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International Journal of Caring Sciences January – April 2016 Volume 9 | Issue 1| Page 358

Special Article

Human Resources Assessment as a Component of Effective

Management- Implications for the Health Sector

Georgios Frixou, RN, BSc, MSc in Health Management

Nicosia General Hospital, Nicosia, Cyprus
George Charalambous, MD, MSc, PhD
Co-ordinator MSc in Health Management, Frederick University, Nicosia, Cyprus
Corespondence: Georgios Frixou, Nicosia General Hospital, Nicosia, Cyprus E-mail:

Organizations with long-term strategies and objectives invest in human resources as they constitute an
important advantage within a competitive market. The management of human resources in the health
sector constitutes a crucial issue, related to the effective performance of the personnel. The effective
human resources management (HRM) is linked with the personnel’s performance. The HRM aims to
improve the performance of the employee and also to promote the competitiveness and the business
performance. The meaning of the word “performance” is analysed in accordance with the relevant
bibliography as well as the concept of ‘reliable and valid method of assessing the human resources”. In
the literature the steps for the formation of a reliable assessment method are based on three processes:
1. the analysis of the required job positions, 2. the results, and 3. the methods of measuring
achievements. The most common evaluation methods of the personnel’s performance are also analysed
as well as the advantages and the purpose of the evaluation, along with a reference related to the
advantages of the business assessment during the ongoing economic crisis period. In conclusion, a
well-organized and a well-structured system which meets the special conditions and goals of every
business model plays a significant role, since the performance is improving and the productive work is
achieved. The evaluation is a complicated process which follows certain standards and has to take into
consideration all the special conditions of each organization.
Key Words: health management, human resources, assessment, organization

Introduction are activities related to human resources.

They include-but are not restricted to-the
Every organization with long-term strategies
knowledge, skills, networks and energies that
and goals, in order to operate properly within
people may deploy in their various roles. All
a competitive market, is required to focus on
these features consist a dynamic cascade of
strategic objectives and goals which will
virtues, underpinning employees and
ultimately enhance its Human Resources
organization evolution. Employees’ physical
(HR). HR is not restricted to the people
and emotional health, intellectual
employed in an organization, but it extends
capabilities, personalities and motivations
beyond it to embrace a multidimensional
are classified under the term “human
approach of the employees (Inkson, 2008).
resources” (Hoare, 2006; Brymer et al.,
Human resources are actually intrinsic to 2011).HR management encompasses all
human beings and apply to the various tasks activities and procedures targeting at
of life, both in workplaces and community. extracting the best of the organization’s most
Relationship building, child raising, valuable resource, its employees. It is
recreational leisure and community service concerned with employee resources within
International Journal of Caring Sciences January – April 2016 Volume 9 | Issue 1| Page 359

the workplace. HR mission is to try to meet Otherwise, retaining and develop top-notch
the organizational needs along with the needs staff in the cultural community would be
of the employees. HR management is difficult.
responsible for attracting/recruiting,
In countries with an industrial background,
selecting, training, assessing, and rewarding
the businesses pay a lot of attention to the
employees. Other issues of interest is the
human resources’ role which executes one of
prevailing organizational leadership style and
the most important operations, the personnel’
culture and ensuring compliance with
assessment. In the field of health, the great
employment and labour laws of the specific
importance of managing the human
resources is proven by the way it affects the
The terms “human resources” and “human effective performance of the personnel
capital” reflect the increasing strategic (ACCA 2011).
importance employees have for the
The key functions of the Human Resources
organization. The terms actually refer to the
Management (HRM) team include recruiting
traits that people bring to the workplace,
people, training them, performance
such as knowledge, intelligence, enthusiasm,
appraisals, motivating employees as well as
an ability to learn. Employees are no longer
workplace communication, workplace safety,
seen as an expensive necessity, but they are
and much more. Recruitment and training is
considered as a strategic resource providing
one of the major responsibilities of the
an organization with competitive advantage.
human resource team. Plans and strategies
Human resources is more expensive in terms
for hiring the appropriate personnel are a
of management than other factors of
prerequisite for effective recruitment. A clear
production. A great effort should be made to
job description along with employee
ensure that employees are bound to
obligations and scope of the tasks assigned
organizational goals, remain motivated and
help prepare the proper contract with the
maximize their productivity. Humans are
organization. As organization evolution
complex, emotional creatures, and it is
progresses, further training of the employees
clearly a challenge to get employees to
according to the new requirements of the
contribute more of their abilities in the
organization might also be necessary.
workplace (Kabene et al.,2006, McDermott
Training helps sharpening existing skills and
& Keating 2011,Elarabi & Johari 2014).
develop new roles in the organization. When
Strong HRM systems create the enabling a dispute between the employees and the
environment within which the health employers or a conflict between sectors or
workforce can be deployed and utilized groups of employees arise, the HR
effectively. As HRM is demanding and department acts as a consultant and mediator
involves many experts form different fields, to offer solutions to those issues in an
functions and responsibilities are generally effective manner. Building up relationships
fragmented across a broad range of key with other business sectors and the
stakeholders. This fact may often community is crucial for the organization
complicate the approaches needed to survival and evolution. Organizing business
strengthen these systems. HRM is the meetings, seminars and various official
integrated use of systems, policies, and gatherings on behalf of the company
practices that will provide the range of contributes to organization’s public image
functions needed to plan, produce, deploy, and provide opportunities for future
manage, train, support, and sustain the development. Maintaining favorable working
workforce (Elarabi & Johari 2014). conditions is a vital aspect of HRM. The
performance of an individual is associated
Despite the actual limitations (full workload,
with the work atmosphere or work culture
no extra time) human resources matters
that prevails at the workplace. A safe, clean
should be addressed professionally and pro-
and healthy environment provides the
actively, even in small and medium size
necessary frame for fostering productivity
organizations, which do not need and cannot
and job satisfaction ( Pulakos 2004, Elarabi&
justify a full-time human resources manager.
Johari 2014).
International Journal of Caring Sciences January – April 2016 Volume 9 | Issue 1| Page 360

The purpose of this short review was to consistent level of high performance in order
present the contemporary trends in human to survive within a competitive environment
resources assessment and performance (Newstrom & Davis, 2002). The evaluation
evaluation in a context of world economic on its merits constitutes an analysis of the
crisis with emphasis on health sector. capacities and the defaults of the personnel’
Implications for health care workers and performance in a particular position for a
stakeholders are discussed. given period of time which highlights the
issues that needs to be improved.
Human resources assessment &
Performance can be defined as the set of
performance evaluation
results produced in a specific job or activity
By reviewing the researches regarding the during a specific time period (Zavranos,
management of the human resources it is 1999). Performance refers to a process where
concluded that the importance of the employees have fully understood their
management is linked with the personnel’s objectives and perform effectively, engaging
performance. It is concludes that 245 their knowledge and skills. Performance
practices are applying which are divided in assessment is critical for work force
10 different categories such as staffing, work productivity evaluation and represents a
planning, communication, remuneration collection of communication for a certain
system and the representation of the staff period between the manager and the
(Patterson et al, 2010). The assessment of the employee, being a part of the performance
personnel’ performance gained an official management process. Performance
status in the last century, although there are evaluation is usually applied for a yearly or
historical indications which prove that it first half-yearly period depending on performance
begun in China back to the 3rd Century, fact management policy of the organization
that indicates the importance of the concerned. Setting reference standards for
assessment at a political and military level. future evaluation is a key-action for
However, the first formal evaluation of the comparing actual performance of employees.
human resources’ performance took place in The appropriate criteria allow assessing the
the US Army in 1813 by using a specific performance of employees as successful or
assessment method which in 1890 was used unsuccessful, as well as their contribution to
by the public corporations of the country. A the realization of objectives of the
century later in 1980, the 80-90% of the organization. Standards should be clear,
American corporations was using a specific understandable and measurable (Huselid
method of evaluating the performance of 1995, Pulakos 2004).
their personnel, which however constituted a
The attribution nevertheless it’s a
controversial method to use since according
complicated concept that its measurement
to relevant research aspects it could have a
depends upon various factors. According to
negative impact on the staff. Even nowadays
Demetriadis (2006), the performance should
there is a gap in the relevant bibliography in
be defined as the result of work and be
regard to the practical implementation of the
closely linked to the strategic goals of the
evaluation projects (Smither, 1998), as the
business while according to Campell (1990)
evaluation per se constitutes a process which
the results should be distinguished from the
needs to be carried out based on objective
performance, as they can be altered by other
criteria, which should be aligned with the
factors of the system.
specific strategies and the objectives of every
business and of every job position separately. A business should implement a trustworthy
and valid evaluation method of the human
Definition and Evaluation procedure
resources that fulfils the conditions and
The evaluation of human resources aims to returns practical results. According to
improve the performance of the employee Hansen (2002) the procedure must be
within a company with the main objective to consisted of interrelated processes, such as
improve competitiveness and business the creation and implementation of a
performance in general. Regarding the common agreed framework for evaluation by
businesses nowadays, it is crucial to obtain a the evaluator and the one to be assessed with
International Journal of Caring Sciences January – April 2016 Volume 9 | Issue 1| Page 361

respect to the operation and the evaluation The most common methods of evaluating the
process in relation to the initial expectations. staff performance are the following (Dobson,
Furthermore, a special performance 1989):
evaluation form should be completed in
 Self-Assessment
order to obtain an official analysis statement
of the personnel’ performance. Among the  The evaluation by colleagues (per
most common hazards in human resources rating) which is usually biased.
management are the absence of precise job
description, the lack of policies and  The assessment by listing specific
procedures, the lack of documentation, the facts of excellent or unacceptable
preferential treatment of an employee or a behaviour or performance.
group of employees, the lack performance  The method of narrative report in
evaluation. People risks include company which the evaluator prepares a report
culture, talent shortages and retention, based on the performance of the
incompetence, employee performance, evaluated, indicating the weak and
unethical behaviour, low morale, grievances strong points and recommending
and disputes, excessive absenteeism, proposals for improvement.
employee wellness, sabotage, workplace
violence, as well as noncompliance with  The check-list method in which the
industry and other regulations and laws employee is informed from the start
(Meyer et al., 2011).Due to lack of of the year about the evaluation
performance evaluation and documentation, criteria and the achievement goals
terminating an apparently marginal or and the evaluator is asked to complete
unsatisfactory employee might be a list of the progress achieved and to
confounding. Employees should not be comment on possible deviations from
terminated without sound arguments (Barret the expected.
& Kernan 1987). Benefits and Purpose of the Evaluation
Xyrotiris and Kouflidou (2001) argue that The evaluation of human resources can offer
the establishment of a reliable evaluation many advantages for a company such as
method constitutes a rather difficult task and motivation, productivity improvement and
is based on three basic procedures which are facilitation of the strategic planning (Jakson
the following: & Schuler, 2003). This procedure can serve
 The analysis of the required job position many purposes, if it is aligned with the
(job analysis) which defines the business’ strategy and it is consorted with its
responsibilities and obligations. culture (Gratton et al, 1999). HRM is of
According to these criteria the required particular importance in health sector, where
knowledge, skills and abilities should be there is an estimated shortfall of 4.3 million
determined. The aforementioned analysis health workers, which impacts access to
might be referred to the employee or the quality health care. Focusing on
employer. strengthening the management of the health
workforce is essential for improved service
 The results as well as the behaviour quality and a functional health care system.
should be determined and measured in HRM helps leaders, managers and personnel
relation to their contribution to success, better prioritize and plan approaches to
as far as it is possible. effectively implement and sustain changes
(McCaffery and Adano 2009). In the field of
 Finally, methods of measuring
health, the effective operation of the human
achievements or otherwise assessment
resources is linked with a lower mortality
methods are to be applied, however prior
rate and by this way showing other benefits
to this step possible errors that will
as well (Harris et al, 2007). It has been found
decrease the evaluation’s reliability
that the incentives, the work motivation and
should be avoided.
providing bonuses by competencies improve
the performance of individuals working in
International Journal of Caring Sciences January – April 2016 Volume 9 | Issue 1| Page 362

hospitals (McKinnies, 2011).This policy can The advantages of an organized, fair and
make a significant difference between health reliable assessment model that meets the
organizations with good performance and characteristics and objectives of each
underperforming health organization business are very important as through it the
underperforms (Edgar and Geare,2005). performance of the employee improves,
making the work more productive. Thus, the
Phil Long (1986) published the results of his
procedures are improved and the business
research in respect with the benefits of the
functions properly. The employee gains
evaluation which also constitute benefits for
advantages and benefits such as reward and a
the future of the company:
fair working environment. There is a
 Assessment of the training methods reciprocal relationship between organizations
and the development of the personnel. and employees regarding the workforce
potential. Individuals have interests in
 Improvement of the procedures and
deploying their skills and competencies to
the company’s productivity.
secure their livelihood and to develop their
 Evaluation of the personnel’ past potential. The organizations need them for
performance and the employments’ their fundamental viability and may find
restructure. them a powerful source of competitive
 Decisions as regards to the staffs’
career. Although the attraction of an employee is
fundamentally economic, as the employee
 Reassessment of the objectives on nearly always needs income to survive, non-
behalf of the management and the financial incentives are also important as
staff for the next time period. they offer scope for the satisfaction of a
 Evaluation of the remuneration and range of psychological and social needs.,
the novel salary levels. which ultimately add to the employee’s
quality of life and organizations outcomes,
Conclusion thus interpreting into economic benefits in
The personnel’ evaluation performance the long term.
constitutes the most controversial The staff evaluation is a complicated and
management duty. It constitutes an analysis difficult procedure that needs to follow
of the capacities and the defaults of the certain standards in order to prevent possible
personnel’ performance in a particular errors. This is why each business should
position for a given period of time. Its adopt assessment methods according to its
objective is not to impose penalties but rather characteristics and its job vacancies which
to highlight the issues that are in need of meet their objectives.
training and improvement. Training and
improvement is a continuous process and Any organization, without a proper setup for
individuals develop valuable forms of tacit HRM is bound to suffer from serious
knowledge at work through informal problems regarding regular activities
learning processes, including personal management. Setting up a strong and
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