MUFON UFO Journal - Apbil 1981

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(U SPS 002-970)
103 Oldtowne Rd.
The Cash-Land rum case reprted here appears to bean especially
Seguin, Texas 78155
significant case of physiological injury caused by a UFO. Since this
RICHARD HALL preliminary report was written, more medical evidence has been
Editor obtained indicating clear-cut radiation injuries of a presently un­
known nature. The possibilities include ionizing radiation or micro­
wave radiation. Investigation is proceeding and a follow-up report
Associate Editor
will be printed as soon as possible.
LEN STRINGFIELD Readers have responded heavily to Stuart Campbell's UFO
Associate Editor hypotheses article (No. 156, Feb. 1981), and we will begin printing
letters of comment and rebuttal statements in the next issue.
Contributing Editor

Director of MUFON

DAVE WEBB In this issue
Humanoid Study Group RADIATION INJURIES FROM U F O ..................................................3
By Richard Hall
THE ANDERSON EVENT ..................................................................... 5
By Donald Robert's
REV. BARRY DOWNING - ABDUCTED BY AN ARCHETYPE...................................................... 7
Religion and UFOs By Hilary Evans
Books/Periodical s/H istory By Virgil Staff
Astronomy CALIFORNIA REPORT ("Carl Sagan, Cosmos, & UFOs") . . . . 15
By Ann Druffel
Promotion/Publicity LETTERS................................................................................................... 16
IN OTHER'S WORDS........................................................................... 19
TED PHILLIPS By Lucius Farish
Landing Trace Cases DIRECTOR'S M ESSA G E................ 20
By Walt Andrus
UFO Propulsion

Staff Writer

Edifor/Publishers Emeritus
The contents o f The MUFON U FO JOURNAL are determined by the editor, and
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103 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin, Texas
78155. the statement "Copyright 1981 by the MUFON UFO JOURNAL 103 Oldtowne Rd.,
Seguin, Texas" is included.
By Richard Hall

Prelim inary Report heater had been turned on, but now
the car was so hot that Betty turned
What promises to be one of the on the air conditioner.
most significant physical evidence Later Betty dropped Vicky and
cases in modern UFO history oc­ Colby off at their house and drove / GLOW
curred December 29, 1980, near home, feeling ill. She arrived home
Huffman, Texas, northeast of at 9:50 p.m. Numerous symptoms
Houston. Two women and a young appeared almost immediately: 1
boy suffered various degrees of swollen neck, head and facial I
injury, largely attributable to radi­ blisters, swollen earlobes, and
ation poisoning and radiant heat, swollen eyelids. Her eyes closed
after watching a luminous object completely and she could not see for
hover low over the road ahead of several days. Four days later, unable
their car. MUFON Deputy Director, to eat, and suffering nausea, vomit­
John Schuessler, and members of ing, and diarrhea, Betty entered the
Project VISIT are investigating. hospital where she remained for 15
They are seeking to obtain the full days. She also suffered severe loss
set of medical records, of hair. After being discharged, she
Betty Cash, 52, was driving her continued to suffer swellings, head­
1980 Cutlass Supreme from New aches, and lack of appetite. A little
Caney to Dayton, Texas, on High­ over a week later, she returned to
way 1485 about 9:00 p.m. With her the hospital for additional treatment. General appearance of Huffman, Texas,
were a friend, Vicky Landrum, 60s, As of February 22, she remained UFO
and Vicky's grandson Colby, 7. constantly tired, headachy, and
Suddenly a luminous, fiery-looking unable to work. appeared to be. The date also was
object descended to treetop level When they arrived home that during the holiday season when
over the road ahead of them and night Vicky and Colby also felt ill; military bases typically would be on
they heard a beeping noise that Colby's face was "sunburned" and "stand-down" with reduced
persisted throughout the sighting. he had eye problems, a condition personnel.
From its underside, flames (red- that still persists to a mild degree. Although they remain to be fully
orange) were emitted toward the They spread large quantities of baby documented, the medical symptoms
road periodically, with an audible oil on their faces for three days. Both suggest both radiation sickness and
"woosh." Betty stopped the car, had stomach aches and diarrhea for physical burns; both ultraviolet and
afraid to drive beneath the object; several days. Vicky experienced infrared radiation may have been
they opened the car doors to stand some loss of hair and a sensation as if involved. Full details will be report­
beside the car and watch. The glow her scalp were "asleep." During the ed as soon as the investigation is
was brilliant, and they could feel sighting, she had placed her left completed, and the future health of
strong heat and hear a loud roaring hand on top of the car, and the the witnesses will be monitored.
noise. fingernails on that hand showed odd
Colby became terrified and he line-like indentations across their
and Vicky got back in the car, but width.
Betty remained outside for a longer Colby had nightmares for 2-3
period of time. (Probably signif­ weeks, and since has displayed ex­
icantly, Betty's injuries were the treme anxiety and fear at the sight of
most severe.) Finally, the object a helicopter. The large number of
started to rise and move away to the helicopters itself poses a mystery, M U F O N
right in a southwesterly direction since no obvious source of that
with a large number of helicopters many helicopters is known in the
(20 or more) seemingly in pursuit. area, especially on short notice if
The evening was cool and the car they were pursuing the UFO, as they

(Three articles published in 3. Another report is from Mr’

November 1980 in Dagong Bao of Cheung Chou Shun, an astronomer.
Hong Kong received by Stanton T. On July 26, 1977, at 10:00 p.m. he
Friedman December 23, 1980 from saw a bright spiral object with
Xinhau News Agency, New York, yellowish center. The brightness
NY. Translated by Joseph Tin* was about that of a class 2 star.
Chong Yiu.) Seguin, Texas Extending from the center to the
1. It has been reported recently outer perimeter were circles of
that China has successfully obtained spirals. The rings were bluish in
a photograph of an unidentified fly­ color. The number of rings were
ing object, known by some people as about 3 to 4. The object was about a
"flying saucers." This may be the 60 degree angle above the horizon.
first time that any picture has been The object moved in a straight line
taken in Chinese territory. How­ with the horizon. Five seconds later,
ever, the earliest record of a "UFO" the object disappeared. There are
recorded by the Chinese can be various reports from different walks
dated back to 1056 A.D. It was of life in China concerning UFO,
recorded that an object as bright as mostly in recent years. The area of
the sun with a golden line at its sightings is widely ranged from dif­ MAJOR KEYH0E JOINS
center appeared at the providence of ferent provinces. It may seem MUFON BOARD
"Young." strange that all of the reports are
The more recent report is from a mostly after 1977. This is because
By W alt Andrus
science student. He reported "On until then the research and activities
December 25, 1979 (night), my had not been permitted. It was con­
It is a distinct pleasure to an­
friend "Lim Young" and I were sidered "crazy" or "ridiculous" to
nounce that Major Donald E. Keyhoe,
studying and the time was 8:00 at suggest UFO existence. It is hoped
U.S.M.C. Retired, has been elected
night. The sky was clear. We saw a that we can catch up with the west­
to the Board of Directors of the
bright fireball about 26" in diameter ern world and solve this mystery
Mutual UFO Network as Director of
at the horizon where the sun norm­ together.
Government Affairs. Major Keyhoe
ally sets. The color was almost
is a graduate of the U.S. Naval
bloody red with the perimeter ap­ Academy and the Marine Corps
pearing white. I said to him "Have
Officers School. He retired from the
you seen a moon like this?" and he U.S. Marine Corps in 1945 at the end
said "No, that is not a moon. It is a CORRECTION of World War II. He served as
sun." I replied "At this time? It is We sincerely regret that in the Director of NICAP, the National
impossible." The object picked up January issue (No. 155) the review Investigations Committee on Aerial
tremendous speed and rotating anti­ of a major UFO publication (Ency­ Phenomena, from 1957 to 1969. As
clockwise headed in our direction. It clopedia o fU F O s) failed to include a pioneer in UFOlogy, he is best
changed to an elliptical shape as it the name of the reviewer. The name known for the books he has au­
got closer to us, and rotated in was accidentally dropped off in the thored; Flying Saucers: Top Secret, The
various directions. The object finally printing process. The reviewer was Plying Saucer Conspiracy, Flying
got smaller as it flew past us, and the Isabel Davis, alternate to the Execu­ Saucers From Outer Space, and his
reddish color disappeared. The en­ tive Committee of the Fund for UFO most recent. Aliens From Space.
tire process lasted about 5 seconds." Research, former staff member of Richard H. Hall, Editor of the
2. It all happened on September the National Investigations Commit­ MUFON UFO Journal, was privi­
23, 1978. There were several hun­ tee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP), leged to work with Major Keyhoe as
dred air force personnel watching a and former member of the Research Assistant Director of NICAP during
movie in open air at Jin Sho. The Committee of CS1 of New York. the period when NICAP was the
time was 8:04 p.m. A11 of a sudden an Given her extensive background in world's largest and most active UFO
object with two big head lights ap­ the UFO field, the review loses force organization. Don and his wife
peared 6,000 meters above them. without knowing who wrote it. We Helen receive their mail at P.O. Box
The object also had a big bright suggest you write in her name in the 502, Luray, VA, 22835. It is an honor
whitish taill, moving at an incredible blank space where it should have to welcome this: distinguished
speed. The size was very big, oc­ appeared at the conclusion of the gentleman to the MUFON Board of
cupying about 35 degree of vision. review. Directors.
By Donald Roberts
(Acting MUFON State Director)

(Note: Assisting itt the investigation stationary windows across the center McAlister to be approximately 8
were Wanda Jones and Margaret Pine; of the structure, with a row of even miles, this having been covered in
Allan Hendry investigated for the Center brighter white lights rotating hori­ roughly 2 to 3 minutes.
for UFO Studies. All quotes are taken zontally in a clockwise motion around
verbatim from the interview taped on the perimenter. (See sketch.) There Secondary Events And W itnesses
Sept. 14, 1980, with Jerry and Faye was additionally, an oscillating or
For the next 2 hours and 45
McAlister. Tape available for statement "wobbling" motion of the entire
minutes, until 7:05 a m., the object
verification). object, revealing "grayish-black steel
remained at its distant location, and
under the windows" when it tilted
On a warm, clear night in early was viewed by a number of people,
upwards, this angle diminishing the
September of last year, Jerry these including the seven members
extreme brightness. MeAlister said it
McAlister, 40, was listening to the of the McAlister family, four next
appeared to be made of "slick metal,"
report of a wreck on 1-85 on his door neighbors, two from several
and, was seamless. His wife stated miles away, and, four deputies of the
police scanner at his home in that she saw black between each Anderson County Sheriff's
Anderson, South Carolina. His wife, window, and, all three complained of
Faye, 34, was sleeping beside him in Department.
the lights hurting their eyes during The deputies, who had been called
the couple's back bedroom, their five the observation.
daughters asleep across the hall. twice by the McAlister's before their
McAlister, an electrician by trade, arrival, watched for 2 hours, 10 min­
had been laid up with a broken ankle utes through binoculars and a
and listened often to sideband and 60-power telescope provided by one
C.B. transmissions as a hobby. of the neighbors. Everyone present
At 4:20 a.m., September 11, had ample opportunity to view the
objects through both instruments.
McAlister was suddenly startled by
McAlister and his wife stated that
an extremely loud noise coming
from his backyard, described as "like the windows and rotating lights were
a helicopter crashing," and, accom­ still plainly visible and that the wobble
panied by a "high pitched whine/' was the same as before. The light
was still bright enough to hurt his
That same moment, lights "bright
enough to light up the entire back eyes, even at that distance, said
At this moment, the horizontally
yard, the house, and everything" McAlister. In fact, he stated that they
rotating lights around the object's
flooded through the windows. were "so bright, they still blinded
perimeter tilted to a vertical position,
McAlister got his crutches, moved like a ferris wheel, the windows
to the bedroom window and, looking During this entire period,
remaining horizontal as before. The
up, saw what he described as a brightly McAlister said that the object was
"flying saucer," as McAlister described
lit object as "high as a two story gradually rising in the distance until
it, then "went like a streak of lightning
building," and roughly 70 feet in 7:05 a.m. when, as he put it, it "shot
— the sound left, and everything."
diameter, hovering approximately out of sight and, was gone — a
He estimated that the entire afore­
50 feet in the air, and over a group of beautiful sight,"
mentioned sequence of events,
pines in his back yard. described exactly as was told during
At this point, McAlister awakened the interview, lasted approximately 3
Deputies’ Comments
his wife with one of his crutches and minutes. The four Anderson County
called her to the window, where­ As the object rapidity moved off, Deputies who witnessed the event
upon she remarked, "Oh, my God, to the NNE, McAlister, his wife, and had various statements to make on
how beautiful,"and went to wake five daughters, all of whom were their observations of the far-off light
their daughters. Only the oldest, now up, left the house through the source.
Shirley, 17, arose and returned to the carport door, turning on the outside Mike Burton said that he observed
window with her, in time to view the light, the first turned on during the the object rising and turning con­
object still hovering. occurrence. They all watched from stantly for over an hour, but, could
The object was described as the yard as the receding lights came
having a row of very bright, white. to a stop at a distance estimated by (Continued on next page)
(Anderson, continued) "helicopter crashing," and "loud as a When questioned about these
not make out a definite shape. He helicopter starting to take off," he facts, both McAlister and his wife
also said that he observed it changing had no explanations as to why such a were sure that Venus was to the right
colors from red, to hazy blue, to noise didn't wake his wife or children, and below the object and was con­
bright white, and to yellow! He though his ears "roared" for 3 days siderably brighter.
stated that he thought it was not an afterwards. From the distance of 110
aircraft, and, that the object was measured feet from his bedroom Radiation and S.B.I.
smaller than the moon, but much window, it must have been
S.B.I., or the "Scientific Bureau of
larger than a star. awesome, indeed.
Investigation," based out of New
The next door neighbor described
Rock Nation said that he didn't York, and represented by Pete
what he heard as a "muffled" sound,
know what it was, and Lt. Joseph Mazzola, a N.Y. police detective, and
and the cross-street couple said they
Simmons was an observer but has Jim Pillow, a retired New Jersey
were awake at that hour yet heard
not been questioned as of this writing. policeman, descended on the scene
nothing at all.
The Department contacted the the day after the event, calling it one
McAlister said his dog, which
local Anderson Airport and Greenville of the best documented cases they
was sleeping at the foot of McAlister's
Aviation, a little after 5:00 a.m. while had come across. Apparently involved
bed, didn't bark during the incident,
the event was in progress, but neither to some degree with the popular
as he could recall, though in the
was open. However, the Greenville- "That's Incredible" T.V. program,
excitement, he wasn't sure.
Spartanburg Jetport was, but Air they brought a PSE "lie detector,"
Questioned as to any time loss,
Traffic Control there said that radar and some type of geiger counter,
either by any individual or clock,
noted nothing unusual. leaving behind many more questions
there was none, McAlister stated.
A strange note involving only than the event itself caused.
Physiologically, in addition to the
one of the Deputies (who, it is not yet McAlister, himself, said that they
previously mentioned effects of the
clear) and McAlister's daughter Shirley checked his eyes with a pen-light
bright lights and intense sounds,
concerns the observation of a red type flashlight, detecting a glazed
McAlister complained of a "terrific
light, or lights, coming out of the effect, and called it "radiation burns."
headache" all the next day with
bottom and top of the object. Shirley No qualified medical personnel had
swollen glands in his neck through
saw hers on the bottom; the Deputy yet, however, checked anyone for
the day after that, and burning,
saw his on the top. McAlister said anything at the time of this interview
reddened eyes. As for the burning
that the Deputy kept saying he saw several days later.
eyes, it must be considered that
red lights, though no one else, save Various reports of the McAlister's
McAlister had been up for a consid­
Shirley, did. themselves being radioactive by
erable time both prior to and after the
(Further statements and compar­ some vague amount, and even in­
isons, whether of significance or not, creasing that radioactivity sometime
are made here, in the event of their A possible EM effect occuring later, as well as radioactivity con­
possible future use in this case, or after the event was over, was that for siderably above normal background
others.) 7 hours, according to McAlister, no levels in the back yard, surfaced after
One of McAlister's more interest­ modulation (transmission) could get S.B.I.'s visit or visits, whatever the
ing comments, at least to this out on his C.B, unit, though his signal case may be. Mazzola was quoted in
investigator, was that there was no was detectable by others. He could one news article as saying that there
question in his mind that, as soon as receive normally, but only a buzz was a "decided jump on the geiger
he initially saw the object, he knew came through when he attempted to counter."
that it was a "flying saucer." How he transmit. Further, McAlister's antenna Thanks to Allan Hendry of
arrived at this conclusion so rapidly was located almost directly under­ CUFOS, who, upon hearing of all
is anyone's guess. He also stated that neath the object's position in his back this, brought a counter to the site, he
he wasn't scared, just thrilled by his yard, and if his estimates of its and this investigator finding no
experience. altitude are correct, only a few feet levels higher than background,
Saying that he had never believed away from its bottom. though our readings were made, in
in UFOs, he interestingly added that The factor of Venus in its relative all fairness, 3 days after the event.
his wife's sister did, and that she had position at the time of the object's As for myself, I found the state­
read extensively on the subject, and distant hovering is another interest­ ments made concerning all this
had told him and his wife all about ing aspect of this case, as it appeared somewhat less than agreeable, having
UFOs prior to their sighting. to rise as Venus did and was only worked in nuclear weapons for several
McAlister also said that he knew approximately 15 degrees away from years in the U.S. Army and having
it was not a balloon, helicopter, nor the planet's position at the time. Both undergone extensive training in
any type of known aircraft. were visible until approximately the radiation handling and detection
As to the extreme loudness of the same time that morning when they procedures. ,
initial encounter, described as like a were lost in the brightening sky. (Continued on next page)

by Hilary Evans

(Reprinted from Fortean Times*, would surely experience a sense of our best hope of isolating their
No. 33 Autumn 1980 by permission of— deja vu as they laid us on their true nature.
and with minor corrections by—the inspection table. And yet, we still
author, and with Americanized spellings don't know whether stories like that
for our largely U.S. readership.) have any basis in fact. A Clue
Charles Fort believed in explan­ On 26 July 1978, 37-year-old
Abducted by a UFO. That it
ations. His four books, though they "Gerry Armstrong" was hypnotic­
could happen in fact would have
contain many attacks on scientists ally regressed to when, as a 12-year-
been unthinkable until some 30
who conducted themselves non­ old schoolboy in England, he was
years ago (and still is for per­
scientifically, are monuments to the taken aboard a UFO and examined
haps a majority of us) and if it
scientific method. Yes, you may say, by its occupants. His account is more
occurred in fiction, only the most
and look where it got him: four fat or less the standard scenario out­
courageous story-tellers dared en­
volumes packed with anomalies still lined above, but from what he said
visage it. Yet here we are, sober
awaiting explanation, the biggest under hypnosis 1 note the following:
citizens of 1981, seriously sitting
pending file of unsolved mysteries
down and considering the possibil­
outside of Scotland Yard. In a room .. .ain't no electric light
ity that dozens of alleged abduction bulb. Can't see a b u lb ,, .] can't see
If that's the scientific method,
reports could be based in reality. any bulbs. And then one go
some say, we'd all be better off sitting
We know the pattern. The ab- through the wall. I didn't.. .can’t
at the feet of some Eastern guru, see a door.
ductee is walking or driving along,
trying to imagine the sound of one
or even sittingat home, when there's
hand dapping rather than trying to And later, going over the mat­
this weird compartment; his hosts
find cause-and-effect patterns in erial in the wakened state, he said:
what he's doing and go to investi­
phenomena which are manifestly
gate; he meets these weird people
outside the scope of human reason.
who take them on board this weird I'm being put in a ro o m .. .1 think
It's possible they're right, that there it's a room. I'm trying to under­
craft of theirs, where he is put into
are some areas of experience which stand where the light is from. It's
this weird compartment; his host
aren't amenable to logic-systems that very, very interesting. We seem
give him some kind of physical to walk through a wail, but there
we're acquainted with. But that's a
examination, then let him go, telling must have been a door.S7
desperate conclusion to come to;
him he won't remember a thing. But
before that, we need to be convinced In 1977, 40 year-old Betty
he does, if not consciously then
that old-fashioned cause-and-effect Andreasson was hypnotically "re­
under hypnosis.
thinking has failed us. Personally I gressed to when, 10 years earlier, she
We've read that account, don't think we're anywhere near was taken aboard a UFO and sub­
or something like it, so many that point. jected to a number of astonishing
times that we'd hardly be sur­ What scares people off is the experiences during a sequence of
prised if it happened to us and seeming paradoxes inherent events which largely conformed to
throughout the UFO problem, and the standard model. From her ac­
found at their most extreme in the count 1 note:
(Anderson, Continued) abduction reports. But Charles Fort
delighted in paradoxes because he t): Whoosh! Another door
As of this writing, it has been recognized that when you've re­ opened. And you can't even see
relayed that "That's Incredible" has duced a problem to a paradox, those doors. They just go up
visited the McAlister's twice now, when they open.
you've got to the heart of the
Q: Can you see the source of the
with one national T.V. airing already. problem. I suggest, and I think Fort illumination?
Information concerning additional would have agreed with me, that it is B: It comes from all over the place.
sightings in at least five different precisely the outrageous character of Q. Can you see any welded
locations and towns later the same the abduction reports which gives us seams on the wall or some type
day as the original will be forth­ of seam?
B: No, it seems smooth all the
coming as soon as logistically possible,
way around.
including statements from a number "Fortean Times, 9-12 St. Annes Court,
of persons involved, supporting the London Wl, England ($10/yr)
McAlisters' description of the object.
(Archetype, Continued) mon source when Vallee bombards
you with such parallels as this: Betty
"I think we must accept that there
Let's check the tape at that point Hill4 reported that during her exam­
is a real basis for a proportion of ination a long needle was inserted
and ask ourselves, why do the lights
and the doors seem of such part­ UFO reports, and that they relate into her navel__ The 15th century
icular interest to both subjects and, to an actual phenomenon outside Calendrier des Bergers shows de­
consequently, to their questioners? anything yet classified by science." mons piercing their victims abdom­
An answer is that doors and lights ens with long needles. One such
are things which all human homes parallel might be coincidence, but
and vehicles possess, so they're alien and apparently non­ not this many—
something we can relate to in an human entities.1*6' * c' • The encounters induced
alarming situation. But so are lots of 2. Fictional stories on the same under hypnosis, experimentally, by
other things: why, when something lines, mostly dating from the pre- Alvin Lawson and his team8 aston­
so extraordinary as going on board a UFO period of the 1920s-1930s. ished the experimenters by their
UFO is happening, do such trivial 3. Myths, usually non-specific close similarity to allegedly factual
details loom so important? though occasionally including pur­ accounts. This is the more remark­
Personally, I'd be interested ported names and locations, de­ able since the subjects had first been
enough to go aboard Concorde, let scribing events containing remark­ screened to include only those with
alone a UFO; but I can't imagine my ably similar features.10 minimal ufological knowledge.
chief concern would be for the 4. Accounts produced experi­ (Clearly, as Hendry6 has pointed out,
lighting system. Yet, it's a fact that mentally in which subjects with no nobody these days can be expected
this preoccupation is almost a particular UFO background describe to be completely ignorant of UFO's!)
standard feature in abduction supposed UFO abductions under the The subjects described their imagi­
reports. Antonio da Silva (Brazil influence of drugs or hypnosis.8 nary experiences in terms which
1969) reported, .. the lighting in Study of the references indicated were virtually indistinguishable
the compartment was intense, of the above reveals astonishing corre­ from those used by the people who
mercury vapor type, but he was un­ spondences between these four claimed to have actually undergone
able to detect any sources for the kinds of report with such widely the experiences: again you need to
light, nor any openings or salient differing origins. For example: study the scripts at length to get the
parts on the smooth surfaces."2* • European science fiction full force of the parallels, but here's
Antonio Rubia (Brazil 1977) found writers in the 1920s described a sample:
himself in an interior lit by an intense imaginary situations which are so
blue light which came from the close to alleged abduction reports of
ceiling, but he couldn't determine the 1970s as to make coincidence A. They seem to have brought
the source because it seemed to well nigh unthinkable. Meheust's me to this,, .it almost seems like
a tube. The ceiling is about 20
come from the ceiling as a whole.1 book9 is devoted to these parallels; feet high.
And so on, and so on. All I want thus he cites a French SF yam whose B. [ can see the sky up there..,
you to note, for the moment, is that hero finds himself in a small room, lit it's like a long tube, lagged...
so many witnesses pick out this parti­ by a green diffused light emanating C. It's sort of like a tube, like I
cular aspect of their experience. The from no discernible source but rather sort of feel that I'm at the bottom
of a tube looking u p ..,
lights and door things are only two of horn the material of the vessel itself;
many; they just happen to be the there are seemingly no doors or
ones that set me thinking, the clues windows, but these appear when
that led to the question which is the required. Compare this with In fact, A is an experimental
starting-point for this inquiry: Why Higdon26 who found himself in hypnosis subject, B is a "real" ab-
do the abductee's reports—not their a small room, brightly lit but with no ductee, and C is a drug-induced-
experiences, but their reports—echo obvious source of light, or with Diaz9 hallucination subject.
one another so closely? who could see no light and felt that In short, what we have is a sit­
the walls were translucent; like the uation where four kinds of report,
SF hero, he was in a small room emanating from wholly different
without furniture of any kind, (toget origins, produce correspondence of
Four Kinds of Report
the full impact of these parallels, of coincidence-defying similarity. This
Reports of alleged encounters course, the accounts should be read argues that they are either deriving
between humans and non-human at length.) from one another, or all deriving
entities fall into four classes: • Vallee12 has devoted a book from some common substratum,
1. Stories told by real humans to the parallels between UFO reports some widely—if not universally—
who describe what they allege, and and myth. Whatever we think of his available image bank.
seemingly believe, to have really thesis, his basic pointiswell made: it It is hard to see how they could
happened to them, in which they met is hard not to presume some com­ be deriving from ope another. To

(Archetype, Continued) The relation of myth to reality is accepting that they, too, are based
suppose a linear or sequential devel­ that myth represents the filling of upon reality. Which means we have
opment, myth to SF and SF to alleged gaps in reality. Fairies and angels, to explain how it comes about that
fact, leads to absurdity: how could a and their equivalents in later cultures, real reports should correspond so
Brazilian farmer have access to SF are "needed" to complete our world closely with parallel accounts which
stories in French of half a century picture; they and encounters with we know to be total fabrications. We
before—and even if it happened by a them, are things which we feel, con­ have already discounted the like­
strange chance once, how could it sciously or unconsciously, some or lihood that they derive from one
keep on happening? most or even all of us, that reality another; but what is left?
should somehow contain. If super­
human entities don't exist, mankind
must invent them. Paradox to the Rescue
The Significance of Myth I think we must accept that there At this point we have to take into
is a real basis for a proportion of UFO account another complication which
The view of Paul Misraki,10 sub­ reports, and that they relate to an
sequently elaborated and irres­ at first sight seems to make matters
actual phenomenon outside any­ even worse, if possible, though as we
ponsibly extended by Von Daniken thing yet classified by science. Even
and others, was that mythical ac­ shall find, it actually gives us the vital
if we set aside all material or photo­ clue we need, which shows how
counts are similar to allegedly factual graphic evidence, it remains the case
accounts for the simple reason that right Fort was to be so fond of
that we have thousands of well- paradoxes)
they are factual accounts, which have presented reports, by persons ap­
been blurred by time. However, The new horror we have to face is
parently of sound mind and in no this: both Michel Monnerie11 in
while it may be the case that UFO unusual emotional state, describing
abductions have been faking place France, and Allan Hendry** in the
physical objects rationally and U.S. have established that many de­
throughout history, there is no good luddly, and frequently with multiple
evidence to that effect, and to assume tailed sightings relate to IFOs, not
confirmation. To dismiss such evi­
it would be highly question-begging. UFOs. Percipients have described
dence is quite simply perverse.
For one thing, the supporters of the windows on the planet Venus and
theory need to show why we have ascribed purposeful maneuvers to
reports from the distant past, and the moon! Monnerie suggests that
"...these percipients are clearly what is happening in such cases is
reports from our own day, but
dredging up, from somewhere that the sight of something unplace-
virtually nothing in between—why
were there no abductions in the time
within themselves, aspects of what able induces in some people a
of Shakespeare or Dr. Johnson or the they expect or wish or fear to "waking dream"—a state in which
Victorians, periods when, though the see...." the subconscious overrides the con­
critical apparatus of our own day scious. This may or may not be the
wasn't available, at least we could case; what concerns us is the fact that
have expected a fair standard of At the same time, I think, we these percipients are clearly
reporting which would help us must accept that whatever reality dredging up, from somewhere
gauge the authenticity of the UFOs possess, it is different from any within themselves, aspects of what
account? In the absence of any such reality we know. Their ability to they expect or wish or fear to see, and
continuing tradition, I surmise that change shape, to respond to indivi­ plastering them onto the innocent
. the mythical accounts are something dual percipients, to be seen by some Moon or whatever. The thing seen
quite different from the factual and not by others, taken along with plays no part in the process; the
accounts of our own time. so many other logic-defying features percipient does it all.
For our present purpose, the of their behavior and that of their Now you see why this apparent
significance of the mythical accounts occupants, means that we are up complication is so significant. For it
is that they were what people wanted against something totally different shows, beyond question, that some
to tell and hear. Far from being from anything previously exper­ people do possess inside themselves
accounts of actual happenings, it is ienced by mankind (with the signifi­ the do-it-yourself kit necessary for
more probable that they describe cant exception of certain categories transforming reality into fantasy.
precisely what does not happen in of psychical phenomena). And if IFO observers can do it, then
real life. Real life is untidy and If, however, we accept that the so can UFO observers; so perhaps,
unsatisfactory; things happen and typical unexplained UFO report has can all of us!
nobody knows why, things start and some correspondence with reality, I suggest that we are justified in
don't finish, loose ends proliferate. we really paint ourselves into a cor­ concluding that some, perhaps all, of
To impose some pattern on reality is ner as regards the abduction reports; us carry about, in our subconscious
a basic human instinct, which is what for we must choose between saying,
keeps story-tellers and myth-makers "Ah, but they are exceptions" with­ (Continued on next page)
in business. out any good reason for so saying, or
By V irgil S ta ff

Leonard Stringfield's use of the does not read the literature with jeopardize their positions and their
word "syndrome" provides J. care, or he interprets it differently futures? And does he believe, after
Richard Greenwell with the opport­ from most Ufologists. retirement, that these same individ­
unity, in paragraphs one and eleven We are told that "recovery" in­ uals would be likely to expose what
of his "Critique” (No.153, Novem­ cidents would require hundreds of some, may have concealed for 20
ber 1980) to guess that the syn­ specialists all of whom would be years or longer? Would the reader,
drome may be a "clinical entity" unlikely to remain silent. This may in the same position, and consider­
deriving from "several kinds of well be, and Stringfield's informers ing the possible penalities, make a
socio-psychological phenomena, in­ may be an initial indication that public expose? It can be guessed that
fluenced by media imagery, and Greenwell is correct. We are unin­ some might but that many would
facilitated by a receptive target in­ formed concerning the size of the not. Greenwell then asks: "None
dividual." It is the view of this writer force that governmental agencies have had doubts about their secret
that Greenwell provides no data to might have employed in studying involvement? Nobody has been
support this conclusion, and that the the alleged crash/retrievals, but cer­ tempted by the subsequent fame
"Critique" should be considered as tainly this force could have been and fortune? The answer to these
little more than a statement of his smaller than Greenwell apparently questions, regretably, is 'no'." How
own views without benefit of stated believes should such agencies have does Greenwell know the answers
support. concerned themselves with only to these questions? How can he
Initially, Greenwell admits that bmited aspects of what was believed speak for others than himself? Did
he does not believe in the authen­ might relate to national security. any of these specialists inform
ticity of such reports. In the second Greenwell asks if "any of these Greenwell of the extent to which
paragraph he tells us that he doubts specialists stepped forward to ident­ they had possessed pangs of con­
the presence of any government ify themselves publicly?" Does he science over their activities? Does he
interest in UFOs. Either Greenwell really expect these individuals to expect these to publicly acknow-
(Continued on next page)

(Archetype, Continued) depends on our psychological make­ whether or not there is any reality
up—may regurgitate the material in underlying the abductee's stories,
the form of an encounter decked out their characteristic features derive
in the cultural clothing of the day. In from some widely if not universally
or wherever, all that is needed to Bernadette Soubirous' day it was the diffused scenario, which in its turn is
fabricate an abduction report. What Virgin Mary, as was appropriate to a made up of elements deeply em­
varies is the form and the circum­ pious teenage girl in a Catholic cul­ bedded in all our subconsciouses.
stances. From the distant past the ture; earlier it would have been
material survives as myth, with religious-type flaming crosses in the
fairies, angels or demons as the sky; in our own day it is extrater­ 1. Pierre Delval, Contacts du 4me type, 1979.
2. Flying Saucer Review (a) Da Silva-Vol. 19
agents. 5F writers regurgitate it in restrial humanoids. Onto the public No. 6, p. 6; (b) Higdon-Vol. 21 Nos, 3 & 4, p. 3.
the form of adventure stories: in the skeleton we drape our private pre­ 3. Raymond Fowler, The Andreasson Affair,
1920s they tended to attribute occupations; Betty Andreasson3 un­ 1979,
responsibility to Mad Scientists dergoes mystical experiences per­ 4. John Fuller, 77ir Interrupted journey, 1966.
seeking to dominate the world. We, sonal to her personal situation, while 5. David Haiselt, 77ic Missing Seven Hours,
1978. ,
if we are subjected to hypnosis or Sandy Larson and Judy Kendall8 6. Allan Hendry, The UFO Handbook, 1979.
drugs in a lab, will regurgitate the suffer types of medical operations 7. Journal UFO (Canada), Vol. 1/1.
material in the form of an imaginary repeating real-life episodes. 8. journal of UFO Studies, CUFOS, 1979.
encounter, now with extraterrestrial I still don't know why the ab- 9. Bertrand Meheust, Science-Fiction et Soucoupes
humanoids playing the lead ing parts. ductees are so preoccupied with the Volantes, 1978.
10. Paul Misraki (as Paul Thomas), Flying
If we experience a real-life trigger lights and doors. But I think we can Saucers, 1962. .
situation, whether IFO or UFO guess that if we want to know, we are 11. Michel Monnerie, Et si les OVNls n'existaient
doesn't greatly matter, some of us— more likely to learn from the psycho­ pas?, 1977.
whether we do or don't presumably analyst than anyone else. For
12. Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia, 1970.

(Critique, Continued) formation on the former was too why all the people reported to
widespread? Perhaps it was pre­ Stringfield instead of to any of the
sumed that the Russians already other authors. Perhaps it was
knew. Perhaps the project was aired Stringfield's approach. Perhaps he
ledge their guilt? And what would
for political reasons. Perhaps the asked the right questions, or per­
be the likely "subsequent fame and
military no longer cared. After all, haps he employed his extra time
fortune" for one who tried to expose
the government, for its own reasons, attempting to ferret out witnesses.
various activities of certain
and in one form or another, classifies Certainly there have been such
governmental agencies.
almost everything. We do not know reports since the early 1950's. But
Greenwell presumes that
for certain why Project Stealth was we know that most were not be­
"family and close friends" might
publicized. Apparently we only lieved. It is this writer's under­
become knowledgeable and that the
have Harold Brown's word. standing that Keyhoe, like Ruppelt,
secret would have become wide­
So that again, Greenwell has at­ for many years looked askance at
spread knowledge. But how does he
tempted to build an analogy. But any alleged phenomena that smack­
know this would be the case? In fact,
Project Stealth and the subject of the ed of a close encounter. Would there
some of Stringfield's materials
crash/retrievals are unrelated. Per­ have been sufficient trust to have
derive from secondary sources. In
haps those ordinarily involved with reported a crash/retrieval? Appar­
some cases, this may well have been
the latter make up small, relatively ently there have been reports to
the manner in which certain inform­
tightly organized teams. Since William Moore and Stan Friedman.
ation has come to our attention.
knowledge of the subject would be It seems doubtful that anyone would
The Manhattan Project is noted
on a "need-to-know" basis, and have approached Vallee, and we can
as an example where secrecy was
since specialists could be assigned to forget the government apologist
somewhat compromised. But is it
projects without these having the Phil Klass. Certainly it is doubtful
believed that knowledge of*the pro­
faintest knowledge of the total pur­ that this arch debunker '"would
ject was widespread? Did such
pose, it might well be possible to probably give his eye teeth to get
knowledge become generally
conceal from all, except a few, the information on UFO hardware for
public? If scientists, who knew any­
ultimate purpose of the efforts. his magazine..." Klass and his arm­
thing of the project, had been asked
chair identifications of Venus and
by the reader to provide additional
plasmas, would be indelibly proven
information, would these have been Greenwell essentially tells us
wrong and no one would hear of this
likely to have done so? Would they that since the powers were unable to
gentleman again. Moreover, he
have admitted to it or would they conceal knowledge of Project
might lose $10,000.
have denied knowledge? Further­ Stealth, they would also be unable to
Finally, there seems to be no
more, what transpired concerning conceal a secret UFO project. But
obvious evidence that the Close
the Manhattan Project is not how does he know this? He states
Encounters film has markedly in­
necessarily of significance. his concern with a number of junior
creased the number of reportable
Analogies are dangerous, and more military personnel who allegedly
events. Greenwell, by his own ad­
often than not they are false. have knowledge of the crash/
mission, recognizes that Stringfield's
Certainly a considerable number of retrievals. But does he not know
Case A -l of September, 1977 was
scientists may have first-hand know­ that there is an insufficient num­
given to Stringfield prior to the re­
ledge of the crash/retrieval ber of generals to be at hand for
lease of the film, and he tries to
syndrome. In fact, these could be every possible retrieval? Does he
protect his argument by stating that
among the biggest public "skeptics." want the generals to play guard?
the publicity was out. This is a noto­
Knowing the government position, Does he want them to catalog the
riously weak excuse and we can
what other position could they take? effects? Does he want them to drive
presume that Greenwell would have
Greenwell airs the Harold trucks? Greenwell does not believe
shown relationship had he been able
Brown announcement of August 22, that his list of junior military per­
to provide'such.
1980 as an example of governmental sonnel is the one he would pick to
This writer must conclude that
inability to retain secrets. Does such maintain military secrets. But in real­
should Greenwell continue to be­
a statement, relative to fear of ex­ ity, these are a significant part of the
lieve in the aburdity of crash/
posure of Project Stealth, indicate force charged with maintaining the
retrievals as actual events, he will
that no secrets can be kept? Does it system of classified knowledge. All
hopefully reconsider the subject and
mean that the system of Confi­ receive information on a'"need-to-
produce a more viable critique- at
dential— Secret —Top S e c r e t- know" basis and most have NAC
some future time.
Cryptographic is a farce'? Can it be clearances or more. In general, these
(Editor's Note: During the late 1950‘s
shown that governmental authorit­ keep a very tight lip.
NICAP, under Maj. Keyhoe and me,
ies believe Project Stealth to be as Greenwell lists seven books
significant as the presence of un­ published in the 1970's with
identified phenomena in our skies? Stringfield's being the last of the (Continued on next page)
Perhaps the dissemination of in­ seven on the list. He wants to know
By M ark Moravec
(Presented atUFOCON 5, Canberra,
Australia, November 1980)

How do people react when they most common reaction. In a number One exception is that in three cases
observe an unidentified flying ob­ of cases, both fear and curiosity were the witnesses subsequently exper­
ject? To investigate this question, a experienced simultaneously—in­ ienced dreams or nightmares about
survey was made of all close en­ dicating an approach-avoidance con­ their sightings. However, this could
counter "unknowns" in the files of flict where the witness wants to find well be a continuation of the initial
UFO research (NSW), 56 cases (list­ out more about what he is observing fear reaction.
ed in the Appendix) were judged to but is afraid of the possible In summary, fear and curiosity
have been suffitiently well-investi­ consequences. are common psychological reactions
gated to be included in this study. An interesting and potentially to UFO events, whereas the re­
Many of the cases featured common serious reaction is one of 'losing maining range of reactions could
psychological reactions and these control." Vallee (1976), in looking at reflect individual differences. In a
are summarized in Table 1, the social impact' of UFO phen­ number of cases, . physiological
(The table, in summary, indicates omena, has suggested that the lack of reactions also accompanied or follow­
that reactions were specified in 46 serious attention paid to UFOs by the ed the UFO experience, (see Table 2).
cases—sometimes more than one scientific and governmental estab­ Could these physiological re­
reaction. Fear was expressed in 32 lishments has resulted in a loss of actions be psychologically induced?
cases (69.6%); curiosity in 7 cases faith by the general public in a For example, hair "standing on end"
(15.2%); amazement and amnesia each scientific/rationai interpretation of is a classic example of a physiological
were reported in 4 cases (8.7% each); UFOs. Furthermore, since scientists accompaniment to a feeling of fear. It
puzzlement and follow-on dreams or and governments have failed to is quite possible that many of the
nightmares in 3 cases each (6.5% come to grips with the UFO problem, physiological effects described in the
each). The remainder of reported the general population is open to a UFO literature are psychosomatic in
reactions were cited in only one or feeling of powerlessness in relation origin, rather than a direct physical
two cases each, including disbelief, to UFOs, Vallee gloomily predicts a effect by the UFO.
excitement, calmness, mesmerizatibn, forthcoming "age of irrationality." Is someone who reacts with fear
lack of control (including feelings of What happens when we look at (or other dramatic reaction) during
being "possessed" or "compelled"), the pychological reaction in terms of a sighting more likely to have seen
torment, disorientation, depression, "positive" (i.e. pleasant) versus an "authentic" UFO? In other words,
annoyance, guilt, and impending doom.) "negative" (unpleasant) feelings? are psychological reactions to un­
Curiosity, amazement, excitement identified flying objects different
As shown by this sample of and calmness were classified as "pos­ from psychological reactions to
cases, "fear" is the most common itive" feelings; the remainder as identified flying objects? According
reaction to a close encounter UFO "negative" feelings. We find that to Hendry (1979, p.104), there are
experience. "Curiosity" is the next "negative" feelings predominate. similar psychological reactions to
However, this result is mainly deter­ UFOs and IFOs. After a study of over
(Critique, Continued) mined by the very large proportion 1,000 cases, he concluded that: "The
of cases where "fear" is experienced. fear elicited by the UFO and IFO
received a fair number of "crashed saucer" (Note that this simple classification sightings is not in direct response to
stories or leads, perhaps 10-15. Almost of "positive" and "negative" feelings what is being experienced, but
all were second- or third-hand, and efforts is not absolute. How a feeling is rather to what is being anticipated in
to reach first-hand witnesses were un­ interpreted may depend very much advance." People have been socially
successful Since then, some of these on both the individual and conditioned to believe in, and fear,
stories have been traced to the source. T7ie the situation.) "extraterrestrial spaceships".
stories, therefore, cannot be attributed to So far we have dealt with psycho­ An examination of "identified"
news media publicity or a single "target logical reactions during a UFO reports in NSW supports the view
individual ” Nor did the stories come in sighting. What about reactions that people can react similarly to
all at once. Many years later} met one of subsequent to a sighting? On the UFOs and IFOs. One dramatic ex­
the claimants face to face—a military whole, any reactions subsequent to ample of a witness reaction to an
officer and educator. He was very un­ the sighting were mainly a continu­ apparent IFO is case NA78-064. A
likely to be a hoaxter.) ation of reactions during the sighting. school teacher was driving home
(Reactions, Continued)
Table 2 — Physiological Reactions to UFO Events
% of all cases with
Reaction Number of cases specified reactions
when he saw a very bright silver-
white, cigar-shaped object station­ Trouble sleeping 4 36.3
ary in the sky. It was seen for about Sensitive or sore eyes 3 27.3
30 seconds and no sound was de­ Headache 1 9.1
tected. The sighting stimulus was Hair "standing on end" 1 9.1
probably a distant balloon or air­ Fainting spells 1 9.1
craft. Yet the witness stated that he Tingling sensation
experienced definite "feelings" had in .arms and legs 1 9.1
been "transmitted" from the object:
"It wasn't aggressive, and it wasn't
afraid—it was just sitting there as if it
were a part of the sky, a part of the The "escalation of hypotheses" The value of such a sighting is also
scheme of things,a part of nature... It occured in a number of NSW cases. questionable in terms of details the
seemed to know how to be a part of For example, in case NA78-072, two witness alleges to have observed." If
the Universe, and wasn't concerned people observed a bright, white light the witness requires only a few cues
what we think of it. It was...seem- approach them from over a hill to conclude that he is observing a
ingly only a very short incident, but opposite them. The reporting wit­ UFO, this may mean that he will not
has had a fairly great impact on my ness stated: "It appeared to be the critically scrutinize the object he is
understanding of man's existence headlight of an aircraft but it was observing and that he will report
on earth and his relationship with moving very, very slowly towards details conforming to his own stere­
God." To this man, the alleged us. I didn't take any notice of it otype of what a UFO should look
"UFO" experience was a religious thinking it was an aircraft." The light like.
experience. In other cases, people descended in front of the hill, illum­ While the "escalation of hypo­
have become quite alarmed and up­ inating the treetops below it. "At this theses" mechanism may add to the
set while watching the apparent stage we thought it might have been credibility of a UFO report, it should
motions of the Planet Venus dis­ a helicopter but there was absolute once again be noted that belief may
torted by the atmosphere. silence." Finally the light stopped be more important than the actual
All of this indicates that we level with the witnesses and at a physical stimulus. Thus there may
should be cautious in accepting a distance 150-200 yards away. One of be an escalation of hypotheses oc-
witness's dramatic emotional re­ the observers picked up a rifle and curing with IFO observers, starting
action as an indicator of a "genuine" fired at the light which promptly with a mundane interpretation and
UFO event. The same reaction may went out. "We discussed the event escalating to the erroneous con­
occur in an IFO sighting. In the case that night and couldn't sleep well for clusion of "UFO." .
of psychological reactions, the way we had no idea what it could have There may well be other psycho­
the individual perceives an event may been and were afraid it might have logical reactions to UFO events
be more important than the actual been a fellow with a torch." The which have not been covered by the
physical event. witnesses returned to the location sample of cases in this study. For
On the other hand, Hynek the next morning to search for instance, I eliminated two cases
(1974) has drawn a relationship vehicle tracks or footprints, but which appear to be explicable as due
between a psychological reaction to found nothing. "To this day I have to psychological disturbance. How­
a UFO sighting and the sighting no idea what it could have been." ever, a "psychotic reaction," in pre­
reliability. He refers to the common^ Thus in this case, there was an esca­ disposed individuals, could be a
ly occurring "escalation of hypoth­ lation of hypotheses from aircraft to valid psychological reaction to a
eses" where the UFO witness at­ helicopter to man with torch to UFO. UFO event. The critical issue here is
tempts to explain the phenomenon Westrum (1979, p. 94) has point­ whether the psychological disturb­
he is observing by a series of increas­ ed out that "the mere existence of ance initiated a spurious UFO sight­
ingly more complex and exotic ex­ such an escalation does not prove ing report, or whether an authentic,
planations. Thus the witness may that an anomaly is involved. In the though traumatic, UFO experience
see a light in the sky and interpret it first place, anomaly accounts are triggered a psychotic reaction. (See
firstly as a star, then an aircraft and frequent enough so that this pattern Moravec, 1980, for a further dis­
finally a UFO- In Hynek's view, this is well known to many people in cussion on this point.) As another
reaction adds credibility to the per­ society who would wish to fake example, alleged "abduction" cases
son reporting the UFO and shows anomaly encounters." However, could be interpreted as involving a
that he is not automatically jumping "one may well question the motives psychological reaction in the form of
to exotic interpretations until he is of a person involved in an alleged a hallucinatory experience;’ such a
forced to by the strangeness of his anomaly encounter where no esca­
(Continued on next page)
UFO experience. lation of hypotheses has taken place.
(Reactions, Continued) study of al! types of UFO cases.
In conclusion, this study shows EARLY 1981 UFO
reaction occurring under certain, yet- (1) The most common psychological SIGHTINGS
to-be specified conditions. reaction to close encounter UFO
An additional finding of this events is fear. The next most
(Note: Several MUFON members
study is that it is not easy to study common reaction is curiosity,
have reported an apparent increase in
psychological reactions to UFO (2) As well as these common re­
UFO sightings. This chronology in--
events. The factors listed below may actions, there is a wide range of
dicates some of the reports that are
all act as sources of bias: other reactions, possibly dependent
presently under investigation.)
• A proportion of missing or unin­ on each individual's personality or
January 6; Payson, Ariz, Four
vestigated cases where psycho­ situation.
round, silver objects flying in a
logical reactions are unknown. (3) The most common physiological
diamond formation at 10:55 a.m„
• Insufficiently investigated cases reactions are trouble sleeping and
reported by a sheriffs deputy and
where no psychological reactions sensitive or sore eyes. Some or all of
others. As they turned, the
are specified. these physiological reactions may be
"aluminum-colored" objects re­
• The sometimes dubious evalua­ psychosomatic, i.e., psychologically
acted sunlight. (Payson Roundup &
tion of cases as "unknown" versus induced.
Rim Country News, Jan.7-8.)
"identified." In this study, I (4) Witnesses may react similarly to
January 14; Nr Wadesboro, N.C.
evaluated ail cases in the files and both UFOs and IFOs. This implies
Sixteen round objects with red and
omitted a substanial number of the caution that not too much weight
white body lights maneuvered
identified reports originally is placed on the witness's emotional
overhead at 7:30 p.m. as TV sets
classified as "unknowns." reaction to his sighting as a measure
experienced repeated E-M effects.
• The sometimes sloppy labelling of his credibility.
Sound heard, but unlike piston or jet
of a UFO report as a "close en­ (5) There are difficulties in attempt­
aircraft. (Tarheel UFO Study
counter," being more a reflection ing to study psychological reactions
of the wishes of the witness and to UFO events, particularly the
January 26; Newton, N.C.
investigator than a precise mea­ problems of insufficient investiga­
Rectangular object with flashing
sure o f distance. In this study tion and evaluation of past cases.
white lights on edge maneuvered
1 omitted those "close encount­ Finally, the fact that many
silently overhead at 10:35 p.m., at an
ers" which appeared to be people fear something which offic­
estimated altitude of 300 feet.
nothing more than distant lights ially doesn't exist, makes a powerful
Reported by amateur Astronomer
or objects. reason for the urgent and serious
and law enforcement officers.
• In some case writeups, it is study of UFO phenomena.
(Tarheel UFO Study Group)
unclear whether the recorded February 3; Reepsville, N. C.
"psychological" reaction is in the REFERENCES
Hendry, A. The UFO Handbook NY: Double­
Yellowish-orange object crossed the
witness's own words or is merely sky and "dropped behind hill" 700
an investigator's possibly erron­ feet from farmhouse at 7:45 p.m., its
Hynek, J.A. The UFO Experience London:
eous or exaggerated inter­ Corgi, (1972). 1974. light silhouetting trees for 10
pretation. Moravec, M. Mental communications and minutes. TV displayed moving
• It is often unclear as to whether psychological disturbances, journal
horizontal lines. Geese and ducks
or not physiological reactions of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies,
vol.l, no,3,June 1980,andvol.l,no.4, squawked and fled the pond; horses
have been psychologically in­
1980 and cows moved to opposite end of
duced (by fear or anxiety). Vallee, J. The Invisible College NY: pasture; dog barked and whined
• Report form questions asking E.P. Dutton, 1976. steadily. Two independent witnesses
about "psychological effects" tend Westmm, R.M. Witnesses of UFOs and other
saw object moving toward the farm.
to be always answered, but with­ anomalies. In Haines, R.F. UFO
Phenomena and the Behavioral Scientist (Tarheel UFO Study Group)
out speccfying how important the
Metuchen, N): Scarecrow Press, 1979.
psychological reaction was in that February 9; San Jose, Calif.
Note: The appendix of Case Reference num­
particular case. bers to UFOR (NSW) files has been deleted. Bright, pulsating red light
• The most dramatic psy­ approached a plane practicing
chological reaction (such as fear) touch-and-go landings at 10:40 p.m.
may be more likely to be reported
than more subtle reactions.
MUFON Approached head-on, then instantly
appeared behind the plane. Pilot
• Since the study was restricted to called control tower and object did
103 O L D T O W N E RD. not show on radar, but control tower
"close encounters," certain kinds
S E G U IN , T X 78155 operators could see the light follow-
of psychological reactions (such
as fear) may be more predom­
inant than would be shown in a
"&zlip)A*u4, "
By Ann D ruffcl


(Note: Guest Columnist this month discussion of unidentified flying experience Close Encounters of at
is John DeHerrera.) objects (UFOs). This discussion was least three kinds — with logic, with
undoubtly a low point in the Cosmos math, and with science."
series. It was very brief and con­ In 1976, the American Humanist
By John DeHerrera cerned only the report from a New Association created the Committee
Fantastic is one way of describing Hampshire couple in 1961. Theyhad for Scientific Investigation of Claims
the weekly science series entitled seen a flying saucer (what appears to of the Paranormal (CSICOP). This
"Cosmos." Educational and enter­ be a spaceship or aircraft) and had committee is supposedly dedicated
taining would be more descriptive been badly shaken by this close to combating the rise in pseudo­
though. This television series is the sighting. Eventually they went to see science. The stated objective is "not
brainchild of Carl Sagan, professor of a psychiatrist and his use of hypnosis to reject on a priori grounds, ante­
astronomy at Cornell University, brought out the story that the couple cedent to inquiry, any or all (para­
author, astrophysicist, exobiologist, had been captured and taken aboard normal) claims, but ratherto examine
and promoter of science. Sagan has ■ the flying saucer.1 them openly, completely, objectively
even become a celebrity, appearing Research done by my colleagues and carefully." Carl Sagan and other
on Johnny Carson's Tonight Show. and I show that a person under scientists have been enlisted by
He has attracted many admirers who hypnosis can be very creative.2'3 CSICOP as have some science fiction
look to him for leadership and Very likely the original UFO sighting writers, science writers, a magician,
inspiration. w as, correctly reported though. and others.
Each week viewers are treated to There have been thousands of these Utilizing the talents of their fellow
a spectacular visual presentation of reports. Some are close and involve writers, the committee has published
the stars, planets, and other heavenly multiple witnesses. Sagan's coverage many articles in their efforts to
wonders. And there are the stories of of the New Hampshire case was not combat pseudo-science. The CSICOP
some famous pioneers of science, only very brief, but inaccurate as well. editor published an article in
enacted to show how really clever He is known to have a strong dislike Smithsonian magazine and later in
they were. A journey through a giant of this subject and his coverage Readers Digest entitled "UFOs,
model of the human brain explains demonstrated this. He compares the Horoscopes, Bigfoot, Psychics, and
the functions of the neurons and fuss about UFOs with religious Other Nonsense." Other published
compares the brain to our modern beliefs, superstitious beliefs, and the statements by CSICOP members
computers. belief in Santa Claus. After the UFO expound the same nonsense theme:
Most astonishing was The Search discussion, Sagan covered — in
for Intelligent Extraterrestrial Life great detail and in glowing terms — "We feel that it is the duty of the
program on Cosmos. Carl Sagan the deciphering of Egyptian hiero­ scientific community to show
calculates how many worlds in our glyphics. that these beliefs (UFOs, bio­
galaxy may be inhabited — and Cosmic Search is a magazine pub­ rhythms, astrology, etc.) are
with a radio telescope tunes in on a lished by a private organization utterly screwball."
distant star. "What might these dedicated to the promotion and
broadcasts from space teach us," he support of SETI endeavors. Their "I predict that the 1980s will see
asks. Sagan is involved with NASA's first volume in January, 1979, had the us relieved of the burdens of
Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence following to say about UFOs and astrology, flying saucers, Jeane
(SETI) project. Convinced that there other "pseudo-scientific" interest: Dixon, the Bermuda Triangle
is other intelligent life in outer space, "Why this public fascination with the and other idiocies."
they would like billions of dollars in exotic and the pseudo-scientific,
public funding to carry out this search. especially when the world of circum­
Included in the search for extra­ stance is infinitely more subtile and
(Continued on next page)
terrestrial intelligence program was a surprising? Our students need to
(Calif. Report, Continued) Mixing UFO reports with astrology
and Jeane Dixon then dismissing Letters
everything listed as nonsense is "guilt
There have been other publica­ by association." Each subject should Bailey Case
tions — all negative in their treat­ be judged on it's own merits. If one is
ment of unusual phenomena. They nonsense this has no bearing on the
Richard Hall's commentary on
make it very clear to everyone that other. In logic, two circles within a
the Rev. Bailey article (No. 155, Jan­
there is no reason to be concerned circle represent two related items.
uary 1981) is a welcome editorial
with these phenomena. It is all But apples are always apples and
practice, for such critiques should
pseudo-scientific nonsense and not oranges are always oranges even if
accompany case investigation reports
worthy of any scientific attention. they are both fruit. The UFO pheno­
whenever possible. However, as
Close examination of Carl Sagan's menon is related to other phenomena
persons who were involved in varying
published statements and those of in that they are all unexplained. But
degrees in Bailey's hypnotic regres­
the other committee members reveals while gravity and other forces are
sion, it would have been more fair
that they repeatedly fail to deal with unexplained also, this does not make
had we been allowed to critique the
facts or specific reports. Rather, they them nonsense.
commentary. Hall's discussion mis­
prefer to employ propaganda tactics On the matter of UFOs, a steady
leadingly implies that hypnotist Dr.
to win their arguments. stream of reports, sometimes by
W.C. McCall's methodology was
Propaganda is an expression of police or military and civilian pilots,
biased, either from incompetence or
opinion in a way designed to influence continue. In spite of the "official" Air
by design. The record should be set
other groups or individuals. The Force debunking (this debunking
tactics are shrewd but effective. was a CIA idea)4 the Project Blue
Hall writes," , . . thetechniquesof
Hoping to capitalize on sympathy or Book investigators, Captain Ruppelt,
hypnotic regression used do not in­
a lack of information, the propagandist Dr. Hynek, and others found many
spire confidence that an objectively
utilizes psychological and emotional reports very real and convincing.
real experience is being described.
appeal. In Shakespeare's Julius Obviously many people are
At the precise point where Bailey,
Caesar, Mark Antony sways the growing tired of the sensational tabloid
under hypnosis, is not recalling an
unsophisticated crowd by repeating articles and television documentaries abduction, the hypnotist — up to
the word honorable and honorable men. on paranormal phenomena. Any abduction, the hypnotist—up to then
He does not prove that Brutus was writer or producer with funding can asking neutral questions—abruptly
dishonorable, in fact Brutus had gather the most incredible stories and suggests to the witness that he de­
earlier proven otherwise. Soon the present this as factual information. scribe an imaginary abduction— "
mob is emotionally charged, ready to This irresponsible coverage has done This passage is followed by a discus­
bum and slay in their indignation. a great deal to tarnish the subject of sion of inconsistencies in Bailey's
Wouldn't it be much better to deal UFOs. narrative and quotes McCall asking
in facts rather than use propaganda Finally, we must say that Sagan's Bailey to "imagine that you were
tactics? Dr. Hynek, who is a friend of discussion of UFOs was snobbish taken aboard."
Carl Sagan, has expressed concern and insulting to researchers and wit­ All of the above implies that in
that he does not take the time to nesses alike. If he and his SETI Bailey's case the imaginary protocol
examine at least some of the better colleagues and all their funding was instituted capriciously
UFO reports. How then is Sagan stopped, their progress would also or—worse—in an attempt to lead the
qualified to speak knowledgably on halt. Maybe this is what should be witness into describing a non-existent
the subject of unidentified flying done: Take some of NASA's funding abduction which the investigators
objects? and use it for UFO research. It's high wished to present as real. This impli­
There are several techniques of time we solve — once and for all — cation is simply not true.
illogical persuasion (fallacies) utilized what the nature of UFOs really is. In the use of hypnosis in medicine,
by CSICOP members. Arousing the
an accepted technique of getting an
passions of people by repeating the REFERENCES
individual to uncover repressed or
words "pseudo-scientific'' and "non­ 1. Fuller, John G., The Interrupted journey. Dial hidden experiences is to have him
sense" is called argumentum ad populum. Press, New York, 1965. imagine he is seeing a movie, a
An appeal to authority such as the 2. Greenberg, Joel, CLOSE ENCOUNTERS-AU
television show, a stage play, etc.
"scientists" or "authorities" is called in the mind? Science News Magazine, February
17, 1979. Thus the scenario is set with what
argumentum ad verecundiam. Attacking
3. DeHerrera, John A., "Does Hypnosis Create frets are known to the hypnotist and
the truth of another's statements by Contactees?" Second Look magazine. then the patient is encouraged to
calling him a "kook" or "hoaxter" is May/June, 1980. amplify and describe the so-called
called argumentum ad hominenu Name 4. Durant, F.C., Report o f Meetings o f Scientific
"action on the stage."
calling is a device to make us form a Advisory Panel on Unidentified Flying Objects,
Office of Scientific Intelligence, CIA, January In Rev. Bailey's case a great deal
judgment without examining the
14-18, 1953.
evidence. (Continued on next page)

(A service for members, except
Serious ufologists often bemoan UFOs. Truzzi's editorial in that issue commercial enterprises)
the lack of true skeptics whose con­ says, "The object of science is to WANTED
structive criticisms would be benefi­ expand our knowledge and not Information, new or old, on un­
cial to all seekers of truth about merely to use our existing know­ identified or mysteriously behaving
UFOs. Instead, we have a surplus of ledge to discredit or 'explain away' airplanes for an on-going study of
debunkers whose arguments tend to new claims/' We, of course, need to "ghostfliers," particularly in the
be just as slanted and emotionally discredit such claims if they don't 1930's. The project includes pre­
loaded as the most zealous of UFO stand up under investigation, but on viously unpublished in-depth in­
promoters. Although no individual the other hand simplistic "answers" vestigations and documents from
presently stands out as a scientific often succeed only in raising many Swedish government bodies in the
skeptic, a very worthwhile publica­ more questions. "Valid anomalies mid-30's released by the Swedish
tion partly fills that need though its are forces for growth and progress; Secretary of War. Address: Anders
subject matter includes all "claims of we should welcome, not fear them," Liljegren, Archives for UFO Research,
anomalies and the paranormal." That Truzzi concludes. P.O. Box 11027, S-600 11,
publication is the Zetetic Scholar. ZS is expensive ($12 U.S. and Norrkoping, Sweden.
ZS, in addition to feature articles $18 foreign for one year) and in­
and reviews, has on-going dialogues frequent (biannual, approx, in July
on controversial topics such as UFOs, and December), but it is also sub­ EXCHANGE
ESP, Bigfoot, and the occult. Editor stantial and lengthy (No. 7, 166 Seeking correspondence and
Marcello Truzzi is determined that pages; No. 6, 186 pages). Scholarly exchange of UFO clippings with
ZS will maintain an "agnostic" — as and in-depth treatment of anomalies other MUFON members, Michael
opposed to a debunking — tone. is a rare commodity well worth your Mannino, 408 So. Elmer St.,
Believers, debunkers, and those in support. ZS needs more subscrip­ Westfield, NJ., 07090.
between all have their say in "the tions in order to survive. We highly
spirit of responsible dialogue be­ recommend it. - - Richard Hall
tween proponents and critics." Among MUFON
the frequent contributors are many
Zetetic Scholar, Dept, of Sociology,
well-known proponents and critics 103 OLDTOWNE RD.
Eastern Michigan University,
of UFOs. SEGUIN, T X 7 8 1 5 5
Ypsilanti, MI 48197 (U.S.A.)
Issue No. 7, December 1980, fea­
tures almost 50 pages of dialogue on

our methodology and/or compe­ case, but he would have been both
(Letters, Continued)
tency in hypnotic regression may wiser and more fair had he conferred
have been encouraged by some neg­ with the others present during
of very unproductive time was spent ative comments about us which were Bailey's regression. Hall states that
with him. Then, because of sug­ appended to Druffel's original type­ ufologists continue to underestimate
gestions that a post-hynotic "block" script of the Bailey session, which the role of human psychology. We
could have been applied to him as a Hall quotes from. If so, we would re­ concur, but it is important to con­
UFO "abductee," a technique to cir­ mind him that attitudes about "ab- sider the psychology of the pro­
cumvent this supposed block was ductees" and the reliabilty of hypno­ ponent-investigator as well as that of
attempted, even though we have tic recall data are not always deter­ the "abductee."
never observed a true block in any of mined rationally. We have had a W.C. McCall, M.D.
the alleged CE-I1I witnesses we have good deal of irrational response from ALvin H. Lawson, PhD
regressed. As Mrs. Druffel conceded ufologists because of our imaginary Garden Grove, Calif.
at the time, Bailey was instructed to abduction experiments (MUFON
use his imagination in an effort to get (Editor's Reply: No implication was in­
Journal, Nov,, Dec., 1977)—ranging
a flow of information from him. But tended that the investigators tried to lead
from feigned indifference to distor­ the witness into an imaginary abduction
neither Hall nor Druffel indicate that tion and outrage. The"wi)ltobelieve"
at the end of the session Mrs. Druffel which they wished to present as real
dies hard; believers are unlikely to be Only that their technique was bound to
was told that McCall did-j^V believe ^persuaded by argL^nent or scientific
Rev. Bailey "Had had any of these result in imaginary information. If you
demonstration, and their rhetorical are working with a clamant who migh t
experiences, and that the inform­ death-throes are seldom models of
ation we obtained from him was have had a "real" abduction experience,
deemed unreliable. such an approach is bound to confuse
We agree with much of Hall's the issue.)
The mistaken conclusions about skeptical assessment of the Bailey
{Director's Message, Con't.) arranged lights was observed. It UFO abductions over the past 5
made only a "wooshing sound" as it years. Ted Bloecher, Co-Chairman of
world, an enviable position. Thomas passed over this community south­ MUFON's Humanoid Study Group,
R. Adams, P.O. Box 1094, Paris, TX east of San Antonio and near Seguin. has assisted Hopkins in this exciting
75460, one of MUFON's original Richard C. Niemtzow, M.D., research. Mr. Hopkins has shared a
State Section Directors, has joined presently a Consultant in Radiation, few of these, experiences in articles
the MUFON Staff as the Staff has also accepted the post of State previously published in the MUFON
Specialist in Animal Mutilations. Mr. Section Director for Solano County. UFO Journal. This hardback book
Adams is the nations leading author­ Dr. Niemtzow and his family reside at will sell for $12.95, Both Dr.
ity in this specialized category of 166 Cannon Drive, Travis AFB, Aphrodite Clamar and Budd Hopkins
determining the relationship between California 94535, telephone (707) will be featured speakers at
UFOs, animal mutilations, "mystery 437-6279. USAF Captain Niemtzow MUFON's 1981 UFO Symposium at
helicopters," phantom aircraft, and is assigned to the medical staff at M. I.T. on July 25th where they will
occupant research. Frederick E. Travis AFB. Other new State Section share their work with those attend­
Alzofon, Ph.D„ P.O. Box 5557, Kent, Directors are Harold "Hal" A. Leary, ing. They are also preparing their
WA 98031 has volunteered his Box 1444, Montrose, CO 81402 for published paper for the 1981
expertise as a Consultant in Propulsion. Montrose and Ouray counties in MUFON UFO Symposium Pro­
As a scientist, he is still very involved Colorado. Hal's vast experience in ceedings.
in the aerospace industry and plans many related fields to UFO investi­ Bemie Parsons, MUFON State
to submit a paper on propulsion for gations will be an asset. Edwin Section Director for Greenup and
publication in the 1981 MUFON Myers, a filmmaker, residing at 2030 Lewis counties in Kentucky, George
UFO Symposiujn Proceedings. S. Howard Circle, Atlanta, GA 30308, Parsons, Jr., State Section Director for
Christopher Early, Suite 220, 6400 telephone (404) 378-7016has accept­ Boyd, Lawrence, and Carter counties,
Powers Ferry Road, Atlanta, GA ed the responsibility for Fulton, and their brother Dwight Parsons, all
30339, a new Research Specialist in Clayton, Cobb, and Douglas counties MUFON members, have recently
Propulsion, has patents pending on in Georgia. Larry Moyers, State announced the formation of "The
ionic and radiation devices involving Director for Ohio, has approved the UFO Task Force" to investigate UFO
the application of several techno­ appointment of Jeffrey D. Luke, 646 sighting reports in the Tri-State area
logies. The connection between College Ave., Wooster, OH 44691, of Kentucky, West Virginia, and
UFOs and religion is the prime telephone (216) 264-5495 as the Ohio. Bemie Parsons may be con­
interest for Research Specialist Evan State Section Director for Wayne and tacted by telephone at (606) 932­
Randolph, Spy Rock HUl,ManChester, Holmes counties. Jeff has a B.A, in 4683; Dwight at (606) 325-2010; and
MA 01944. He is Director of Math and Psychology and was George at (606) 473-5269.
Marketing for Howard Johnson's and previously a member of Mensa UFO
a former U.S. Navy gunnery officer, Sig, in which Charles A. Huffer was
very active. The cover picture on the January
Michael Brein, Ph.D., 1015 Bishop 1981 edition of the Journal number
St., Mezzanine, Honolulu, HI 96813 Tom Adams has recently mailed 155, featured a photograph appear*-
has been appointed State Director for his magazine STIGMATA, Number ■ing on the QSL card created by
Hawaii, replacing Michael Broyles, 13 for the Second quarter of 1981, to LaVorgna (WA20QJ) of Hicksville,
Ph.D. who has moved to Dallas, subscribers. STIGMATA is the pub­ N. Y., depicting humanoids with the
Texas. His business telephone lication for "The Project Stigma caption "Welcome MUFON Net."
number is (808) 524-3345. Dr. Brein Report on the Continuing Investi­ A1 is an active member of MUFON's
will be announcing the selections of gation into the occurrence of Animal Amateur Radio Net. Another QSL
other key personnel in the Hawaiian Mutilations." An annual subscription card was recently received from
Islands in a future issue of the to Stigmata may be obtained from amateur radio member Kiyoyuki
Journal. Project Stigma, P.O. Box 1094, Paris, Fujita, 14 Nanashimacho, Kanagawaku,
G. Neal Hem, State Director for TX 75460, for $5.00. The single copy Yokohoma City, 221 Japan. He has
Texas, has approved the selection of price for 1981 is $1.50. the MUFON logo prominently dis­
Janes R. Helmke, 1709 Hickory, P.O. Since he is an active MUFON played on the QSL card for his
Box 386, Floresville, TX 78114, as the member, we are delighted to an­ amateur radio station JR1JSV. Mr.
State Section Director for Wilson nounce a forthcoming UFO book Fujita is very anxious for MUFON to
County and James M. Hill 525 West from Putnam's called Missing Time, by establish an international amateur
Lott, Kingsville, TX 78363, State Budd Hopkins, billed as the first radio net in the 14 MHz, 21 MHz, or
Section Director for Kleberg and Jim scientific, documented study of UFO 28 MHz frequency bands where the
Wells Counties. Mr. Helmke inves­ abduction reports. He had the "skip" is conducive to worldwide
tigated the UFO sighting reports at professional help of psychologist communications. Anyone .in the
LaVemia, Texas, on February 22nd in Aphrodite Clamar, Ph.D. Mr.
which a large object with triangular Hopkins has uncovered 19 cases of (Continued on next page)
Lucius Farish

in Other s words
Boston University astronomy between skeptics and proponents
professor Michael Papagiannis is which took place at the Smithsonian
quoted in the March 3 issue of Institution in Washington, D.C. UFO NEWSCLIPPING
Part 2 of George Earley's "Crashed
that the asteroid belt between Mars Saucers and Pickled Aliens" in the
and Jupiter would seem the most April issue of FATE examines the will‘keep you informed of all the lat­
logical place to look for colonies of cases investigated by Leonard est United States and World-Wide
extraterrestrial beings. Papagiannis Stringfield, concluding that such UFO activity, as it happens! Our ser­
points out that the asteroids provide a reports are hearsay evidence, having vice was started in 1969, at which
ready source of minerals and there no proof to support them. I imagine time we contracted with a reputable
would be sufficient solar energy for the letters columns of future FATE in te r n a tio n a l newspaper-clipping
the needs of any aliens who might issues will contain rebuttals to bureau to obtain for us, those hard to
wish to colonize the area. An inter­ Earley's skeptical stance. find UFO reports (i.e., little known
esting theory which might indicate photographic cases, close encounter
The April issue of UFO REPORT
and landing reports, occupant cases)
that UFOs have an origin within the has the usual mixed bag of articles.
and all other UFO reports, many of
solar system. The March 24 Contributors include Theodore which are carried only in small town
ENQUIRER reports on Wyoming Spickler, Thomas B. Burch, Kal K. or foreign newpapers.
contactee Pat McGuire's hypnotic Korff, Jerome Clark, and others. “Our UFO Newsclipping Service is­
regressions and subsequent claims. Another good dose of rehash in sues are 20-page monthly reports, re­
The February sighting of a "red the #11 issue of UFO UPDATE, produced by photo-offset, containing
light" UFO over San Jose, California, although this one has a couple of the latest United States and Canadian
is detailed in the March 17 issue of redeeming features; a good article by UFO newsclippings, with our foreign
THE STAR. Two pilots as well as air Peter Jordan on contactee Howard section carrying the latest British,
traffic controllers, observed the Australian, New Zealand and other
Menger, and a nostalgic look at "the
mysterious light. (Paul Cerny and foreign press reports. Also included is
beginning" in 1947, by Ralph E.
Richard Haines are investigating re­ a 3-5 page section o f “Forlean" clip­
Vaughan. UFO UPDATE occasionally
pings (i.e. Bigfoot and other “mon­
peated sightings at San Jose Air­ publishes fiction (not always identi­ ster” reports). Let us keep you in­
port.—Ed.) fied as such!) in the letter columns, as formed o f the latest happenings in
The March issue of OMNI has a well as the articles, so this should be the UFO and Fortean fields.”
"UFO Update" column by E. Lee kept in mind when reading the For subscription information and
Speigel and Karen Ehrlich, reporting magazine. sample pages from our service, write
on the September, 1980, UFO debate today to:


one direction, and above them two
(1981 Sightings, Continued) Route 1 - Box 220
red lights revolving in the opposite Plumerville, Arkansas 72127
direction. After several minutes, a
ing the plane," making very tight lighted object (apparently the same
turns," then taking off at "an ex­ phenomenon) rapidly approached
tremely high rate of speed." Paul (Director, from page 18)
the house and now appearing as a
Cemy, who is investigating along grey oval, hovered about 10 feet
with Richard Haines, said similar above the roof. The girls hid under U.S.A. or Canada interested in
sightings were continuing at the the trampoline and watched as the serving or assisting as the net control
airport. (San Jose Mercury, Feb.l 1.) object slowly moved over the house station in organizing such a net is
February 20: Fayetteville, Ark. and around the yard, once hovering invited to contact your MUFON /
Two schoolgirls playing on a tramp­ oyer some tall trees. The trees International Director (W5VRN) in
oline shortly before midnight saw swayed back and forth. Finally it Seguin, Texas. Japan has the largest
odd lights hovering above a church took off rapidly and disappeared. number of amateur radio operators
about one -quarter mile distant; two No sound. (Mildred Higgins, Fay­ in the world, with many of them very
very bright white lights revolving in etteville, Ark.) conversant in English.
DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE W a lt A n d ru s

The February and March issues ceived on their national UFO held on Saturday and Sunday, June
of the MUFON UFO Journal con­ reporting center telephone "hot­ 21 and 22,1981, in Winston-Salem,
tained an announcement for the line." The Betty Cash/Vicky N.C. To date, Allan Hendry, former
1981 MUFON UFO Symposium to Landrum medical case that occurred CUFOS Chief Investigator and
be held July 24, 25, and 26, at the on December 29,1980, near Dayton, author of The UFO Handbook, Dick
Massachusetts Insitute of Techno­ Texas is the first case referred to Hall, Editor of the MUFON UFO
logy (M.I.T.), composed to provide MUFON and is presently under Journal, and Tom Deuley, former
the pertinent details on speakers, thorough investigation by John F. State Section Director in North.
workshops, films, ticket prices, ' Schuessler, MUFON Deputy Carolina, have agreed to speak.
advanced registration, transport­ Director, and his colleagues in Henry Morton, MUFON State
ation to M.I.T., housing, reserva­ VISIT. The serious medical implica­ Director for North Carolina, will
tions, and a registration form. Please tions make this a very significant serve as host, and master of cere­
make checks payable to M.I.T. and case in current UFO history. monies for this regional meeting of
send to the Office of Special Events, Preliminary investigation reports field investigators, researchers, and
Room 4-237, M.I.T., Cambridge, were submitted to Bob Gribble and interested people. Additional infor­
MA 02139, to arrive no later than shared with APRO. Only the best mation may be obtained by writing
July 6, 1981. For additional sym­ reports received by Phenomena to Mrs. Gayle McBride, P.O. Box 46,
posium information, please write to Research will be referred to Winston-Salem, N.C. 27102. Our
Joan Thompson, 60 Garden S t, MUFON for investigation, thus people in North Carolina are' to be
Cambridge, MA 02138 or call Joe or eliminating the typical 'lights in the congratulated for hosting this
Diana Santangelo at (617) 944-2456. sky." annual south-eastern UFO gathering.
tven thougn there are other UFO MUFON has also been working
The much heralded UFO debate
conferences being scheduled during with R. Leo Sprinkle, Ph.D., in the
between UFO proponent Stanton T.
1981, MUFON is the only organ­ development of a list of investi­
Friedman and archskeptic Philip J.
ization to conduct annual inter­ gators who either utilize time re­
Klass, moderated by Dr. Michael
national symposiums for 12 consec­ gression procedures or work with
Hart, astronomer, that was held at
utive years. Plan now to arrange practioners of hypnosis, in order to
Trinity University in San Antonio,
your vacation so as to attend this assist UFO witnesses to recall more
Texas, on February 22, 1981, will be
prestigious and enjoyable affair. about the UFO encounters. By
covered in an article with photo­
In my Director's Message for the having a team of members geo­
graphs for the Journal by Dennis
March edition of the Journal, 1 is­ graphically located from coast to
Stacy, MUFON staff writer and
sued a public invitation to the Board coast in the United States, it will
Director of Publications. Since the
of Directors of APRO to seriously re­ simplify and expedite prompt inter­
audience was not asked for a decision
consider their isolationist attitude views with the minimum amount of
on the effectiveness of this debate pro
and establish a cooperative rapport travel and expense. Currently this
or con, the only visual indicator was
with MUFON and CUFOS. An list is composed of 29 people, many
the number of people gathered
APRO general membership meet­ of them MUFON members. Hyp­
around the two protagonists. Con­
ing scheduled for April 4, 1981, notic regression is another tool at
cluding the question and answer
could be a step in the right direction, the UFO investigators disposal to
period that followed the formal
since the Board of Directors must be disclose information which has been
obliterated from the witness' con- debate, three times as many people
legally expanded, which will bring
had assembled around Stan Friedman
aboard new faces and talent. cious mind. We commend Leo for
Speaking of cooperation in as compared to Phil Mass. We thank
being a leader in this field of
the field of UFOlogy, I am pleased the members of MUFON of San
investigation and pledge our support
to announce that Robert J. Antonio for manning the literature
Mrs. Gayle McBride, Assistant
Gribble, Director of Phenomena tables and answering questions from
State Director for North Carolina,
Research, P.O. Box 1807, Seattle, the public.
has announced the dates and tenta­
WA 98111, has accepted MUFON's MUFON continues to grow in
tive program for the North Carolina-
invitation to utilize our vast field stature as we assume the role of the
MUFON Fifth Annual UFO
investigators network to investi­ most active UFO organization in the
Conference sponsored by the
gate UFO sighting reports re­ Tarheel UFO Study Group. It will be (Continued on page 18)

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