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NUMliER 115


Fouded 11111

Photograph token October 17, 1973, over Et..khore, West VLrgLnLo.

l 03 Oldtowne Rd. In view of the against tile use
critical articles of computers in
Seguin, Texas 78155 on computer photo the analysis of
analysis appearing photos, the articles
in this issue, I do serve to help us
feel a few words remember that no
are in order. technique is 100%
Editor First, as an foolproof.
Editor, I believe Personally, I ,!,•
I have a very real. see computer analysis
Olrecto, o1 MUFON
responsibility to of photographs and
present both sides other scientific
to any controversy. approaches to the
Therefore, while UFO problem as off-
this issue may ering our only hope
PAULCERNY seem weighted for a solution.


Religion and UFOs

ANN ORUFFEL In this issue

Callfornla RepOrt

NOCTURNAL UFO PHOTOGRAPHE0•••••••••••••••••••••••••3
Books/Perlodlcals/Hfstory By Theodore Spickler
MARJORIE FISH AIRCRAFT PILOT SPOTS UF0.••••••••••••••••••••••••••4
Extraterrestrial Llle By Oon Berliner
RICHARD HAU CALIFORNIA REPORT••••••••••••••••••·••••••••••••••••S
Alloclale Editor ay Ann Druffe1
Astronomy c □ mPUTER PHOTO ANALYSIS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• e

By Richard Hall
Promotion/ Publlelty NEW OHIO A90UCTION CASE••••••••••••••••••••••••••••9
By Bill Jones
l..andlngTraoeC.. muFON-NC TRAINING CONFERENCE •••••••••••••••••••••• 11
By George Fawcett
St. Louis/ Mus Media ~LTERNATE REALI Tl ES••••••••••••••••••••••••••~••••12
By Theodore Spickler
UFO Propulsion IN OTHERS WORDS ••••••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••••••• •••• 13
Editor /PublW!ert Emeritus
By Raymond Fowler~ John Oswald "
LEN STRINGFIELD DIRECTORS ffiESSAGE•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••19
By Walt Andrus
RECAPPING AND commENTING •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 20
By Richard Hall
ASTRONOffiY NOTES ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • .20
By mark R.
lllo _ , . URI
JOIIIU. II,........,., MIi
..... UfO ............. , _ Wilc,q,llli-
suo,-,...U;P.QII,-,......,.~ The contents of the MUFON UFO JOURNAL are Permission 18 hereby granted to ql.lOte from thll INUe
......... ,_ .... .._...._._.UfOII
llfDl(IIJIIAl.1e-..ld..Sepia, ,_nt5$.
detarmlned by the edllor, and do not necessarily
represent the offletal position ol MUFON. Oplnlonl
provided not more thlll'I 200 words are quoted ll'om
any one article, the author of the artk:le 18 glYen
of contrlblllore ere their own, and do not neoesaarlly erecU!, and the statement "Copyright 1977 by the
reflect those of the edllor, the staff, or MUFON. MUFON UFO JOURNAL, 103 Olcttowne Rd., Seguin,
Artldes may be lonwerded dlreetly to MUFON or to: T-''18Ineluded.
Dennis W. Hauck, 114 Gostlin St., Hammond, IN -48327
IN WEST VIRGINIA By Theodore Spickter

DateofSighting: October17, 1973

Time of Sighting: 9:15
Zone: EST
Location -of Sighting: Elkhore,
West Virginia, McDowell County
NumberofWitnesses: One
Name of principal witness: Mr.
David Bodner
Sighting Evaluation: Unkown
Principal Investigator: Theodore

Southern West Virginia experi• The intensity of the flashing would object is not 'the path of a· moving
enced a UFO flap during October . change on each fl8sh and was com• light on the object but see~s to
of· 1973 and on Saturday riight pared to the light put out by the have been -a continuously visible
October 13, seventeei:t year old banks of floods set up to illuminate sl].ape. Since the camera was
David Bodner grandly informed a football field at night. He esti- focused on infinity we can estimate
his parents that be was going to mates that each flash lasted for the angular size of the object. Its
go outside to see a flying saucer. about five seconds with three image was about J mm on the nega•
They laughed; he went outside and seconds of blackness in between. tive which suggests that it sub•
promptly saw- a nocturnal light The size was described as "huge" tended an angle of about J½ degree
-pass overhead that he felt certain and far away: initially the light was from the camera. To play with-this
was· no ordinary object. His curi- about half the size of the fuU moon. further, it would take an object 120
osity thus· nurtured he prepared for The photograph is consistent with feet in diameter at a distance of
additional sightings by loading a the description of the object mad·e 2,000 feet to meet the required
Pentax 35 mm camera with tri-X from memory by the witness. One angle.
film. Five nights later on October can see that the object was flut- If any aspect of this case prompts·
17 the UFO returned and we have tering, blinking on and off, and me to consider it as unknown and
the resulting photo to study. changing intensity. The object was significant it is that a .very similar
The time was around 9:15 p.m. also quite intense as can be inferred object was photographed on the
EST; David had just come out of the by·the halation. very same night by a gentlemen in
house and while looking at the The photograph was hand held Columbus, Ohio. A weak copy of
·ground caught a glimpse of SOme- with the shutter set at "bulb". this picture can be found on page
thing•quite bright in the sty to the The lens was wide open and had a four of the Flying Saucer Review
northwest. It ·passed overhead in focal length of 50mm..David recalls Volume 19, no. 6 Nov.-Dec. 1973.
about 45 to· 60 seconds exhibiting that the exposure was about 10 to Ken Chamberlain is the reported
a , number of unusual features. 15 seconds Jong which suggests that source of the photograph and appar-
A· fluttering· motion .was coupled some of the blurring in the third ently worked for the Columbus
with the flashing on and off of the and forth set of object• images may Dispatch. Mary Borders of the .
entire· object. Its appearance was have been due to camera motionJ photographic department for that
curiously lacking in any kind ·of It is important to emphasize that newspaper informed me that the
symmetry or reasonable ~cture. the strange squiggle shape of the (Continued on page 7)
Airoralt Pilot Spots byDonBerliner

01,Jeot Over Columbia

Learning to fly a small airplane in which I was, I found the co....trols Two flight instructors from Bogo-
in the mountainous territory near of the aircraft would not obey. The ta came to his rescue, one of them
Bogota, Colombia, is challenge whole aircraft seemed to be locked flying as close as he felt safe, and
enough for most people. But when into this machine, or being control- guiding him via voice commands.
the natural hazards are supple- led by somebody else." As recorded by the control tower,
. mented by the presence of a large, The young pilot described the the dialogue went partly like this:
unknown flying machine, it has to UFO: An inverted dish, with a dia- "Instructor: 'OK, noew begin
be m9st discon~rting. meter of 15-20 meters (50-65 feet) slowly the turn to the left, slowly,
For 22-year old student pilot and a thickness of about 3 meters slowly, slowly. Tum to the left ...
Manuel .Jose Lopez Ojeda, the (10 feet). In the top center of the to the other side is the left! Left,
experience of May 5, 1977, was as craft was a red and yellowish left, that's right ... the left_ is the
close to catastrophic as he can fluorescent lamp. "The UFO would other side, To the side by the door.
.reasonably be expected to en- not rotate-it was stationary. And Turn to the side by your door. Do
counter in a normal life. For 55 when it would move, it would move you hear me?
minutes, he was totally out of con- in a straight and horizontal tine in "Pilot: 'I hear you disti octly .'
trol of the situation, as first his air- quick movements. Doing zig-zag, "Instructor: 'Good, but turn to
plane failed to respond to move- but straightline movements. (It) ' the left. Not to your nght, but to
ments of its controls, and ~en his was white-snow white-I couldn't the left. That's it, turn more.- Yes,
eyesight faded to almost nothing. see any people, and I couldn't see softly,_continue turning very softly
niat there would be no permanent any windows ... it was completely very softly.' "
damage either to the pilot or the sealed." For what seemed like hours, this
airplane was far from obvious dur- While his airplane was apparent- went on, with the iristmctor trying
ing the experience. ly under the control of something desperately to keep Ojeda from
Ojeda took off at _9:15 a.m. for a else, Ojeda began to realize his panicking, while he carefully fed
routine 'solo- tr~ining flight above vision was fading. "It was lite him orders to keep the plane flying
-the 8,5<:k?' mountains north of being in a fog .. .I couldn't distin- level and to guide it back toward
Bogota, in a little 100 hp Cessna guish any objects too far, so I Bogota. Once near the Bogota
150. An hour later, as he was prac- asked for guidance, to be able to Airport, the problem became one of ,.
ticing steep turns near the town r,f return to my base. (Another) air- getting him down in one piece.
Tabio, he noticed that all the plane approached my aircraft. The instructor then flew in front of
gauges on his insturment · panel By this time, my vision was lost Ojeda's airplane, hoping the young "
were reading either zero, or in the completely. I couldn't see any- man could see enough to follow
danger zone. As he later told veter- tbing ••• not the dashboard ... I himdonw.
an Colombian commercial pilot couldn't see outside my airplane." Twice during the attempted land-
Rudy Faccini: With no vision, and fewer than ings, Ojeda almost flew into the
''I started looking for a field to 40 hours of flying experience to control tower. He was still ~thout
make a forced landing. But when I fall back on, Ojeda was almost help- vision, and was clearly near col•
started looking down on my right less. At the time he first noticed his lapse admitting at one point that
side, I saw a huge vehicle-a eyesight was failing, the object was he could not remember bis own
machine-was a few feet below me, departing, leaving him able to fly name. Finally, enough vision .·
and at times he woutd· come right the airplane. But without visual returned to enable him to follow the:-
below the aircraft. And_ when I cues, there was little he could do airplane in front of him (which he·
tried to straighfen the steep tum but call for help. (Contlnuf1d on page 7}
Ann Druffel
The MUFON Analysis of the Sedona
CALIFORNIA REPORT Photograph: A Reburial By Eric Herr

The lead article of the August photographer has only a single lens, than that of a bona fide UFO has no
1976 MUFON UFO JOURNAL is not 'the complex Jens system needed basis in reality. The reflectivity
an analysis and evaluation of the to produce the many "reflections" of an object is a function of its
now-famous Sedona, Arizona UFO · which comprise the striated image

surface charactioristics, and is not
photograph. This photo; taken by in the Sedona photograph. If the dependent upon size or common-
Mr. C.D. Ghormley on September camera did have such a lens system, ness. Rather, beeause of the lesser
23rd, 1967 ancl since reproduced in the intensity of the reflections degree of atmospheric attenuation,
numerous publications, shows an would differ widely depending upon the proportion of observable
oblique streak° of light apparently the number of surfaces from which reflected light will be higher,
rising from the ground in front of the light was reflected. In such a not lower, for nearby objects.
a small mountain. lens system, the individual reflect- Further, because of the relative
The author of the. MUFON ions would also differ far more in lack of light scattering by the inter-
analysis is that organization's size because they would be pro- vening atmosphere, ·the · contrast
Photographic Consultant and State duced by different sequences of shown by nearby objects is typically
Director for Arizona. He is also the lens element curvatures. Further, greater. This greater contrast
Director of Ground Saucer Watch, both the light source and. the re- produces an apparent reflectivity
a Phoenix-based group. He is an flections must be on a line radial to that is also higher, rather than
alleged expert on the computer the axis of the optical system, lower, for nearby objects.
enhancement of UFO photographs which they are not. Moreover, A further misconception in•
and has written several papers on unless there was an unreported volves the nature of the picture
this topic for MUFON, as weil as for mirror-like object in front of the elements (pixels) created in the
Flying ·saucer Review and the camera, there could be no reflect- process of computer enhancement.
Center for UFO Studies. Each of ions at all, because the sun was to Although the author correctly
these papers is primarily an explan- the right and behind the photo- notes that pixels define th_e limit
ation of computer ~nhancement grapher. Finally, Dr. James Harder of resolution in the enhancement
techniques, and all coiltain substan- tested the camera over several: process (as grains of silvel' define
tial errors. Because the Sedona weeks in an effort to obtain similar the resolution of film), and further
article is both representative and images from internal reflections, correctly poillts out thaf each pic-
the most recent, I shall discuss it and was not successful. ture element is assigned a (num-
principally, refer only occasionally Another erroneous belief ex- eric) value based on the average
to the-others. pressed by the MUFON analyst level of gray contained in its ·minute
First, in spite .of his mentioning is that fraudulant UFOs may be proportion of the picture, he later
Dr. James Harder's quite reason- detected by their supposed lower · ignores these facts by writing that
able suggestion (in the March- reflectivity. One of his commnets " ... pixel data strongly suggests the
April 1973 APRO BuHetin) that the ·to this effect is that "A hoax images are fairly close to the
image may have been produced photograph generally consists of camera. Distant objects would
by an object emitting light, the such trite items as Frisbees, camera have wavy and broken pixel
author concludes that "The Sedona lens caps, pie plates, etc. The edges ... " He Elaborates on this
photogarph is a lens reflection and density profile from such a common particular en-or (on page 248 of the
a typical example of a misidentific- object would be of low reflecti- -Proceedings of the 1976 Center for
ation of a common anomaly.'' vity ... " Although it is true that UFO Studies Conference) in a sefies
In fact, the optics of the Camera small, nearby objects of_ mundane of drawings which show in-
wholly forbid the image from being origin are generally used to produce dividual picture elements neatly
a . Jens reflection. The Kodak a hoax~d photograph; the belief that divided into light and dark sections!
"Holiday 127" camera used ·by the their reflectivity would be lower The captions state: "Pixel edges
are sharply defined (when the) ness and the angular velocity. For and white i,rint of the color-con-
subject (is) close to the camera ..... example. photographs are routinely toured Sedona image), the gray-
And: "Pixel edges are widely made of artificail satellites traveling values 8fe difectly related to the
broken and extremely fuzzy (when in excess of 18,000 miles per hour- cross-sectional thickness of the
the subject is aO great distance fn:,m far faster than the speed of a bullet. object(s). With the utilization of
the camera." The ASA speeds of the films used color enhancement the photo-
On the contrary, the edges of the in these photos vary wi~ely; if the graphic density is electronically
picture elements are not at all satellites were not illuminated analyzed. The measurements taken
changed by the distance of the sufficiently or were photographed from the color data show clearly
photographed object. The compu- with a non-tracking camera at too an uneven distribution of color.
ter generates one integer number short a distance they would not This indicates a non-homogeneous
representing one gray-value for register on any film. density across the entire face por-
·ea'ch picture element. This number As with many satellite photos, the tion of the' UFO, i.e., a tenuOus
may- be multiplied or divided film in the Sedona case would show matter or one of varying cross-
(to change the, contrast, .for ex- a streak-like image if the path of an sectional geometry." And on page
ample). but it may not be replaced object more distant than a few 18 of the March 1977 issue of
with twO or more numbers to pro- meters were approximately perpen- Official UFO, he says: "Such
duce several gray-values within a dicular to the optical axis of the things as object density, exact
single pixel because, as the name camera and were reflElcting or shape, relation of true size to dis-
implies, the picture element is emitting sufficient light. There is tant objects, and reflectivity of the
indeed the limit of resolution and no reason to believe it would not. object can all be learned frot'n
cannot be subdivided. Like the dots Another jUdgment of this color enhancement.••
of phosphor on a color television MUFON analyst is even less valid: In fact, in color contouring, all
screen and the. tiles in a ·mosaic, "The irregular geometry, on the areas of the image displayed as
the pixels change only in light images edges, violates the s~ndard the s~me COior have the same
value. It is the eye alone that geometry shapes of previous objects photographic density, not neces-
integrates them into ·images which, that have been paternized and sarily the same physical density.
as a whole, may be judged fuzzy categorized ... " In English transla- Only in instances of translumin-
or sharp. tion, he is saying that "The shape of escence or X-ray photography is
In still another unwarranted this image is different from the there an equivalance. Otherwise.
conclusion, the author writes that usual shapes I have seen, therefore there is no relationship between
"With the type of camera and film it cannot be bona fide." · Such photographic and physical density.
utilized (ASA speed) it is 'Simply illogic requires no refutation. Photographic denSity refers to the
beyond the realm of possibility, to Another of the author's miscon- relative opaqueness• of the film
photograph an 'object' traveling the ceptions is his equating the density in question. This opaqueness
speed of a bullet, in 1-1/60 of a of the photographic image of an varies proportional1y with the
second." On the contrary, it is not object with the physical density amount of light to which the film
only possible, but commonly done. of that object. In describing the has been exposed, and is not in
Whether an image will .De produced process of color contouring, he cor- any way correlated with the physical
is determined by the amount of re.ctly writes that "Areas shown as density, or amount of matter per
light striking the film. Tl\is amount white and shades of blue and green volume, of the object photographed·.
is a factor of the brightness _of the represent respectively lighter film Therefore, any equating of either
light source and the time that densities than areas sJlown as "object density" or "cross-
source is exposed to the film. Al- yellow and shades of violet and red;, sectional thickness" with photo-
though films with higher ASA The thickness of an image is con- graphic density, whether by color
speeds by definition react more stant within all areas that are dis- contouring or other means, is false.
rapidly to light, in any properly Played as the same color." How- To believe otherwise is to believe
exposed photograph, sucf:I as the ever, he continues by making the that an object may be made less
Sedona phOto, the only two relevant following error-filled statements: dense or less thick by painting it
parameters are the object's bright- "In-reference to Figure 2 (a black white!
The author insures the obvious- (Continued from page 4)
ness of his confUsion of photo- said looked like a shadow) and
graphic density with physical CORRESPONDENTS WANTED
make a safe landing. As soon as
density when be attempts to explain the airplane bad rolled to a stop on
the function of the ~ursor: "Hypo- We often receive requests for the runway, men from ·the airport
thetically," h~ says in the Sedona. exchanges of information and bomb squad helped him into a
analysis, "if a·UFO was a hoaxed letters with American MUFON waiting ambulance which took him
item, such as a pie plate, a mon- members. Any member wishing to to a hospital. There, bis faculties
tage, or a hub cap, the cursor lines establish such a correspondence returned quickly, under the care of
would 'profile', with some respect may write to: a doctor.
to the density, into a flat, shallow According to commercial pilot
shape."· Andon·page52ofthe 1976 Mr. Jerzy E. Wielunski, Chopina Faccini, "The guy is a serious type
MUFON Symposium Proceedings 4-3, 20-026 Lublin, Poland. fellow. I Spoke to his instructor,
(together with diagrams illustrating and during the few weeks that he
this enoneous belief), he says: Mr. Henri Depireux, Av. Georges h8S been at the school, he has
"A profding cursor (an electronic Henri, 299, B. 1200, Bruxelles, shown to be a capable pilot ... and be
'cutting knife') denoted by the Belgium. is serious and quiet and has not
white .lines through the objects in made an impression on any~y as
our · photographs, reveals the Mr. Brian G. Panter, 7, Church being a charlatan. His story bas
object's real shape, Le., flat, round, Close, Braybrooke, Nr. Mkt. Mar- been somewhat reluctantly told,
eliptical, etc." And: "Conversely, borough, Leic's LE168LD, England but it has been accepted, and they
a trangible, bona fide object would believe that he did encounter some-
have profding cursor lines with thing or other on that morning of.
substance.'' May 5th."
Quite the contrary, the cursor
does not show the image's profile; (Continued from page 3) (Acknowledgements: Rudolfo
it- is· not a "cutting knife" through photo in question was classified Facclni; "El Tiempo" of Bogota,
the image; it can not show that even as "spot news" and could not be and to Miss Beatrice Zimmer, of
the most tangible object has sub- released. Fairfax, Va., fur her excellent
stance! The sole_ function of the Columbus is about 170 miles to translation of artides from that
cursor is to allow the plotting the northwest of Elkhorn. It ·is newspaper.)
(typically on a video screen) of the feasible that the Columbus object
relative brightness of the individual flew -straight to the southeast
picture elements along any given which is the direction reported by
line through a photograph. The David. If it did, it would pass over UFO OBSERVED IN SAN PABLO
relative brightness of each point Elkhorn.
is plotted· along the edge of the The Columb!JS photo shows a Rio De Janeiro (ANSA)-The
enhanced photo; the resultant squiggly line of somewhat different sudden appearance of an unident-
polygram is in no way a measure shape but with the same bJinldng ified flying object in-the sky of the
of the "substance", or physical light pattern with a varying inten• industrial triangle of Gran San
density of the , original object, sify and shifting position in the sky. Pablo is intriguing to the local
but instead depicts the proportional The difference in the shape of the populati0n. It's picture (an oval
optical dentisty of the object's light due to angular position or round, _white object in the dark
.photographic image as measured of the camera being different sky) was viewed on television and
along a single line of picture in the two photographs. was displayed in the press. An
elements within that image. H we can tie the two photographs official' source affirmed that diverse
together the sighting evaluation signals made with the reflector of
a r ,.J
could· be changed from Unknown-
Significant to Unknown-Great
the vehicle were "answered by-the
strange bright object that gave off
Significance .. a strong red light."
L □iIJPUTE~ PM□T□ aruaLl./5l5 By Richard Hall

Because of the controversy sur- January 1, 1978, Gsw· ·will no wavy edges," leaving out the word
rounding some of the photo evalua- longer process any photographs . "pixel." Whether or not this is
tions reported by William H. outside of their own organizational true is a matter for further research
Spaulding of Ground Saucer Watch structure. GSW presently Oate be said; but "Available theory and
Phoenix, Arizona (MUFON Photo June) .has about SO pictures in experiments suggest that edge
Consultant); I sJ)Cnt .-considerable""' process of eValUation. waviness (caused by atmospheric
time during June conducting a Special Data Systems, Inc., does effects) may be picked up by com-
personal investigation into the the computerized color contouring, puter enhancement-suggest that
nature of this kind of analysis. In edge enhancement, etc. for about effects may be picked up by com-
the process, I learned some inter- 525 per photo (David Rutland, puter enha'ncement-particularly
esting things both about the inter- Box 249,.508 So. Fairview, Goleta, by color contouring."
pretations being made and about CA 93017: 805-967-2383), and the (3) " ...equating the density of the
the facilities utilized. I present my restllts must then be interpreted by photographic image of an object
findings here; but they a~ by no a set of guidelines, plus some with the physical density of that
means the last word; further dis- knowledge of physics and/or photo• object," Herr considers to be the
cussion and critique is greatly to graphy. Two other. faciliti~s are, most serious error. The MUFON
be desired since the wort bciing or will be, available and these will scientist said, "Herr is right.
done is of great importance to UFO be mentioned below. There is not generally any relation
investigations. It is at the point of interpre• between photographic density and
Based on a paper by J .F. Herr, tation where the controversy arises. 'mass density' ... photographic den-
San Diego, California, criticizing ·Herr makes. the following points, sity is the measure of telative
Spaulding's interpretations, it does confinned independently: brightness of the object photo-
appear that Spaulding has either graphed. If the object is a source of
misunderstood or misexpressed the (1) " •.. the belief that their re- light or is.opaque and is reflecting
meaning of the computer enhance- flectivity (small close-up object light, or is any conibination.of these
ment findings on a number of speci- used to create hoax) would be lower two, the photographic density will
fic points. This was confirmed to than that of a bona fide UFO has not be related in any way to the
me by another MUFON scientific no basis in reality ..•because of the mass density (or weight) of the
consultant, and I have seen cor- lesser degree of atmospheric object photographed. Neither will
respondence by a third person attenuation, the proportion of ob- the photographic density be related
(MUFON scienti$1:).;qu~stiouing.,!hc;;.. servable ·reflected· ··litht. will .. ,be "' to thickness of the object ...the
accuracy of Spaulding's ~escription higher, not lower, for nearby ob- image can only give two dirnension-
of the use of the cursor in running jects." al infonnation coupled with relative
a density profile across a picture, (2) Herr criticizes Spaulding's brightitess (of various visible por-
as it appears in the 1976 MUFON statement that " ... pil:el . data_ tionsoftheobject)information."
Symposium proceedings. strongly suggests the images are I wanted to include in this article
It should be said that Spaulding fairly close to the camera. Distant Bill Spaulding's responses to these
has performed an important service objects would have wavy aild brok- criticisms. which were invited in a
by making us aware of this useful en piJ:el edges ... ", commenting letter dated June 9. However,
tool, and by under-writing photo- that "the picture elements (pixels) he replied June 15 that while be
analyses for MUFON at consider- are not at all changed by the dis- does want to respond, his busy sch-
able personal expense. He has tance of the photograhed object." edule and the imminent MUFON
asked me to state that MUFON The MUFON scientist pointed out Symposium which he is hosting
members should submit SIS. for that Herr is correct, but that prevented him from doing so at this
each single photo or sequence to be Spaulding might be correct if he time.
. analyzed, but that after about said, "Distant objects would have (Continued on page 10)
8 •
New Ohio Abduction Case by Bill Jonei.
Associate Director
Civil Commission on AeriaJ Phenomena·
MUFON Field Investigator

In one respect, there are two first heard about this story from tion up until that point bad been
ways to approach UFO field inves-- Mr. Williams. So, one night while audible. From then on it was by
tigation. An investigator can wait Mr. Smith and Mr. Graham were telepathy.
for reports and leads to come to out drinking, Mr. Smith asked Mr. He was taken to an abandoned
him or he can go out into the field Graham to verify the story. Over farm house· containing no fumitilre
and "dig" them up. As any in• a two h0ur period it reluctantly except some charis and a table.
vestigator who has taken the latter, came out. ·At times, Mr. Smith He was told. to undress and lay on
more proactive approach can test- would mate light remarks about the tabie. A device was brought
ify, the number of urireported UFO; what he was being told and Mr. in and he was examined. This
experience is surprising. For every Graham would quit talking. Be- device had two rails that were
UFO report uncovered, leads to sides being insulted by Mr. Smith's extended parallel to and above his
others are found. Dr. J. Al1en re marts, Mr. Graham appeared _body. It looked like "a big camera''
Hynek has referred to this situation scared about the matter. Because and rolled on the rails as it scanned
as the "embarrassment of rich- of this reaction, Mr. Smith began to his body. In addition-to the scan-
es." (2) wonder if there wasn't something ning, some other "physical"
One of the most frustrating sit- to·the story after all. test were performed, the nature of
uations any investigatoi: can con- In late 1975, Mr. Graham was which were not revealed by Mr.
front is to get a lead to a potentially drinking at Mr. Williams' home. Graham.
exciting case and be unable to Both Mr. Graham and Mr. Wil- During the examination, Mr.
follow it to concluSion due to the liams lite to drink, sometimes to Graham was informed .that the
relectance of the principal involved excess, so this was not unusual. alien's race had trouble bea.riilg
to talk. This happened to our group It was late at night when Mt. male children. Interestingly, he
recently. Graham started home. Somewhere bas several male off-spring. Also,
Ohio Route 39 runs north from out in the country he realized that he was told that some of "our"
Miinsfield through Shelby, Ohio. he· had· had too muCh to drink, co women would be taken for breeding
The area is mostly rural, but is dot- he pulled off the road and fell purposes. At some point, he
ted with the new homes of people asleep. This is strange since Mr. noticed a single feature about these
who have moved out of the nearby Graham lives only about a mile people that is ·different from
cities and towns. In late 1975, one from Mr. Williams. Later he awoke humans. The beings sensed this.
of the residents of this area was to find four men around his car. and told him never to reveal the
abducted by alien beings, or so he He was frightened and thought he feature. If he did, he would die of
claims. was going to be mugged. Then, cancer.
During an investigation of the he had the feeling that they After the exam he was taken
Mansfield area we heard a rumor of were "the good guys." He got home where he found his car. At
this case and traced it to a man I out of his car and into th~irs. no time, according to Mr. Smith,
will identify as Mr. Smith. He now Realizing he had no reason to feel ·did Mr. Graham ever claim having
sells farm equipment. In the that way, he started to get out. seen a UFO.
·winter of 1975, he had his· own He was restrained. He thought According to Mr. Smith, Mr.
business and· rented space from about "sucker punching" one of Graham lives on fear thaf he will
Mr. Graham, a samll town busi- them but suddenly he couldil. 't be picked up and examined again.
nessman andthe principal figure of breathe and he was told not to try We asked Mr. Smith if Mr. Graham
this episode. an escape again. His brething iir·afraid of cancer or if any Of Mr.
Mr. graham has a business ·ability was returned. (3) Naturally, Graham's family had died of
partner, Mr. Williams. Mr. Smith this scared him. The communica• cancer. Mr. Smith said no. 9
Mr. Graham reportedly has no breathing ability away he acted the truth Slipped away. But, that
interest in UFOs. _As far as being startled and said, "how could I is the name of the game. It's what
curious about what happened to have forgotten that?" He said he k~eps us all chasing those elUsive
him, he isn't. He thinl;s he knows couldn't remember where he was lights in the night.
all there is to.know .. taken by the aliens. They did
Later we were able to talk with threaten him with cancer and it (1) Other CCAP investjgators were
Mr. Williams, Mr. Graham's bus- scared him. He thinks this hap- Warren ~icholson, Becky Minshall,
iness partner. He didn't add much pened to him in November, 1975. and Tim -Wagner.
to What we already knew. Accord- We talked to.him on August 7,
ing to Mr. Williams, he and Mr. 1976. (2) Hynek, J. Allen, "The Embar-
Graham were drinking quite heav- Mr. Graham called the exper• rassment of Riches_", MUFON
ily that night. At one point, he ience a "bad trip" and said he Proceedings, 1973, pp 62-66.
went into th.e kitchen to fix another wants to completely forget about it.
· drink. Mr. Graham then got up, He made it plain that he didn't (3) For another abduction case
·wa1ked passed him in a "trance want to talk with us further. Since · where breathing ability was
like" state, and left. This happen- a person's privacy must be res- impaired see the article on the
ed sometime before mi_dnight. pected·, the investigation was abduction of three Kentuclty
Mr. Williams asked Mr. Graham closed. women in the October 19, 1976
where he was going as he brushed What-isthetruthhere? Wasthis ·issue of the National Enquirer.
~y. but Mr. Graham ignored him a hoax or a wild bar room story that
completely. A few minutes later went further than anticipated?
Mr. Williams got worried and drove To help answer this question,_ we
the mile to Mr. Graham's home to decided to test the one person who (Continued from page 6)
see· if he could be located. He wanted to cooperate with us. We
wasn't there. drew up ten questions designed When 1 interviewed J.F. Herr on
The next day Mr. Williams asked to test Mr. Smith by using voice June 10, he informed me that his
Mr. Graham why he left. That is stres analysis. A tape was made of San Diego group, called Precision
when Mr. Graham related the story the questions and answers and Monitoring Systems, had obtained
of his experience to Mr. W'tlliams. analyzed by one of our corisultants the hardware for computer phQto-
The only difference in Mr. Williams who uses this technique in his enhancement, but that it has to be
account and Mr. Smith's is that Mr. profession·. No unusual stress was refurbished. Eventually his group,
Williams remembers Mr. Graham noted. Mr. Smith, at least, is not which consists of scientists and en-
saying he was taken into.a "space- knowingly involved in a hoax. gineers, will provide a facility for
ship" ,.not•·,house. Like Mr. What is the value of this story? continuation of this important work.
Smith, Mr. Williams fels that Mr. By itself, it is a minor event in UFO In addition, I have learned· of a
Graham believes the experience lore. However, if other cases scient~st (physical optics) at a major
really happened. are discovered with some of the university doing enhancement of
After talking with Mr. Williams same strangeness factors noted UFO photographs; he is· willing to
we tried to locate Mr. Graham, herein, then this story may be quite do so free of charge, provided the
himse;If. As it tume_d out, this valuable. Someday, these SJll:all · pictllr~ is strongly "promising."
was not an easy task, but we finally pieces may lead to the ansers we In other words, it should be a
located him at one of his busi- have all been searching for. strong phot case with all available
nesses. So, this is as far as .we can go -technical and other infonnation
Mr. Graham was reluctant to with this case. UFO investigation nailed down. Anyone having such a
talk with us. ·He claims to have has its rewards and disappoint~ photo.- case should outline the
pushed the ":'hole incident from his ments. This case had a little of docume~tation and send a p~t or
mind. When we asked him if the both-the initaii excitement of the sketch to me, and I will act as inter-
alien's had actually taken his cha$C and the.disappointment when ·mediary.
MU FON -NC First Annual
·'Training Conference By George Fawcett

The Mutual UFO Network, Inc. After several opening announce- researcher for 32 years now was the
(MUFON) of North Carolina held ments, engineer Wayne LaPorte of author of ~he highly illustrated
its first annual training conference ~atthews and State Section 1975 book "Quarter Century
in Winston Salem on Saturday, Director for Mecklenburg, Cabar- Studies of UFOs in Florida, North
June 25 and Sunday, June 26, rus, Gaston and Union ·Counties Carolina and Tennessee." He also
1977 in conjunction with the- obser- spoke on "btvestigations of the serves as a MUFON field investi-
vance of the 30th anniversary of Fall-Winter UFO Wave near gator for both Lincoln and Catawba
UFOs in modem times with the Gastonia." LaPorte used models of Counties.
sighting of nine mysterious flying UFOs, based on eyewitness ac- A college chaplain from Mount
objects ove_r Mount Rainer, Wash- counts to illustrate bis talk. He also Olive, Frank R, Harrison, who is
ington State by a. private pilot used charts and diagrams and dis- the State Section Director for
Kenneth AmoldonJune 24, 1947. tributed them to the group for Wayne, Lenoir, Sampson and
The progfam and training con- use with future investigations. Duplin Counties was the last
ference attracted 30 investigators, Nolie L. Bell, a Winston Salem speaker of the evening. His topic
researchers and representatives engineer and current president of '' UFO Investigations In Eastern
of the Mutual UFO Network from -the Tar Heel UFO Study Group was and Southeastern ·North Carolina"
Lexington, Winston Salem, Boone, the next speaker. His topic, "A centered around UFO encounters at
Pfafftown, Lincolnton, Mount General Approach to UFO Investi- the Seymour Johnson Air Foree
Olive, Matthews, Wadesboro, gations", included parts of a 30 Base in Goldsboro and a UFO
Greensboro, and Jacksonville. hour investigative training course landing he personally investigated
The two day confab was hosted by used by his group to train their own for the · Center for UFO Studies,
officers and members of the Tar investigators. Hints on bow to which occurred at Lumberton in
Heel UFO Study Group with state handle first-hand future field 1975. The Air Force sighting in-
headquarters in- Wiriston Salem. investigations, based on past volved both visual and radar tract-
Some of their members are also experiences in the field should ings, while the Lumberton case
members of M.UFON. Both groups prove to be an invaluable tool for involved multiple eyewitnesses
are interested in resolving the MUFON representatives in the and ground markings.
mysteries of the UFO phenomenon. years that lie ahead. Bell is the The m4:>ming sessions on Sunday
A large number of exhibits and State Section Director for Davidson, opened with a panel discussion on
printed materials were available Rockingham, Guilford and Ran- the topic with Dan Duke, a college
at the conference, but the various dolph Counties. professor in Boone, joining LaPorte
speakers keynoted -the training After supper, George D. Fawcett Harrison and Bell on 'the panel.
sessions, which were held at the a newsman from Lincolnton pre- Questions centered around the CIA
Hanes Mall Shopping Center and sented a slike-lecture presentation and USAF secrecy on UFOs, the
the Forsyth County Agriculture on "UFO Characteristics", which ridicule curtain, UFO landings
Building. covered shapes, sizes, colors, and occupants, UFO fragments,
The conference· was opened by sounds, maneuvers, smells and ef- the Men-In-Black controversary
North Carolina State Director of fects of UFOs on hunians, animals, and the need for more government
MUFON George D. Fawcett, who soil samples, instruments and or foundation funding for future
extended a cordial welcome to machines. These characteristics UFO investigation~ and research.
those present and.the greetings of have remained both persistent W .D. Redfearn, a high school
Walter H. Andrus, Jr., MUFON's and consistent on a global basis for - principal from Jacksonville and th~
international director in Sequin, over 30 years now, Fawcett noted. State Section Director for Onslow,
Texas. Fawcett, a UFO investigator and Pender, Carteret, Jones, Craven
and Pam1ico Courities reported on
recent UFO sightings in Swansbo~
and Onslow County. Redfearn re-
ported on another sighting that left
a 24 foot in diameter circle on the
On The Existance Of
Geo~ge D. Fawcett and his wife
Shirley reported on a 1930 UFO
landing, Which included fou~ UFO Realities
occupants, working in teams of
two picking ~p soil samples near by Theodore Spickler
.Chattiam, Va. seen by dozens of Associate Professor of Physics
witnesses at the time. This hidden West Liberty State College
case is still currently under in-
vestigation. The surviving lone
witness to date_ interviewed is. one
which is earmarked for future
follow-up inquiries. Some Physicist~ and other be- it is that can be experienced out
A final presentation was given havioral scientists have begun to there and these experiences 1ine·up
by Fawcett, who used the MUFON notice an uncanny similarity_ bet- too well with discoveries of physics;
Field Investigator's Manuel, along ween the "world view" of modern we dare not dismiss the possibility
with transparencies to teach physics and the strange ideas es- that alternate realities exist!
those present how to ·use the man- pressed by serious mystics.(}) I The rigid and preinature erection
uel and its ontents for future UFO ex4ude from the latter C8tegory of a barrier around our own mater-
field investigations. A lively ques- those popular performers who are ialistic world that blindly cuts off
tion-answer period was part of the inclined to bend keys Or publicize the possibility of a larger and
pre_sentation. encounters with ectoplasm. different kind of reality would be
It was agree by all present that ;The "genuine" -mystics come back the height of intellectual arrogance
the second MUFON of NC Training to reality from elusive states of and . utterly. against the spirit of
Conference should be held in 1978 higher consciousness where they science. UFO investigators who
and Dari Duke {Boone), Nolie Bell have allegedly experienced a follow such ;ll path might find them-
(Winston Salem), David Oldham sufficient "oneneSs" with nature to selves chasing after sightings,
(Greensboro) and Ray •~ein(Pfaf- describe discoveries of modem. .counting port· holes, and forever
ftown) accepted the committee ap- phfSics. These wierd states of missing the point!
pointment. Rhein agreed to chair perception have no tie with casu- Its really very simple everyone,
the committee. ality or the familiar rigid structure .just keep an open,. honest, IDind;
State Director George D. Fawcett of space and time that we take so do not get caught into BELIEVING
adjourned the 1st Annual MUFON easily for granted. anything.
Of NC Training Conference. The Scientific instruments cannot be
conference had lasted for a total sent along into these "spaces" (J) For excellent reading I suggest:
of 16 hours and bad attracted of.altered experience; indeed the The Crack in the Cosmic Egg
30 investigators and researchers process of science is unable to J.C. Pearce, Pocket Books
from- 10 towns and cities in North deal adequately with mystics The Center of the Cyclon·e,
Carolina. Both MUFON and Tar because of the entirely personal Dr. John Lilly, Bantam
Heel UFO Study Group officials nature of their experience. The The Medium, the Mystic,
termed the event a "big success." usual requirements of reporduci- and the Physicist, Dr. L.
It was agreed that the second con- bility and falsification cannot be Leshan
ference should prove to be ari even met. Yet too many mystics agree The Tao of Physics, Dr. F.
better one. to a significant extent about what Capra, Random House
Lucius Farish

The two leading weekly tabloids totally fictional, concocted by the August contains articles on CBS.
have virtually neglected UFOs in publisher in order to (hopefully) TV's less-than-objective viewpoint
recent weeks, but the- apparent boost circulation. Dennis Hauck on UFOs and the CIA role in UFO
increase in UFO sightings will is resigning as editor of OFFICIAL research, along with other material
probably inspire more articles in UFO because of this action. I pre- which may be of interest to Ufo-
the near future. THE STAR ~ed dict that things will go downhill logists.
a short re~ on- the Los Angeles rapidly after Dennis' departure and Norman Oliver, one of Britain's
area sightings in their issue for if OFFICIAL UFO is still "alive" leading UFO researchers and editor
May 17. in 1978, I'll be gre,,tly surprised. · of BUFORA JOURNAL, is pro-
An interesting article on the The same is true for the other ducing a series of "Skyquest"
Travis Walton case and the con- Countrywide magazine which cassette tapes which deal with
troversy sunounding it may -be Dennis has been editing, ANCIENT UFOs and astronomy. The first two
found iii the June issue of PENT- ASTRONAUTS. It's a shame to UFO ta~"UFOs and You"
HOUSE. The author of the article, see publications die solely because and "UFOs Over England"-are
Bill Barry, is in the process of of the greed of publishers, but such now available, as are the first two
writing a book on Walton's claimed is the case in this instance. Also, astronomy tapes, "Sky Exploring-
experience. Additional details as if the cover price of S1.50 per Around Polaris" and "Our Solar
will _be presented as they become issue were not rip-off enough, the System." The UFO tapes are
available. July issue is Vol.2, No.s,. whereas p.-iced at S4.SO each by surface
The July issue of UFO REPORT the previous issue (May)_was Vol.2, mail (SS.50 by airmail); the astton-
contains articles by Gene Steinberg, No. 3. That is, there is no Vol. 2, omy tapes are $4.25 each by surface ·
Curt Sutherly, Ronald · Anderson, No.4 issue of OFFICIAL UFO, but mail (SS.25 by airmail). All tapes
B. Ann Slate, and others, including if you are a subscriber, you will be are 30 minutes in length. Future
an illterview with Dr. David M. charged for this non-existent issue, tapes in the UFO series will present
Jacobs, author of THE UFO CON- unless you protest (as I certainly in-depth reports on landing/contact
TROVERSY IN AMERICA. hope you will). Now, having said cases in England, including
The quality of the material in all this, -let me also say that the July portions of interviews with witness-
the July issue of "ARGOSY UFO issue contains. articles by George es. AU tapes are l)rofessionaly
seems to ·have declined somewhat Earley, Allen Benz, Don Worley, done and merit your attention.
from recent issues, but perhaps ·Don Wilson and others which are Orders may be sent to Mr. Oliver
this is only temporary. Contributors well w0rth reading, if you can get S:t 95 Taunton Road - London SE12·
- include Robert Barrow,_Don Worley past the covet.I SPA, England.
George Friedrich, Bill ' Quinalty The #6 (Summer) issue of TRUE Paris Flammonde's UFO EXIST!
and others. FLYING SAUCERS & UFOS is now is now available in a Ballantine
And now we come to the July available. A couple of the articles- paperback edition at S1.95.
issue of OFFICIAL UFO: Ftrst, by Robert Barrow and Wendelle Coral & Jim Lorenzen's new
if you've seen the issue and have Stevens-are worth your attention, Berkley paperback .has been
read the letter from the "dis- but the majority of the issue · is postponed until November. The
tr&ught mother'.' On the front cover, more rehash. title will be CLOSE ENCOUNTERS
don'f believe a word of it. · It is BEYOND REALITY FOR July• THUR SPACE AND TIME.
NEW HAMPSHIRE By Raymond E. Fowler
and John P. Oswald
This sighting oCCUrred on 24 ;
February 1976 at Stratham, N.H.
(About 1.25 miles from downtown
Exeter, N._H.) Apparently, at least
since the early 1960'·s, the general
Exeter, N.H. area, has had much
UFO activity including a number of
incidents reported at . ranges of.
less than 3 miles from the witness
locations . in this particular case.
Two . good- _close-encounters have
been investigated- which· occurred
recently and nearby: July JS,
1975 at 0.87 miles range and Fe_b-
ruary 10, 1976, at 1._90 miles range,
Two •other interesting local _UFO
reports were documented in Feb-
ruary 1976 (3rd and 12th).
On 26 i-'e:t,ruary 1976, the wit-
ness, after having regained ·a fee_l-
ing of relative stability and confi-
dence, .decided she should report
her experience . to the Ex~ter, Drawing of object made by the eyewitness.
N-.H., Police -Department and _did
so, in person, in the morning. and agreed to an. in-person inter- Avenue. She then turned left onto
The- police informed her that .the_ view at her home for the following the west~bound on-ramp of the
sighting- had technically taken pla<;e day at 12:30 p.m.. A taped inter- Route #101 by-pass (see maps).
in Stratham, N.H., and sl)e -was - view was conducted on this date Proceeding along the on-ramp,
referred to · the Stratham, N..H., along ~h other tasks involved. Mrs. Smith looked to her left to
Police Department. Since no -one in the routine investigation of this check for merging traffic must
could be.reached there St that time; case. before she was to enter the high-
the Exeter. Police gave her the Two other UFO reports are known way. At that point, she saw a
telephdne number of a part-time. to have been -made for the night _1arge strange lighted object hover-
policeJl!an employed by Stratham of 24 February 19,76 in this region. ing low, just above the east-bound
which is a-very small town, The wit- At about 9:28 p.m., on 24 Feb- .. lanes, and. directly across from _
ness. filed a report. The Exeter ruary 1976, Mrs. Jane Smith, the -intersection. of the west-bound
Police had also given the witness age 28, was driving .in her auto• on-ramp and the highway. She
my honie phone number. mobile aJone. She had just left the stopped her car within the .on-ramp
I became aware of this report· Childrens' Center, and was driving at the edge of the west-bound lane
when the witness- phoned me at through the quiet downtown area and directly across from the object, _·
about 9:45 --a.m. on· 26 Februal')'.- · to reach P9rtsmouth Avenue. in order to observe it.
1976. She described the incident She drove to the edge of. Exeter, Her first impression was ~hat the
durinj! the telephone conversation N.H., going NE on Portsmouth object could possibly be a helicopter
with short ski-like landing gear Smith kept waking up abruptly across the bottom. The mark looked
deployed. However, as she sat in in a state of fear. lite a black cross, about an inch
the car scrutinizing the large object, The next day, the witness was or so wide and painted on a less-
at a range of 20-30 feet, for 2 still upset but could not decide what dark surface. Four apparent
minutes, she realized that she was to do. On the second day, she "legs" extended vertically from the.
looking at a UFO and possibly went in person to the Police Station outer portion of the craft's bottom -
''they"werelookingather. During bright and early in the morning, to and were spaced equally ·at 90
the 2-minute observation period. make her report. WShen I inter- degree intervals. Each was about,
no other cars were seen. Her motor viewed Mrs. Smith in the afternomi'. 4-4.S feet long, 2 by 4 inches in
was running, windows up and a.m. on-Friday (less than 3 full days after cross section and appeared to go
radio on. She was wearing glasses. the incident), she was still nervous. directly into the bottom of the craft
(She has good conected vision). Shewassmokingalotandedgywith. without braces. On the end of
No sound was heard and she was her child, who she did not want to each leg was a horizontal foot
not aware of any E.M. effects. hear the interview. having the same 2 by 4 inCh cross·
During her two minute experi- The witness sighted a circular section. The feet, all oriented
ence, in which time she examined -disk-shaped object which hovered parallel to the_ road, were roughly
the object in detail, Mrs. Smith's motionless, in a level attitude 15 inches long with the 4 inch wide
mood changed from the initial directly above and beyond the east surface facing down. (Foot area
totally mundane, throught-sur- bound lane, with its landing gear was about 60 square inches). The
prise, ~riosity, wonderment, about 12 feet above the pavement. surface of the legs was similar to
incredibility, a growing terror, The edge closest to her appeared that of the body of the craft, i;e.,
and, then, panicked flight. When to be directly above the center line. smooth and dark.
she concluded that she had to get She described the object as being as A dome was affb:ed to the top of
away, shw did exactly that. She large as a small 4-room house. the craft. It had distinct dark
roared away on the by-pass, leaving The body of the craft was smooth boutided sections which all gl0wed
the UFO just where it had been. but not shiny. It was not especially a yellow oolor. The dome secti0ns
Mrs. Smith said she never looked light or dart. She could not deter- appeared as though they could
back until she had ·gone about 5 triine the color of the body due to · have been translucent but nothing
miles. She was nothing more. yellow light (low intensity) which was seen inside the dome, such as
When she arrived at her home was directed downward from small shadows, etc., even though the wit-
she woke up her husband. At that hooded lights around the craft. ness looked carefully. These
point, still prior to 10:00 p.m., The hoods or shields on thses sma11 sections on the dome were not
Mrs. Smith said she was hysterical, yellow lights were in form as if smooth Oil the surface but instead
i.e., crying and shaking. Mr. Smith one would cup one's hand against seemed to .be covered with many
confirmed this and thought at first a wal with the bottom open so that small bumps, like a "beaded"
that there had been a terrible the light would be directed 'down- surface but instead. seemed to be
accident as he bad never seen his ward. She could not actually see covered with many small bumps,
wife act in that manner befote. the light sources under the little like a ''beaded'' surface on some
When he got her calmed sufficiently shields. -A silver-wlored, metallic- glass shower doors. Mrs. Smith
she realted what had happened. looking rim encircled the upper said that the sections did look
Mr. AUen, who drives a tractoc portion of the craft. The bottom essentially like a glass material.
trailer truck and gets up at 3:00 of the object -appeared to be flat, On the left side of the dome was a
a.m., said he was still drousy when or nearly so, with a "black" mark- steady red-glowing circular light.
he heard the strange account. With ing on the edge nearest Mrs. Smith. It was roughly 20 inches in dia-
Mrs. Smith not knowing what to do She could not see the entire bottom meter. Its color and intensity were
and Mr. Smith being sleepy, the due to darkness or possibly·because similar to our red traffic stop,lights-
result was that they both went to of' some tilt-. Therefore, she could a vivid red.
bed. Throughout· the night, Mrs. not see how far the mark extended The large red light and the dome
gJowCd as if lit from within. The
yellow dome, which was not inten-
sely bright, appeared to be about
the same color as the circle of side
lights; (A distinct yellow color with
perhaps a trace of green.) The side 0
lights were of low intensity, as-if for
lighting a walk-way at .night. Light
from the UFO was not definitely
observed falling on the pavement,
nor trees or making shadows.
If such were the case, it was not
obvious to the observer whose main
attention was· upon the craft itself.
Mrs. Smith studied the object
intently. at very close range for_
about _.2 ·minutes. She observed
the UFO from inside the closed
car. --.The car engine was idling
quietly and the radio (AM) playing '
softly. She heard no sound and
noticed no effects. (EM, etc.).
The UFO was absolutely stationary
during the sighting duration.
There is no indication that Mrs.
Smith. fs not telling the truth or that
she is incapable of normal percep-
tion. She _was in good health and

was not unduly fatigued. She had
not used. any drug or medication
and had no history of mental
aberations. One can safely con-
clude that her experience was not
caused through some niental
1 ,r
~l 1 "'· "
mechanism. There are no reason-
able precedents in psychology Perspective drawing shows UFO as it app~ared
for normal unmanipulated people about 20- feet from mttness• car.
haVing experiences like this (i.e .•
observing large detailed objects, giving an honest account and that of UFOs have been made in the
etC.) except, of course, in other UFO she did indeed (by any reasonable local Exeter, N.H., area over the
cases.. Un1ess we arbitrarily standard) view something at close past two decades, including a-
decide to change our conceptions range which cannot be explained number that were reportedly seen
about human observations. at this in terms of present day human within 2 miles of this particular
late date, we must conclude that the knowledge, I have evaluated her sighting location. Further, other
most plausible explanation for this sighting as being in the "signi- good reports were made locally
event is that Mrs. Smith saw an. ficant" unblown category. during the month of February
object approximately as she has It must be appreciated that while 1976 of which, Mrs. Smith had no
described it. Mrs. Smith did not believe in the knowledge.
Since I think that Mrs. Smith is reality of UFOs, many other reports Oweing to the circumstance that
the UFO. waS seen with its "feet"
only about 13 feet above the east•
bound half of a road of known
dimension, and, from a tnown posi-
tion at very close-range, a fairly
accurate estimate can be made of
the UFOs size. Each of the two
lanes is about 11 feet wide with an
approximately 10 foot . paved
shoulder on the south side which
in turn is bounded by a low· guard
rail. Mrs. Smith estimates that the
side of the UFO closest to her was
directly above the center line of
the road with its legs extending
down into the east bound lane. This
being the case, the edge of the UFO
farthest from her would have been
approximately over the guard rail,
. hence, a diameter of about 21 feet.
Infrared phot•graph taken over the area of
the sighting.

.,_,. -,

fflap of area bf the sighting.


She estimated that the top of the _can be seen in .thse two cases as- (Continued from page 19)
UFOs dome whould have· been well-as. for that. of a previous well
about as high "as a telephone pole" documented local case which Ray- the April 1977 issue Nlimbet 113~
above the pavement and that the Fowler and Unv_estigated. Base~ upon his long· tenure and
feet wete so low that a tall tractor What function would landing eiperience in ufology, he is very
.trailer truck :(13 f~et) would ·have gear serve other than landing: and qualified to make certain observa-
· perhaps -hit them. Her husband " why deploy it when not using it?. tions of- "the state Of ·the art".
· drives a tractor trailer truck and she Wha:t more logical function can we "In Other Words" by Luciils Farish
supplied this estimate · before l imagine for the dim yellow side con_tains book reviews and com-
asked for ·it. ·she also estimated lights than for lighting the ground ments on newsstand publications
that the UFOs "legs" .were 4 to· all around the side of a landed UFO as evaluated by l.ou for the infor-
4.5 feet Jong. The closest ones are for ihe purposes of occupants 4ur- mation of JOURNAL readers,
drawn as 1j inch'es long on hei ing EVA? In this same vein, ~gress coming from. a world.-: teCOP,ized
sketch with a 5.0 inch craft diameter from the bottom of the craft _wawd alil:hority. As·· Staff members of the
ai-17.Sfeet.,Ho:wever, if the ''legs'' provide a 4 to 4.5 foot ceiling, JOURl'IAL, these men are express-
were drawn only slightly longer just right for short occupants. ing· their personal and ·un-edited
than in their actual proportion, Even if the intensity of the Side opinions.
the calculated diameter would have lights could be v¢ed to permit The JOURNAL-: welcomes short
been larger. Also, taking· a 3. 7 better illwnination of the ground significant papers on new dis-
inch overall height from her sketch during hovering and low-level closures and facts relating to the
with a 20 foot UFO diametet flights, why w0uld they be designed resolution of the UFO phenomenon.
(5 inches on sketch) yields a calcu• to cover .such a wide arc. (i.e., It is not intended nor will it be a
lated-UFO height (feet to dome toP) 180 to 360 degrees?). Possibly the vehicle for people to attack other
of 15 feet. This, plus the 13 foot ·side lights had something to do with people in ufology. Positive and
clearance of the "feet" would give propulsion or attitude control but consturctive criticism of research
the dome top height above the pave- my guess would be illumination, material and studies· that either
ment as 28 feet, which, I suppcise is especiaUy with the "glass-like" further develops _a Point prev~ously
approximately "as tall as a tele• dome "glowing" the same color .. advanced or that identifie~ a possi-
phone pole". Note that the "legs" and "feet" ble error by enumerating the cor-
Close-encounters around Exeter, reported by Mrs. Smith are similar rection as viewed by the writer fall
N.H., and el~where, in which to the December 14, 19.75, case at into this category. As Editor of
apparent landing gear wa~ reported Salt Springs, Florida which was THE MUFON UFO JOURNAL,
have been infrequent. Thetefore, reported on page 2 of the January Dennis W. · Hauck is held respon•
it is quite interesting ihat "legs" 1976 APRO Bulletin. -AJso, this sib]e for the 'Ultimate decision upon
and "feet" were reported for the same ·bulletin teports on a New published material.
other case of February 10, 1976, Mexico case from the summer of In conclusion, I must emphasize
which occurred only 1.9 miles away 1972, in which occupants were seen that MUFON does support the
from the Smith sighting location. standing unOer the edge of a landed efforts of- people who are doing
That particular UFO, reported by craft with long thin "legs". That ·constructive research in thC .UFO
·two reliable adult witnesses. has · craft was actually parted in the field to resolve this phenomenon.
also been investigated and evalua- roadway of an interstate highway. This is in direct contra5t ~ the
ted as a "significant" unknown. ''debunkers", Who have been
The "legs" and "feet" in that case, receiving entirely too much publi•
although not seen as well were city in the nations- press, through
reported to be about 3 to 3.5 inches their negative comments, without
square in cross~section. A similar- factual ·evidence .to substantiate
ity in landing gear c:onstruction their unji.istified claims.
Walt Andrus
The Mutual UFO Network, Inc. leaders, based upon their interest and philosophy of MUFON, THE
is basically a scientific UFO re- in the UFO phenomenon, formal FOLLOWING IS SUBMITTED FOR
search organization of volunteers education, experience, talent, and READERS PERUSAL: Since we
banded together to resolve the UFO respectability status in their own are dealing with a phenomenon that
enigma by combining their talent communities. We definitely sup- present day science has been un-
and resources as prescribed in our port their actions, provided they able to explain adequately or dul)li-
charter. There is a strong tendency meet the four basic goals and ob- cate in the laboratory, no individual
among a few MUFON members jectives in MUFON's charter to has all of the answers to this
and JOURNAL readers to hold the resolve this perplexing enigma. enigma. Therefore, not one of us
International Director responsible Each one of us, in our own way, can be the sole judge of the theorieS
for every action or statement made can contribute to the resolution of and hypotheses advanced as logical
by one of our State or Provincial this phenomenon, justifiably explanations. Papers submitted
Directors, State Section Directors, Jdentified as ''the greatest mystery for publication in THE MUFON
National Directors, Board Members of our age'', by their positive UFO JOURNAL will be first eval- ·
or Consultants if it does not agree individual efforts. The combined uated by the MUFON Consultants
with their own philosophy or view- MUFON resources of volunteers having the specialized expertise
point. MUFON is composed of working together in a mutual to judge and test the ·scientific
volunteer leaders in the UFO effort will be a giant step forward. attributes proposed. They shollld
FIELD THROUGHOUT THE The scientific and engineering be reasonably short and concise,
WORLD. When we are dealing resources available in MUFON's with back-up data, if they are to
with a controversial issue such as leaders and consultants is fabulous, be published, due to space limita-
ufology, where the answers to the and needs only to be utilized to tions. All submitted papers should
phenomenon are still being sought, it's fullest capacity. be mailed to MUFON at 103
any "Saturday Morning Quarter- To clear up any misunderstand- Oldtowne Road, Seguin, Texas
back" can find some reason to ing concerning the position of Inter- 78155, where they will be repro-
criticize someone's statement or national Director, the fifteen duced and forwarded to the ap-
action. If the person making the members of the MUFON Board of propriate consultants for their
complaint can provide positive Directors elect the International evaluation.
help to correct or imporve the Director and corporate officers. We are extremely proud of the
situation, their comments and sug- Therefore, the Board of Directors is Staff members of THE MUFO
gestions are solicited. the governing body of the Mutual UFO JOURNAL, since no other
Your International Director does UFO Network, Inc. MUFON has UFO publication has assimulated
not intend to engage in a corres~ many spokesmen and spokeswomen this quantity and quality of talent.
pondence dialogue with each and throughout the world, representing The JOURNAI!s Editor, Dennis W.
every person who "finds fau1t" their state or nation, providing the Hauck has established himself in
with the research efforts of MUFON leadership and motivation so vital the UFO publishing field as editor
members or their statements to to our continued growth as a of UFOLOGY and former editor of
the press. We have the confidence scientific UFO research organiza- Official UFO and ANOENT
in our leadership that they are tion. This factor makes MUFON ASTRONAUTS. Associate Editor
performing to the best of their unique in organizational structure Richard H. Hall and also MUFON
ability and their statements express and is the key to our success International Coordinator, quite
thC honest facts at their disposal as a truly representative worldwide often utilizes his monthly column
at that point in time. MUFON, non-profit research organization. "Recapping and Commenting"
unlike other organizations, screen To briefly elaborate on specifiO as an editorial. (For example see
the people who represent it as our points concerning the operations (Continued on page 18)
By Richard Hall (MUFON International Coordinator)
(Comments in this month's column data that allegedly militates against late. The only other solution in
are based, in part, on articles nuts-and-bolts technology-abrupt sight is for the beings, wherever
appearing in the February 1977 or seemingly instantaneous dis- from, to oonclusively communicate
issue, No.111, circulated in June). appearances (as in the Califomai with us and tell us the answers.
Why would a UFO descend on helicopter case in this same issue), One effort depends on us, the other
two men in a Louisiana fishing boat "impossible" maneuvers, shape on them. Therefore, I opt for the
(Jan. 21, 1977), flooding them in changes, as well as. the vast dis- one that is within our power to do
a beam of light that "froze" all tances in space which many astro- something about. We need all the
activity and formed a "cone of nomers believe makes visitation all instrumented data we can get, and
silence"? What could extraterrest- but impossible. These are puzzles that might at least point us in the
rials possibly be up to, and if not with no simple answers, but they do right direction.
extraterrestrials who? not preclude explanation in terms
These questions, though present- of a super-advanced technology
ly unanswerable except in terms whose workings we would -not be
Mark R. Herbstritt
of outright speculation, are at the likely to fathom. The often cited
heart of the trend toward doubting a_nalogy holds true: What could
the E-T hypothesis and groping cavemen have made of an over-
for other explanations. For, what- flight by a Concorde supersonic
ever they are, UFOs do have a jet? Or a television picture? Their
propensity for one-on-one or small concepts could not possibly have THE SKY FOR SEPTEMBER 1977
group encounters, especially when encompassed these phenomena.
the humans are in vehicles ranging Still, it seems to me that the Mercury-On the 5th it is in infer-
from rowboats to helicopters and arguments most often advanced ior Conjunction·, but by the 21st it is
usually when they are isolated from by proponents of other hypotheses at greatest western elongation,
other humans. against EIH are not the theoretical standing about 17 degrees above
It is easy to say that they are or technological ones, but the the eastern horizon at sunrise.
"studying" us, as a catch-all behavioral ones. The beings don't
explanation, but this raises endless behave "right" or do what they Venus-It is visible in the east for
questions of why, and to what "ought"to. Oilly preconceived about three hours before sunrise. It
end? At any rate, this "personal- notions of proper E-T behavior, is less than half ·a degree south of
ized" attention and capricious perhaps overly influenced by a long Saturn on the 18th and about the
(to us) behavior sticks in the craws legacy of science fiction literature. same amount north of Regulus on
of scientists and others who think could lead to that conclusion. the 22nd.
they know how extraterrestrials My own best guess is that either
ought to behave. But does anyone we are dealing with a foreign Mars-In Gemini, it rises about
really know that, or is one set of culture from some planet in space five hours after sul1set and is ap-
speculations being substituted for whose technology is so far beyond proaching the meridan at sunrise.
another? ours that it defies full explanation
Most investigators agree that within our present concepts, or with Jupiter-In Gemini, it rises before
UFOs observed close-up appear beings from_ other realms or midnight and is nearing the mer-
machine-like an'd seem to be guided "dimensions" that our present idian at sunrise.
by intelligence, with roughly science knows nothing about.
humanoid occupants often seen too. Neither of these is subject to satis- Saturn-In Leo near Regulus, it
What, then, is more reasonable factory proof unless we can obtain is now a morning star rising one
than to test that hypothesis (one some hardware, or detailed radar or two hours before the sun.
doesn't believe" an hypothesis) and tracking gear data, that at least
as the simplest and most straight- could tell us that UFOs really are The alpha Aurigid Meteor shower
forward explanation? spacecraft of Unknown origin. Short occurs on the 22nd.
The controversy centers around of hard data, we are all left to specu-

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