Nap Project My Basis1

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Republic of the Philippines

Region 02
District of Diffun I

Project MY BASIS: An Innovative Workplan 2018-2019



Teacher I
Principal II


One of the dynamic character of every educator is to provide

themselves of an ample means of diversely multi-purpose resources such

as inventive programs and activities which could be used as augmentation

and enrichment intervention to supplement needs and gaps behind

systematic management of records keeping in the school. Record

management is the supervision and administration of digital or paper

records, regardless of the format. Its activities include the creation,

maintenance, use and disposal of records. In this framework, a record is

content that documents a business transaction. Documentation may exist in

contracts, memos, paper files, electronic files, reports, emails, videos,

instant message logs or database records. Unlike paper records that may

be stored in physical boxes on-premises or at a storage facility, Digital

records maybe stored on storage media in-house.

The record system of Bannawag Integrated School was the

paper-based in managing and tracking records of daily, weekly, monthly and

yearly records. It was less efficient and less accurate because in a manual

system the data can be misplaced or lost. Having a manual record

Bannawag I/S
Project MY BASIS: An Innovative Workplan 2018-2019

management system requires a lot of storage space and filling equipment

in the office because hard copies of the files are kept. The process of writing

the record manually in a piece of paper, keeping and finding the records of

the school’s constituents are time consuming and slow in retrieval of

information and transactions. The process of managing record, gathering

information, printing, inputting record have lots of problems on the existing

process/system that is why it needs improvement and innovations.

The proponents thought of a system that could solve the problems

in managing records, searching a certain records, printing of necessary

requirements both teachers and students and problems encountered using

the traditional paper-based works that might be lost or damage. After

understanding the process, the proponents reviewed all the problems with

regards to the usage of the current system. They designed a mutli-purposed

record management system for Bannawag Integrated School entitled “Muti-

purpose, Yeasty & Boundless Automated Storage Information System (MY

BASIS) to help the teachers and students in saving time and energy in

keeping and producing relevant records in the school. Moreover, the project

will provide best paper less, best service in managing records.


1. Enhance the current system in terms of managing records through

computerize works.

Bannawag I/S
Project MY BASIS: An Innovative Workplan 2018-2019

2. Utilize the Multi-purpose, Yeasty & Boundless Automated Storage

Informations System as a means of record management to minimize

paper works in the current system.

3. Use the system to print relevant and necessary records of Bannawag

Integrated School faculty & Staff and Students in the most efficient and

convenient way.

4. Improve the flow and procedure of the current system by inputting

records in a convenient and computerized way.

5. To have a user-friendly record system in the school.

Specifically, MY BASIS is significant to the following:

1. Bannawag Integrated School. The project will help the school in

organizing its constituent’s record in a more convenient, clear and

understandable easy use of the System.

2. The Principal. The project system lessens the time and energy

consumed in managing records including the account created by the

users/teachers and in printing records/certificates in a convenient way. It will

also act as the admin.

3. The Teachers. The project system lessens the time and energy

consumed in managing records and printing credentials, they will act as the

user or client of the system.

4. The Students. The project system will be faster and efficient in terms of

printing of certificates and other school records like SF1, SF2, and so on in

a convenient way.

Bannawag I/S
Project MY BASIS: An Innovative Workplan 2018-2019

5. The Proponent. The proposed system will help the developer to enhance

his software development skill and the implementation of the system would

be a great accomplishment and can be considered as his legacy in

Bannawag Integrated School.


Multi-purpose, Yeasty & Boundless Automated Information

System” (MY BASIS) of Bannawag Integrated School aims to help the

faculty and staff’ and students in saving and managing data or record of

school constituents, printing of teachers and students name and records

acquired and encoded report in a computerized core and most convenient


The first step is to determine the current and common problems

the respondents encounter on the current School Record Management.

Second, the proponents will create questionnaires and will conduct a survey

at Bannawag Integrated School Office to evaluate the current systems

performance if it satisfies the respondents. Third, is to determine the

processes of the manual system and the problems encountered by asking

their idea and experiences.

Purposively a centralized and computerized Multi-purpose,

Yeasty & Boundless Automated Storage Information System (MY

BASIS) will provide efficient, accurate, complete, accessible and usable

records keeping. It will reduce operating costs including office space,

equipment and staff to maintain an organized filling system, minimize the

time in writing the record, minimize the use of paper and improve efficiency

Bannawag I/S
Project MY BASIS: An Innovative Workplan 2018-2019

and productivity of the teachers the keeping and producing of important

records inside the school.

Using the computerized Multi-purpose, Yeasty & Boundless

Automated Storage Information System (MY BASIS) will provide the user

an efficiency working environment and generates more output. Also the

system has the feature of printing relevant and necessary records both

teachers and students in the school. The system will also include friendly

user interface resulting in knowing each other and other usability features

of the system. It will enable easy searching records so that the employee

will save time and effort. It will also maintain an updated record of the faculty

& staff and students for easy identification, and updated references.

Likewise, it will provide a backup and recovery utility security, and high level

of security for specific people (e.g. administrators and staffs) who can

access the system where administrators have the full access using the

system while the employee just have the limited access in terms of

confidential records. No changes can be made to it until it verifies the user

log in id and passwords.

Bannawag I/S
Project MY BASIS: An Innovative Workplan 2018-2019


Time Persons Expected

Objectives Activities Target
Frame Involved Results
 Presentation and Consultation Proponent,
 Seeking Approval and All teachers
permission to implement teachers & parents
1. Introduce Project MY Sept. Approved
 Orientation to teachers and & Division
BASIS 2018 innovation
parents Parents Research &
2. Improve the record  Conduct orientation of teachers All the Sept. Proponent, Improved
system of Bannawag IS and students on how to utilize teachers 2018 to Teachers, record and
the project with the ITO of the and Jan. pupils, filing system
division students 2019 of the school
 Implement the project
 Monitor and Evaluate the
implementation of the project
3.Evaluate the  Conduct survey to get At least 75%
effectiveness of Project feedback on the utilization of The Proponent and of the
MY BASIS the project proponen Feb. Teachers objectives of
 Analyzed and interpret the ts, 2019 this project
results students shall have
 Submit report and achieved

5. Institutionalize the use  Seek approval for the adoption Approved

of Project MY BASIS in of the Project SY Proponents, request for
improving the record 2019- teachers adoption of
system of the school 2020 the project by
other schools
in the district

Bannawag I/S

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