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Chapter 1



Opening a new hotel is only the beginning. One reason so many new hotel

fail to thrive is a lack of capabilities in management. Knowing how to manage a

hotel's finances, day to day problems, customer service and training staff are all

part of managing and helping your new organization.

While it would be nice if your new hotel was so successful that you

needed to worry about advertising, few establishments have such luck. While you

may not have to advertise like you did when you first opened, it is still important

to market your hotel.

Look for ways to remind customers about how awesome your hotel is, and

entice them to come in for experience. Building a solid social network through

sites like facebook and twitter, as well as a hotel website, are inexpensive ways

to market your hotel. Periodically running print or radio ads around the holidays

and other special occasions are a good way to bring in business without breaking

the bank.

Good facilities will lure customers into your hotel, while good service

keeps them coming back. In a business where the customer is always right, how

you handle customer complaints and show customer appreciation are important

for building a strong clientele. There are many types of promotions that will show

customers how much you appreciate their business, such as various seasonal


By this the hotel management must make a corrective measure to ensure

the position of the hotel in the market. Management includes the activities of

setting the strategy of an organization and coordinating the efforts of

its employees to accomplish its objectives through the application of

available resources, such as financial, natural, technological, and human


Manager is entirely responsible for all front-of-the-house operations,

manages staff who give services to customers and allocate the duties of opening

and closing the hotel. He or she is responsible for making sure his or her staff is

following the service standards and health and safety regulations. He or she is

the most important person in the front-of-the-house environment, since it is up to

him or her to motivate the staff and give them job satisfaction. He or she looks

after and guides the personal well-being of the staff, since it makes the work

force stronger and more profitable, and works with other executive management

officers such as the Executive Chef and the Owners/managers. – Wikipedia


Background of the Study

Santiago City has the widest and most well-kept business district

in Cagayan Valley. Its public market of more than 6 hectares is one of the biggest

distribution centers in the Philippines. In terms of cleared checks at the

clearinghouse, the volume of transactions in the city is among the top five in the

country. At present, there are about 6,500 registered business establishments in

the city while new business permits have been issued to investors from as far

as Manila.

Starting up a hotel in Santiago City can be a good idea but expect that a

number of competitors are ready to compete for the attention of the consumer.

Determining the management capabilities that a hotel should have is a very

important factor.

Moreover, the purpose of the study was to determine if a connection

existed in managers who practiced good managerial capabilities in the success

of the hotel, more specifically, to see if managers who practiced these attributes

are as successful as the literature seemed to predict they would be. In addition,

the study was also designed to determine which attributes a manager believed

most important for operating a hotel successfully.

Management capability is one of the factors that affect flow of the hotels.

There is collection of capabilities that may be exercised by the managers to earn

revenues in the marketplace and compete with other firms in the industry. This

study also determines the different function of management like planning,

organizing, leading and controlling

Having an idea and developing a plan for your hotel can help to grow and

succeed, but if it does not have the resources to make the plan come together, it

can stall progress. One of the first steps to any planning process should be an

evaluation of the resources necessary to complete the project, compared to the

resources the company has available. Some of the resources to consider are

finances, personnel, space requirements, and access to materials and suppliers


Conceptual Framework

The figure 1 depicts the framework of the study which is represented by a

paradigm which consists of input, process and output.

The input load includes the Profile of the Respondents: age, gender, civil

status and position; the Profile of the Business, Management Capabilities of the

Hotels in Santiago City in terms of planning, organizing, directing, controlling and


The process load includes the determination of the hotel industry in

Santiago City relative to the management capabilities through a survey


The output load includes the improved management capabilities of

selected hotels in Santiago City.



I. Profile of the Respondents Determination Of Improved

in terms of: Management
Capabilities of the
a. Name Capabilities of
Hotels in Santiago
b. Gender City Hotels in

c. Age . Santiago City

d. Civil status Through:

e. Position Survey

II. Profile of the Business Questionnaire

III. Management capabilities

of the hotels in Santiago City.

a. Planning

b. Organizing

c. Directing

d. Controlling

e. Staffing


Figure I. Paradigm of the Study


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the management capabilities of hotels in

Santiago City.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following:

1. Profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Name

1.2 Gender

1.3 Age

1.4 Civil status

1.5 Position

2. Business profile of the respondents in terms of:

2.1 Number of employees

2.2 Initial Capitalization

2.3 Monthly Income

2.4 Forms of Business

3. How capable are the respondents in managing hotels in terms of the following

managerial functions:

3.1 Planning

3.2 Organizing



3.5 Staffing

Significance of the Study

The result of the study will be of value to the following individuals such as:

Hotel Owners/managers. The research finding will serve as their

guidance in management capabilities that a hotel management should have.

Employees. The findings of the study could lead them to improved and

develop skills through training and other programs leads by the management.

Researchers. This study will help the researchers to enhance the skill in

conducting study, data gathering, analyzing and also interpreting data. Find a

better explanation and understanding to this study.

Future Researchers. It may be helpful as a good reference to the future

researcher. It can be used as their guidelines and source of information in

accumulating their own research.

Scope and Delimitation

This study was covers the management capabilities of the

owners/managers of hotels in Santiago City in terms of basic managerial

functions which includes planning, organizing, directing, controlling and staffing.




This section presents the writing of different personalities conducted by

the proponents during their research, which have relevant to the present study

may serve.

Related Literature

A. Foreign Literature

Management capability by Dr. Sarena, 2005 capability management is a

high level integrative management function, with particular application in the

context of defense. It aims to balance economy in meeting current operational

requirements, with the sustainable use of current capabilities, and the

development of future capabilities, to meet the sometimes competing strategic

and current operational objectives and develop and provide innovative solutions.

Capability is the quality of being capable; to have the capacity or ability to do

something, achieve specific effects or declared goals and objectives.

Management has been called the “art of getting done though and with

people”. This definition by Mary Parker Follet, 2008 calls attention to the fact that

managers achieve organizational goals. Management is a process since it is

systematic way of doing things. All managers, regardless of their particular

aptitude or skills engage in certain interrelated activities in order to achieve the

desire goals.

William Gray (2005) said that one of the most important styles and

strategies. Success will come through the preparation of quality product, good

services, good and effective managerial strategies and effective control in

business operation to produce excellent and outstanding services.

One of the effects of the aging demographic is the emergence of vacation

hotel a modern incarnation of the time share properties of several decades ago.

Because these are being developed and operated by name hotel companies and

are marketed to affluent, healthy, well educated population segment, hotel

managers have had to absorb new managerial realities. Micheal J. O’Fallon, eh.

D 2007

According to Micheal Butler, chairman and CEO of midland International

Hotel Reality Inc. more hotels of the future will be “mixed use” which he defines

as hotel development that includes most or all of the following spectrum of

possibilities. (Rooco M. Angelo and Andrew N. Vladimir, 2005).

Strategic management is another promising theoretical perspective that

helps us understand the importance of menu and its associated managerial

activities with reference to competitiveness of hotels. Indeed, creating and

sustaining a competitive advantage is the main focus of strategic management

discipline. More specifically, strategic management principally investigates the

phenomenon of sustainable competitive advantage as a source of performance

differences among business firms (Nerur et al., 2008). The assertion is that with

careful business model redesign it is possible for mainstream businesses to more

readily integrate sustainability into their business and for new start-ups to design

and pursue sustainable business from the outset, as suggested by Stubbs and

Cocklin (2008) and Porter and Kramer (2011), and business model innovations

can support a systematic, on-going creation of business cases for sustainability.

(Schaltegger et al., 2012). Business model innovation is increasingly recognized

as a key to delivering greater social and environmental sustainability in the

industrial system (e.g. Lüdeke-Freund, 2010). However, understanding of

sustainable business models and the options available for innovation for

sustainability seems limited at present. While there is extensive literature on the

theory of business models for delivering sustainability (e.g. Stubbs and Cocklin,

2008 conducted a literature review), and examples on specific companies (e.g.

Xerox, Canon and Océ ‘pay per copy’ models, Baines et al., 2007) there is no

comprehensive view of how firms should approach embedding sustainability in

their business models.

This paper uses a systematic review approach to formalize a

categorization (the result of a process of dividing the world into groups of entities

whose members share similarity in a given context, as defined in Jacob, 2004) of

business model innovations to deliver sustainability. This categorization aims to

drive the future research agenda for sustainable business models by proposing

archetypes for new sustainable business models, and assisting the a business

model is a conceptual tool to help understand how a firm does business and can

be used for analysis, comparison and performance assessment, management,

communication, and innovation (Post C. and Altma, E. 2005). Process of

embedding sustainability into existing industrial models. The quality of

management is key because they determine the success of the business model

through their capabilities, ability to acquire, combine and utilize valuable


resources in ways that deliver a value proposition to customers (Beltramello

et al., 2013). The literature presents various perspectives on the business

model: Margretta's (2002), Zott and Amit (2010) and Beattie and Smith

(2013) describe business models as a holistic description on ‘how a firm does

business’ and Teece (2010) describes that a business model articulates how the

company will convert resources and capabilities into economic value. It is nothing

less than the organizational and financial ‘architecture’ of a business and

includes implicit assumptions about customers, their needs, and the behaviour of

revenues, costs and competitors (Teece, 2010). More specifically, Osterwalder

and Pigneur (2005, 2010) describe a business model as a series of elements: the

value proposition (product/service offering, customer segments, customer

relationships), activities, resources, partners, distribution channels (i.e. value

creation and delivery) and cost structure, and revenue model. Richardson

(2008) based on a wide range of literature, proposes a consolidated view of the

components of a business models as: the value proposition (i.e. the offer and the

target customer segment), the value creation and delivery system, and the value

capture system. Zott and Amit (2010) take an activity-based perspective,

including the selection of activities (‘what’), the activity system structure (‘how’),

and who performs the activities (‘who’).


B.Local Literature

BituinAbi, (August 2010), 658 Apartelle & online reservation system. Short

term base lodging is the main reason that a hotel has been established. As the

result of the completion of the different hotel as, various business strategies had

been made to attract customers, such as putting a discounts, having a beautiful

and relaxing environment and above all having a state of the art computer

system and facilities..

The current problem observed is the manual guest list records,

the manual reservation of guests, the manual booking of rooms for the guests

which takes a long time to accomplish.Bunoan (2011) makes a similar point by

contending that today’s guest seems to be more in touch with the mind and body

connection and is aware of the importance of taking time to slow down and be in

the moment. That is, as the hotel guest look for balance and harmony in their


Related Studies

A. Foreign Studies

Stahl and Grigbsy (2005) the business of resort management states the

following function of management:

Planning is the crucial first phase in that, it communicates the leaders

ideas via tangible and negotiable format. This will involve public display of the

hotel vision and its role within the local community. The vision, once accepted,

can be converted into tangible objectives by proceeding through the planning


process. This step will inevitably involve many stakeholder groups as the

planning process moves through the legislative system of permits and by laws.

Organizing becomes the next major task. The modern hotel is a complex

business at any level that can be equated with the operation of a small town, so

the leaders will need to create capable management teams and supportive staff

to bring their plans to life.

Controlling, control of the development will be needed to ensure the plan

stays on track or its altered where necessary to accommodate misjudgments and

changing market conditions. An essential aspect of this process will be the

monitoring of performance.

Directing, a leader needs to do more than just plan, organize and staff the

team to achieve goal. Leading involves motivating, communicating, guiding and

encouraging. It requires the leader to coach, assist and solve problems with the


In thesis entitled Knowledge Management Capability and Competitive

advantage by Nguyen (2010), In the new economy characterized by properties

such as globalization, intangibility and interconnectivity, business organizations

are required to face new challenges, especially the changing nature of

competition coupled with the enhanced dynamism and complexity of the

environment in which they operate. One of the current strategic philosophies

assisting firms to develop strategic capabilities dealing with uncertainly is the

competitiveness of certain person to management.


Capture through differentiation-if a hotel is to capture rather than simply

attract it must have something significant to draw the visitor and then turn them

into a guest, by engaging them in an experimental association that leads to some

form of revenue generating continuity. Given the wide range of guest/tourist

interest and intense competition in today’s global tourism market this magnetic

attraction needs to be outstanding and has led to a strong emphasis on Porter’s

(2006) differentiation and segmentation focus in competitive analysis strategy.

B. Local Studies

It has been in the development process of the hotel is complex, time

consuming and involves many related activities. The developer, who may also be

the hotel manager/owners/managers, must assemble a team who has expertise

in various areas by Bryan Paul Balot and others on their thesis Management

practices of hotel owners in Santiago City (2008).

According to Yabut (2007) in his thesis entitled Management Capabilities

of Enforcer in Manila, that it is interesting to note that studies reveal that no

situation affects all person in the same way, findings concerning the effects of

type of work, leadership style, or group norms on employee attitudes represents

only average effects and obscure the fact that people react in markedly different

way to the same situation. People may respond to a particular type of leadership

in a positively way.

The hotel concept is accomplished through the provision of quality

accommodation, food and beverages, entertainment, health amenities, good


ambiance and most important, an extremely high level of service delivered in a

friendly and personalize manner.

Attempt to be self-contained by providing a sufficient critical mars of

activities attractions and accommodation to keep guest engaged for the whole

extent of their stay their expenditures within the corporate business (Mueca, T.

2006). Put simply, the hotel market is the location where goods and services are

produced and sold. The market can be viewed from a number of perspectives

such as the demand-side, supply-side and at the point where equilibrium occurs.

Santos, S. (2011).


All the literature and studies shows common knowledge and interpretation

about the capabilities of the management of hotel. All the authors are convinced

that there are many factors that affect the management capabilities of a manager

in a hotel. These literatures help us understand the importance of these factors in

order to associate managerial activities with reference to competitiveness of

hotels. It also associated to nowadays trends that affect the satisfaction of the

consumer to be able to gain competitive advantage and survive in the market, it

is therefore essential for the hotel managers to identify which attributes are vital

and reachable to consumers and to know which parameters have impacts on the

purchase decision.

However, the research focused on management capabilities of a hotel

with regard to managerial practices and intellectual capacities of a manager

which makes this study different from the reviewed studies and literatures.

Chapter 3


This chapter presents the systematic and orderly arrangement of actions

which are taken by the researchers in this study that involves the methods of

research used as described, the respondents who are chosen accordingly, the

instruments which are utilized as tools to accomplished this study, the in data

gathering procedures and the statistical tools and instrument used in analyzing

the data gathered.

Methods of Research Used

The descriptive method of research was used in this study. As Crewell

(2007) claims, it is used to describe the present conditions which reveals via

group of cases, Spector (2009).

Moreover, descriptive research was used to obtain information concerning

the current status of the phenomenon to described “what exist with respect to

variables or conditions in a situation. The method involves studies which seek to

determine change one a time. (Pattom 2009).

Locale of the Study

This study was conducted in Santiago City which is an independent City

located between southwestern part of Isabela and northwestern boundary of

Quirino in Northeastern Luzon island of the Philippines. It is the gateway to the

vast plains of Cagayan Valley.

Santiago is situated 326 kilometers (203 mi) north of Metro Manila. The

city sits on a vast area of predominantly flat and fertile land in the Cagayan

Valley, surrounded by the Caraballo Mountains to the south, the Great Sierra

Madre to the cast and Cordillera Mountain range to the west.

Through geographically located within the boundaries of the province of

Isabela and part of the province’s 4th District, Santiago City.

Respondent of the Study

The respondents of the study are the 10 employees of the hotels in

Santiago City.

Data Gathering Procedures

To gather the needed data for the study, the following procedures are: the

researchers made a letter noted by the Professor and Dean of the College of

Business Administration to request for the approval to conduct a study.

After the grant of the request, the researchers administered the

questionnaire to the respondents. The data gathered was be treated

confidentially and was classified and presented in tabular form.

Research Instrument

Questionnaire. The questionnaire was adopted from the research book entitled

“Managing Capabilities of Resort Owners” year 2012. The researchers utilized

data gathering instrument was the unstructured interview with a set of question

and observation are also used to write the accurate answers obtained through

the questionnaires. The first part was survey questionnaire was designed to

personal information such as name, age, gender, civil status and position. The

second part involves business profile and last part was determined management

capabilities of managers/owners/managers based on managerial functions in

terms of planning, organizing, directing, controlling and staffing.

Statistical Treatment

To give meaning to the data gathered, the research used the following

statistical tools: simple frequency and present distribution and weighted mean.

1. Frequently was used to determine the data on the personal profile of the

respondents as to age, gender, civil status and educational attainment.

2. Percent was used to reduce the different set numbers with a common base. It

was employed as a form of numerical analysis. It is used to compare size of the

sample frame of population from the frequencies of item the whole items of the


The formula is:

P = F/N x 100


P= percent

F= frequency

n = total numbers of respondents

3. Weighted mean was used in analyzing the environmental practices of the hotel

in Santiago City.

The formula is:

X= Fx / N


X = weighted mean

Fx= the sum of the product of the score and frequency

N = Total Number of Respondents

Method of Analysis

To qualify or describe the weighted mean the Likerts Scale was used:


5 4.50-5.00 Very Capable

4 3.50-4.49 Capable

3 2.50-3.49 Moderately Capable

2 1.50-2.49 Slightly Capable

1 1.00-1.49 Not Capable


Chapter 4


This chapter presents the result, analysis and interpretation of data gathered.

This chapter is divided into three subparts: Profile of the Respondents, profile of

the business, the level of management capabilities of the hotel and managers

owners/managers when it comes to the basic management functions and

management problems encounter by the respondents and the strategies and

techniques used by hotels.

PART I. Profile of the Respondents

Table 1. Frequency Distribution According to Gender.

Gender Frequency Percent

Male 4 40.00

Female 6 60.00

Total 10 100.00

As gleaned from table 1, 40 percent of the respondents are male and 60

percent are female respondents.

Table 2. Frequency Distribution According to Age.

Age Frequency Percent

21-30 6 60.00
31-40 3 30.00
40 and above 1 10.00
Total 10 100.00

As indicates from table 2, 60 percent of the respondents belong to age

bracket of 21-30 years old, followed by 30 percent who is 31-40 years old and 10

percent is 40 years old and above respondents.

Table 3. Frequency Distribution According to Civil Status.

Civil Status Frequency Percent

Single 5 50.00
Married 5 50.00
Widowed 0 0
Separated 0 0

Total 10 100.00

As presented on table 3, it shows that 50 percent of the respondents

are single and 50 percent are married. The table further reveals that the

respondents in Santiago City can be single or married.

PART II. Profile of the Business

Table 4. Frequency Distribution According to Number of Employee

Number of Employee Frequency Percent

1-5 1 10.00

6-10 1 10.00

11-15 3 30.00

16-20 5 30.00

Total 10 100.00

As indicates from table 4, 10 percent had 1 to 5 employees, followed by

10 percent had 6 to10 employee followed by 30 percent had 11 to15 employees

and 50 percent had 16 to 20 employees.

The result further shows that majority of the hotels had 16 to 20 employee.

The result also indicates that the respondents had a large number of employees

to manage.

Table 5. Frequency Distribution of the respondents of the Monthly Income

Monthly Income Frequency Percent

P15,000-19,999 5 50.00

P20,000-24,999 4 40.00

P25,000-29,999 1 10.00

P30,000-34,999 0 0

P35,000 and above 0 0

Total 10 100.00

As depicts from table 5, 50 percent of the respondents had a monthly

income of P15,000 to P19,999, followed by 40 percent who had P 20,000 to

24,999 and 10 percent had P25,000 to P29,999.

Table 6. Frequency Distribution According to Initial Capitalization

Initial Capitalization Frequency Percent

P1-5 Million 3 30.00
P6-10Million 2 20.00
P11-15Million 3 30.00
P16-20Million 2 20.00
Total 10 100.00

As presented from the table 6, 30 percent had an initial capital of P 1 to 5

million, 20 percent had 6 to10 million followed by 30 percent had 11 to15 million

and 20 percent had 16 to 20 million.

Table 7. Frequency Distribution According to Forms of Business


Forms of Business Organization Frequency Percent

Sole proprietorship 1 10.00

Partnership 4 40.00

Corporation 5 50.00

Cooperative 0 0

Total 10 100.00

As reveals from table 7, 10 percent of the business organization is sole

proprietor, followed by 40 percent is partnership and 50 percent are corporation.

The result further shows that majority of the hotels in Santiago City chosen

corporation as a form business organization.


PART III. Management Capabilities.

Table 8. Planning Capabilities of Owners and Managers

Planning Capabilities Weighted Descriptive

mean Interpretation
1.) Setting of goals are implemented by the 4.70 Very Capable
2.) The business plan deliverance is consistent to 3.40 Moderately
the needs of the customers. Capable
3.) The owners/managers is determined to solve 4.10 Capable
any problem that is occurring to the business.
4.) The owners/managers focuses on the 4.20 Capable
improvement of the business and to the service
that they are rending.
5.) The owners/managers called a regular and 3.70 Capable
special meeting for purpose of planning.
6.) The owners/managers is aware to the 4.30 Capable
opportunity or a problem which can be foreseen in
the future.
Total Weighted Mean 4.23 Capable

Table 8 shows that the owners/managers are very capable in setting and

implementing of goals with a weighted mean of 4.70, followed by 3.40 in which

the owners/managers are moderately capable in delivering a consistent plan,

followed by 4.10 that the owners/managers are capable in solving any problems

in their establishments, focusing on the improvement of the business and

services with a weighted mean of 4.20 it shows that the owners/managers

respondents are capable, when it comes conducting regular and special


meetings the owners/managers are also capable with a weighted mean of 4.70,

followed by a weighted mean of 4.30 which results to capable in the awareness

of opportunity or a problem which can be foreseen in the future. Overall the

owners/managers are capable in planning with an overall mean of 4.23..

Table 9. Organizing Capabilities of Owners and Managers

Organizing Capabilities Weighted Descriptive
mean Interpretati

1.)The owners/managers was able to differentiate 3.60 Capable

and organize the employees according to their skills

2.)The owners/managers can organize plan with 4.30 Capable

clearly stated objectives, promotions and sales

3.)The owners/managers is giving some 4.10 Capable

considerations to their employees regarding to their
personal matters.

4.)The owners/managers is distributing equally the 3.90 Capable

work load to avoid stress and fatigue of the

5.)The owners/managers has an open 3.20 Moderately

communication with his subordinates to improve the Capable
working relationship.

6.)The owners/managers can interpret each data 3.60 Capable

regarding to the plans and employees

Total Weighted Mean 3.78 Capable


Table 9 shows that the owners/managers are capable in differentiating

and organizing the employees with a weighted mean of 3.60, followed by 4.30 in

which the owners/managers are capable in organizing plan, a weighted mean of

4.10 that the owners/managers are capable in giving considerations to their

employees, followed by a weighted mean of 3.90 that the owners/managers are

moderately capable in disturbing equally the work load, moderately capable also

when it comes in communicating to their subordinates with a weighted mean of

3.20 and capable in interpreting plans and employees with a weighted mean of

3.60. Overall, the owners/managers are capable with a total mean of 3.78.

Table 10. Directing Capabilities of Owners and Managers

Directing Capabilities Weighted Descriptive

mean Interpretation
1.)The owners/managers are fair in rating the 3.40 Moderately
job of their employees. Capable
2.)The owners/managers know how to 4.10 Capable
recommend the effective employees for
3.)The owners/managers are approachable to 3.90 Capable
their subordinates.
4.)The owners/managers is concern to the job of 4.20 Capable
their personnel and to the person.
5.)The owners/managers have the ability to 4.40 Capable
motivate his subordinate to perform well
6.)The owners/managers have a personal 4.40 Capable
interaction with the employees whenever they
find difficulty in doing their assigned task.
Total Weighted Mean 4.07 Capable

Table 10 presents that the owners/managers are moderately capable in

rating the job of their employees with a weighted mean of 3.40, followed by 4.10

in which the owners/managers respondents are capable in approaching their

subordinates with a weighted mean of 3.90, the owners/managers are capable in

showing concern with their personnel with a weighted mean of 4.20, The

owners/managers have the ability to motivate his subordinate to perform well

with a weighted mean of 4.40 and the owners/managers are capable in having

personal interaction with their subordinates with a weighted mean of 4.40.

Overall, the respondents are capable in directing with an overall mean of 4.07.

Table 11. Controlling Capabilities of Owners and Managers

Controlling Capabilities Weighted Descriptive

mean Interpretation

1.)The owners/managers take corrective actions 4.60 Very Capable

for the problems encountered by the management.
2.)The owners/managers are able to measure the 4.10 Capable
performance of their employees or staff.
3.)The owners/managers appreciates the good 4.20 Capable
habits of their subordinates and takes remedial
actions those who have bad behavior.
4.)The owners/managers has sympathy to the 4.10 Capable
working capacity of the employees
5.)The management increases the impact of 3.90 Capable
helping rather than hindering the works of
employees or staff.
6.)The owners/managers monitored the work of 4.60 Very Capable
their subordinate from time to time.
Total Weighted Mean 4.25 Capable

Table 11 shows that the owners/managers are very capable in taking

corrective actions with weighted mean of 4.60 followed by measuring the actual

performance of their employees with a weighted mean of 4.10 which is capable,

they are also capable in appreciating the good habits of their subordinates with a

weighted mean of 4.20,the owners/managers has sympathy to their employees

with a weighted 4.10, the management increases the impact of helping rather

than hindering the works of employees or staff with a weighted mean of 3.90 and

the owners/managers are very capable in monitoring the work of their

subordinates with the weighted mean of 4.60 and overall the owners/managers

respondents are capable when it comes controlling with an overall mean of 4.25.

Table 12. Staffing Capabilities of Owners and Managers

Staffing Capabilities Weighted Descriptive

mean Interpretation
1.)The owners/managers are familiar with the 4.90 Very Capable
company rules and regulations.
2.)The management knows how to select and hire 4.10 Capable
employees according to their work experience,
performance in previous jobs and potentialities for
future advancement.
3.)The owners/managers is a taken observer when 3.90 Capable
it comes in allocating the employees to their specific
4.)The owners/managers can mold his/her 4.60 Very Capable
workforce into a motivated and committed team
capable of managing change effectively and
achieving the organizational objectives.
5.)After a owners/managers discerns his area’s 3.70 Capable
needs, he may decide to beef up his staffing by
recruiting, selecting, training, and developing
6.)The ability of the owners/managers to interpret 4.30 Capable
and explain patterns in information.
Total Weighted Mean 4.25 Capable

Table 12 reveals that the owners/managers are very capable when it

comes in familiarization of the rules and regulations of their company with the

weighted mean of 4.90 followed by capable in knowing how to select and hire

employees according to their work with a weighted mean of 4.10, the

owners/managers is capable in observing their employees when it comes in

allocation of specific job, with a weighted mean of 3.90, the owners/managers

are capable in molding his/her workforce into a motivated and committed team

with the weighted mean of 4.60, the owners/managers are capable in discerning

the area’s needs and he can improve his staffing by recruiting, selecting, training

and developing employees with the weighted mean of 3.70, the

owners/managers are capable in interpreting and explaining patterns information

with the weighted mean of 4.30, wherein there is an overall mean of 4.25 which

the owners/managers responsible are very capable when it comes in staffing.

Table 13. Management Function Capabilities of Owners/Managers

Management Functions Weighted mean Verbal Interpretation

1. Planning 4.23 Capable

2. Organizing 3.78 Capable

3. Directing 4.07 Capable

4. Controlling 4.25 Capable

5. Staffing 4.25 Capable

Overall Mean 4.12 Capable


Table 13 illustrates that owners/managers are capable in planning

with the weighted mean of 4.72 followed by capable in organizing with the

weighted mean of 4.53, in directing the owners/managers are capable with the

weighted mean of 4.50, in staffing the owners/managers are very capable with

the weighted mean of 4.48 and in staffing owners/managers are capable the

hotel owners/managers are also capable with the weighted mean of 4.48.

It indicates that the hotel owners/managers are very capable in

management functions with overall mean of 4.53.

PART IV. Management Problems Encountered by the Respondents

Table14.Management Problems Encountered by the Hotel

Problem Frequency Percent

1. The business plan deliverance sometimes not 1 10.00
consistent regarding to the needs of the
2. The owners/managers sometimes doesn’t 3 30.00
have an open communication with his
subordinates to improve the working
3. The owners/managers sometimes not fair in 3 30.00
rating the job of their employees.
4. The management sometimes neglected to 1 10.00
increases the impact of helping rather than
hindering the works of employees or staff.
5. After discerning his area’s needs, the manager 2 20.00
sometimes doesn’t make step to beef up his
Total 10 100.00

Table 14 shows that 10 percent of the owners/managers encountered

problem that business plan deliverance sometimes not consistent regarding to

the needs of the customers. 30 percent encountered that sometimes the


owners/managers doesn’t have an open communication with his subordinates to

improve the working relationship. 30 percent also shows that owners/managers

sometimes not fair in rating the job of their employees. 10 percent of the

respondent said that their problem is that the management sometimes neglected

to increases the impact of helping rather than hindering the works of employees

or staff. 20 percent of the owners/managers encountered problem that after

discerning their area’s needs, the manager sometimes doesn’t make step to beef

up his staffing.

PART V. Strategies and Techniques of the Hotel

Table 15. Strategies and Techniques of the Hotel

Strategies and Techniques Frequency Percent

1. Should be humble and 4 40.00
approachable to the customer
and subordinates.
2. Listening to the complaints of 3 30.00
the customers.
3. Built rapport between employee 3 30.00
and employer.
Total 10 100.00

Table 15 shows that 40 percent of the hotel owners/managers’ strategies

and techniques should be humble and approachable to the customers, 30

percent of the respondents is listening to the complaints of the customers to

achieve their goal and 30 percent of the respondents strategy is through

advertising or promoting their hotel.


Chapter 5


This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusion and

recommendations regarding the Management Capabilities of Hotels in Santiago


Summary of Findings

The study aims to determine the management capabilities of hotels in

Santiago City.

Based on the data gathered, the findings of the study are as follows:

1. Profile of the Respondents

1.1. Most of the respondents in terms of gender were represented by 60

percent of female followed by the male represented by 40 percent.

1.2. From the total respondents belong to age bracket of 20-30 represented

by 60 percent, followed by 31-40 years old by 30 percent and above 40

years old represented by 10 percent..

1.3. The respondents in terms of civil status are married represent by 50

percent and single represented by 50 percent...

2. Profile of the Business

2.1. The respondents in terms of the number of their employees range from

1-5 employees represented by 10 percent, 6-10 employees represented

by 10 percent followed 11-15 employees represented by 30 percent, and

the majority is 16-20 employees represented by 50 percent.


2.2. Most of the respondents had a monthly income of P 15,000-19,999

represented by 50 percent, P 20,000-24,999 represented by 40

percent and P25,000-29,999 represented by 10 percent.

2.3. Majority of the respondents in terms of their initial capitalization are

ranging from 1-5 million represented by 30 percent equal to 11-15

million which also represented 30 percent followed by 6-10 million and

16-20million represented by 20 percent.

2.4. Majority of the respondents in terms of their of business organization

are corporation represented by 50 percent followed by partnership

represented by 40 percent and single/sole proprietorship represented

by 10 percent.

3. Capability of the Respondents in Management in Management Functions.

3.1 In terms of planning the hotel owners/managers very capable in

managing their hotel with an overall mean 4.23.

3.2 The organizing the hotel owners/managers are very capable in

managing their hotel with an overall mean of 3.78.

3.3 The hotel owners/managers are very capable in managing their hotel

when it comes in directing with an overall mean of 4.07

3.4 In controlling the hotel owners/managers are very capable in

performing this management function with an overall mean of 4.25.

3.5 The last management function which is staffing, the hotel

owners/managers is very capable in performing this management

function with an overall mean of 4.25.


4. Management Problem Encounter by Respondents

4.1 The business plan deliverance sometimes not consistent regarding to

the needs of the customers.

4.2 The owners/managers sometimes don’t have an open communication

with his subordinates to improve the working relationship.

4.3 The owners/managers sometimes not fair in rating the job of their


4.4 The management sometimes neglected to increases the impact of

helping rather than hindering the works of employees or staff.

4.5. After discerning his area’s needs, the manager sometimes doesn’t

make step to beef up his staffing

5. Strategies and Techniques

5.1 Most of the respondents their strategies and technique to achieve

their goal are through promotion or advertisement with 40 percent,

followed by 30 percent should be humble and approachable to the

customer, and 30percent of the respondent is listening to the

complaints of the customers to achieve their goal.


1. Most of our hotel respondents are female aged 21-30 years old, married

and single.

2. Most of our hotel owners/managers respondents had an 11 and above

employees, founded their establishment with an amount of 1 million and


above, they had a monthly income of P 15,000 and above and majority of

them are a sole/single proprietorship as form of their business.

3. Our hotel owners/managers respondents are capable in management


4. The management problems of the hotel owners/managers respondent’s

are the business plan deliverance sometimes not consistent regarding to

the needs of the customers. The owners/managers sometimes doesn’t

have an open communication with his subordinates to improve the

working relationship. The owners/managers sometimes is not fair in rating

the job of their employees. The management sometimes neglected to

increases the impact of helping rather than hindering the works of

employees or staff. After discerning his area’s needs, the manager

sometimes doesn’t make step to beef up his staffing.

5. The other strategies and techniques of the hotel owners/managers on

their establishment in able to run the business as according to their goals

are the owners/managers should be humble and approachable to the

customer and subordinates. Listening to the complaints of the customers

and built rapport between employee and employer.


1. Owners/managers needs to create substitute plan that parallel into

original business plan, to support the deliverance and to still provide the

needs of the customers.


2. Owners/managers needs to focus not only to the business but it are

also mandatory to have open communication with his subordinates. He

needs to know his people by taking 1-3 minutes chat everyday about non-

work topics, giving feedback to appreciate them and always remind your

subordinate their value to the business.

3. All employees deserve to be the best and be appreciated. Favoritism is

not really good in a business, owners/managers needs to do the rating

base on the employee’s performance everyday and monthly review, by

customer feedback and by colleague recommendation. By doing this, the

most deserve employee could be awarded correctly.





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A written questionnaire was prepared to serve as a basis of this research. Any

information will be given and gather will be highly kept confidential.

Instructions: Please complete the following questions with honesty and by

checking the information best applies to you.

Profile of the Respondent in terms of;

1.1 Name (Optional): ________________

1.2 Gender



1.3 Age



40 and above

1.4 Civil Status





1.5 Position: _____________

Part I. Profile of the Business Initial Capitalization

Number of Employees Less than Million

o 1-5 o 1 - 5 million

o 6-10 o 6 - 10 million

o 11-15 o 11 - 15 million

o 16-20 o 16 - 20 million

o _____________Others o ______________Others

Please specify Please specify

Monthly Income Form of Business Organization

o 15,000 - 19,999 Sole/Single Proprietorship

o 20,000 - 24,999 Partnership

o 25,000 - 29,999 Corporation

o 30,000 - 24,999 Cooperative

o 35,000 and above

Part II. To what level do you perform the following management functions?

Direction: Rate each of the following items using the scale below the table. Put a

check that corresponds to the number of your choice.

5 – Very Capable

4 – Capable

3 – Moderately Capable

2 – Slightly Capable

1 – Not Capable

Planning (knowledge, attitude, skills) 1 2 3 4 5

1.) Setting of goals are implemented by the


2.) The business plan deliverance is consistent to

the needs of the customers.

3.) The owners/managers is determined to solve

any problem that is occurring to the business.

4.) The owners/managers focuses on the

improvement of the business and to the

service that they are rending.

5.) The owners/managers called a regular and

special meeting for purpose of planning.

6.) The owners/managers is aware to the

opportunity or a problem which can be

foreseen in the future.


Organizing (knowledge, attitude, skills) 1 2 3 4 5

1.)The owners/managers was able to differentiate

and organize the employees according to their


2.) The owners/managers can organize plan with

clearly stated objectives, promotions and sales


3.) The owners/managers is giving some

considerations to their employees regarding to

their personal matters.

4.) The owners/managers is distributing equally

the work load to avoid stress and fatigue of the


5.) The owners/managers has an open

communication with his subordinates to

improve the working relationship.

6.) The owners/managers can interpret each data

regarding to the plans and employees


Leading (knowledge, attitude, skills) 1 2 3 4 5

1.) The owners/managers are fair in rating the job

of their employees.

2.)The owners/managers know how to

recommend the effective employees for


3.)The owners/managers are approachable to

their subordinates.

4.)The owners/managers is concern to the job of

their personnel and to the person.

5.)The owners/managers have the ability to

motivate his subordinate to perform well

6.)The owners/managers have a personal

interaction with the employees whenever they

find difficulty in doing their assigned task.


Controlling (knowledge, attitude, skills) 1 2 3 4 5

1.)The owners/managers take corrective actions

for the problems encountered by the


2.)The owners/managers are able to measure the

performance of their employees or staff.

3.)The owners/managers appreciates the good

habits of their subordinates and takes

remedial actions those who have bad


4.)The owners/managers has sympathy to the

working capacity of the employees

5.)The management increases the impact of

helping rather than hindering the works of

employees or staff.

6.)The owners/managers monitored the work of

their subordinate from time to time.


Staffing (knowledge, attitude, skills) 1 2 3 4 5

1.) The owners/managers are familiar with the

company rules and regulations.

2.)The management knows how to select and hire

employees according to their work experience,

performance in previous jobs and potentialities

for future advancement.

3.)The owners/managers is a taken observer

when it comes in allocating the employees to

their specific job.

4.)The owners/managers can mold his/her

workforce into a motivated and committed

team capable of managing change effectively

and achieving the organizational objectives.

5.)After a owners/managers discerns his area’s

needs, he may decide to beef up his staffing

by recruiting, selecting, training, and

developing employees.

6.)The ability of the owners/managers to interpret

and explain patterns in information.


Part III. What management problems do the hotel owners/managers




Part IV. What are the other strategies and techniques of the hotel?




Republic of the Philippines



2nd Floor, San Andres, Santiago City Tel. Fax (078) 682 0958



1. Caleon, Ma .Nornina D. Monte Carlo Hotel Rizal
2. Herrera, Pacita B. Diocita’s Hotel Rizal
3. Liangco, Noemi C. Hotel Amancio Dubinan East
4. Salazar, Ronnel Joseph Golden Secret Drive inn Mabini
V. Hotel
5. Jocson, Joan M. Libran Hotel and Hotel Mabini
6. Gatioan, Erwin G. Hotel Rsort and Hotel San Andres
7. Balingod, Wilfredo M. Wilmer’s Resort Hotel Sinsayon
and Hotel
8. Miranda, Joseph G. Royal Palm Drive Inn Batal
9. Lim, Lito D. Spring Garden Resort Sinsayon
and Hotel
10. Carreon, Zenaida Zen Hotel Maharlika Highway
13 Carreon,. Zenaida 3k Hotel Maharlika Highway
14.palomo, Charina Charina’s Suite Hotel Rizal
Source: Office of the City Permits and Licensing Officer, Santiago City, CY 2017



I. Personal Profile

Name: Eduard Ventura Dirain

Birthdate: January 19,1997

Age: 20

Religion: Roman Catholic

Height: 5’4”

Weight: 60 kg.

Place of Birth: Centro, Lal-lo, Cagayan Valley

Address: Blk 15 L5 Phase 3 St. James Subd. Batal, Santiago City

Email Address:

Name of Father: Teofilo P. Dirain

Name of Mother: Luzviminda V. Dirain

II. Educational Attainment

Elementary Education: Bagumbayan Central School

Secondary Education: Lal-lo National High School

College Education: University of La Salette, Inc.

Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Hotel Management



I. Personal Profile

Name:TajMahal R. Ravelo

Birthdate: December 8,1996

Age: 20

Religion: Christian

Height: 5’2”

Weight: 45 kg.

Place of Birth: Diamantina, Cabatuan, Isabela

Address: Purok 2 St. Visaya, Diamantina, Cabatuan, Isabela

Email Address:

Name of Father: Emmanuel Ravelo

Name of Mother: Norma Ravelo

II. Educational Attainment

Elementary Education: Salvador Gomez Diamantina Elementary


Secondary Education: Luis Fe Gomez National High School

College Education: University of La Salette, Inc.

Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Hotel Management



I. Personal Profile

Name: Charmaine Joyce G. Mejia

Birthdate: July 24, 1994

Age: 23

Religion: Christian

Height: 5”

Weight: 60 kg.

Place of Birth: Meycauayan City, Bulacan

Address: 149 lower northern hills, Malhacan, Meycauayan City,


Email Address:

Name of Father: Patricio Mejia Jr.

Name of Mother: Carmelita Mejia

II. Educational Attainment

Elementary Education: Malhacan Elementary School

Secondary Education:Meycauayan City National High School

College Education: University of La Salette, Inc.

Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Hotel Management



I. Personal Profile

Name: Carmelo S. Yo-Eco

Birthdate: March 23, 1998

Age: 19

Religion: Roman Catholic

Height: 5’8”

Weight: 85 kg.

Place of Birth: Rizal Santiago City Isabela

Address: #1139 Gonzaga St. P4 Rizal Santiago City

Email Address:

Name of Father: Armel A. Yo-Eco

Name of Mother: Eleonor S. Yo-Eco

II. Educational Attainment

Elementary Education: Wesley Elementary School

Secondary Education: Rizal National High School

College Education: University of La Salette, Inc.

Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Hotel Management



I. Personal Profile

Name: Martin Geron S. Balot III

Birthdate: August 14, 1988

Age: 29

Religion: Roman Catholic

Height: 5’10”

Weight: 72 kg.

Place of Birth: Doha State of Qatar

Address:PurokRaniag, Antonino Alicia Isabela

Email Address:

Name of Father: Martin C. Balot

Name of Mother: Maxima O. Santillan

II. Educational Attainment

Elementary Education: Alicia Central School

Secondary Education: School of our lady of Atocha

College Education: University of La Salette, Inc.

Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Hotel Management



General Tabulation

Table 1 Frequency Distribution According by Gender.

Gender Frequency Percent

Male 4 40.00
Female 6 60.00
Total 10 100.00

Table 2 Frequency Distribution According by Gender.

Age Frequency Percent

21-30 6 60.00
31-40 3 30.00
40 and above 1 10.00
Total 10 100.00

Table 3 Frequency Distribution According by Civil Status.

Civil Status Frequency Percent

Single 5 50.00

Married 5 50.00

Widowed 0 0

Separated 0 0

Total 10 100.00

Table 4 Frequency Distribution According by Number of Employee

Number of Employee Frequency Percent

1-5 1 10.00

6-10 1 10.00

11-15 3 30.00

16-20 5 30.00

Total 10 100.00

Table 5 Frequency Distribution According by Monthly Income

Monthly Income Frequency Percent

P15,000-19,999 5 50.00

P20,000-24,999 4 40.00

P25,000-29,999 1 10.00

P30,000-34,999 0 0

P35,000 and above 0 0

Total 10 100.00

Table 6 Frequency Distribution According by Initial Capitalization

Initial Capitalization Frequency Percent

P1-5 Million 3 30.00

P6-10Million 2 20.00

P11-15Million 3 30.00

P16-20Million 2 20.00

Total 10 100.00

Table 7 Frequency Distribution of the respondents based on the

Forms of Business Organization

Forms of Business Frequency Percent


Sole proprietorship 1 10.00

Partnership 4 40.00

Corporation 5 50.00

Cooperative 0 0

Total 10 100.00

Table 8 Planning Capabilities of Owners/managers and Managers

Planning Capabilities Weighted Descriptive

mean Interpretation

1.) Setting of goals are implemented by the 4.70 Very Capable


2.) The business plan deliverance is consistent 3.40 Moderately

to the needs of the customers. Capable

3.) The owners/managers is determined to solve 4.10 Capable

any problem that is occurring to the business.

4.) The owners/managers focuses on the 4.20 Capable

improvement of the business and to the

service that they are rending.

5.) The owners/managers called a regular and 3.70 Capable

special meeting for purpose of planning.

6.) The owners/managers is aware to the 4.30 Capable

opportunity or a problem which can be

foreseen in the future.

Total Weighted Mean 4.23 Capable


Table 9 Organizing Capabilities of Owners/managers and Managers

Organizing Capabilities Weighted Descriptive

mean Interpretation

1.)The owners/managers was able to 3.60 Capable

differentiate and organize the employees

according to their skills

2.)The owners/managers can organize plan with 4.30 Capable

clearly stated objectives, promotions and

sales strategy.

3.)The owners/managers is giving some 4.10 Capable

considerations to their employees regarding

to their personal matters.

4.)The owners/managers is distributing equally 3.90 Capable

the work load to avoid stress and fatigue of

the employees.

5.)The owners/managers has an open 3.20 Moderately

communication with his subordinates to Capable

improve the working relationship.

6.)The owners/managers can interpret each 3.60 Capable

data regarding to the plans and employees

Total Weighted Mean 3.78 Capable


Table 10 Directing Capabilities of Owners/managers and Managers

Directing Capabilities Weighted Descriptive

mean Interpretation

1.) The owners/managers are fair in rating the 3.40 Moderately

job of their employees. Capable

2.) The owners/managers know how to 4.10 Capable

recommend the effective employees for


3.) The owners/managers are approachable to 3.90 Capable

their subordinates.

4.) The owners/managers is concern to the job 4.20 Capable

of their personnel and to the person.

5.) The owners/managers have the ability to 4.40 Capable

motivate his subordinate to perform well

6.) The owners/managers have a personal 4.40 Capable

interaction with the employees whenever

they find difficulty in doing their assigned


Total Weighted Mean 4.07 Capable


Table 11 Controlling Capabilities of Owners/managers and Managers

Controlling Capabilities Weighted Descriptive

mean Interpretation

1.) The owners/managers take corrective 4.60 Very Capable

actions for the problems encountered by the


2.) The owners/managers are able to measure 4.10 Capable

the performance of their employees or staff.

3.) The owners/managers appreciates the good 4.20 Capable

habits of their subordinates and takes

remedial actions those who have bad


4.) The owners/managers has sympathy to the 4.10 Capable

working capacity of the employees

5.) The management increases the impact of 3.90 Capable

helping rather than hindering the works of

employees or staff.

6.) The owners/managers monitored the work of 4.60 Very Capable

their subordinate from time to time.

Total Weighted Mean 4.25 Capable


Table 12 Staffing Capabilities of Owners/managers and Managers

Staffing Capabilities Weighted Descriptive

mean Interpretation

1.) The owners/managers are familiar with the 4.90 Very Capable

company rules and regulations.

2.) The management knows how to select and 4.10 Capable

hire employees according to their work

experience, performance in previous jobs

and potentialities for future advancement.

3.) The owners/managers is a taken observer 3.90 Capable

when it comes in allocating the employees to

their specific job.

4.) The owners/managers can mold his/her 4.60 Very Capable

workforce into a motivated and committed

team capable of managing change effectively

and achieving the organizational objectives.

5.) After a owners/managers discerns his area’s 3.70 Capable

needs, he may decide to beef up his staffing

by recruiting, selecting, training, and

developing employees.

6.) The ability of the owners/managers to 4.30 Capable

interpret and explain patterns in information.

Total Weighted Mean 4.25 Capable


Table 13 Management Function Capabilities of Owners/managers and


Management Functions Weighted mean Verbal Interpretation

1. Planning 4.23 Capable

2. Organizing 3.78 Capable

3. Directing 4.07 Capable

4. Controlling 4.25 Capable

5. Staffing 4.25 Capable

Overall Mean 4.12 Capable


Table 14 Management Problem Encounter by the Hotel Owners/managers

Problem Frequency Percent

1. The business plan deliverance sometimes 1 10.00
not consistent regarding to the needs of the

2. The owners/managers sometimes doesn’t 3 30.00

have an open communication with his
subordinates to improve the working

3. The owners/managers sometimes not fair

in rating the job of their employees. 3 30.00

4. The management sometimes neglected to

increases the impact of helping rather than 1 10.00
hindering the works of employees or staff.

5. After discerning his area’s needs, the

manager sometimes doesn’t make step to 2 20.00
beef up his staffing.

Total 10 100.00

Table 15 Strategies and Techniques of the Hotel

Strategies and Techniques Frequency Percent

1. Should be humble and 4 40.00

approachable to the

customer and subordinates.

2. Listening to the complaints 3 30.00

of the customers.

3. Built rapport between 3 30.00

employee and employer.

Total 10 100.00

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