Steel Wolves Reference Card

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Steel Wolves Reference Card

Transit Movement Events [19.1]

Transit Event modifiers:

 +1 if the submarine is conducting patrol movement [12.0]

 +1 if the OpArea being used to determine the Transit Event has a coastal icon or aircraft icon for
the current War Period
 -1 if the submarine conducted Cautious Transit by only moving one OpArea [15.24]
 +1 if the submarine is Spotted in War Period 3 or later
 +2 if the submarine is entering a Special Mission Zone (SMZ, [20.0])
 +2 if the submarine is ENTERING the naval base of Scapa Flow or Gibraltar (this is in addition to
the +2 SMZ Transit Event modifier and any “Spotted” result becomes “Spotted, RTB”) [30.4].
 +variable if more than six submarines are in an OpArea [22.1] (Congregating Risk: +1 for 7-12, +2
for 13-18, +3 for 19-24, +4 for 25-30, etc.)
 +1 if the crew is Inexperienced [8.1]
 +variable if transiting the English Channel, Bay of Biscay or Gibraltar

Rolling on the Transit Roll gets progressively more dangerous:

War Period No Effect Spotted Damaged Damaged, RTB Sunk

1-2 62% 10% 11% 8.1% 7.9%
3-4 58% 10% 12% 9.8% 10.2%
5 51% 11% 13% 11.5% 13.5%

Note: If the ORIGINAL Transit Event Check die roll is ‘0’ (before any modifiers), and the modifiers do not
result in a transit event, conduct another die roll to determine if there are any Transit Encounters [15.4]
and [19.11]:

 Roll for Search & Contact on AAC of OpArea used for Transit Event Check.
 Not applicable if submarine departed from base this turn [15.41].
 Not applicable if submarine conducted Cautious Transit [15.24].
 If there is no contact, there is no event and Transit Movement is concluded normally [15.42].
 If there is contact and the submarine is RTB, roll a die. If the result is 0-5, the sub is out of
torpedoes. Only surface gunnery attacks may be made against shipping and no attacks may be
made against Allied submarines (though the Axis sub may be attacked) [15.43].
 Follow Transit Encounter procedure listed in [15.44] through [15.48].
Search & Contact [13.2]


 +1 if this is a B-Dienst OpArea [7.11]

 + the current B-Dienst Level + the current Enigma Level as a single modifier that cannot be
greater than +3 or less than -3 [7.34]
 +1 per German (or Vichy) aircraft searching the OpArea [7.5]
 +2 if the search is in a Virgin OpArea [30.5]
 -1 if the submarine is Spotted and it is War Period 3 or later
 -3 if U-Boat tried and failed to join a wolfpack (see [24.1])
 -1 if U-Boat is inexperienced [8.1]
 -variable if more than six submarines are in an OpArea with Red or Blue boxes during current
War Period [22.1] (Congregating Risk: +1 for 7-12, +2 for 13-18, +3 for 19-24, +4 for 25-30, etc.)
 -2 if 990 mbar weather system is in the OpArea [7.41]
 -3 if a 965 mbar weather system is in the OpArea [7.41]

Roll die – result is a White, Green, Orange, Blue or Red box. (Note: results from Search and Contact in
an SMZ are increased one level [20.4] or may have other results directed by War Events Table.)

 Colored box – proceed to Contact Table

 White box – No contact, proceed to Endurance Phase [14.7] with -1 modifier to Endurance roll.
 White box, and if the unmodified die roll is zero, and there is a submarine icon for the current
War Period, the roll a second die – if ‘0’, proceed to enemy submarine encounter [14.6].

Contact Table

 Roll on the appropriate War Period Contact Table using the line for the appropriate OpArea.
 Add modifier for the colored box: Green (-1), Orange (0), Blue (+1), or Red (+3).
 Result is either:
o No contact – “Smoke receding on the horizon” – proceed to Endurance Check unless
Home Waters indicate a second Search & Contact is possible [30.1]
o Loner – proceed to [28.2] (may elect to attack coastal shipping if in area with coast icon
per [13.23])
o Convoy – use Engagement Tables [13.24] to determine size and relevant Convoy dislay,
then proceed to [14.0] (Task Forces and Special Convoys [28.1] may result if convoy is in
a B-Dienst area or indicated by War Event). May attempt to form Wolfpack per [24.1]
starting in War Period 2. At this point the player may with draw the submarine from
combat if it has a Damaged marker on it [13.22]—once it attacks, it must go through the
Attack-Counterattack process.
Combat Phase [14.0] – The general process for torpedo convoy attacks. Loners are treated per [28.2].
Surface Gunnery combat is an option per [27.0] under certain conditions.

Attack Round [14.1]

Each target ship must have a TDC marker. The submarine’s attack value is the printed number plus the
current Convoy Straggle Value [29.0] and minus any effect for weather [7.41]. The total attack value can
be divided among as many target ships as have a TDC marker, as long as each target ship has at least 1
attack factor allocated to it [14.15].

For each target ship, total the following for the attacking submarine [14.16]:

 That portion of the Attack Value apportioned to the target.

 Add the Ace Skipper value
 Add the current G7 torpedo value

Total the following for the target:

 The target’s defense value (-2 if the vessel is in port [14.18], -1 if the vessel is damaged [18.5])
 The ASW value of all revealed Allied vessels in the submarine’s column and the adjacent
columns, and the ASE value of all revealed aircraft and aircraft carriers with an ASE factor
regardless of column [3.14]
 The TDC marker value, which may be modified by Combat Event or if coastal areas are not
blacked out [30.25]
 +1 if the target ship is not in the same column as the submarine
 -1 if this is Re-Attack round

Subtract the target’s value from the attacker’s value (round down) to get a result and roll a die, adding
one if the crew is inexperienced [8.1]. If the roll is equal to or less than that target has been hit.

A. Add the following for the Allies:

a. The ASW of all revealed ships in the same/adjacent columns plus aircraft and aircraft
capable ships [3.14] regardless of column. (Note: Aircraft-capable ships with a ‘0’ ASW
value are considered to have an ASW value of ½ for purposes of Counterattack only.)
The ASW value of a damaged ship is ‘0’ [18.5]
b. The number of red boxes and boxes with red dots for the Current War Period in the Area
Activity Chart of the OpArea where the combat is occurring.
c. The general ASW value for the current War Period.
B. For the submarine, add:
a. The submarine’s defense value
b. The value of the Ace Skipper, if any
c. -1 for inexperienced crew
C. Subtract the submarine’s result from the Allied result. If <0, there is no counterattack. If zero or
greater, roll on the appropriate row of the Counterattack table, with the following modifiers:
a. +1 for each damage marker on the submarine
b. +1 if this is a Counterattack round following a Re-Attack
c. +1 if the U-Boat is spotted

Note: How do you count a ship/aircraft with an ASW value of ½ and how is that value affected by
Fraction Rounding [2.6]? For practical purposes: count it as having an ASW value of one, however
two units with an ASE value of ½ still count as 1.
Special Notes: War Period 1 (September 1939 – June 1940)

 At War Period Start:

o Allied torpedo values: British -2, all others -1.
o A Task Force/Special Convoy is French on DR 0-2, otherwise British. Add a French TF and
FE cup [3.1]
o North Sea, Western Approaches, Southwestern Approaches, Norwegian Sea and Baltic
Sea are considered Home Waters [30.1]
o Submarines may not enter Western Waters, except the Greenland Gap OpArea and no
attacks may be made on Task Forces/Special Convoys in Western Waters [30.2].
o In the Baltic OpArea, the month of September 1939 is the only time the WP1 AAC line is
used. Use WP2 starting in October 1939 [30.33].
o Sub vs. sub encounters may only occur in the Baltic during the month of September,
1939, and they are with Polish submarines.
o All OpAreas are considered “Virgin Waters” except Baltic Sea, North Sea, Barents Sea,
Western Approaches, SW Approaches, Greenland Gap, Grand Bank, Maritimes, Morocco
and Western Mediterranean [30.5].
o The Maximum Range for Type VII U-Boats is ‘3’ regardless of what is printed on the
counter [30.71].
o During 1939, no attacks may be made on a revealed AT unit [30.91].
o Convoys begin combat at Straggle level 1 [29.1].
o U-Boats may not form Wolfpacks in WP1 [24.0]
o Only British and French merchant ships may be armed for resolving Surface Gunnery
Combat [27.1.3].
 January, 1940 – Add AT Empress of Britain to Liner Cup. All Allied Torpedo Values are -1
 May, 1940 – Operation Weserübung (War Period 1, Event 9) – Conduct this Event as per [5.4] if it
hasn’t occurred by the 1st week of May, 1940. Treated as Iron Convoy if rolled prior to March,
 June, 1940 – Roll for advance to War Period 2 per [17.1]. Dunkirk (War Period 1, Event 10) –
Conduct this Event as per [5.4] if it hasn’t occurred by the 1 st week of June, 1940. Treated as “No
Event” if rolled prior to March, 1940.
Special Notes: War Period 2 (June 1940 – March 1941)

 At War Period Start:

o Withdraw all Type IIB U-Boats from service.
o No more U-Boats may RTB to Murmansk, and once no U-Boats are present, remove
Grille from Murmansk.
o Narvik and the Bay of Biscay may no longer be used for patrol or minelaying purposes.
o Submarine Base France-Atlantic opens.
o Remove AT Champlain from the Liner Cup.
o A Task Force/Special Convoy is always British
o The North Sea, Western Approaches, and Southwestern Approaches OpAreas are
considered Home Waters (no longer includes the Norwegian Sea and Baltic Sea OpAreas)
o Submarines may not enter Western Waters, except the Greenland Gap OpArea and no
attacks may be made on Task Forces/Special Convoys in Western Waters [30.2]
o Cape Verde and Eastern Mediterranean are no longer considered “Virgin Waters” [30.5].
o Maximum Range for Type VII U-Boats is ‘3’ regardless of what is printed on the counter
o Convoys begin combat at Straggle level 1 [29.1].
o U-Boats may form Wolfpacks with subs in the same OpArea beginning in WP2 [24.0]
 June, 1940 – Dunkirk (War Period 1, Event 10) – conduct this Event as per [5.4] if it hasn’t
occurred by the 1st week of June, 1940
 July, 1940 – May 1941 is the “England Imperiled” time period
 November, 1940 – Add AT Scythia to Liner Cup
 March, 1941 – Roll for advance to War Period 3 per [17.1].
Special Notes: War Period 3 (March 1941 – December 1941)

 War Period start through May 1941 is the “England Imperiled” time period
 At War Period Start:
o Withdraw all Type IIC and VIIA U-Boats from play.
o Apply a -1 modifier until July 1941 (apply it to what?).
o The Weather Reporting requirement is in effect even if not rolled during WP2 (War
Period 2, Event 9).
o Allied torpedo values: American -2; All others -1
o All ½ strength escorts and ½ strength aircraft (except blimps) are removed permanently
o A Task Force/Special Convoy is American on DR 0-6 in Western Waters, all other
results/areas are British. Add an American TF and FE cup. Add a 2 nd Western Submarine
cup. Add a Western Outer Cup and a Western Inner Cup [3.1]
o Submarines may not enter Western Waters, except Greenland Gap and Grand Banks
OpAreas and no attacks may be made on Task Forces/Special Convoys in Western Waters
o Use the WP2 AAR line in the Norwegian Sea and Barents Sea OpAreas until Barbarossa
occurs, and WP3 afterwards [30.32].
o Subs may no longer attempt to enter Scapa Flow or Gibraltar Naval Bases.
o West Africa is no longer considered “Virgin Waters” [30.5].
o Maximum Range for Type VII U-Boats is ‘4’ regardless of what is printed on the counter
o Convoys begin combat at Straggle level 0, except South Atlantic/Indian Ocean, which
start at Straggle level 1 [29.1].
o Starting in WP3, if a CV, CM, CVE, or ACV is revealed in an OpArea being searched that
has an Axis aircraft [14.12], roll one die. On a ‘0’ that aircraft is removed from play and
the Political Influence marker with OKL goes down by one [7.55].
 June, 1941 – Roll for Barbarossa Event per [17.4]. After Barbarossa, any sub vs. sub contacts in
the Baltic are with Soviet subs. Place Soviet merchants into cups. Remove all Finnish merchants.
 June, 1941 – Pan-American Security (War Period 3, Event 0) – conduct this Event as per [5.4] if it
hasn’t occurred by the 1st week of June, 1941
 October, 1941 – The Mediterranean Campaign (War Period 3, Event 8) – conduct this Event as
per [5.4] if it hasn’t occurred by the 1 st week of October, 1941
 November, 1941 – The Arctic Campaign (War Period 3, Event 9) – conduct this Event as per [5.4]
if it hasn’t occurred by the 1st week of November, 1941
 December, 1941 – Roll for advance to War Period 4 per [17.1].
Special Notes: War Period 4 (December 1941 – June 1942)

 At War Period Start:

o Withdraw all Type IID and IA U-Boats from service.
o Remove any at-sea supply ships.
o Weather Reporting is no longer in effect.
o Add AT’s Queen Mary, Ile de France, Nieuw Amsterdam to Liner Cup.
o Allied torpedo values: American -2; all others -1.
o A Task Force/Special Convoy in Western Waters is automatically American. In Eastern
Waters it is always British, except in the Western Approaches and West Africa OpAreas,
where a Task Force/Special Convoy is American on DR 0-1.
o All “Western Waters” restrictions are removed [30.2]. -1 applied to all TDC’s until the
end of the first week of April, 1942 in the Maritimes, US East Coast, and Gulf of Mexico
OpAreas due to lack of coastal blackouts [30.25]
o The Angola Basin OpArea is no longer considered “Virgin Waters” [30.5].
o Use printed range of Type VII U-Boats [30.73].
o Convoys begin combat at Straggle level 0, except South Atlantic/Indian Ocean, which
start at Straggle level 1 [29.1]. During WP4, convoys in Western Waters (except for the
Grand Banks/Greenland Gap OpAreas) start at Straggle level 1 [29.1].
 June, 1942 – Roll for advance to War Period 5 per [17.1].
Special Notes: War Period 5 (June 1942 – April 1943)

 At War Period Start:

o Add AP Lafayette to Liner Cup (optional unit) [30.91]
o Allied torpedo values: American -1; all others 0.
o A Task Force/Special Convoy encounter in Western Waters is automatically American
(after Torch, the Sargasso Sea and Mid-Ocean OpAreas are considered Western Waters
[30.32]). In Eastern Waters the encounter is British, except in the Morocco and Western
Mediterranean OpAreas, where a Task Force/Special Convoy is American on DR 0-3 if
Torch has occurred.
o The Central Atlantic OpAreas (Bermuda, Sargasso Sea, and Mid-Ocean) use the WP4 line
of the AAC in WP5 until Operation Torch. Once that happens, use the WP5 line.
o No OpArea is eligible for “Virgin Waters” [30.5].
o Convoys begin combat at Straggle level 0, except South Atlantic/Indian Ocean, which
start at Straggle level 1, (exception, the West Africa OpArea is Straggle level 0) [29.1].
o U-Boats may attempt to join Wolfpacks from adjacent OpAreas [24.0].
o -1 modifier to Attack Results Table if vessel is British, Canadian or American from 5t to
12t [14.16.D].
 December, 1942 – Operation Torch (War Period 5, Event 0) – conduct this Event as per [5.4] if it
hasn’t occurred by the 1st week of December, 1942.
 January, 1943 – Apply a +1 modifier to the Event roll.

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