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Prakash Nedungadi, University of Florida
J. Wesley Hutchinson, University of Florida

Abstract Internal Structure

Although most theoretical accounts of market In classical concept formation experiments, categories
definition, competition and brand choice entail the were thought of as composed of undifferentiated,
assumption that consumers categorize products and functionally equivalent instances. Any stimulus which
brands, explicit accounts of product categorization fit the definition of the concept (i.e., possessed the
have been lacking in the consumer research necessary and sufficient criteria for membership) was
literature. Categorization processes are considered as good an example of the category as any
particularly relevant for constructs such as brand other. However, it has been subsequently established
awareness and the evoked set. Much recent in a number of naturally occurring^domaips^that all
psychological research on categorization has members are not equally representcitive of the
investigated the representativeness, or categories to which they belong, and necessary and
"prototypicality," of category members. This paper sufficient conditions for category membership seldom
presents results from an exploratory study that exist. More specifically, it has been established
investigated various aspects of prototypicality for that:
brands in several product classes. The study also
examined the relationships between prototypicality (1) Some instances are better examples of a
and other marketing related variables such as brand category than others (e.g., Rosch, 1973,
name awareness, usage and liking. 1975; Rips, Shoben & Smith, 1973).
Introduction (2) Items exist whose category membership is
uncertain (e.g., Labov, 1973; McCloskey S
Awareness of a product or the ability to bring it to Glucksberg, 1978).
mind has often been considered an important
determinant of choice. Practitioners and consumer (3) Non-members of a category vary in how
researchers alike have been interested in indicators similar they are to the category concept
of memorability, since brand recall may play an (e.g., Barsalou, 1983).
important role in determining whether a product is
considered for purchase at all. The notion of the These findings have been considered indicative of the
evoked set (Howard & Sheth, 1969; Campbell, 1969; fact that categories possess internal structure. To
Narayana & Markin, 1975) posits that a set of brands quote Rosch (1973), "Categories are composed of a
or products are retrieved by consumers and considered 'core meaning' which consists of the clearest cases
for purchase. Various standard measures, such as (best examples) of a category, surrounded by other
aided and unaided brand name recall and top-of-mind members of decreasing similarity to that core
awareness, rest on the assumption that the ability of meaning." Thus, objects in a category vary in their
the consumer to remember a brand or product will typicality leading to graded, internal structure
strongly affect the probability of its being within the category.
considered for purchase.
Determinants of Prototypicality
In an attempt to understand what drives product
awareness researchers have examined the relationship A number of explanations have been proposed for how
between awareness and a wide variety of marketing and people assign or arrive at the clearest cases within
consumer behavior variables (e.g., Axelrod, 1968; categories. In general, two distinct factors have
Haley and Case, 1979). Important among these are been identified. First, objects that are frequently
variables such as brand attitude, preference and encountered as instances of the category are perceived
usage, and advertising recall. Each of these have to be representative of the category. Second, objects
been found to be related to brand recall in that possess attributes that occur frequently within
systematic ways. the category are also perceived to be representative.
Thus, it is possible for an item to have high
Research in psychology and consumer behavior, within prototypicality even though it is rarely encountered
the information processing paradigm, has examined the if its attributes are typical of the category.
"strength of association" between concepts and has
demonstrated the importance of variables such as In research using artificial, statistically generated
frequency and recency (of exposure) in determining categories, such as random dot patterns, the
strength of association and thereby in affecting 'prototype' could be identified a priori as the
retrievability of a certain concept given relevant central, or average, member of the category. However
cues. Recent work on categories and categorization for most domains, prototypes do not precede the
processes has established the importance of category but appear to be formed through the
"prototypicality" as a determinant of the associative processing of relationships between items within the
strength between a category concept and members of categories. Rosch (1975) has argued that the majority
the category. Prototypicality (or simply of objects encountered in nature possess attributes
typicality), is a measure of how representative an that are highly correlated with one another. The
object is of a category. Operationally, the attributes "has feathers" and "lay eggs" are not
prototypicality (of an object) is measured by statistically independent properties; likewise, the
individuals' ratings of how "good an example" they "curb weight" and "luxuriousness" of cars tend to be
consider the object, of a category (Rosch, 1973). correlated. This correlational attribute structure
leads to natural clusters of objects which get named

in various ways so as to form categories. As a (b) the frequency with which the item had been
result, objects within the same category tend to have used as an instance of the concept in the
many attributes in common. Moreover, these past.
attributes occur infrequently in contrasting
categories. This high intra-category similarity is For example, "things not to eat on a diet" would have
referred to as family resemblance (Rosch & Mervis, high calories and edibility as goal-relevant
1975). dimensions. Chocolate and butter, although they may
not normally belong to the same product category, are
Cohen (1982) suggests that we should consider affect thought of as highly typical of this ad hoc category.
as residing in the category itself and that we may
well categorize our world to reflect our evaluations The determinants of typicality hypothesized by
of it. This would be especially true for product Barsalou may be quite related to usage, frequency of
categories, where evaluation clearly serves an exposure and liking, and further underscore the need
important purpose. If consumer categories are to be to conduct domain-specific research to establish the
functional, they may well group products into locus of typicality effects.
categories that incorporate affect (e.g., "affordable
cars" or "movies I would take the family to"). This Other interesting research has demonstrated how
suggests that the prototypical ity of a brand could be representativeness could have an effect on processing
affected by such marketing variables as the of information about categories.„.For,instance, in
importance and determinance of attributes, brand the area of inductive reasoning Rips (ig/S) shows how
evaluations, preferences and levels of usage. novel information about a category is often
generalized asymmetrically with respect to
Effects of Prototypicality typicality. New information about typical members is
more likely to be generalized to atypical members
Prototypicality has been found to affect a number of than vice-versa. Ttiis type of generalization would
major dependent variables used in psychological be especially important for consumer expectations
research which carry clear implications for consumer about pricing. In most circumstances, consumers do
behavior. Speed of processing and response times for not have access to price information for all brands
verification of category membership were found to be and all retail outlets. Since prices change on a
faster for representative members of a category. continuing basis, inferences about price are a
Importantly the frequency and order of production of virtual necessity.
members of a category (in response to free
elicitation tasks) was found to be significantly Finally, Kahnemann and Tversky (1973) and Tversky and
correlated with degree of typicality (Mervis, Catlin Kahnemann (1973) demonstrate how individuals use
& Rosch, 1976). All of these measures are natural various decision heuristics based purely on the
indices of brand awareness and should be related to availability and representativeness of certain
the ease with which a brand is recalled when the need events/items. This often leads to significant biases
for a particular product class arises. in judgment.
Category membership is learned first for the most An Exploratory Investigation of Brand Prototypicality
representative exemplars and last for the least
representative ones. In addition, categories are Objectives of the Study
learned more easily if initial exposure is to
representative examplars only (Mervis & Pani, 1980) Prototypicality appears to be an important product
There is no reason to believe that learning would be related variable that deserves further study. It
any different for product categories. Thus, the could have effects on diverse consumer behaviors, such
representativeness of a specific brand could have a as retrieval of product information, generalization
major impact on the acquisition of brand-related within product categories, making of inferences and
knowledge, particularly for consumers with low ultimately brand choice. It is quite surprising that
product familiarity. given the robustness of these findings in other
domains, no attempts have been made to verify its
Extensions of Prototypicality to Other Domains importance in consumer behavior.
The notion of representativeness in categorization The objectives of this study were thus to:
has recently spread to quite a few domains besides
object categories. While findings of typicality have (1) Verify the existence of "prototypical
been quite robust, the explanations for the
development of internal structure have not always products" and graded, internal structure in
been the same. consumer product categories.
(2) Examine the importance of typicality as a
Barsalou (1983) studied prototypicality in ad hoc or determinant of product/brand awareness.
goal-derived categories - such as "things to take on
a camping trip", or "things not to eat on a diet". (3) Explore the relationships between
His findings differ from those for natural object prototypicality and other important
categories in certain respects and are quite relevant variables such as brand preference and
to consumer product categorization. Barsalou finds usage.
that although the members of such categories are
quite heterogeneous they still give rise to (4) Examine the effects of the level of
typicality effects. However, typicality was not generality at which the product class is
determined by family resemblance (i.e., its general defined (i.e., the breadth of market
similarity to other members of the category) but by boundaries) on the above relationships.
(a) the value of the item on the goal-relevant Methodology
dimension and
The principal manipulations in this study pertained to
the level of abstraction at which the product classes
were defined. Two superordinate level product

categories, magazines and beverages, and four counterbalanced as in the second questionnaire.
subordinate level categories, news magazines, Seventy-two undergraduates at the University of
business magazines, soft drinks and beers, were used Florida participated in this study in return for
in the study (see Figure 1 ) . A target set of brands course credit.
was defined for each subordinate category based on
estimated market penetration (Simmons, 1982). The Results and Discussion
principal dependent measures were unaided brand name
recall, rated prototypicality, rated liking and Typicality effects. Subjects found the task of rating
self-reported rate of usage. prototypicality readily understandable and appeared to
have no problem in rating representativeness of brands
within a product class. Table 1 shows the the mean
FIGURE 1 ratings on typicality obtained by each brand for both
subordinate and superordinate levels. Mere
Levels of Abstraction for Product Categories examination of the results indicate quite a few points
of interest.
Level The phenomenon of graded structure is readily
apparent. Subjects consistently rated some brands as
being more typical than others. An analysis of
Subordinate NEWS BUSINESS BEER SOFT variance found significant main effects of Brand and
Level MAGAZINES MAGAZINES i DRINKS Level (F[37,1796] = 14.94, p < .00001, and F[1,1796J =
25.92, p < .00001, respectively). The interaction was
also significant F[37,1796] = 3.83, p < .00001).
Brand Level 10 Brands 8 Brands 10 Brands 10 Brands Subjects was included as a random factor and was
significant (F[71,1796] = 6.31, p < .00001). Mean
prototypicality ratings are presented in Table 1. The
Each subject completed three questionnaires during obtained values appear to be consistent with intuitive
the experimental session. The order in which the expectations about brand prototypicality. For
questionnaires were given was the same for each instance. Time and Coca Cola received high
subject. In the first questionnaire, unaided brand prototypicality ratings at both the subordinate and
name recall was measured. Subjects were given five the superordinate levels, while New Republic and R.C.
minutes to recall as many brands as possible Cola received low ratings for both. Quite in line
belonging to a particular product class. This task with research in other domains, the phenomenon of
was performed twice, once for each product class typicality appears relevant to product categorization.
(i.e., magazines or beverages). The three levels of
generality for each product class (i.e., the TABLE 1
superordinate or one of the two subordinates) were
varied randomly across subjects. Thus, each subject Mean Prototypicality Ratings By Brand
was assigned to one of nine (3 x 3) possible and Level of Abstraction
conditions. The order in which product classes
occurred (i.e., magazines first vs. beverages first) Magazine Brands Prototypicality
was also varied randomly across subjects. Unaided
brand recall yielded three empirical measures. Brand Subordinate Superordinate
Recall was defined as one if the brand was listed, Category Cateqory
zero otherwise. Top-of-Mind Awareness was defined as News Magazines
one if the brand was the first listed, zero
otherwise. Finally, Conditional Awareness was the U.S. News & World Report 8.30 7.33
rank of a brand in the list, given that it was Time 8.22 8.50
recalled. That is, the first brand listed had rank Newsweek 7.70 8.25
1, the second listed had rank 2, etc. All measures Life 5.74 7.46
were computed only for those brands that were in the New Yorker 4.92 6.30
target set. If a target brand was not recalled. National Geographic 4.91 6.79
Conditional Awareness was treated as a missing Reader's Digest 4.71
observation. 5.96
People 4.26 7.25
Us 3.89 4.36
The second questionnaire asked subjects to rate the New Republic 3.83 3.43
prototypicality of each brand on a nine point scale.
Prototypicality was defined and given examples in a Mean Rating 5.65 6.56
manner very similar to that used by Rosch (1973).
The distinction between prototypicality and Business Magazines
preference were specifically noted. Two randomly
constructed orderings of the brands, and their Business Week 7.70 6.92
corresponding reverse orderings were used, one Forbes 7.23 5.30
ordering per subject. These four orderings were Fortune 6.85 6.52
counter-balanced across subjects. The category level Money 6.60 5.93
to be used in making the prototypicality judgment Barrons 5.80 4.70
(i.e., superordinate vs. subordinate) was varied Changing Times 5.66 4.80
randomly within subjects on a brand-by-brand basis Harvard Business Review 5.40 5.63
and counterbalanced across subjects. Industry Week 5.10 4.81
The third questionnaire asked subjects to rate each Mean Rating 6.29 5.58
brand on a nine point scale indicating their liking
for the brand and to indicate the approximate number
of times that they had used the brand in the last
month. Note that no particular level of generality
was specified in this task. The order of
presentation of brands was randomized anew and
TABLE 1 (continued) Barsalou (1983) shows how typicality in ad hoc
categories could be affected by frequency of prior
Beverage Brands exposure and goal-relevant evaluation.
Subordinate Superordinate
Category Category As Cohen (1982) points out, product categories could
Soft Drinks function quite differently from the more "passive"
object categories that have been the traditional
Coca Cola 8.55 7.92 domain of research. Consumers are constantly exposed
Pepsi Cola 8.41 7.56 to advertising, point-of-purchase displays and
Sunkist 7.52 6.27 messages that proclaim benefits of specific brands,
Diet Pepsi 7.52 6.50 often forcing them to make evaluations prior to
Seven Up 7.52 7.18 purchase. In such a scenario one would expect to see
Sprite 7.14 7.28 quite different and systematic effects of affect and
Mountain Dew 6.60 5.90 frequency. While we do not take a position as strong
Dr. Pepper 6.50 6.04 as Cohen's — that "affect resides at the category
Tab 6.50 6.80 level" -- it does seem plausible that affect would
R.C. Cola 6.04 5.45 play a more influential role in the semantics of
consumer products than in other natural categories.
Mean Rating 7.23 6.69 For instance, attitudes toward a given brand and
personal experience with that brand might become part
Beer of the meaning of the brand concept.
Michel ob 8.04 6.74 In order to examine the relationship between
Budweiser 7.63 6.70 prototypicality, brand awareness and brand preference,
Miller High Life 7.61 5.42 the mean values of each variable were computed across
Coors 7.46 6.61 subjects for each brand. Prototypicality was measured
Michelob Light 7.46 6.96 at two levels of generality (i.e., Superordinate and
Strohs 7.46 6.61 Subordinate). Similarily, Brand Recall, Top-of-Mind
Miller Light 6.88 6.51 Awareness and Conditional Awareness were measured at
Schlitz 6.30 3.70 two levels of generality. Note that means for each
Old Milwaukee 5.78 3.88 level of Prototypicality were computed across both
Pabst Blue Ribbon 5.78 3.92 levels of generality for the memory variables, and
vice versa. This aspect of the design counterbalances
Mean Rating 7.03 5.70 certain task artifacts that could generate spurious
correlations between the prototypicality and memory
An examination of the prototypicality ratings for measures. The reported usage rates were used to
different category levels reveals expected changes in generate individual usage shares defined at the
typicality. Brands thought of as poor examples of superordinate and subordinate levels. Specifically,
their subordinate category are thought of as poor if superordinate usage shares were computed as the brand
not worse examples of their superordinate category. usage rate divided by the total usage rate for the
An interesting reversal is seen for many brands superordinate product category. Subordinate usage
listed as News Magazines. In fact, only U.S. News & shares were computed in the same way, except the total
World Report and New Republic were rated higher at usage rate was defined at the subordinate level. Since
the subordinate level. This illustrates one effect the task did not specify a level of generality for
of misclassifying brands in "ill-fitting" product liking, and ratings are not generally thought to be a
classes. It also provides evidence that the two ratio scale measure, there was no natural way in which
measures of prototypicality are distinguishable and two levels of liking could be specified. The
do not simply measure the same underlying construct. intercorrelations between all of these variables are
given for Magazines in Table 2 and Beverages in Table
This finding is relevant to the establishment of
product-market boundaries in line with consumer
perceptions of product-usage (Day, Shocker, and TABLE 2
Srivastava, 1979). If products are classified into
categories where they do not fit "naturally" they MAGAZINES (N = 18)
will have more in common with contrasting categories
and will be far less typical, resulting in poor 1.0 P =
associations with the category concept and poor R =
Brand Recall
recall. Some of the results discussed in the next .61 1.0 T =
Top-of-Mind Awareness
section suggest further implications of product A =
Conditional Awareness
misclassification. .80 .41 1.0 U =
Usage Share
L =
Relationships Between Variables. Prior work on .81 .83 .75 1.0 B =
Superordinate Level
typicality effects using natural object categories, (subscript)
has attempted to separate the effects of typicality .43 .39 .58 .51 1.0 S = Subordinate Level
on dependent measures (such as speed of processing or (subscript)
production) from the effects of other variables such .59 .67 .67 .75 .92 1.0
as liking, frequency and familiarity.
Prototypicality is posited as a pure 'cognitive' .71 .27 .66 .49 .44 .52 1.0
construct unaffected by more attitudinal or
evaluative measures. Rosch (1973) detected low .30 .67 .19 .55 .32 .51 .14 1.0
correlations between the typicality of members in
most object categories and liking for these members. .76 .50 .87 .73 .83 .86 .53 .27 1.0
Notable exceptions were "crime" and "disease" where
degree of typicality was seen as being tied to .65 .64 .59 .72 .57 .67 .16 .37 .79 1.0
negative affect for the category. McCloskey (1980)
and Malt & Smith (1982) show that while typicality is .95 .61 .86 .87 .47 .62 .64 .29 .80 .69 1.0
affected by familiarity, variations in typicality do
exist independent of variations in familiarity.
TABLE 3 Prototypicality and Liking, Brand Recall did not
consistently differentiate between Prototypicality,
BEVERAGES (N = 20) Liking, and Usage Share, This suggests that consumers
access a product category first through brands they
1.0 P =
Prototypicality use and then retrieve brands based on structural
R =
Brand Recall aspects of memory such as product attributes.
,76 1,0 T =
Top-of-Mind Awareness Interestingly, Usage Share is the variable that is
A =
Conditional Awareness most sensitive to the frequency with which a brand is
,67 ,45 1,0 U =
Usage Share encountered in the external environment. Conversely,
L =
Liking Prototypicality and Liking are more related to
,54 ,74 ,48 1,0 B =
Superordinate Level internal, cognitive representations.
,35 ,40 ,45 ,29 1,0 S = Subordinate Level Finally, the internal validity of the distinction
(subscript) between superordinate and subordinate levels of
,35 .61 ,34 ,57 ,80 1,0 generality was supported by a consistent interactive
pattern of correlations. Variables measured at the
,33 ,27 ,77 ,31 ,47 ,34 1,0 same level of generality were consistently correlated
more highly than the variables measured at different
,53 ,66 ,55 ,69 ,55 ,80 ,41 1,0 levels of generality. This was true for both product
,66 ,67 ,38 ,45 .73 ,68 ,32 ,48 1,0
.64 ,69 ,21 ,49 ,62 .64 ,11 ,45 ,96 1,0
In this paper we have outlined several ways in which
,92 ,89 ,67 ,64 .37 .45 ,31 ,60 ,60 ,60 1,0 prototypicality is likely to be of interest to
consumer researchers. Although the reported results
must be considered exploratory, there are several
clear implications. First, there appear to be
significant differences between brands with respect to
Prototypicality judged prototypicality. Second, contrary to the trend
for ordinary object categories (Rosch, 1973), the
The most obvious result is that most of the prototypicality of brands appears to be significantly
correlations of other variables with Prototypicality related to personal preference. Finally, different
are in the expected directions and are significant. memory-based measures of brand awareness appear to be
In particular, both levels of Prototypicality were differentially sensitive to internal and environmental
found to be highly correlated with Liking for both aspects of product familiarity. In particular.
Magazines and Beverages, This is consistent with our Conditional Awareness was found to be strongly related
earlier discussion of the role of affect in to Prototypicality and Liking, but not to Usage Share,
determining the internal structure of product Top-of-Mind Awareness exhibited the opposite trend.
categories. Specifically, this result suggests that Issues regarding the reliability and validity of the
the semantic importance and the evaluative importance brand prototypicality construct and its casual
of attributes are similar for these product relationships with other theoretical constructs are
categories. It is likely that these correlations have important areas of future research.
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