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In trying to make sense we often look to others and our
relationship with them to help us our first relationship is with our family their
influence is often vital to our self definition this relationship can give a sense
on who we are and where we have come

from and it is often comforting to know we are part of something bigger.

There are deep rooted causes that impact our relationship with the self
and others. Understanding ourselves better is the key to understanding
others and enhancing our relationships with them. Learning to convert the
“Me” Vs. “You” into the “Problem Vs. Us” and communicating effectively
without conflict.

Sometimes in our life we can’t avoid competitions towards each other,

being selfish is thinking only about yourself, and raising out of ego that can
be disastrous in relationships it can cause misunderstanding in things, life is
full of surprise we don’t know what will happen. Sometimes exploring things
can be dangerous, and sometimes it can be adventurous we only live once,
life is full of happiness but we have to think before taking up an action we
don’t know what will happen if we boost up of our words and action and
maybe it can affect the way we treat with other people and the relationship
also, to be happy we need to solve and think of a way to resolve the problem.

Being alone in life is sad we can change our ways by being friendly to
others and by harmonizing relationship or bond with others, we must
adapt/cope with them. We also have to adjust our self to fir them. By doing
this, we might live a better life. Not only depending on yourself but also
trusting others to help and support you.

Because we can't live a lone. No man is an island, a saying said. That

means we need everyone to live happily and continuously. We have to
harmonize from one another and build a strong relationship with them.

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