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TITLE: Anthelmentic Effect of Papaya (Carica papaya) Seeds on

Rodent Tapeworm (Hymenolepis microstoma) of White Mice (Mus


This research is presented to the faculty of Science &

Technology Department of Tagbilaran City


Alfe Jay Oracion

Jennifer Garin

Aira Grace Mongcupa

Chapter I


A. Background of the study

Rodent Tapeworm (Hymenolepis microstoma) believed to be one

of the parasitic worm that can be seen mostly in the small

intestine of a white mice.White Mice is the common type in pet

stores. These sociable little rodents typically live just 1 to 3

years even if they are raised and cared properly. Mice belong to

the Evarchontoglires clade, which includes humans. If the result

of the study works, then there is a possibility that the study is

also applicable for a human body; Hence, a white mice and a human

body cells is almost similar to each other. According to biology,

there is a 98% of human genes, meaning that for 98% of our genes,

there is a similar gene in the chimpanzee Genone. Even mammals

that look quiet different from us share an large percentage of our

genes; mice share 92% of our genes. In addition, human digestive

system is almost similar to a mice digestive system.According to

botanists The seeds from papaya(Carica papaya) fruit have strong

anthelmintic and antiamoebic properties. This means they kill

intestinal worms and other parasitic organisms in your digestive

system and using papaya seeds for parasites has proven to be very


The researchers aims to prove that the papaya(Carica

papaya)seed is capable in releasing parasitic worm specifically

rodent tapeworm(Hymenolepis microstoma)in the intestine of mice

for it contains Papain, an enzyme from the papaya plant that may

help kill worms . The researchers use white mice as a substitute

to a human body. According to research,almost 98% of the mice’s

gene is similar to a human gene,therefore,if the study will work,it

is also applicable to a human body.

B. Statement of the problem

This study focuses on the anthelmentic effect of papaya

(Cariaca papaya) seeds on rodent tapeworm (Hymenolepis microstoma)

of white mice (Mus musculus) that can cause a disease called


This study aims to remove the rodent tapeworm (Hymenolepis

microstoma) using papaya (Cariaca papaya) seeds inside the

intestine of the white mice (Mus musculus).

1. Does papaya (Cariaca papaya) seeds is capable in departing

the rodent tapeworms (Hymenolepis microstoma) inside the

small intestine of white mice (Mus musculus)?

2. Does the papaya (Cariaca papaya) seeds causes harm to the

white mice (Mus musculus)?

3. What are the chemical compositions of the papaya (Cariaca

papaya) seed that helps to depart the rodent tapeworms (Mus


4. Is there a significant difference between the product of the

study and the commercial product that is capable in departing

rodent tapeworms (Mus musculus)?

5. Does the product of the study is also applicable for human


Definition of Key Terms:

Anthelmentic - are a group of antiparasitic drugs that expel

parasitic worms (helminths) and other internal parasites from the

body by either stunning or killing them and without causing

significant damage to the host.

Biology - is the natural science that studies life and living


Botanist - are scientists who study plants, including flowering

plants, and plant-like things such as moss and seaweed.

Hymenolepiasis - is infestation by one of two species of tapeworm:

Hymenolepis nana or H. diminuta. Alternative names are dwarf

tapeworm infection and rat tapeworm infection. The disease is a

type of helminthiasis which is classified as a neglected tropical


Microscope - an optical instrument used for viewing very small

objects, such as mineral samples or animal or plant cells,

typically magnified several hundred times.

Papain - a protein-digesting enzyme obtained from unripe papaya

fruit, used to tenderize meat and as a food supplement to aid


Rodent Tapeworm (Hymenolepis microstoma) - are intestinal

parasites that are shaped like a tape measure.

White mice (Mus musculus) - an albino form of the house mouse,

widely bred as a pet and laboratory animal.

Theoretical Background

C. Scope and Limitation of the study:

The study tackles of ways on how to remove rodent tapeworms

in the small intestines of the white mice. The researchers came up

with the decisions of using papaya seeds as a medium in departing

the rodent tapeworms. According to the botanists, papaya seeds

contain papains that can rid of intestinal worms. It took one week

to get the final result of the study. The researchers uses

microscope to check if there is a presence of rodent tapeworm in

the manure that is being released by the white mice. This study is

only limited with the used of papaya seeds that is capable in

removing the rodent tapeworm of white mice.

D. Significance of the Study:

Intestinal parasites are a far more common problem than most

people realize. They are also notoriously difficult to diagnose

due to the wide variety of symptoms that can result from a

parasitic infection. The importance of this study is to depart

parasitic worms specifically rodent tapeworms (Hymenolepis

microstoma) that can cause many kinds of diseases such as amoebic

colitis and many others. The researchers used papaya (Carica

papaya) seeds for it contains papain or papaya proteinase which

belongs to a family of related proteins with a wide variety of

activities, including endopeptidases, aminopeptidases, dipeptidyl

peptidases and enzymes with both exo- and endopeptidase activity.


The following assumptions served as the basis for this


1. Hrhhf

2. Fhjeheye

3. Yreaeryer

4. Reyery

5. ayraey


There is no significant difference between the papaya seeds

and the commercial product in terms of removing the rodent tapeworm

inside the small intestine of white mice.

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

A. Foreign Literature

B. Local Literature

C. Related Studies

Chapter III

Research Methodology

A. Materials


B. Methods / Procedures

Chapter IV

Results and Discussion

Chapter V

Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

Summary of research





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