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iPhone11: A mystery for investors


This article says about the Potential of iPhone launched by Apple

Contradictory statements of Investment analyst and JP Morgan will cover in

this article

iPhone is not an ideal product for Apple


Every people wait for a year about the latest iPhones launched by Apple
Company. iPhone is an object to the customers in showcasing its status
among the people. As the majority of customers do not aware of iPhone
features. A mystery created for all the investors to keep its stake in AAPL or
withdraw its stock from it. This mystery arises due to the different opinions
of investment analysts and JP Morgan. An invest analyst calls this launch a
failure which will not result in enough gains. While, on another hand, JP
Morgan predicts a rise in the share price of AAPL over the period.

Contradictory statements

As per the interview of CEO of Apple, with the German Daily Bild says that
Tim Cook and its company consider iPhone11 as a strong one but at the
same time they are not happy with this launch. This can be due to any
internal or external issues faces by the company with the production of this
new product. This statement also denotes a lack of confidence in APPL in its
product which is not good for attracting investors to stay with its company.
JP Morgan expects a sell of 4 million in total by segregates its selling in two
quarters. 1 million will generate in this quarter and rest 3 million will incur in
the last quarter.

An investor gets confused with the conflicting statements of APPL and JP

Morgan. But Rosenblatt securities, disregard this launch as a declining stock
by comparing the past performance of Apple. The performance expectation
of APPL has increased in the eyes of its investors as the previous year shows
a 40% increase as compared to this year. An Investment analyst points out
the errors of this product in terms of novelty. The market share of APPL gets
affected by the launch of this product as there is no uniqueness in this
device in the absence of 5G technology.


Time will tell that whose prediction is correct about the future sales
performance iPhone11. An action of JP Morgan will discuss in this article to
guide investors on whether to sell or keep its interest in this company.

JP Morgan raises $22 per share price for APPL stock as it has an insight of
the future performance of this device. The expectation has not only
increases for the current but also rises for the next two years. JP Morgan
forecast that Apple will enable 5G technologies in its iPhones in the
upcoming two years to reach a sales target of more than 190 million units.


JP Morgan’s strong belief in this new product launch and the opinion of
Rosenblatt securities is like two sides of the coin. However, the forecasting
of JP Morgan is stronger in comparison to the investment analyst as it is
backed with authentic data. The above analysis shows the potential of
iPhone11 to grab a higher market share.




LINK 3 (Apple’s earnings):


LINK 4 (Rosenblatt securities):


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