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16 personality assessment analysis

Minchan Sunwoo
Sep.30th 2019
Career 12

When people are struggling with finding their interests, or their future careers, the 16 personality
assessment is a useful tool to figure out their true personalities for some individuals. The test is very
simple to do, recommended for all teenagers and adults.

The test results were not complicated, it was an easy understanding on my personality traits. My results
came out as a “Advocate”. A code was given, as “INFJ” which it shows the comparison between the
opposite and which side you fall mostly into. “INFJ” in long words are introverted, intuitive, feeling, and
judging. I was surprised how accurate the results were because the way they showed the category a
person falls into shows about their behaviours.

One of the main points shown in the results were the advocate personality strengths and weaknesses. My
strengths were creative, combing a vivid imagination with a strong sense of compassion. Apparently, one
I did not know about advocates was they use their creativity to resolve technical challenges, but human
ones. Which it explains a lot when I have these unlimited amounts of creative imaginations when it comes
to resolving a challenge that are not in need of emotional care. One strength that pointed out towards me
the most was me being altruistic. What altruistic means is that not being self-ish and caring for others, for
example could be helping out others that are in need, like yielding yourself for others to pass, and or to
even support charities. I feel uncomfortable when I don’t do these actions because just watching
someone in distress makes me feel like I'm in need of doing it not for the fortune, or fame, but for a
greater purpose of giving people hope.

I feel like relationships and friendships are very important when it comes to living a life somewhere where
you are not familiar with. The friends and relationships category stood out to me as an important thing to
read about and understand it, I only have relationships with people that share the same interest as mine, I
do not become in relationship with people just for the popularity, or pleasures. One of the points said, “‘In
friendship, it’s as though advocates are searching for a soulmate, someone who shares every facet of
their passions and imagination”. This shows how advocates can be picky when it comes to relationships
with others because forcing themselves to make relations with others will create an awkward connection
in between.

It felt like I was able to know my personality very accurately after doing the tests, doing the opposite
things an advocate would do was frustrating and I didn’t know what was good and bad for me, after taking
the personality test, it came to a realization of who I really am, or what are my possible interests because
many number of teenagers are struggling to find what is good or bad for them, or their possible career
paths. Taking this 16 personality test gives the opportunities to try out the activities that can find the ones
career paths for the future.

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