region in Fig. 14.35 is a follows: 10 11 14 11 16 15 12 13 17 13 18 17 393 o Gy OH COC ® CC® COYCa CH EAM EIN CLO Cy + Cy Cy? 13 4 14 15 1S 16 7 4 19 1S 20 16 21 18 18 18 19 19 20 20 22 394 18 23 22 | 18 19 22 | 19 24 23 1 19 20 24 ‘ 20 25 24 20 21 25 21 26 25); X = [ 2.0 1.01.5 2.00.0 0.5 1.01.5 1.0 1.5 1.01.5 1.50.0 0.5 1.01.5 2.0}; Y=[0.0 0.0 1.01.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 15 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 25 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5]; NDP=[1 23 6 II 16 21 26 25 24 23 22 17 12789 4]; VAL = [0.0 0.0 15.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.0}; ' With this data, the finite element (FEM) solution is compared with the finite ! difference (FD) solution as shown below. 1 Node # [x y FEM FD. | 3 1S OS 11.265 11.25, ' 10 15 1.0 15.06 15.02, ( 13 05 15 4,958 4.705 | 14 1.0 15 9.788 9.545 I 15 1.0 15 1897 18.84 18 05 2.0 10.04 9.659 19 1.0 2.0 15.22 14.85 20 15 2.0 21.05 20.87 Ss 395, Prob. 15.1 (a) Using the Matlab code in Fig. 15.3, we input the data as: >> plotit( [-1 2 1], {-1 0; 0.2; 10}, 1, 1, 0.01, 0.01, 8, 2, 5) ! and the plot is shown below 396 } (b) Using the Matlab code in Fig. 15.3, we input the required data as: >> plotit( (1111 1}, (-1 15-11; 1-1; 1 15:0 0}, 1, 1, 0.02, 0.01, 6, 2,5) and obtain the plot shown below. \ Fo __ __—— —== aX SS — oo > — 397 ERE Prob. 15.2 t Exact solution: y = Ax +B ‘ —> _B=0; x= 1y=10 —*— A=to ; y = 10x; (0.25) Finite difference solution: dy _ y(xt A)- 2y(x)+ ye- 4) a de 3 or y(x) = 5b A)+ y(x- AY}. = 0.25 Using this scheme, we obtain the result shown below. Iteration h 0 0 0 0 0 10 1 1 0 0 0 5 10 | 2 0 0 25 75 10 t 3 0 1.25 5.0 8.75 10 i 4 0 2.5 5.625 75 10 ‘ 5 0 2.8125 5.0 78125 10 i 6 0 25 5.3125 1S 10 ' From this, we obtain y(0.25) = Prob. 15.3 (a) av _V(x, +Ax)-Vw — Ax) { dx 2Ax For Ax = 0.05 and at x = 0.15, Lo a 398 A av _ 20134-1009 1) de (005SX20 av V(x + dx)~ V(x,)+ V(x, - x) 20134+ 1.0017 - 2x1.5056 (4x (0.05)° (b) V= 10 sinh x, dV/dx = 10 cosh x. At x = 0.15, dV/dx = which is close to the numerical estimate. @V/dx? = 10 sinh x. At x= 0.15, d’V/d which is lower than the numerical value. i Prob. 15.4 av, 1”, ov. 0 a Db a@p oe 1 vv The equivalent finite difference expression is V (po + 8p,29)~ Wort) + V(Po - MPrtzo) | 1 VPs + 8Przp)—V(0s + 4Prz9) (spy *D, 2p 4 L@or2s + 82) W(PosFo) + V P02. - (az)? If Az= Ap =A, rearranging terms gives 1 Veooeta)® GV ats * FV B25 = W415 (D* hz) +0 HO he) f as expected. i Prob. 15.5 am 3988 [as expected. Prob. 15.5 a (sey lovey (apy Substituting (2) to (4) into (1) gives Substituting (2) into (1), Vy =2.5+ V6 +3125 =6V — vi Ww Q) @) (4) gop imi lmet Vatl = 2a + Vat ml Lon eV! ‘mA p(2Ap) (dp)? (ma pag 1 1 . * 1 . 1 nt Baia “Gp (i- Imo = Vv," + (1+ Imm + Gag - Vv," + ¥,"" )) as required. Prob. 15.6 . tht, y= thee Prob. 15.7 V, =0.25 (Vp + 30 + 0-20) = V2/4 + 2.5 a) V2 =0.25(V; + 20 +0 +30) = Vi/d + 12.5 Q) 399 BV Va” — We" + Vines” oa 2 (py 2) 2," + V,"" (3) vy Vt 4 pet tap a) Substituting (2) to (4) into (1) gives Vem V met —— Vyas” ~ Wel + Vass” Vit = Wo + Vig! Vs eo Oe ms p(24p) (4p)° (ms ps9)? so 4 1 1 e— | qe cy ap aU ve ye Tap | On ales = ale EW! + a = Bah My | as required. Prob. 15.6 Vit ¥yt Vit ¥, -10+0+ 30460 _ Prob. 15.7 . V1 =0.25(V2 + 30 + 0-20) = V2/4 + 2.5 V2 = 0.25 (Vi + 20+ 0 + 30) = Vy/4 + 12.5 Substituting (2) into (1), Vi =25+Vi/16 +3125 _ ig V2 =Vi/4 + 12.5 =14V =6y q) Q) 400 Prob. 15.8 (V2 +30 +0520 +k) = Vi/4 +115 1 Va = 4 (Vi +2040 +30 +k) = Vid + 21.5 Substituting (2) into (1) gives Vi =1LS+V/16 + 5.375 > V2 =Vi/4 +12.5 =26V Prob. 15.9 (a) ay 2) 1 Vix £ (0+ 100+ V5 +V9, V2= 4g (0+ 100+ Vi + V4), 1 1 Vs = 4 (0+04+Vi + Va), Va= 4 (0+04 V2 + V3) We apply these iteratively n=5 times and obtain the result below. n [0 I 2 3 4 5 Vif 0 25 34.375 36.72 37.305 37.45 V2 [0 31.25 35.937 37.11 37.403 37.475 V3 [0 6.25 10.937 T2117 12.403 12.475 V4 [0 9.375 11.917 12.305 12.45 12.487 | (b) By band matrix method, AV, - V2 -V3 = 100 -Vi +4V2 -Vs = 100 -Vi + 4V3 -Va =0 -Va + 4V3 =0 401 In matrix form, {4 -1 -1 op 100 -1 4 0-1/4] | 100 jr} 0 4 -I1K}°] 0 fo -1 -1 4jlyJ Lo} AV=B ——» V=A'B ' which yields Vi =37.5=V2,__V3=12,5= Va. ‘These values are more accurate than those obtained in part(a). Why? The average of the values should give 25 V which is the potential at the center of the region. The values in part(a) give 24.96 V while the value in part (b) gives 25 Prob. 15.10 -4 1 0 1 0 ojf¥,| [-200 1-4 1 0 1 O|f%} |-100 i 0 1 -4 0 0 1]/¥,]} |-100 1 0 0 -4 1 Of|¥,|>}-100 L o 1 0 1 -4 14th, 0 i oo 1 0 1 -4}]¥,} [0 i (Al B] “41 1 0 0 0 OM) [-30 1-4 1 0 1 0 0 oly} |-15 0 1-4 0 0 1 0 off} |-30 10 0 -4 1 0 1 oly} |-1s o 1 0 1-4 1 0 1fy,|F} 0 0 0 1 0 1 -4 0 ofly,| }-15 | 0 0 0 1 0 0 -4 1Iy¥, 0 \ 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 -4ly} [0 402 -h'p. le (b) Let Ax = Ay = h= 0.05 so that NX =20=NY. 2 _ xr- 10" fs ST 5 36mx(y- 2 10/362 Om) Modify the program in Fig. 15.16 as follows. »NY-1 6.0*PIE*X*(Y-1) .25*( V(I+1,J) + V(-1J) + VJ+1) + V(LJ-1) + H*H* > 9) 40 CONTINUE This is the major change. However, in addition to this, we must set V1=0.0 10.0 20.0 10.0 NX = 20 NY =20 The results are: Va= 4.276, Vo = 9.577, Ve = 11.126, Va= -2.013, Ve =2.919, 2.909 Vs= 6.069, Ve = -3.424, Vi = -0.109, Vi = Prob. 15.12 = 20' nn LOM ng +O! ny = 20/ my O! min + Ot (an? (Axy Prob. 15.11 (a) Matrix [A] remains the same. To each term of matrix [B], we add 403 OP gy = 20! ng Ong + 2D! mn +O mein = 20 mn) AD! mast +O! mnt = 20! an) where @ = (cAt/h)* Prob. 15.13 Applying the finite difference formula derived above, the following programs was developed, DIMENSION V(0:50,0:50) U=10 DT=0.1 DX=0.1 NT=4/DT NX =1/DX ALPHA = (U*DT/DA)**2 DO 10 I=0,NX-1 DO 10 J=0,NT-1 10 V(LJ)=0.0 DO 20 J=0,NT-1 V(0,J) =0 V(10,}) = 0 20 CONTINUE DO 30 I=0,NT-1 V1.0) = SIN(FLOAT(I-1)*3.142/10.0) VG,1) = V(L,0) 30. CONTINUE DO 40 J=1,NT-2 DO 40 I=1,NX-2 V(LJ+1) = ALPHA*( V(I-1,J) + V(I+1,J) ) + 2*(1.0 - ALPHA)*V(LJ) 1 -Vs-1) 40 CONTINUE WRITE@,*) (LJ) SToP END The results of the finite difference algorithm agree perfectly with the exact solution as shown below 404 T x VD) V(exact) 00 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.30903 0.30902 0.0 02 0.58779 0.58779 00 03 0.80902 0.80902 | 00 04 0.93106 0.95106 | 00 05 1.0 10 0.0 06 ~~ [0.95106 0.95106 00 oT 0.80902 0.80902 Prob. 15.14 (a)Points 1, 3, 5, and 7 are equidistant from O. Hence 1 Vo= g(Vi + V.Vs +¥9) () Also points 2, 4, 6, and 8 are equidistant from O so that 1 Vo= GC V2 + Va +V6 +V2) Q) Adding (1) and (2) gives Vo= i + V2 +V3 +Va+Vs + Vo +V7 +V3) as required, Prob. 15.15 Combining the ideas in the programs in Figs. 15.20 and 15.24, we develop a Matlab code which gives‘. = N=20 C= 19.4 pF/m N=40 C= 13.55 pF/m N=100 C= 12.77 pF/m For the exact value, d/2a = 50/10 = 5 te xxl0” 136m —7 2.12 pF/m a cosh’ ° a 405 Prob. 15.16 To determine V and E at (-1,4,5), we use the program in Fig. 15.21 4 pial where R= J 26+ (4- y')’ © dare,R" where R= r-r? =(-1, 4-y’, 5), R=[R| . da Are [26+ (4- y,)? PP bs G-yr Ane 7,[26+ (4- y,)? E, = -S5E, For N=20, Vo=1V, L= Im, a= Imm, the following lines are added to the program in \ the Fortran version of Fig. 15.21 after 90 CONTINUE statement. (See second edition.) EY=00 FACTOR = DELTA/(4.0*PIE*EO) DO 100 K=1,N SQRT(26.0 + (4.0 - YY(K) )**2) +RO(KYR EX = EX—RO(KYR*#3 EY = EY + (4.0-YY(K))*RO(KY/R**3 100 CONTINUE V = V*FACTOR EX*FACTOR ‘S.0*EX. PRINT *, V. EX, EY. EZ. 47.mV,_E. 53a,_+ 1.6331a, mV/m y f > «x h Prob. 15.17 To find C, take the folluwuns eps: (1)Divide each line into N equal seg~rents. Number the segments in the lower conductor and segments in the upper conductor as N+1, N+2, ..., 2N, (2) Determine the coordinate (xx, yx) for the center of each segment. For the lower conductor, yx =0,k=1,...,N, xe=h+ A (k-1/2), k= 1,2,...N 2N, For the upper conductor, xx=[h+ A (k-1/2)] sin 8, k=-N+1, N42 x= [h+ A (K-1/2)] cos 8, k= N+1,N#2,... 2N where h is determined from the gap g as 8 = Jind 72 (3)Calculate the matrices [V] and [A] with the following elements Vieke= MeN “|-V, k= N+ 1..2N Y, 4 ej =| 4rer, "7 2na/ai= 7 [- where R, = y(x,~ x,)' + (9, - ¥,)° | (4) Invert matrix [A] and find [9 ] = [AJ [V]. 407 (5) Find the charge Q on one conductor y O=Yoad= ada (6) Find C =|QiV. Taking N= 10, Vo = 1.0, a program was developed to obtain the following result, a C(in pF) 10 55483 20 9.0677 30 8.893 40 8.606 50 13.004 60 85505 70 93711 80 8.7762, 90 8.665 100 8.665 110 10.179 120 8.544 130 9,892 140 8.7449 130 9.5106 160 8.5488 170 11.32 180 86278 Prob. 15.18 We may modify the program in Fig. 15.25 and obtain Z, = 50Q. For details, see M, N. O. Sadiku, “Numerical Techniques in Electromagnetics,” (CRC Press, 1992), pp. 338-340. Prob. 15.19 (a) Exact solution yields C= 22¢/ In(A (a) = 8.02607x10"" F/m and Z, 15592 where a= lcm and A = 2cm. The numerical solution is shown below. 408 N C (prim) 10 82.386 20 80.966 40 80.438 {00 80.025 (b)For this case, the numerical solution is shown below. N | C (pm Z,Q) | 10 109.51 30.458 20 108.71 30.681 40 108.27 30.807 100 107.93 30.905 Prob. 15.20 We me 4ify the Matlab code in Fig. 15.26 (for Example 15.5) by changing the input data and matrices [A] and [B]. We let xi =h+ A (i-1/2), i= 1,2,. oN, 4 =LIN yi=h/2, j=1,2,...N, m%=2, k=1,2,...N. and calculate x) +0, yy + @, > z,) We obtain matrices [A] and (B]. Inverting [A] gives ¥ ua (al={AY"' [B}, [2,]=[aycnta ), C= 10 The computed values of [p, ] and C are shown below. Pu (X10°°)C/ m? 0.5104 0.4524 0.4324 0.4215 0.4144 0.4096 0.4063 ole) stolo)ayeis[-y -] || — |) Fo) GB) E] OS} Soe) S] 3) | 0.4041 7 409 12.pE Prob. 15.21 From given figure, we obtain x A 1 1 ma dal % | gllrass — 852) + Or - de + Os HDI] x SS as expected. The same applies for a, and a, Prob. 15.22 (a) For the element in (a), A='%(1-0.5x0.25 ) = 0.4375 1- 08571x- 05714y 1 a, = 7 4[0875- 0.75x- 05y] 1 a, = 570+ x OSy]= 11428x - 05714y 1 a, = 7 4[0- 025x + y]= -02857x + 11429y For the element in (b), A=% [0.5x1.6-(-1)x1.6 J= 1.2 a, = 125- 0625y 15+ 0.667x + 0.4167y a,= a, = 125- 0.667x + 0.2083y (b)For the element in (a), P, =-0.75, Pz = 1.0, Ps 0.25, Q =-0.5=Q2,Q =10 1 C, = GqlPh+Q,Q)= Wa.Va,)A Hence, 410 0.4643 -0.2857 -0.1786] C' =| -02857 0.7143 -0.4286 [-0.1786 -04286 0.6071 | For the element in (b), Py) = 0, P2 = 1.6, P3 =-1.6, Qi =-1.5. Qz = 1.0, Q3 =0.5 Hence, 04688 = -0.3125 -0.1553 Cs |-03125 0.7417 -0.4292 -0.1563 -0.4292 05854 Prob. 15.23 (a) HW 1/2 1/2) 2A=/1 3 1/2) = 15/4 Ht 2 2 4 1 4 a= jgle- I+ Cly)x+ (-Dy]= 75g O- 15x - y) 4 3.03.) 4 ay = Fel Dt 5x- Sy] = Te (iSx- 15y) a= tara 3/2)+ 0x+ Sue Ac iss 25y) VeaV,+0¥ +09, Substituting V=80, V, = 100, V2 = 50, Vs =30, a,, @,,and a, leads to 20 = 7.5x + 10y + 3.75 Along side 12, y=1/2 so that 20= 15x/2 + 5 + 15/4 x=3/2, ie ( — Along side 13, x =y 20 = 15x/2 + 10x + 15/4 N= 13/4. Le. (13/14. 13/14) —. 411 20 = 15x/2-15 +50 + 15/4 ——® — x=-5/2 (not possible) Hence intersection occurs at ‘Along side 23, y=-3x2 +5 ] (15,.0.5) along 12_and (0.9286, 0.9286) along 13 (b) At (2,1), 4 s i 8 + a 1 a= yee “15 1s is ay iS l< V(12) = a,V, + a,V_ + aV,= (400 + 300 + 150)/15 = 56, Prob. 15.24 ' 1 1 a = g{(O- 0)+ 4- Ox+ (O- Dy] = g(4x- y) 1 l @ = gl(O- 0)+ (0+ Nxt (2- Oy]= g(x+ 2y) 1 1 a = g((B+ D+ -1- Mx (1- 2)y]= G9 Sx- y) Viz avy +aVat aes V(1,2) = 8(4-2/9 + 12(1+4)/9 + 10(9-5-1)/9 = 96/9 = 10,667 V Atthe center a= a, = a, = 1/3 so that 1 V(center) = (8 + 12 + 10)/3 = 10 Or at the center, (x, y)=(0 +1 +2,0+4-1)3 =(1,1) VAL) = 8399 + 12G)/9 + 1L0GV9 = 10V 412 Prob. 15.25 3,12) 8,12) 12) G12) (8,12) (8,0) (0,0) (8,0) For element 1, local numbering 1-2-3 corresponds to global numbering 4-2-1. Py = 12, Pp =0,P3 =-12,Q) =-3, Q2 =8,Q: =-5, A=(0+ 12x 8)/2=48 I = Gqagl? 2+ 2,0) 0.7956 -0.1248 -0.6708 C =|-01248 03328 -0.208 -0.6708 -0208 08788 For element 2, local numbering 1-2-3 corresponds to global numbering 2-4-3. P, =-12, P2 = 0, P; = 12,Q =0, Q =-5,Q =5, A=(0+60)2=30 1 aagl? P+ 2,0) 12 0-12] C”=| 0 0208-0208 12-0208 1408 413 C5, cy” 0 Cy” ce Cy Cy GL? Gy CMEC? 0 6,2 CG, C2 Ca CHG? Cy? Cy Gy” f 08788 -0.208 0 - 0.6708] -0.208 1528 12 -0.1248 0 -12 1408 -0.206 -0.6708 -0.1248 -0208 1.0036 Prob. 15.26 (2,2) (2,2) (1) 1,0) ae (10) 60) For element 1, local numbering 1-2-3 corresponds to global numbering 1-2-4. P, =-2,P2 =1,P3 = Q=1, @=-2,G=1, A=(P2Q -PsQ \/2=3/2,ie. 4A=6 1 C= qql2h+2,0)) 5-4 -1 oe re Cc é 4.5 1 -1 -1 24 For element 2. local numbering 1-2-3 corresponds to global numbering 4-2-3. P, =0. Py Py =2.Q) =2. Qr =-1.Q; =-1. 414 A-2, 4A=8 “ 1 4-2 -2 25-3 [-2 -3 5 The global coefficient matrix is fom, Gy” ct ca | Ga” Call Ga Gye Ey 8 | 0 GP get Ge | Loe cotey ce Cx #C,? ! 0.8333 -0.667 0 -0.1667 ~0.6667 1.4583 -0.375 -0.4167 t 0 -0.375 0.625 -0.25 i 0.1667, 0833 167 Prob. 15.27 We can do it by hand as in Example 15.6. However, it is easier to prepare an input files and use the program in Fig. 15.54. The Matlab input data is 2 34; « { X= 1.0 3.0 20); Y=[1.0 0.0 0.0 2.0); i NDP=[1 3]; VAL =[10.0 30.0} | f10 _ 18 \ The result is V =| 30 ' 20 I From this, } 5-1-2. But C3 Ca = ¢ NE =50; NL=[1 “ Csi = Cui + Cr ba wone Cyst ltl th th Ss 1 Cy? =(2x24+2x2V8= 7 8 8 9 9 1 Ss Css= Cu + Cn? + Cn + Cn, A=2, = a9 Cy =(2 «2+ 0V8=%=C1% 1 . g 6 PaPi +QQi)=0 since Ps=0=Qs 1 (P2Pi +Q2Qi)=0 since P3 = ND= 36; NP= 20; 2 The local numbering 1-2-3 in element 3 corresponds with the global numbering 5-4- 1, while the local number 1-2-3 in element 4 corresponds with t'.2 global numbering Prob. 15.29 As in P. E. 14.7, we use the program in Fig. 15.34. The input data based on Fig. 15.56 is as follows. 4 4 5 12 5 6 7 14 7 8 8 15 8 9 9 16 9 16 10 17 10 il ll 18 HW 12 13 20 13 14 14 21 14 15 15 22 1S 16 16 23 16 17 17 24 17 18 19 26 19 20 20 27 20 21 21 28 21 22 22 29 22 23 23 30 23 24 25 32 25 26 26 33 26 27 27 34 27 28 28 35 28 29 29 36 29 30 2 36): X=[0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 08 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 06 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.60.8 1.0 j 0.0 0.2 04 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.8 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.6): 4i7 Y=(0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 1 0.40.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.01.0 1.0 1.0 1.01.0]; ¢ NDP=[1 23 45 6 12 18 24 30 36 35 34 33 32 31 25 19 13 7); VAL =[0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 50.0 0.0 0.0 0.0); With this data, the potentials at the free nodes are compared with the exact values as shown below. i Node no. FEM Solution Exact Solution 8 4546 4366 9 7.197 TOIT 10 7197 TOIT 1 4546 4.366 14 10.98 10.66 15 17.05 16.8-, 16 17.05 16.84 17 10.98 10.60 ) 20 22.35 21.78 21 32.95 33.16 ‘ 2 32.95 33.16 23. 22.35 21.78 26 45.45 45.63 27 39.49 60.60 t 28 39.49 60.60 29 45.45 45.63 ' Prob. 15.30 We use exactly the same input data as in the previous problem except that the last few lines are replaced by the following lines. VAL =[0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 58.8 1000 95.1 95.1 58.8 0.0 0.0 0.0); The potential at the free nodes obtained with the input data are compared with the exact solution as shown below. 418 For element 1, the local numbering 1-2-3 corresponds witn nodes with V; , V2, and V3. Node no. FEM Solution Exact Solution 8 3.635 {3412 | 9 5,882 5521 1 5.882 S521 1 3.635 [Barz a 8.659 8217 (5 14.01 ~ 13.30 16 | 1407 - 13.30 17 - 8.659 8.217 — 20 16.99 16.37 [21 27.49 26.49 22 27.49 26.49 23 16.69 16.37 26 3181 31.21 27 S147 50.5 28 31.49 50.5 29 31.81 ~ 3121 Prob. 15.31 V2 + Va a Hh /2 xl Ca = FrlAA + OQ) sert-hh- oO] -1 2x1 FRIAR + O10.) = seth + hy} = -1 Similarly, Coy =-1 = Cos. Thus = (Vit Vat V3+ Vaya which is the same result obtained using FDM. ss (hhs O)xt= 4

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