Food Is More Important Than Ethics

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Food is more important than Ethics

For Food

As, I believe food comes first why I am giving reasons to support my statement if we consider
Maslow need hierarchy theory of motivation then we can see that in first stage i.e. physiological
need comprises of food, cloth, shelter because an empty stomach cannot consider for ethics so I
believe food comes first ethics later.

Food, clothing and shelter are the ‘basic’ needs of human life. And the word basic here itself speaks
that it should come first. Moreover according to the Charles Darwin’s theory – “SURVIVAL OF THE
FITTEST” substantiates that basic needs comes first.

Your 2-year-old daughter hasn’t had food in days. Try to feed her some ethics. Her belly won’t be
filled. Desperate people will do things contrary to their own ethical code in order to fill basic human
needs for themselves or those important to them.

For Ethics

We are wiser than animals because of our ethical thinking and values. Values and ethics are created
for our own well being and sound healthy living. Take an example we consume food from plants, but
as a part of ethics, we also plant trees for a new life. So a human being is well equipped to find his
bread along with maintaining the ethical values. We also care for our mother earth as a social
responsibility. If every human being thinks in an ethical way for survival. Society will ease at peace.

If a hungry man strives hard for his food. He will definitely get it. Every time adopting unethical ways
to get the food degrades the society. After all an old saying goes as, 'A small morsel of bread was
equally shared by seven rats'. So ethical thinking opens so many doors for a better life, satisfaction
and happiness

Who says that by doing ethical things you won’t get food in life. Ethics are the principles of
individuals it inherits inside the person. A wise & ethical person will not go on wrong path like killing
or stealing for the sake of food. So it all depends on individual’s personality and how he is brought
up. If you consider the case of criminals & terrorists they have adequate money to survive for entire
life but they still continue on that unethical path as for those ethics don’t exist

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