Mufon Ufo Journal - July 1990

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Mufon UFO ournal

Official Publication of the Mutual UFO Network Since 1967

Number 267
July 1990


By Bob Pratt
(USPS 002-970) I hope you'll agree that I've made it a point not to use this column as a per·
(ISSN 0270-6822) sonal platform. I also hope you'll permit me this rare exception. One of the
103 Oldtowne Rd. reasons why this issue of the Journal is so late in arriving at your doorsteps,
Seguin, Texas 78155-4099 U.S.A. for example, is the fact that I was in the middle of moving my home office.
Telephone: (512) 379-9216 The good news is that I have much more room to work with, which, hopeful·
ly, will result in greater efficiency, The bad news is thc:1t while I was moving,
San Antonio and South Texas were struck by torrential rains. As a consequence,
DENNIS W. STACY about half of my UFO and fortean phenomena library have been ruined beyond
Editor repair. The toll Includes both rare and common hardbacks, paperbacks and
WALTER H. ANDRUS, JR. journals, the latter including International UFO Reporter, Flying Saucer Review,
International Director and Fortean Times, Pursuit and so on. Many of these I will be able to replace,
Associate Editor others I probably will not. If you have any duplicate items in your possession
THOMAS P. DEULEY for sale I wish you'd drop me a line with a brief description of the item's title,
Art Director condltlon and cost, which I'll be happy to pay. It goes without saying that any
ROBERT J_ GRIBBLE assistance is greatly appreciated.

Public Relations THE BELGIUM UFO FLAP ...................................... Bob Pratt 3
PAUL CERNY DESERT SECRElS ................................... Erich A. Aggen, Jr. 8
Promotion/ Publicity
NEWS'N'VIEWS ..• ,,.............................................................. 11
IN OTHERS' WORDS ........................................ Lucius Farish 14
Public Education
LOOKING BACK ................................................ Bob Gribble 15
Religion and UFOs LETTERS............................................................................ 18
LUCIUS FARISH THE AUGUST NIGHT SKY ............................. Walter N. Webb 20
Books & Periodicals DIREC10R'S MESSAGE •.••..•..•....•.••.....•..•.•......... Walt Andrus 24
LOREN GROSS COVER ILLUSTRATION •.••..•..•....•..•...•.•..•.•......• Gerard Grede
MICHAEL D. SWORDS Copyright 1990 by the Mutual UFO Network, Inc. (MUFON), 103 Old·
Staff Writers towne Road, Seguin, Texas 78155·4099 U.S.A.
Landing Trace Cases No part of this document may be reproduced in any form by photostat,
JOHN F. SCHUESSLER microfilm, xerograph, or any other means, without the written permission
Medical Cases of the Copyright Owners.
UFO Crash/ Retrieval
Astronomy The Mutual UFO Network, Inc. is exempt from Federal Income Tax under
NORMA E_ SHORT Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. MUFON is a publicly sup•
DWIGHT CONNELLY ported organization of the type described in Section 509 (a) (2). Donors may
DENNIS HAUCK deduct contributions from their Federc:1! lncome Tax. In addition, bequests,
RICHARD H. HALL legacies, devises, transfers, or gilts are deductible for Federal estate and gift
ROBERT V. PRATT tax purposes if they meet the applicable provisions of Sections 2055, 2106,
Editor/ Publishers Emeritus and 2522 of the code.
(Formerly SKYLOOK)


published monthly by the Mutual The contents of the MUFON UFO JOURNAL are determined by the editor and
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The Belgium UFO Flap

By Bob Pratt
This report has been prepared by ten to give an account of the position strurrients. On the ground and in the
former MUFON UFO Journal of affairs here! The same goes for whole eastern and southern part of
editor Bob Pratt based largely on many entire pages and excerpts Belgium we had teams with CB radios
material supplied by Patrick Ferryn, elsewhere in the book." and mobile phones.
co-founder of the Belgium UFO "Las_t,. but not least, an important
research organization SOBEPS Unusual Cooperation Air Force radar station at Glons was
(Societe Beige D'Etude Des connected with our improvised head-
Phenomenes Spatiaux). In what is probably unique in the quarters in the Bierset Airport."
Belgium, one of the smallest and history of worldwide ufology, the Briefly, this is what has been
most densely populated countries in Belgium government has been happening:
Europe, is about a third the size of assisting SOBEPS in investigating the_ • The sightings started in October
the state of Indiana and, with a sightings. near Eupen, close to the Dutch and
population of more than ten The Ministry of the Interior ordered German border, and then progressed
million, has twice as many people. the Gendarmerie Nationale (a com- steadily westward to Liege, Namur,
It is bounded on the northwest by bination of .police and army, many of Wavre (just southeast of the capital,
the North Sea, on the north and whose melTlbers- have rep0rted see- Brussels), Mons and finally toward the
northeast by The Netherlands, on Ing the UFOs) to givE:! SOBEPS copies French border. The area involved is
the east by West Germany, on the of all UFO reports and to Immediately about 100 miles long.
southeast by Luxembourg, and on advise SOBEPS of new sightings. • Most of the sightings were at
the west and southwest by France. night, but a few were In the daytime.
Many were CE-I's and CE-H's.
Since last October Belgium has Among the witnesses were • Among the witnesses were nearly
been experiencing almost daily sight- nearly 200 members and of- 200 members and officers of the Gen-
ings of large triangular-shaped UFOs ficers of the Gendarmerie darmerie Nationale as well as police-
similar to those reported throughout men, mU!tary and civilian pilots,
the United States on countless occa- Nationale as well as air traffic controllers, meteorologists,
sions since the mid-1970s. policemen, military and aeronautical engineers and physicists.
As of late May, the Belgium UFO civilian pilots, air traffic con- • Most of• the witnesses reported
research group SOBEPS had in• seeing a dark, triangular shaped ob-
vestigated about 650 cases, collecting trollers, meteorologists, ject with three bright lights and a red
reports from more than 900 aeronautical engineers and flashing light in the middle. Often,
witnesses, many of them highly com- physicists. people saw one or more rows of scin-
petent professional people. It is tillatinQ lights on the side ◊f ihe
estimated that at least 10,000 triangle. "
Belgians have seen the UFOs, In addition, 'the Ministry of Defense, • Several times highly competent
described at tim·es as being "as big as through the Belgium Air Force, has witnesses used such expressions as
or bigger than an aircraft carrier." authorized SOBEPS to contact radar "as big as a football field" or "huge"
In many respects the sightings have specialists, pUots and installations. In or "massive" to describe the UFO.
paralleled those reported in the Hud- an unheard of display of cooperation, Some even said it was "as big as or
son Valley area of New York and the Air Force even had two military bigger than an aircraft carrier." When
Connecticut just north of New York aircraft and their crews on standby at seen from ·the side in profile, the ob-
City in 1983-1986, as reported in the Blerset Airport, near Liege, to work ject was described as "very high" with
book Night Siege: The Hudson Valley with SOBEPS.during the long, four- large "windows."
UFO Sightings (by Dr. J. Allen day Easter weekend. • One witness said that "while the
Hynek, Philip J. Imbrogno and Bob "One of these aircraft, a Hawker object was flying slowly directly
Pratt, Ballantine Books, 1987). Siddeley 748, was equipped .with an overhead, one could not see the front
"It Was really astonishing for us to impressive infrared video camera," part and the end at the same time
read the preface of Night Siege,'' says says Ferryn, who is a television direc- because it was too big."
Patrick Ferryn of SOBEPS, in tor and producer. ~ Some triangular-shaped objects
Brussels. "Changing only a few "We also had professional video were "modest" in size, only about as
words, exactly the same could be writ- equipment and sophisticated in- large as small aircraft.

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 267 July 1990



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• Often the object hovered for

minutes at a time. When it began objects going in all directions, and
moving, it usually moved very slow- then change into a triangle again.
ly, too slow to be a conventional • Very often, sightings occurred in a dark triangle equipped with three
airplane. However, at times it would densely populated areas and also "projectors" and a winking red light.
suddenly accelerate so rapidly that it near illuminated highways and ex- The object was huge and made a faint
would be across the horizon in a se- pressways, just as happened in the humming sound. It was hovering at
cond or two - and sometimes it Hudson Valley sightings. Says Ferryn: an altitude of 600 to 900 feet.
would flash right back. "As I visited the Hudson Valley and One officer said the light was so
• The object was nearly always the Connecticut area two years ago dazzling "that we could read a
noiseless or made only a faint hum- (for archaeological purposes), I can newspaper under it."
ming sound, like an electric engine or say the landscapes are very similar to The object then moved slowly in the
a sewing machine. what one ~an see around Eupen, direction of the nearby La Gileppe
Liege, Namur, etc." Dam, where it hovered for 45 minutes.
Slow Turns • Some witnesses said they signal- It then moved southwest about 13
ed with their car lights and the UFO miles and hovered over the city of Spa
• Many times while hovering or would respond with a similar light for 30 minutes before disappearing.
moving slowly it would pivot, turning signal or by moving at the moment In their investigation, SOBEPS
90 degrees and even 180 degrees. the signal was made. researchers learned that a nlimber of
• In three cases (as some witnesses One of the biggest nights of other people had seen the UFO even
in the Hudson Valley sightings also sightings was November 29, 1989, earlier that evening. One was a Gen-
reported), people saw structures when several UFOs were seen by darmerie officer on duty on the third
underneath "with heavy metal· parts, hundreds of people around Eupen. floor of the Eupen station who saw
crisscross effects, diamond-shape SOBEPS collected nearly 120 reports a luminous rectangular object about
work, tubular things here and there." from this night alone. 65 feet long between him and the rear
• Some people claimed to have The first important sighting that wall of the station 650 feet away: It
seen triangles that changed shape into night came from the Gendarmerie. was just below the level of his eyes
a round light which later opened, Two officers in their patrol car were and was moving very slowly. "It was
releasirig a great number of small red lit up by a beam of light coming from like a big chamber;' he said.

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 267 July 1990

Astounded, _he watched it drift sometimes were chased by) 20 to 30
slowly out of sight and immediately UFOs that were being tracked by air Stealth Fighters could ac•
radioed two officers _in a patrol car traffic controllers on radar over vast
who were in the area it was heading areas _of that country.
count for some sightings, but
for. Several minutes later they saw it The sightings on November 29, not for the reports of huge
coming in their direction and they 1989 created a sensation and were triangular-shaped objects
could see the underside of it. The two heavily publicized by the press, TV
officers told SQBEPS it was triangular and radio. SOBEPS was immediate-
that hovered or moved slow-
In shape and that when it moved a ly snowed under with reports and ly, suddenly accelerated and
"balancing movement". was clearly opened a UFO Hotline - just as disappeared· across the
noted, during which a sort of dome Philip Imbrogno and his investigative
was visible on the upper side. team did in Connecticut during the
horizon in seconds, or
One of the officers said he had early heavy sightings ill. 1983. released hundreds of small
never seen anything so beautiful in his "People called literally at all hours red objects that flew in all
life, and as he spoke he was very af• of the day and night," Ferryn says. "It
fected and seemed about to weep. is striking to see how, at one and the
same time, a great part of the public
Air Force Alert and the press have reacted to these authorized to tell you where."
events exactly in the same way here The journalist's theory, of course,
Another important-night of sight- and in the U.S. (as reported in Night was that the UFOs that had been seen
ings took place on March 30. -That Siege)." since October were actually the
evening; 15 members of the Gen- Some of those calling did report F-117s. If F-117s were flown over
darmerie on duty in different places what later turned out to be conven- Belgium, that could account for some
around Wavre (about 15 miles tional aircraft. However, Ferryn says, sightings, but not for the reports of
southeast of Brussels) saw eight white most of the witnesses are familiar with huge triangular-shaped objects that
luminous objects in the sky that were civilian and military aircraft because hovered or moved slowly, suddenly
three to five times larger than a star. there are many bases in the area, and accelerated and disappeared across
The objects moved away and then they were certain they were not see- the horizon in seconds, or released
came back very fast, glowing red as ing aircraft. hundreds of small red objects that flew
they returned. "We all went through the same in all directions.
The commander of the Gendar- stages of thinking;' Ferryn says. "We With so much UFO activity,
merie station at Wavre alerted the Air first thought of ultralight aircraft, then SOBEPS was able to collect 25 dif-
Force radar station at Glons and the military aircraft, the mystery plane, the ferent video tapes made during the
Air Force base at Beauvechain. Two phantom fliers (a kind of 'Black Baron; sightings.
F-16s immediately came into the as we called it) and so on. Of course, "Three of these are really in-
sighting area (and later an AWACS some officials and specialists claimed teresting for they clearly show what
aircraft) and were literally guided by astronomical mistakes, holograms, is undeniably not a conventional air-
witnesses on the ground. lasers, temperature inversions and so craft or anything else known," says
The next day newspapers reported on. We must admit we also wondered Ferryn. ''As a professional in this field,
that the F-16s "came home with an at first if it could be some sort of I have enlarged and treated the in-
empty bag," but that was not true. sophisticated ultralight aircraft. Of teresting sequences in slow motion
After weeks of computer analysis, the course, now, none of these hypotheses with sophisticated equipment.
Belgium Air Force Headquarters make. any sense." "One film shows three important
reported to the Ministry of Defense spots of light forming a big triangle
that five different military radars (two Stealth having a red flashing light in.the center.
on the F-16s and three radar stations) It flew slowly low over our capital on
had detected unidentified echoes at There were numerous rumors that March 30, the same date the 15 Gen-
the ·same moment and in the same the American-built F-117 Stealth darmes of Wavre saw the eight objects
place indicated by witnesses on the Fighter was being flown in Belgian southeast of Brussels:• SOBEPS also
ground. Furthermore, the report con- skies. The rumors were partially con- has some photographs "but they are
firmed that the objects had moved firmed by the French newspaper VSD extremely disappointing because either
with incredible speeds. on April 21 in an interview with U.S. nothing shows or what is seen doesn't
Details of that report appeared on Air Force Col. Tom Tolin. He reported- correspond with the sightings," says
TV and in newspapers on May 19 - ly told the newspaper: "F~ll?s are fly- Ferryn. "Only one of these shows what
coincidentally the anniversary of the ing in Europe during night missions, could be a triangle or a trapezoidal-
1986 overfligh_ts in Brazil when six sometimes pUoted by United Kingdom shaped object, while it was observed
military jet fighters chased (and Royal Air Force pilots, but we are not as being rounded and ray-shaped."

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 267 July 1990

The Brazilian military had a similar Power Reactor at Buchanan, New
experience in 1977 when it was in- Another time a large fiery York, reported much the same thing.
vestigating a long series of sightings ball of bluish light about 70 On the night of July 24, 1984, a huge
around the small town of Colares at triangular-shaped object hovered over
the mouth of the Amazon River just meters away suddenly blink- the reactor for ten minutes and the of-
north of the major city of Belem. (The ed out and all they could see ficer, watching it on the monitor of a
sightings are discussed by Jacques was a green light and some security camera mounted atop a
Vallee in Confrontations: A Scientist$ ninety-five-foot pole had to pan the
distance below that a red
Search for Alien Contact, Ballantine
Books, 1990.) A Brazilian Air Force one. Yet the photograph
camera 180 degrees to scan the en-
tire object from front to back. '
team spent approximately 30 days
and nights in the area, during which
showed a large disc-shaped Another point of similarity is the in-
credible acceleration. Some Belgian
they shot about 300 photographs of object standing vertically, witnesses said the UFO would shoot
UFOs. rather than horizontally. off across the horizon In a second or
In 1981 the officer in charge of the two, and sometimes come back just
team, now a colonel, told Bob Pratt red one. Yet the photograph showed as fast. In Colusa, California, in 1976
and Charles Tucker (of Nappanee, In- a large disc-shaped object standing a witness reported seeing a UFO sud-
diana) that he and his men vertically, rather than horizontally. denly shoot across the sky to a far
photographed eight different shapes Other aspects of the Belgian away mountain and then return just
of UFOs, including several that were sightings have been reported in other as quickly. In 1977 two Memphis
triangular or like a pyramid. On countries as well, proving once again, policemen watching a large triangular
several occasions, when the photos as we all know, that this is a global UFO hover over a golf course said it
were printed they showed something phenomenon. disappeared over the horizon in two
completely different from what he and One Belgian witness said that when seconds.
his men saw. the UFO was overhead, he could not During the Hudson Valley sightings
Once they photographed a disc- see both the front and back at the in 1983-86, one witness saw a
shaped object that was twice the size same time because it was so huge. In triangular-shaped UFO vanish across
of a Boeing 737 and had many win- the Hudson Valley sightings, a securi-
dows but the photo showed only a ty officer at the Indian Point Nuclear
point of light. Another time a large
fiery ball of bluish light about 70 --··
meters away suddenly blinked out
and all they could see was a green
light and some distance below that a



--- ......

December 11. 1989 event
Illustrated by Gerard Grede

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 267 July 1990

the horizon in seconds, and in
another sighting a couple said a
boomerang-shaped object "streaked
Support SOBEPS
from one end of the sky to the other, Members of SOBEPS are very interested in learning about sightings
and then back again in a split second." elsewhere in the world similar to those now occurring In Belgium, and also
In the U.S. In the past 15 years, a are interested in learning more about the F-117 and B-2 Stealth aircraft.
number of people, including military Anyone with unclassified information about these planes is invited to share
personneJ, have reported seeing UFOs it with SOBEPS.
shoot from near the ground far out in- The organization is also encouraged and inviting researchers around the
to the sky and vanish in seconds. And world to join In a greater, freer exchange of UFO data.
similar actions were reported in the "I'm definitely convinced we must exchange and share information," says
SOBEPS co-founder Patrick Ferryn. "And this is an encouragement and
small city of Pinheiro, in northern
a warm request to do so. Of course, we already exchange publications and
Brazil, where sightings occurred nearly bulletins, but this is not enough.'' In addition to printed reports and data,
every night for four months in 1977. SOBEPS (its reports are in French) is interested in exchanging video tapes,
The mayor of Pinheiro said the UFO, films and photos.
a large, fiery red ball of light that often Write to:
hovered about 1,000 feet above the SOBEPS
town, would sometimes suddenly Avenue Paul Janson 74
shoot so far out into the atmosphere 1070 Bruxelles
as to be lost among the stars, and at Belgium
times it would shoot straight back
down to earth again.
The enormous sizes reported in
Belgium have now become common "
and are typical of the triangular or
boomerang-shaped objects reported
in the U.S., Canada, Great Britain,
Iran and elsewhere.
The Belgian reports are exciting for
many reasons, but especially because '
of the numerous high quality witnesses II...-..,._.,.
and the official government coopera- ~e:.-..:,,.:.,..:
tion, and because they affirm once '
again the reality of the phenomenon. I_____ . o f - _ _ .
SOBEPS investigators fly on Belgium Air Force plane equipped with
infrared camera to try filming UFOs .
..fl S-E

Have a Viewpoint
To Express?
The Journal welcomes clips
and comments. Send to:
, 103 Oldtowne Rd.
,, Seguin, TX 78155-4099

, "N·O

LONCIN, November 23, 1989.

Observation by the Schmitz family.

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 267 July 1990


Desert Secrets
By Erich A_ Aggen, Jr.
Aggen. of Kansas City, Missouri, to as the "Mellon Strip" or "Sandia USAF/NASA hypersonic research
is a MUFON State Section Strip." The 37th Tactical Fighter Wing program using an X-24C high-speed
Director. of the 4450th Tactical Group is bas• aircraft was under consideration. This
Some of the most secret areas in ed at Tonopah. They fly the formerly program was to be a follow~n project
the world ate located in the deserts top.secret F·117A Nighthawk stealth to the X-15 research aircraft of the
of Nevada. It is here that top secret fighter. Two Nighthawk squadrons, 1960s and the X-248 research pro-
aircraft 'such as the F-117 A, F-19 and composed of 59 F• 117As, operate out gram of the 1970s. The X-24C was
Aurora have been and are being of Tonopah Base. The Nighthawk envisaged as a rocket•boosted delta
tested. It is also here that camouflag- squadrons have been operational planforrn lifting body to be air launched
ed hangers for alien spacecraft have since 1983 and are known as "Team by a 8-52. Propulsion systems to be
purportedly been built and where One• Furtim Vigilans." The f•ll7As tested in the program included ram-
alien spacecraft (either recovered from are pr0tected by individual nuclear jets, scramjets and rockets. General
crashes or "donated") are routinely hardened hangers while based at William J. Evans, then Commander of
being test flown by human pilots, ac- Tonopah. Eventually they will be Air Force Systems Command, com•
cording to some sources. dispersed to other bases throughout mented that, "If we were to decide on
One of the most sensitive military the United States and some foreign a new aircraft (to replace the SR-71)
installations in the United States is countries. it would probably be a product of the
Nellis Air Force Base. It is located eight The 4477th Test and Evaluation X·24C hypersonic investigation."
miles Northeast of Las Vegas, Squadron (TES) which goes by the Since the early 1980s, according to
Nevada. Nellis is a Tactical Air Com- name "Red Eagles" is also based at various sources in the aviation com-
mand (TAC) Base. It is home to the Tonopah. The Red Eagle squadron is munity, the USAF and Lockheed
USAF's Tactical Fighter Weapons composed of Soviet-buHt fighters · have been testing experimental Mach
Center, F-15, F-15E, F-16, F-111, Mig-17, Mig-19, Mig-21, Mig-23, 6 to Mach 7 hypersonic air-breathing
A-10, AT-38; 57th Fighter Weapons Mig-25, Mig-27 and Sukhoi Su-20s manned aircraft from Area 51. The
Wing, F-16 Aggressor Operations; supplied by Egypt, Israel and super•secret "Aurora" project is
USAF Air Demonstration Squadron Afghanistan. The Red Eagles par- thought to be the culmination of this
(Thunderbirds); USAF Fighter ticipate in "Red Flag" combat train- research program. Aurora apparent-
Weapons School; 4440th Tactical ing exercises against U.S. fighters. 11 ly was conceived as the stealth
Fighter Training Group {Red Flag)·; replacement for the SR-71. Aurora is
4443rd Tactical Training Group (Air Dreamland believed to use liquid methane fuel.
Warrior); 554th Operations Support Some reports indicate that 20 to 25
Wing; 554th Range Group; 820th Mysterious "Area 51" is located well Aurora reconnaissance aircraft are
Civil Engineering Squadron (Red within the Nellis Ranges and adjoins already operating out of Tonopah
Horse), the 206th Communications Yucca Flat. It is about 85 miles North- Base. Aviation Week Magazine
Group and the enigmatic ALIEN west of Las Vegas. Area 51 is also (12/18/89) reports that "Ground
Technology Center (ATC). 8 · 19 called "Dreamland" due to the base's observers have seen and heard a
Nellis Air Force Base proper covers radio call sign for the Nellis AFB air distinctive aircraft which may be the
an area of 11,274 acres. However, traffic controllers. Near the center of Aurora flying over the Mojave Desert
bombing and gunnery ranges extend Area 51 is Groom Dry Lake. The dry ... at high altitude and high speed."
this area to over 8,000,000 acres. lake bed is surrounded by mountains The sound of the Aurora's engines
Nellis employs over 11,000 military and contains numerous aircraft during takeoff has been described as
and 1200 civilian personnel. Nellis hangers, support facilities, airstrips "a sound like the sky ripping."
AFB has effectively gobbled up nearly and a 12,000 foot runway for Aurora's engines have an unusual
twenty-five percent of Southern emergencies. The U-2 spy planes and pulsing sound and leave a "linked•
Nevada!' the Mach 3+ SR-71 Blackbird were sausage-shaped" smoke trail.
Near the Northwest corner of the first tested at Area 51. In the late The F-19 and/or RF-19 is another
Nellis Ranges in Mud Dry Lake, is 1950s and early 1960s, the base at secret aircraft reportedly being flown
''Area 30" also known as the Tonopah Groom Lake was known as the from Area 51. The F-19 has been
Test Range Airfield or Tonopah Base. "Ranch Airstrip:' Today it is called the designed from the outset as a super-
It is about 150 miles Northwest of Las "Watertown Strip." sonic stealth fighter under the "Have
Vegas. Tonopah is informally referred In the mid-1970s a joint Blue" stealth prototype program. It is

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 267 July 1990

thought to have a rounded-delta plan-
form similar to the Space Shuttle. It Some of the most significant UFO sightings and reports
has also been compared to the Lock- have occurred in New Mexico and the Southwestern United
heed D-21 ramjet reconnaissance
drone launched by the SR-71 and
States: the UFO crash at Roswell on July 2, 1947, the
8-52. Some aviation authorities Socorro landing of April 24, 1964, the alleged deliberate
believe the F-19 is designed as a stealth contact with aliens at Holloman AFB the following day, and
replacement for the F-15 Eagle. the Moody abduction at Almagordo on August 13, 1975.
Area S-4
are apparently being carried out at plexes are located at Holloman AFB,
Area "S-4," as revealed In the ex- Holloman Air Force Base near N.M. The 410 warheads stored at
traordinary accounts of one Robert Alamagordo, New Mexico. General Kirtland AFB constitute the USAF's
Lazar, is thought to be situated in the Dynamics is thought to be the chief largest single nuclear weapons storage
Southwest corner of Area 51. It is at contractor. Project 100 appears to be site. The USAF depot at Lake Meade
the S-4 base or facility that alien still another experimental program Base near Nellis AFB, Nevada, stores
spacecraft are alleged to be stored. utilizing-' stealth technology. some 260 nuclear warheads. Camp
Test flights of alien craft with human Strange aircraft have also been Mercury, Headquarters of the Nevada
pilots at the controls have supposed- reported by residents in areas near Test Site, is also near Nellis. All U.S.
ly been conducted for several years. Roswell Air Force Base in New Mex- and British underground nuclear
Several project codenames for the ico. Roswell AFB has been suggested weapons tests take place at the
"manned" test flights have surfaced, as a possible site where F-117 As may Nevada Test Site. 2
such as "Snowbird" and "Redlight:' be stationed. Tests of the General There are persistent reports of possi-
Various aspects of alien technology Dynamics AGM-129A Advanced ble underground bases and laboratories
are being studied at S-4, according to (stealth) Cruise Misstle, possibly to be controlled or operated by humans and
Lazar. In fact, the S-4 base appears used in conjunction with the F-117 A, aliens in areas of Nevada and New
to be solely dedicated to the investiga- may be an ongoing program at Mexico. On May 5, 1980, near Cimar-
tion and evaluation of alien spacecraft Roswell. Adjacent military bases, such ron, New Mexico, a mother and her
and technology. Obviously, one point as the White Sands Missile Range. may six~year-old son were reportedly ab-
of this research is to find potential ap- also be Involved. White Sands has ex- ducted by aliens and taken to an
plications or "spinoffs" for terrestrial tensive facilities for testing different underground installation. At this base
technology. Thus far, however, the types of weapons delivery systems. they were forced to undergo unnerv-
most revolutionary breakthroughs Some of the most significant UFO ing physical examinations. A cow was
have probably been applied to secret sightings and reports have occurred in abducted at the same time and sub-
military programs. We can surmise New Mexico and the Southwestern jected to a particularly gruesome
that many of the "black" projects owe United States, e.g., the UFO crash at vivisection. The human abductees were
their success and perhaps their very Roswell, N.M., on July 2, 1947; the helpless witnesses to this frightening
existence, to discoveries at S-4 {and Socorro, N.M., landing of April 24, operation. An investigation revealed
similar bases, if they exist). 1964; the alleged deliberate contact that the alleged alien underground
An interesting coincidental fact in with aliens at Holloman AFB, N.M., on laboratory was situated In the southwest
regard to Area S-4 is that the "S-4" April 25, I %4; the Sgt. Charles L. comer of New Mexico, somewhat west
designation has a possible his·torical Moody abduction at A1amagordo, of Las Cruces. The White Sands
antecedent. When President N.M., on August 13, 1975 and a num- MissOe Test Center, Fort Bliss and
Roosevelt was examining the feasibili- ber of low-level intrusions and landings Holloman Air Force Base are located
ty of building an atomic bomb he ap- by UFOs near nuclear weapons storage 30 to 50 miles from this area.10
pointed a special "S-1" Committee to areas at Kirtland AFB, N.M., in August Paul Bennewitz and other sources
study the proposal. They were to of 1980. New Mexico contains the have reported that an alien base is
evaluate the project and provide highest concentration of nuclear located near Dulce, New Mexico. It is
recommendations to the President. weapons research and development thought to be beneath the Jicarilla
Perhaps "S-4'' isn't just a geographical factlities in the United States. Apache Indian Reservation near
reference point on a map. It may have Mount Archuleta. Some information
a double meaning. "S-1" was actual- Nuclear Interest suggests that the Dulce base is only
ly Section 1 of the Office of Scientific one of several in the four comers area
ReSearch and Development (OSRD). UFOs seem to have a special in- of Nevada, New Mexico, Utah and
One of the most "black" aircraft terest in nuclear weapons storage Colorado. All are purportedly on In-
projects is known variously as "Pro- centers. Huge nuclear weapons dian reservations.16 The most in-
ject 100" or "Model 100:' Test flights development and management com- teresting fact about this geographical

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 267 July 1990

area is that one of the "ground entry saucers. Aircraft and spacecraft are still be sensitive subjects - somewhat on
points" for the National Emergency being designed using conventional the level of nuclear war or nuclear ter-
Airborne Command Post {NEACP), technology. rorism. Why? The two biggest ques-
is based at the airport in Farmington, Like computer scientists of the tions we have to answer are, (1) Is
New Mexico, near th~ Navajo Indian 1950s suddenly presented with a there a legitimate reason for keeping
Reservation. Farmington is about 70 modern pocket computer, we may be a lid on the subject of UFOs? and, (2)
miles southwest of Dulce.· NEACPS able to utilize the technology without How is this nearly airtight lid being
(pronounced "Kneecaps"), are really understanding it or how it was kept on? The answers to these ques-
specially modified Boeing 747s main- manufactured. Even if a computer tions may lead in nonhuman
tained by the USAF for use in nuclear scientist of the 1950s was given all the directions.
war or other nationwide emergencies. specifications for a pocket computer
They are to serve as command posts and had a complete theoretical References
for the National Command Authori- understanding of how It functioned he
ty. (the President and other govern- would still not be able to duplicate it. l. Computed from FAA restricted airspace
2 maps published in Aviation Week (8/22/88)
ment officials). The technological infrastructure for and Nellis AFB bombing and gunnery range
The information provided by Robert reproducing all of the advanCed com- maps published in Red Flag. The Air Force
Lazar and others indicates that another ponents in a pocket computer would officially admits to the existence of only
underground base jointly controlled by simply not exist. However, it would 3.000,000 acres.
humans and aliens has been built be possible for a scientist of the 1950s 2. Arkin, William M. & Fieldhouse. Richard
W. Nuclear Battlefields. Cambridge. Mass.:
under Area 51 in Nevada. The data to determine the composition of Ballinger Publishing Company, 1985.
supplied by John Lear - questioned by many of the elements and materials 3. Bullard, Thomas E. UFO Abductions:
some ufolOgists - indicates that used to mapufacture the components. The Measure of a Mystery. Bloomington, IN:
sometime between 1972 and 1974, a He might also gain some insights from The Fund for UFO Research, 1987.
huge underground complex was con- the exterior design of the pocket com- 4. Burrows, William E. Deep Blach. New
York: Berkley Books. 1988.
structed for and with the help of aliens. puter and the internal arrangement of 5. Dane, Abe. "Black Jet." Popular
its components. We may be in the Mechanics, July 1990.
Underground same "fix" in regard to understanding 6. Dornhelm, Michael A ''Air Force F-117A
alien spacecraft. Moves Out of the Black." Aviation Week. April
Leonard H. Stringfield reported the "Spinoffs" from alien technology are 9, 1990.
7 Douglass, Steve. "Probing the Secrets of
existence of a secret underground most likely to be evident in aerospace Nellis Air Force Base." Oddysey Magazine, the
m~itary base in his Status Report lll on materials technology and advanced official news magazine of Paranet, November
UFO Crash/Retrievals. The base was aircraft and spacecraft design. Stealth 1989 - February 1990 issue.
said to be located in Texas on the Fort technology is a case in point - observed 8. Frickey, Al. '"Stealth and Beyond:' Gung-
Hood Army Military Reservation. from the front, back or sides the 8-2 Ho Magazine, February 1988.
9. Heppenheimer, T.A. "Revealed! Mach 5
Sometime in the late 1960s a pilot was stealth bomber resembles the classic Spy Plane." Popular Science, November
forced to make an emergency landing flying saucer and the F-117 A stealt~ 1988,
in a restricted area of Fort Hood. He fighter looks like it belongs on the set 10. Howe, Linda M. ''An Alien Harvest."
was surrounded by soldiers and taken of a science fiction movie instead of Littleton, Colorado: Linda M. Howe Produc-
into custody for questioning. He ob- on an Air Force base. tions, 1989.
11. Jones, J. "Stealth Technology." Blue
served a huge section of land which Second, many_ UFO reports Ridge Summit, PA: Tab Books Inc., 1989.
opened up like "giant sliding doors;' originating from international sources 12. KLAS/Lazar Transcript #l, Paranet,
revealing a huge corridor inside. He seem to confirm the existence of alien 1989,
was' then blindfolded and transported underground bases. 3 Combined 13. Paranet. "The Case of Area 51." Od-
to the underground base. He was in- human/alien underground bases have dysey Magazine, Nov. 89 · Feb. 90 Issue.
14. Simonsen, Erik. US. Spyplanes.
terrogated for several hours and then also been reported. This activity ap- Dorset, England: Arms and Armour Press
released. pears to be very widespread and to Ltd., 1987.
The enormous amount of scientific have a long history. The reality of 15. Skinner, Michael. Red Flag. Novato,
and technological activity occurring in these secret facilities would imply that Calif.: Presidio Press, 1984.
the deserts of the southwest (and other either the aliens are using them for 16. Steinman, William S. UFO Crash at
Aztec. Tucson, Arizona: UFO Photo Archives,
locations), implies several things. First, their own purposes without human 1986.
although we may have access to alien control and/or that some type of 17, Sweetman, Bill, Stealth Aircraft,
technology, _we obviously have not cooperative effort between aliens and Osceola, Wisc.: Motorbooks International.
been able to discover exactly how it humans has been going on for a very 1986.
works and/or how to duplicate it. We long time. 18. Sweetman, Bill. Stealth Bomber,
Osceola, Wisc.: Motorbooks International,
cannot tap its full potential. No The military and governmental 1989.
astronauts (that we know of), are mak- hierarchies of most countries ap- 19. The 1990 USAF Almanac. Air Force
ing trips to the Moon or Mars in flying parently consider UFOs and aliens to Magazine, May 1990.

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 267 July 1990


News'n'Views ••• Gulf Breeze, Circle Conference & Reward

Knowles Encounter U.S. government 43 years ago today. of Staff of the Air Force, by Robert
The Knowles Family Encounter, A The report by nuclear physicist Cutler, Special Assistant for National
Study of a UFO Phenomenon Over Stanton T. Friedman, who has been Security to President Eisenhower.
the Nullarbor Plain, Australia by John researching UFOs since 1958, notes The three documents were re-
W. Auchettl is a new book researched that there is no evidence which proves leased to the public by UFO research-
by Paul A. Norman and John W. the documents to be false, but many ers in 1987 and immediately were
Auchettl. This is a definitive investiga- previously unknown details which called into question by skeptics. To
tion of the UFO case that attracted in- point to their authenticity. settle the controversy, the Fund for
temationa1 attention on January 20, The first of the three documents UFO Research, a nonprofit scientific
1988 when the Knowles family car in question purports to be a 10P organization based in Washington,
and occupants were allegedly picked SECRET /EYES ONLY briefing DC, awarded a $16,000 grant to Mr.
up from the Eyre Highway, near Mun- paper prepared for President-elect Friedman to investigate the MJ-12
drabilla in Western Australia, by a Dwight D. Eisenhower in November documents and personalities.
UFO. 1952. It relates the crash of an After more than a year of investiga-
The authors have documented the Unidentified Flying Object outside tion, which included extensive inter-
case thoroughly, starting with the in- Roswell, New Mexico, in July 1947. views with the relatives and colleagues
itial interviews, area profile, general "On July 7, 1947, a secret opera- of MJ-12 members and visits to
obseivations by other witnesses, med- tion was begun to assure recovery of presidential libraries and the National
ical examinations, physical effects, the wreckage of this object for scien- Archives, Friedman concluded that
animal study, dust particle collection tific study," according to the docu- · "none of the arguments passes a
and analysis, automobile inspection ment. "During the course of this scientific screening as to their
and analysis, wheel and tire analysis operation, aerial reconnaissance worthwhileness.
and ending with their conclusions. Six discovered that four small human-like "The bottom line is that the
pages of photographs and diagrams beings had apparently ejected from documents must therefore be con-
illustrate this unusual and important the craft at some point before it ex- sidered genuine," Friedman said, "and
case. ploded:' that a small group within the U.S.
The majority of the information has The alleged briefing paper notes government has managed to withhold
been shared with the Mutual UFO that all four bodies were removed for from the people of planet Earth the
Network during their investigation. study, along with wreckage from the proof that man is not alone."
MUFON highly recommends this craft, "and news reporters.were given Copies of the Final Report on
book if you want the complete in- the effective cover story that the ob- Operation Majestic 12 by Stanton T.
vestigation. It contains 21 chapters, ject had been a misguided weather Friedman are avatlable from the Fund
306 pages, more than 80,000 words, research balloon." for UFO Research for $10.00, plus
and 143 diagrams and photos. Paul Attached to the document is a $2.50 for postage and handling. To
Norman, MUFON State Director for memo to the Secretary of Defense, order, write: Fund for UFO Research,
Victoria, advises that a copy of their apparently signed by President Harry P.O. Box 277, Mt. Rainier, MD
book may be obtained for. $25 sea S. Truman on September 24, 1947, 20712.
mail or $32 air mail by writing to Vic- authorizing "Operation Majestic
torian U.F.O. Research Society, P. 0. Twelve" (also referred to as Majic 12
Box 43, Moorrabim, Victoria 3189, or MJ-12), a TOP SECRET research
Soviet UFO Society
Australia. and development/ intelligence opera- We are glad to inform MUFON mem-
tion responsible directly to the Presi- bers that on March 16th of this year,
dent to assure recovery of the wreck- "Soyuzufotsentr," the all-Union Inter-
MJ-12 Report age and bodies for scientific study. branch Scientific and Coordinative
(WASHINGlDN, D.C.; July 7, 1990) A TOP SECRET memorandum UFO Center, was founded in the
- A report released by a scientific which was found in the National Ar- USSR.
research organization supports the chives with recently-declassified This is a state organization present-
authenticity of lDP SECRET docu- government documents refers to the ly composed of some 20 individuals
ments which outline the recovery and NSC/MJ-12 Special Studies Project actively engaged in UFO research.
analysis of the wreckage of an in connection with the National Se- Our activities are presently centered
Unidentified Flying Object and four curity Council. The memo was sent around the following four areas:
alien bodies in New Mexico by the to General Nathan F. Twining, Chief Organizing a network for the col-

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 267 July 1990

lecting and processing of UFO gations. outside their established fields of in-
'reports. quiry. The Society seeks to _provide
- Dennis Stacy
Establishing a system of quick for the discussion of these tOpics in a
response to such events and their forum modeled on that of mainstream
possible physical effects. SSE Meeting science. Its membership is drawn from
Involving and interesting various practitioners of science who have ac-
"If you consider that real problems are
state organizations in the research and quired a first-hand knowledge and
not always· neat, that significant
analysis of the available UFO data. understanding of the scientific
knowledge is not always tidy, and that
And coordinating the various process.
complex issues· deserve study, not
amateur research societies. "The Society has no ,intention of
slogans, you will be interested in the
Beginning later this year, Soyuzu-
fosentr, in cooperation with APN (the
Society for Scientific Exploration."
endorsing the reality or significance of
any particular topic. Neither does the
You will also be interested td know
Press and News Agency), hopes to Society regard current scientific
that the .Society's ninth annual
issue the first of a series of quarterly ·knowledge as immutable, and no sub-
meeting is scheduled to be held at
reports on the subject. We also hope ject will be prohibited from discussion
Terman Auditorium on the campus of
to initiate the exchange of information or publication simply because it is not
Stanford University, Thursday, August
and.publications with UFO organiza- now an accepted part of scientific or
9th, through Saturday, August 11th,
tions in other countries. Our address $Cholarly knowledge. For each of
of this year. Public attendance is
is USSR, 103055, Moscou-55. a/ ya these topics, the Society anticipates
open, but limited. For additional
N 6,. "Soyuzufosentr." that members will approach the sub-
details, or to pre-register, write SSE90
ject with the view that honest evi-
- Dr. M. Shevchenko Local Organizing Committee, Stan-
dence deserves investigation that is
ford University, ERL306, Stanford,
unprejudiced and constructively
CA, 94305-4055.
UFOs in the Nineties The umbrella topics to be address-
"Tim Dinsdale (1924-1987) spent
ed on Thursday include "Electro-
"The UFO Phenomenon in the much of his life carrying out "active
magnetic Signals Possibly Related to
1990's" is the title of a conference and demanding research on the pro-
Earthquakes" and "Condensed-
cosponsored by the J. Allen Hynek blem posed by reports of a 'Loch Ness
Charge Technology and its Possible
Center for UFO Studies and the San- Monster.' In this quest, he demon-
Role in the Electronics Industry
ta Barbara Centre for Hu.manistic strated an e~emplary dedication, in-
(Harold Puthoff);" on Friday,
Studies, Inc., timed to coincide with tegrity and modesty. He also leav-
"Human·-Machine· Interaction," and
the publication of CUFOS vice presi- ened the weight of his undertaking
on Saturday, "Cold .Fusion."
dent Jerome Clark's The UFO En- by a due sense of proportion and a
cyclopedia, Volume 1: UFOs in the sense of humor that was invariably
1980s. directed at ·himself.
The conference is scheduled to be
Dinsdale Prize "When Dinsdale became interested
held Saturday, November 3, 1990, The Society for Scientific Exploration in the possible existence of the Loch
at the Labero Theatre in Santa Bar- also announces the establishment of Ness Monster, he first spent a year
bara, California, and will last from 9 the Dinsdale Prize, to be awarded an- analyzing the available evidence. In
a.m. until 9 p.m. For additional in- nually in memory of the late Tim 1960, using a borrowed 16mm movie
formation, write the Santa l,arbara Dinsdale for "significant and long term camera and on the last day of his first
Centre for Humanistic Studies, Inc., contributions to the .study of anom- expedition to Loch Ness, he filmed a
Box 91611, Santa Barbara, CA, alies." The Prize is open to candidates large object that moved rapidly across
93190-1611, or call (805) 967-2669. of any nationality, and the winner will (and at times just below the surface
Registration fee is $40. be invited to present the Dinsdale of) the water. This object was larger
Scheduled speakers include Tho- Lecture. than any of the species that are
mas Bullard, Clark, George M. Eber- The SSE was formed in 1980 for known to inhabit the Loch.
hart (CUFOS librarian and secretary), "the advancement of our under- "Dinsdale spent the rest of his life
Dr. Richard F. Haines, Budd Hopkins, standing of anomalous phenomena seeking more and better evidence. He
David M. Jacobs, Bruce Maccabee, J. anq the sharing of such advances with left his career in aeronautical en-
Gordon Melton (director of the In- a wider concerned community. The gineering to make his living in ways
stitute for the Study of American term 'anomalous' is used to charac• that allowed him time for field work.
Religion). CUFOS president and terize those phenomena that appear In addition to this sacrifice, he per•
scientific director Mark Rodeghier, Dr. to contradict existing scientific sistently refused to derive any
John Saliba, a University of Detroit knowledge and which, for these or monetary gain from his work at Loch
anthropologist, and Don Schmitt, other reasons, are generally regarded Ness. He influenced many people
CUFOS director of special investi- by the scientific community as being through his example, through his

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 267 July 1990

actions, through his lectures, and CERES, 54 From~ Road, Bradford- at this stage, was, however, given
through his books." on-Avon, Wiltshire, England, BA15 from the unexpected quarter of
Nominations for the Dinsdale Prize ILD. BUFORA The conclusion reached by
that are received by the Secretary What forcibly struck many of the Paul Fuller and Jenny Randles at the
before October 31 will be considered lay members of the audience was that end of an inevitably· somewhat selec-
for the prize to be awarded In the the hidden agenda of the Conference tive account of the UFO phenomenon
subsequent year. Please include in was the question which has dogged as we have known it since 1947 was
your nomination the name, affiliation this sub}ect for several years - is there that "UFO research in its own right is
and address of the nominee, copies or isn't there an "intelligence" behind now dead and has become a part of
of his or her biography and biblio- this extraordinary phenomenon? meteorolgy." Those of us who have

' graphy, your support statement, and

the draft of a brief citation that can be
used if your nominee is awarded the
Terence Meaden adhered with deter-
mination - some would say, valiantly
- to the- view that "blind forces,"
operating mechanistically, will_ even-
followed the UFO phenomenon all
these years past (including Jenny
Randles' own lively and often startl-
ing accounts of it) can only extend our
Write SSE secretary Professor tually explain all that we have been best wishes to meteorology.
Lawrence W. Frederick, Box 3818, seeing in the crop fields (mainly in The conclusion of the Conference
Charlottesville, VA 22903, for any ad- southern England), even including the was marred (or, as some felt it, given
ditional information and to submit extraordinary new patterns which a degree of dramatic interest) by an
nominations. have appeared since May of this year. angry exchange between the Chair
(With 200 events logged halfway and Colin Andrews (co-author with
through, this "season" seems sure to Pat Delgado of the superbly illustrated
set several records.) Circular Evidence). Andrews drew at-
Oxford Conference It did not seem to many of us that tention to a recent event in which a
On Saturday, June 23, the First In- the visiting experts actively supported three-ringed circle, known to have oc-
ternational Conference on the Circles- the Plasma Vortex hypothesis. They curred in a remote part of a farm in
Effect was held at Oxford under the seemed, rather, to be saying that the Wiltshire in late May, had "grown" a
chairmanship of Dr. Terence Meaden Plasma Vortex, if Dr. Meaden suc- fourth ring (roughly 1000 feet in cir-
and scientific colleagues. Superbly ceeded in developing his atmospheric cumference) when re-surveyed In
organized by Dr. Derek Elsom of the model and demonstrating its relation- June. This did not, he said, seem
Tornado & Storm Research Organiza- ship to the crop circles, would pro- compatible with any hypothesis based
tion (lDRRO), the conference was a bably not be inconsistent with their on meteorology alone. Terence
show-case for Terence Meaden's own. studies of atmospheric and Meaden questioned the evidence for
hypothesis that the crop circles are ionisation phenomena. This falls, of this statement, adding that if it was in-
formed by a hitherto unrecognized at- course, considerably short of en- deed true, hoax might be the explana-
mospheric phenomenon possessing dorsement. tion. (As it happens, CCCS possesses
strong electrical and electromagnetic Terence Meaden himself acknow- aerial photographs which put occur-
properties, the Plasma Vortex. This is ledged that decades of research might rence beyond doubt; the Centre will
the latest development in Meaden's be required to define the .Plasma Vor- be publishing details, after careful
pursuit of the subject, as an at- tex in precise terms; and he added evaluation, in The Crop Circle
mospheric physicist, since his initial that it could well be capable of Enigma later this year.)
involvement which dates to 1980. generating hundreds of different crop Those who attended the Con-
Addressed. mainly to the scientific circle patterns, most of which we have ference expecting that a definitive ex-
community and containing much not yet seen and none of which, it planation for the crop circles in
highly technical material from Pro- seems, can be predicted at this stage. meteorological terms was now within
fessor John Snow of Purdue Univer- Commenting on the new patterns sight must have left it disappointed.
sity, USA, and Professors Kikuchi and seen this year, Meaden remarked that None of us had any doubt, however,
Ohtsuki of Tokyo University, the Con- they were interesting "aberrant forms" about Terence Meaden's courageous
.! ference was enlivened for laymen by from which we rriight well learn more attempt to fit the phenomenon to
spectacular video pictures of recent about the physics of the ''normal" oc- terms which he would call "rational,"
crop circle events taken from the air currences. It is doubtful, however, that even if for the time being his eleven-
by Busty Taylor of CCCS, the Cen- many of the audience felt able to year-old endeavors seem to many of
tre for Crop Circle Studies, and a talk distinguish "normal" from "aberrant" us to rest more on faith and hope than
by Jenny Randles and Paul Fuller of after the startling display of new forms any developed model of what may be
the British UFO Research Association given to us by Busty Taylor. happening. But for all of us it was
(BUFORA) on the relationship of Whole-hearted endorsement for worth coming for the many "aberrant"
ufology to cereology. The Conference the Plasma Vortex, even if not forth- forms exhibited by Busty Taylor.
Proceedings are available from coming from Meaden's scientific peers "Case not yet dosed," we laymen

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 267 July 1990

felt - and it's not even the proper from the unit vanished, and officials would be nice to know if any small
time to ask the jury to retire. We look suspected that two more who were on models of flying saucers were found
forward to those hundreds of new leave would not return." in their van. Somehow, though, the
forms which Terence Meaden thinks The military had issued a world· really good stories never get told.
may be yet to come. wide alert for the six on July 9. West In the meantime, inquiring minds
German investigators were "told that like mine are piqued. If any readers
- Ralph Noyes the six belong to a group known as have additional material or local clip·
The End of the World, but Pentagon pings about this particular case (The
officials said they know nothing about End of the World, not Gulf Breeze),
Crop Harvest the group or whether it has any bear· I'd appreciate receiving copies care of
Rarely is there the opportunity to reap ings on the case." the Journal.
a financial reward in this field, but the Anytime six NSA electronic
eavesdroppers belong to a group
English Crop (or Corn) Circle phe-
nomenon offers the enterprising .in- named The End of the World, I sug·
vestigator a scarce shot at same. The gest it's time to sit up and take notice.
Arthur E. Koestler Foundation has just Do they know something we don't?
announced a 5000-Pound reward for Now for the other shoe: The six In Others'
were arrested In Gulf Breeze, Florida
"the first definitive explanation of the
cause of these formations." At current (my emphasis) the previous Friday
Words ...
exchange rates, that amounts to al- night when two were stopped on a
most $10,000. routine trafflc violation for driving a
Lucius Farish
Certain restrictions, of course, ap- van without working tail•lights. A
ply. For full details and requirements, computer check alerted the Those large triangular UFOs are still
write the Koestler ·Foundation, 484 authorities, who then staged a sur· around, with Belgium being the most
King's Road, London, SWlO OLF. prise raid on a nearby apartment recent country reporting sightings. A
And happy hunting! Saturday morning, as well as a local detailed account of these events can
campgro:und. Duffel bags, suitcases be found in the May 22 issue of NA
-OS and briefcases, along with $4000 in TIONAL ENQUIRER.
cash were found in the apartment, ac• The ''Anti•Matter /UFO Update"
cording to Capt. Kenneth R. Hicks of column in the June issue of OMNI
Gulf Breeze Capture the GBPD. "The soldiers were turned summarizes the recent re•investigation
From the Just-When-You-Thought-It• over to military authorities and flown of the Roswell, N.M. UFO crash of
Was·Safe•To•Carp·About•Gulf• Breeze on Sunday to Fort Benning, Ga." 1947. Investigators from the Center
Department comes the foUowing from The Times articles said that "Gulf for UFO Studies have located several
the Wednesday, July 18, 1990 New Breeze is a few miles from the sprawl• additional witnesses and obtained ad•
York Times. ing Pensacola Naval Air Station and ditional information regarding the
"WASHING1DN, July 17 - Six the smaller Correy Station, a naval case. All of this will be covered in a
soldiers missing from an Army in· training center for electronic warfare book by Kevin Randle & Don
telligence unit at a sensitive National where at least two of the soldiers had Schmitt, ROSWELL, due to be pub·
Security Agency eavesdropping post trained." lished by Avon Books (paperback) In
in West Germany have been ap· Given tumbling walls in Europe, it November. Martin Cannon's theory
prehended in Florida and are the seems strange that the-six should have that UFO abductions are really mind·
focus of a routine counterespionage congregated back home in Gulf control experiments by intelligence
investigation, the Pentagon said to• Breeze, under the very noses of local agencies is featured in this same col•
day." authorities where at least two had umn in the July issue of OMNI.
The six were detained under a once trained. Now that the six are If you have read the four books by
three•week old Army regulation that under government custody, it seems Zecharia Sitchin which deal with the
requires "personnel with access to like we might have heard the last of possibility of extraterrestrials having
classified information be detained Im· The End of the World and why they created Man, you will also probably
mediately if they extend their leave were in Gulf Breeze anyway. want to read FLYING SERPENTS
without permission:• The Pentagon Maybe they were in cahoots with AND DRAGONS by R.A Boulay.
added "that two of the soldiers went the odd crew that mugged CBS an• The _author examines many of the
on authorized leave from their unit, chor Dan Rather on a New York same topics covered in the Sitchin
the 701st Military Intelligence Brigade sidewalk several years back, demand· books, but he does so with a very dif·
at Augsburg, West Germany, about ing to know "What is the frequency?" ferent "twist:' Remember all those
two weeks ago, and never returned. Maybe they were only trying to search
At the same time, two other soldiers out Mr. Ed's new home address? It Continued on page 17

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 267 J1.1ly 1990


Looking Back
Bob Gribble
July 1955 ■ Captain Curtis H. 1965 at an American military base· in unknown), John Hembling, geologist
Hutchings, 43, commanding officer of Bedfordshire, England. The reporting and exploration manager for a min-
VX-1 at the Boca Chica Naval Air Sta- witness was a teenager at the lime: "I ing · company, and a companion
tion, Key West. Florida. said the baf- was a military dependent living on a geologist, stepped from a helicopter
fling bright silver object seen streak- sa·zllite communications base. My atop a mountain ridge in north-central
ing across South Florida and North- friend and I were playing badminton British Columbia, Canada, about 70
ern Caribbean Sea skies on the 14th one afternoon on the base, and- we miles north of Hazelton. "It was about
was not a meteor, hinting broadly it were shouting and laughing when we ten dclock;' Hembling said, "when we
was a man-made machine from outer suddenly realized we couldn't hear saw a silver object, shining in the sun,
space. Hutchings said the glowing, each other. There wasn't any sound appear over a small ridge below us.
tear-shaped object was "not made on at all. We tried to talk to each other It had a flattened-out look ... and was
this earth," and said he computed its and still couldn't hear anything. We about 50 feet in diameter. On top of
speed at an estimated 63,000 miles looked around, and right above us at its dome there was a little knob and
per hour. By scientific computation. the top of the b"ees was a large, round, around the base of the dome there
Hutchings said the object was 800 black object. We were just 14 and were circular markings. Below these,
feel in diameter and about 40 miles 15-year-old girls. My friend went in· on the face of the disc itself, there
above earth. At the time of the side the house to get her dad and in· were larger rectangular marks."
sighting, Hutchings was commander side the house he could hear her. As the two men, watched in aston-
of the Navy's super-secret air develop- When he came outside to look at 'it' ishment, the craft moved slowly
ment squadron at Key West. and an we couldn't hear him talking to us, across the ridge until it was above a
authority in astronomical sciences. and he couldn't hear us. He went small glacial lake, barely more than a
back inside and alerted the command pond. Hovering there an instant, it
■ 1960 Five employees of the San post. then descended to less than 50 feet
Francisco Chemical Company watched "As soon as he went back inside the above the water. Again it stopped,
a UFO descend from the sky over house, the object started to move and, to the men's further amazement,
Leefe, Wyoming. at 10:30 a.m. on the away over the treetops and we could lowered a pipe-like instrument from
first. Claude Rouse described the ob• hear again. The base alert sirens were its underside into the water. "At first
ject as follows: "It was bright, silver- sounding ... so I ran home and my we thought it was something like a
colored, highly polished metal having father - who was senior NCO on the rope ladder," Hembling said. "But it
the shape of two dinner plates face- base - was just leaving. All of the didn't just drop down. It came out
to-face." He estimated it had a people went 'down in the hole,' smoothly and steadily as if under
diameter of 185 feet. and 14 feet (underground). The base was closed mechanical control." During this pro-
through the center. Five transparent to all traffic. My father didn't come cedure the observers were conscious
bubbles projected from the bottom. back home until morning and I asked of a humming sound from the craft
The craft came from the south and him what ii was. He said, 'I can't tell "like a quiet electric motor."
maneuvered as if to land on the you. All I can say is ii wasn't ours.' I With its appendage in the lake, the
stockpile area immediately south of said, 'you mean ours-ours, or the disc then rotated slowly like a water-
the Leefe plant. Mr. Rouse estimated earth's ours?' He wouldn't say any- borne top until its "windows" faced
he was about 400 feet from the vehi- thing else. Some years later when we the two men. "We had a distinct feel-
cle as it vertically descended to about were talking about it, I asked him ing it knew we were there," Hembling
50 feet above the waste dumps. It again and he said, 'It wasn't ours. said. After remaining in that position
then ascended and took off to the There are seven American bases for about eight minutes, the craft
south al tremendous speed. No around the world like the one we were withdrew its "pipe" as carefully as it
sound was heard other than the idl- on, and there were sightings at all had lowered it. "It climbed slowly,
ing diesel engine of the tractor that seven that same day.' The object was then all of a sudden it was off,"
Rouse was operating. about 60 to 80 feet in diameter and Hembling said. "It shot over the ridge,
was tracked on the base radar." made a sharp turn without skidding
■ 1965 The following UFO en- and was out of sight in about 20
counter occurred in the summer of ■ On a sunny morning (date seconds. We figured it had g0ne 20

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 267 July 1990

or 25 miles by the time it disap- it had a transparent dome. After some ■ 1975 A Macheke, Rhodesia man
peared." four minutes or so, the two occupants reported that he was paralyzed by a
climbed in. Once they were aboard, light from a UFO which hovered over
■ About 6 a.m. on the first, Mon- a sliding door closed, moving up- his garden on the 25th. He said he
sieur Masse was working his lavender wards, like a roll-top desk. At that was flung to the ground by a
field northwest of Valensole, in the point Masse could see the two oc- mysterious light that appeared at
Department of Alpes de Haute- cupants through the dome. Sudden- treetop level 10 meters from his
Provence, France, when he heard a ly there was a muffled sound and the house, and that bruises on his chest
brief whistling sound not far off. He vehicle ascended about a meter into and shoulder were caused by the im- ·j
walked in the direction from which the the air. Then the witness observed, pact. John Clark, 54, said: "I believe
sound had come and saw that a underneath the craft, a tube, with a it was something from outer space.
strange machine had landed in his glint like steel, which was coming up Judging from the hold it had on me
field, about 100 meters from him. He out of the ground. The six legs of the it could have destroyed me, straight
made his way towards it and soon machine started to tum and the vehi- away. But I think it was examining
realized that the craft, which was cle started to move away like a flash me." Police confirmed that they had
standing on legs, was of the shape of of lightning. In about 15 minutes a report of the incident and that they
a rugby football and the size of a Masse's paralysis ceased. Then he had no reason to doubt his story.
Renault Dauphine car. Beneath the went to look at the spot where the Clarks clash with the UFO occurred
vehicle were two beings, who were craft had stood. He discovered that just after 7 p.m. "I didn't feel like cook-
not men. He got to a point ten meters the ground where it had landed was ing so I thought I would go to the cafe
from them. soaked with moisture. at the garage for some food. I went
The beings were squatting on the around the side of the house and
ground. One had its back to Masse, ■ On the third, a giant lens-shaped when I was about level with the
while the other was facing towards object was seen, tracked, and photo- bedroom window a terrific bright light
him. Suddenly, both of the beings got graphed at the Argentina scientific came on to me. At the same time I
up. The one who had his back to base, Deception Island, in the Antarc- was thrown to the ground. The cat
Masse turned around and faced him, tic. Lt. Daniel Perisse, Commanding was with me. It screeched and ran off.
and made a gesture with his right Officer, confirmed by radio that the I went straight down, and I couldn't
hand. In this hand he was holding an large object alternately hovered, then move. I was paralyzed, but wide
object - which he later put into a accelerated and maneuvered at awake. I tried to move my head and
case that he was wearing on his left tremendous speeds. While being fingers but I could not. I even tried to
side. Instantly, the witness was im- tracked by theodolite and watched roll over. I could see the reflection of
mobilized. He could feel nothing. He through binoculars, the craft caused the light in the bedroom. It was just
was neither numb nor contracted. He strong interference with variometers as if there was a searchlight inside the
could neither move his head nor used to measure the earth's magnetic room, it was so bright.
make any gesture. The beings were field, and also registered on magne- "Eventually, everything went black
about one meter tall. They had very tograph tapes. Color pictures were again," Clark said. "It must have
big heads, much bigger than the head taken through a theodolite by a pushed off. I was able to get up and
of a man. member of a visiting group from the get back inside the house. When I had
They were completely bald. No Chilean scientific base. (Please refer left the house the fire was going well,
chin. A round hole where our mouth to the MUFON 1987 International but it was out when I got back. I must
is. Eyes resembling ours, but without UFO Symposium Proceedings for have been outside for about an hour."
eyebrows. Their skin was smooth and the paper titled "Deception Island Clark said that bruises on his chest
of a color identical with that of Euro- UFO Sightings" by Capt. Daniel A. and shoulder were caused by the
peans. Their shoulders were scarcely Perrisse for more details.) violent impact of his fall. •
wider than their heads, and the heads Confirming the reports, the Chilean
were set deep into the shoulders. Minister of Defense at Santiago added ■ Danie Van Graan, 69, is certain
They had almost no neck. They had new infonnation radioed by Comman- the thing which he saw in his sheep ',;,
arms and legs, but the witness was not der Mario Janh Barrera, Commanding enclosure just outside Loxton, South
able to describe the feet and hands. Officer of the Chilean base: On the Africa, was not one of the Citrus
They were wearing dark overalls. 18th a similar object had maneuvered Commission's orange-colored lemon
They appeared to be talking to each over the area, and was seen by all per- juice wagons. "It was the morning of
other, their eyes moved, and a sort sonnel. During the sighting on the the 31st when, at approximately half
of gurgling sound came from their third, the object had caused strong past seven I walked across my land.
throats. radio interference, temporarily block- The sun had not yet risen, but it was
The bottom of the craft was 50 cen- ing his attempts to report the craft to quite light and I could see the thing
timeters from the ground. On the top the British and Argentine bases. quite clearly. I thought it was a cara• ',,,,
MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 267 July 1990 II
van belonging to the people who are with his dog at a river near his home provides a possible answer which will
looking for uranium all around here," in Wales (city unknown), during the certainly make you stop and think, to
Van Graan reported. "But as I came early morning hours of the 27th say the least. Autographed copies of
nearer, I saw that it was altogether when he saw a bright, pulsating light this book can be obtained directly
round with rounded windows. I could approaching. It hovered then landed from the author (Ray Fowler - 13
immediately see beings who looked in a nearby field. When Morris went Friend Court- Wenham, MA 01984)
like people. They had rather long to the field he discovered a cylinder· at $20.00 per ·copy postpaid in the
faces, though. There were four of shaped craft five feet high and six feet U.S. Canadian orders are $25.00
them. long standing on a tripod. An unseen per copy; international orders are
"Three of ·them, I felt, had me door opened, a metal ladder dropped $25.00 by surface mail, $35.00 by
under their observation and the fourth to the ground and three gray•suited airmail.
was busy at an instrument panel of figures emerged, each carrying a A reminder that Howard Blum's
some sort. I could see the lights im- bucket and spade. They then pro• book, OUT THERE, is set for an
mediately. AU of these were three cor- ceeded to dig nearby. Morris re• August release from Simon &
nered. I felt like I wanted to get closer, malned quiet, but his dog began to Schuster, so check your local
then, some sort of flap near one of bark and ran towards the craft. At this bookstores. This promises to be a very
the windows opened with a bang and point, Morris apparently lost con- interesting look at government/in-
a streak of light shone in my face. I sciousness and when he awoke it was telligence agency involvement in the
felt very uncomfortable and started to daylight and his dog and the craft UFO subject.
bleed from my nose. From a safe were gone. Upon investigating the
distance, I observed them for about landing area he found slight scorch
half an hour. All four were approx- marks on the ground. The dog was
imately one-and•a•half meters tall and never seen again.
I would guess that each one weighed
between 54 and 58 kilograms. They
looked just like normal people with
WORDS. Continued
very long faces. They also had high NEWSCLIPPINGS SERVICE
foreheads." The object then ascended rumors of crashed disk occupants
and within seconds it disappeared, having reptilian features? And how The UFO Newscllpplng Service will
without making any sound. about those abduction/ contact cases keep you informed of alt the latest
On the ground where the craft involving UFO occupants with "wing• United States and World•Wide UFO
stood, there were marks in the hard ed serpent" insignias on their reports (i.e., little known photographic
dirt, each approximately two cen• uniforms? Boulay's book Is sub•titled cases, close encounters and landing
timeters wide and ten centimeters "The Story of Mankind's Reptilian reports, occupant cases) and all other
UFO reports, many of which are car•
long, and precisely the same distance Past" This is the first of several books
ried only In small town and foreign
from each other. In response to on the general theme of extrater· newspapers.
rumors that Van Graan had restrial influence on the history of the Our UFO Newsclipplng Service
perpetrated a hoax, his neighbor, Mr. human race. FLYING SERPENTS Issues are 20-page monthly reports,
Sinclair said: "If this were the case, AND DRAGONS can be obtained reproduced by photo-offset, con•
someone would have seen him do· from Galaxy Books - P. 0. Box 8542 talnlng the latest United States and
ing this. This is right in front of our · Clearwater, FL 34618. The price is Can~dlan UFO newscllppings, with
eyes. It would have taken him a half $14.95, plus $1.50 postage and our foreign section carrying the
a day. And without help he could handling. latest British, Australian, New Zea-
hardly do it. He is a little on the short Raymond E. Fowler's sixth book on land and other foreign press reports.
side, so how could he make five the UFO subject (including one novel) Also included Is a 3-5 page section
of "Fortean" clippings (I.e., Bigfoot
marks in the stone hard, dry ground, is entitled THE WATCHERS. In large
and other "monster'' reports). Let us
each one symmetrical and equally part, it deals with the case of Betty keep you Informed of the latest hap-
distant from the other. Someone Andreasson Luca, the subject of two penings In the UFO and Fortean
would surely have come closer and previous books by Fowler. However, fields.
Inquired what the old man was up to." personal experiences of the author For subscription Information and
Mr. Ben Bruwer, Mr. Sinclair's and his family are included in the sample pages from our service, write
business associate, said that he had book, indicating an overwhelming in· today to:
seen Van Graan early that morning terest in the UFO subject is often more
with his cloths smeared with blood as than mere intellectual curiosity. If you UFO NEWSCUPPING SERVICE
Route 1 • Box 220
though his nose had been bleeding. accept UFOs as a reality and you
Plumerville, Arkansas 72127
wonder about their purpose(s) in
■ 1980 Alan Morris was fishing visiting this planet, Raymond Fowler

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 267 July 1990


Dear Editor: Dear Editor: ceptive essay on the "Men in Black"
A while back, Walt Andrus grac- I found the article on the Mantell phenomenon originally appeared.
iously extended his permission to list case by William E. Jones (MUFON Having. now read Hilary Evans' re-
MUFON as the sponSor of a com- UFO Journal, April 1990) to be an sponse to the essay's appearance In
puter bulletin board devoted to especially interesting one. The inci- the March 1990 issue of MUFON
UFOiogy. We are pleased to an- dent that was the subject of his inter- UFO Journal, I must admit I'm not
nounce that the board has been view with Jack Pickering was com- sure Evans and I encountered the
operational for a few months and is ·pelling in its own right and lends sup- same essay. Then again, unless Ro-
generating a lot of interest. port to the view that what Captain jcewicz's article is disguising itself in
MUFON Ohio State Section Direc- Mantell witnessed was not a Skyhook multiple versions (a literary dop-
tors, Dale Wedge and Rick Dell' balloon. pleganger), it's probably safe to
Aquila, have been serving as co- It should be noted that when the assume we did read the same piece,
sysops of the UFOiogy "Special In- Air Force judged Mantell incapable of only quite differently.
terest Group" [SIG] on the Case distinguishing between a daytime Particularly baffling is Evan's
Western Reserve University spon- point source of light, Venus, and an criticism of Rojcewicz for blurring the
sored "Freenet" computer bulletin obje:ct which he described as "gigan- distinction between two kinds of
board which is based in Cleveland, tic" (or "tremendous" in sorrie ac- belief, that of the person who ex-
Ohio. This is a very large system, par- counts), it followed, or perhaps periences from the inside and that of
tially supported by grant monies to the established, a pattern of using a person who comments from the
university, that is expanding nation- astronomical point sources as ex- outside. Rojcewicz does no such
wide. Several other SIGs of interest planations of last resort. Even though thing, either directly or indirectly, by
to MUFON members are available on Project Blue Book's chief, Captain commission or omission. The percep-
the system, including a Skeptics sec- Edward Ruppelt, and its astronomical tive reader will recall that Rojcewicz,
tion which is operated by CSICOP consultant, Allen Hynek, later re- a folklorist by training, simply 1) sum-
members and a NASA section jected the Venus explanation for this marizes mainstream folklore's prevail-
operated by NASA Lewis Research sighting, the Air Force would in the Ing commitment to evaluating anom-
Center employees. future embrace point-source solutions alous beliefs solely in terms of cuhural
There is no fee (hence, the name out of desperation. Thus in the sum- expectations and 2) makes a per-
"Freenet") and anyone with a com- mer of 1965 Blue Book attributed to suasive if modest call for his field to
puter and modem can log on as a twinkling stars observations through- move beyond taking claims for
visitor, which allows exploration of the out the central United States of anomalous experience "only as repre-
system with certain limitations. To rotating colors on circular lights, at sentational or symbqlic."
reach the UFO SIG, enter "go UFO" least one of which was described by The eccentric tenor of Evans' asser-
when prompted. The system is the witness, the Oklahoma Civil tion Is compounded when he inex-
relatively simple to use and offers Defense Agency public information plicably segues into broad observa-
free Internet and Fidonet access to officer, as being almost the apparent tions about the vagaries of "cultural
members. size of the full moon. conditioning;' then offers an account
Everyone, regardless of their views A well-known photograph taken of his having unveiled, many years
on UFOs, is invited to participate the following night in Tulsa of a vir- ago, a rather pedestrian MIB case.
and there have been some lively tually identical light offers additional These non-sequiturs in turn find
debates. Freenet can be reached evidence of the size disparity and even friendly company In Evans' inference
at (216) 368-3888 and supports shows the light to be part of a struc- that Rojcewicz is somehow naive
300/1200/2400 baud. We would ture. More information about the about the "constructed" dimensions
like to hear from more MUFON mem- photograph can be found in an arti- of social and cultural realities, In-
bers in the near future and hope that cle by Walt Andrus in the Journal of cluding anomalous realities.
many of you will want to register and December 1985. To the contrary: Rojcewicz's so-
log on as regular members. Should phistication on the complexities of
- Bob Lieser
anyone without a modem wish to perception, expectation and belief
Tulsa, OK
contact the sysops, our mailing ad- shines in a thoughtful essay, "Signals
dress is P. 0. Box 29163, Cleveland, of Transcendence" (Journal of UFO
Ohio 44129. Dear Editor: Studies, New Series, Volume 1,
I had the pleasure to serve as guest 1989). Given that Evans not only
- Rick Dell'Aquila editor of the Spring 1989 ReVision wrote for the same issue but specific-
Seven Hills, Ohio
issue in which Peter Ro}cewicz's per- ally commented on Ro}cewicz's ideas

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 267 July 1990

in a second-round dialogue among unique business. However, the Satur- Mr. Aggen says that "element 115 has
contributors, I find his reponse to Ro- day morning session was preceded by the unique property of releasing an-
jcewicz's views all the more puzzling. a video that portrayed the UFO sub- timatter particles when subjected to
In his MIB essay, for instance, Ro- ject and the Gulf Breeze events in par- proton bombardment." Actually, a
jcewicz's himself argues for taking a ticular with a provocative collage of ntimber of materials can-produce an-
tenative, provisional stance toward the music and visuals. Intriguing music timatter when subjected to proton
"crack in reality" hypothesis. Evans' was likewise interspersed throughout bombardment and other high energy
impbcation that Rojcewicz does other- the sessions. radiations. Even some of the organo-
wise is baseless. As an important aside, a five-bus metallic complexes in your own body
Finally, not withstanding Evans' ex tour of Gulf Breeze UFO sites was could conceivably release antiparticles
cathedral declaration "that in the end organized. Those fortunate enough to if given the proper jolt from incom-
we shall have to decide between con- be on the bus with Dr. Bruce Mac- ing cosmic radiation.
sensus reality and subjective fantasy;' cabee and debunker Phil Klass Some good material on the an-
Rojcewicz stands on solid methodo- witnessed their mutually recorded and timatter propulsion schemes being
logical and epistemological ground in hilarious exchange. Cordially pressed researched at Edwards Air Force Base
positing terra intermedia to account by Bruce as to whether he had per- are described in Joel Davis' article In
for particular UFO events. Jacques sonally interviewed any of the the British journal, New Scientist
Vallee puts the matter well in Con- witnesses in the area, Klass joined in (June 24, 1989, p. 68). Davis sug-
frontations: "If reality is no longer the fun, claiming to have spoken to gests that an antim~tter rocket could
restricted to three axes of space and over 5,000 persons for several months travel from Earth to Pluto in three
one axis of time, the Visitors could be per witness. weeks.
from anywhere and anytime." Perhaps most important was the In the fourth installment of his "The
foresight of chairpersons Vicki Lyons UFO Impact" series in Pursuit (No.
- Keith Thompson
and Charles Flannigan to engage the 84), the French physicist Jean-Pierre
Aptos, CA
professional services of BUI Richards Petit says that antihydrogen can be
to handle all electronic needs. For, stored in a novel solid-state form In
what transpired in the final 36 hours a crystal matrix. A little silver of this
Dear Editor: before the Saturday AM opening of crystal could take us to Pluto, or
I wish to reiterate and expand upon the sessions would have stymied destroy a city: it's Star Trek or Star
remarks which I made at the podium other host committees. Burst, our choice!
of the Pensacola Civic Center, site of Imagine being in their position - Daniel Eden
MUFON's International UFO Sym- when informed at that late hour that Sallisaw, OK
posium for 1990. the hotel auditorium's air condition-
In 1986, Michigan MUFON hosted ing system has failed and cannot be
the symposium at Michigan State rectified in time. Then, having quick-
University, and I was privileged to ly secured an alternate site, but in NEWS
serve as chairperson. In its aftermath,
we received many compliments for
need of major electronic enhance-
ments, you make all the. arrange- rLASH
the manner by which our group at- ments only to have the truck carry-
tempted to treat all attendees as VIPs. ing the equipment involved in a Army discharges six
Comments to the effect of "best ever" serious accident that destroyed the who went to Florida
were, of course, well received. sensitive items. No doubt with aspirin ■ FORT KNOX, Ky.
It is with that backdrop that I wish bottle in hand, Mr. Richards somehow The Anny on Friday discharged six
to express unequivocally that the saved the day, while other commit- soldiers who left their intdligence unit
Northwest Florida MUFON con- tee members hastily prepared notices in Europe and went to a Florida beach
tingent has outdone Michigan. For as to the alternate site. town known for frequent sightings of
those who missed this extraordinary It is, then, from the personal ex- UFOs.
event, permit me to list a few of the perience of hosting a successful sym- The soldiers were reported missing
exceptional preparations this year: posium that we in Michigan reel in our July 9 from their post in Augsburg,
West Gennany, and were arrested less
Friday evening at the symposium egos and point to you, Florida. You than a week later in Gulf Breeze, Fla.
has traditionally been the occasion for were sensational. An investigation found no evidence
a reception. But separate Ice sculp- that the soldiers from the 701st Military
tures in the form of a UFO and the - Dan Wright Intelligence Brigade had been involved
Lansing, Ml in espionage during the rime they were
MUFON logo, not to mention out-
standing hors'doeuvres? And a band? Dear Editor: AWOL, said Maj. Ron Mazzia, a
As always, the speakers' list in- Just a note on Erich Aggen's most spokesman for Fort Knox, where the
soldiers were detained.
cluded the best and brightest in our stimulating article in your June issue.

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 267 July 1990

East of Vega lies the star Deneb, the
tail of Cygnus the Swan. Cygnus is
The Night Sky often nicknamed the Northern Cross,
with Deneb the top of the cross.
Albireo, the head of the swan, Is a
Walter N. Webb spectacular blue and gold double star
August 1990 in a small telescope {single to the
unaided eye).
Bright Planets (Evening Sky): Altair forms the southern corner of
Mars, brightening from Oto -0.4 magnitude during the month, moves from the mangle. The star marks the head
Aries into Taurus. The red planet rises in the ENE about 11:30 PM daylight of Aquila the Eagle, the bird that car-
time in mid-August. ried Jupiter's thunderbolts. With some
Saturn (magnitude 0.2) stands low in the SE at dusk and advances westward care, it is possible to discern two
during the night. The ringed planet is only 1.7° above the gibbous Moon outstretched wings and a pointed tail.
on the 31st. The eagle and swan fly in opposite
Bright Planets (Morning Sky): directions along the Milky Way.
Venus (-3.9) and Jupiter (-1.8) form a spectacular pair in the eastern twilight
sky on August 12 and 13. At that time the two brightest planets ar~ only
half a degree apart. Venus is 7 times brighter than its giant companion.
(Their separation is even closer in the Eastern Hemisphere.) On the 18th
the crescent Moon passes very near Jupiter in the eastern U.S. but occults CUFOS UFO
the planet completely in the central and western part of the country. The
next morning the thin lunar crescent lies near Venus. And finally, after a
IS-month space cruise, the Magellan probe arrives at Venus (Aug. 10) and SCHEDULE
orbits the cloud-shrouded world. Its task is to radar-map the planet's surface. Aug. 13-18 Plaza Las Americas, San
Mars is high in the SSE at dawn. Juan, Puerto Rico
Saturn sets in the WSW about 3 AM in midmonth. Sept. 4-8 Kingston Mall, Kingston,
Partial Lunar Eclipse: Ontario, Canada
On the morning of August 6 observers in the far western states, Alaska, Sept. 10-15 Oshawa Center. Oshawa,
and Hawaii can view at least the early phases of a partial eclipse of the Ontario. Canada
Moon, weather permitting. The farther west you are, the more of the event
you will see before the Moon sets. Hawaiians will see all but the last few
minutes of the entire show. The full moon slides into the Earth's central
shadow {umbra) at 5:44 AM PDT and becomes 68 percent {maximum)
eclipsed at 7:12.
Meteor Shower:
The light from a quarter Moon will wipe out some of this year's Perseid MUFON
meteors which achieve their maximum during the morning hours of the
12th. The Perseids typically are very fast-moving and bright, frequently leav- Amateur Radio Net
ing smoky "trains" which may last many seconds before fading. The shower
continues in lesser numbers from late July to mid-August. 80 meters - 3.990 MHz
Moon Phases: Saturday, 10 p.m.
Full moon - August 6 0 40 meters - 7.237 MHz
Last quarter - August 13 ct Saturday, 8 a.m.
New moon -
First quarter -
The Stars:
August 20
August 28 • ()
August evenings bring the Summer Triangle high overhead. Not a true con-
10 meters - 28.460 MHz
Thursday, 8 p.m.
10 meters - 28.470 MHz
stellation, this very obvious right triangle is composed of the brightest stars
Sunday, 3 p.m.·
of three separate constellations. All times
Vega, the third brightest star in the Northern Hemisphere, is in Lyra the Eastern Standard
Lyre or Harp. Look for a crooked rectangle. Because of the slow proces-
sional wobble of the Earth's axis, Vega will be our North Star in 12,000 or Daylight
years. It is also the first star ever photographed (in 1850).

~UFON UFO JOURNAL No. 267 July 1990

MESSAGE, Continued this Issue of the Journal.) State Section Director for Wood,
Lucus and Ottawa Counties.
State Director, extended a cordial in- New Officers Edward A. Sanborn, State Direc-
vitation ·to the audience to attend the tor for Massachusetts, approved the
MUFON 1991 UFO Symposium at When one evaluates the caliber of selectiofl of John S. Ryan (Wellfleet)
the Hyatt Regency O'Hare Hotel at the new officers volunteering their to-serve as State Section Director for
O'Hare Intematiorial Airport (Chica- talents to MUFON this past month, Barnstable County on Cape Cod.
go) in Rosemont, Illinois. The sym- their combined expertise exceeds the Gary L. Sherard (Miami) an aiuateur
posium will be sponsofed by the annual growth of the Midwest UFO radio_ operator WASFLV was ap-
Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and Network in our formative years. No pointed State Section Director for the
hosted by Illinois - MUFON on the one could have envisioned that a northeast Oklahoma Counties of Ot-
weekend of July 5, 6 and 7, 1991. small group of UFO investigators and tawa, Delaware and Craig Counties
Taking Into account the sold-out researchers meeting in Quincy, Dlinois by Jean Waller. Thomas P. Deuley,
status of the Pensacola Hilton, the on May 31, 1%9 would grow Into not Texas State 'Director selected Robert
Hyatt Regency_ O'Hare ballroom will only the leading UFO-organization but P. Reyes (Abilene) to be State Sec-
seat 1500 and has more than enough the world's largest. tion Director for Taylor, Shackelford,
rooms to accommodate all attendees Glasnost in the U.S.S.R. has spread Jones and Callahan Counties. Leslie
on the premises. Incidentally, New to the nations formerly behind the H. Varnicle (Trinidad), MUFON
Mexico - MUFON is seriously con- iron curtain in Ufology with the Amateur Radio Net Director
sidering a bid to host the 1992 Sym- following two appointments: Valeri WA3QLW, has moved to Colorado
posium in Albuquerque when it Vitorovich Dwzhilnyi, from Dal- where she will also become the State
returns to the Western Region. negorsk in the Primorskyi Region of Section Director for Las Animas
Siberia, is the new Representative for County for Ethan A. R,ich,
National UFO Information Week Eastern U.S.S.R. Lazio Kiss, a Civil WB0APG, Colorado State Director.
Engineer living in Debrecen, P.F., Walter L. "Barney" Gamer, Jr.,
The Sixth National UFO Informa- Hungary has accepted the position of Louisiana State Director, has made
tion Week has been scheduled for Representative for Hungary. Mr. Kiss some major organizational reassign-
August 12-19, 1990. This will be an is a director in the Hungarian UFO ments and new State Section Direc-
ideal opportunity for State and State Research Network (HUFON), not to tor appointments to strengthen his in-
Section groups to set up photo ex- be confused with the Houston (TX) vestigative team. Robert E. "Chip"
hibits, displayS, booths for receiving UFO Network with the same Eggerton, Jr. (New Orleans) is now
UFO sighting reports from the public acronym. assigned to the Parishes of Orleans,
and closed circuit TV showing of UFO M. Randy Miles, Connecticut St. Bernard and Plaquemines.
documentaries, etc. in shopping malls State Director, has selected Anastasia Michael L. James (Montegut) is
and libraries. Director of -Public Wietrzychowski (Trumbull) to be his responsible for Lafourche, Terrebonne
Education, Marge Christensen Assistant State Director. W. Scott and Assumption Parishes. Stephen
heartily endorses this program. Gibson (Kingshill) accepted the re- Young (Metairie) is the new State
Two state groups have already In- sponsibility for the Virgin Islands, a Section Director for Jefferson, St.
itiated their programs for 1990. Stan U.S. Territory, as State Section Direc- Charles, St. James and St. John the
Gordon. State .Director for Penn- tor. Paul C. Cerny, Western Regional Baptist Parishes. Michael del Rio
sylvania has announced that PASU is Director, appointed Dan P. Sharver (Baton Rouge) volunteered to be the
holding its sixth annual National UFO (Modesto, Calif.) as the new State State Section Director for East Feli-
Information Week public UFO display Se:ction Director for Stanislaus and ciana, West Feliciana, East Baton
on Saturday, August 18, at the Merced Counties. Bruce A. Rouge, West Baton Rouge, Liv-
Westmoreland Mall on route 30, east Widaman, Missouri State Oirector, ingston and Ascension Parishes. W.
of Greensburg, Pennsylvania. Anna approved the appointment of Erich Winston McCain (Haughton) Is
Gloria Colon, Puerto Rico State A. Aggen. Jr. (Kansas City) to State responsible for Caddo, Bossier and
Director, and Jorge Martin, Asst. Section Director for Jackson, Webster Parishes.
Director, are planning their week long Lafayette, Johnson and Cass Coun- The following new Consultants
exhibit on August 13-18 at the Plaza ties. Yvonne Hermsen (Winner) volunteered their expertise this month
las Americas In San Juan, PR in volunteered to be the State Section and will be working with James M.
cooperation with John P. Timmer- Director for Tripp, Gregory, Mellette McCampbell, Director for Research:
man, CUFOS Vice President, who and Todd Counties under the direc- Arthur J. Clinton, M.D. (Hackett•
will have the J. Allen Hynek Center tion of Davina M. Ryszka, South stown, NJ) In Urology; Jon D.
for UFO Studies Photo Exhibit on Dakota State Director. Fred W. Hays, Shideler, Ph.D. (Oceanside, Calif.) in
display. (Please refer to the CUFOS Ohio State Director, appointed Bar-
UFO Exhibit Schedule elsewhere in bara A. Boyle (Perrysburg) to be the Continued on next page

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 267 July 1990

MESSAGE, Continued line (901) 785-4943. (Please see an OR, CA, ID, NV, UT, AZ, MT, WY,
article in this issue of the Journal of CO, NM, AK, HI and Guam. The
Anthropology; Elmer Fleischman. another computer bulletin board candidate must reside in one of these
Ph.D. (Idaho Falls, Idaho) in Pulp and devoted to Ufology, sponsored by states. Three people have expressed
Paper Engineering; Deane E. Sellon. MUFON and operated by Ohio State an interest In being a candidate. The
J.D. (Ventura, Calif.) for Law.; Section Directors Dale Wedge and deadline for receiving nominations Is
George A. Bowdler, Ph.D. (Lynn Rick Dell'Aquila. September 1, 1990.
Haven, FL) for International Studies;
John Joseph ,Lanza, Ph.D., M.D. Western Regional Director Election Field Investigator's Manual
(Lake Mary, FL) in Radiation Physics;
and Steven M. Greer, M.D. (Ashe- The second term of Paul C. Cer- Since a major revision for the future
ville, NC) in Emergency/ Trauma ny, the present Western Regional fourth edition of the MUFON Field In-
Medicine. Director on the MUFON Board of vestigator's Manual could not .be ac-
Eleven new Research SJ)ecialists Directors, has expired according to complished before running out the
joined MUFON this month to corporate bylaws. Filling this impor- third edition, 500 more copies-were
volunteer their talent and services to tant position for the western states is printed to bridge this period ..All
help resolve the UFO enigma. A copy a unique opportunity for a person manuals mailed after April 1, 1990
of each membership application is with leadership abi1ities, dedication to have the new Computer Input Form
given to Jennie Zeidman to establish resolving the UFO phenomenon and 2 (3 pages) and the 11-page "Instruc-
a resource center of competent in- time resources. Since this is a vol- tions for Completion" enclosed to
dividuals in many diversified fields. unteer position, anyone make them current. Anyone desiring
Their names, location and speciality being considered should write to Walt to updat_e their present manual should
are listed: Marshall Dudley, BSEE Andrus expressing their interests, write to MUFON by postcard or let-
(Knoxville, TN) in Nuclear Measure- desire and qualifications. An election ter, requesting the Computer Input
ments; John R. Furino, M.A. (Los will be conducted by ballot by the Form 2 and Instructions.
Altos, CA) Psychology; Melinda L. members in the western states of WA,
Chance, M.A. (Dallas, TX) Clinical
~ypnotherapy; Roger Daniel, M.A.
(Silver Spring, MD) Journalism; John
W. Cooper, Jr. M.S. (Tampa, FL)
Mechanical Engineering; Barbara J.
Calendar of UFO Conferences for 1990
Coulter, M.S. & R.N. (Ormond September 7, 8 & 9 • Timothy Green Beckley UFO Conference,
Beach, FL) Clinical Hypnosis; Gerald Phoenix, Arizona
S. Cohen, D.C. (Millbrae, CA)
Chiropractic; Michael E. Harris, October 13 - Show-Me UFO Conference II • Noah's Ark Motor Inn,
M.S. (Bonita, CA) Neuro-Psychology; St. Charles, Missouri.
Robert· A. Nichols, M.S. (Silver .

Springs, FL) Physiology; A.H. Cowl- October 13 & 14 - The UFO Experience• Ramada Inn, North Haven,
ing, M.Ed. (Richmond, BC, Canada) Connecticut.
Education, and L. LeBron Alex-
November 3 - The UFO Phenomenon In the 1990s - Labero Theater,
ander, Jr. D.C. (Naples, FL)
· Santa Barbara, California.


If you have a computer and a

modem and are interested in online CHANGE OF ADDRESS
computer communications systems
and BBS, you are invited to join the MEMBERS/SUBSCRIBERS
experimental MUFONET Message
Echo operated by John W. Komar, Advise change of address (include county and phone no.)
State Director for Tennessee. Anyone to:
seeking information concerning MUFON
MUFONET should write to Mr. 103 Oldtowne Rd.
Komar at 4769 Lake Ridge Dr., Mem-
phis TN 38109 or contact him on his
Seguin, Texas 78155-4099
voice line (901) 785-4819 or the data .

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 267 July 1990

MESSAGE. Continued

Investigation" to Carol and Rex

Salisberry. Co-State Section Direc-
tors of Navarre Beach, Florida. This
award recognizes an individual or
team's unsurpassed investigative skill
during the previous calendar year in
resolving a UFO claim by the public.
For the first time the award does not
pertain to a single case. although
many of their combined investigations
were among the best. From April
through December of 1989, they sub-
mitted case reports on 24 separate in-
cidents totalling nearly 200 pages of
material. Carol and Rex followed the
MUFON Field Investigator's Manual
explicitly in their reporting, setting a
standard for proper UFO casework.
Duplicate framed certificates were
awarded to Rex and Carol.

1991 MUFON Symposium

At the conclusion of the MUFON

1990 International UFO Symposium in
Pensacola, Thomas P. Stults. Illinois
Continued on page 21

Above: Photograph of two triangular-shaped UFOs

copyrighted by Dr. Gary Levine of Kingston.
NY. Additional details and photos to follow in
a future issue of the Journal.

Left: Lazio Kiss~ MUFON Hungarian Representa-


MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 267 July 1990

Walter H. Andrus, Jr.
1990 Pensacola Symposium

Speaking in behalf of everyone

who attended the MUFON 1990 In-
ternational UFO Symposium in Pen -
sacola, Florida on July 6, 7 and 8, we
want to express our thanks to the en-
tire Pensacola MUFON organization
for hosting one of the most successful
MUFON symposia in the past 21
years. It would be impossible to
recognize each and every person who
contributed to the planning. imple-
mentation and success of this gala an-
nual event, therefore I will name on-
ly the host committee heads who
were directly responsible. Vicki P.
Lyons. the General Chairperson, was
not only the key individual responsi-
ble for the most well organized
MUFON symposia to date, but the
person who provided fantastic leader-
ship to her committees. The host General Chairperson Vicki P. Lyons
committee chairpersons that must be 1990 MUFON Symposium
recognized for their superb work are
the following: Kathi Ware, Publicity everything to the Civic Center. tion of his colleagues in Ufology. Ro•
and Technical Arrangements; Carol New innovations were introduced bert L Hall, Ph.D. accepted the
Salisberry, Exhibits and Vendors; into the symposium agenda for the ad- awards on behalf of his brother
Carol Ware and Patti Weatherford, ditional enjoyment of the attendees by Richard.
Registration; Art Hufford, Finance the host committee. that were unique The MUFON 1990 UFO Sym-
Chairman; and Boots Eckert, Bus to Pensacola and Gulf Breeze, and posium Proceedings were respectful-
Tour. Individual accolades are ex- which will be difficult to equal or sur- ly dedicated to George R. and
tended to everyone on the host com- pass in future symposia. Charles 0. Shirley A. Coyne, a husband and
mittee for the professional manner in Flannigan is to be commended for his wife team, for their outstanding leader-
which they handled their respon- insight in selecting Vicki P. Lyons as ship in the growth of Michigan
sibilities and for being such gracious the symposium general chairperson. MUFON, setting standards for recruit-
hosts and hostesses. ment, investigative training and abduc-
Due to air-conditioning problems in Awards and Recognitions tion support groups. They have utiliz-
the ballroom of the Pensacola Hilton. ed their talents to help other state
the Saturday and Sunday events were The plaque for the MUFON Award organizations through personal visits in
transferred to the beautiful Pensacola for the most outstanding contribution the Central Region, in which George
Civic Center, across the street, where to the fieJd of Ufology for 1989-90 was is the Regional Director and Shirley is
the overflow crowd could be better ac- awarded to Richard H. Hall. He was the Michigan State Director.
commodated to the satisfaction of over also the recipient of a $500 cash .:iward Dan Wright, Deputy Director, had
850 attendees. After installing his presented by the Fund for UFO Re- the honor and privilege of presenting
visual-audio equipment in the meet· search in recognition for over 30 years MUFON's third annual award for
ing rooms at the Hilton, Bill Richards, of dedicated service to Ufology. These ··Meritorious Achievement in a UFO
the technical contractor. performed a awards were especially significant Since
miraculous overnight fete by moving they represented the vote and recogni- Continued on page 23

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 267 July 1990

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