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Revised on: 24-05-2019

Assessment Handout

RICS School of Built Environment, Amity University

Programme Name MBA CPM & QS Semester 1

Course name and Code Sustainable Practices for Built Environment

Name of Course faculty(s) Deepti Shitoley

Type of course work Project Assignment - 1

Assessment weightage 15%

Submission date 18th August 2019

Aim of the course work To recognize the sustainable development practices in built environment
projects. To understand the drivers and barriers of sustainable practices
in built environment organizations.
1. Apply sustainability in the built environment through
Learning outcome
compliance with green legislation and certification. (T68)
tested (Competencies
2. Create sustainable solutions in the design, development,
maintenance and operation of the built environment and
improve the user experience.(M04, T24, T40, T73)
3. Promote sustainable practices for organizations through
engagement with relevant stakeholder groups. (T11)

Module Tested 1, 2, 4

1. Knowledge and understanding of the Course Work/Assignment

This project assignment is having a total marks of 15% on over all course weightage. The assignment
shall help students to appreciate the sustainable practices adopt in the built environment sector
through case studies.

The student are required to work in a group of 4 to 5members on a construction project or business
strategy. The students are expected to collect all the relevant data related to that particular case study.
The guidance for the data collection and analysis will be provided by the course faculty during the
lecture classes through exercises based on a case study. The students are expected to collect enough
data to analyze their applicability and selection procedure. Wherever enough data is not available the
students are required to take suitable assumption in consultation with the course faculty. Application
and analysis of the topic (subject specific Skill)
Students are required to:
 Collect all the relevant data including sustainable construction materials, technologies &
practices as applicable.
Revised on: 24-05-2019

 Analyze the collected data of each material, technology/method used for stating its relevance
and suitability in the case study.
 Develop a project report, which will comprise of all the learnings and recommendation based
on critical thinking ability.

2. The structure in terms of logic and coherence

Submissions should have a clear start and a clear end. Information within submissions should also be
logical and well grouped.

3. Use of relevant work examples and/or examples gained from further reading
Suggestions for further reading:

1. Mulligan, M. (2015). An introduction to sustainability. New York: Routledge.

2. Richard Fenner, Charles M. Ainger. (2014) Sustainable Infrastructure: Principles into Practice, ICE
These reading lists are not exhaustive and candidates are encouraged to read further and reference
at the end of the course work using Harvard style of referencing.

4. Marking scheme
Outcomes Weightage Total Marks
Project Introduction and life cycle 20% 6
A detailed discussion on material, methods & technology selection 35% 10
and presentation of the same for case study
A Project Report containing all the relevant information 25% 8
Viva Voce 20% 6
Total 100% 30

Please note all assignments shall subject to plagiarism software checks, through “TURNITIN” or any
other equivalent software.

5. Marking Rubric
A marking rubric need to be prepared for respective courses in line with the recommendatory Rubric
issued by CQC.
A sample for this course is attached in Annexure 1.

6. Plagiarism
Amity Plagiarism policy will be followed and all submissions will be checked for plagiarism on
Turnitin. Refer to course guide for plagiarism and referencing details.

7. Important Instructions
1. Plagiarism is a serious offence. In case of any plagiarism detected, penalty will be imposed leading
to zero mark.
2. Course work and reports should be solved by the individual/group.
3. Course work and reports should be submitted on time and submission after deadline will be
marked zero.
4. Name, student identification and title of the course work to be written clearly and legibly
Revised on: 24-05-2019

8. Indicative Performance Threshold

The evaluation will be done as per standard marking rubric and indicative performance threshold.
Refer to course guide for Indicative Performance Threshold.

Name Course Coordinator Signature

Deepti Shitoley

Course work brief

Students are required to work in groups towards the development of project presentations and
report. Submitted report which should include the need, intent or purpose of the project, locality and
relevance to the project, Identification of critical components of the project, different construction
material/technologies/business strategies used in those components and their analysis application
and suitability. Identify the distinct features of the project/organization, different stakeholder
involved, different phases and stages of project, different Challenges and risks involved.
Revised on: 24-05-2019

Annexure 1: Marking Rubrics

Marking Rubric for Presentation:

Excellent Very Good Average Below Average Poor

Presentation attributes
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
Quality and organization of information
Appropriate use of terminology and
visual tools
Quality of Verbal Communication
Quality of Non-Verbal Communication
Overall Presentation (20)

Marking Rubric for Report:

Assessment 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Sl. # Marks Score
Criteria Poor Fair Satisfactory Good Excellent
A complete collection of A complete collection of
A fair A complete
A simple information required in information required in
Report Content collection of collection of
collection of line with assignment line with assignment
(this components information is information
information is handout is present with handout is present with
1 can be further 50 present with required in line with
present without good amount of excellent amount of
divided based on little assignment handout
background research and critical research and critical
outcomes) background is present with fair
research thinking for problem thinking for problem
research amount of research
solving solving.
organized; no Some Organized; points
Good organization; Good organization;
logical organization; are somewhat
Organisation of points logically ordered; points logically ordered;
2 9 progression; beginning and jumpy; sense of
Information sharp sense of sharp sense of
beginning and ending are beginning and
beginning and end beginning and end
ending are unclear ending
Revised on: 24-05-2019

Assumptions are
Assumptions Assumptions are Assumptions are
Assumptions specific, linked to
3 Assumptions Log 9 are present, specific, not linked specific, linked to
are incomplete outcomes, Implications
not specific to outcomes outcomes
are also notified
Extensive use of tables
Use of Tables & Limited use of Some use of
Good use of tables Extensive use of tables and figures effectively;
Figures to show tables and tables and
4 6 and figures; not and figures effectively; professional looking,
data & summarize figures; poor figures; poor
professional looking professional looking Discussion related to
the findings quality quality
each table is present
Grammar, Usage errors distract More than
5 3 Few errors No Errors Well presented
and Spelling from few errors
Delayed by
Delayed by less than Submission without
6 Timely Submission 3 more than a - -
4 days delay
Viva Voce (2
Questions per
7 20
student in a
Revised on: 24-05-2019

Annexure 2: Report and Presentation format


Microsoft PowerPoint with listing of group member’s name, enrolment number, section and their
contribution. Try to be brief and concise. All presentations shall be checked for originality through
Turnitin. Maximum number of slides to be restricted to 30 per group per submission. The content of
presentation will be checked for the following:
A. Academic Content B. Presentation Skill
Structure and Flow Body Language
Research and Referencing Clarity & Audibility
Understanding and Knowledge: Key Point
Captured Interest of Audience
Quality of Argument: Analysis of Key Issues Response to Questions
Application of Related Tools/Models: Integration Team Work (Coordination, Task
with Other Subjects Division)

Project Report Content:

The Project Report should be submitted in word format consisting of the following:
1. Cover page
2. Acknowledgement
3. Table of Content
4. List of tables
5. List of Figures
6. Introduction (Project description)
7. Construction Logistics Plan and Site Layout
8. Identification of critical components of the project
a. Identification and Analysis of Materials
b. Identification and Analysis of Advanced Technology
c. Identification and Analysis of Equipment.
9. Learning and Recommendations
10. References
11. Annexure
Revised on: 24-05-2019

Annexure 3: Report Formatting Guidelines

Page size A4

Calibri or Arial (Heading Size 14 & Bold, Sub heading Size 13 &Bold, Text
Font Detail
Size 11)

The text of the document must be justified. The left and right margin of
1.25 inches. The top and bottom margin of 1.00 inch.

No of Pages Shall not exceed 30 pages (excluding the Pre pages and Appendices)

Typing The text will follow line spacing of 1.15 lines.

Pagination Each page must be numbered, except the Title Page.

Tables and figures must be numbered in a series. Each table and figure,
including any in the appendices, has a number in its own series. Each series
Tables and
is numbered consecutively within chapters (e.g., Figure 10.1, Figure 10.2,
and Figure 10.3).All titles/captions of Table & Figures will appear in the pre
pages in the List of Tables and List of Figures

The copied content shall not be more than 15% in both PPT and Report. If
Plagiarism not adhered the submission will not be accepted under any circumstances.
Further Refer to Course Guide

In the text, give the surname and date in parentheses, e.g. (Edwards, 2010).
At the end of the study, provide a section headed ‘References’ in which the
references are listed alphabetically by family name. Include references for
References electronic sources of information e.g. web pages. Any books, articles,
websites or other published sources (retrievable data) that have been used
(cited in the text) either in direct quotation or by reference, must be listed
in the References. Further Refer to Course Guide.

Appendices contain supplementary or illustrative material or explanatory

Appendices data too lengthy to be included in the text or not immediately essential to
the readers’ understanding of the text

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