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Criminal Law I

First Semester, First Year AY 2009-2010

ARTICLE 6 and 7 – Consummated, Frustrated and Attempted Felonies


1. No. The court’s decision was merely based on speculations.
Parties Involved 2. Yes. SC reversed and modifies the decision of the CA, acquitting Chito of
Renato “Chito” Baleros, Jr. as petitioner attempted rape. He is adjudged guilty of light coercion and is ordered to
People as respondent serve 30 days of arresto mayor and pay PHP 200.

Facts Doctrine/Ratio
Early morning of Dec. 13, 1991, Malou was awakened by a smell of chemical on a Art. 335 of the RPC, rape is committed by a man who has carnal knowledge or
piece of cloth pressed on her face. She struggled to break free but his attacker was intercourse with a woman under any of the following circumstances:
pinning her down, holding her tightly. When her right hand finally got free, she 1. By using force or intimidation
grabbed and squeezed the sex organ of his attacker. The man let her go, enabling 2. When woman is deprived of reason or otherwise unconscious
Marilou to seek help from her maid and classmates living nearby. 3. When woman is under 12 years of age or demented

An investigation was conducted in which the evidences pointed to Chito as the Art. 6 of the RPC defines attempted rape when offender commences the commission
attacker. The RTC thus found Chito guilty for attempted rape and ordered him to of rape directly by overt acts and does not perform all the acts of execution which
suffer an indeterminate sentence (from prision correccional as minimum to prision should produce the crime of rape by reason of some cause or accident other than
mayor as maximum) and to pay Malou PHP 50,000. his own spontaneous desistance.

Chito made an appeal to the CA only to be denied. He moved for a reconsideration The attempt which RPC punishes is the act that has logical connection to the crime
but to no avail. He thus made an appeal to the SC arguing that: that should it have been successful, the attempt would lead to the consummation of
1. There was not enough evidence to find him guilty of the crime rape. However, there was no carnal knowledge in the case. The pressing of a
2. Prosecution failed to satisfy all requisites for conviction chemical-soaked cloth while on top of Malou did not necessarily constitute an overt
3. Circumstances relied on to convict him were unreliable, inconclusive and act of rape. Moreover, the petitioner did not commence any act that was indicative
contradictory. of an intent to rape Malou. The petitioner was fully clothed; there was no attempt to
4. There was no motive. neither undress her nor touch her private part.
5. The awarding of damages to complainant was improper and unjustified.
6. In failing to appreciate in his favour the constitutional presumption of In the crime of rape, penetration is an essential requisite. Therefore for an
innocence and that moral certainty has not been met, he should be acquitted attempted rape, accused must have commenced the act of penetrating but for
on the basis that the offense charged has not been proved beyond some cause or accident other than his own spontaneous desistance, the penetration
reasonable doubt. was not completed. Thus petitioner’s act of lying on top of her, embracing and
kissing her or touching her private part do not constitute rape or attempted rape.
1. Whether the evidence adduced by prosecution has established beyond
reasonable doubt the guilt of the petitioner for the crime of attempted rape
2. Whether or not the CA erred in affirming the ruling of the RTC finding
petitioner guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of attempted rape

Criminal Law I Case Digest| Outline 2

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