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Education Question Bank – 358 MCQs on

"Psychological Foundations of Education" –
Part 3
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358 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers on “Psychological Foundations of

Education” for Education Students – Part 3:

201. The lie detector was devised by

(a) Lyer.

(b) Leonarde Killer,


(c) Detecty.

(d) None of these.

202. The kind of conflict in which both hopes and fears are associated with the same action


(a) Approach-approach conflict.

(b) Avoidance-avoidance conflict.

(c) Approach-avoidance conflict.

(d) Double approach-avoidance conflict.

203. If children are exposed to frequent rejection, punishment, teasing and over solicitude
by parents, usually it leads to

(a) Inferiority feelings.

(b) Mental retardation.

(c) Suicide.

(d) Brain disorders.

204. In children, the frustration motive is primarily caused by

(a) Environmental obstacles.

(b) Parental sanctions.

(c) Encouragements.

(d) Sibling rivalry.

305. Temper tantrums occur among children due to

(a) Over protection.

(b) Low intelligence.

(c) Poor imagination.

(d) Inherited emotional instability.

206. The emotions of the child during the infancy are

(a) Egoistic.

(b) Mainly altruistic but of short duration.

(c) Untrained.

(d) Mainly egoistic and untrained.

207. The term problem children is generally used to describe children who

(a) Have a low general intelligence.

(b) Are specifically backward in one subject.

(c) Have a physical defect.

(d) Are maladjusted.

208. The view that “Emotionality is by and large inherited” is

(a) Not acceptable,

(b) Acceptable,

(c) Realistic.

(d) Unrealistic.

209. Which is not true about the development of behaviour?

(a) It proceeds from generalized mass activity to specific responses

(b) It is a gradual and a continuous process.

(c) It varies from child to child and the sequence is not uniform

(d) It proceeds in a cephalo-caudal and proximo-distal direction.

210. Which of the following is most acceptable generalization about early and special

(a) It tends to be uneconomical and wasteful

(b) It leads to an improvement in performance in certain cases

(c) It may actually be of great benefit

(d) All of these are possible.

211. The term “developmental task” was popularized by

(a) Havighurst.

(b) A. Gesell.

(c) Carmichael.

(d) E.G Hurlock.

212. A highly creative man must be of high level of intelligence. This is claimed by
(a) Britisn Psychologists.

(b) American Psychologists.

(c) Russian Psychologists.

(d) Indian Psychologists.

213. Adult creativity can be successfully measured by

(a) T.T.C.T.

(b) Guilford’s Test,

(c) Anastasi Test.

(d) R.T.

214. Ruralization always

(a) Fosters creativity.

(b) Inhibits creativity.

(c) Stopes creativity.

(d) Cultivates creativity.

215. Creativity increases with

(a) Age.

(b) Education,

(c) Practice.

(d) Experience.

216. Creativity among poor children is always

(a) Improved.

(b) Cultivated,

(c) Dead.
(d) Unaffected.

217. Items for identifying creative individuals is a scale which measures

(a) Personality.

(b) Creativity,

(c) Intelligence.

(d) Interest.

218. Which of the following most influences the classroom behaviour of the child?

(a) The teacher

(b) The peers

(c) The social groups in the class

(d) The monitor of the class.

219. The view that “Learning, instead of being reinforced, should be self-rewarding” was
expressed by

(a) Skinner.

(b) Bruner.

(c) Pavlov.

(d) Thorndike.

220. Emotional reactions of an infant are determined by

(a) The kind of self-concept he has.

(b) What he imitates from the people in his environment.

(c) What frustrates him in his environment.

(d) The treatment given to him by the parents.

221. Kobler wanted to prove that learning is

(a) An autonomous random activity.

(b) The perception of the whole situation.

(c) A situation in which animals are superior to men.

(d) The perception of different parts of the situation.

222. Which of the following is not the part of the definition of the developmental task?

(a) It is learning of a given task which arises at or about a certain period in the life of the

(b) Its successful achievement leads to success with later tasks

(c) Its failure leads to unhappiness and disapproval by the society

(d) It is something which is to be essentially achieved.

223. “Achieving new and more mature relations with age-mates of both sexes” is the
developmental task belonging to the period of

(a) Early childhood.

(b) Late childhood.

(c) Adolescence.

(d) Adulthood.

224. Which of the following ways does not help in securing pupil’s emotional maturity ?

(a) Providing the child with security

(b) Training the pupil to repress emotions

(c) Providing the pupil with constructive outlets through which to channel emotional tension

(d) Providing proper education of the emotions.

225. Which is not correct about social development of the child?

(a) It is continuous process by means of which the child achieves social adequacy

(b) It is an attempt by society on having the child internalize certain of its regulations, values and

(c) It is individualization meaning, thereby, child’s attempt to retain some of his individuality
(d) It is child’s attempt on not going against anything that prevails in the society.

226. What is absurd about the misbehaving child?

(a) He is a born trouble-maker trying to be wicked

(b) He is one who has not, yet, found socially acceptable solutions to some of his major problems

(c) He is one who is trying to satisfy some of his needs but is not going about it in the right way

(d) He is one who is maladjusted in some way.

227. Social maturity does not mean

(a) To be well-accepted in the group.

(b) Participating effectively in social relations.

(c) Attaining relative freedom from domination by the parents and the peers.

(d) Assuming responsibility for himself and his actions together with responsibility for others.

228. Which is not included in the special provisions for dealing with the gifted children?

(a) Acceleration

(b) Adaptation or enrichment

(c) Ability grouping

(d) Schemes of special scholarships and awards.

229. For dealing with the gifted child which is the most realistic and practicable approach

(a) Enrichment alone.

(b) Acceleration alone.

(c) Segregation.

(d) A combination of all these.

230. Which is a more adequate definition of the exceptional child?

(a) He is intellectually very superior

(b) He is emotionally undeveloped

(c) He is socially much different from others

(d) He is one who deviates from the normal child in Mental, physical and social characteristics to
such an extent that he requires a modification of school practices.

231. A gifted child is never defined as one

(a) Whose I.Q. is 140 or above.

(b) Whose performance is consistently remarkable in music, art, social leadership, and other
forms of expression?

(c) Whose ability is within the range of the upper two per cent to three per cent of the

(d) Who is extremely different from others of his age?

232. Which of the following does not explain the true nature of adjustment?

(a) Adjustment is the process by means of which, the individual attempts to maintain a level of
physiological and psychological equilibrium

(b) Only in death does the individual cease to adjust

(c) Adjustment is an individual’s behaviour pattern directed towards tension- reduction

(d) Adjustment is an attempt on the part of the individual to maintain harmonious relationship
between himself and the environment.

233. The view that “adjustment differs from maladjustment in degree rather than in kind”
is psychologically

(a) Correct.

(b) Incorrect.

(c) Correct sometimes.

(d) Incorrect in certain situation.

234. Which may not be a symptom of maladjustment?

(a) Nail biting

(b) Daydreaming

(c) Selfishness

(d) Excessive reading for vicarious excitement.

235. Inadequate behaviour pattern of the individual by means of which he attempts to

adjust or satisfy his needs is known as

(a) Defence mechanism.

(b) Adjustment mechanism.

(c) Maladjustment.

(d) Withdrawal mechanism.

236. The habit of smoking in students cannot be the result of

(a) Modelling.

(b) Inoculation.

(c) Cigarete advertising.

(d) Peer pressure.

237. Socially undesirable behaviours are learned as a result of environment influences but
not through

(a) Operant conditioning.

(b) Classical conditioning.

(c) Latent learning.

(d) Observational.

238. Developing new behaviour and increasing the probability of a response by introducing
reward or punishment is known as

(a) Shaping of behaviour.

(b) Operant conditioning.

(c) Desensitization.
(d) Classical conditioning.

239. According to Freud, children pass through all the following psychosexual stages of
development except

(a) Genital.

(b) Phallic,

(c) Oral.

(d) Autoerotic.

240. Lack of confidence and emotional security is caused by

(a) Over affection.

(b) Under affection.

(c) Rejection.

(d) Ill treatment.

241. The children’s nature is

(a) Distructive.

(b) Constructive.

(c) Imaginative.

(d) Imitative.

242. Who among the following is well known personality theorist?

(a) Spearman

(b) Galton

(c) Freud

(d) GQ. Allport.

243. Who developed Individual psychology?

(a) Freud
(b) Spearman

(c) GW. Allport

(d) Alfred Adler.

244. Who said that two major components of “person’s” psychology were the twin notions
of basic anxiety and basic hostility?

(a) GW. Allport

(b) Kareb Harney

(c) Freud

(d) Adler.

245. Who put forward self-theory?

(a) G Allport

(b) Rogers

(c) Spearman

(d) Freud.

246. R.B. Cattell made a personality test known as

(a) T.A.T.

(b) W.A.T.

(c) 16 PF.

(d) CAVD.

247. Who proposed transmutation of genetic material theory ?

(a) Darwin

(b) Mendel

(c) Galton

(d) Lamark.
248. Which technique is used by T.A. T.?

(a) Inventory

(b) Analytical

(c) Interviewing

(d) Projective.

249. Who used ink-block test first?

(a) Galton

(b) Rorschach

(c) Medongall

(d) Freud.

250. Who designed the T.A.T.?

(a) Murry

(b) GW. Allport

(c) Karl Jung

(d) Mendel.

251. The most important scale for measurement of psychological traits is

(a) CAVD.

(b) WAIS.

(c) C.P. Scale.

(d) T.A.T.

252. The term personality has been derived from a

(a) German word.

(b) Greek word.

(c) Latin word.

(d) English word.

253. Both types and traits theories of personality focus on people’s characteristics which

(a) Attitudinal.

(b) Motivational,

(c) Emotional.

(d) Personal.

254. “Personality is the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical
systems that determine his unique adjustments to his environment.” Who said this?

(a) Medougall

(b) G Allport

(c) Walter

(d) Michael.

255. Who constructed the personality structure: Id, Ego, and Supergo?

(a) Eysenck

(b) Freud

(c) Crystal

(d) Krebs.

256. The sexual energy underlying Id, Ego and Superego urges is called

(a) Drive.

(b) Hunger,

(c) Libido.

(d) Thrust.
257. According to Freud, the Id operates according to what French called the

(a) Pleasure principle.

(b) Sexual stimulated principle.

(c) Psychoanalytical principle.

(d) Methodological principle.

258. Most cases of impotence or frigidity are due to

(a) Sexual apathy.

(b) Social factors.

(c) Physical factors.

(d) Psychological factors.

259. The determinants of personality are

(a) Social

(b) Cultural

(c) Biological

(d) All of these.

260. As a vehicle of transmitting social norms and culture language is one of the many
determinants of personality.

(a) Social.

(b) Biological

(c) Natural

(d) Genetic.

261. Which famous psychologist believed in the collective unconscious?

(a) Freud

(b) Jung
(c) Alter

(d) Adler.

262. ‘Erogenous zones’ were referred as the parts of the body by

(a) Freud.

(b) Skinner,

(c) Wundt.

(d) Pavlov.

263. Freeman divided the personality inventory into

(a) Two parts.

(b) Five parts,

(c) Six parts.

(d) Seven parts.

264. “Specific” trait inventory’ was made by

(a) Tolman.

(b) Spearman,

(c) Rogers.

(d) Freeman.

265. Who was the first psychologist to make the personality inventory?

(a) Freeman

(b) F. Galton

(c) Frankman

(d) Tolman.

266. Minnesota Multiphasic personality inventory was developed for

(a) Male.

(b) Female,

(c) Neither.

(d) Both.

267. Study of family relations is the object of

(a) MPS.

(b) MMPI.

(c) 16PF.

(d) GPL

268. The personality inventory to measure mental disorder was developed by

(a) Terman

(b) Sipply

(c) Galton

(d) Mowrer.

269. Security Insecurity Inventory was developed by

(a) Galton.

(b) Freeman,

(c) Moslow.

(d) Hebb.

270. What is the Test re-test reliability of Security Insecurity Inventory?

(a) .81

(b) .87

(c) .86
(d) .84.

271. MCI has

(a) 25 items.

(b) 15 items,

(c) 150 items.

(d) 355 items.

272. 16 PF study is the part of

(a) Behavioural technique.

(b) Projective technique.

(c) Related personality test.

(d) Personality inventory.

273. Uni-dimensional theory is a part of

(a) Behavioural technique.

(b) Projective technique.

(c) Personality inventory.

(d) None of these.

274. The term multi-dimensional is related to

(a) Personality inventory.

(b) Behavioural technique.

(c) T.A.T. technique.

(d) Word association technique.

275. Interview technique is the most important part of

(a) Projective technique.

(b) Selection technique.

(c) Behavioural technique.

(d) Questionnaire technique.

276. ‘Case history’ method is a part of

(a) Behavioural technique.

(b) Study technique.

(c) Diagnostic technique.

(d) Gamma-technique.

277. How many objects are there in “Minnesota personality scale”?

(a) Seven objects

(b) Five objects

(c) Three objects

(d) None of these.

278. A profile stability score can be found by correlating the individual’s odd and even
scores in

(a) 10 variables.

(b) 13 variables,

(c) 15 variables.

(d) 16 variables.

279. Who said “A neurotic individual is one who deviates in his behaviour from the norms
accepted by his culture because of anxiety and who feels lonely and inferior because of this

(a) Freeman

(b) Coleman

(c) Brown
(d) Hull.

280. Spranger’s typology is based on man’s

(a) Interests.

(b) Body temperature.

(c) Organs.

(d) Behaviour.

281. WAT was devised by

(a) Freud.

(b) Jung,

(c) Adler.

(d) Hull.

282. The nature of personality can be defined as

(a) Emotional.

(b) Motivational.

(c) Attitudinal.

(d) Psycho-physical.

283. Interview is the original method of

(a) Selection.

(b) Personality assessment.

(c) Personality make up.

(d) Attitude assessment.

284. The term “Mental Hygiene” has been given to us by

(a) C.L.Pierce.
(b) C.W. Bears,

(c) William James.

(d) James D.Page.

285. The word “Adjustment” is biological in origin. It actually means

(a) Survival.

(b) Life.

(c) Adaptation.

(d) None of these.

286. The most fundamental characteristic of good adjustment’s

(a) A sincere interest in people.

(b) A sound and wholesome system of motives and goals.

(c) A high degree of acceptance of one’s environment.

(d) Keen insight’.

287. The distinction between normality and abnormality is

(a) Essentially one of degree.

(b) One of kind.

(c) One of both kind and degree.

(d) Just terminology.

288. A well adjusted person should not have

(a) Good health.

(b) Happiness at work.

(c) Unrealistic thinking.

(d) Emotional centre.

289. Wherever there is a barrier, there is

(a) Frustration.

(b) Conflict.

(c) Mental illness.

(d) None of these.

290. A conflict means or implies

(a) Disorganisation of behaviour.

(b) Incompetence.

(c) Incomparability in motives and for goals.

(d) Insecurity in feeling.

291. With any conflict, the concept of… is attached

(a) Valency

(b) Force

(c) Need

(d) All of these.

292. The most difficult type of conflict to solve is:

(a) Approach – pproach.

(b) Avoidance – avoidance.

(c) Approach – avoidance.

(d) I do not know.

293. In order to adjust, we take help of mental or defence mechanisms. These are

(a) Socially approved.

(b) Socially Disapproved.

(c) Socially tolerated.

(d) A, b, c, are correct.

(e) None of these

294. Compensation and rationalization are examples of

(a) Distortion of reality.

(b) Defence mechanisms.

(c) Non-adjustive emotions.

(d) None of these.

295. Boasting is a form of

(a) Aggression.

(b) Compensation,

(c) Substitution.

(d) Rationalisation.

296. Rationalisation is of

(a) Two kinds.

(b) Three kinds,

(c) Four kinds.

(d) None of these.

297. “Grapes are sour” and “illness is a sign of greatness” are examples of

(a) Compensation.

(b) Projection.

(c) Fantasy behaviour.

(d) Rationalization.
298. Somanbulism is a sign of

(a) Hysteria.

(b) Bed wetting,

(c) Withdrawal.

(d) Narcolepsy.

299. Psychology’s major contribution in education lie in

(a) Providing a scientific foundation for the art of teaching.

(b) Defining the goals on which the teacher should strive.

(c) Identifying potentially successful educational procedures.

(d) Comparing the relative effectiveness of various teaching procedures.

300. Education psychology is oriented towards

(a) The study of the peculiarities of individual children.

(b) The application of the principles and techniques of psychology to the solution of the
problems of the class room.

(c) The formulation of hypothesis and theories relative to educations practice.

(d) The development on the part of the child of realistic goals and effective plans for their


201. (b) 202. (c) 203. (a) 204. (a) 205. (d) 206. (d) 207. (d) 208. (b) 209. (c) 210. (d) 211. (a)
212. (a) 213. (a) 214. (a) 215. (d) 216. (b) 217. (b) 218. (b) 219. (b) 220. (b) 221. (b) 222. (d)
223. (c) 224. (b) 225. (d) 226. (a) 227. (a) 228. (d) 229. (d) 230. (d) 231. (d) 232. (b) 233. (a)
234. (c) 235. (b) 236. (b) 237. (c) 238. (b) 239. (d) 240. (c) 241. (b) 242. (d) 243. (d) 244. (b)
245. (b) 246. (c) 247. (d) 248. (d) 249. (b) 250. (a) 251. (d) 252. (c) 253. (d) 254. (b) 255. (b)
256. (c) 257. (a) 258. (d) 259. (d) 260. (b) 261. (b) 262. (a) 263. (c) 264. (d) 265. (b) 266. (d)
267. (b) 268.(b) 269. (c) 270. (c) 271. (d) 272. (b) 273. (c) 274. (a) 275. (c) 276. (a) 277. (b) 278.
(c) 279. (c) 280. (a) 281. (b) 282. (d) 283. (b) 284. (b) 285. (c) 286. (b) 287. (a) 288. (c) 289. (a)
290. (c) 291. (a) 292. (c) 293. (b) 294. (b) 295. (b) 296. (a) 297. (d) 298. (a) 299. (d) 300. (b)
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