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November 2004

In No. 439


Mutual UFO Network

Tennessee triangle
close encounter, p. 3.

Wisconsin triangle
frightens family, p. 3.

Alien skeleton in Bra-

zilian museum? p. 5.

"Starchild'" skull up-

date, p. 6.

Airlines crew reports

UFO, p. 10.

• ;_ ft

Betty Hill 1919-2004

Deaths of Dr. John Ufology loses

Mack, Gordon Cooper,
& Betty Hill, p. 13-14. ,, three ofour best
.; ,· ,$'.
UFO Press, p. 15.

Calendar, p. 22.

UFO Marketplace, p.
Director·s Message 2
Filer's Files 16
Stan Friedman 19
Jenny Randies 21
Webb's Night Sky 24 Dr. John Mack, 1929-2004 Gordon Cooper 1927-2004
Director's Message
November 2004 Number 439 By John F. Schuessler

MUFON Farewell to Our Friends ....

The UFO field has lost three super
tours, and writing. Her experience was
the subject of John Fuller's book. The
UFO Journal proponents-Betty Hill, Dr. John
Mack and Astronaut Gordon Cooper.
Interrupted Journey. and the television
movie. "The UFO Incident."
(USPS 002-970) Each of them weathered the attacks Betty was a guest on F. Lee Bailey's
(ISSN 0270-6822) of individuals wanting to harm their Lie Detector TV program, and received
reputations or a very high rating for truthfulness when
Mutual UFO Network impact their she answered "Yes" when asked, "Is it
jobs. Neverthe- true you were shown a star map while
Post Office Box 369 you were on board a UFO in the White
less, they al-
Morrison, co 80465-0369 ways main- Mountains of New Hampshire on Sept.
Tel: 303-932-7709 . ' ' tained a posi- 19, 1961 ?"
· Fax:, 303~932-9279 tive attitude, Later, she was the author of the book
openly shared A Common Sense Approach to UFOs.
their informa- She was a featured speaker at the
International Director tion, and never MUFON 2002 International UFO
John F. Schuessler, M.S. wavered in Symposium in Rochester, NY, where
their search for John Schuessler she ended her presentation with the
truth. I am proud to have known each statement, "I have met astronauts from
of them. another planet. In my lifetime, I have
Editor: seen many miracles."
Dwight Connelly, M.S.
Even though they have passed on to
a better place, they will be fondly re- Betty also will be remembered by
14026 Ridgelawn Road membered for the time and effort they all the folks that she befriended and in
Martinsville, IL 62442 put into the UFO field. some way helped as they were strug-
Tel: (217) 382-4502 Following her abduction experience gling with their own UFO experiences.
_mufol"!_ufojournal@h' .com along with her husband Barney, Betty I remember her for all these things and
Hill spent many years doing television more. She was never too busy to send
and radio programs, college lecture (Continued on page 14)
Advertising Director:
John F. Schuessler, M.S. Change of address and subscription/extra copies inquiries should be
sent to MUFON, P.O. Box 369, Morrison, CO 80465-0369.
Columnists: Copyright 2004 by the Mutual UFO Network. All Rights Reserved
Walter N. Webb, B.S. No pan of thlS document may be reproduced in any form without the wr,t1en permission of the Copyngtll
Owners. Permission ,s hereby granted to quote up to 200 words of any one an,cle, provided the author is credited,
George Filer, M.B.A. and the statement. "Copyright 2004 by the Mutual UFO Network, P.O Box 369. Morrison. CO 80465-0369" ,s
Jenny Randies included.
The contents of the MUFON UFO Journal are determined by the editor, and do not necessarily reflect the
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·MUFON's mission is the scientific study of UFOs for the benefit

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Close encounter with triangular object
leaves more questions than answers
By Kim Shaffer
MUFON SD Eastern Tonnes.we
The witness, a MUFON member,
reported that at 5:30 AM on Oct. 2,
2004, he was driving home near Bristol,
TN. when he noted what first appeared
to be a fire on a ridge nearby.
As he drove, he got closer to the
"fire" and realized that it was not a fire
at all but a series of three reddish or-
ange lights affixed to the bottom of a
huge triangular object.
He neared an intersection and exited
his car to watch the metallic craft as it
approached from the north and moved
directly toward him. He noted his fear
and started to run from his car, but re-
alized that there was nowhere to go.
As the giant object passed overhead,
it blocked out all the stars, and he esti-
mated the size to be some 300 feet in
length. The bottom of the craft was
somewhat illuminated from the three Sketch of the triangular-shaped object by James Neff,based on the de-
flame-like, symmetrical appendages on scription by the witness.
the bottom, and he described what ap-
peared to be "ribs" running across the
bottom of the obj ect.
As it passed directly overhead,
Double sightings of lights and triangle
something seemed to reverberate
through his body. He stated that he felt reported by Wisconsin family
many sensations all at once, but no de- Reported sightings over a two-day "It was really weird," said the
scription could be found for what he period by a Mondovi family on High- mother, who initially joked with her
actually felt. He also noted that the ob- way 10 between Mondovi and Durand, husband that it was a UFO. "I was
ject made a pulsating/drumming-like WI, which began around 10:15 PM on afraid to get out ... it was low, right over
noise which also passed throughout his July 23, 2004, left the observers very the car."
body. frightened. They watched it until it disappeared
The object passed him and suddenly The witnesses, who wish to remain behind the trees. The father wanted a
turned west, without banking, and anonymous, were a husband and wife better look at the object, so they drove
moved behind nearby hills. and their two teenage children, ages 13 home to Mondovi so he could get his
At this time MUFON Tennessee has and 14. glasses.
determined that the possibility exists Noticing strange red lights in the sky On their way back, they could see
that this witness may have been injured over a field south of the highway, they the object on the north side of the road,
by this "CE-2," or close encounter, turned off on a side road to turn around, but could view it only from the side. It
case. He has reported a metallic taste and at that time witnessed a triangular- was low enough that the hills, not the
in his mouth, as well as nose bleeds, shaped craft that was about 300 feet sky, provided a backdrop for it.
which may or may not be related to this above their car. They returned to the field where they
close encounter. It was black and gray, with three had initially seen the strange lights in
The witness has also reported a loss white lights underneath. It made no the sky and drove down another side
of time, according to his watch, of some sound and was slowly moving at about road, on the south side of Hwy. 10, to
15 minutes. 5MPH. get a closer look.
The lights were flying in strange for-
mations, and at one point the lights and
objects appeared to be "on a really fast
collision course," but stopped in mid-
air and reversed their direction of move-
ment, according to the mother, who
added, "I know this sounds crazy."
As the family drove slowly down the
road, watching the lights in the sky, they
noticed a light directly behind their car
and assumed that it was another car
wanting to get by, so they pulled into a
driveway to let the car go by.
But the light also stopped, and
seemed to be waiting for them, so they
assumed that perhaps the car had actu-
ally wanted to turn into the driveway.
So they pulled out of the driveway and
proceeded to drive down the road to- Sketch, based on an eyewitness description, of the apparent UFO seen
ward the light. between Mondovi and Durand, WI.
They noticed that it was only one
light, not two, so they figured it was a
motorcycle, but just as they were about than 40 MPH. Suddenly, the light be- elsewhere, and the other was on vaca-
to meet it on the road, it completely gan to chase them at a rapid speed. tion.
vanished before their eyes. Once they reached Highway 10 and Neither reported ever seeing any
The mother said one of the main rea- the light was about to overtake them, it strange lights in the area. Both con-
son they left was this disappearing light suddenly disappeared. firmed that neither had been working
that apparently followed them. "It was The father returned to the road the in the fields with any field equipment
like the twilight zone," she said. following day to test his car, and found that might have had lights.
She explained that the three things that he was able to easily accelerate to Visiting the area after dark, the in-
that seemed so strange were that there 70 MPH on the same stretch of road vestigators noticed that if the source of
was no noise coming from the craft, where the night before his car could not the light on the road had been a car,
surprise that the lights and craft didn't move any faster than 40 MPH. motorcycle, ATV, tractor, or pedestrian
crash, and how the light mysteriously Two investigators, Chad Lewis and with a flashlight, their headlights would
disappeared. "I was hoping that some- Terry Fisk, who host a paranormal ra- have illuminated the area well enough
one else would see what we saw, and dio show, say the family is quite cred- for them to discern the source of the
explain it to me." ible. light, Fisk commented.
The mother said that she is an The people who lived on that road -Thanks to Rich Heiden, the Durand
openminded person, but that she has were not present at the times of the Courier- Wedge, and the Mondovi Her-
had no previous interest in UFOs. How- sightings. One of them was working ald-News.
ever, she stressed that "I absolutely
know what I saw." •
NIDS movmg to an ''inactive status"
The family members kept asking
each other what they saw and "were The National Institute for Discovery cancer research, and was employed in
all freaking out so bad," according to Science (NIDS), which has been in- this field prior to his employment with
the mother. She said she expected more volved with research ranging from im- NIDS. We are sorry to see him leave.
cars would have been on the road to plants to animal mutilations, has an- It is unfortunate that there isn't more
see the lights as well. nounced that it is essentially closing activity, as there was in the past, that
The following night, July 24, they down-what Director Robert T. Bigelow warrants investigation."
returned to the road at about 11PM. describes as "an inactive status." Bigelow says that NIDS will still re-
They slowly drove down the road when He states, "We have not had the need tain secretary/receptionist Mary Allman
suddenly what appeared to be the same to do any major investigative work for (702) 798-1700. She will reportedly be
light appeared before them. well over two and a half years. In view talking daily to Bigelow's assistants,
They stopped the car, and the light of this, we decided to reduce our staff." Janice and Donna.
waited. They turned the car around and He adds, "Our administrator, Colm "Should substantial activity occur
drove away from the light, but some- Kelleher, has taken a position outside with a need for investigation, then
thing seemed to be holding their car of Nevada to do cancer research. NIDS will be reactivated with new per-
back, and they couldn't drive any faster Colm's ambition has always been to do sonnel," Bigelow concluded.


Residents wonder if odd skeleton
in Brazilian museum is an alien being
Article & photos by Paulo de Carvalho
Nognelra; snbmitted by A. J. Gevaerd, Edi- Editor's Note
tor, JJmzilian UFO Magazine & MUFON Na-
tional Director, Brazil As the author of this article points
The 350,000 inhabitants of the Bra- out, there is at this point little evi-
zilian city of Uberaba. State of Minas dence that the strange mummified
Gerais, are very uneasy with a sup- entity from Brazil is of extraterres-
posed alien skeleton displayed in a lo- trial origin. However, there is
cal museum. enough strangeness and enough in-
The exhibition is at the Museum of terest to suggest that additional in-
Natural History Wilson Estevanovic, a vestigation may be warranted.
private institution which also hosts the The article following this one, by
Astronomic Society of Uberaba and Lloyd Pye, author of EYerything You
shows animals, mummies, and several Know is Wrong, is an update on an-
kinds of stones. other strange artifact, the famous
Both institutions have the common ''Stan::hild" skull.
objective of taking culture and science While this topic is seen as unwor-
to the city's schools. The museum be- thy by many mAinlilh' ufologists,
longs to the Estevanovic family. whose it appears that Pye is attempting to
ancestors crossed the world with a cir- utilize scientific procedures to deter-
cus at the end of the nineteenth cen- mine if the mystery skull is, in fact,
tury. ln every place the family has been, not human.
they have acquired pieces, such as Since a number of readers are
mummies, animal skeletons, fossils etc. aware of this effort through Pye's
The Estevanovics went to Uberaba appearances at UFO meetings, in
in 1956, and in 1997 they founded the magazine articles, and on the
museum which today features more Internet, it is felt that an update is
than 20.000 pieces. appropriate.
At the end of August, two directors
of the institution, attorney Wellington Museum of Natural History, is the di-
Estevanovic and professor Carlos ameter of the head, which is 97 cm. In
Magno Estevanovic came to me and addition, the semi-mummified carcass
tresearcher Jose Eduardo C. Maia re- seems to have belonged to a hermaph-
porting a very unusual piece in their col- rodite with six-fingered feet.
lection, and asking us to take a look. We estimate that it might be of a 10
It was a strange embalmed skeleton to 12-year-oldpre-adolescent. based on
which has been with the family for 96 orthodontic studies.
years. When alive, this being had multiple
The directors informed me that the anomalies. The most evident ones are
carcass has attracted the attention of the the presence of hydrocephaly and pal-
local community, and that was the rea- ate-labial fissure, that is, a primary con-
son they decided to show the piece to genital malformation.
the Brazilian UFO Magazine. thinking Extraterrestrial creature?
it might be of an extraterrestrial being. According to Estevan, students and
They thoroughly examined the skel- other people who have already seen the
eton, together with Wilson Estevanovic skeleton at the museum have no doubt
Neto, another member of the talked little about the subject, saying it is of an extraterrestrial creature. Some
Estevanovic family. Estevanovic Neto only that the bones do not seem to be- people felt sick at seeing the carcass
is a researcher of the subject, restorer, long to a human being, due to anoma- exposed, while others got scared, but
gemologist, and also an expert in the lies like a huge head and a small body. most of the children felt excited.
processes of mummification. What was also surprising to Despite the intense curiosity, there
Some doctors contacted by us have Wellington Estevan, president of the is no further information about the
piece. The Estevanovic family does not maxilla is 5 cm. The nasal cavity pfe-
know where the piece comes from or . sents a crack at its base which is inter- "Starchild" skull
how it was embalmed, but they believe rupted by the projection of the palate-
it occurred more than 200 years ago. buccal structure, she said. testing continues
The box in which the skeleton was The upper maxilla is incomplete,_.
kept was opened in 1997 after the death with a central fissure directly linked to to show anomalies
of Wilson Estevanovic, who revealed the nasal cavity with only nine teeth.
to his son, Wellington, the secret it con- The lower maxilla is smaller than nor- By Lloyd Pye
tained. Before that, it was only a sealed mal anatomic patterns, too long and nar- Sixty to seventy years ago an Ameri-
box, said the director of the institution. row on its horizontal axis, holding only can girl of Mexican heritage in her late
Ufologist Maia believes that the ma- nine teeth. teens (15 to 18) was taken by her par-
terial is very valuable and deserves pro- The eye orbits are shallow, relatively ents to visit relatives living in a small
found studies, saying, "I haven't seen far from one another, presenting an os- rural village 100 miles southwest of
anything like this before, except in sified central structure, which is circu- Chihuahua, Mexico.
movies or pictures. Now we have a lar with a central orifice and one ossi- The girl was forbidden to enter any
skeleton very different from a human fied optical nerve. of the area's numerous caves and mine
one which we are going to study care- Such body structure does not match tunnels, but like most teenagers, she
fully." the human anatomy. The skeleton does went exploring.
According to information from other not have the auditory pit, as well as the At the back of a mine tunnel she
researchers, Brazil does not have the auditory canal. The cranium presents found a complete human skeleton ly-
necessary facilities to perform exami- typical cranial cracks, and the front re- ing on the ground's surface. Beside it,
nations of the carcass to verify if it is gion has two relevant protuberances. sticking up out of the ground, was a
human or not, since it is already mum- The carcass is divided in head, trunk, malformed skeletal hand entwined in
mified. and limbs without any known propor- one of the human skeleton's upper
Brazilian UFO Maga::ine tion. The cranium's dimensions are 1 arms.
( has assembled a 1/, times the chest. The girl proceeded to scrape the dirt
team to further examine the skeleton in Veruska continues: "The creature off a shallow grave to reveal a buried
detail in order to determine its real na- presented a bone characteristic which skeleton smaller than the human one
ture. If this is an alien structure, what allows us to define at least two severe and also malformed. She did not specify
could be concluded with serious scien- congenital abnormalities: hydrocephaly the type or degree of any of the "mal-
tific research, and shared with other re- and palate-labial fissure, that is, two formations."
searchers? syndromes very known in the medical The girl recovered both skulls and
The Estevanovic family has been literature. kept them for the remainder of her life.
very helpful, opening all doors of the "The skeleton certainly belonged to Upon her death they were passed to an
museum to researchers, since they also an individual with congenital malfor- American man, who maintained pos-
want to see the mystery solved. mation or anomalies, which consist of session for five years before passing
A biological sciences student of the developmental failures in the occasion them to the American couple who now
University of Bahia, Veruska of the birth. In the universe of congeni- control them.
Estevanovic, granddaughter of the tal malformation, no classification of an One of the skulls appears to be hu-
institution's founder, concluded after isolate nomenclature is universally man, and is assumed to be Amerindian
studies on the origin of the piece that accepted-that is, all of them are lim- (an Indian from North or South
the skeleton probably belongs to an ited. America) because the rear of its cra-
extraterrestrial being. "Each one is directed to a specific nium exhibits the flattening that results
Among other examinations, the car- purpose in the study of the teratology from being carried in infancy on a
cass underwent a morph anatomic branch of science that studies abnor- cradle board.
evaluation. mal pre-birth developments with prin- The other skull, which is known as
In her report, Veruska talks about the cipal emphasis with respect to already the Starchild skull, remains to be iden-
development of the skeleton in a more known pathogenesis. tified.
detailed description: it has a palate-la- "If human, the causes of congenital The mystery skull
bial fissured skull with a reduced pal- malformation in the skeleton might be The face is missing from the upper
ate and a slender and protuberant cen- chromosome abnormalities, mutant bridge of the nose to the foramen mag-
tral structure projected through the na- genes, environmental factors, num (the hole where the spine enters
sal cavity and two canine teeth on its multifatorial inheritance, or even a com- the skull), but the cranium and most of
distal ends. bination of genetic and environmental both eye orbits (the external parts of
Anatomic analysis factors combined with other unknown the sockets) are intact.
The morph anatomic analysis of the causes." This skull's degree of humanity is at
skeleton has indicated that the distance -Thanks to Eduardo Rado for trans- issue because several aspects of its
between this structure and the upper lating this article. morphology defy categorizing as ge-


That was accomplished last Later, I will add other slide arrays
year with a tantaJizing result. that will encapSulate the material avail-
The Starchild' s mi toe hon- able on .the·original Starchild Project
drial DNA was relatively website. That site was primarily text
easy to recover, and showed based, so many people found it tough
it had a human mother (ex- sledding.
pected if it is a hybrid), but This one will be primarily slide
its nuclear DNA. the part based, with an emphasis on being con-
that would reveal its father's cise and compact. This should make it
genetic heritage, couldn't be easier to access around the world.
recovered with current prim- We hope you agree. Let us hear from
ers. you if you have something meaningful
We were advised to wait to contribute to our quest, and espe-
for primers to become more cially if you or someone you know can
efficient. We were also ad- contribute financially. And please help
vised to investigate its bone us spread the word about what we're
chemistry, because in con- doing. We need all the help we can get.
ducting the DNA tests, some Below, you can read a report by Dr.
intriguing discoveries were Ted Robinson. Also, you can view the
made. Trace Genetics Official Report on DNA
1. The bone was signifi- analysis of Starchild Bone.
cantly harder to cut that it
should have been. Preliminary analysis of a highly
2. There was a stronger- nnmn1al h11man.likP skull
than-usual smell of "burning Dr. Ted J. Robinson, M.D.,
bone" when cutting it. L.M.C.C~ F.R.C.S (c)
3. When put into EDTA, The skull in question has a prov-
Attendees at Lou Farish'..r Ozark UFO Con- the normal solvent for hu-
ference were given the opportunity to examine man bone, the Starchild enance that is not verified at present.
the Starchild skull. That situation may change in time, but
should have dissolved for now all that can be said with cer-
within a week, or perhaps tainty is that the skull is real, is com-
netic defect (inherited), congenital de- less, since it is less than halfas thick as
formation (birth defect), or inflicted de- normal human bone. Ten weeks later prised of calcium hydroxyapatite (the
formity (cranial binding). essence of all mammalian bone), its
the Starchild bone had not dissolved a parts are configured "naturally" (not
For nearly six years the official bit.
Starchild website has been cobbled together or in any other way
4. When 'tween 20, a strong deter- hoaxed), and it presents numerous Anyone gent, was added to the mix, the
can read additional details of the early Starchild bone dissolved completely, physical anomalies that do not conform
history there, and see what we went overnight, down to a thin layer of resi- to standard skull norms.
through trying to figure out the due. Unexpected. The skull remained in my possession
Starchild, and trying to obtain funding in Vancouver, BC, for the better part of
Thus, its chemistry seems to be un- one year. I was given complete discre-
to get scientific testing done on it. usual enough to warrant a full-scale
Because of our habitual lack of op- investigation. For most of 2004 we have tion to study it in any way I saw fit. My
erating capital, we remained painfully been doing precisely that, and now we analysis derives from extensive exami-
short of meaningful data. All these have results with scientific merit and nation of the skull itself, combined with
drawbacks were primarily my fault. I'm investigative significance. analysis of X-rays and CAT scans.
simply a terrible fundraiser-period. I have shared these data with col-
A new web site leagues who have given opinions that
Testing -Because all the new work has been
Despite my handicap, I did manage done in England and paid for by a Brit- will be mentioned in this document as
to get certain tests done, enough to con- ish subject, I decided to establish a new, their input becomes relevant.
vince me and a small coterie of devoted UK-based website to keep up with fu- In general, the skull has the basic
followers that we were onto something ture developments regarding the
components of a human skull: i.e., a
if we could find a way to have sophisti- Starchild. frontal bone, two sphenoids, two
cated scientific testing done. temporals, two parietals, and an occipi-
The first array of slides we can show tal. However, these bones have been
Finally, in October, 2002, we lucked you are powerful indeed, clearly indi-
out and found a patron here in London, cating that we are on the verge of mak- markedly reconfigured from the "nor-
Belinda McKenzie, who agreed to fund ing history with our endeavor, whether mal" shapes and positions such bones
the badly needed ancient DNA test. it ends up alien-related or not. usually have.
In addition, the bone itself has been
The Stmrhild skull (second.fromleft) compared with normal human skulls.

reconstituted to an equally marked de- Westminster, B.C. cephaly, so this condition can safely be
gree, being somewhat less than half as Dr. John Bachynsky, radiologist, ruled out as a cause of the abnormali-
thick as normal human bone, with a New Westminster, B.C. ties expressed.
corresponding weight of roughly half Dr. Ken Poskitt, pediatric Hydrocephaly also causes a widen-
nonnal. neuroradiologist, Vancouver Children's ing of the sutures, again not expressed
The reconfigurations and the recon- Hospital here. There was consensus agreement
stitution are uniform throughout all axes Dr. Ian Jackson, craniofacial plastic to both of these observations by other
and in all planes of the skull. There is surgeon, Michigan (formerly of Mayo experts conversant with these features.
no asymmetrical warping or irregular Clinic). Dr. Kaburda carried out special
thinning that is the hallmark of typical Dr. JohnMcNicoll, craniofacial plas- three-dimensional X-rays which mea-
human deformity. tic surgeon, Seattle, WA. sure certain fixed points in any skull,
Highly unusual morphology Dr. Mike Kaburda, oral surgeon, allowing for comparison of any particu-
The morphology of this skull is so New Westminster, B.C. lar skull to the established norm.
highly unusual as to be unique in my Dr. Tony Townsend, ophthalmolo- Deviations outside the norm
forty years of experience as a medical gist, Vancouver. These accumulated results were
doctor specializing in plastic and recon- Dr. Hugh Parsons, ophthalmologist, compared to a statistical analysis of 100
structive surgery of the cranium. Vancouver. human skulls. This skull was found to
Because of its uniqueness, I under- Dr. Smith noted that the skull's cra-
be more than ten ( 10) standard devia-
took an extensive review of current lit- time sutures
nial were well knitted at the
of death, indicating an age at least tions outside the norm, i.e. the statisti-
erature on craniofacial abnormalities, teenaged. cal center of a Bell curve.
which failed to uncover a single simi- He further noted the extensive col- This is another strong indication that
lar example. lection of Wonnian bones (small bone the skull in question is unlike anything
In short, it seems to be not only "islands") connecting the lambdoidal previously seen or investigated.
unique in my personal experience, but suture (between parietals and occipi- Doctors Townsend and Parsons ex-
also unique throughout the past history tal), indicating maturity beyond child- amined the orbital cavities and con-
of worldwide study of craniofacial ab- hood. cluded that the being may well have
normalities. This is significant. This was agreed by several other been sighted, but if so, its visual struc-
Specialists who examined the skull specialists who studied it, so based on tures deviated strongly from the norm.
and associated X-rays and CAT scans these features the likelihood of matu- The cavities, while astonishingly
were: rity is high. symmetrical, were less than 50% nor-
Dr. Fred Smith, head of Pediatrics, Dr. Bachynsky noted that there is no mal depth. The optic foramen, which
Children's Hospital, New Orleans, LA. evidence of erosion of the inner table carries the optic nerve from the brain
Dr. David Hodges, radiologist, Royal of the skull. Such erosion would be through the orbital bone to the eye, is
Columbian Hospital, New consistent with a diagnosis of hydro- nearly an inch lower than it would be


in a normal human skull. weight does not press down onto the example of the thorough uniqueness of
However, attachment points for the cerebellum and distend it such that it this specimen.
muscles that control an eyeball's move- will cease to function properly. No sign of brow ridges
ments were still to be felt on the inner In this unique skull, however, the In addition to lacking frontal sinuses,
surface of the orbit, indicating that a entire weight of the brain slants directly there is no sign of the brow ridges evi-
ball, rather than some other mechanism, down on the area that should hold its dent in normal skulls. Its upper orbits
was its most likely expression. cerebellum. Instead of the rounded area are thin edged rather than rounded. Its
If indeed these sockets held eyeballs, typically present for support, there is a zygomatic arches are greatly reduced
those of normal size would have greatly wedge-shaped area of perhaps one- and significantly lowered from their
protruded from the face, creating a se- quarter of normal. usual positions.
rious liability of damage during routine Furthermore, the internal protuber- Its mastoid processes are less than
activity. ance and sulcus ridges are significantly normal, as are all connective points for
Because the eyeballs occupy a posi- reduced. What effect would the weight the lower face (which would attach to
tion lower in the face than is normal, of a notably amplified brain have on an the coronoid process and condylar pro-
and they rest in a socket markedly re- unsupported cerebellum carried into cess of the missing mandible). Based
duced in rectilinear shape and depth, adulthood? It presents a genuine conun- on these observations, its lower face
they would have been significantly re- drum. may have been as much as 50% re-
duced in size. Flattened rear of skull duced from normal.
In either case, however, large eye- Personally, I was most concerned On the other hand, its inner ears are
balls or small, they would require up- with determining how the rear of the noticeably larger than normal, again
per lids three or four times more ex- skull could have become so flattened, pushing into the range of 50% larger.
tensive than normal upper lids to be from the atypical fossa (depression) in This is also true for the condyles abut-
lubricated in the manner necessary for the sagittal suture between the parietals, ting the spinal atlas.
human eyeballs to function properly. down to the foramen magnum opening. A detached upper right maxilla con-
Brain abnormally large This could not have been caused by tains two molars [one has been lost to
Doctors Hodges and Poskitt found any kind of flattening or binding device, testing]. Tooth wear on the molars in-
the brain inside the skull was abnor- because the surface of the occipital re- dicates maturity was reached, yet an-
mally large. This was determined by veals the subtle convolutions inevita- other set of teeth is present in the max-
lining the intra.cranial cavity with a plas- bly present in unaltered skulls. illa, and appear ready to take the place
tic bag that was then filled with Niger Skulls that undergo any kind of shap- of those mature teeth when and if they
birdseed. ing technique will always reveal such are lost or are no longer useful.
This gave a size of 1600 cubic technique with a distortion of the bone The question of age at death remains
centimetres, which is 200 c.c. larger surface. open. These and other mysteries about
than the typical adult size of 1400 c.c. Lacking even a hint of evidence of this skull await further analysis by other
This is even more unusual because the shaping, and of any unnatural or pre- experts wishing to help determine its
size of the skull compares most favor- mature fusing of any sutures, it is en- origin and history.
ably with a small adult or a child of tirely safe to say that the extreme flat-
about 12 years old. tening of the skull was caused by its
This extra brain capacity is appar- natural growth pattern, and is not arti- Mars Global Surveyor
ently due to the deep shallowing of the ficial. This too is significant.
eye sockets, a total lack of frontal si- Another of my concerns is that the sends ultra-sharp photos
nuses (not even vestigial bumps are external occipital protuberance (inion) Mars photos more than twice as
discernable ), and significant bossing is absent from its notable position in the sharp as normal, revealing the tracks
(expansion) of the upper rear of both center of the occipital bone, and indeed of the Mars rover Spirit and the
parietals. is represented by an actual slight fossa remains of an ancient flood, were re-
In any case, they observed, the ex- (depression) in the surface. leased Sept. 28.
treme slant of the rear parietals and the (As mentioned earlier, the same is By compensating for blurring caused
occipital bone challenges whether this true for its internal counterpart, which by the spacecraft's motion as it orbits
skull could have contained typical brain has been greatly reduced.) 235 miles over Mars, Malin Space Sci-
matter, and casts further doubt that its It seems clear that the neck of this ence Systems engineers are now able
cerebellum was typical. being attached to its skull much lower to take pictures that reveal features as
In a normal skull, the cerebellum than in a normal skull, centered under small as 5 feet across, much better than
rests at the base of the cerebrum, sup- the balance point for both lateral and the old 13-to-16-footresolution.
ported by the internal occipital protu- medial flexion. Arriving at the Red Planet in 1997,
berance and the twin flares of the sag- Even more unusual, the neck itself the Mars Global Surveyor has nearly
ittal sulcus and the transverse sulcus. seems to have a circumference some- completed 25,000 mapping orbits of
With this support mechanism, over where in the range of 50% of usual neck Mars and is scheduled to continue op-
the course of a lifetime the cerebrum's volume, which presents yet another erating through 2006.
Northwest Airlines crew observes
UFOs over Iowa and Nebraska
By William Puckett
Right of NW999 • March 25, 2004
MUFONFI, Washington State (8:S3to 7:23 PM C.S T)
'(Average Ground Speed = 455 MA-f)
Witnesses: Cockpit crew Northwest
Event Date/Time: March 25,
2004, 18:59 to 19:15 C.S.T.
Event Location: Between Des
Moines, IA, and Omaha, NE.

In the early
evening hours of
March 25, 2004,
a Northwest
(NW) Airlines

Airbus 319 on a I:,

flight from Mil- ''. ,f, ..,''
waukee, WI, to
Los Angeles, CA,
radioed air traffic
control in Minne-
apolis, MN, and to appear on the radio show. not mentioned, and hereafter will be re-
William Puckett reported two I first heard of the sighting when ferred to as flight number 999. The
flights oftwo uni- Davenport discussed the case on a ra- intent is to protect the identity of the
dentified aircraft (a total of four air- dio talk show program soon after the pilot and crew.
craft). event. I subsequently visited the A radar plot of the path of NW 999
The pilot said that the unidentified NUFORC web site http:// is shown above. Also checked was a
aircraft were about 15 miles in front of to learn more details. plot of anomalous radar returns and the
him and traveling in a westerly direc- I then immediately submitted a Free- position of the NW flight. (Returns are
tion. (In the same general direction as dom of Information Act (FOIA) request filtered to reflect only returns at or near
the airline.) to the Federal Aviation Administration the 12 o'clock viewing position from
The pilot and crew had the unidenti- (FAA) Great Lakes Region, requesting the NW aircraft.) Radar plots are not
fied aircraft in sight for about 15 min- radar data and an audiotape of the con- shown due to space limitations.
utes until the UFOs grew quite small versation between Air Traffic Control Significance
and were no longer visible. (ATC) and the NW Airlines flight. The significance of this sighting is
Upon being relieved of his shift, the I also requested logs for the evening that trained observers (NW airline
air traffic controller who directed the of March 25, 2004, from the Air Traf- crew) saw four objects that they could
flight called the National UFO Report- fic Control Center (ARTCC) in the not explain. FAA acknowledged the
ing Center (NUFORC) and reported Minneapolis, MN, area. explanation, and also stated that other
the sighting, referring to the craft as Results pilots had seen the objects.
UFOs (see audiotape transmissions on Results of this investigation are pre- Radar data does not show the un-
page 11). sented via the transcript of the actual known aircraft on a continual track 15
The air traffic controller who re- conversation between ATC and the to 20 miles ahead of the NW aircraft,
ported the sighting was to appear on a crew (following page). Due to space but it does show some primary returns
radio talk show with Davenport, direc- limitations only significant communi- in the 12 o'clock position from the
tor of the NUFORC, but the cations are included. Northwest flight on several of the maps.
controller's supervisor did not want him The flight number of the airline is The radar map from 19:10 to 19:11

10 MUFON UFO Journal NOVEMBER 2004

Selected transcriptions of audiotape
Time Voice Message
18:59:36 Northwest flight crew Were just curious. We're lookin ahead at twelve o'clock. You're working on a
formation, a flight of two? (Northwest 999 has spotted objects and is asking air traffic control if they have
any traffic in the area of the sighting.)
18:59:38 Air traffic control Ah, at what altitude?
18:59:39 Northwest flight crew Ah, I guess ours, maybe a little higher. (Flight 999 was flying at 35,000 feet)
18:59:42 Air traffic control Ahhhh, negative
18:59:43 Northwest flight crew O.K. I guess it's spots on the windscreen
19:01:37 Air traffic control Northwest 999, we're not showing any aircraft in your area above or below you.
19:01:40 Northwest flight crew It's interesting that you should say that because we were just noticing that there
are two more ahead of them.
19:04:16 Air traffic control Northwest 999, are you still seeing the targets?
19:04:18 Northwest flight crew Yes sir, we sure are.
19:04:19 Air traffic control And how far out in front of you are they, and are they goin' the same direction?
19:04:22 Northwest flight crew It's hard to tell. I think they're definitely moving away from us. Ah, I guess they're
going in a westerly direction. Ah, probably fifteen, twenty miles maybe.
19:04:25 Air traffic control Are you getting' anything on the TCAS (Traffic Collision Avoidance System) at
19:04:26 Northwest flight crew Ah, negative.
19:04:51 Air traffic control And would you say there are two formation flights, two apiece, ah two of two?
19:04:53 Northwest flight crew Well right now all I can see is ah, two aircraft. And, ah, originally, well I say, I
take that back, I see three of them, I'd say two and two.
19:11:53 Air traffic control NW 999, here's the website
19:11:54 Northwest flight crew O.K. ready.
19:11:55 Air traffic control Ah, www November uniform foxtrot oscar romeo charley dot org
19:12:01 Northwest flight crew I know what those three letters in the middle are. Ah O.K. - www November - uniform
- foxtrot - oscar - romeo - charley dot org

shows returns in the 12 o'clock posi- These fast-moving radar returns ended at 19:09 C.S.T. This means that
tion, but the returns are about 40 miles could possibly be due to weather, but a enough daylight existed to see the ob-
from the NW flight. check of weather radar shows that rain jects, but darkness was approaching
The radar map does show returns showers were well into Northwest Iowa towards the end of the sighting period.
that could be interpreted to be very fast- at this time, and the radar returns were Inquiries were made to NORAD and
moving aircraft that were not transmit- west of Omaha. Therefore it is unlikely Strategic Command (STRATCOM)
ting transponder information to the ra- that these returns were due to weather. regarding the unidentified aircraft sight-
dar. Dr. James McDonald said in his ing on March 25.
One of the potential aircraft was 1968 report to Congress that a tendency STRATCOM did not note any un-
moving at around 4 times the speed of exists to explain too many radar returns usual aircraft activity on March 25.
sound and the other at nearly 3 times as weather, birds, ducting, etc. He fur- NORAD also said that no anomalous
the speed of sound. If these returns ther stated that some returns not iden- aircraft were noted on March 25, but
were objects, they would have to have tified as known aircraft could represent that exercises were conducted over
been quite large to be viewed by the UFOs. South Dakota and Canada on March
crew. Another point to consider is that 26.
''Fast walkers" UFOs are frequently reported as exhib- On March 27 equipment testing was
The returns were on the same gen- iting unusual maneuvers, disappearing, conducted. NORAD said that the
eral heading of the NW flight and were and reappearing. Perhaps this could ex- equipment testing was classified.
obviously speeding away. Radar ech- plain why these craft didn't leave a con- NORAD did say that exercises encom-
oes that move rapidly are often referred tinuous path of radar echoes ahead of pass "scramble-type maneuvers."
to as "fast walkers" by radar operators. the airline. One has to ask the question: Did the
This effect can be produced by returns The information that we have indi- sightings on March 25 over Nebraska
that are off of the scale of the radar cates that the crew had the craft in sight and Iowa influence the decision of
scope and do not show up until the next continuously, but we don't know that NORAD to conduct these exercises?
revolution of the radar antenna. for sure. We do know that the FAA controller
This concept is discussed in the ra- According to the U.S. Naval Obser- contacted NORAD on the evening of
dar section of the MUFON Field vatory sunset at this time and location the sightings.
Investigators Manual. was at 18:42 C.S.T. and civil twilight A check of the ARTCC logs for
March 25, 2004, did not reveal any in the WNW, and were close together. fast-moving objects about 40 miles
mention ofthe sighting. Several brief- Mercury was positioned in the WSW ahead oftheNW flight.
ings were held after the sighting, but at the time of the sighting (close to Mars These echoes were in the 12 o'clock
it is not known if these briefings are and Venus). position from the Northwest flight, and
routine. Could the pilots have mistaken bright were heading in a WSW direction
No simple identification planetary objects for UFOs? The three (same general heading as the Northwest
What could these unidentified air- planets were close together and posi- flight).
craft be? The weather balloon expla- tioned in the approximate direction However, we don't know for sure if
nation has long been used to explain where the pilots saw the objects. these returns represent aircraft, and the
UFO sightings. A weather balloon Based on astronomical data, it ap- 40-mile distance would mean that the
was launched from Omaha, NE, at pears that Venus could have been vis- craft would have to be very large to be
18:00 C.S.T. This was about an hour ible towards the end of the time period visible to the crew. Therefore the ra-
before the sighting. ofthe sighting. It is quite doubtful that dar data provides little support to the
The winds aloft at the flight level the other planets would have even been sighting.
of 35,000 feet were from WSW at visible during this time, however. The FAA controller said that radar
about 50 knots. For this reason the Pilots are trained observers, and I did not detect the craft. Several stud-
balloon explanation doesn't hold, be- think it highly unlikely that they would ies have indicated that UFOs are fre-
cause if the crew had sighted the bal- mistake planets for aircraft. The pilots quently not visible on radar, so the ab-
loon, it would have been moving to- likely would have flown this same route sence of radar visibility in this case does
wards them and ascending. during the period when the three above not reduce the validity of the sighting.
The crew reported that the craft planets would have been visible in the In summary we can say that reliable
were heading in the same general di- above positions and time. observers saw four objects that they
rection (WSW) that they were, and Also, the crew said that the objects couldn't identify, and other pilots also
were speeding away from them. The were moving away from them through- likely sighted the objects. During brief
crew also stated that they saw four out the time period of the sighting. The intervals in the duration of the sighting
craft. planets should have been getting radar showed some returns in the di-
The crew didn't report any con- brighter as darkness increased. For the rection where the pilots made the sight-
trails from the craft. According to the above reasons I doubt that the crew ing.
atmospheric temperature profile, con- misidentified the planets as flying ob- Finally, NORAD conducted exer-
trails would have formed above about jects. cises in the general area of the sightings
28,000 feet, but would have rapidly Conduslon/Flnal Remarks on the next day.
dissipated due to the low humidity In conclusion we have an airline References:
conditions (per studies by National crew who sighted four objects that they National UFO Reporting Center
Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis- couldn't explain. Some evidence also (
tration). exists that other pilots had sighted the National Climatic Data Center (http://
The NW flight was flying at 35,000 same objects, according to the discus-
feet and the crew said that the objects sion between the controller and the James McDonald, Statement on
were at a higher altitude than they FAA supervisor. Unidentified Objects, July 28, 1968.
were. However, if the aircraft were A check with NORAD revealed no J.C. Toomay, Radar Principles for
conventional, contrails probably unexplained aircraft on the date and the Non-Specialist, Second Edition,
should have been briefly seen. time of the sighting. However, 1998
A check of astronomical data NORAD related that exercises were U.S. Naval Observatory, http://
shows that Mars and Venus were conducted on the following day (March
quite bright in the evening sky in late 26) over South Dakota and Canada. What is a Contrail and How Does it
March, 2004. Venus could have be- We learned that these exercises involve Form? National Oceanic and Atmo-
gun to be visible towards the end of "scramble-type" maneuvers. spheric Administration, http://
the sighting (sunset was 18:41 C.S.T. Could these exercises be related to
and civil twilight began 19:09 C.S.T. the sightings? Also NORAD was con- contrail.htm
at Omaha). tacted by the FAA flight controller re- The Night Sky, MUFONUFO
Bright stars and planets begin to be garding the sighting. Why did NORAD Journal, February, 2004
visible at the beginning of civil twi- say that they were not contacted by MUFON Field Investigator's Manual
light (source U.S. Naval Observa- anyone regarding any unidentified air-
tory). Venus was quite bright, with a craft sightings?
magnitude of -4.4 (MUFON UFO Radar showed some primary returns Case reports
Journal). Mars was dimmer with a at the 12 o'clock position from the air- Please send a copy of case re-
brightness of 2.2. Mercury was also craft, but the returns did not show a ports directly to the MUFON
visible. continuous path of movement. At 19:11 UFO Journal.
Mars and Venus were positioned C.S.T. radar indicated two potentially

12 MUFON UFO Journal NOVEMBER 2004

Dr. John Mack fatally injured Mercury 7 astronaut·
Gordon Cooper dies
in London car-pedestrian accident Gordon Cooper, one of the original
Mercury 7 astronauts and a critic of
Dr. John Mack, professor of psy- government coverup of UFOs, died
chiatry at Harvard Medical School, Oct. 4. He was 77. He is survived by
Pulitzer Prize wmner, noted ufologist, his wife, Susan. and two daughters.
and MUFON consultant in psychiatry, Cooper left NASA and retired from
was fatally injured in a car-pedestrian the Air Force in 1970. He worked in a
accident in London, England, Sept. 27. number of industries, including as vice
Dr. Mack was one of several speak- president for research and development
ers discussing British officer T.E. for the EPCOT theme park in Florida.
Lawrence ("Lawrence of Arabia") at In 1951, Cooper, then a U.S. Air
the T. E. Lawrence Society Sympo- Force fighter pilot stationed in Ger-
sium. in Oxford. His 1977 biography many, witnessed the speedy overflight
of T.E. Lawrence. A Prince of Our Dis- of a silver daylight disc UFO.
order, had received the Pulitzer Prize. In his book Leap of Faith (2000),
While returning to the home in which Cooper discussed not only his experi-
he was staying in North London, trav- ences with the space program, but also
eling on foot, he was struck at approxi- his experiences with UFOs.
mately 11:25 PM by a silver Peugeot One of the incidents he discussed oc-
306 while crossing the street. Dr. John Mack was a presenter at curred on May 3, 1957, when two en-
He was rendered unconscious on the 2001 MUFON Symposium. (Photo listed men assigned to film an Askania-
impact and died a short while later at by Nick Roesler.) camera precision landing system
the hospital. The driver of the Peugeot rushed up to him, excited and fright-
was arrested at the scene on suspicion be more spiritual than physical in na- ened, to report they had just filmed a
of driving with excess alcohol. ture-yet nonetheless real-set him apart UFO.
Dr. Mack and his wife, Sally (Stahl) from many of his contemporaries, such The saucer had flown over them,
Mack, divorced in 1995. He leaves a as Budd Hopkins, who advocates the hovered above the ground, extended
sister, Mary Lee Ingbar of Brookline, physical reality of aliens. three landing gear, and set down about
MA; three sons, Daniel of Boulder, CO; In 1994 the Dean of Harvard Medi- 50 yards away. It was metallic silver
Kenneth of Almaty, Kazakhstan; and cal School appointed a committee of and shaped like an inverted plate. It
Tony of Cambridge, MA; and two peers to review Mack's clinical care and made no sound.
grandchildren. clinical investigation of the people who The cameramen shot photos with
The dominant theme of his life's had shared their alien encounters with 35mm and 4x5 still cameras, as well
work has been the exploration of how him (some of their cases were written as motion picture film. Gordon
one's perceptions of the world affect about in Dr. Mack's 1994 book Abduc- checked with superiors, who told him
one's relationships. tion-Human Encounters with A liens). to process the film, but to make no
Mack's interest in the spiritual as- After fourteen months of inquiry, prints, then send it to Washington.
pect of human experience has been. Harvard issued a statement that the He did view the negatives, which
compared by the New Yorkllmesto that dean had "reaffirmed Dr. Mack's aca- were sharp, before sending the films to
of fellow Harvard alum William James, demic freedom to study what he wishes Washington, but did not view the movie
and, like James, Mack became a con- and to state his opinions without im- film. No inquiry was launched, and he
troversial figure for his efforts to bridge pediment." heard no more of the incident.
spirituality and psychiatry. Mack's explorations later broadened In 1985, he told the United Nations,
This theme embroiled Dr. Mack in into the general consideration of the "I believe that these extraterrestrial ve-
controversy in the early 1990s when he merits of an expanded notion ofreality. hicles and their crews are visiting this
began his study of 200 men and women He was the founder of the John E planet from other planets, which obvi-
who claimed that recurrent alien en- Mack Institute (www.johnemack- ously are a little more technically ad-
counter experiences had affected the vanced than we are here on Earth.
way they regarded the world, includ- His second (and final) book on the "I feel that we need to have a top-
ing a heightened sense of spirituality· alien encounter experience, Passport to level, coordinated program to scientifi-
and environmental concern. the Cosmos: Human Transformation cally collect and analyze data from all
His interest in the spiritual or trans- and Alien Encounters (1999), was the over the Earth concerning any type of
formational aspects of people's alien culmination of his work with the encounter, and to determine how best
encounters, and his suggestion that the "experiencers" of alien encounters, to to interface with these visitors in a
experience of alien contact itself may whom the book is dedicated. friendly fashion."
Betty Hill, the "Grandmother Director's Message ...
(Continued from Page 2)
a note or wish me well. She never for-
of Ufology:' dies at age 85 got to send me a Christmas card with
best wishes for the holidays. I will
Betty Hill, the "Grandmother of never forget that.
Ufology," died Sept. 17 at the age of The first time I met Dr. John Mack
85. While she gained fame because of was in a hotel room along with Walter
her involvement m the famous 1961 ab- H.Andrus Jr. after a long day at a
duction incident, it was her wit, friend- UFO symposium.'
liness, and fiesty disposition that en- John was friendly, gentle, and unas-
deared her to her many fans. suming as he talked with us for hours
The 1961 Betty and Barney Hill case about what he was trying to achieve and
was, of course, worthy of the interest how he could work with MUFON.
that it generated. It was the first thor- Ultimately, he became MUFON's Di-
oughly researched abduction case, and rector-at-Large in Psychiatry.
thus has become a classic in the field As a Pulitzer Prize-winning author,
of ufology. he was the author or co-author of at
One of the key elements in the case least 10 books and more than 150 schol-
was the outstanding reputations of the arly articles. His last MUFON sym-
Hills. Betty, the daughter of a mayor, posium presentation was in Orange
was a graduate of the University of County, CA, in 2001 where his presen-
New Hampshire with a B.S. in Social tation was Witnessing: . Abductees as
Work, and served as a child welfare t CJffl>-
Sacred Truth-Tellers.
worker for the state of New Hampshire. Betty Htlls 85th birthday party. He told how he had worked inten-
Husband Barney was employed by the sively with hundreds of individuals
U.S. Postal Service. Initially shunning publicity, the Hills from many walks of life in several cul-
As the forerunner of modern abduc- eventually became the subjects of nu- tures who reported profound, life-
tion cases, the Hill encounter featured merous media interviews, a book (The changing experiences through encoun-
elements that over the years have come Interrupted Journey by John Fuller), ters with human-like beings, reaching
to be recognized as common elements and even a movie ("The UFO Inci- them apparently from other dimensions.
of an abduction: missing time, physi- dent"). His audience was spellbound and
cal evidence, physiological evidence, When Barney died in 1976, Betty gave him a standing ovation at the end
animal reactions, physical examination thought interest in their encounter of his presentation.
by entities, and recall through hypnotic would die with him, but this did not Even though he was a busy man,
regression. occur. John contacted me several months be-
The incident was investigated for the Betty continued to be in demand as fore his passing to offer to write a letter
National Investigations Committeeon a speaker and consultant, finally an- on behalf of MUFON to help seek re-
Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) by Walter nouncing in 1991 that she was "retir- search funding for the organization. He
Webb, one of the top investigators over ing" from ufology at the age of 72. was a nice person and a friend to us all.
the past 50 years. However, there were still many in- I will miss him.
Although the case was unique and dividuals who wanted to meet with her, While working in the U.S. Space
controversial, since the abduction phe- and she welcomed them into her New Program, I meta lot of astronauts. They
nomenon had not yet become accepted, Hampshire home, often showing them were all impressive-having the knowl-
Webb wrote a positive report on the the dress that had become stained dur- edge, skills, and daring to go into space
incident, convinced of the honesty and ing her on-board encounter with the in fragile manmade craft. Astronaut
credibility of Betty and Barney. entities. Gordon Cooper had all this and more.
Adding to the credibility of the ini- Sometimes she would set up her I had just begun working in the space
tial report was the later hypnotic work 35mm slide projector for visitors and, program in 1962, but I still remember
by Dr. Benjamin Simon, a top psychia- often with a cat in in her lap, show seeing him at the McDonnell Aircraft
trist in the Boston area, who was not slides of some of the many UFOs that plant in St. Louis, checking out the
convinced that UFOs are real, but was she had photographed over the years. Mercury Faith 7 spacecraft before it
convinced that Betty and Barney were In 2002 Betty was a featured pre- was sent to Florida for launch. He ob-
telling the truth as they saw it. senter at the MUFON International viously had the "Right Stuff," and we
Also important is the "star map" Symposium in Rochester, NY, speak- all knew he would serve the space pro-
drawn by Betty following the encoun- ing on "Miracles," and the 2002 Sym- gram well.
ter. This was converted into a compel- posium Proceedings was dedicated to I had a lot more involvement in the
ling 3-D model by Marjorie Fish. this First Lady of Ufology. (Continued on Page 22)

14 MUFON UFO Journal NOVEMBER 2004

• . r
·;._,,,: ..... ,., . : ·' -., ... _. ·;.·-

The World's Best UFO Cases, Connelly argues that "convincing puter-enhanced images should have
compiled/edited/written by Dwight evidence is elusive, since contactee been used.
Connelly, 2004, 6 X 9, soft cover, 240 claims tend to be of the single-witness There is a comprehensive index and
pages $9.95 plus $2.50 p/h from Book- variety," though he accepts that "some list of recommended reading. To the
seller, Inc., 14026 Ridgelawn Road, sort of alien-to-abdlictee contact is an latter I would have added Unconven-
Martinsville, IL 62442. accepted element in many of the cases tional Flying Objects by Paul Hill-
that are considered valid on the basis surely one of the best introductory
Reviewed by Timothy Good of other evidence, as in the Pascagoula books, especially for the scientifically-
"Obviously, the term 'best case' is case." minded-and at least several of the
somewhat subjective," Connelly sensi- He could have pointed out that most books by Jacques Vallee, John Keel,
bly points out in abduction claims also involve single and-dare I mention ?-myself.
his preface to The witnesses. Criticisms aside, it's no mean feat
World's Best UFO But this admittedly is a gray area, to tackle a work such as this, especially
Cases; selected since there have been occasions when given the multi-disciplinary, multi-fac-
mostly from the witnesses have been abducted/kid- eted nature of the subject.
MUFON UFO napped by aliens and communications And in general, Connelly has done a
Journal. have been established, with no evidence fine job editing his selection of signifi-
"The cases in of missing time (e.g. in the Antonio cant cases. This is an essential refer-
this book are in- Villas Boas case). ence book for both aspiring and sea-
cluded because I But for the benefit of newcomers es- soned investigators.
think they are the pecially, I think we should make the How about another volume of the
best . . . others distinction that there have been many truly international best cases?
would add some cases and possibly reported encounters with aliens involv-
eliminate others." ing neither abduction nor missing time.
An important reason for Connelly's In the section on animal abductions/ The Kell;Ineideniby Anna Karyl,
choice of cases owes to his conviction mutilations, I was surprised at the lack 2004, Gate Way Publishers, 2801 Red-
that "The credibility of the witnesses of any reference to the pioneering work wood Parkway, #219, Vallejo,
and the investigator is, in fact, the key of Dr. John Altshuler, a hematologist CA94591, 6x9 soft cover, 170 pages,
to any case, and the investigators in- who first examined the carcass of a $7.95.
cluded in this book are among the mutilated animal (the horse "Lady," in Reviewed by Dwight Connelly
world's best." Quite so. Alamosa, CO, in 1967), and whose ex- This is a fiction book based in part
My main criticism of this otherwise tensive medical research, based on the on the famous Kelly, KY, encounter in
carefully conceived volume is the pau- analysis of numerous tissue samples, 1955 in which a
city of foreign cases. led to some important discoveries, in- group of indi-
The large majority are American, corporated by Linda Howe in her book viduals encoun-
with only four foreign: two from Aus- and documentary, A Strange Han·est. tered two or
tralia; the Papua, New Guinea, case; Dr. Altshuler, who died in January more strange en-
Nancy Talbott's witnessing of a crop this year, led a distinguished career, his tities, and shot at
circle being formed in Hoeven, Hol- posts including fellowship of the Insti- them numerous
land; and passing references to a few tute for Dermatopathology at the times with little
related cases in other countries. Jefferson Medical School in Philadel- effect.
Thus the title is somewhat of a mis- phia. considered to be one of the most The author
nomer. How about China and the prestigious and competitive in medi- moved to the
former USSR-with the largest popu- cine. Hopkinsville
lations in the world-or Canada, Europe The book is illustrated throughout. area as a youngster about a year after
in general, and continental South Photographic reproduction leaves much the encounter, and initially learned of it
America? to be desired in some cases, which from neighborhood children.
I would have liked a CE IV case not doesn't help us assess the validity of While the Kelly incident serves as
involving abduction to have been in- the claims made for the Ramey Roswell the means of introducing the fictional
cluded. message, for example. Clearer, com- (Continued on Page 22)


Director, MUFON Eastern

Note: These reports are presented in ...

der to keep readers informed of some of the
Pennsylvania cross
COATESVILLE - A craft in the
South Carolina lights
MYRTLE BEACH - The witness
vast number of sightings. However, these shape of a cross moved across the sky reports, "It was dark and cloudy on the
cases have not been offldally Investigated. in a flash at incredible speeds at 7 PM, beach on Sept. 16, 2004, at 8:15 PM.
on Sept. 20, 2004, according to the All of a sudden I noticed three blinking
New Jersey flying triangle witness: "It was there, then suddenly it lights in the sky staying still, then all of
BRICK - The witness reports trav- was gone. A few seconds later it flew a sudden they started moving out to sea.
eling north on Old Hooper Road on back, then stopped for a few minutes. I One of the blinking lights moved over
Sept. 16, 2004, could see the lights as it spun, then it to another, then back to its original po-
about 9:15 PM, darted off, leaving a red trail behind it." sition.
and looking to the Thanks to Peter Davenport. "If you were to draw straight lines
west and seeing to each, they would have formed a right
what he thought ''Sunlightlamp" in Pennsylvania triangle. After they were out of view-
was a tower. He LEBANON - Jed sent the follow- ing distance, another single blinking
kept watching for ing email: "Living close to a military light came across the sky.
a few miles and training facility [the GAP] in Pennsyl- "Three times this UFO let off a light
did notice move- vania for years, I have observed many that lasted about five seconds, and it
ment, and noticed military flares that turn different colors was an orange-reddish glow that only
another car stop and drop while turning other colors. shot upwards. That was it, but I remem-
on the side of the George Filer "On the night of Sept. 23, 2004, I ber during all of this it was cloudy with
road to look. saw something that wasn't a flare. I was no stars visible." Thanks to Peter Dav-
He also found a place to stop and driving home eastward from the vet enport.
watch. What appeared to be some sort after a dog emergency at 3:45 A.M. In
of craft started to move very slowly, the eastern sky between Orion's belt Ohio cigar and flying triangles
then started to speed up and fly toward and Sinus I saw an orange-yellow light CANTON - "It was Sept. 19, 2004,
the witness. much like a modern dusk to dawn 'sun- at 4:35 PM, a clear, very sunny, beau-
He states, "The craft flew overhead light' lamp. tiful day," the witness reports. "I was
with a strange light pattern I had never "The road I was traveling was a ba- walking from the garage to the house
seen before. I watch the skies at night, sic back road with many turns and and looked up and noticed a bright sil-
so I know the aircraft that go to New- twists, so I know it wasn't a reflection. ver or aluminum-colored cigar-shaped
ark, NYC, or Philly airports. It moved to the right, then left faster or blimp-shaped object in about a 45-
"I looked closely at the craft, and it than anything I've ever seen, then back degree angle going really fast across the
was clearly a black flying triangle. I to its original location, then dropped sky from the N.E. to the S.W. for ap-
quickly turned off the car's engine, and downward at what looked like the same proximately 10 to 15 seconds.
I could hear a low hum that was differ- distance of the right-to-left movements, "The sun was really shining on the
ent from any other aircraft I have heard. then stayed stationary. object, and that caught my eye. I was
"I should have paid more attention ''The size of the light was larger than home by myself, and there were none
to the light pattern and copied it down. any planet or star, say 3 to 5 times of my neighbors outside at that time. It
It is difficult to judge the size and height. greater than the diameter of Sirius. I was something I have never seen be-
Normally, I can do this; however, this continued to follow the object as it be- fore. It was not a plane. It went really
thing was difficult to judge. It was pos- came difficult to keep in sight upon fast, made no trail, and made no sound."
sibly from McGuire Air Force base." entering the city. I found the fastest road Thanks to Peter Davenport.
Note: Mc Guire Air Force Base has back to the east and re-sighted the light
started receiving the new C-17 airlift that was slowly heading to the east- Glowing disc in Ohio
aircraft that looks and sounds different southeast. COLUMBUS - A glowing disc
than the newly-retired C-141. How- ''The light was now traveling at a fast UFO was reported in Columbus on
ever, its four jet engines are louder than steady speed, which would be consid- Sept. 20, 2004, at 7:30 PM, that "be-
a hum. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Di- ered 'normal' to a jet plane at say gan traveling backwards nearly in-
rector, 30,000 feet." Thanks to Jed.

16 MUFON UFO Journal NOVEMBER 2004

stantly," according to the witness. "I else was also observing it. It banked to Illinois "object" on digital image
cannot confirm exactly what it is that I the south and traveled at a relatively CHICAGO - The reporting witness
saw. It was flat, however, with no limbs slow rate, while I was able to keep states, "The witness arrived in the city
of any sort such as wings found on an watching it out the window. on Sept. 18, 2004, at 6:31 AM, just
airplane. I could slightly tell the shape "I could make out the low, thin pro- after daybreak, and was standing in
was reminiscent of a disc or saucer. file and the lighting beneath it. As I was front of our shop and noticed strange
"It began its journey in the near prox-still viewing it, I passed a tree line at looking clouds. Both of us stared at the
imity of the moon. As it neared larger the same elevation obscuring the view, same place in the sky for a minute and
cloud formations I could at times see and as I cleared the tree line, it was no commented to each other that it was a
that it was going behind them. The only longer visible. strange feeling about that one particu-
clouds present in the sky are the high "I have seen the triangle type before lar spot that kept making us glance up
cirrus clouds, yet, like I said earlier, I in the late 80s on my way home to Con- to that point in the sky.
could roughly discern a shape. necticut, where it was amazingly low "I joked that there was probably a
"As it came from behind a cloud, it over the highway traveling at an ex- UFO up there that we couldn't see with
had lost its glow, and then its shape was ceedingly slow speed. our eyes, but could more or less sense.
much more clearly prominent. It was "The entire highway was apparently I got our camera and snapped a couple
then a dull metallic hue. Moments later watching it as well, as we were creep- of pictures of the cloud bank, and sure
it vanished from sight. ing along and there was no place to pull enough when I downloaded them to the
"Its descent across a quarter of the over because of the people stopped on computer something showed up.
sky had taken no more than two min- the side of the highway. "There seemed to be a presence up
utes. Keep in mind that this was not "Last night's sighting wasn't quite there getting our attention. The object
traveling away from me. It kept its size as dramatic, but having been in the Ma- was not visible to the naked eye, but
and girth throughout, and seemed to be rine Corps, there was no mistaking it showed up on the image." Thanks to
traveling in an arc or semicircle around for a conventional aircraft or other natu- Peter Davenport.
my location. ral phenomenon." Thanks to Peter Dav-
"I frantically searched the dusk sky enport. Texas triangle hovenover school
for the object, but I could no longer see AUSTIN - Around Sept. 18, 2004,
it. I was resigned to thinking I had hal- Intense red lights in Ohio for two nights an amateur astronomer
lucinated, walking away defeated, but WOOSTER/MANSFIELD - At noticed lights above his house that
all the while fighting the urge to run into7:30 PM, on Sept. 28, 2004, the wit- didn't belong there. When he focused
a nearby restaurant and shout, 'Did you ness was driving due west toward his binoculars on them, he estimated
see the UFO?' Mansfield on US route 30, and noticed their altitude at about 500-1,000 feet.
"A quick glance caught me off guard an intense red light ahead at an altitude The object was not obviously solid,
as I realized that the object was back in of about 3,000 feet. The light disap- and appeared nearly the same color as
the sky and glowing, but it was sud- peared behind a cloud, and never reap- the sky. As it flew overhead it had the
denly traveling in the opposite direc- peared. shape of a "dim" triangle with a light at
tion. A plane cannot suddenly begin A few seconds later, another intense each point and one light in the center.
traveling the exact opposite direction red light appeared right behind the first It was slightly darker, but remained
in mid flight. I really did see a UFO one, and disappeared behind the same a close match to the sky color. The craft
tonight." cloud. A few seconds later, another in- hovered over Bedichek Middle School
tense light, but this one farther north, at William Cannon and South First for
A triangle in Ohio and farther away, appeared for a few at least five minutes.
BROOKPARK - The witness re- seconds, and disappeared. "Then it accelerated to 500 MPH or
ports, "Driving home from work on 480 A few seconds later, almost directly faster and flew off without changing
West at approximately 11:45 PM on overhead, another intense red light ap- altitude," says the witness. "It was ob-
Sept. 22, 2004, I was talking on the peared, motionless, for a few seconds, servable for another 5 to 6 seconds, as
phone and looked up at a bright light then disappeared. it came directly over my house towards
that caught my attention. I was driving These lights continued to appear and the west. When it flew over, there was
west just passing Ridge Rd. and saw disappear for 3 to 5 minutes, randomly, absolutely no sound, but strangely the
the triangle in a banking maneuver. all over the sky. air became thick and humid, and there
"It was quite clearly back dropped The witness reports, "I lost count of was a barely detectable 'electrical'
against the sky, and I saw the very bright them after ten, and they made no noise, smell." Thanks to Peter Davenport.
lights at each point with a subdued and only a couple of them appeared to
somewhat pulsating red light in the cen- move. There was a jet airliner flying Huge disc in Colorado
ter. southwest in the vicinity, so I was able GRAND IUNCTION - The ob-
"It was straight ahead, and only a to get some perspective of altitude, server states, "I was hunting, and just
couple of miles up. I was too fixated speed, and color." Thanks to Peter Dav- as the sun was going down I looked at
on the craft to notice whether anybody enport.
the horizon and noticed two airliners' road and rolled down the window to swooped down from above and then
reflections from the setting sun on Sept. get a better look. But the craft was now turned north. The observer said, "With
19, 2004, at 7:15 PM. Flying above the directly overhead, so I had to get out of the binoculars, I was able to discern a
airliners was the reflection of a huge the car to see it: dark triangular shape which was com-
object. "I opened the car door and stepped pletely silent, flying low and slow at
"Looking through my binoculars, it out as the craft passed slowly and di- maybe 500 feet at about 50 knots. I have
did not seem to have a defined solid rectly over my head at an estimated al- never seen anything like this:
appearance, but was flat with a slight titude of less than 500 feet-and perhaps ''There are always a lot of planes fly-
dome shape to it. It was flying at about only 150 feet above me. I could see it ing west over our house and then turn-
the same speed as the airliners, but was was a gigantic black triangle. ing south to land at Boeing Field, but
much larger than the airliners. "It was just one big, three-sided, these planes are much higher and you
"I was trying to understand what I cookie-cutter, straight-edged, black can always hear the jet noise.
was seeing when three jet fighters geometric shape-a triangle with one "As this unknown craft got farther
banked over Grand Junction, but were large, round unblinking red light at each up the lake, I was observing the tail of
not in any kind of formation. of its three corners, flat up against the the craft, and noticed flashing white,
"One of the fighters that banked over underside of the craft. red, and yellow lights somewhat like
Grand Junction got on a straight course "I could clearly see a huge dense 'disco' lights. I estimate that this craft
towards the huge object and hit his af- black silhouette against this gray cloud was about the size of a 737." Thanks
ter burners, flying west. The other fight- cover ceiling. It flew past me and was to Peter Davenport.
ers did not follow. I watched this pur- now over Boeing Field about seventy-
suit, and the huge object just faded out five to a hundred feet above one of the Tennessee acorn-shaped object
closer to Green River, UT. main Boeing hangars, flying at five WASHINGTON COUNTY - A re-
"I kept watching the horizon after the miles per hour, heading west. tired algebra professor who was driv-
huge object disappeared and saw a "It appeared to be about the size of ing home on Sept. 20, 2004, along
much smaller object hovering in the a football field. The object didn't make Highway 11 around 9 PM saw a large
same spot. I thought this was a star, but a sound! Not even a hum, a rumble, or acorn-shaped object moving low in the
then another fighter flew over Grand anything. It had just passed a few miles sky over Buffalo Mountain.
Junction heading directly for this ob- to the east directly over hundreds of The discernible shape was made by
ject and the object disappeared. All this cars on the freeway. noting the arrangement oflights on the
took place in 15 minutes." Thanks to "I watched it until I couldn't see it object, which he stated were quite like
Peter Davenport. anymore. All the way home I just kept a "marquis." The object was flying in
asking myself, 'What the hell was that?' ever tightening circles.
Washington close-up triangle I'm still wondering. That weekend, I The lights were flashing in random,
SEATTLE Gary Val Tenuta writes, told my ex-wife about it. She is a cock- exhibiting more than five different col-
"In November,. 1993, on a Sunday night tail waitress and has conversations with ors that reminded him of a Christmas
about 9:30 PM I was driving next to customers. tree. He pulled his car over and watched
the main Boeing Aircraft facility north- "She was told by a Boeing employee the bizarre object rise, fall, and finally
bound, and noticed three unblinking red that there is an underground manufac- move up and behind the mountain out
lights low in the sky. They were mov- turing facility where they build a huge of view.
ing in unison, very slowly across my triangular craft. Boeing made big news This witness states that in 1966, he
field of vision from east to west. in 2002 when a story hit the press that and his late wife, along with hundreds
"In all that time I'd seen plenty of they were experimenting with anti- of Johnson City citizens, witnessed "a
airplanes and helicopters flying low in gravity propulsion. gigantic black disc-shaped object block
this area. Then, only about two blocks "So just what did I see? Was it an out all the stars in the sky on a summer
away from being directly under the alien craft or a secret military craft? I night. He also remembered that the gi-
flight path of these lights, I still could don't know." ant disc had multiple arrangements of
not make out what they were attached lights on the bottom which flashed se-
to. Washington lights quentially. The Johnson City Press
"However, from their slow, steady LAKE WASHINGTON - The ob- did a full page story on the sighting.
movement, in unison, I was pretty sure server pulled up in front of his home in
all three of them were attached to a Leschi on Sept. 18, 2004, at 7:45 PM, disc
single object. They were about to enter and saw unusual lights over the 1-90 EULESS - The observers, a hus-
the airspace above Boeing Field to my floating bridge near Seattle. band and wife, were driving eastbound
immediate left. At this point I was con- He got out his binoculars and ob- on Highway 183 on Sept. 8, 2004,
vinced it was a single, low-flying craft served the craft as it headed north over when he saw a white disc-shaped ob-
of some kind, and I knew there was Lake Washington, finally disappearing ject flying at 2,000 to 3,000 feet,south
something very odd here. behind some trees. The lights were in a of the freeway. Thanks to Peter Dav-
"I pulled my car off to the side of the triangular configuration, which enport.

18 MUFON UFO Journal NOVEMBER 2004


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By Stanton T. Friedman -

' The History Channel easily fitting in one vehicle. 1986 (during my visit to the Harvard
I wasn't able to watch the History If that had been all there was, then Archives where I found many surprises
Channel TV Program on MJ-12 and rancher Brazel would have brought it about his involvement in highly classi-
Roswell when it was first broadcast on in to Roswell in his old pickup, and fied work for the NSA, CIA, Naval
Oct. 10 because the Channel is not there would have been no reason for Intelligence, etc), she indicated she
shown in Canada. However, someone Jesse Marcel knew nothing about his classified work.
taped it for me, and I have had a chance and Cavitt to Why would his daughter be sur-
to review it. follow the prised that some of her father's activi-
Fortunately it was much less anti- rancher down ties had been kept secret? An 8-page
Roswell than two previous Roswell the long dusty appreciation of Menzel in Sky and Tele-
shows they had broadcast. One was so trail to the scope also said nothing about these ac-
bad I wrote a strong letter, which is on ranch. Mogul tivities.
my website had 20-24 They showed me poring over docu-
I was interviewed for many hours in standard neo- ments on a table, but Nickell and Kurtz
Chicago many months ago by Tower prene weather using cameras and apparently (not re-
Productions, and answered many sub- balloons tied ally) doing scientific work on the MJ-
sequent questions by phone. I can't together at 20' 12 documents.
complain about airtime. intervals along The National Archives and other
Other prominent interviewees were w i t h Sono- Archives were made to look as though
Dr. Robert M. Wood and his son Ryan, Stan Friedman buoys, radio they were open stack facilities in which
Dr. Mark Rodeghier of CUFOS, Rich- gear, radar re- researchers could bring briefcases and
ard Dolan, author of two books on the flectors etc. other items and easily slip things into
National Security State, and the late Even the cover-up story on July 9 boxes. In fact they are not.
congressman Steven Sniff. said the wreckage covered an area 200 One requests certain boxes from a
Appearing for the debunker commu- yards in diameter. Major Jesse Marcel, listing. These archival boxes are
nity were the usual suspects, Dr. Joe the intelligence officer of the 509th, told brought into the research area from the
Nickell and Dr. Paul Kurtz of CSICOP, me in 1978 that the debris covered an closed storage vaults.
and USAF Col. Richard Weaver, area more than 1/2 mile long and hun- They made it sound as though Jaime
whose specialty had been disinfor- dreds of yards wide. Shandera and Bill Moore went to
mation, and who put together the mas- Strange inaccuracies Washington, DC, in July, 1985, seek-
sive volume "The Roswell Report: There were some strange inaccura- ing Box 189 where the Cutler Twining
Truth versus Fiction in the New Mexico cies in the documentary. For example, memo was found. This is nonsense.
Desert." He provided the fiction. all Mogul balloons launched before July There had been a puzzling postcard
This is the report which claims that 8 employed standard small neoprene received from POB 189, Addis Ababa,
there was no saucer crash, but that a balloons a few feet in diameter. The Ethiopia, mailed from New Zealand.
very highly classified Project Mogul program wrongly showed-as have There are many boxes labeled 189 in
Balloon was the culprit. many others-a single huge polyethyl- the Archives.
The claims are easily refuted, includ- ene balloon. Much more impressive It was only after the Cutler Twining
ing such details as the original stories looking, but not correct. Memo (whose brief but important men-
of July 8, 1947, all indicating the wreck- There were a lot of waste visuals tion of NSC MJ-12 Special Studies
age was found "Last week." showing documents that couldn't be Project wasn't actually shown) was dis-
Weaver says it was a super secret read. One surprise to me was the use covered that they realized it was in Box
Mogul balloon train found by rancher of a clip from the Nightline Program of 189 of Entry 267 of Record Group 341-
Mac Brazel in Mid-June, which is June 24, 1987, featuring a sort of de- Bill and Jaime were looking at the
hardly last week from July 8. bate between Phil Klass and myself. boxes of Entry 267 because I had been
Furthermore, Weaver's report also Another surprise was mention of a informed during a visit to Washington
claimed that Counterintelligence Of- letter from Donald Menzel's daughter in March, 1985, that it was being clas-
ficer Sheridan W. Cavitt suddenly re- apparently rejecting the idea of his in- sification reviewed.
called that the wreckage was just a bal- volvement in MJ-12, It consists of 42 feet of material, and
loon covering an area 20' square and When I visited with Mrs. Menzel in is titled "Correspondence and Other
Documents Relating to Intelligence MJ-12 arguments was shown by the a signature to Van Bush's copy or his
Activities Overseas and in the Conti- focus on three specific very weak com- own, since they both are noted in the
nental USA 1945-54." plaints: memo.
RG 341 (USAF HQ files) had 9,787 1. The date format: Nickell has for The CIA, unfortunately, would pro-
feet of material in a total of 480 En- years made a big deal that the cover of vide nothing, even on appeal, about the
tries. This is about 1,000 four-drawer the Eisenhower Briefing Document 1952 security briefings, even though I
filing cabinets. shows the date 18 September, 1952. He provided dates and times of two of
The debunkers pronounced distress has claimed that this style (because of them.There are many other objections
over the fact that none of the documents the comma placement) violates the gov- to the legitimacy of the first three MJ-
were originals. In actuality, the Cutler ernment style manual! 12documents which I have demolished
Twining memo is an original carbon At the archives one finds many dif- in detail in my April, 2004, paper "Ma-
that cannot be removed from the Ar- ferent date formats, especially in lim- jestic 12 Documents Update" which is
chives. ited distribution, highly classified docu- on my website.
Anybody can look at it there and see ments done before word processing Nickell, at the end of the program,
the watermark, the special slant red was the norm. In one file folder I found claims that it is really a shame that some
pencil mark through it, the aged paper, 6 date formats. people might believe these phony
etc. I wish I had originals of the others, In my Final Report I included 3 ("Riddled with errors") documents are
too, but one makes do with what one memos from the Director of Central real and become distrustful of the gov-
has. Intelligence to Andrew Goodpaster, ernment and think less of certain people
No mention was made on the pro- Ike's staff Secretary, done within a 2- because of their involvement.
gram that Phil Klass paid me $1,000. week period and each with a different How naive can one get? I suspect
for disproving his claim that the NSC date format. many people have become very dis-
used only elite type, by providing more I also found the same "anomalous" trustful of their government since find-
than ten documents using the same size date format on items from Roscoe J. ing out about Watergate and the absence
and style pica type used in the CT Hillenkoetter and Walter B. Smith, both of claimed Weapons of Mass Destruc-
memo. A copy of his check is in my MJ-12 members and past directors of tion in Iraq, the absence of a claimed
"Final Report on Operation Majestic the CIA. Reality is different from an link between Sadaam Hussein and
12." armchair. Osama Ben Laden and 9/ll, etc.
A big deal was made of the fact that 2. It was claimed that the Truman This is as silly as his explanation for
Cutler was out of the country on the Forrestal Memo was listed as Execu- the Sept. 12, 1952, Flatwoods Monster
date of the CTM.This is very old news. tive Order 092447, but that "all" UFO case as a 6' owl! I have noted this
I am sure that I had pointed out to Truman's genuine Executive Orders in the Epilogue for the new hardcover
Tower Productions that this was espe- use numbers between 8000 and 9000. book The Braxton County Monster:
cially important because there is no sig- Some serious omissions here are that The Cover up of the Flatwoods Mon-
nature and no /s/ meaning original the TFM is listed as Special Classified ster Revea!edby Frank Feschino, Jr.
signed by. Executive Order (It was TOP SE- I did the foreward as well. Copies
I had also noted that we have copies CRET), not just Executive Order; that are available from me at POB 958,
of memos from Cutler to James Lay, the public list doesn't include classified Houlton, ME 04730-0958, $33.45, in-
the executive secretary of the NSC, tell- Executive Orders; and that the 092447 cluding S and H. [To be reviewed in
ing him to "keep thing moving out of is obviously the date, September 24, the Jouma!in the December issue.]
my in-basket while I am gone," and also 1947. There is also a new video, "Do You
of a memo from Lay to Cutler while I have published items from the State Believe in MAJIC?," shown on the Ca-
Cutler was overseas indicating that he Department in which the date (in this nadian Space TV Channel in June,
was doing exactly that. same format) was part of the file num- which offers comments from much less
Also there was no mention of the fact ber. biased and more informed investiga-
that Lay had met with Ike earlier that 3. Someone was shown cutting out tors.
day (July 14,1954) and had a brief a Truman signature and doing a cut and A good part of it is a sort of point-
phone conversation with him around paste job for the TFM. I long ago counterpoint discussion between my-
4:30; or that George Elsey, who worked pointed out that probably the only copy self and Karl Pflock. It is only $20.00.
for Truman all the time he was in the of the TFM with a signature would have It was also suggested in the show that
White House, had told me that Lay and been Forrestal's. He had died in May, Moore, Shandera, or myselfcould have
Cutler sat next to each other at NSC 1949. DCI W.B. Smith, who did many forged the documents. Evidence pro-
meetings, and that of course Lay would briefings for Ike during WW 2, and four vided? ZERO.
have sent a memo in Cutler's name to in late 1952 about national security One of the prime rules for debunk-
Twining about a simple change of tim- matters, would have been consulted by ers is if you can't attack the data, at-
ing for the MJ-12 briefing. briefing officer Hillenkoetter. tack the people. Stan Friedman
The weakness of the debunkers anti The CIA certainly could have added

20 MUFON UFO Journal NOVEMBER 2004

By Jenny Randies

Researchers and witnesses A working UFOiogist, especially one terror ride by implanting images of un-
The tragic death of John Mack dur- that contacts witnesses on a day-to-day stoppable alien manipulators as we can
ing a trip to the UK this fall has no doubt basis, will find himself or herself rather destabilize their self-confidence and
deeply affected many UFOiogists, es- unexpectedly thrust into a role that is personal development if we give vent
pecially given the avoidable circum- almost that of a priest or analyst. to skeptical thoughts about mental im-
stances of a drunk driver being respon- Frightened, confused, and mystified agery causing them to see things.
sible. witnesses turn to us as their only real Doing what is right in this situation
Pondering the source of both comfort and illumina- is possibly the hardest part of the role
many things that he tion. of the UFOlogist.
brought to our sub- They want us to tell them what is For we easily forget that what is to
ject caused me to happening, and to reassure them that it us just another case is to the witness a
ask myself is not happening because they are suf- traumatic event that will alter their des-
whether we see fering from some mental delusion. tiny. Things that we say to them will
our role as active They may also want some pacifica- alter the course of their lives.
researchers in too tion that their lives have not suddenly I often look back over the 30 years
narrow a focus. turned from safety and normality into a or so that I have been investigating
That is certainly terrible anxiety where they or their kids UFOs. recall some witnesses who were
something that are not safe, even within their own young and impressionable, and wonder
cannot be said of Jenny Randies beds-that at any moment they could be how much I affected them by whatever
Dr. Mack. snatched away by goodness knows who I said during my self-centered pursuit
Of course, there are many ways in bent on doing goodness knows what. of their encounter.
which an individual can contribute to Responsibility I doubt that it always had the ben-
UFOiogy. We may consider ourselves Naturally, it is the abduction re- eficial effect that I intended.
to be an investigator-following up searcher who is forced into confronta- I know that in the early days I did
sightings and trying to define the evi- tion with these awesome issues much not always stop to assess the implica-
dence from which truth will be dis- more than someone aiming to take tions when a 13-year-oldgirl years later
cerned. video film of triangular lights that have became the mother of her own young
Or we may adopt a wider been reported to plague a local hill. child who might then start to report see-
brushstroke and seek to piece the clues The burden of responsibility is enor- ing or hearing strange things in the
together via historical documents, di- mous, in particular when children are night.
rect observation, or instruments detect- involved in having frightening encoun- Would what I said to them 20 years
ing spontaneous phenomena. These ters, as they all too often are. earlier be recalled now as if it had more
seek to provide some grand strategy to It is never easy knowing what is right import than I could ever have honestly
figure out what is really going on. to do. Should we offer our theories or intended?
Soul searching beliefs about the UFO mystery-as we This is one of the reasons I became
However, UFOlogy is at its heart a will inevitably be requested to do? so embroiled in designing the "Code of
human experience. Whatever it is that Do we risk in so doing adding to the Practice," as we call it in the UK. UFO
people encounter, it has an effect upon fear and confusion, even if we are aim- groups from around the country got to-
them. It changes lives. And to a degree, ing to do the opposite by simply report- gether, and we drew up a set of guid-
UFOlogists become the only ones with ing what we think we know. ing principles-simple do's and don't's-
whom the secrets of the soul can be "Think," of course, is the key word as to how we should work with people.
shared. here. Nobody really knows what causes It was a simple thing to do, and in
A witness can have a reverence for the UFO phenomenon, and we have to some ways probably ineffective. Self-
his or her UFO!ogical mentor that bor- be very careful-whatever perspective policing is not something that UFOlogy
ders on the uncomfortable, but is very we approach this from-to make that ig- has ever seemed terribly good at achiev-
understandable given the needs that norance clear. ing.
they have after their whole existence By which I mean we can just as eas- But we were sending a wake-up
has just been turned upside down. ily send a young child off on a lifelong call-asking ourselves to stop and think
about the human dimension behind
these close encounters-not just treat
them as another case for our files or an
Director's Message...
extra statistic to add to the facts and (Continued from Page 14) knew each of them as people dedicated
figures that we are using to build a pic- design, test, and design reviews for the in their determination to seek answers
ture of this perplexing mystery. Gemini spacecraft, when Cooper along to this mystery, regardless of personal
UFOs-whatever they are-are seen with Pete Conrad flew in Gemini 5 in cost. I was inspired by their contribu-
by human beings, and have an almost 1965. That was a milestone flight for tions to the field. That is why I dedi-
unimaginable power to change lives and the Gemini program. cated my message to their memory this
shape destinies. Nearly eight years before he was month. I will do a catch-up message
If we fail to take that into account accepted as an astronaut, Cooper and on MUFON business next month ..
when we seek answers for ourselves, his squadron were flying high perfor-
then we will never see the full truth or mance jet interceptors over Germany,
act in the interests of our fellow human where they tried to intercept a forma-
beings to the maximum extent that it is tion of shiny discs flying high above
Review: Tl,e Kelly
in our power to do:
John Mack certainly knew that
them. After he left the space program,
he is quoted as saying: "While on the
Incident. ..
(Continued from Page 15)
UFOiogy went beyond nuts and bolts Mercury project I would have liked to reporter in this book to the realm of
mechanical questions. have met these things, but I never had UFOs, Karyl also utilizes other UFO
We may or may not agree with how the opportunity. I believe that there is accounts in developing her story.
he came to interpret the almost mysti- intelligent life out there that has already Along the way we meet a medical
cal questions and superhuman dimen- visited this planet." doctor who has an avid interest in UFOs
sions that at times seem to be operat- In 1978 he testified before the United because of incidents which had oc-
ing behind the weirdest of all cases. Nations, hoping that the UN would curred with his father, as well as a thera-
But we cannot deny that he helped become a central repository for ac- pist who is well versed in ufological
us appreciate that vital lesson. counts ofUFO sightings. Although the matters and hypnotic regression.
concept was accepted by the UN, it was Ray Fowler (SynchroFile, 2004)
never funded. would also be happy to see

Nov. 6-0hio MUFON featuring
Nevertheless, Cooper never allowed
the fact he was a United States Air
Force jet pilot, an astronaut, or even a
vice president for Walt Disney Produc-
synchronicity woven into the story.
While this book has UFOs as a ma-
jor theme, it is also a love story, as St.
Louis Post-Dispatch reporter Helen
Ted Phillips speaking on "Physical tions to intimidate him into denying his Wheeler finds romance where she least
Evidence Associated with UFO belief that UFOs are real and impor- expects it-in the hills of Kentucky-and
Sightings: 1460-2004. Afternoon meet- tant to the future of mankind. I would with a man who bore little resemblance
ing, Eagle Creek Garden Center, Route just like to say Godspeed Gordon Coo- to what she thought was her ideal in
306, Bainbridge, OH (Chagrin Falls per. terms of education and sophistication.
area, northeast Ohio). Contact Ufology is aging. We are losing a But all is not right with this young lot of wonderful workers in this field man, and, once again, UFOs are in-
Nov. 6-7-World UFO & Paranor- each year. While their contributions volved.
mal Expo, Denver, CO, featuring Stan vary, all are important, and their loss Although this is Anna Karyl's first
Gordon, Freddy Silva, Matthew Bille, will be felt in many ways. I urge ev- book, it is well written in a style which
Joe Fex, Len Kasten, Robert Short, eryone reading this message to focus reminds me of mystery writer Sue
Boyd Blake Rice, Debbie Ziegelmeyer, on their accomplishments, not their Grafton, author of A is for Alibi, B is
Chuck Zukowski, & Sue Wallace. frailties-to work with renewed vigor to for Burglar, etc., who is also from Ken- 303-347-8252. seek an early solution to the UFO mys- tucky.
Nov. 12--14--Second Annual Crash tery. It is long overdue. The author keeps the story moving,
Retrieval Conference, Las Vegas, NV, We lost Betty, John, and Gordon and usually ends each chapter in such
featuring Grant Cameron, Linda during a very short period of time. I a way that the reader wants to go on to
Moulton Howe, Don Ledger, Jim the next one.
Marrs, David Pace, Nick Redfern,
Estate Planning While this book may be slanted more
Robert M. Wood, Ryan S. Wood, and Planned giving can be beneficial toward the female reader, I also found
Peter Robbins. www.ufoconfer- both to MUFON and to your own it enjoyable, and would recommend it 720-887-8238. tax and estate situation. If you as a nice diversion from all the heavy,
March 6-12-International UFO wish to have more information on serious material that fills most of our
Congress Convention and Film Festi- various options and benefits, UFO-related reading.
val, Laughlin, NV. www.ufocon- please contact MUFON headquar- It can also serve as a nice introduc- ters. tion to ufology for the uninitiated.

22 MUFON UFO Journal NOVEMBER 2004

For advertising, contact John Schuessler,, 303-948-6224.
MlJFON 2()(),1
International UFO Symposium Proceedings The Largest Selection of
Includes all of the papers published for the MUFON Sym- UFO Products on the Internet
posium in Denver, CO, July 16-18, 2004:
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After twenty years
Walt Webb writes his final
"The Night Sky" column
This column by Walt Webb marks
December 2004 the 20th anniversary and his final in-
stallment of "The Night Sky" for the
Bright Planets (Evening Sky) ./KS/MO). 2:49-3:48; Miami, 4:15- MUFON UFO Journal. ••
Saturn (magnitude -0.1), near the 4:46. It has been the longest running and
Twin Stars of Gemini, remains the sole Saturn stands halfway up the WSW one of the most popular columns in the
bright planet in the evening sky. The sky at dawn. history of the Journal, and has been a
world with rings rises in the ENE about key source of information for MUFON
6:30 PM in midmonth and moves Moon Phases: Field Investigators.
across the southern sky during the night. Last quarter-December 4 Walt has been involved in ufology
New moon-December 11 for nearly half a century, and is re-
Bright Planets (Morning Sky): First quarter-December 18 spected as one of the field's top inves-
Planet Parade. From Dec. 17-22, Full moon-December 26 tigators. His famous cases include the
1 hour before sunrise, all 5 naked-eye Betty and Barney Hill case, the Buff
planets can be viewed simultaneously, Meteor Shower: Ledge Abductions, and many others.
E to W, in their normal order from the The Geminid meteors peak on the Walt has some special projects in
Sun-Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, night of December 13-14, with a rate mind which will be demanding of his
and Saturn. before dawn on the 14th of up to about time, so he has decided to "hang it up"
Mercury is visible low in the SE 1 100per hour. Unlike last year, there will on this 20th anniversary.
hour before sunrise during the latter half be no Moon interference this time. The There are really no words to convey
of December into January. See Venus. shower's meteors are bright, white, and our appreciation for Walt's skills and
Venus (-4.0) rises in the ESE about relatively slow, emanating from the di- dedication over these past two decades,
5 AM (midmonth). The brilliant planet rection of the star Castor in Gemini. but thank You, Walt, thank you.
slides by Mars during the 1st half of In the best MUFON tradition, Gavin
the month, closing to within 1.2 de- Two Space Probes: A. J. McLeod has offered to continue
grees. of the red planet on Dec. 5 and The Huygens probe is scheduled to "The Night Sky" for the benefit ofJoi.Ir-
6. Also during twilight on the 8th the separate from the Cassini spacecraft (in nal readers.
lunar crescent lies between Jupiter Saturn orbit) on Christmas Day in Gavin has already done a "dry run"
and Venus and hovers near Mars and preparation for next month's entry into
column, and has a special feature in the
Venus on the 9th. Mercury approaches the atmosphere of the satellite Titan.
The Deep Impact comet probe is to works. We look forward to his column
and passes within a degree of Venus
be launched toward the end of Decem- over the next 20 years.
from Dec. 29-31.
Mars (1.7), in Libra, rises in the ESE ber. Next July the spacecraft arrives at
about 4:30 AM and stands low in the Comet Tempel 1, releasing a self-
SE before sunrise. See Venus. guided "smart" impactor to penetrate
Jupiter (-1.9). in Virgo, rises in the a comet nucleus for the first time.
E shortly after 1 AM in midmonth and
moves to the SSE at dawn. See Venus. The Stars:
On Dec. 7, from the eastern and cen- As the autumn sky symbol of the
tral states, the crescent Moon passes Great Square of Pegasus dips into the
in front of Jupiter in a rare occultation W, the bright winter symbol Orion the
event. The bright planet's disappear- Hunter ascends in the SW. To the left
ance behind the Moon's sunlit edge and of Orion is Gemini the Twins. Pollux
its reappearance at the Moon's oppo- and Castor mark the heads of the two I

site dark edge are spectacular sights. brothers.

The farther east one is, the higher the Below the hunter rises the brightest
Moon. The farther west, the more the star of the night, Sirius. And to Orion's
planet is apt to be occulted close to upper right charges the Bull Taurus, his
moonnse or uncovered shortly after. face outlined by the V of the Hyades
Times of disappearance and reap- star cluster and his orange eye Aldeba-
pearance at sample cities (AM local ran. The famous little dipper-shaped
time): Atlanta, 3:55-4:53; Boston, 3:59- Pleiades cluster in the bull's shoulder
5 :07 .5 ;;~picago, 2:50-3:54; Dallas, rises to a commanding overhead posi-
2:56-3:37; Denver, -2:43; Kansas City tion in the midevening heavens.

24 MUFON UFO Journal NOVEMBER 2004

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