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Failure mechanisms and material degradation

processes at high temperatures in

ammonia synthesis
J. Korkhaus*
Ammonia has been manufactured on an industrial scale for almost 100 years. Nevertheless, this
process still presents a challenge to the materials involved and to the material engineers who are
responsible for the selection of materials. This is due to the temperatures and the media handled.
Failure mechanisms that have been known in ammonia plants since the industrial production of
ammonia started are hydrogen attack, creep and embrittlement. Since the new generation of
plants characterised by optimised heat recovery have been in service, metal dusting has
emerged as a relatively common problem in ammonia plants following the secondary reformer. In
the present study, the wide range of failure mechanisms and material degradation processes
observed in ammonia plants is illustrated by a number of examples, some of which relate to the
historical development of the process.
Keywords: Ammonia plants, Failure, Hydrogen attack, Materials degradation, Metal dusting

Introduction to this problem and probably also for the realisation of

the process on an industrial scale that Bosch found a
The widespread industrial production of ammonia solution. Based on his observations he concluded that
started with the introduction of the Haber-Bosch iron free of carbon would not show this kind of failure
process in September 1913. At that time, the first plant mechanism. The reactor construction was changed by
went into service at BASF Aktiengesellschaft in introducing a soft iron liner within the pressure bearing
Ludwigshafen-Oppau with a daily output capacity of shell. Hydrogen diffusing through the liner was led out
30 t of ammonia. through so-called Bosch holes. These were holes in the
From the time Fritz Haber first approached BASF to pressure bearing shell, which did not degrade its pressure
seek support for his ideas to the start-up of the industrial bearing capacity. In this way, the carbon steel of the
plant, an interval of only about 5 years was needed. This shell could be protected from hydrogen attack.
was to the credit of Carl-Bosch and his team at BASF, Figure 3 shows a simplified flow diagram for a coke-
who were charged with responsibility for solving the based ammonia plant from the 1930s.1 In principle, the
basic problems involved with the process on an ammonia process, although approaching its 100th
industrial scale. anniversary, is still the same today. Its efficiency and
The main challenge the team had to solve was that the energy consumption, however, have been optimised
reactors of the pilot plant were made of carbon steel dramatically, as indicated in Fig. 4. In the following
running at 400–500uC at a pressure of about 200 bars paragraphs, some examples of failures and material
with a gas atmosphere consisting of H2, N2 and degradation occurring at high temperatures in ammonia
ammonia and failed after a short time of service. plants are presented which demonstrate that the
Figure 1 shows a failed reactor bundle and a contact ammonia process itself still represents a challenge for
tube from a pilot plant. the materials involved and the materials engineers
Bosch, who not only studied chemistry but also had although the product is nowadays regarded as a
an excellent knowledge of metallurgy, conducted metal- commodity.
lographic failure analyses and found that the carbon
steel exhibited decarburisation combined with internal Modern steam-reforming ammonia
fissuring. As is now known, these are the typical features
of hydrogen attack. Figure 2 demonstrates these metal-
lographic findings. It was the breakthrough with respect Figure 5 shows BASF’s youngest ammonia plant, in
Antwerp, having an annual capacity of 650 000 tons,
which is more than 10 times the Ludwigshafen capacity
BASF Aktiengesellschaft Werkstofftechnik, WLE/AC – L 443, 67056 in 1921.
Ludwigshafen, Germany In Fig. 6, a block diagram is presented which indi-
*Corresponding author, email cates the different steps of a modern steam reforming

ß 2005 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining

Published by Maney on behalf of the Institute
Accepted 26 July 2005
204 Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 2005 VOL 40 NO 3 DOI 10.1179/174327805X66245
Korkhaus Failure mechanisms and materials degradation in ammonia synthesis

1 Failure by hydrogen attack in ammonia pilot plant in

5 Ammonia plant in Antwerp

2 Hydrogen attack in catalyst tube of ammonia pilot

plant in 1910

6 Block diagram and gas temperature profile for steam

reforming ammonia plant in Antwerp

3 Simplified flow sheet of coke-based ammonia plant in


7 Inner view of primary reformer

800uC and a pressure of 30 bars. The vertical tubes are

filled with a NiO catalyst. The tubes are externally
heated by natural gas burners. Figure 7 gives an
impression of the internal appearance of a primary
4 Specific energy consumption in ammonia plants reformer. The vertical tubes are centrifugally cast and
consist of austenitic steels such as GX-40 NiCrSiNb 35-
ammonia process, together with the gas temperatures.1 25 (1.4852) and GX-10 NiCrNb 32-20 (1.4859). Failures
Temperatures above 400uC are involved in the reform- occurring here are usually caused by creep, which is
ing part – primary and secondary reformer, subsequent critical because the combination of membrane stresses
steam production, the CO-shift reactor, ammonia due to internal pressure and the high heat flow leads to
synthesis and the process gas cooler. In any of the maximum stresses at about one-third of the wall
adjacent components, failures have been observed in the thickness from the inside. This means that classical field
past. metallographic methods to check for initiating creep are
not applicable. Furthermore, the coarse microstructure
of the cast material does not favour regular methods of
Primary and secondary reformer non-destructive testing. Determining the remaining life
The primary reformer consists of a tube furnace, where of tubes is, therefore, quite difficult and needs specialised
the feed of methane and steam is converted to a mixture testing methods. Figure 8 shows a cross-section of a
of CO/CO2 and hydrogen at temperatures of about failed tube from a primary reformer.

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Korkhaus Failure mechanisms and materials degradation in ammonia synthesis

10 Relaxation cracking in Alloy 800 H outlet header;

cracking in longitudinal weld

8 Creep damage in reformer tube

The hot gas leaving the primary reformer is led

through a bricked transfer line to the secondary
reformer. The secondary reformer, having the highest
temperatures of the process, and the transfer line to the
boiler, are bricked as well. Compressed air is fed into
the secondary reformer together with the gas from the
primary reformer. In this way, nitrogen is introduced
into the process. 11 Relaxation cracking in Alloy 800 H outlet header;
In the bricked reactor and the adjacent transfer lines, cracking near pipe-to-tube connection welds
high temperature failures have occurred in the past
because of failures of the refractory as the outer shells
consisting of low alloyed or carbon steels cannot resist
the high temperatures in combination with a pressure of
about 30 bars.

Process air line and air preheater

In the modern steam reforming ammonia process, the
preheating of compressed air to high temperatures
makes the selection of austenitic materials necessary.
Design temperatures of more than 600uC are common.
This was the case in BASF’s Antwerp ammonia plant.2
The air preheater coil and the headers are therefore
made out of Alloy 800 H. Figure 9 shows the air 12 Metallographic appearance of relaxation cracking in
preheater coil and the headers in a sketch. In the outlet Alloy 800 H outlet header
header, cracking was experienced after 2 years of service.
The outlet header (see right-hand side of Fig. 9) has a which revealed cracking close to the pipe-to-tube
diameter of 508 mm, a length of 4720 mm and a wall connection weld in the pipe material and near the
thickness of 34.5 mm. The operating temperature is longitudinal weld. The crack in the pipe material close to
about 600uC (design temperature 630uC). The header the pipe-to-tube connection welds followed part of the
was manufactured out of solution annealed Alloy 800 H circumference of the connection weld, then crossed over
plate material, which was sequentially cold bent into a into the longitudinal direction to the next pipe-to-tube
cylindrical shape and then longitudinally welded with an connection weld, where it again followed part of the
Alloy 600 Ni-base filler. connection weld, etc. In the vicinity of the longitudinal
Following manufacture, no further heat treatment weld, cracking was found in the longitudinal direction in
was performed. After leakage was detected in the outlet the heat affected zone and in the transverse direction
header, extensive dye-penetrant testing was conducted crossing the weld. Figures 10 and 11 show cracking in a
segment which was cut out of the header.
The metallographic examination of cross-sections
revealed intergranular cracking starting from the outside
in all cases. On the crack surfaces, oxide layers were
found which contained metallic filaments rich in nickel
(Fig. 12). These are indications of relaxation cracking.
Relaxation cracking in materials like Alloy 800 H is
caused by high residual stresses from fabrication (cold
deformation, welding, etc.) or by cyclic deformation
during service at temperatures in the range of 550–
760uC.3 In this temperature range, the critical nucleation
radius for carbide precipitation is very small. Fine
carbides (mainly chromium carbides) are precipitated
9 Air preheat coil and outlet header within the grains at dislocations after short periods of

206 Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 2005 VOL 40 NO 3

Korkhaus Failure mechanisms and materials degradation in ammonia synthesis

13 Microstructural constitution of Alloy 800 H after ser-

vice at about 550–760uC 15 Superheater of NH3 plant at BASF Antwerp

time leading to strengthening of the grains (Fig. 13). At nitrogen alloyed. This has also proved to be a good
the grain boundaries, coarse chromium carbides are remedy in other cases where relaxation cracking has
present, leading to chromium depletion in the vicinity. occurred.
Consequently, precipitation-free zones of low strength
occur beside the grain boundaries. Because of the Waste heat recovery units following
relative difference in strength between the grains and secondary reformer
the grain boundaries, deformation under relaxation
conditions will take place at the soft grain boundaries Figure 14 is a schematic drawing of the waste heat
leading to crack formation at relatively low overall recovery units downstream of the secondary reformer.
deformations. A similar mechanism was proposed to First there is a waste heat boiler which in some modern
explain the stress relief cracking in microalloyed steels. plants is followed by one or two superheaters. In the
boiler, the hot gas from the secondary reformer is led
Crack formation starts in a stepwise manner on both
through the tubes; the boiler feedwater is on the outside.
sides of the grain boundaries in the weakened zones,
In many cases, the superheaters consist of U-tube
producing a metal filament in the middle, which by
oxidation processes becomes rich in Ni. Because of
In both plant items, the gas consisting of CO, CO2, H2
the comparatively high dislocation density and the
and N is cooled down, passing through non-equilibrium
existence of high residual stresses, the heat affected
conditions where the carbon activity considerably
zones of weldments are the most critical areas for crack
exceeds unity. Therefore, metal dusting has been
formation. experienced in the areas indicated in boilers and super-
Practically all of the austenitic and Ni-base materials heaters.4 In BASF’s ammonia plant in Antwerp, a
usually applied at elevated temperatures are more or less serious case of metal dusting occurred in the first
susceptible to relaxation cracking if they contain carbon superheater after the waste heat boiler, which was also
in an amount considerably above the solubility limit. A affected by metal dusting in the outlet area.2
remedy for this kind of cracking is to undertake a final Figure 15 shows a schematic drawing of the super-
heat treatment, which in the case of Alloy 800 H should heater with its U-tube bundle and a photograph of the
be near 950uC. At this temperature, the carbide pulled U-tube bundle, together with the service condi-
precipitates are coarser and, therefore, the difference in tions. As a result of the design temperatures of 650uC,
strength between the grain boundaries and the grain the U-tube bundle and also the liner were initially made
interior is reduced. In the course of fabricating the of Alloy 800 H.
replacement header, a two-stage heat treatment was After about 9 months in service, heavy coking was
performed. After cold bending a heat treatment at 950uC observed on the U-tube bundle and liner. After removal
was performed followed by a heat treatment at 850uC of the coke, a heavy pitlike metal dusting attack was
after welding. observed. Figure 16 shows an attacked part of the
Another way to handle relaxation cracking problems bundle together with metallographic sections through
is to make use of the austenitic steel 1.4910, X 3 pits indicating the heavy carburisation in the pitted area.
CrNiMoN 17-13, which has a low carbon content and is In the area not attacked, no carburisation was observed.

14 Location of metal dusting found in outlet portion of 16 Metal dusting at superheater of NH3 plant at BASF
waste heat boilers Antwerp

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Korkhaus Failure mechanisms and materials degradation in ammonia synthesis

18 Metal dusting resistance of materials (according to

17 Failure mechanism by metal dusting TNO5)

The 800 H liner was also attacked by metal dusting,

while the Alloy 600 weld of the liner was undamaged. Ammonia reactors
In Fig. 17, the mechanism of failure by metal dusting In ammonia reactors, there is potential for nitridation of
is shown in principle, together with a simple quantitative materials in long term service. Temperatures in the
relationship for estimating the carbon activity. Metal reaction zone are normally about 520uC. Figure 19
dusting is a form of attack which requires a carbon shows a thermowell tube made out of the austenitic steel
activity in excess of 1. For austenitic steels and Ni- 1.4541 (X 6 CrNiTi 18-10), which failed due to
base alloys, it has been found that temperatures of nitridation. Normally these tubes, which are pushed
about 600–650uC are the most critical ones in syngas through the different catalyst layers, are changed at
atmospheres. regular intervals. This tube was missed, so that the
The surface of the material is, for the most part, nitridation reached a critical extent. In the external dark
protected from gas phase carburisation by an oxide film. area, the nitridation was so heavy that practically all of
At defects like cracks, etc., which may arise in the oxide the chromium contained in the material was consumed.
layer, contact between the bare metal surface and a gas Because of the residual stresses combined with the
phase having a carbon activity above 1 leads directly to formation of such a zone, which is brittle in nature,
carburisation and the formation of stable and unstable multiple equidistant cracks had formed, leading to
carbides. Since the bare metal surface also acts as an locally deeper nitridation. Finally, the remaining cross-
active site for coke deposition from the gas phase, coke section was no longer sufficient and rupture occurred.
deposits will form, which lead to a dramatic change in At BASF in Ludwigshafen, one of the ammonia
the thermodynamics of the system. As a consequence, plants operates with hot-walled reactors. These are
carbides that are only stable when in equilibrium with reactors where the pressure-bearing wall is heated by the
the gas phase will decay into graphite and metal. Owing hot inlet gas to a temperature of about 400uC. Figure 20
to the higher specific volume of the graphite, disintegra- shows the process scheme for the conversion consisting
tion of the material into metal particles and graphite of two reactors in series where the ammonia content is
takes place. In the specific case of the superheater increased in stages, reaching 16% of the stream at the
bundle, the tubes made of Alloy 800 H lost about outlet of the second reactor. The material of construc-
0.9 mm within 9 months, which is about one-third of the tion was a 2JCr–1Mo steel. Figure 21 demonstrates
total wall thickness. This indicates the high rate of the where the operating conditions of the two reactors lie
attack. The observation that weld metal of an Alloy 600-
with respect to temperature and hydrogen partial
type was not attacked gave a first indication of the
pressure on the Nelson diagram. After 8 years of
remedy. However, since the first bundle, experience with
operation, a leak was observed within a 175 mm thick
several others using Alloy 600 and Alloy 601 has
girth weld, the closing seam of the second reactor, which
demonstrated that Alloy 600 is obviously an appropriate
contained the higher ammonia concentration. Extensive
material choice for this application. Alloy 601 was
ultrasonic testing and metallographic examinations
considerably worse and in another Alloy 600 replace-
revealed a considerable amount of cracking over the
ment bundle, other failures occurred. One of the main
problems when looking at many processes in the
petrochemical industry is that all of them are running
under conditions where the gas phase has a carbon
activity well in excess of 1. Although several research
programmes on metal dusting have been run, there are
still problems in predicting the criticality of the gases
when attempting to select materials in an economically
and technically appropriate manner. What has been
established in a research programme at TNO5 is the
ranking of materials shown in Fig. 18, which appears to
be reproducible. However, surface treatment is also
important. Ground and sandblasted surfaces seem to be
superior compared with those produced using other
surface treatment methods. 19 Fracture of thermowell tube due to nitridation

208 Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 2005 VOL 40 NO 3

Korkhaus Failure mechanisms and materials degradation in ammonia synthesis

20 Process scheme, NH3-IV-Plant, BASF Ludwigshafen; 23 Converter C 702 – crack path and partition of crack
part of conversion welded seam

24 Converter C 702 – failed closing seam

21 Operating limits of steels in hydrogen service to

avoid decarburisation and fissuring

25 Damage by synthesis gas

cracking by hydrogen attack occurs parallel to the

surface, as shown in the upper part of Fig. 25. The
22 Converter C 702
decisive factor for the cracking perpendicular to
the surface was that, in the closing seam, high residual
whole circumference of the weld.6 Figure 22 shows a stresses were present after fabrication, because this seam
sketch of converter C 702 and the position of the closing was locally heat treated. Under the action of these high
seam, which was cut out in the course of the repair work. stresses, cracking by hydrogen attack no longer occurs
Figure 23 indicates the depth of cracking attained over parallel to the surface but perpendicular to it, as
the circumference of the weld. Metallographic cross- indicated in the lower section in Fig. 25.
sections of the weld revealed the very distinctive The plant management subsequently decided to
appearance of the microstructure along the cracks replace the reactor. Again 2JCr–1Mo steel was
(Fig. 24). The cracking was intergranular and the cracks selected. The wall thickness, however, was adjusted to
were accompanied by a band indicative of decarburisa- comply with an ASME design code. Furthermore, it was
tion.7 Obviously, the cracking was assisted by hydrogen decided that final heat treatment had to be conducted in
attack. The mechanism responsible for the damage is a furnace. Nevertheless, during regular shut downs, the
demonstrated in Fig. 25. The initial stage in cracking is girth welds of the reactors are inspected with a highly
nitridation by ammonia. Since the chromium carbides in sophisticated ultrasonic testing program. Up to now, no
the steel, which protect it from hydrogen attack, are less cracks have been detected in the new reactor.
stable than chromium nitrides, chromium carbonitrides As indicated in the process scheme in Fig. 20, heat
are formed and a certain amount of carbon is released. recovery is conducted in the conversion by preheating
This carbon forms methane in combination with the the synthesis gas (W 721, W 723) and by steam
hydrogen dissolved in the material. In the case of low production (W 722). As the vessels are charged with
mechanical stresses, a nitrided zone is formed in which ammonia and hydrogen-containing gas at high

Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 2005 VOL 40 NO 3 209

Korkhaus Failure mechanisms and materials degradation in ammonia synthesis

and makes it possible to use conventional Cr–Mo steels

under such critical conditions.

Although ammonia itself is a widely used commodity
nowadays, its production still remains a challenge for
the materials involved. As demonstrated by several
examples, a wide variety of high temperature corrosion
processes and mechanisms of material degradation may
occur in an ammonia plant during service. Material
26 Inlet part of process cooler in ammonia plant concepts for modern plants are mostly driven by the
wish to increase the energy efficiency of the process.
temperatures, there is always potential for nitridation, Therefore, temperatures exceeding 600uC are common
hydrogen attack and embrittlement. As a result of the locally, which necessitates the use of austenitic steels.
high pressures involved, conventional low alloyed Cr– This step is combined with surprises in the form of
Mo steels are applied, having excellent strength at the unexpected failure mechanisms as has been shown by
service temperatures. In order to handle the problems of experience with Alloy 800 H, which has failed due to
nitridation, hydrogen attack and embrittlement, intelli- relaxation cracking and metal dusting. Although the
gent designs have been developed which make it possible mechanism of the multi-stage metal dusting process is
to operate heat exchangers made from these materials quite well understood, it in particular remains an
under such critical conditions in long term service. unsolved problem insofar as it is still not possible to
Figure 26 demonstrates an example of such a design for predict with certainty whether or not it will occur.
a boiler directly heated with hot gas having a high There is still a need for further research.
ammonia concentration.
For pressure and temperature reasons, the tube sheet References
of the gas cooler has a thickness of more than 400 mm.
1. M. Appl: ‘Ammonia: principles and industrial practice’; 1999, New
The hot gas is led through the tubes. To protect the York, Wiley VCH-Weinheim.
tubesheet from direct contact with hot gas at a 2. J. Dejaeger, L. Guns and J. Korkhaus: ‘Experiences with Alloy 800
temperature of more than 410uC, there is high tempera- H in ammonia plants’, AIChE, Technical Manual, Ammonia Plant
ture insulation on the tube sheet. The hot gas is led Safety, Vol. 35, 1994.
3. TNO-Research Project: ‘Prevention of relaxation cracking by
through Alloy 600 H type ferrules in this area. material selections and/or heat treatment’, Final Report,
The shape and length of the ferrules is chosen in such Apeldoorn, November 2000 – unpublished.
a way that they act as insulation against the hot gas in 4. T. Shibasabi, K. Takemura, T. Mohre and H. Hashimoto:
the region of the tubesheet, where no cooling due to heat ‘Experiences with metal dusting in H2/CO/CO2/H2 atmosphere’,
AIChE, Technical Manual, Ammonia Plant Safety, Vol. 37, 1996.
exchange occurs. The tubesheet itself is weld-overlaid
5. TNO-Research Project: ‘Prevention of metal dusting in chemical
with Alloy 600 material. Here the tubes made of Cr–Mo production plants’, Final Report, Apeldoorn, October 2003 –
steel are welded in. The design makes it possible to unpublished.
perform repairs because the Ni-base material is resistant 6. A. Heuser: ‘Repair of a thick-walled ammonia synthesis converter
to nitridation and hydrogen attack under the service containing a leak’, AIChE, Technical Manual, Ammonia Plant
Safety, Vol. 32, 1993.
conditions. As can be appreciated, this kind of 7. G. H. Wagner, A. Heuser and G. Heinke: ‘Hydrogen attack in
intelligent design takes into consideration possible 2JCr–1Mo steel below Nelson’s curve’, AIChE, Technical
material degradation in the hot product gas stream Manual, Ammonia Plant Safety, Vol. 3, 1991.

210 Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 2005 VOL 40 NO 3

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