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In conjunction with Go Green week, there was a talk about causes of

flood. It was held on 28 September 2019 at SMK Taman Sutera hall. The talk was
attended by SMK Taman Sutera teachers and students.

Firstly, the main cause of floods is due to the heavy downpour especially
on November and December which is there will be heavy rain non-stop at
certain area. Secondly, it is due to the rapid development in the housing sector
and industries sector that will cut down all the trees at the development area.
Thirdly, clogged drains also can be the main cause of the floods. Clogged drains
will block the drainage from flowing smoothly. Usually the drains will be clogged
by rubbish dumped by irresponsible people. Next, the cause of floods is soil
erosion due to the illegal logging and rapid development.

Besides, the floods also can have adverse effects on society or individuals.
The floods will cause damaged properties such as houses and vehicles. Floods
also will be cause waterborne disease such as cholera. Waterborne deseases are
very dangerous to human and some of them can bring to death. After that, the
farmers will lost of live stocks due to the floods such as cows, goat and chicken.

Floods can be overcome in few ways. We can do clean-up activities such

as gotong-royong in our neighbourhood to make our environment cleaner and
healthier. Other than that, the government also can carry out a saving
environment campaigns such as Go Green campaign. Moreover, we also can
practice 3R in our daily life which is the 3R is stand for Reuse, Reduce and

Every year wen can saw many victims were in trouble due to the floods.
There is the way to help the victims. Firstly, we can do a donation for them such
as money, clothing, foods and daily needs. We also can give them a counseling
to cure their pain due to floods that destroyed everything they had. Finally, if
we need any help and any questions, we can contact Civil Defence Force or
National Welfare Department.

The seminar was very informative and useful. I hope there will be more
seminar similar to this seminar will be held again in the future.

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