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Criteria Description Points

Basic Unfocused tone, erratic rhythm, unstable pitch, inconsistent phrasing,

1 dynamics and shows minimal awareness of style and context; movement
irrelevant to the lyrics and/or elements of music present in the song.
There is no focal point to the tableaux. Backs may be facing the audience.
Developing Focused tone but inconsistent in extreme ranges, some repeated errors in
2 rhythm and pitch, consistent phrasing, discernible dynamics, some nuances
in style as suggested by the score/teacher.; some movements inconsistent
with the lyrics and/or elements of music present in the song.
There is more than 1 focal point. Performances are usually open to the
Approaching Focused and clear tone in normal ranges, accurate rhythm and secure pitch
Proficiency with isolated errors, accurate and consistent phrasing, accurate dynamics,
3 with some nuances in style as suggested by the score/teacher; some
movements inconsistent with the lyrics and/or elements of music present in
the song.
There is 1 focal point for the audience. Staging choices match content with
some degree of creativity. Performances are open to the audience.
Proficient Focused, clear tone all throughout, accurate rhythm and secure pitch,
4 consistent and sensitive phrasing and obvious dynamics, with creative
nuances in response to the style and music score; movements relevant to
the lyrics and/or elements of music present in the song. There is 1 clear
focal point. Staging choices match content with a high degree of creativity.
Performances are always open to the audience.

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