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Tacloban City


Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Systems Analysis Documentation Requirements

Title Page
Approval Sheets
Executive Summary (Present in general statements the following: Objective of the
study, theoretical framework, Methodology, Results and Discussions, Conclusion
and Recommendation)
Table of Contents
Lift of Figures
List of Tables
List of Notations
CHAPTER 1 Introduction (Present the general context of the study in international
point of view. The discussion must show literatures about the proposed system or
software where innovation is the center of presentation. )
Project Context (This part of the document present the current situation of the
proposed project. This must show a detailed discussion of the processes
where automation is/are needed to be implemented. The proponent must
show an evidence that their is the need to conduct this research and
Framework of the Study (Theoretical framework and conceptual framework
is the main topic in this part of documentation where pertinent theories
needs to be applied and how it will be applied and proved in the course
of the study. While the conceptual framework shows the graphical
representations of the relationships and the processes of how the
problems and the theories to be applied in the study. )
Objectives of the Study (A research objective is a clear, concise, declarative
statement, which provides direction to investigate the phenomenon.
Research objectives is a concrete statement describing what the
research is trying to achieve. A well-worded objective will be SMART -
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, & Time constraint. Research
objectives should be Relevant, Feasible, Logical, Observable,
Unequivocal & Measurable.)

● General Objective (General objectives are strategic; for projections

and mission statements or any situation where you are dealing with
intangibles or events in the future. A general objective is broad and
long term.)
This study aimed to Developed a Educational Role-Playing Game
(RPG) Ibong Adarna a Filipino Mythical Bird, in order to promote
cultural identity on Philippine mythology.

● Specific Objectives (Short term and narrow focus.)

Specifically, this study would like to:
1. Create terrain suitable for the ancient Filipino mythology
2. Design a character that best represent the characters in
the story of “Ibong Adarna”.
3. Use a game engine that will give a satisfactory
performance of the developed game.
4. Construct an artificial intelligent (AI) algorithm that will
detect the Non-performing characters (NPC) and other
obstacles in the game.
5. Apply a 3 dimensional (3D) graphics and special effects in
the game in order to give excitement, entertainment, and
yet educational game.
Scope and Limitations (In a thesis, the scope is how widespread the study is,
while the limitations are aspects that the researcher cannot
control.Scope and limitation have very different meanings, and their
definitions can vary depending on the context in which they are used, but
the limitation can easily be understood as the various aspects of
something that can not be achieved and scope is essentially the
opposite, the things that are expected to be achieved. )
Definition of Terms (these are operational terms used in the study.)
CHAPTER 2 Review of Related Literatures and Systems
● Related Literature
● Related Systems
CHAPTER 3 Technical Background
CHAPTER 4 Methodology
Requirements Analysis
● Performance Requirements (If there are performance
requirements for the product under various circumstances, state
them here and explain their rationale, to help the developers
understand the intent and make suitable design choices. Specify
the timing relationships for real time systems. Make such
requirements as specific as possible. You may need to state
performance requirements for individual functional requirements
or features.)
● Safety Requirements (Specify those requirements that are
concerned with possible loss, damage, or harm that could result
from the use of the product. Define any safeguards or actions
that must be taken, as well as actions that must be prevented.
Refer to any external policies or regulations that state safety
issues that affect the product’s design or use. Define any safety
certifications that must be satisfied.)
● Security Requirements (Specify any requirements regarding
security or privacy issues surrounding use of the product or
protection of the data used or created by the product. Define any
user identity authentication requirements. Refer to any external
policies or regulations containing security issues that affect the
product. Define any security or privacy certifications that must be
Systems Design
● Systems Development Life Cycle Processes (Include the
following: Test Plan, Security Plan, Maintenance Plan)
● GANTT Chart
● PERT Chart
● Context Diagram
● Data Flow Diagram
● System Flowchart
● Entity Relationship Diagram
● Program Considerations/Issues/Tools
● Software Requirement Specification
● Hardware Requirement Specification

References (APA Style latest Edition)

Scientific Journals
Internet Sources
Unpublished Researches (Dissertation/Thesis/Capstone Projects)
Appendices (may include the following):
Communication Letters (NOTE: for the adviser, panel, and company)
Relevant Source Code
Evaluation Tool or Test Documents
Sample Input/Output/Reports
Users Guide
Process/Data/Information Flow
Screen Layouts
Test Results
Sample Generated Outputs/Reports
Pictures showcasing the data gathering, investigation done (e.g. Floor
plan, layout, building, etc.)
One-Page Curriculum Vitae per team member

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