A. Multiple Choice - Write The Letter of Your Answer (10 PTS)

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Long Exam 1: ITOM

September 2019


General Instructions:
Write your answers in a yellow pad paper. Make sure all sheets have your
student number on the upper right corner. Label each section of the exam.

I. Organization & Management

A. Multiple Choice – write the letter of your answer (10 PTS)

1. Defined as the social unit of people structured and managed

to meet a need or to pursue a collective goal

a. Management b. Organization c. Legal Firms

2. It is the most fundament amongst the management basic

management functions

a. Controlling b. Leading c. Planning

3. It is a management function that determines what must be

done in a situation and getting others to do it

a. Controlling b. Leading c. Planning

4. A group of individuals who challenges and oversees a person

or collective group of people in efforts to accomplish
desired goals and objectives.

a. Management b. Organization c. Legal Firms

5. It is a variety of tall organization where there is more

than one line of reporting managers. It has two chain of
command – functional and project managers

a. Matrix b. Functional c. Statistical

6. These are managers that are responsible for controlling and

overseeing the entire organization

a. Middle-Level b. Low-Level c. Top-Level

Long Exam 1: ITOM
September 2019

7. It is a management function that forms patterns of

relationship among workers, and making optimum use of the

a. Controlling b. Organizing c. Leading

8. It is a variety of tall organization where it is divides the

company’s operation based on specialization.

a. Matrix b. Functional c. Statistical

9. What do you call an organization where there is centralized

decision making and there is a multi-tiered social unit?

a. Matrix b. Tall c. Flat

10. Which does not belong to the four major resources being
managed in a business?

a. Financial b. Legal c. Technological

II. History of Management Thinking

A. Matching Type (10 PTS) - write the letter of your answer (10 PTS)

A. Classical M’gt B. Neo-Classical Mg’t C. Work Study

D. Behavior Approach E. Factory System F. Bureaucratic Model
G. George Elton Mayo H. Gantt Chart I. Charles Babbage
J. Pivot Table K. Frederick Winslow Taylor L. System Approach

1. A method of manufacturing using machinery and division of

2. He was the one who first noticed that too little of math and
science is used in a business
3. A stage in management where industrial revolution and rise
of large-scale enterprise played a huge part.
4. It is a tool used to compare actual to planned performance.
Long Exam 1: ITOM
September 2019

5. One of the basis of scientific management where a rigid model

of an organization is introduced. This does not account for
important human elements.
6. A stage in management where it gave great emphasis to
individual and group relationship in a workplace.
7. Father of Human Relations School

8. Another term used to identify the Modern Management stage

9. It is the systematic, objective and critical examination of

all the factors governing the operational efficiency of any
specified activity.
10. This considers an organization ad an adaptive system which
has to adjust to changes in its environment.

B. Essay (5 PTS) - Write your answers in the yellow pad

1. (5.0) Discuss the Hawthorne experiment and the valuable inputs derived
from it.

III. Ethical Behavior & Social Responsibility: Essay (15 PTS) - Write your
answers in the yellow pad

1. (5.0) Choose two amongst the five sources of ethical standards and explain
2. (5.0) Explain the five levels of moral inquiry.
3. (5.0) Define what Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is and give an
example of a company CSR.

IV. External Environment & Organization Culture: Essay (15 PTS) - Write
your answers in the yellow pad

1. (2.5) How can social classes in a community affect organization?

2. (2.5) How do technology affects businesses – give concrete examples.
3. (5.0) What are the three major economic factors affecting business and
how do they impact the flow of business?
4. (5.0) Discuss the Five Forces Model

V. International Management: Essay (10 PTS) - Write your answers in the

yellow pad

1. (5.00) Explain Globalization and its critical aspects

2. (5.00) What are the pros and cons of Globalization in politics, culture,
ethics and economics.

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