Kurtis Weber - Public Speaking - Mit Freshman

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Kurtis Weber

Mrs. Godfrey

October 8, 2019

Honors Leadership Studies

Public Speaking

Preparing a public speaking presentation:

- Know the needs of your audience and match your contents to those needs.

- Make sure your speech will be captivating.

- Practice and rehearse your speech beforehand.

- Emphasize your strong points in you presentation.

- Dress up for the occasion of speaking in front of people.

How to act on stage

- Remain calm, speak slowly, enunciate your words clearly, show emotion related to your


- Speak to the farthest person away from you

- Vary the tone of your voice to dramatize if necessary

Body language

- Standing, walking around with using some appropriate hand gestures is prefered.

- Master the use of the presentation software before the presentation

- Do not overuse animation or sound clips.

- Do not over use hand gestures.


- Speak with conviction as if you really believe in what you’re saying.

- Do not read from notes.

- Maintain sincere eye contact

- Speak to your audience

- Listen to there questions

- Add humor whenever applicable

For the audience

- Have handouts ready to give to the audience

- Know when to stop talking so you do not bore your audience with repetitive information.

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