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Module Handbook

Module Name: Pancasila

Module Level: Bachelor
Abbreviation, if applicable: NOP 103
Sub-heading, if applicable: -
Courses included in the -
module, if applicable:
Semester/term: 2nd/ First Year
Module coordinator(s): Drs, Ajar Triharso, M.S
Lecturer(s): Listiyono Santoso, S.S., M.Hum.
Language: BahasaIndonesia
Classification within the Compulsory Course / Elective Studies
Teaching format / class 2 hours lectures(50 min per hours)
hours per week during
Workload: 2 hours lectures, 2 hours structured activity , 2 hours individual
activity, 13 weeks per semester, total 78 hours per semester ~ 2.6
Credit Points: 2
Requirements: -
Learning General Competence (knowlwdge):
goals/competencies: Students are able to build a new paradigm in itself based on the values
of Pancasila through the ability to explain the history, status and
nature of the principles of Pancasila, respond to the actual problems of
the nationand the state, and apply the values of Pancasila in life

Specific Competence:
1. Describes common ground Pancasila explanation of definitions
and terms
2. Explain the Pancasila in the context of the nation's history.
3. Explain the Pancasila in the context of the nation's history
4. Analyze the Pancasila as the basis for the State
5. Analyze Pancasila as the state ideology and comparing with
other ideologies
6. Mennganalisis Pancasila as a philosophical system
7. Analyze and make Pancasila as a system of ethics in
berkehidupa, and basic scientific development
Content: Pancasila in the study of the history of the nation, Pancasila as the
state ideology, Pancasila as the state ideology, Pancasila as the system
of philosophy, Pancasila as a system of ethics, value Pancasila as the
basis for the development of science, philosophy of Pancasila,
Pemaknaan precepts of Pancasila.
Soft skill Oral communication, written communication, discipline, trust
and cooperation
Study/exam achievements: Students are considered to be competent and pass if at least get 55%
of maximum mark of the exams (UTS dan UAS),and structured

Final score (NA) is calculated as follow: hardskill (80%) + softskill (20%)

The hard Skill = 20% group assignments+ 30% individual assignments +
20% UTS+ 30% UAS
The soft skill = 25% oral communication + 25% written communication
e + 20%disciplin + 20% confident+ 10% cooperation

Table Value Graduation

A: 100> NA≥75
AB: 74,9≥NA≥70
B: 69,9≥NA≥65
BC: 64,9≥NA≥60
C: 59,9≥NA≥55
D: 54,9≥NA≥40
E: 39,9≥NA
Learning Methods Problem base learning and inquiry (PBL), lectures, assignments
and group discussions, as well as discussions and case studies
Forms of Media: Slides and LCD projectors, whiteboards
Literature: 1. Kaelan, 1998, Pancasila Yuridis Kenegaraan, Yogyakarta:
2. Latif, Yudi, 2009, Negara Paripurna, Aktualitas dan Historisitas
Pancasila, Jakarta: Gramedia
3. Latif, Yudi, 2014, Mata Air Keteladanan, Pancasila dalam
Perbuatan, Bandung: Mizan
4. Notonegoro, 1975, Pancasila Ilmiah Populer, Jakarta: Pantjuran
5. Sutrisno, Slamet, 2006, Filsafat dan Ideologi Pancasila,
Yogyakarta: Penerbit Andi
6. Tim ICCE UIN Jakarta, 2003, Demokrasi, HAM dan Masyarakat
Madani, Jakarta: Prenada Media

Notes: *Total ECTS = {(total hours workload x 50 min ) / 60 min } / 25 hours

Each ECTS is equals with 25 hours

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