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Teacher Professional Development Plan (TPDP)

AY 2019-2020

Teacher: Years of Experience:

School: Subject Area: Grade:
Professional Status: Probationary (P) Tenured (T) Tenured Under Evaluation (TE)

A. Goals to be Addressed by the Teacher Professional Development Plan (TPDP)

District Goals (CSIP Goals) Building Goals (BSIP Goals) Indicator(s) to be Addressed
Every teacher becomes the best.
2019-2020 school year, PLTs will 7.4 Monitoring effect of whole class
demonstrate how our collective work will instruction and individual learning
improve students’ work growth and

Individual Teacher Professional Development (PD) Goal(s) (TPDP Element 1)

I will continue you improve teaching strategies in regards to cognitively engaging students and monitoring whole class and individual learning by having more
consistent NEE ratings on classroom observation and student survey results.

Data Used to Determine PD Goals (TPDP Element 2)

Provide data (e.g., previous year’s Summative Report, observation data, student survey results, self-assessment) used to determine your PD goals.
2018-2019 school year’s observation reports showed growth from the first observation to the second and consistency across the remainder of the year. This
past year I was observed twice and matched or exceeded those scores. My goal is to continue to stay at a 6 or higher for both indicators. My student survey
results were lower than the previous year. I would like to raise my lowest indicator: 1.4 - This teacher makes us think about how we might use the subject in
everyday life. I will incorporate more discussion in rehearsals as to how the material relates to other courses of study as well as their future as human

Sequence of PD Activities (TPDP Element 3)

List at least three PD activities that are aligned to your PD goals. Include a time frame.
Collaborate with performing arts teachers during PLT time to discuss best practices.
Collaborate with CPS department during Professional Development days, i.e. Theater, Choral, Industrial Tech, Instrumental Music.
Attend relevant workshops in our specific content area, i.e. MMEA, MBA, MCDA, STAM
Continuing to explore current best practices for your specific content areas through continued research, reading and reflection
Research Base for PD Activities (TPDP Element 4)
Explain the connection between cited research and PD activities to improve student learning.
Indicator 7.4. Monitors effect of instruction on individual and class learning. Formative assessment has multiple meanings, but in NEE we use the term to refer to quick checks for
understanding as the lesson is progressing. The purpose is to inform modification of teaching and learning activities in real time. Thus, it is information used to guide instruction as
part of the instructional process. Questioning is the most common form of this kind of formative assessment. Questioning helps teachers identify student knowledge deficits (Aguiar et
al., 2010). However, other kinds of formative assessment might include solving problems on a whiteboard or answering spot quizzes with fist-to-five, thumbs up, or clicker techniques.
Formative assessment has an effect size between .4 and .7 (Black & Wiliam, 1998). While formative assessment improves achievement for most students, it may be more effective for
low-achieving students (Ruiz-Primo & Furtak, 2007). The National Research Council endorsed formative assessment as an important classroom activity
B. Teaching Strategies
Collaboration (TPDP Element 5)
Describe how this PDP involves collaboration with other educators (who, where, and when).
Working with my PLT weekly and discussing common teaching strategies will help me use their experience and expertise to
inform my teaching. I will be able to discuss what are some effective strategies for cognitively engaging students and using
formative assessment in my classes. I will also collaborate with teachers throughout the state on strategies that they have used
that have been effective for student growth.
Student Engagement (TPDP Element 6)
Describe how this PDP helps you improve student engagement in the learning process.
By utilizing vocabulary associated with the rubric, we will generate feedback with formative
assessment. Students will be empowered during the grading process. Thus students will increase ownership of
the process towards summative assessment. This creates students’ empowerment related to the grading
process Students take a more active and deeper role in their own feedback process.

Diverse Learners (TPDP Element 7)

Describe how this PDP improves your ability to meet the varied needs of diverse learners.

I will work to meet students where they are, having used the book, Teach With Your Strengths. I have recognized my own strengths and
studied how this effects my teaching. I can work to identify these same strengths in students and work to meet them in their personal
goal setting in our classes.

C. Prior Related PD (TPDP Element 8)

Provide a brief description of how the PD activities build upon prior PD or whether these activities are a new venture.
I have attended conferences and clinics on local, state and national levels to inform my teaching. I have collaborated on the local, and
regional level with educators and administrators to discuss best teaching strategies. I have also have pursued higher education to further
my knowledge of teaching.

NOTE: Element 8 is scored as “Not Applicable” (N/A) for first-year teachers or for veteran teachers beginning a new PD venture.

Pre-Implementation Approval:
Teacher Signature: Administrator Signature:

Date: Date:

Plan: Individual Monitored Directed

Teacher Professional Development Plan – Mid-Year Review to be completed by (date)

Teacher: School Year:

D. Data Showing Progress Toward Specific PD Goals (TPDP Element 9)

Briefly discuss how the PD activities improved your teaching practice. Provide explicit evidence of change in practice (e.g., observation data) and its effect on student performance (e.g.,
assessment data). NOTE: Use data you already have as part of your continuous improvement where appropriate.

E. Narrative
Teacher Comments Administrator Comments
Teacher Signature: Administrator Signature:

Date: Date:
Teacher Professional Development Plan – End-of-Year Review to be completed by (date)

Teacher: School Year:

F. Data Showing Progress Toward Specific PD Goals (TPDP Element 9)

Briefly discuss how the PD activities improved your teaching practice. Provide explicit evidence of change in practice (e.g., observation data) and its effect on student performance (e.g.,
assessment data). NOTE: Use data you already have as part of your continuous improvement where appropriate.

G. Completion of Goals
Was Goal 1 successfully completed?
Was Goal 2 successfully completed?
Was Goal 3 successfully completed?
Was Goal 4 successfully completed?

H. Narrative
Teacher Comments Administrator Comments

Teacher Signature: Administrator Signature:

Date: Date:

© Copyright 2019 by the Curators of the University of Missouri. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted by any means.

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